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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Sep 1869, p. 4

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PÂJNTS9 0 IS.. 1 0&8, wm àK ILE»AIDEA Lins ee d 011,9" Drggto, Witiby uoay)P, 0., QouMntj of, Zentto'ziOnt-# f l*I*@, Cnulity of Ilaetin6 IProvince, oretitarle, Felb. $11 l, »9. T1118 l» to corl litat urint bo, wiït.M e 1806 1t w. tatkoîîwitli î a wakpea» et Lb. ânklee, widehl gratiually during thé- Sprlng cf 1657 , eîtenaed te myý knoea, anti on lp >(ô My lîlps, scdi 1b*éanie se wosk tItha 1oId not widlk, but wu* agOiin y lîior. For about tvo yeaii, whilstblp woeknea. wu. scng on %ne, sud mftorwardî, IL.»Ou lit 11441001 dvoo, "Mruylr a dlfýrtttlma, thvoe dotoe, mod titeof iffoenskinti., plç*orlbed woora aiýworw, nutil tii. sommer <f 1848, wlîon 1 won Induoti te tri the gvuat Slioahon-. résalteiay Iy totilg thoenv. ellPrtvrnid,, lit a pamphlet. At tlin iem1T bidbegnn- teý tacel tii. wez&kneî nmy lianb; ln tact I1va f etiLig almoial lîieplusi.. 1 have takc:î two lotlaofthe hllîctioicoa 1ensdy ud, two boi0 t f lic 1,111.sud 1 i unitlrolY reetored, te boilli. 1 never *eeted ,te ge& botter. but almply trioul tige meîne w a îo ssnt fotrlorn hope. TIîIa once oetine wa»s iot i prIvat. 01i0, butknown te sit ni< ieîiglmbom mnuit - rleutiui; andite anye tnroe .1 unailai va, i hanvaO ly tCc saY Iry tlio Sljoebont-eaUomedy; îblleve 18 viii Ouro yeu. MrnWooral ewamu M Mde, &unni# qf Uasw. efugga, tAU E uluday '1 'F.hrury, 16#19. A. Y. WOOD, J.11., &Q. 1 lierêby eortlryty l ' I-have lcmicwn i n.. .Mary Min IDoiiglity for tIi. latitliteoeu Joa; ahu la a veina:, or probity 8;sd-ruth. 1t bave- linewu lerbutor., durlng'antdiiaicc ber nr. naiso. I bollie .ier carUtlite te bc truc lit' avory psrtcialîr. 1 knew tîjat wlile 11 lier ciao waa cieekreîl liopolonea n:d il<ssw igiit she lias, sluo. lier raoovery, oiweys oltrlbîitod liar ruovory 'ote . hoaliouieoa lemedy. Whiatov:r nîay bo 111G pecallisir propertlea of Ibis îaodilpln, en. tblîng lauortalti, tiait lai bar -euao, lt basi. aiisist lîko-thie pertoi msage of à miracle. A. F. IWOOD, J. P. Warden of hie cunnty oflHastinîga, Provinec et Vitario, DomininlofeCasda. 16 New Bakery AND 111 iii: pronipitado ailt ora iiiluthe IIîl«,ry andi (oîféotioîary lino. Fruit, Sposigo, andi ail othar klia etc Cake, Tartsanmd Biscisoi-e thb at quility. 1 FruItcf alklr.da lnu aan. Alac Lob. eteraourdinoa, (Cocos inuta, trger Boer, &o. Baker, Conectiotiir, &0.., Brook aI w-hithyi J uly l'156,7. 20 JOHN 'CARTER? LIOENSED AUCTIONEER. ONTARIO, YORK ýk&ýPFEL. Earkiiam.-Poot Office-movie %A LEO tteudeti cii)b. the et otc ui eu roansbl. (enflAo. Temornbcuh.matie at carter, ?saua.-IntrueUions on piano# 010; thecry4 o c rnlietoal cmposiion, &0., etra, Ob, ted la te Ontario Farmers UM nstirsnce Company, AO PPIICB-Blgeloý' elot1oor totlb.Eoyol Caumdiinank. Portl'PoeyDe eors a# 1 7 s~ jr; , r ESTA BU[tlSHE D' IÈa8c4j ito--ony thst bo bas nov on lband'a large assortniont c h otmdm m lgn styles of tlndertaking and,"F à e ii ùI' Suiplied as heretotbre. RýnMbder -th# Oli-Stand. r Wluitby, bMarch î9, 1868.-,y CARRiÂIi.EFÂCTOIIIf BEGS TO DIRECT ATTENTION TO JUS LARGE & COMPLETE STOCK OF 0F TEBS AE_. AtIS SOLIOIED TR.BrTMAE ,CL' whity; Aglis ord 186 IAXIV,(,TlltPI AVT1V. itM m1a 4gz*euriÎ ýVorks. C LELBFUI"CELEURATEp- -AUiRsIOM- .- Double TURflINE WATEU ItWIIEL. la mi .?EOWONICAL wrivix. x, vo iai *1ST1hl, awc are slow maunifiîctsîrlag anti te gi.o ai gooiIn îvso unan>' naiu- tctnrd lI li téJ>îl"101. P'arileurticitig fa'rtiior informration cati oh- tala IL by addres»g_ l AXTON, TATE & CO., >ia,-elî 8t1,809. l'enly-SI., 1Port Ferry, Ont. - r DOQMINION 6F ' &.VDa -nuý>mc h y t -pArlinmqnt, PHOVISIONAL IIoARD: A LEXÂorrouus MÂorrcî<*, Efiq., Pr#Bîdent F. W. STAncES,-q, Mn~Ig iotr 'riosa WooInSsnZ, Y.sq., Tnnsn.iror. .le.pli A. Wooîriffý thenitt, Lincoln; Gilbert Em.,% itdmor ; lEobeit tiiâ#7i, Ei.q., Torento'; Johnr Forgumon, Ea.q., Glencoe; Angils borri. solmi,M.1 iooî,;Tlisa. GrlBtb,. Fq., Te - rcnitoj s ei 1*','a4,Toronto;Dttiien Macsloissld, ri,., Montréal; .01111 Wulker, ,k ' F*rtJib liaq, Tropto; A lox.. Mann:ing, A1dcrmu,* ý #oiU 13 ,'ý 1~Béy&, - Ihsq;To- ronteo W.,AI-tliiirm Es .,T roto; if. 1 cat P ;-âwfôrd, E.q.,Torenle; l' lu Mller, 1 'q.. Terofit ,'A. P. mationbuîi, . IoGlno TIc necoanlty for a Caidlin lpreAi 0Com. pînvIQ-xa locen lnilog :'ffit by the Mecantie Tapklag,ss.d chier liotes ItIhe o inioii. To Carry o<t In i éaiffective inusoîser htatis lung w1 <e or dci,Jcrtuin, a Ç>srtcr tor a 0Cm- pus:>' toexcten ogo taoiieS thï*ugioont (ho irlièle Daoinflon won grutdaetut PeIs.nia- 1In lilnteiietio confine Ita oeruî:atios tîai tilue, te tIhé proiçut ,;Iimltfs 0% ute Confaera. - ieut, 084(l ne otîr couintry cîpandi ,ta Jeov* fl ltî-îtruck, octil fil iy thewholc tcrriîery z emnoraceodand îthe 9oiudTiIctco44b ComîpaIny pencîtrate biite Ita raieto parts, visen wl-f frs4 i&ru if ae anti rpllble noi oft(rani.port rom ti:o Atlasntic tote Pstiee s~ar i,'a %;Iu~ àePnfipta8 jl B:CT#C_ dmlcFs o Wki .. ».-, .1Inal hp- lite rpia ëPÂMi it ' ASi riOL USJ SLf L fie R. E . - IL BI4J-»I&Jo. - ~ ~ ~ Wbiby, 4,fS~i ., --i' .5- LOWESI' <ýàA I 'ICES, TO SUIT TuE É-TIMES, AýT 11e-S-tGIÇOF THE 1 very large assortLmént of Furniture, consisting of Chairs, Sofais, Beureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, &c on hand. Every article in the MÂOL TO,,QIDE1eAND WÂRRANIED. Also repftiring, moving and boxing furniture doue in the best and most carefal inanner. Undertaking attended to and Fuxierals ftlly Suppliedi1 31 Nos. 1 & 2, Caldweli's l3loclc, Brook street, Whitby. THIE, M-NTIREAL TEk-. UOMPAN.Y 6 eîti~AOBOUIT4 ýeU1EET, MONTREAL. ad punity oet he PalAÀgreal asavln a:ou, h bc -ed yp0uialn lnclf u notiise anti 12ibm., andi uparda. £Vary î'ackssto vsriistd te gfvu satistuotion. Club tegeathen and lot1 r n for x hv t. 41 o -oih will b t.. ecarigefo o.lot,1y ailvay staiono nthe eiJT0I1 ,eall tlii ,d rvoy oka 0 o varrunteti, i U"~Tean~risà ,uiXff1pft Vonsu 8 f t« a aiU L n«M« W. 460, bS.; Fine ViavîûiculN.î d. 6 40 andido' No 1,. à,loc. No. 2,250,; eGY.17pwb TEÂT RE BAS JU78T BgCBEWED, Engtf.i~had I Jst uethig or this wea.ther. Wib,.oy2011, I809#~ 20 1' QUA~ILTEI TERMýS ASil. A gri K,*, oi( 1er r 7~,REUCTfON IN -ÇHE PRICE ýO, AuR. R~NCI'S, - - - -É4O4'1 ON THE CORNEIL les Brndi% Rm, iré Qh fye- and -,T ' L"L S Il SKY,-, -; 1~OR & HfRiXLY W1 NES, Ap spendid article in UI' .lirct,,good apd,,ehérnp 001 O THE 'CORNER and 1 ButterEggs, and amr'Po~o WItbyt , .'lul 2,qO. 1, 0$ Te ~CORUiEý; DI VISION cO1JI~S~NW COUNTV 0FONARO m RTM',' me 1 F FI N?.1, Witby...................~~t ~ c 2.......... .. 2 f. ....................Albor. 27 .... 20 28 ..81 S ......... ...........2 1848 ... ......... . 2...1 029 .... ... ... 2 ........... '8 .... 2 Bev ro 2 .... 20 ....... 7 ..: 2 - Z. BUNIIÂJI GOLD& SIVE WATCfIS Colored and briglitGoJd EarîDRiP~ungs, &c., - Wedding Rings, - c lY -ý JAMES JOHNSTON, Watchmalcer k J-welle, Brook Street, Wh Wwkl T" propel anit 1 cured in th% Brook lty or iYve or eràîe. NEWLY IMPORTED- IIAINGLN GSI. -ýE-.-_ý'11Ày NGS. 9-rk.do ed Pieek.__ - Paiser Ianging. exeïuteil hi a.work lke anti expoditioua otuner,u als. J! A. C. WILSON, f Deadea Street, Wbitby B3UTCHER'S NEATI -tES $H & CURED! E 8UBSOEI3lYE begi% tinerm cnatom. en ant he publie <t hai-Shop laou- ly-iupplied- wsii Le beut, ;n vea',rabjrx, &C" nry and ebretlllytirouaed anti jeintet t oQuckoraanti fur aide ntItse lovait miIe,_ Porbk and Cx Tanes in a auperior -nianner; anti ererthing .Vcnliglino kept eetatly oas r w î he cnov 8bup-b"«tvhe ef une"Ia.r.BW1ssdLuea.ea1 ,Whitby, Mnrch Sth, 1869.- i.q~ 0F? LONDON». ES.BLIS.ÉED -18a vapital, £l-,000O . Sterag .g, - NIJUBNC98 q iiaat lois by Pire, affccted J.on he meut fuvenrabje lerosa. .Alfleaaea -pui wisbo!!i rototence o te ho rt la Lendon. RItXTtUL BI<OTII£EES Mentreal, ea Agent. fô o d. " Andl iurreundiiog ceuotnîn. -1 TR -à THEALIGN KOTEL, Corner eorIlroek .5sSue, J,0. McOPHERSON, -Proprietor, clIy, Cmllforla, ýWhilby, Jan. tb; 18s9. -- '-Jaister, go toi ][ma removed 1 *WMlîby, OeI. - UnicE:-On'ý Tuva Baillioîvi . yst-iaut.- CHOAIS pBrock,4Ci &e., IN' iiby £SQnitl pI 1'o;it Pomrnl'zitr- SIl. cowat.xE Ceunly Ciown i'orllerny,! ALIUISTE] DR. W. H. -1 TUi T INsf -Ji - j l' 0 :à L STAý,. Dil 1 i '

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