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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1869, p. 1

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ONTA3IO RANI V WUITBY BflANOR. T>mn Uis'lisLANI) ATTOINEYS-AT- th Bii hq0rporlttion oh e Coust y or Ontarlot Ke*sartioq,, e', &o., Wiltby, C. W. - U"oile tolosin upou good ,eeurity. Sp- thyaIle ville,'f the alm, Court 1Bo$,- B &BB!STYCBB, Attornsys, Sollaitare, &o. OFFICE.-WentsrniAmiaurauc. ulslg hurch 8 trout,Torente,C0. W. 'iDoretto, July 20, l'Be. 28 H, . COCHIRANE, LL. B. 0IUNTYCICOWN 4tTOMlNEYFOlt ON- lano, Barltee ansiAtorneoy-at.Law, Se eltor lu(llaneery, Notry Publie &o.- 11106-11 - i,olow's Nov Bulding, Ibûndan GEORGE a. DAUTW4ELJ, BoIIJII$ptRilstraJBI, âterEYaord ly of Untarlo. Office Brook-t., Wltby. ~ROBERT j. WiLON. AitUI$iTEit * ATrOU14EY AT LAW .1> olilotnchancory'&o. Whitb,C.W 1)Offic- Over Ontario ;Batik, ou lie KNorth s~ ide, r' A RIBTEg-AT-LAW AN4D SOLICIT(>R Blit Ohanoery. Jiasber-J9Dorouto-et.. Toronto. 9.2 KBIE IlTII GOB»016gY *ABiStitoER *& ATTO1'NIuY-AT-LAWý B Scltor lu Ciancory, ConIvoyaneer, No- eJuccNxt dcor to lhc Store cf B. & J. Oapbeil, Brook S., Wilby, Ont. lllb,1ev.1, 1867. 46 a. B. FAIRBAN4KS, OLICITOit -NOTAUtt PUBLIC, *eo. *0. s u 2, . W. C. A. JONES, Barster, Solcîtor lu Chanceesy, AU, - tomler, *0. 09.0 M lis rencved iiis Ofie tu, lstIflur cier ths *OuvAIIto BANK. Wltby, Out. 7, 1808. 4 Y AREWELL *Mc& E B iI<ITElit ATT(AtNEYS, SOLICI. ornoa;-Ots o ucr tiortlitof tie Fost Ofiue, Osaw,; ..iid ct,tcer'sê Jlocir, opposite Tuwîî hall, Jownsaàvillo. J. B. yÀa*waLn,. a . MG Attemnevos.sil.iewg ciilitirs lnChaes. eery, ad esolvessoy, &c. Unsz.-taMiie'aBlock, Braek.St., .scljwtlg Mr. Jeunes lloldeu*a Office, W hilby, BON. 1. Rose, Q. o., I 'W. iSULoC. .v.LAUDIMJ. 1 (.*. auît. - W. Il, BILL1NGS, - OLICITOR, *Q., A60. Mr O(Jmwlcs, i ModMus.uxtvaBioa, Brook Stre et. Whtby,in.28, 18672. C HARLES C.- KELLER# *ATTOIINEY, AT LkW, SOLIC1-OR114 £1.tJlikneery S0ouvoyancor A TTU1INEY-AT-LAW, 80LICITOR Ii M OPublic, <lonvoyancer: CtiCHRANE I& COCHIRANE. BAIIIIISTEIS, ATTORNEYS, CONVEY- B 'aiteors and Noteries Publie, &o., &ot, Jsszcaz ALEJSW-Oriro - Opposite Tovn fuai. PORavOrîs-iglw Block. 8 Il. (ocasumix, LL. B., 1 W. M. Cjocuniiox. CensiutyCrowtm Attorneoy. P'ort Parry, 24 LW Docoubor, 1885. 51 * lAlthtîTER ATLA W, Sqicitor lunGitan- BLoury ,Couvocyancer, &c., &o. Slmce8a-Qshwa.40- DR. HANCOCK, (u itueSLÂNI& O oiuio.j sarrcunding (Coutite, that lho las epoe ots Rtl ion William ê1treet i tly éoceuplcd by .lswttland as ho bas bad l htiesi ansifurnilb- ad ln llrata ilviitors viii Sund veryonuvc- boattqality.- GrAuatentive oiti esyalways in Attuns Lindsay.Fb4,8. WELLINGTON MTL MARKHAM. WILSON.UoVUS, Apply te, 2-ie. LEVI PA!RBÀMKB, Jr., HlURON BOU1SE, ., PORT WHITBY. -' To abers wel-iknwbotei bus becs hbo-ý tlîlng boabeeu'ieft undoe tme tesqur, monté et agtbttt. Tite Table i.s pplled vlth everythlng of te1 be),t tu #seoson, andti tie but the hetbrande of Wines, Llquots aud Cigares kept stthie Bar.« 1. B. SNOW. TRE R01364. HOlUBsE, rDiJIDAB aTREEBTWBITBY,,C.W. GEORGE l£uIIoo,Proprletor. rrH suscrberbonssteansxoanoe h h li ai$orlplure!% noteai he h. e-iev t cd, rf.srnished, 1a lltted np-4hroflghout,lin ah. bestof style. Thes remlieuars picaaaulJ bitutedoýp s. t ont :1c suad in the 'The RalwsyOmnibis callte t1h.e otéI,mid the stagois for Uxbridge aiid, Beaverton les,. thedooreaverynsornlng.. Board*01 peralay. GtLORGe iROBSON. GEORGE CORIKACK; [T UMIEIR MEBOHANT, Carponter, asd .d. Joiner,Greos t, Whltby. Alreun tltyolcll knde ofiumbercocntantiy on band. U N DE RT AICX G. FUNEXIL$ fuily Ouppled and attendesi c$hut t nte,. coSse ep pncan band. W-A esasto litre onllberalterina. -Whitby, Pub. St, 1862. 1 ErookliluDrug Store. 1 JJEÂLERiln Driuga, Patent Milsoines. D &às 011, I)ye, Buffs, Confection. ory, &o. W~ Winosf sud Liquorsof tic bestquality for Medical purposea. Bfoisee tçcattleMe4icfneaoitiaye ouland Brookliff, C. W., 186P 2b COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOK 15T., WEITBY. TII subscriber begu to'lannonce te luse ' TiriendÀansd tihe publie, liaI lhc busre- suîued possession cf théc aboie Weil antd fa-1 VOrabiY kuowu btec, lileh'la now fttcdQ lu a buperior mannor, vlth @Tory convent- once for the roceptiau of guesti and the tra- vlin« publie. W LaI acomuiodation, aud superlor wine., liquors andi cigare. Good eabilug, with oelomed yards, andi attentive Otler* a- waya on tbe promime.. Charges Moderate. -Es, n. CALDWELL. Witby, .1an.À44, 186. 2-11 YEOMAN GIBSON. COMMISSION MER CHÂNZ INSU1IAICE, & GENEBAL AGENT. Whitby, Jeu., loth 1866. B. PLANK, -- -- Proprietor. Steges toatsd front Whitb1 eoî] daily. Every Dttejît!oitpâili teguesta. <.areful amisi atten- tive ostieras.9 IlOTEL & PIREMISES FOR SALE. TRAT aid stabLhed andI veli kuowu Hc- Ttel, ahe CENTRAL HOUSE, ýEP£OMq Splendid reoniy. stablilng, aud driving Plieai, Lootîter, with one or two acre. et laud atteeh- né a may be dosirosi, snd a fins yeung bear- ing Orcard. There are tvo voila with goosi purnps and excellent va.or. t'Tho viiolo viii hc solsi nt a bargali, gnd ia on. of tihe boit chances lu-the Dominion fer an saeive inalîesian. WVll t.excl.atuged 5cr arm rcperty. For ternis, &a., appiy (ii hyitter, pre-palsi) 1Octabe WILLIAM BC uTON, Erox. 421 D.ROSS,' LICENSED AUCTIONEERe IJAILIF0of th Slxth Diviston Court AUlreon, BEAVERTONi 21 Ceo. Ayers. GENERAL LA 7HII, AND FIRST-FIUZE HORSE-SHOER, DIJNDAS STREET. Whitby, 19, 1857. 2&17 j JAMES H. -GEIE, (Jlanofacturd Eipresig Pr vpr) wEliCH]RE WILLBELL AT RETA 'IL ONL Y. W tbsept. 8,1889.. 4088 D8SOLTO FC-ARESW lote John lite Jia Wer daine on Zthe noftuice. ~I' ld on, cpps.,Braus, -cOtontand JOHN- BRTAN. 'Wltby, Mrdi St, 1869. 10 AHIK8TRLoNG'B H OTEL9 E, joT oG A8sJIN, ,oprletore. hdl at-!ssE , n aclitust tio g cf lis publia a ni hIefrienda. Thetable affd ssu uèg Icd1th icbeal Goosi roomy saab- tlxbrldge, Jani. %, 1869.4 ONTÂRLO' MOTEL, (las C. Dawes'a5 WIIITB r, ONTARIO. A. ÀLEXÀNDER - -Proprictor. T HE- subiscriber desire, ta return tianks te lo tie publi -o for thery liberai patron - bestovesinn iîn ville pro6pitoriot aie oie, tatel, rooklu, and ut tli sinse tlme ta4es oewcu te announice abat lie lisa lesues the steve veili IOn ohteLl.argo asiditioni havebereceuînly mode te ths premtaca soeur- lag mtore commosloun ceenmedatlon andi cncressing tie, number et sleepinîg roams 10 nesrly eu#, iuîf more than formeriy. A firet- cia.. Blillard Parler viti tItre. tables ham alo becu a»dded. "'«Extenaive addItions t1thie Stablingi, Shedis*loaée Boxes, &o., bave aise been msde. AU euabling aie underslgnedao offer ta ilaOlsi Fnlendit andi the public ene- weleome lita oid frionda. Wlstti, Dec. 2,18eu. 428-ly * uery! Arl'O1ITZD R. . GER=~[, Druggist,c, À# t1a&14 SleAgent fw t7gjs plae. Ther have taon cre toglval ndnl struct on*, and'1aveconfienoé lu the abllit of their agenni. 10 meet the requlremtnitof aU cuatOmers. -An opportunity vilii bothua affor, ded to procnre, ut &ail tdînes SpCles lnequaltid byaBy for ibeir Utrcjog$Ui ' ng agil Freervong QuialUyo Toc muceasnot be nId sas to thoir Enperlo- rlty over the ordiuary gnss.. worn. There la 'Do dom.ljr rwrlgq sflk., diczlnes, or étlher uupleaaaot sonhs1loi4 but on the ouû- trary, from. the peoullr construction of the Lenses, they ore avooLiLî and plsoessn, causlng afeling cf relief to th. vearer, and produclîîg clar and i dstinct vlalon, as in the naturel healthy uilgit. Thoeare tho only Speetacles that premervo mi walias asslst thé. niait and are the cireapesfIbeuse lhe -beet, always lai'liug many yeArs vithout charge belng ne- cecsary. Sw- Wi irfpioY li)PÈDDZRSJM1 29. ID AWEBS HOTEL, (Four miles cas t of Toront o.) The aubacnier bcgs te lnfarmils nla ny' friont aobai.las piecnod buainesasllnte abovep remises v wieh ho bau places inlua tharcnui state oi repair andi newly -renvated Ibrougliaut. Coniforýttte aticomodatlon, goosi stablisig asdattentive cillera. C. DAWES. Norvsy, Ang, 11, 1809.82 WlILSON'd PHOTOGRAPH GALILRY, (Lazu 1. C. HsfRia, DUMA2.&S TREET, WHUITB. New Plates for -Cabinets! Wby la I htsat tll0ueh a rba nfer platanes IA NEW STOCK O0FPFRAMES, AND AT 1 1 CLARK'S GALLE.RY? itis bocanne be bailiebhast Gallery lu the (3eaity, and bin mare patience vîti oilinen than sy ather Arila in tito Connty, ansi can de quit. sas geosi vrk as auj cther mu lu lie Coùunay. M- TisI' vhaVs lihe malter, ne don'î b. baeÏkvard about cooîungfervard. BDZOCI ST., WHITBY. 'Wiitby, Nov. 12, 1887. 45 - ON- VA R8, R >ACTIC&LDentiot, Oshava E pDontLI Booms, direoaly oppo- i iopentonuie.-Euarance on IasooSetl third eoomuorth of tie Ontaric Bank. W- EXPRESS AGENT, &-e., aline Agent clsicul andi Standard Iuuano. Con. 17 C. H.SWEETÂPPILE, VETEIÏA19Y SURIGEON, Graduate o Onta 'à YeriaOolg and laite ssistant to Prof. Mith, of Toronto. 2t m t zq m Puari. BUGKLAND, Proteasor of Agriculture. « --aTcronto Paor. SMITH, V. S., Principal cf Ontario V. Coliesie. Dis. BOVELL, Toronto. THQIIOI3Ul H' OWELL, " P. S.-MB. SWEETAPPLE enu buc onulteol Frofenaounaily nt bin resisitt-uce, lrookliu, et Brooklib, April 14, 1869. 15 HRENRY GRIST, <E-SI'LBLIS1JXDale.) PATgNT SIILICITUR DRAIJGHTSMAN OTTAWA, CANAD)A, Trausacta buineia viti to lateut Offiqe, andi ailer dcpartmenta of lie Geveru- ment. Copynigita ansi the rogiairation cf trede Marke ansi Deigna procarad. Draffio, tos.and other Dussts nemi- eefpt of the Moda o h Inenhtion. andl proim- unr tar ces inM a uPtiîl Offue. art- feZ/p made &arnd Trunk Railway Hfotel. AT WVITBY STATION. TT .O'NEIL having puncitasi tie.botel l9V ui premines kuavu a% tie Grand Etunk Iotel, Wbiiby station, bega lu lnfarm bis-inoinde andi the traveling ptîuiliaI i o bas lît;esiup te benio aesntbles lu trot- clans01 etyle, ansi by attetioin tote e anta eof thbee vho -aver hlm vilh -.tbeir patronage truste ,te 0menita cetînuanen cfi heun cuatora. gr Parties tskiug'lie train ansi i1vi* bornes vil <have lt o lMon ucire cf if themreoturu. NEW FL.OU£ AND FRED STORE. bs opegea sinhess lu tis omIses telj oceaplissby W. J, lutou',o#,unDld.Sr. sud are Sn.v preparesi toe a t- rr M Ir 9m, à 77 1o rkdWhaat, ait kands ig, Icicti te,anipr VIS-BRIEE. OTIIER NOVELTIES. Mit. WrU.swviit e avayn pteparesi te takoe Likenegie. of ail kiîsdsPEOTOGRAPIIS, AMBROTYî'ES, &a., -&., lusa superiorsmari- ner, end vilblilfe like aeenaacv. Cabinet PICTURES, lu verj tient Passejnîrteut, or plain or oarvedOxford Pîsmea. lauiug mad ,arrangement& vith Mn. EvIrço, cfToi aite, b. la pepaesi 0 s ppy tbe peopec htt vitlFRAMFS cf a i iud» il ver y renasonale rates, 1ICTUICES enlonied te LIfltSIZE, sud COLORED lu CI L. 6pecieil attention given te COPYING OLD POBTitAITÉ3. Ma. WIasoiuever wtscosfu inlu akiug GIIILD- Whiiîy, July 2lst, 1869. 29. c HARL.ES GRIFFITH, Bega t', inform us numeraus friends nans n- tomnera liai bc bas reissines le Whitby, ansi abat li.eisteudn resnming i. ols iitîça. lpaceoef bueinens ia nov te b. feunsi oppo- site the POIST OFFICE, next te Mi Fereuaonn Tssar &hop. ALL aUstNU INaxTvis Lockailth, Gusnilthp Umbrella aend Parasol moîîdtug ine; Sharpeuing and l etthig et SawS, dcc., dc.9 vili as boneoforo, bc prcpenly andsi cefully attended te. CHABLES GRIFFITH, Dundai 1St., oppce§itst PanaOffice. Whitby, Juno 29,-1869. 28-tf. W ATER- ADVIfRTISE MENT. PRIVILEGES EOR SALE IN RAMA, ON EAST TERMS. 9 Valuablo 1Mhl1 Site. for saie ou tie BLACK RIVER. Tîslese imnportant WWter privilcgee are shînuales an Lot 17, Cou. 6, tueo miles distant trossu tie Portaig, or Tramway, tiay are- velu bituated for itber Srsving or Gilet 11h1l pur- î'ues. Dend weter frein tise leil of mili, for fscilitatiug the couvcyene eof Iuber, &c alrongi aie couutoTrumwey. Niniefoot bei of »îtr paver gansrtecd; abnclice cf voter tise viole year. Pientiful supplies of nev legs eau ho procuireS in tise uigiarlsoa'l. N .B.-Tisis prcneuita favorable lndtscenseltot for isive,;ttnesst. A gçoosiurttizser and vinter rond te tuilî privileste. by tIse Otis con., vilch are vilîsin tItre. miles ofie Poat*Offlee. For furtistr particulars apply (if by letton, Pesa paiS) te J .TEO H Praprictor of Biack i iver Milln, Rains, P.O. JJ. LANDY, lierrister, &0. Or to J. C. WMIULLEN, Notary Public, L. A., &ca oriis. ,P.O. 6m-20 R OYAL CANADIAN BAuNK BILLS, Talcen at Par, for DRT GOODS0, At JOHN ItRIINEB't5, Cieap Cash DryGeeS. Store. Wbitby, Mq 20, 1869. 21. M ONE! TO LOAS 8 The undersiguedi a reccîvesi Instructions te iuvest a largeo um of monoy. Ma pa)sbie lu one sum on b)y Yoaly Inutalments, on Lus- ; rovetd Farmne, productive Tovn or Village roprty. Bute of Itereat, 8 par cent. JOHIN 8amER, Whilty, gay 26, r.L.BuQ.or ÂUCTLON BUSI01NE S Wbllby, A BROWNI. M. WITHOU TPAf!., .~ ]YTRE13SE O0F LO)CAL ANIESTHETICO, ýDBNIT&L IBOOMS, DUNDAS , STItEE Ti ]BOOM.-Ove' M. IL. Cochrane'#totrc. Tbi. uuderslgned hâs- eoelved Inatrutiona Re-payhble là one -Oum or by.Yzaty On Improveda Ërm a, or .productiveTownOr' Village Property. Pirat- ciïdoMoiaepurobsed. JW» Bateof interoat 8Sper tont. No Com Appiy to W. il. BILLINOS, AprI Sab, 189. sdniotor, d&o., Wbitb1v 1869. THE SUPECRB NEW 1869. ' NORSEMAN"9 UAu ceaaeaczu us aaes.aVLair.u Zaivac NORTH SHORE PORTS8 PORT 0F ROCRESTER,, Ans il iiinnomaking deiy trips; lesving ebeura at8 a. m.; Poil Hape et 9:8( a. us. Cala, a Wiitby, Osiava, Darîhuglen sîsdNov- caille -Weduesday mrla., ah Brighten, Tbnradsy mornîsige, asI Coiborne avery moniiîig uxcept We dnenduy. Eeturahigogaves Port ci Rochester daiiy at 9, P. us., oxcept. Sitursiss, Wvuien ie8laiesna 2 p. m., direct fer Port Hiope. Faa litîuu-Apply on boord,' or te C. Draper E&Co., Wbit.y; Jotues 0;.Guy, Gs vst; J. oloclllan, Darlugen ; F.IN iciiolson, Newcastle; A. Cochrane andi Geo. Llondersou, Part Hope; C,. ElliotI, Cobosirg; .. Keelen, Coborue; Winanî & Baller, Brighton. Apnil Suet, 1889. 16 COMMERCIAL SIOTEL, OSHAWA. JAMES PRINGLE, - Proprietor. FARmING IMPLEMENTS, &C. Tise nndersigncd bega te uotate liai becen- lines ta manufacture Root, Seed & Manure Drifls, WAGONS, HARROWS, SCUFIFLERS, FARIING IDIPLE9RNTS ALSU lis CELEBRATED CHURN, NoteS as one of lie beat articles of tie kinsi manufactureS in thie es.uitry, and bis improv- odS tTRA W CUTTEliS * se eaaily varked,and se suponier in eve. respect. ' ee Raving rocur 7oneocf LIIESONICoe brstesi COLORIG ENGINES et hlsmaiia- tory, lie begn to ay j tiat lie in nov enablei ta exocute ail arsicrb vith viieli lie mev bo fuir- oreSci ceeper, suid viai greater expeilition tissu hitises-uan ed te gonritee overy iatistac- thon toeuestoera lu lie qualiy cf tie vos-k- munsiîip andsisatorisîl. SW' Cali asc e ew nvCalrieEngin.e t CORDW(POD dc LUMIER Taken lu exdienge, ansi-Cash Price allavesi. * JAMES CLATTON. Wbilly, Apnl 27, 1869. L j ACOB'S BO&-T -JACK. (PATENTED.) The Greatcst Iniventioor f bo Age. Patouted by J. W. ,lscob'as. DomîinhonRg necuresi bynig E . OBINSON# DUNPA@ ST. EAST9 Olds pous.,horkn, crmes, t*c., opiatoi vith, Sterling tSilver andi made cqnai -te nov. Braeces, anard bois, va"tci e, rings, &a., nuplales i vti perte goli., 5.Carrage.vok ou the abortat notice. Witby, Anuoat 41h,_1869. $ 2. nevily'= -rotos TilMII=CoutatS"5 Birr- 8téun glIvng g s4aias4on 10511 .z.ntduti,.aa iîawso. Vau sudn FORBU *Part of LetsI1 and iIl, Con. 4,Y4alWhitbyo Go. Oltetaie, 75 acres, vliiiu 8 miles off-tbo viliageafOrhdlavu, -and on tie diaresondte, P/ineo Albrt; foodi- rame hanse and Larn. Lo 4 ou ,Iesoi, Co. Ontario 2,00sera* EU3 Lot 7, Con. .,- Ops, Co. Vicoei, '100 ace-ýWlld lot. La7Cn.5, Mars, Cg. Ontario, 200 acre- r.Alie, a bous. ansi lu thc viilage et Alierly. pEPÀÈTMNT OF CXOWN -LANDS., * N;otice is betýeby alvretv; lat by au enti er of Euo Excelleuoy, aieLiiutenent-&overnur lu Coanlidate ibs da.ab ure fer-iausival of~lmbr Lcenos or theproeont yûar bift beon exztondesi thie la Noemben toit. Ail pajusonte requireti l'ytle 121h Section cf the Crevu TitubEegnlut!isssare 0te eiaie and nil rénovaIs ef LIcences ii. 10 te appliedtoas ans inlssad, ou or befcre tiai date. H IGH EST MARBK£T puRCE FRENOHMANS 0DAY. WI. WERITESIDE. Prenicbman Bay,* Sept. 22, 1869. U8. BURD ETT'S 9ELt"S 8g-RGANS T IMI ORGANSÂRlE MANU1!ACTUPRED upon e nov patent priuctipic, asid aresao- kuovlodged te b. superior te any othor Cabi- net Orgasis in lewer, Sweetnesa, sud Variety ef Expressiou. Tise maat benutitul ansi per foot substitute foraie piane. The desig n sd, verkuianhip aro very eiegaut, sud vw a W. au ornement 10 auy'drawing-rcom. A%,1-, oral dscouna te iurcios ansi lie arade. * ny psn w vie so secure tise very beut roed Instrumoent nôv manufectured shouid gel lie Goleate Organ. Asidroes, Box 170, Cobourg. D. ROESI)14 85 am WlîoissaiAgmint/anada. T OWNSHIP BIGUS FOR SALE I CHURN DASHER 1 A firai rate chance te maire mcney. E. H. ROBES. Whitby, Aug. 4, 1869.81 T IIE LIVERPOOL & LONIDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY ta oeeof the moat prosporons ci Engihb Insurano Gos. Its INVESTED FUNDS are ..*17,00b,086 Its DAILY INCOME excoeds..ý. $20,000 Ils LIFE, POLICIES3 are a Sure Protection for the future. las FIXE FOLICIES, lutined at Çmnntir RaTrs, atiord ample pîoteotiosî ta lbhelercant aud HousoholIdor. Ail fair clemis Paourvuv PAr, ansi aie ut- Moat liberality sievu un tie adjnusin of Losses. iiZead 011e., Canada I3rauci, Montres). G. F.c GiMITH, Chiot Agent fcr Dcwlinioc* L. FAIEBANKS Ji. AGENT ýt Whiaby, ôut, Whitiy, July 28t1î, 1869. 80. De F. BURKE, Famiy Grocer, Wine & Spirit dealer, No. 2, MICHAEL'S BLOIJE, KING ST., EAST, OSHAÀWA. CROCKERY & GLASS WARE A WELL SELECTED STOCK FREIII TEAI4, COFFRES, SIJGARLS. GROCERlES, &Cc. OF ALL KINDS, or' As citeel> as auy olionluCanada. .~ May 29ti, 1867. c OAL I GOAL i Ex-sclxccer Il BELLE" uow unuladiug, andi ready for deiivory, attheaievifl, A CARGO 0IF ZEST COAL, fer Roenu. Appiy te JOHIN REITE. Withy, AnanuatIliii, 1869. 82. V>WTiTBY 1BANCHBIBLE 1DE 1PO811TORY 1 Tnéosaiteuîtian f tihe public la iuvlted teo tic ýnov sud veli solocted stock of, BIBLES and TE8TAXNT8, viýti asdvitountthle pailmeInlametro, nev te awI0 weli.fé st lte au excellent ne tjnry Tic cure taeedhi$ 1308d, and inilg on me, saiS, lis Ibis rotir.boy?.r 'Tes, air, cur ewp chulsi.! 'Comn. lera, littAi. u,'saisi be. - My mother took me :by te bandi andi led me neir îhe goodoidnls.n, pic regard. esi me viali a very tender expression ; lien ho <tappesi me on the. Ycheek andi askedi, 'Doas ie ltnow bis'prayeus r 'Oh.l y'es,'irîthàt vas te firsllhlng, whicb ve tanght hlm.' mu - - 'That lisgoo& 1 Iloe p-that,' mmars 'thé priest.- oui yâ mote teck off my cap, and vithi on ating, 1 repeaies ti eAte Zaria and Pater .Ioster..- e1 " 'That >la jg,'saisilte.oi man1, whie pinching dmy'ear, 'you vii li e Pfailuful servant cf lb. Lord. Go snd tae your break1fanst Iarn satisiesd itl>îyaa.' He 5p0k. lu suchmli ii ,toue, êhst ail lie lbmily ibongi0t 'Ïlafine mu, vibt a good heurt, trial -pity lhe vas frozen ia the cloucii. Tise,,Lord lise vu hlm on acconnutcf bis. geosidde, ansia lieue wiici ho will yot o.' But someting tics tumuesi Up whi el showesi Ibis goosi man la amotter ligit. 1 It acent my (alter sd early lu lta ,mom- ing deacendesi le the carlt f getlte ofiecte cf tic prieâa ils îireecemnorod bal ansi a hufidie of pipers,wvieithbol uid bigiiy. Ail. these Ibinga vwers piacesi on an old Irunk near lie firepace-tie bat on lie box and thse pipera on lie bal.' While passing around, ispeet thetrank and tira.' dowu the pipais, wbich relieS tvand ia fire. Then.tbis good manin tteredacry, lte pîercing cryoet a oit, accepanied lry 1fightfui oalbs. HB. threw iti,.sef ou lis papers, suaichesi tbem 'frti ine, ansi extinguisheditin luis band&. Thon be looked at-me, quite pale, ansi viii 0ore. clous an eye Lhat I became fkint..beartcd. W. atoosi trinsflied, viii giing monîbÈ. Wiie exantining tie pipera singed on lte edges, -ho stammered, lu sniiening like a dcg lu bis kennel, 'My TbuelSides-poor uitile liing, my Titucydides. Thon rciling Lis, papera ltogther., sud perceiving onr stuper, he titreieosime witi bis finger, lu reasauming bis foirmer gentlemanly bebavior;i butwte basino de- aire le laug ithiiihm. 'Ail 1yen baS litho boy,' exclaimed te; lyon frigilenesi me. Juilthbink liai I came burriedly front Cologne. :Tea. I h ave traîciesi eue bundres lagues t. ob- tain these csld anusulipts (non-te Cou- vent of Saint Die; i t has taken me titre. 1mentis le arrange theus, ansi tie impru- dence cf tim awkvard boy cime noir deslroving a vork, probabiy tse cly oe lu tichenrd. 1 vesat greaut drepu.' It s truc, Lis lange face itas becoïne purpie, great sirops of aveat aitood on bis forebead. Afler thet, yen eau trnly beileve liai .cur famiiy becamo serieus, We wore net accostemesi ta boar prieat zwairlika cattie. drcvers,-und eren a tiousand tinties verae.- 1MJy moiher saisi ne mère. Bbheauome veny rellective.- Wc ate our ineakîasi in silence, andi mon vo hasi finlsees, my fatiter wont ont. 'Hoe uniocithet sied inng np under tLe coach -bouse. We board hiintitue the herse f-cm tlb.1coW, 1bon 'so,and hbilai hlm uplu front of lhc 1door. Tien ho returnesi, ansi saiS:- . 'Monsieur, tLe pist,-if yen mlvi te gel mie liehealeigi, lu au bout me mil be at Munster., I voulsi iikc il very mAil, .'relumuesi le, lu getting np; andi, lookinç lut. lie reent, 1v Iiti a sierious air, le nid. 'Ton are a 1brave people;' 40fetaol men la5angor; 1 lb. spin___ la___rcng-btut lie4esaislu vaki. Allom me te beatrmitneos of My gl'aise' .BHo wsied tle ave&agolsi coin miituiy mother, but as erefnsed,a&ndreplie:-'o s ir, me bave assiales ui nl out misfo- lune in tene of out JLorSa d svirl' .If mc bai beeu lu lbe same uiraiglit, yon ?mO'uld'bave Sons as muci for us.' 'Wiitbout deuil,' saisi ho,, 'but ltaIt m ilI net prerenit yen-j' *Do net Seprirayourseif of ltao merit.of géod deedut. -1 - Amen , saisiho, iiuntl go- cpipkesi up ispape sput on biu t ss My faiberluasi slreasiy'pa a &turý ma.nteu-i,ncteeth e . iauseies cubers miti>haàn oal;er, >Atli Liàt4Ics bohinsi came, mountedon a.blackbot.oç. a poverful unail-al4ue suit, -vili white facings on lis brcast, big-opora bat, spji- mounted mitb tri-caler plumes, a scarf around bis vaiut, and au immense cavais-y mornd clankiug aguinst his - bonts.-ý' IIî -hr.neigiesi and trenihled, Behindi o came, jelîing on lie pavement, an immense carrjage,.dîsa'wn by gray herses, ansi fuil of rosi berais.- The manviiitte -plumes lhugÉeS éÀll orer bi fc, ille lie people, al paleu, bueckesi ap against ltae val, inculis epin ansi arms liailes. -- Ath li rai glance I reccgnizec ltae goodps-lest vientm e heu sared frous lhe onoyales-us, Borne iuffeons, te l gve themseIves lte appea ace qt baving.unoiiing te foin,-ox- 'Bebolsi Citizen Schneider mita ias jusI extermlnaâtesi tie- catenpiilarsÂie in.th environs cf Vendoneim. Dem vi itte aristecrats.' Othara made faces; ansi sang 'Bang tic ariatocmrt. Theynsiasi hem airmsansd legs ini a - dence, but ltaIdildnotprevelent tram iaring a aick alomaci ansi laughing on tie wrong-aide of tic mauti. like otior peq- pie. Opposite tie <ounuain, lu front ef ortanliue, lie proesion haltesi. Schnei- der, yuL býisnese bigla inlte air, looke4 aronsitlb.place, ai lie gables vilt teir pointasi roofs, îLe.ýinnumerable licida vilci protruaifrontheitagarrot vinsicys, ansi the little niches fs-usm i ltseimt- ages of ýtic blossi Virgin itas long since .'ýIW-iat a bug's nest,' saisi Schneider' te lte captain cf lte inssara, a powenfui feloe, w"ica hac oouataclis eut in 1mai Lis pale (açeto. 'Wiat àabugs& neal 1 We àib-il baie mcrk liera for eighl days.' 0On 'Î tà bcarng la, TnlestiConradi Iceitme by lie arma ansi saisi; 'Lot ns roturu, Hcinricb, Le miii only Laie us le pick upon -il wî* utay bore It-La -terrible.' Ho Is-ombled, spdi 1frît -a saiverint al eover. On re-enterng te tic morkshop, 1 Baw Grcdet--prayiug mith claspeil bandesud cinging litaniei. I iad onlytinte tepuait- ber in tiececller, ansi cloe.titi 4oor aboroej ber lengthy ulevetion vouid have cana - us al îe be gnüillclino& --- Then uncle aud uiysoi f jookesi-out cf ltse vinsici. The cnemda enlide kepi sirug- " Dovu vitI t Le aritecrats; bang tliu," like tie grashoppers, who sing mhen thé Wiuter appreaches. andsi vienthlis iraIt feast extes-minates. Many people wejre standing lu front. pf lie mindow ; abery' tIroir heasi sud S'holdera we asi lie Lus- sans, Citizen Scitneisler, lie fountain antd the bis yeile. - *Tie hig, jeIly feloîsyaweaI vork-uu- leaSing liehe beam; lisy lad Lonest. faces i;lisheinn keeper, Rnamer, gaie titan a'bottie ei brandy, sud a- îitice, dried up eh iP, timas ik ach, ltong uosed,,andt -oued lu aresi jasikol-> superintendedfte 1 JLý, , 1

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