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Whitby Chronicle, 14 Oct 1869, p. 4

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for Nor'th rutape, or matrce PI lüsr; wie crtç Çnl~y vas vçny ýunaunt., "One div as I vorlçed with1,bim I li vines, and *lked with him on!tbis cId re. inlnisoen*w, bo smiied cadi,' and snid: 111, boweyer, I had sllowed theirbheado fo be esott on; they, would "bave -been ln .cbneid.r's basket aiong wjth tbe taber- nacle curtain- 'l would'bave bac! nuo- i oroach to utttr ; 1 wvuud bave been s coward 1ke the rst.' Tiîen 1 tongbtr 'This pour olid Rebstock b.d done no- thing wron«.. 1Prese teb people, Ob that $,,O m ay curmo ýnd Iotbcns may guillotine you.' It Iu noe oncouraglng. If men ývould not dio Lis fruin Christian motives, they # *ouid cetaiml,' be ver,' bad., Tbe poor scoundrels cloue nover bave to re. proach tbemselves ; providid tbJe are tconten4t, thir aluinbent are not bruken and tboy sloop soundly.' Itlaii a sad tbing to say, but It i4 Indecd S true une. Washington# Obi., bas the oldeit presch- er lau th. wonidprobably- Xv. i . h arduon, aged 10. Bayard Taylor @ay@ George Etiioti la no poet, and George soya Bayard Taylor writesdggel Mro. Evanus,, ones of h. suffererusb,'lth. Avondols disasterý, loues elght ofher famil,' -besr father, buaband, unre sono and ilreebrotheru. À wheaî bold o! 90,acres does pet eti.l fut V'rMoet. orl . . ounCei of Lennoz, COnt., Canada. ~ lànu, Conit o Iâ"' g tProvince of lintarlo, lob. 90,1869 rISla tu conlify that darlnq thé wlstor of 11888 1 as %akets Witb a voahisos ethti saukiem, vhillsgraduaiydanlaîg thse Sping uf 1887, e oosed tO lu rn kucs, aU'dun up tu My llpe, a>:d 1 becatuo su woak lsat ( coula nol wdlk, but va* eossfined tou ymy iasr. Fur about lwo yeara, viii!,this wesknau os o coing un mae, ad atrwardoi 1soughst modiosa admiso, eîInploylng, at dilferent Mines, tlirco duators. .1,adniod lo o fedifférenit kinsd, premoalbed hy frissds.Itnutsac svaulf. I aontitiuedtluet worieeand verme, untilt theSuaninror f 1888, wylion 1 itas luced ta try tise «rest Shooltuas- A ou l<esody 11Y rosad lugiae carrda rtotnEd, ka pamphsleit, At iaitinsie 1 ud begun ru tuol tlhe vosulsos lun my làaaaadt.; lu tact i vas. cltiîgcaimoiît isoliass. a.Isva lakoasivuw leottios nt tho Sisouuaneos e &nedy asd two box* the plaansd I a.m entiroly rnsstored lu lîsisitia. I nover expecteai to gel botter, but' %saualy tnied th isseieinu as a mort )Cf troris Isope.. Tisi csme of uine vaai sot a privsste 0110, but kuon o ba;l auy sluishons mand friads; amatwa uy o ne sffilsad ed s aws, 1 lisiveo uiy 'o ,ssy 1v,'tise lbosusset es imody; 1beliovo It vil cure yen. MARY1 ANN DOIIOIITY. * oora b«for# u m tMa«, Q>eaty qf 11- <hstsi. n ay qe FuYbmary, 1869, A. Y. WOOD, J.?., &0. Ij lîereby eertlfy that 1 have kuevu Mrm. blary Aauu Dougisry for tho lit fifteo oan; »lise jla womaas of presit,' sud truti.a.i have t*kîwn Ilr i, durn ansd sance ber iii. saeas.1Ibllev ier oortlhleste lu bo truc lu svéry particulat. i knuw tIsat vhile l11 lier esse was decitrcd hopolosan; Sud 1i -now dusit * h bie lis ise lier rocover,', always attribiatcd lier nsovery tW Mis e Siaclaos it emasdy. '-yhatev - Msy hbethe poonlilir proportion of this medicliss, eue tihig iscertalsa, tisatlisliser eassa, i l ass0sced alansoallite the portos muange ut ami mlé. A. Y. WOOD, J. P. %ardon of the onnuty of liatiasgs, 1Provincee sf ntaiol, D9aýIuof lCinda. 18 New Bakersy T ITIE andershlSI adrepectfaally Informus thé Lpubiti pas 0t ontstl r a 911ii wlth pronpitude ail, endors lu aiséilatiory pan ouo lonr ino. Fruit, sp ouga, sud> al other-kindu ot Cake, Tarte sud Biscuits ci Mie boatl qailty. 1W- fllof al kir. au sa$mon. Aie. Lob. uterus, iardines, Cooos Noté,,(langer Boeer,&c. * Baker, J.onÙctome GALrookt 'WlutyJiy 8,1801. '-*I' 28 <l PROF. J. POIT,. Oir SOMdfar soecurity at 8SPer cet Inweest. EBpeciaattetlon ii vibe given *0 the nogqciation of Loans,; sud brrowurs' can Teiy upon bavingtbeir applications attended to piomptly,sand àetnial expense. eur Ais., Lands, both Improved and nni'proved constautly for aie, Insrances lu Li theOntario Farinera Kutual Illaurance Company., M . MAJORo OFIOe-Blgelow'is Plook, next dour tte .oyol Oàd.BU a nk.OfciiAsgn.udVatr P'ortNMPn, Deoçmber2, 1868. .4 [ESTABLISHED 1833.] The undersigned in returngý a for the 1iberal patronage bitherto eztended to tbe oid establisbmen ,foy neanlysaperiod of forty years, deutres to »ay that lDe bas- now on band a large assortment of the mont modern and elegant styles of. And trusts by proper attention and moderate prices to seenre a continuance of public -patronage. PracUc-al uphýotering. Funiture ro-atufied and- Undertaking and Funerala Fully Supplied as 1berotofore, gW'Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames, and Gilding. Remember the OZd Stand. Wliîtby, March 9, 1868. CARRIAIiE FACTORI, Me 0'DON'OVANq, BEOS TO DIRECT ATTENTION TO HIS LARGE & OOMPLETE STOCK OP CA'ib'RAGES,' BUGGIES, &ce 0F 'rHE BEST MAKE. A CALL 1$ SOLICITED. M. O'DONQVAY, WbiLby, Augnat Srd, 1869 1 -MANUFATUIEI>AT TME ]p C I em ] mi ML L'I Aercultural Works. LEFFEL'5 CELEDRATED - A M E i io e - Double TURBINE -WATER WIIEEL Titi MOST EOOYOMWA&"l viaira. i l v isu T F.XWheali ve are uow asumtnu T chbeapen tais>'otiamr $hop lau tii.coun- try., sud -ve viii give a gnaraae wlth eah W hpel vsmrntiasg thom W habmunel made, sud to e i0sAsgeod aatimaatlou as suy Mnun- tuaturedn tise Dominion. Parties deirlug furtber informastion eau oh- tain It b>' add*aing PAXTON, TATE & Ce., Mardi 8àî,~18 Pori'ey-81., Port Penny, Ont, >Ï Pliane,Si.; theor>' kar, exîrs, bb. AL maore Ibm 12 jWmr. agaarautte lb.rapiai seeriundelataiitiJo 69,. e- - 01, 4004-1 In ia matter of iJ2WJS HO UOX, an .Lnsleent. Notice la horeyugiven, tbut nudorn sd b>' virtno outhea5apon rvestedlunume, as. A.,slgee uftIhe aisove raeinatsuolvent, sud iuder tise provi4urof thtIe sais Act. b, tise uneersisruad, viii offan for galae i,'puialo ctinu, a i s> cilice, lu tise Tuvu ut Wlitby, Couasty et Oas. tarie, on Tusioaiy, the 2asd day of Novoaubcn, A. D. 1$899 t tise hour ut Two 'eloek, lu tise altiraon ail tise astate, rigiat tille aid tutoroît of tIse %&là lusolveut. lu sud ate e loiwlg propot,,rit: PARLCEL i .-Beiug part et lotnuber lventys.aveai ln tise second couecaaseuouttise Townsahip ot W sitby>, lu tise Cont>' ut Ontario, lail ont upun a map or plan Ihoreof, ne auvu lot nunîber 8ve, isu hock 'A, oun Dundas striaI, vest et Brook street, las lie Tovn of Whitby. Tisero le ercotas ou tihe aboya Ivu Ivu %mallsop*.- PA13CEL Il.-Belug s part et lot numbor twcst>'-sovau*in tise second conces.sion efthtie towsh.uip of êhiiby, lu tise Couait> cf Ontario, laidot utiapuna ayMiapor plan tiacreufs wv lot unuier ix, lin b!ok *A.' onsausastreet, vest et Brook itroot, lu tisa Tovu et Whitb>'. Thoa i oreced ou theai bore a two îlory framo building, unsa stsore sud dvauliug bouse. ÉARCEL IIi.-Baing sait lt Iumu- bsnr tvcut,'-sveu, lunltso seconud; concession et tise Tuvmshlip-of Wliîb,inutisa Cuucy of Ou- taile, kauvwu and doscribesi uposa a map on plan tisoreet, as tisaitportion of lot number nieveu, lu block 'A,' wbischis lesiluatesinl the rean of lois numben four, fire andi six, lunsi.l blocek 'A ' veit et Brock Drct, lu tise said Tovwnutt Wiitb>'. Tisae ne l a el on thse abor. a two-ulory trame buiildiag, usesiasea dveiag. PARCEL IV,-BeIng s part of lut num- ber tventy savou, lu-tieSa econd concessiun ut thse said tcvasail p et Wlslîbj, lûsown sud de. o i bosiou s _piau Ilieeu, marie t y John SlerEq -UPLS., mi tuvu lots nualiens ifty- fleftty.slx san e ighty.two, wesat of Bneck onoouasid, plan. Tiscre fla eotes ou. 1h. abovel a large twu uWory brick baidhsg, oued as s ing.i1 ug1 PA BC EL V#-Betng a part ut lot nuaber lventy seveu, lu tIe second concassion ufthtie si Tovuaauip ut W htib,, kuovu maddescnlb- edo la thereot,- mide b,' John Shlen, un. .8 s twvulot nun el ght tour, vest cf 'BIreak Street, on W plan. gaere li ereted on the above aa mai> eue alunry frame bnllng, unerias s dvelliug bonse..- FARCEL VI.-Being a part et lot Dam. bon tvesty.eren, lu a hecroncooiuou the ssld toshaip of Whitby, ksovnan sd de- icribedlou s plsqthencf, suade lu,'Johnu$hiern Pn. iPLS etoulot uumber ulneity.elIs veut uiireclcstetuu othe ealdiplan. Vacant lot, hat'ftrcd. PAICIL VII.--Boiug a p at e! lot num- ber tveuty-eveni, l ints ucuuoeeoe*,iou ut tse saldtovnahip ufWhtty, kuevnansd rde- soniberi unsaplââais t lueeumadie b> John ier, 4., se iëlev a tlu reservei bleuir, W~INVGLE AleO* A GOOD ASSOMTMENT 0P d BradClotha, Bilk Xiitures, Doeskins, Keélton. &0:, &c#., &0., A Splendid variety of Cens'Furnishing, AL VA Y$ OY HA.stD., Coods9, Gogds made up in lateat style, at low prieoc, for Casuh. Drock-Bt., Whitby, August 24, 1889. 12-1,' Fur'nilure for Evcrybody AT TEE LOWEST CASH PRIC-ES,ý TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT THE SIGN 0 F THE A very large assortment of Furniture, consisting of Chairs, Sofas, Beureaus, l3edsteadz, Tables, &o., on band. Every article in the FURNITURE LUNE MADE TO ORDER AND WÂRRAN'fED! As1r80 rig moving and boxing furniture doue in the best and muet cifl manner. Unidertaldng attended to and Funerals fMly Suppliedi1 31 Nos. 1 & 2, Caldwe1's- Blok, Brook atrect, Whitby. CLEARING OUT 0F SUMMER STOCK 0F 4cI~T 80 CENTS PER GALLON. Ginger Wine, on draught and in botties. Hlenneosey'osbest French Brandy, on draughtê in bottles Davies Don Ale, in 10 gallon packages, & on dranght. Guinnesses'is Dùbli Porter, tPORT, SHERRY, SYRTJPS, And ail kinds of LIQUORS. IROCERIES, Beat Frenchi Vinegar and Bottled Vinegar. TEAS Hams and Bacon,1 A FINE LOT ON HAND. -R. H. JAMESON, Wluitby, Aug. 29tib, 1869. DutNÂai STarmI.1 TIIE MONTREÀJA' TEA COMPANIY' 6 HOSPITAL S1EEMONTREAL. TÉTeoco. vera x unre thusad bÙ# f Ts hvebee setah.dière a rtIlsnof the o mnlion,su upwavdiq uf a thousaud testinsuniaIs caua be showu beaiugtaîtiauony au the quais sudnai, f ho £08. A pont arin eau b. effacied by pivairu4 Tleotfa utus, e.ttiei ut î an 2lba., and vards. Eor U9acae varzauîsad t give satisfaction. Club togethor sud send for tour Or- IIa ai1b- cIlles, whaich vil] be sent carnisaofree au au,' Eallvay Station luah. DamInion. le .monenasn au oced ou alliver,'. WTn.y unr fresh grounal atosin roasted Cofae, lu 5 aud bib. Tiis au pardi, theflaveur uf vhioh lau vou xcellant. aud aVeny malt aawarrsated. 2lbu. Tea md Sron 101h..Coffeeseut Wo an>' iailway d'tatieu Crangefrcoe.r W- Silver at par. B LAcKXI;TE>A EDglg urskat, Brokren Leassig Toea., ONe.; Fins Fisvoed New BsonaidoMr- MSes0.; Ver Boit FulPavoured deo.67Z. Somi Oaa=g, 45.,Aica Flsvourd do. 60e.; Ver> Fae P .117 F.; Japan, 9g o, M.,6e., Fine 60e., Very i;usase-e, Pinces 75c. The am.pisasv;-'re cavrne toTO eaaauaaay w-II td4y l Wj j< qayi m"din b bave MAdnosaue oan lob [glY lew-pue.," a.- nw oalrcd" oruhem iv6ult h i pwbb e rlsa "Thegasie Pary vrhcusagsîn hua Âizg., s fMi udt'oawe o lt kfwWhoma."lhvdry onasdmisai ned thse Tos, liku it very mue TiseTresue Tes Cempul u>'siate, au gave saitire huia"iheIlur eal paneaiaaeior relamtahie owuuy. &nCU Sui O*drs lu- -TEE TORONTO TEA CONIANY9 sept. 21, 1869.85 TO WIOMITRAY CýON CFI{N The subscriber, baving learned by actual experience, that the C REDIT SYSTEM is wrou)g in picile and unfair to the Cash dealers;, compeil- ing thernt ao odtoloios ustainedl by trumting the unprinopled, has DTER£IND HEREArER TO CONDUCT HIS BUSIN{ESS ~trctl"uOn Cash P~ni( nie would tÉerefore gay to intendiug, purchasers thatïlie wil oeil goods Cheapethn n 1-usinu town that does a credit businies.' Cai' .AN,'DiEAMIS MY STOCK 0F FRESH.1 FAMILI UROCERIES, Flour, Provisions, Crockery, Glass, and Earthenware, &o., &o., beforo parchasin elsewbere. And if strict iutegrity aud fair, dealiug wiJi build up a CAS&~ BUSINES luthia Town, I arn afier it. iWm" Positively no goods deliveêred without the Cash. The highest cash price paiLl for any quantity of good .Firkin's of BUTTER~. Wbitby, Sept. 1, 1869. Corner ut Byron& Dunda s t, uppetîite Rebsun Bouse, REDUCTION !N> THE PRÎCE 0O' Family Groceries fresh, cheaper ta At Re evet' -F RANCIS'S, NO. Il ON TIIE CORNER. Best B-randie,,lEum, Gin, OId _Rye, a.nd' MALT WLIISKEY, PORT & SHERRY WINES; A splendid article in C('aret, good and cheap At NO. 1, -ON THE -CORNER. - Butter, Eggs, and Farmers' - Produeé, Wanted. R. FRANCIS, Whiîby, Jul,' 22, 1869. NO. 1, ON TUIE - CORNER.ý DIVISION COUJRTS IN TIRE COU NTY 0F ONTARIO, i0r l TTYEAR 1869. "2, lickeiasg ............. i.. .. S 2::I2 2. "6 8,' Maseaay& i e bn. ...128 ... 0 28 J:s 7 ..$08 "4, Uxbnis'ge.......... ..' 21 29 8.... ' 18 " snsugu........... ...I.....18I..2 .I........ 6,lisaaron.......... .....12 .. .. .. o...22 7, Athonloy. ........ .... .... ....18 .... 20 .. Z.7I. 2NÂ3 Whitby, .Jannary 101h, 1869. J'unes, 2e NEWLY H1ANGINGS. T "f."n,,deul bererbu'o e= "tie.Pub- cent sta,' lu Knglsndl a lot of SPLENDI D e PA1PER IIÀNGINGS. Seiectod caretull,' by blauelf, vhich ha. ba on sale a VeryBeédueed Puices. IW" Palntmng, Grafnlg<liazîiug, and Parer Haugaing, exroculesinl a werk mauliko sud expeditiona mnisr,s a uani. A. C. WILSON, Dundea Street, Whitb7 Whithy, April 0,1888. 4f RESH &CUIRED> pruperi,' sud oanefaaiy drossoait ad joiteil W si houkeepens, sud for osale st tue inoes *one WIee, Pork -and - X- Tanu curari lu a uponier usannor; samd erntllg lu tise y!ctualliug tue liopi cesstat,' o00 bandl. W Rlasmemben thae Dow Slup-heîveeu tIu #tore$§ (If Mosin,. Ilatels and Loes & PFo#oll, Birook Street.- JAMES MANN. Wlsltb>', Mardi u, 1860. * 1.> Fire Insurance. -Co. 0F LONDON, Capital, £1,94f,_00,Sterling. Pundu isuvosteilunCausda-8105,00. TNt3UIANCES agalust lbas by Finc offecled, J.ou tisa Saoul favounable torriss. Ali lsses psld vitheut roforauce te the Boar ln London. RINTOUL BIiOTIIE , Meutreul, (loeai Agente for Cànasia. JUOhN AQNKW, W11ITT, Agent for Wlsitby, Oshawa, Bovusanville, -sad surrouuduitg country,. 1 *TEE ALBION HOTZL, corner- Of Brock à Dand« â treet, WHITBY. J. O. 3Mc1ýERSON, - Proprietur. 3âr Lae ci thse Uuion Motel, Ssaamnto' Wi, an.ursuis, jouiNiRoBINOs<qf flair, Dré.aling and Shaving SALOON, BROOK ST., WI1TE!. 1'Semaus or ME PAsi 0r Musa=m&r. ,ý Wlaitby, Jan. 22,1'68. L AND FUR1 SALE!1 Tisa Nortsh aut utfLutN'O. 12, lu tise 4th Concession outhtis TOWNSHIP -Of PIOKÈRING, eontaîing 100 areî. -Thoaisa largo qusu. lit,' ut excellent Cadair, andi good HnIl oosi c tise bI. Tise soil la «ced sud vol vteroal ansd tison.ra 4aCapita l isite ou thé pré- milers. Apply lu GEORGE BALL&RD, - Dr. ADAM FULL * A ToNi Greenveuri,, or te W. il. BILLINGS, Solicitor, Wbitb>v. Grenouoa, MAY,' ,1869. - tf.20. JOHN CARTERY LICENSED AUCTIOYNEER. 7013TBO auxéoi - ONTARIO, YORK-& -PFEL. U'r uElBiC,-LO. B, BIlaCon.0 ,WÀ OX<TARIC * EISEUS ANI au --tueLo roatiou ut 1 Notantes., 9c0, &-c., W. .K. O O~xaxQ.C. PIYa&t the<Slice 0of tile South vzasg BARRISTEFs. Att( ANGUS MORiISIIIO. Torounto,:Jaly 20,186 9. E1. COCHiI .Street,WPhitb Vr! GEORGE in. B ÂIRSTEU, ATTI JUcor, Dopait,' Rgie tan,', sud easuarneïxn -s'ofOntar ; o. 011k SROBERT. BAIIISTER & AI ' .B solilcitoinnChine aida. - Tornto. B Solieafor îlu al tary ublcH&c. Wlalthy, Nov. 18, if S. I9. FA] SOICIT(IL, 'NOTA SOahawa, C. W i Darrister, SV. A.. lisrascved laiso(tis -Wh!itby, Oet.7, 156i Qu'cE *:-Oue sr,'r1 Oà§hawsv; usai54- T u v il il, } - w s n ~ scary, siug Mr. J>K. -h2, a W 1vukic, i3C S WltbJan28 Ise CIlIILES o.B roci, C: W. J. IIAMILII -G &oc., Vl'îby (f. W. $euil o l'-t oflice. BAUURSTJzlS, AT asasers iid oteir 'Ril. uaair, .B Ccunty Crovu Atunsi2 k PortFeirry, 181i±licUe IJD AIIiIS-TEI. ATLý AJcen ,L'u uveyalice -PR HAIRGUN OT W. H.V LAWj Pyirsune e * Jevett,&rais lielbhueIh eR idn firsit ëtYo, vasst ri allene a suies, Lisju leue lity.uto i~~~ IX T T nkrfW u zIta 4,p160. pedr.Ibo The Montruiea mCemnmy s tST3ON .S.ilsreue. Oua-au aasrysyanîi~e~I pebsd rît lce smtetTes (rom Year lassas. 1bae parciesd mi> oeedlssglyois.ap. Yomnsver>' Ua,,..Er zsasixvonoau ea~ onm a 1cyck -ZL Xq. a a- cro 0 a .Ivw 1* âwxx eo-fy 91

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