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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1869, p. 1

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T onto, 9 Cçui GEORGE Hi.IA2NL, B tu, Uepnty IoIrr utix..id tory, pdsswIo:uClaoitrtcCp~ sy dolUu.weio. -rco-,W1bi RonDRJIT. WIJLSON.ý I litiily.t ýA jlkbjt, lfLAW l 1 s'M. JAILVIS, JgaNx oor to b store o1î. dk J. Cnaopb.à)l,Jrouk di., WIity, Ot NÃ"TMtY 40,lot10 A.* CumB*j. À YO- ,. Wlit6y, 1)".a7,40 FAREWELL.kMGE 0 lu 4r-ýp *- UV n Ioti d om oa f ýI0fi Tuwn Ilua#, Ir. î&itVlIIe c à WuA y, Cé Q'UiVdybpy," k. tIb . W. 1,JI4JNS Wlità le, eots,552. A .ÇT1saq#ýpeQIIi LWt3L1.WorI 4" ,W11y W,'vTOilN't, z »LiKY- "*r.oàÀg-U'1~vx-Up"lte Town (owprowssAtriy ]LYMAN IKulLImi hIi 1. 13.i 40 DR. ANOK (1805 xsrs.o , ?O1ç KPO. ~is1RGoýau, uroa ccucl&ap ivggu- O VEc7OXilyOZ. TUoblAnal 1y4og T OW IA.NI'JClàf YM~'XOJLJA JUI'IJtJ'. w MM A~i bé COTI, P'UYtliETDJII .(ZAt. ls Win,~lonoue>' TIM# BOYNTON beato infos-nith$ la- FA',bsltateotisCoAiLy0%Viaorias sd 'bltélbj, ~Wlilimu *t tret Ilglly i ouopied by Jewattl,astd a88le li t od tLtlid *ant« ~»Ieis- odind lrot style, sAto i ilie ecrAove c haeuss. W1clot * <q4ruae4'elgr èftise sot qualiy. ' JfJ R-N W .O-HI, . '7 ro ghijr?0Vtdand bW7f<~sisi .tE > 1 1subè 151 ndtatonb Tht.Tbislu i "e:Ued wlthfà,r.1thh1* t hé b. i Omtn, ons but lb, tou@t àomI IT f 'B. ' 'b GEnt O 'le o. 1rpr.tr >Thel<la w1u,~Ioon th@sa tageoifkr Uïbldtb iaWA 6Uê eFttb eve :16;'amuOI D e x Vlien- Wlstb~,yýb h18. JLg PîoaarGràS,WUhý yeýt th'it6în (aiyOfil oi4aobjo6~éat~ob» COMM ERCIÃŽAL,:,HO TL eune6, possessions of t là"aboxe,ê.Ise i vursbIy knowu ,o o1~p.f o~9. p lis a ÃŽuëoriore waihor, wIheycî?i. ues for Lima rîlceptioàs «_gosýqît Iati. s'eug pubtlie. 1 ,,4', w n la eomisodmtio. a Cdms d ,or w ieli ur smm Igare Gosi tc -ways omn tie promit.... >Charges oj4lqsto. WiilLby, Jan..m14, n"5. 4 B. PLANI< - Propriotor. tmîtgce LoalaidrosnWiuiLt cii a iy 'vr ntteutioîi puisito ist;otami .*ra.4d ta FOR $ALEi1. T liÂT o Id etablilmo d, ààWeil k»ovit 110Do, tl, Lthe CENTRAL BOUSE,' -1EPEON, Splendid roomy etîblbng, and drivllbg'ohud, togetliar, wtm oua or twéoiserem ot land amttoit' ca açl,iebo sîsirad sitd aneyonng boar. lng Oroiserd. ,Tier. aro îwo, velis wlt flood puis eand4excellant wï,1 1,1. Tihe - imole vilii be old oet' a e rmim, ,u enl le oro tae b..t hnces iunte Domilnion toroan sefivobu.tnoa'e niu.- WIi 1 i olavngd for fimnîroperty. For tèirme, dro.9 sîpply (l by letr, pro-,pld) wiJsLfm f 1 7b' WILLAM J Vý.,j fs-ao. Octobo sotes 1, soy. 2ê.ly( THORLJ3,M2U T -nA. LoflK,_Pi ~ ,$t ltleen WlElrtUsMoasd Je.4Wi*yp! 3~psdrnpl~o f Mpr auhAgfl f pj S MIN 'i A3pSiU.FER S4? bM10 Nis e tO l yIiu ebns ".' " fis G~ ~ie~p1V i XR D~ lpi 41*È~ iqAsWh r ylc rriuscgmIeBtdhbniom pgily ri "eîe4 t, prom4 011:bi ,s f retca.htp'~m1~m ~ arsg 1~ot~ts b if'rl colak"Qt ors 'X dEiTO In il 0 n. jS9, ' <,j , o~4uf Ã"F~OTEL Ç.onty, atid >amoore ýpAtuc» vitis obiIJen tisape atyotis4r Ai s,t Ie Çooamesjtd e do quite atO ru i'nbbrmutln<t bac Âd bffut eoilss< forvrd. Wb,,ýTit, Nov. î, 8 il67. 45' ceimiepu oud y t ktdIunaooo. 1 ' HENY cRIST, AN D OfiSe sud otiser sieptntd of te Govofis- aient. Copyrights asu . tiarlouo raÙ0 aan' rd el01pMurd Mary siurdhsineM4. Faim eu car- WuT>. O9NZIL havis'g puichas is soi oVn4 >retnui1sb*kou, ii mtia tt Tktifoal, 4ý'W hitbr!atitt\iir begl it O T autýrtdu , A ftti Z41mt9rqmt .1,Wsli~,Ap~1~ lS,14 ROTAL CÂNÂD!iIN BANS PiLLE Lb - Jn~~ash~rfsr1tespes-.vj4osers, Vlowq, ".5 s. BNQW~AAJ~EBSOli. Wbi8SJVM.y I8ad~, 1060. $1. USET4ËU; . t êt th!ýà r i i ' " fil e.Thyèêidimeit miuoles on on ,arfi0hflu c ooipo caset ion ldos 1t'nti parlo uaant'onut5f, btie aon- ar rb b'dnbronftheion"of 11 w'y: 9AOeUi1.coshAnIipkM,. Po-,u ~s c~bg q rel1fto ha .yo, sd podAlm soWun4dIl miL 0WT 3qsL' h oa~ lié ý m1 ~h. a î .i Sitio as hé ght 1Aetd i C., D'& w Es <Fu ife. 1400o! To 82 Titi uhGcRAIbPr .be U XXV Vodbu ANELV STIJCK 0F FRAMÈN, -ANP OTIEJ NQIMTIES SUefm.&'o a kin.isP ri: l'li5s, AmIIIIO'lrYll'ES, & I"cn us&naor bis nov,~~ ~~ 'as' bh'1(4j t mommuay. 'I.bissat plein on ctr,srpl.Qxtr ueA. fil iitg modie grreçgeshtf stis wlt ia.Zri, of Teeoosolia wtt aFAbl 9S 4t ai ikimsdm. at ver y samaonablo nete!:FIOTrUXEJI etargud- taLIFY. IZII, and ' CUI001111D im 1L p aici ititti ghrn to COF'TIÇXG OLD ?0 TIAIT. bMs. âgntoîi là' ncoeful 'las taini CiiLI.>- 'Wititby 216u , iii, 869.29. C IL Au lL IF S GIIFFITIE, Baega to, iuform hie numeros frlnl'eniee% Lomeru iliat Wm lia r.tumetrî o W iitb,) cnd I1ap1ae( 0 Iîüecsa etno* to bc fautiôp- rite the .êLL ltifCl4yoo; lx itE Loc.mnlb,(~snasJhUnibrell ten d wilmsm'icrtefoab. proparzlg auJarcruily Dxtndîsm f4t., oppositeosot Offic. WlIiLhy, Joue. 29. 1889. -f PRIVILEGES BOR OSALE 114Ili 9 auhiîilSite», for .ieoon-tiiaBLACIK RIVER K i u,"hm.imnportamt Wmtor r iviiegemeare âitistd on Lot 17i Cn. ,d,tlsrca Milo iastiiet f ronmi lise Portage or Trim*vm>, tislie owul eItnîtod for cithser Buming or* <ibet Mili pur- s.mmm' Ded wat4strous Lie tmil of Mill, for fselltimitng Lise cnseyono of lamber, &o. tiorongh Hlla mi lte Trni wmy. Ntna foot lice' i mtr power gunmraisted; msntdamseo of Vite? the v;oio 'yeîr. l'iamtiful etîpplim'e of sav legd oqnait tiocurd in Lie neigh bon)ool. J4p-iiprcN'tits. favorable lidmtccniumto Mor invè.lofmnen' A <oda eilmr n ns sit road t. meillIpriviee by tho OLis cos.,, wbiehi are wltitlLirco mles of a 1'csL office. For fûrtlser pirticulîra aspply (if by latter, pest paid) te Prapictor oSf~lc River Miil, lisai, .0, J. J. LA?4DY,Tarit, re Or t") J. C. lMc.%lULLVN, iotasry P'ublics, L. A., &o., IOilia. PA), CA14AIIAN BANK IILO, Taken et Par, for DRY GOODI, Chlsp Cias Dry Goodi Storo. 'Wsty s'2,1869.. 21, Tbe undsaigi ail ia reclve i irtntious tofivauL a lîngo milîns of nlonry.; île payable lu one snmor by Y6aniy lnttliont,,'ou l-I F!ore.1 Ferme, produètriu Town or Village 'rWafny. Rate ofIut.roe, sipen cent, 0 " JbIf r 1R, 1 ~ i, JO 8Me. i5rtna........5fo i l i'seauinmaIse tf~Of 51W1515L1'5 amy muuiLféestedflebe*j fff "~5f7 f' ~' 7~f~fj54 ~'Wislt7, 4uga 4th,4~4i9; ~A~Y UI'l "'f ' All~li.i~ne1ndabbod to~ 84 to' sseS;so'~, tsum;41eL ,espe. ,4u4iepo9~silsnoiIe. - ff' ""'Pff' O 81I~&WA SE1. POS T OFFICE 'STAND, Jath pit~~~go gritberçit, lu ~DIlndWekly Papero, UAD, N5JI??E , If> o am îid i uy i t 1RqPane mao Y " m. IL-Adil odeor r Bondte okm, 41apre, u* ,,oe.OXIS & led u'ii f ooi pu i 01,c ing dOue boe. ýTEETX TErACTE) 8-WiTH-f OUT PAIN, jt N ITROUS OXID -LAUGIiNG -GA&, DENlTAL ]BOOMt, IYUNDAS ST REE Ti 1wIKITBr,ý C. W. XOoh1.--Ovi' M.Il. Coobrsues oe 'Wimltoy Jan 26, 16sot 25 Tenndorm.igsed has iaeevàdml iuctioues to imîvesiL c lîrga fim 0(Money, R.eppnyable go <que Susp or brY k'ariY on insprovcd Zmrms, or ;productive Towns or lr.t hMutge prlîo l tîtu ,ofiuterest 8 POT cul. 90 Cern nsril.'Aýply t'O W. Il.BLLNS solicitor, -"'., Wiitby. AnrIl 26tl18 01. 17 19.TIlf SUPERD NEW 18. DiA$ coxm "axiZ SOSLAI RuisEKWe NORTH SHBOIE PORTS. VI'OTI OP ROCHESTER, un t i e naking.iîliy tripe. leing Cobour~ ~ I ut8a.u. Prope iL 9,3( ka. M. eissmtlo~ ~ ~ ~ n 'WBcsdv nounm Llrighton, Tssmdm mmif11),,aitd Cobortiote ery nsrîigce .1Womensday,. letarning I14vee. Por t cheetel doiiy st P, p." sexcî t utîus9, bo>v leteusoaves et Sp. nme; directçor Portil0p. YFoi iî-Aîm1 on boiNau. or tô C Draper & (In., biit y; Jausceil. Ãœ uy. ficha sRe l . lei ,Dmlistî;F. i choloott, Naweae4tlc;A.Coehran ancd fiee. hiaumlrson, Part' jp; 4 X~Iiott<4'o,onirg - . . color, Coîborne; w iase& Butler, rstott. Apnil 21.1. ls COMMÇRCIAL 1-OTELP OSH'AWA. JAMES PLUWNGLE, -Propruetor. De-~ BMI-lPP ott.is ixth p gtvuon Court, AMdro 4esa,vAEILTox T ldmipslesa bop o ulua tohie on. Linulto'snemtofeg,t t Ifl t,% eid-&>'m nur Dra, »47 2L. .4 sWAêNp . s, RAEEOWB,,lh VNotsl ca5tsm héo mor, & te'le ~tu tax-GirL an& Iu wugon, a1lathebs. i1 .o On horàebeek, snuleisols dionkeybaok, ne on ,Where thé tremoplpu.oosLv ~st t 16 Wbbiste a;ve J.s trepsbllug rods Il baek AU fbuwsbims.,fi emwa entatihe ftory,ý ciudons flîmels ThIioe kfirgebl,sg oltq conîtrasi LiseUs ovmlou Frepsre jo png, yct SOiI P&a pqeiait U ,Wboeê umàuetal einoediatab i b--.6'LU~ ,cs Mi langtls thea sigi ans Ibbwlso eolr--one [Inai dremi'svîrd /#osuUie vnomaback su '01aghiol g osm huad efoho. u Lt at ausiabook ,,,lftheiaua o' eo alsls hroiguats'ts ndïi ravebeth of lminsl'u lseko thblatt fi , f Tdclii nett avs ; ' 'w f io uat ~Tvàs uciho 'oiligcu ofriÃŽlefor f Nor Lmtsrhuieùed ýof h oilmg'bist. u ce 4llonmsudthîpiesud Nh ome*srs , St yourropeqýl, for ite Vie-ý B> encoem.m eiag ii se 'eatohe of er'y' heO! you, ri esstri1h.'i-ti1h isTd7npsrd'trsek I ",'f--oir 1- *le osp he s' u Whser otud arerudl pressou'bat ltrius Ase nata iy ur4anu, tavkëëS euason proudi01tend tie.vto i Ans pltroos n~etIsda' ir qAî'llteQ On ufiorI pý" al tê lara ,g4lanOx ord i-a Narer ,tmudne-rasI o it unlah Fa? bee.issi'motst r4ud nsiles suxd tinit Nomsc iolo rpo e toc, ÃŽnte-Vn eii'd h' e ' ' ForI asdhh iie smouvan î lai i -ellp-ia In te ronll'of pti t oamaine tisglen Fâors' qifadi sit'd n'e, ý. misdthi*,to ail pboetîty %hasll evor bo thosigu, sir EnITE Lm.' Thois hley Is thte desty rosd, viti tisa &ou iinlug Sorceiy apon it, ail irawpied, and faded. "Poor littie 'doyert' I 1î1ok II. sofilin lmoy band, and tareeued snd potoîhd il 4easif iL vers -sabomn. bing. Eowê long it bus ai s ùtier. isebodaby ioàd vu wlî any foe' pauaug og i d fro, evAmbinz, iigeveet lire forever, I did' toi know;-,but 1la mut 'bave beau <bore' for Many bo r, o iuies ers aiP, droop' ugý rand withered, neLs tem vaibrokeu, sand h.4 eweet' porfwa'o gone. '-Dest littie flou' or i wise1 uaind' -bîud placked Ibou frotu yapare L becs, oaiy tb ecjoy your fr*- grandeea r ito, thon lesv'e you toa&cruel fate?1 Why vetoyou made su dëlie'siy iseautiftusioaly t be .iste r'iîit of s a n-. log faueyll'" Tbdo'did lis kt b ti ile vaif, lud rgrettd'i nweobthat h vos doneS snd 'o4 ~os îtigof its T î1era wva*s oat oa rie by tise rosàd. sia', ws'far bPèad u c b ai T forml-ý ÃŽd à a cool maslter'from t Lb uraing rnyà of tbe sua. 'Tise breenfau.s6d us, eated f6oeed and-btèw m7y iairlià,'ild .oufi. Mo y siqtmbead, sud gils tlo visF- e r u ha i a ti g m e a lula lb , 1 fI lot linî W embor, during iieb 'tb'ere'came me az dresmi, ab diitia.t iod 4 vidh, tia t'a eau irérget' t. > '" gaaLv.. win se ti reIêj? MO agafa -casm'ou à roddtt o"r'iIo tuui'IOOpL r0050 aosq sorevur. U..mu s sai s1eo neyer les OU tào fair b*uà yï- îu otie'Vduh fée ai âit.letéàuattheblsa't., 'Bâitîit * isae ' sd laid ité buny baud osu tr'seàd Witb se asockeiy ol tbedV'1 'i 'Welil ii a al' ovér,ý'au'l1 'i' <ùs<i Lb. rér- the' "ibre'sh6dd"of My'dèàr hLomé'owith' great joy surging ici' iy' hé4~it, and a oyoue ligb.)beamin'Z in, 'My 'eyba I b 'sue tfrous 1iras Ineyer wto rtua ?atir, moiber, alIl bal nide adieu: b0l ct Dy'stop se light m id freae, m-àvioad is4 ' 9le anmlim , ud'V isubspys vey 1i'p',ýI lu jy'cvorne àfor awi.' bo é and 'lié vast. menidbIScýý U. Lt aie' tsevèr lrget tissoret, d àîT'ëmy maarried lita ; 01f se losbitaddd Say noos-like lb. aw îrple baxo 'fous tise" unt4iu'top. c. bose old suiitcbeet ai oog' bave paued réum mlipes, '"md, éiua. orda'of ilea,fo and 1 can péic tiw yselif 'that gidorne lue vbÏeu noie bot I vas (air is ýhàsigist, r'i là10Lis: bieart. " ' 'is 'W. vére vos-ylisppy, I us>, cctiU'se; lie iempter,':amèe, -Rer beatty 'sas unrÏse, fôr viLS it ebo ebsinesi mean'a Isecrts,, eOd' led titeSus WAW isreosion. ,SbeIsac rite jot uw bei iae sudsmuat; bavei iests Cieopatra, or Retenuof'Trfoy.- faa'tbat *'ald'ÃŽsa4de a a rsu th' o Si Efer tiair wus black as a miduight âtorm.i t.r eyes tait, viLS sôfe, mlitiisgbols, teifbesdecbîng 'yout. love SurV bat,,ber» 1 outb, ce sataîl, so rosy', aid *80 smullmtg, r ioese t.ha maIealoue for 'lovons bis,- se esma ouis avisit,ad ore,.1-I Saws i uMI 'doôiu..*e eli hyagdit ibeter'~aie roïd, ad rode' to1getber; bat IsaS e attoiy' itsstspl lla, d o ào bog Inoïer bail -a4oubt-,,ot -,.'o hyt>'eme ailstii ails blaithrulns s no ined Rosi-1 iiuoted and'lovied hie ' Oý'e'iôttiag thon. vms s&note ou Lis, table IeIiigýme ail ;' ltey SatI aaitad for adia- tanlundiý lat siieg ia ahi aioe amzoug slrsoin es utteri>' frieudbees. Ialý 'miero, Go4i m eut me a'terrible .Sicisneuel! ontof wltieb 1 rose ss; sdes', aud'o1der -soman. Evaryhody vas kitid.tome ttanO, ba-t uieird kindeuacoud nt e otiouy grief."MY i 'rente vote botS dea4 àndlI sttarly'slone anud' bieribrolcen, Loots ai us asudee vita s rack I sam. I iotked uip, tut tite beauttfui "useidend bad ebaugeml loto sa eye1 swodKts h S ga 'iu f sbler bue. tFare~wl, h muid, ;sud -do net fOrget tbe Uuappy Rose.' .1 f ,- IopeesiusyMy _e su d ,foe»id iL -but a dieas. Tho troddeu doser sasaiCI .in ey baud, sud asil ookellatitqI eçuld imnaginte.visati wuvaswhen IL sudr,00 hovel-. dîliositefRoa tikathe hRose ofc ml> shreaus, wmha s.yetporEffle, tsting oitfrein ils it;eas.,ber gooducess,'Ad beauty stole 0nt (nom 4i-a '~sofi veive5 slin, litretise çeutle blotu ot ber :cisekl, and e des drop ein upon the louves4 lihe tis eur of syuspathy tr eubliug lun bot1 bIne eya. W'Satl ebail I do vithS my littIe1 dloser.? I îboagbit. I oaumtt itres IL asyI emnuot Sean îm part with it ; 80 1 folded'it lunsy bands sud îurned My Ça>. itomewards ; iere 1 took dov < a L iora boots, givcu use long yeîrs,,ago 1y bauds ihat are r.os croseed peseefuliy roera stilled bo soin. I placcd Lte floser neur e pige ti si 1 ied raid 101.0g ego, viti que *bsoe esaare, uow uteepinishe lest soop, sud elosiug tisa book, 1 turued-vitLS'a isemigbtful heurt te musgeontsiy littia îred. tIen àoer o n be 118>oro o ns dresais (for ebc esxitïesornaw7lse., lna tb vida vorId,) An' inigutie bandesâd itu wn soiceéa ti ii'gasre for ber, grihed 'hile and iead ber to the fobtool ot .prayer, and wsbo ie 'eoues ,te die, usM is pliso, er on ederiy, aisdklidly la'Lise grave ýLove oen tise ioo-Pptid, À stoiT or nîcL L5Vz. paqsroneSean 'va ~s 40L.io'atrsl " un e atIe Éavi'isèàub 'By ailuMy b4 'Lieuteant 8 ad one vifpw alr me for fit, al edW 9eptalu." e-wals uthe l sue D gIý>ths iray frdin isJu . tlis uni. 'r o_ ivîug n0eV 'viusse 'ushoaix trsug 4ory girl ha cones aèros tisai viii listes sdor d resa' er ad ' ae be p Miè ,> sus evrr;t tayra -:' " ï look--A îg aider tiaitis a Oaien-aR olifsitt i b.sousk aveloolod -vitisout artificial lids,-aass ,forward ,4çm tise oeatr i of1 " ave f onou, 'bàv5'!1"uI d aid,' I:vouldu'hbesr.eotyour goingsfoa vben 1, iras isndres s of ipsue3S O55y roiq Yn 1 but you.uee J'uie~?, Oaptain Farkmu 1, and ii, dlise b bta Éva yeacômi* TOa5routo thé i'oiéi, and'&' iifrmattetirg, 'ilbeli rod5e"I' -.ae& tt'w, oî sha ou ustie te wamo gamejat&OttI.4 ý' 'e ."i-'-'-,_ jpaon SAr.lstQod ,91aw*OZ4. Sbae, '~ noi lsuov witst thufs meaut. She vuas ooti saiiifl ver fôr tt; ~he* w"'on utsned tui' en,, isO b v LS ooi'*biiéhwiwd le uùrued 'swi.t' eream'1nto buîtes-iiikt, aidi, 'Yousng oa, if, you've doue llmnting_ mIlS M niù 'sliand 'rer îI.O"eufung, li' trouitte you, Lo lotihi corne,_aloug vitit LaBle eais bst tpliant 'aru trop siquiclyas if lb bad:is.sa udbt1S iroi, andslmade Sb yer .otise fartlsor ego ied. utteri> forevcn roeiing steatou4 au)oo su> mo wtio.dye tbpjr, iskeXe, ss4, thma> nover cousudthe isorimaeot mati4-ý mouy. Suecese is er 1 Peuliate Ileati. A,beaqii uý01 nd<_iutohigest, bitratS., &sded, .Amaariaa ladyeoft ,twas.siyea osf govo ouspainig iiterl of tbin,u firusishýtbliSef bracîf sandbeelittilae son j about nino yean"s old.In l the course- of*à longeuesLsui trnspirud iet uSý@e rarety 'vaut ot> cfrdoors, noyer soleJyfov oxrime.Rerreous in sititer wene not suffaredto lSe ai s loves' tempéraare tissu seseut> doe fsa, antIltise> ses. often sabosià fimnt7 slegreei. ,Sb:wasinuthe babit of eatiutg a isoasty meat breakf(ast; ust agaur for locison;;-and sàLisird Lime at dilouer. Who cen sOuderatlier delicat,@iseaitS o1r -faded besaty 7, "isier of, s hife does ha bead t pulse bu 50tend- "Ifear ta etcim uout sa a,".ohe re-. plied -y "Si' mtadélicate; sud W sappetite îenqsuita gcue." - -"Do yotitison," pansuaed 1, Ukeep iia ahi, day ina Lii> siîflusg btot ? ' ".What.1.. ou i ohé isejL~ciultad, vits a sigis, As I hsd ,pnov'seusîy soonts ti; youugý urcisin play tolerab!e baffe and tor'k viseq -bis Motior Wss,'absent, 1 deteru*aed -to 'vgteis bias narnowi>, and examine ýhis diet. I bad not long to Waiti tor,'ubg sood Iue' day, I1'peeped 'into, thse rooni visere iuncbeoa wus preparud, snd perceiyed'the "lioader elieltenit ragato isimeif 'vilS-ts eoliosing daities,' after Saoisad 'fist looki. rd uae1fshly. rouitst'Oeilitte cost waSs pourhd., géme mouis"es lito 8spiate,'tison eutp a larg ii'?lièoe ô butter,-"nnq4 tpi;4dit, i mbr f ol $ymff5fl r. I ~~"'"' '~ f ~ * 5f' 8J WisILby0DlIs Ms>, 100, leyIL18 , SNSiiZemIN i i 1 1 , 1 1

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