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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Sep 1869, p. 4

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AlJ odrgpulin 1 aatWndod Wo, and par. FRN I BITIIEU. 1whbi b ý fdtitItI#."" - t PÂJNTS,_ OiLSt &C. 0ENUINEWRifTE LEAD, Drvg Stor% Wltby, J iat r.o.ised a <ris mnaoi'tnent Qi new pst- tome. EuiglIsh l'aller lililogs s.lling -4t Low ,Vrlffl. 1 bo:IlPrniKG$, WINDOW BUNDSl Drugglot, Wliltby' April 70%. i1861, 14 MADO, cupyof listings Province ol' ontarlo, Fobl. gtlf 6) <riIl1gSl) 10 cerlify tit dîîrlu.ir tire wlntur of .1. 1806 1 wta ttkomi wlth a weiiltio* of Mou iss srlag of 1067,jxtnde toriny andon ap' b U ns hipoq, anti1 ' bousoe 00 Waakls; dt 1 CoaId flt wu1ji, but Win copliîi e *Y ebir.For sabon t 410ysaa, lmtc (isweîtutuis W40 ouilng un 2 ~ ~ u a nsd siturwards, 1sI'of; t nediesadrîca, ,WOreaand tibita, ntil the a ttier f188 4'wlian IW.&Indu"a9 te"tfrythis.gruet Shoneu- eau Menobdy b>' rois lug hi cO t ,'rlamJ du &a panpit. ,Att Ithiuliai Ilulbegunn t 1*01410 lua waeosstrit My lstis; l dtu ""IJowlo tattilua ainnoat heIplèse1. I hâve lton two cotl4stellet4liOshOncée Banîady andt wd J boxers of tple j Undia au ,t iroly rettore4 ltu V - ~~~aaalutlu, t' nQva i pd ttog bobt ultnpi>' Irla4t ie ie. l ou abina h aW.t 1V foriniri hop@, TbluWameo! mine a wusot la privièta , uto, nown ail m elîruat randsosud andtoattouaflirclti as a bas, I V >Ai1' A1N DOUGIITY. 6wr o&osnual tMad<s, CO4tp'qf- 4ngs, (AMs ni,ît/îda# ~fFébrujaî', 18019, A. Y. WeOD, J.?., &e. 1 Itaroby pont!>' (înt 1I have knocwn gris. >lary Aun Doughity fur thu eose-lfteu ysca; Mie l0 a wenlttof prohit>' And trutlid 1 ilh * knwn lai afor, tuingand, aîncp rlier I1I na.Ibailsi'e lirer td ltlu butahotruc lus *ayypartlcular. 1 kuîow ioitwliic iiM lier au%@ ies as icred Iliopbes; ani I lnow ititI réli ha, ,uiiu lier roery, alwà4yo uttrlbiati -ar rtuovery 10tt ioatne10000 unedy, -Whâlcv te rilia7bu tht onlier prtpa rtillca o! tliteialte, onue tling la certaintriselisti ,er caue, Ithnwoaaed omoul'iRéte-parfoiruinc oi a ciracle. * Wnrdéa or li oat fliantltuugo, Province 'New akery ÂND T IIMnadeaîppt reapeettfully Iluýto te pusblic ttat Ioha la oaltly pîepared 1e il turoîlllzbde ail Orteinluthé Malter3 Puo nftCioroisîar fine. Fruit, $Polo#u, M Ali athar kintisot alte, Tarît* and i Bscuits ol ï-aYrujtliosiiknd a aan.;lu o plues, sardine*a, (oo aaUn~~ar Baker, Coulactioneor, ha,Brook lit J0mN OARTERLP1 L~JIOËNSFiD AUCT1oNIgeR. -bONeIMdUQ, ORIC k PFEL jg n t4EricENV -Iot fi, @th (cou,, UBrfýolk% )a t<>0W Yemi*lel lei,i I s 4 tiale rins * er-ut%#,h fu d r PO .'J. 70ýs: ÃŽ, I.. cr Afi ssporianaof olÇsnt 1Il yera rias F roltaorPoist* usu e .rapîti igaamt oi&PW tc7boSIg On good farnacrt 8pr~u ueo*..Speçisl.&a$lrffpn .vqiIl bp.gIyen tg( n~çfrUo~*suin hbM br car, ý re1y,ýipn o ag Af pU~tosatedd to prosptly, and at'mall u xpenoi.' ~"Also, Lands, both 1mjrôvcitantd "le*ia~c iujr , ii,: sruêém -E. MfAJOR- TH~ OL STAND rEST AI3BLLSIIýED 18,ý33.]ý, The unddrsigned 1h returning thanks for the> liberal patrona&ge hlthaito:e*Weid d o thae làti tbliahmanitfor nearly à peninti of forty ycars, ..désiras te say (bat ho bas nov on haud'a-largo asortment of thse mou umodern n ud lagant stylas of Ir 17 J IV x aw1Y'3EX"3la An&l trûety' proper ittention and moderate- prices to Secure ootlûaie ! ublptronago' PcIo pcltrn.Furnfturo ro-stuffed aud Unâçrtaking and 'Funerals Fully Supplied- as heretofore,, W~Some splendid apecimens of Picture Frames, -and Gilding. - Wh!iý tbyuirch -97 1868. ~73yJ* CARRIAÇ,ýE,!,-FACÇTORI, m~ 0'DýO NOVA&N 4AýQS, PrOgIROT ATTENTION TO 1118 LARGE & COMPLETE STOCK OP A GES, BUTGGIES<, &c.e 0F THE BEST MAKE. A CALL ISSOLICITED, M1. O'DONO VA.N, WhiLby, lugust 8Srd, 186p,81 *MANUFACTUILED AT TIuE Ag&iou1tuÃŽral Worku., Double TURBINE WATER WIIEEL.- "UE ItOT ZCO»OuOMIAL WliicrL 1<0w Ix osE T 1 Wlitelt wé ranov nsnufasturlng 'gitai'wrr. tite Iîtata ie gsonWeil matie, aud ta give an gond sutls*acîiou au su»' milta- <stia t inta Domnliiîo. l'iardudaslimii urthlt:Information eau ob- * LPAXTON, TATE C00, Iareis liat, 186, »]ry4. et ciyOt la thé mattai' of £.TW.15 HOUOR, 'an NotIce la horoby giton; thua undor anti b> virlua of ithe powë e L'todlunme, as Asstgnee o! lte thova i-amed I,,sîivent, sud undar ltae provàý!iorîs oItha anfil AAt. 1, lte undarsignod, WilH tlYr for nsic b>' puille Auction, af m>' olie, lits the Town o! W1ltltbyr, honnt ctOn- tut ln. on Tuaaû, lte littidny of Noîniber, A. D,. 1869, antLihe heur ci Two o'ciock, ln thé- aftertioon, al lit etaute, riglit tille ant i nicrest of te al' l Itsolveat. ln uant theita oiowlrg propert>', vit : PAJICEL 1.-Boiug part of lot numbar twu'.'s ln theîb.second concession o! tite Tuwwîsbl1,p of lltfIî>, ln lte Coattty o!Ontario 11,11,ont uposn a niaspor 1llan Iborcof, an town lot itutiber Fiu lu ooek tA,' on Dantisa strtc t o! Brook shoot, lu tha Town ol .Whbl .Tiero hlaoreeteti on the aboie twe S PARCIL 'Il-Belug a part of lot numbar tweit>' oovott lit1t10 second concsion o! the towrrnitip o!f' ikihbty, la the Conut>' onterlo, laid out apon a na p or plan tlteror os ta obi lot oumnber six, lit block 'A.' on Dudmustret, bail aof Brook istrooi, lut tltc Town ot Wbiîi>y. litoro in artoteti on (heaubîve *two s01cr> <rns building, tnese s store and dîOlllaig 19A RCJIL IJI-llting à part of lot nmm bât, twtîsty-nttven lan t thecéoi concession o!f tite iTwltîoliet!Wltltby, lInltae Cousit>'01oS n- tatioo, kitown anti dese'rlbcd uapox sup or pluiîtarubofft is t tIîordl'înoflot numba îavon, lit bluet ',&,' ih cli itaieti lu the near or lots»tti=obafour, fisse anti aig, lunalA blok 'A 1'w&sl of Brook streel, ln thse osu Townî oS'Whllby. Thér ora u reclti oa tha aboies atwo-stoi traloa buIlding,noued ose a WA.RCIZ IV OIelu&parte4!otnm ber twbeLI>' neven, ta lta nacoati coeuilof'e ociffe4on a plau;ijibraof,amatie t>' John SuiYAq..I>I o. s town lota nuniutrs lir>'. Ov, itf-mix ana skIsht>'twc, West of Brook alitI, n sliVladi,1har s r e «Cb4 on the abaealarge two #tory' bnlek hail<tlg, amati as a twallung. PA RCEL V.-Belng a part ef lot number tbap v;svéD, lasLe sond ecuacaslon of tte . 1 Yh yu*4wol - tW)imth>, knewu aaddeacrlb- bdi on o an roiieb>' Jelma Shlar, wot e<lbroc stss.t, o $l Pan r*l areclatioou lits ahtom*,s amati eue stor>' ama "ABEL VJ.-apg avpart ef let ni. lba*aidoiahtpWhi »id~'»ow-os serbat o a lan(hrsof, misieb>' ohnShiar, Zoifaq, PL44, msetown lotaBoo mnt ah olst ofiBrook ëstriai, on îthésaltiplan. vn ý,ýË jct V - ng Aprat «lotpm tbae4omà w sblp f wbl"1ï, kneaaa44,0. b HATCH &m DUO.,bhave rocoived, frouu England -a stock' of :Enameied Pro. 'n kW ae Rd'itew liaini frm>tho boust Euglisb 'inaièrs, *BDNG HARDWVARE, ocka, Buttop, linges, and everythingre'quired Paist, Oi, Glass, -Putty. Varulab,k. MACHIINE OILS,,Ïve.keop s.ip1endl&artele. alwayoon hband, hatiing sW.& na.Àl. hrybarxels aug the ltittwo soscos,, w.a u uov,guasrne,qo4I»y, aE-ad' If ct s gsvaLea, wwilri'indthe monay; 'fBlack 0(1 suc osay, byte gilleu' -Bud.barhl. 1~toh & Both... for b4rna:a- IAvngsocuvrçd the County Rigliît't groa xes, .ae rerd to put lt upiluan 'part of tae Counity, basng fan superi(rte the edkn ti. Do nt Ihileo sample befire ordertng your trotugi& clisowhore.- 'Alilddi oÃ"'1 (g li the Tini line doufe prolu' tly. (tm p.umpi 1luoeteti direct fmorothe mnufaetorr ,îalarge. stock. - e aivy and shciflar aastevessudhlïlae aways lishaaat' ÙÂ'rC BIOTHE1, WhItby, ,Tuiy 14, isse. Itnporters5oflnglishk Amanitian hardware. Furnituir iEryb -AT;-TEE TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT T4rE SIGN 0F TE Â v'ery larg assortinent of Furniture, conslsting of Chairs, Sofas, Beureaus, l3edsteads, Tables, &c., on hand. Every article in the FURNITURE LINE MA-DE TO' ORDER ANP WARRÂNTED! Also repairing, moving and boxini furniture. doue in the beat' Undertaklng a"t'tended to and Funçr»,lo 'flly, Suppled-I 81 Nos. 1 à 21 Cldwdll's Block, Brook street, Whitby. CLEARING OUT 0F SUMMER STOCK 0F' CLA~E1~ t'.1 80 -CENTSIPER GLON Ginger Wmne, on draught and in bottios. Hennesoy's best Frençh Brandy, on draught& in bottles er Are nt)w reiig a age and wetlaàsoî.ted, STOCK'-0F QE$lERAL,'ý 'Dry ,ýGOd and Groceries Whicb wiIl be ofcrd tvery 1low prIces, Whitb, Sel.oi ,1869r. The subscrIber, bavin learned by actual eÏperience I~ le,- CREDIT :,SYSTE'M 18, wroDg in pnciple -and 'unfair -to- the .Cash dealere;., compeli- ung theni tW make 'good»thie'lois susttinted by.' trusînjg the unpvincipied, lias 'DETERMINED EMRAFTER TO COND'UOT HMSBUSINESýS >Yritly "M.'«sI'PrnSle He w4oulâd there;fore.say o Xu±ndiig urher"Lat'le will beu goodo heaper ýt'hn y House.intownthat does a credit buiness. Cal,! ND MEX M y. ý MYTOCK 0eF FETI FAIIILI I»OCERIÀS, Flour, Provisions, Crqcker, Glass and Earthenw,,re, &CI, &CI, beoq uçlaiu lswer, ASifsrit itgris a -fardengwi build up a CASfl BUSINESS lin this Town, I amn after it. i&' PositiveY no gYoods delivered without the Cash. The highest cash price paid for any quautity'-of good, Firkin's of BUTTER. Wbltby, Sept.7 89 Cerner ot Byron & Dundas st, oppott; Robson lious. SOI. REDUCTION IN THE PRICE 0F [Family'Groceries frc.sh, Cheaper than e-ver 'AtR.F RA N C IS'S, NiO. il ON ýTEE CORNER. Bcest Branidieç, ftum, Gm;'- MALT WHISKEY, Old Rye, and. PORT',& SHERRY WINES, Days',sDon Alo4>n 10Sgalon packageu & on draught.IA plddariein'lrgod nd hep A sp ~ -i e 'd riiin(Iaeg dan h p L*uinnessess IJubil iorter, PORT, SHERRY, SYZ-RUPS, .n4 ail kinds of LIQUOUS, Best French Vinegai sud Bottled Viuiegar. Hlams and Bacon, A ~ FINE LOT- ON RAND. X . JAKESON,. Whitby, Au.lws gt, 1p9. DuNDÂZs $TasE> T1HE MONTREA]L ,TEA COMPANY 6 BOPITI ~~EZMONTREIL. ouya111itriblutaMe qh. sd prinl7 ftheS<- T Poo ràlnde hntt ffootpré fth o-~l sd ut or ilsa Cas, A4 au ail, 'u-ara affctatiby p2imna»in ra l 'Su n; oëtttles o! , d anti apr'ards. lua .p wsaatadte, gra satstinWon. Club toathor,>spd 2> ~ v fige o a.o' àp.sona> ' cl wba e s tagaioo dLàl at 0 Oui fréshl grondabenm dolaaiu5 l 11. TIns anti upwardos, the flveur iwtIlW8yJtBt.-i4(. r pr. lOb#. Toipati Dor ub,Çp~es f1hVlv~ ie f . Oq"râneudo.7M a.< as Butter, Wanted., E Whitby, July 22, 1869. M Np. 1, ON TE MIMER. .égs. and Farmers' i'rodu ice, il01,ON M ECORNER. DIVISION COURTS IN TUIE OUNTY0 F ONT ARIO - ~~FOIR TEZTAu69 bl, anoleatoî &lPrince Aibart,. 264 ..2 8 .. t.. t*4Uxbrid#io................. I.... 21I jJ.. " ,Atala'. ............o, 1 2..8 Z, PVJUDOS. Whltby, Iaausry lOtit, 1809. aAmbJÀIJa' aA EmAo a Twankey. 6, e. ; o.J~a uen. s , aad¶ à 5 &-;P-ulusd .,ti.;Vo>'Pia»5u.mie. a bud uier @l SjP 144 5~il.-' A MILION" AND fà.Q1MATER MONEY, )OI1OANq 7-qZE ub9aoibý sia rcah'd tustrultiona torm a KcéuaWho hbasa I*rgjemoue M ef sons> aattlqnnglisit sactiri as, b ln- vait the aema for »hlm, l tits sud. ;âjeiulng (lonuias,, oungod FaeiP'roperty, or Doban. Istill aeninq ~>fresant(bie of lii tf.Iaît e d -monay on- thea Most ativantagou 5"Aie alarge, ube~r 0ofeilalt lv4aWa asie 4" aof » * i'l anda, foi OflaI'Asigneo,. 14o.,Brokar, Couul sDlNei , à iiZ , hwl I0 Broo4phtt nFlÃ" oilns~ek &uq t2o, pro d. t -' ' fl ai kiatis cf Dabanara.. lraanbiekis eboaglits»d soU-,aloo s laig - - -~-.-,-- JAS. HOLDEN. * NWLY-1,IMPORTED PA-PER HANdGINOs. PA1'ERLINGGS saleti ceratalib> mafbchabso sale at Ver>' Eeduoeff prices. and Paper Hangbalj,9axacutetista work me4aoalie.si pdjtiuoemsuper, umel Du ds treet, Whltby -Whitby, ApilS, slm. -t DUTOH][BT,- FIRESH & CLJRED! stant8y sup ii; Inhaten uti' pr ndrly uarefully drouad, and jolutatite sait bosakeape-rsandi for sale nt uiha lo$ Prime, corned- Bull, York sud O1Tongpe curati lua a sparlor meunier; p44 ertbn lu the Vlotudlg ieg BckaVt constat i>'o band. .8a Iscumber the Dow Shop-wb.twun ~~ storem or IBasr. JatoL audi Les * à Brock Streeat. Fiige Insùurance Co. 0F LONDON. capital,: £19,5OOP -Sterling,. TIWOUBANCU Sgslnst Io" b>' Pira afset4 J.ou tbameut favourshle 4isu, àIeua JiINT017L DKOTUz£p# )KontreaOene -JOHN 'AGNEW, Wpmw, Agn 'o Whltby; Oosba emali a n ti s u an n d i g' c e u lpt y t- -O W M Tais 'ALBIDIKQEi Cerawr .ofBrepk A »usDoo&" es Whitb>r, Jan. lt Rair Dréffil OLRAithyNo.rsj I ce A-J .yyzz-vuîe 00cr sn ;wu Bail, BOWmuaiîi -Rbtmil . eo. ![JYIAN Est JD 'ery, couîvoyan' PR. H. 1.UIUGEON TO B -on Otrts'a, W P1by4clauf ari - P~~P loBai, 8aer~pspte Shaving -f 1 Ir.a* IE3X:L£>XXFW* -mm il

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