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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Sep 1869, p. 4

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,. ,.~ Mfr.>d~UaîE i~: 3, I~fs arew' UiIuUtLÀII k SLLII Cn- { Muse.. Coulit et1attsîgs MIl r u; t 7mb d fiqtb, i SO.a 144~r, wais tpt~a wa n s as9s~ ~ o w,, aô mftrwar, ,osginthé edJaaico, 04 Iyîg ted Myff ore tsie.,tag od o , o fiI~>~sdoIS.f dtmg, w klcsda , în:o w k, beutm; bn t a m1.I olir ed bteg s'moA*rda, 1 nuf dicasa..esuT..a ýbu Je¶»7abi 1 1 n 1scfse.4yan tad &om te a terolosu1an t.sdo", iVrnt o cla Ibno~. y erif>' or g wa bottr. but r # tàmtlbt»Aaotý41,0l r Idsso 4crIii. 'rusastabiliaire a cetlllmia t ed iasI ammIoer Wprtl:lm.Io straI Wsîiunt l lie o4mivse i" .ecaa~msdIkim.tsi Isirtoceer 'A, yii ' WmOODu, SLcmos&0. rii.SlaIJaouhyrtig. rtuta libr k6m, I Ssi or.d luosî ie Ch. ptos mmccci 6v4YYý, teller .1 Y. Wt iiOS ,ilJ. lier Wîitrd c ise c-haity of Sclismgr,prosortesa1 cf Ontario, Dominioor ecf ixsa.. ' JAZZ% PUII%(LE, -Proprî.gtor. LICENSED ÀUCI1ONEER., FRTRIC mi ccpTigsciý ,ONTÂRIO, ýYOILK.4 ' PFL. NarÏkbanl.-PoÃ"IacD10 t . -e î0U' 'SALS m4udodon heulseümode aiwiacsu A' Wsr. ' "" 17 LlotoNntariode'aier; KINreorde T.s.#aeÂ8or, PocSipJAWÀ.l ipieuiq'tnoff'c -FaeSIof, ule ,.oItb 4#, *isi îý May25h, 66. JO 21 O LIeiJ AU T4iOnça ERftlnortho1 oïr 1 x lsmot r.orer a ')ssl a cf olo itr oapid aeti, of., pu- ~tSIP 'or hie Sct pI S. ar 5çp, Sheet Mscl fmedVie n FAS, SECRETS -OF TIE GREAT CIÏTY Our G odoare, 9blay in f;bu~4~r lat;ax a wiIJ bce so4 e ipo# lf r 408h. May 269 1869. Vnriety Store, Whitb>4,. .li~.'J"~~',zl'; I .'~; ',fJ.fl >JjJ'tJ4*trJ>JL ". ""'r,' 5>'. f ' ..,~ 5' .-~J-J' McMILLAN -&C9'S. Bta'rGoodo t,50 per cent d4c~ount, Linonl Duatorsé, at 25 per cent Xtlneand Bi'imer Dreei go d, 5percent 41 Sount, "T.ý &JJS~LA . Al4weIl Aie in prime condi- ul ,1869., - XMeILL4N k Co. J t' OFFICIA SIONEE., 'iEunderaigned liaving rccc vedtLhç-appointmcnt cf Officiai Asbignce for NOrlh OIcnfarlo, is prcpaî'rd tc &!v prompt a<Lcîîîilon to all matters ini Bankruptcy or' Int;olvency. --Prenîlss Not.cs atid Accourits Rpccdily collected an.d rctnittancw prompdy :ns4. On 'go (aprnMwfy pt nterqs4,. $pçial a~tention m .1 bgiven te tb ngocit on àoafLo a'cû,'d borrowcrs cao rciy upôl i iilhg llîdir uplicatiois attended to pruompU1y, and at amail expense, ~ ~ ~oh IiPlrf4vçcnd unj'ip iconstAnýyFraI. JlUllO cf fp c,4zà ru i~ Farctea Mut I Js irïnc na 7 OFFICE.-Jigelnw's IilrrCk, ncct door to thic loyol Cauuadhuî 3Bank. ogî&n'VIx~r THE7Im:OLD STr, NDL 'J "J I -"s The undrsigned in returning ihanks for'th'lîbýeral patronage hitherto, cxtended te the cld Euutabliahment, for neanly a persod cf forty ycarx, desires te as>' th9te "b ~as a Tiudalreumchc tth ontcasî mdçrl ad clegant Stylea cf' A.nd trusts. by.propcr atteWtion, and moderate prices Vo se'cure a Jndertaklng anùd,-Funerals Fully Supplied as heretofore, WSolme spleid' Spec imcns of Iieturd» Fiames, n i1ig ,nb J1 e l The 77nd. Trto s1U13fnLNa4Btfvvr cos t >ort'io' of isb , wil.1 from th's 'date sellte ar Bargainsu* anbsecîured' »y.aear ?aij th, jtp , J r ypleteiîn every dep twent,, ,,~1I LJBEfOUI9nVý! fCIIOICE AND OBEAP. .I- THE M1LLINERY DEP'TIIENT counajns al thé Jateat Ityles and novoitien lu liatil, Bonn Ctï'-iWtorký É%#ëi, àJisio, ki.-'>1 N. B -TOffr qdf repLiîijftopbibginess, and of-.ý fers the abovo r6knrd~ox~oqf}lp.oia'fratr i ev. 4*rtptoCrpzigoraIc ifye I ý~ trq.ouwmin Co ozeune 0 mit. JMES ÇjÏMPJ3ELL, e havitg stated. f'or thc I3MR" SI Oaket5 Voi pýurch'ase heir Fetll Sto& Iliy ~l~er-ho atiae o f*their Carpetig, iiù{ôw «ÙüràÂinS; othe, Tweeds, and KEADV'IDE CILOTiLING- At f, getdut ot - asit 3ics âroleo'cTar theni off, lu order, $0 make rqew (or tieo"l cnsctrtatûons wlîcch là isitnded"to bo ona rrscl'în GROOEDRS.-They dirUentetion Vo, theirJmported-TeaE, bei'ng mauch unser regular price's. Extra inducements cfforcd in 5 and lûibo. parceis, Currants, fRaisinis, Rieco, Ssxgar;-&e. ýfIOGI4#~~1qd 9OO 1449 of T4rer' ir.açè »uttèfor'eilie' Whitby& Manclister,Juy,14,i8p9. liT' ÉA- Té" Tom.. Ovor a1 aiïy îon1y ttibcfli Otahl uoly andpurj!y if tiiir î..Jlton,i puwardso f c tho.r',ad&tè ho~~ o~dn crn ctw~yt ieqct and îîurity ocfle. rea. A grent ecs'irig onuli beeffetcd by p;c îa»tà .tect il ouiîun, Caittiicot Muqisj'. 'fb ri,' 5 i 5 sljcc c,." civc . q1? '1ry our fresis ronind nteuin rwatod LiojtreIn brand 101b. Ti.îs ai4 ulpwardit, the flavcsik tô ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ te siyIsfaySct6icrgerc. lcrltpar. :, -rEng khBIreqi'c.c>i3(QkOu Lec4 sj roug Ts'uA.45, r iGe.; Fly V lpv pNlv can do.. t55.60o. and aL' Fine GU&Tow4 30 ,d7 Q.2, ý5c.; No.,, oc.; No. 4,' par lb. qzw?*- O~OOhm"vi1 juavebcaged caiiý c.odQy Ob=p. î,.:. iw 4;C1j 04 f. il .Ç t '>5' J'>~ ~OIIN.able iQQ3,4 - * "' '>,'r'> YiihoYab~ ~i1IID'z J~"" -- w, .>Stock-of . "'j?~ ,EAD->Z.ADE CLQ1INQý,, Greauy 8 igsP$cit i T 4 justrcvived -POWELL',> 'J ' .'z -Lo ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 2 ,troc]oeioFuis &~ ,~"'"> SiJ' T" G ri BRILL/s$TS " " ANADA TWEEDS, TIIIMMINGS, M. iL OCIUÂINE. W i t y , J et h , 1ý 8 6 9 , z ' > 2 . COUNTY F i IARID,. 4 Uz;i'k c ,' I .1 ..27 .. ...J I.~. r. 64 .ton0 f 17 j.. 1, a, .e 7f. 2 2 7 i-. 4j8 6, 3~~cavc"êun I .1-8 ~~r: ~.~ C ol re d a n d b i'ig h t C G o ld . - 'I . ' " S-a a-r-opClclsingr : ri -ýý ff' î in > , & . ,77777,g~ Cuota1z WHE unleý.siuedr4z .*lJ noyQ,10. àW fA'lo 2"Jo ' IW OO ust4zfr, tà8 RiL-n'y iane pMr!bo&VI P'Ecj R -'i bcgÃŽaA aN sti~r ! £i'oîc~msl s t WtbyApril 9,188.ý FRESIL. e AL ers ard>tJipuîl;c tat4Id micflty1ielsd withtLeboit" ýprOperyAnid carL-fuih 'dreme.d cura&du in .p pcrlor mne~or;'as >,bmcd. I,..z'> -' OW I5eepber ili Do.S61101 »Cdby ibdh $t,11, a1869> Caitl îi ~usdmincssodIi LCUl. J "f '"a' iiwisogzlu a~i P06, L&u rirs~umtos. "wWhitby,Jmu. - z ' on, Brock, V. 1 'jôidto-d to . 1~owe4Tl ""'Y .'~~Fbng~ei h*WIL> otsemtS~ '- ~EEBTER J>z ilry cor' Ci A&gentd fur Comi&k Age nt for ibu Coruàçs. or,,Brel ~ wi J.' O.McpBE zif' .1'i 4enstzj Whitb>,Msc8, 89 ?V

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