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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1869, p. 3

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meul. e tbeg tharl5,rsey bu @OR 1.grf*.4r Chaue GA. EéM f ithe leir o tePromier Poirag.01 gg«.dThis yobug gentleman la no ..J7Ila bbh2ad jeau. but bl dîme ni tambonBeffort, ho alm aaaWedtarM ManmIt orer bw mau eh"loto debt AÀhisii. a&go ho (aublithe StO. liro oaeors tier@ aftsr l.f, snd the eus oeiboume e.bot thtt isvasno «Qu ,e nove out-,of do" le osfey.' o ibis la asaebusla Loadon ue asme a ler, vo knoas efory Shetil'. officur by s aghtt, &ni te ibs hubale frienaof hé a"ltoc"ia Lord Charles repslred in &hi extremity. Nuasrous tramu vers set for t. bird, but -tb. vatchflkiayr dotsti Sbomu14 ail sddrore bis client about front one end -of the o lova bth# obsrJouat na If ho did nt ou@ oau poe ntlue vorid. But to svry debtor th. fatal hoer comile- A p" sof Bberhff' vuas stioued ln à çertalnelsttos day 1 vait for ihtt elippery cemauthe ,top Sver"eou uly ay, of bis alllug. The moment bis wist. orouuded th. -corner the> eeised thý borna hboad. and a.baii jnmped ioto tbW- ceb. Lord- Cbarl.a aet the oncl e n mst eprung ont on'tise othet adeà A *%4ini beu$ nov took pîmea, ail th: badilli'.golng I elul nl «Jry efthe f. a- tum bells of Hau.llîon. Eveumal tise7 ru ia bisdou, and c.rried -lm off 10 tho #Îp9ugiog Hoa." Tb#e Mýaqufsr of ga.Iqago, b@. Doit# of Newcàsils, tise Jr off Westmoteland, Lord Hamilton, to soly.otîing of the otherawbose canes bave mot bi« smade ao public, bave &il gon, t. the b4m vithia a jour or ao. 'the brio- *tocr&a k eepiag uop I1woredit. AM nu t 1iherd igg ilp te re.y Xlr M~kmy plo lgem0041. ulla ks e p; If1 e' e p M.e iFs. e.My Mise glogms.l e ste pthe l&.iY C M drr rtk (fdei, o reokeboeyousr <-e , rdle 0kruvls, llrsÇO gp'.Ullieue, eeeh p gu=lce. l msu wi' ee'. esaey(u @Meq )ll~e nd Curitz bercliem. . il t . e - a , I . I,,@ u r.sra frhuo a2nth et Atsgit have been psabishcd I on incomjilete (crut ln the *Caw4da' (7areUe. Thero ln no atatensent off the Orand'trur'k receipto, or of tîlse off the L»nonan sd* Port Staslcy lino. The GreatL Wetern rectlpto rt-achcd $251,409- aganat$!f).17In Auglint5, 1808, and *89148 'lh. .ott Mil h, lin,, (rom whis returna s i4relîen recesved, In $405, 814 fint 84,0~l t h, sanie nîossth last yar., C'oleriadgoeisnr eul tis tise great ecs wirhch a ata(itnn ought tu propose 10 IîIMsr,9ffln the gOuvenmesst off a atinal are; -First, ilectlrtY tu poseiors jscond. la the. matt NO. 17fi aiin onehuadred su wrniy4v.afres, more-or ~<telahmrby gtve, thet MAda. Mlot, ofthé ue o b,%neo. luths B44 ietetnlsoi, ln he ,Ièd taèsorf Auji ta.travollhsg tiesn; RobertMle j fli Ilae0 Mdro prorinf, off Ositerlo, Moeobant ç Chuirlota.j le 01î~~ 1tise Ecyrensi Adam zLllot, Of Onoudoge, tla tise C<'oanty-oaBront, s-tle sal 'R obert M Eecey, ber next frend Àunn Eeoy, Of Oe dssgo aforsssid idov ; sud Aun Ramyi youug ansd nean Eaoey, botis ffOionsià 0, 'ortaald, epîn.st«rs, bave Mnadeli n apîIIio to tIe Court off Cbrn.is or a e t4flcof ttb-btîje* tore n.ntioue'd propert , Sundet' thei "Act loi Qsseting Tionlté 1 . Iilu iuper Cei," and havs produ aiui ee wlî.roby îthes r arto b@ th isqut4ble ici.I éra tisertof lu t'e., meulljet t eta n cm brasse..; wiser ore auy otlser peimon hsvlug or prteidig W )boie gosy toleite1or iuterùa a lu tise Pold landor losy part tizereot le requirs on or before flle Tuùeâday th1e 80àday ,fNo ., nov aiex: eesanss, 1tfîle a .statesnuîof1Is iao où, i my offiea ut (Iepsod, huIs, lou the 4et, of' Torotop, uni to serve a copy on tise Raid soi. f lculitas, or garnte or elni ot e, andi ou Meorm. oo, ,,,î Mliîse, YitzaeroldjAlo'ku their e<ipcitoru, e Iîcr offiee lai thse £ity Wt "r'oi Ohio' as loi etosslt. vacic- asaci am viii lie barreI, si iahetiti, of the salid applimisês beciane sl'oisîe ssad ndesfelbleratI.lSor And on Eql:y. 01ejcet 0o1 y thIa ervaîioli sel>'on tîni- " lthleha section el tIhe salai Act, aud 'Thin olsmuiteireajoe, two, thrceend four.j Diaî,d tlala,2Zth day of Octohcr, 1869. R UET. J. TURNER, t oesr. f TItles, F. wi Fail1,Coods!. FULL SUPPIIES -or- BEASOXA RIE DRY GOOI)s! To wiicb vo inîvite tiseatetiîonsoff parties, vîsesi vlàisiaag Toroato. ,y.- aacsaa:y twacqt.rrse andt lirdly, bnp. -Cone cfRi-g& -a-e-ir bo ail. Cre fRtg&ygg sr Saine-rub lately i'Prlto g10 hlse depre- Tm"rnO, NOV. 3 t9 iî4 clettion of fl1ayt'iea, csrres:cy. Tt bad. bc- -----______ corne ao pearly worîiim sis tlaibe excisani R E Iw A N D. ci ter goldaiuthaie rate aof cigiaLaenlisusmircai$.00 for one',lia put- tii brokuirs ins prison andi reised sssny Im lise arias>. rie Lànt, on il,, ftrist doy of tise 11Talni..Oronn -rsurms -99 naoi aoticcahie, ai porkla clii ilstair grffisissa or drilliseai, a GId'Enan Worth $*50,1M0 a bafreî. chiai Lnciet. Taie finalc-r viii ,a'ceive tise acve resard b>- Tise Pru&alan executioner *Ill som a e l f iemalaÉfi %- WIW&o 9 nd t&,JI IL C. WILLabr ~* Donslon Uallery, Dudaàsat net.26, ug.48 Troto, latis00t., lut., N M' E l beobLgiien tlsssîen Ordsr Iu t1111 orisevl"bfutrfu ébr lm t rnr tuey ill:;esita;lant thse thes partist. remspueeug or oattng su"snob lande shah be. rosecnd b 1h. u;rnos% igoar Ail perosamar, theérelors, borsesy arned noite lont aisy treesm be.o ualgupm esy Unnli.nso.i cro.v'nScbisor Cieylad lu viai o et u or,. or ryLad co)àlssaosser et Crovunde OStoler 2U, 1869. 48t41u hoie eirehy giron tea il partioa. lsng clitge ln gifili th. eunt to Thomas flosigeon, jr ý, q lot. uflkzriuu ulcossscs. to preftnt 11801ch aims te the utder*igusîe4 fortlswlth. Ansd 0il pailles lî'aihted btod is mid Thoina lio'gi r@ re qtsired t0 mnite a pettîr ment off t$IÏIir o lisly the lOttisday oi Novesnber nout. MSBERT ILO1>G9ON, lEnur. Comboe, 'let 26, 149. 2u45 JNOLVENT ÂC'r Uor 18#9. lit tleilatter of 2Tho, r«kon Holiday,, Daniel Roliday, and IRichard Truaul ITc,,ison, a# adil, indi«Jùdally, a bin fflmirs of tise .rm or' eopasrtaerhip cairyiug on busin>,, -tnder thIe samoi Standflrmof*f'Holidayuà Harrlsos,' a.tienuderaignesi Jamesib olden, cf tise 'roan 1' Wi;tbY, ln tiso Co'zýas f Olnuerio,, lneli êen appolisted Assigne. lahs laestr. Creditoare t-riqne»tted 10ie tiseir chitine bafe. isWllsas JAMES ITOLDEN, Dated at Wlitiby, lii. Lth Oct. 1809, 40-2t 0 T 1 ù tE- la isreb is> aen, Ihal tise partncralip isretofor, onbsixtiug hotwe,,slieo, Lise isa.alarsgned.ss ino Mn iaanfacsnrcrs, lu lise Towsn t illsy. Iis bees. ib isd-y dis- Poived, 'y fnntlsilcssnsent. Ail lebîs cals-g tg tise id l'ftrttaerahsp are t o e ha iid îy cleurIcs. Ring, toqslei irsnaaiisttise mheusid 5'rtascr.hip are 10 be pr ciiised 10 tise ,aid K,,,le Mn, by alsosistîs ie viio i )b. .evnx&Isa- ebntIo J»tEUNLE vilss.. 5ar. CHARLES RING4, "t bobtaaa,, et Goortitz. ayoung girl of JOSEP'H F. RAINER. elgisteen, vfiô-uiurdoretl het - parents ho..- T _LE T i W. IL BILLIN Gl, witneua. cause til *ojtcsld not eallow her to marry'T Datci a. Wiiîy, Ou-ober 8, 1869. 43 the man of hler iseirt- * Lford Pai.s,(rton never wl-iteai the nîct A iwa.lir.g in1'crry'e-B!ocL-, aise his eau Ti4a. hninesoo yl i sfuture be carrieul on b>- Important Îscnport off tise Jrisift emplire, rchidcnce. d. . R a.ier nt île s id Tuwsa . W itby. àterolshirlistise rasivtay.laad hraaugliaîR .PR T -_______________ wtis our lucss'x ilI;rsailistilt loscoun. %Iisthq, Novs* . .1849. 44 TEER SETRAYEJ»,.-U-WatD, trysboo, nti th ver ltfoe hls eat, ÀNTt.D-A oervms;t Girl 10 do generel Bîraycai rons tlisepremînee. oitise suhcrlber, A Pennoyivailu (ormner ivritesCo tais sW hiopeork. AppI> tas about ttre aeeka ego, a counitr papliset h.hocurcdtifs sdiglaler bilathy, Nav 6,10 . 1 oaE'I iA lijn TWO-.YEAR OLO STEER, orf liso Oreion bînalby posariasg aîtei on so______________Wite_________shotend________l isçr and-holding lier out lai tise suas utilil t t-i eadlé.Aistc srs p rtaa ilîa> ~<tj'L. l.Iws, srs.llmade n-pon relssrssing him ________________bock ____________U, jth tIse sirmgned il l lie .austbly rewardcd, s h e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i 0 1îe ib c i i l i .- -' - . î I T oi sle A i a e 5o r f n sd eo sf p r iso a l s a l s o ne s m to n l e n a > - Il î ~~ T». ho fonasl, aller tise publication i tis otce B 1 aMesirs. Lazarue, Morris& Co. viii hoe prooucsal salacorisg tIo aa. -joHsXToN.-At Whithy, on tîte &d WI oe iemcoofilereeila ,BJA>1Es MiuihtSoN fiet., tb ifs ,off Mr. James Johnitoti, - UItiî, Dmuguist, Wiitby, on Lot Nao.8 ti con. Plckeritig. Watchnaher, off a son. SATURDAY, N jjR u.. 5Bn-nznt.22169. Basa,, Pli 1(UTTON...A Wlsitby, on tise 22nd- -ata.Ie p#oo ngo (10fl itid ifi W S& MITE iîte., ithe wife off Mr. Thumeis Muton, off sst il uisasusi siglts.. 1'rtiéti lcirlai Jc goodlfit aildo wetî 10 cati oonIso Opticis. so. -Wiitby, Nov. 2, 189,.4 lot No. 19frolute Brnixelf f teisitby, nriday - ~ ~ lotNoycain otie $r om4itbes cfi ! sssriher' A 1OUNG MAX, OF GOOLD EDTJCA- sr takesi ofsudi a pieu.ci a tua arou na her W-.uaAYO Oct. 27.-A. Keit, Toronto;£X ii.îs, ln dosla-icusof-an engaouementl as isect; *miaou rau! ycarlingheifer, nsarked vils 2. Travail, Toronsto; A, y. F',a.ln N, y.epnrentlise lisas n> capacitr. Appi>-a&et Ibis ifuooa caher loroisesstacbitsife;ttwviite, A asitsTaroat tRWaasag, Cialadoe,i office. audtlp ofiser taile white. go aloge! huer fr-wer Tocate . Siaeporanîlu WIitlaN .,16.~Asl y portion gving Il formation ILat vili Ica liNais 1 f laviterai, ; J A bros , ism.tu tiseirrecovery will bctmsltably tearsed. petvst;a0W -.-ie,- T.,rente;G A Cie.- TANTED.- god genoral Servatt, Wblthy, Oct. 19, 1809. *42 sin ouas, laulire l; ( A-leil, Gorgetowa1; W Appmi>- Dis.0 -E %Vss Later>-, Tpronîo. JItdaR t r stool. TAYEII îr.-;' ereî.y fo i>-&Ilcpantît*,tvina TiauD, < Occ 2.-J C BleuTîsorniai- lNexî oor taDr. Mas'pwensaiNsOoCnbldail paties troîn W'iarir,, iomioion lîperator- 1h R Toasliaacs' tWlaisiy, Nov, irai, 1[659.44 cul asertîcasordt..r,as I wil tout hcremponmible- Y. Grore l'IPicr insg -tL.LAsi<an Piletoss! for tise saine afler liaisdate. J1 No, ,MaS)ticeOl;,11Bil l tiems, 'f'arcato l ' T T. .JACOB STALTEE. M'llaêniado. ; J Clisse, do. :Itl hlckey, Mon- .OL L treasi ;. lte A IL.. Albny> N Y ; 5-Ut l'mao. a reenaooJ, Oc. 19.1889. 42.sin Il aasniealBsekil ;largo (rame IJw,iýlal Ionse (nByronS. eT N IOSFRLEYo, Montrenti1. VGlos4r , ausbrcck- l1 l y ncaîipiesi b>-Dr. tiarsoja; Apis'> ta BOOT FKIssulul 2.Etrcs.Mste ;Tise,. JAS. IIOLDEN. ADA E.OE 111,,,,d, lrkie, Co. WIVlekloa ; J lDo .,(O' Wilb Nv. > . Officiai Atmmgne. ieATrt LW Sccsap JCliriatloèlte esalter; Buîiarsci tS- Ns. ,6<.44ln L I VIIN G IP R I C E 8 iirwtss.le p ilJ ii 'aî>le, '>elilaa; il M3geas Ulsewaî-; J Clairk a vire, Loassos. qIEAT' A L F.0 T Sàtii&,,Oc. a-1 losi mnreaî; J GBA SP G T telciToronto -, .1 Nel!mess, Beleille, Jl.-0iaaRm -L 'S Ene>- Fsmresîl iJ iiile. do lt Griahama, fi --o ie-do 53 ' in~~y. onseci aIWs,, lemi toits; îrîîs,îo lnsos l i'.hieiidry, Detroit'; r'usy c.t8 1 -w Il Dîyl, casixleton j.1ri (let~i, lancismtsr, 1B B;rYasi, Mu.clemler A , L'sado. " Il Llieraet, sowmassvili. MOirsw Noe4sî.-J Cank &Wlfe, Lon. daim I MLoni>-, J B lilels-elsmiaasm EllI. 'T D Y N -GeTyler, bMolitra.tl, Gllm5î r, t Cncal;J .îrrie ah'lifs.cse Alilfrt; G Das l, lsimiltas"P';.ltljii, Naapmssce 13lrikzgm. N ? -Tîos Foret, 'rorimmao: lls-dael'i, Turerno A Lioi*ahasm, maasî.emi J O C lisie,? ioiatreaal ; Jats Laisrss Uxurlige, i Whuîby >turketi. CaIcu.-tOrict, Nov. 8, 1869. FaIdi whefa..1: .... .......0 0 2 l'r lir g, amatie ofmriag 60 60 .go Ca 'at men . .. ..... .. .. .. ............. HOCLIDA4Y & lIARISO~ INSO]LVJ±ýNTS. By via tue off tise povr voitcai lis tue sa Amslg. lcs, l tas I, aater, I viii offer for sale b>- 6 Publc Aucilosi,antishe Globe hhotel, ln a -tise Village c1 ]irooii, o n 2:RIDAY, Nfovember 21, 1869. Ate Ious- er Tu'eve o'cloek, ssooss, Sharp. Tise tuloaisrg v-alsalle properry, siz: Ilcirer,, 2 ycnngz Cetti., 18 Shseep 4 Latnbe 1 FauatniftUî.1 l andai iolles- 1 l'elcsgl 1 lirrowc, 1hieasr, h Bssrgy, abou't 7tosa of llay oia Lot No, .25, ôBisa on. Whibiîy #bout SU toa ric'la>-on Lot ô $rdi eoncem Flosa Remts, also a qsseity of l'ata0tcabasai Turlpii es cis lls<thebove neilloasod lots viloS vh ili Se soldaet so isucli per I'nvlei. FA C L2, h-lng tlIpropeil>- cf 11CRI- AlBiD1Z. iIRI8,,un lnoirsîayt-$ Ha>- Ili-es , 2 Brownssrers. 1 hBasy lions., s yeera aid -.1 lire> ics-me ; 1Steer1 2>-na olai. 1ilcîffer, 2>r, old.p ,8 1Lu anber Vs aujaons - 4 pair Bobsleighs p h coversi Buggey 4 Neek- >'nkes ; 2 stablie Yerk*s; 1 pair More blunit- eus ; 8 oaidoublehIarss 1esti elHarrows, h No. é4lisvaPleugIt, ilaund ioîler, h Sotch Plougli,1 I 'uasgb, 2 kSevîlso*asued SSmles,2 .ttaa cutters, 1 set Wifelrets,, a J»gglng (Ch1îne,011cross-cul SAa, «-lmni- keji W eucis also a lolhi si w'!g$PUviiesîs. Tise follealas, proprtylsI on Lot - No- 7, @th cn. lPickrng. asd muet bu roci b>- ythse 1archser, viz --142 cordaeVais Steve boîts, eredouble lengîls BhlnaleiBcîue, 9 ccsatu beedingsorh ehingle boîts 27g tiosaau boeudings1 £ BACk (lIAnt" ?Roîe aai pes 1 lares ucie for MlU1 s ua«fa-aue, 1 g!iQ atone, alot of old files. aimachins, For tumng barrot lasedingu, 1 steve machiît, a quanit>- an=1m sd îra, about 4,1100'dis-Rais,ea Lamnber Tard, Whitby, ais.St ?Uutjty- lu tise VIlloges 0fBau isa dasi muoki. -Aisetloneer, OffciaiAssigne. hlà KB . N OcT, 2935 . 3u TisaIappiiesselonv isb.mads ait tise nxt Seff hl b.01LÏI,lsrs efor lb. Provinceo01 BotP4retrPèuter purti7 re-1A n- l Beg to annouuce that Friday, O0- Bonnets, Mats, ea - PLOWýRS,, CAPS,.", NTLES,4 Suitable for libesson they also begt ytey1 thoéevie amia fr01 ceDrus-MLter, MSSWRSeR, wHI b&ve charge cf that dcpar&mont A orl oilisrespe LLw 4,U, 9mShownrmq rg OC, 10=27tw he suoosto.bAy ïCil ckverPettuerSas5in ke tw ou irc tei OP MENS' ANIYBOY&' th r . ,m Atoor rdem d7rtmnt, GermÙent. got up &CuGROCERYDEPAUTET nov mont bave scurcd oukek.tridirectesité Our Tese, belngtrong ena baVeSeMra diect tom »ndn, speclal preu for quautibea,-Corcki ol~~~~Cl aootvo Oi nd examine tise stock, as o-are -deternine NEW'FALL &,WIINTE1I GOODS CHEAPER THA,&N EVER, AT JOHN- .BERNARD'8. w Tiewua L fcvwla (consisting 'of Staple and F'ancy Dry: Goods, inichnding a choie selection, cf DRESS GOODe, SHAWLS, MANTLLe, &c. Also Re ad yamad e'Clotýhi ng, wbich wull be sold very cleap for cash. Highesî price allowec for BUT-TER aDd EG&S . W» Remember the new store in Wilkinon's Block. JOHN BERNARD Wisitby, Oct. 25, 1869. SP ECIAL Our Mllinery Show zlooms will bo opened on TIJRSDAy,October 28th. when a choice selection of flowMXilinery will b. shewed. HAMLTON & CO. Wisitisy, Sept. 30, 1s6e9. 9. CAT cSLE ÎAE OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL IIOTEîL, Whitby, Sept. 23, 1869. 38. A. 5AVIZiG 0F boFER CENT lN 1'L L lin Ajj.vOF ifORTH98 PATENT -T Economical Drm Heiator, s vusen eau ne appiiesi 10 as,>-kînsioff stol@1, ICoeok, Parlor or B&Î, viteSequal niantagu, bisrssngrAther ceai, vooi or pet, one ces-a of vood doingssncis as Ive. Révérai <coma octiguens, or eieis scaneiboseas con ha om- <ortas.hiestoal b>-ouilse cue f' Ife$hmdrums wltlC but oneoe . Tie bstilmiou lu won- dorfaîll' snproved, as Il hîcata srinclpaily b> circalaaou, eli parts belleg aquary>honeli is drsainu un f,,gmuliqrly aiepsed lor oiasrcises, etcbolc. i.,bl ,&.ADY imout oetlocal re- foe-oe.s enu S iien IU rcqulred. PERVE -- - Ciond upwar do. ti. cireular mess on Application. Pas-liestisaI ar- e snison off latIg tIeir buildingssailî sisulsiseMAthla ster, sitl la doidedsy the ibéat uan oet eom leal one 701 luvesici. Tise snb&Mrb.r ,albe. ihappy 10 <uruiipe climtlons andl p. ----10 an>par- lies tisaI vîli favor hlm villi theîraM-s 8etng lise Mutof but reuisa, etc, Cà*m-A4enste iîlg be»mad t. hn ot.seare mroquests ai uiAUta h vords 'I. Ioth'a P Ati4 AprI10, 1568" 0 ate ufiuglng or lmitaUth ie aosa Ien iihatsproseeuedaeooalLt. JOHN SK.1N,'NER'i 100 pais Witney Blenketa, frcm $2-75; 85 puoces of roi, wviIte, bisse, ai Fleassel (romn 22 cents per- yard; e large lotMcisouemapeFlnnei, rom 5a; tory- CotOUset WhOlétéaleprices bY the prie; heavsv lici, uasbleachied Seîus Yards vide, 45 cents per yard; 15 piecestlichîngafsc 2e o o. e ris2 piecea feetiser Tickings. front 25 10 S0c. per yard; Menutie COIcbi lasnicvarelt ,-,0~o $1 per yard; Jackets lus 15 maltes asd styles, rom $1,53 t. $20.0; $havislu aibe <sahicus, fromt 2.75 10 $6. aI.ide v idi d 11hs- asvan; tO .«cl, -and u-r N EW DRESS GOOD~ Beffoe puscheeigth.t Yupi, as vaguerente. t. saeotimsa. Ileust 89 par cent; . hating secured, ansi mmense stock ln th. London aud Glasgow Mekeg. diing lthe re- ceutaeps-essiou in thse mouey ma laintse'olai cousnlry. e d-m e-lîi IalAepShr, nr-hrasdPns Nekls ud Pest frua *-50 Twed ait t. order, rm $9; tcJuîbodr rm$0 Wbitby &Mnbaeoct. la, 1869. Teprice fBarley has fallen, Ievrourede nd CIA LL5 [o, ag Cas Trae . TmsORT vu,,. .ezp or, mny aton;allsheonyRAIL W A Y C 1 PAN'Y. ,MPBELL. psovn-ts s e bavé lis itZda&sne.tisafol-. loigason't b, aluribedud Sokof ____ lo~10pr cent, pe= W Dm211 iuhr, 1869. ecear, W. *P, P. R. cm, Whltby, Sept -14l'1849. Ji iv ..i1b 'ALEUABIL ()FThei l IIT3YF't "I , l ai07Ils,"Ovamiewlelby, aII "'1 dociclee m'Oon *Weduesday, Nov. lti, 1869. d t .aîwu ..If 1l~7o G oods. e or le" ton: T pse contn0g4res, ofrte A fearful sacrifice of over $20,000 worth of li. Lot2, ln the Broken Pront Cou. READY-MADE CLOTHING &C., and vlin a fo* smÎnnÇ oltufo Whitby 100 pieceDundas Gre -Tise property Mfinul bë. ulIud 1 i nts y Cottous, nt 12j cents, Worth lOb. crier te carry ont tise termscftievi.Te 1000 Cotton BagosdPercy MiUi. $5,00 per doz., Worth $5.5o. ludiopîstabe.e 200 buindies cotton Yarn, Perey Miii.,$1.9o, Wort~h $2.TEISFBAETesprctah, 8,000 yarda Prints, rosa loc. to 17c. Worth 140 to A0. t tise tisa.. 0<mae, andi a sufficiept. im itis 2,00 yars pain inees, rosal0c~to 0e. ortb~ ~tn per-cns, 10nko one tird of tisprchsu'ua 2,000yard plan Wiceysfrom10e o 40. Worh nsolso50e.-vldsiin oue mentis of tise day of - sale, 100 Piccee plain and lancy Dress Goods, (beautiffol deig».) ri1.ls i¶' %thelaun. txouers froin Mi wool Firencah Merinoc, <rosa 55. tb 90.Uie off ale one ssexl, vttb <ro I sas Mourning Goosis of evcry kind, very cheap. -For lsrtlser :atiuisr niajpairpini al. rg 50 ail wool Shawis, ver>' fine, trosa $2 75, te $6. 3K. tis uct5oreer,4.in"i J, airen-s One case Velveteess Menties, $5, Worth $7.50voiorteeecln. gJ .Ges- 100 Overcoats, froin $4 te $14, Worth $16 to, $18. W, H.dBILLINGS, , I E. E. LAWDER, 100 $it, beatCsinadian- Tweed, from $10 to M2. 30 ent.gL TIfhEw. 800 yds Fiannel, (White, Scarlet, Bine and Grey, frosa 7 acent&x We reeUuily solicit a eall. Deteai, lisOctober, U869. td-41, T. H. MCMILLAN & c-o BERI nK AMERICAff Whitby, Oct. 149,1869. ASSURANCE G I P N -i - L M k yg *-2K 3 Car toUdS of Coal 0I-1, For HATOB II à E89., Ivo of ahlch vfe menufcturcAl for cxport, viiolemdale sud M. S T O V S , 5 0 V E . ~ < i . t n g , P a l o , u d B% x 8t o v si a c h o pela t e r n , fi s s t é l a s la~~~~~~~~ é tis liatie-nsîlesu, k .acae teIm 'ftiinos 1 0îlîpcae lows, aetznc c o abah t" nat >-oudm é r requl<e. - clèr tisonoui. Cosnn.early ssai aecffl [RON, IRO.-Bar Is-on, Biackomigb's Vcquiring stocka of Iron, &c., are ruspectffully eqeto «10oIl and. examine nr ock of' prie», Hors. Nagils, Rampa,]Ielionucs Atvils, &0s. HIARDWAREIl ARD WARE.-.Persons finisbing bouses, arc rcquested t10ae ocuir stock et Locks, Butta. Boita &-e , anal compare primce ansi quelit>-. Alao e stock off getaiine1 Poiast, tilla, olera. glass, k.tt>-, &. Machine clls guaraste. saiaction. ý Queýr usae triai, and save lime and mone>-, by buyiiig dirct <rom tise impoiters, copboe!,, trois and ved asi bai-Saslu, Apple Pareru, BlIesm Grinai Stoisc, Rodgerî pocket ana tbl <'ll,-- inncd, iren, nýckle. asîd plateai Spoons. Coal Oii Lumpa. iluiisor Wicks &a., lu tact al.>- ding >-ou require isnIHardwvare, Stores, or Tinasare, gel it at Hût3h dt brotiserc. PATENT EAVTETROUJGIS,ý Put up las eay part off bbce cotia. Samnples cen bo seon at our store, aime ta Lovea & Po-s'elI'a nea store, On ario Ba n.k, ea i a cuber uildia »inasto va i and couait ry>. A s la v a e HATCH & BROTRER, Whiîi*y, Oct, 8, 1889. Impcrtera off Rnglish k Aneircen Hardware. 8 lLFi(ÇT GOODks IN GOLD & SIL VEfqR WÀ.TCHES, Colored ani Brooches, emRing, P nCss Bouquet bildon, &o. English Gold plated Brooches and Ear-dreps, Iset .Tewelry in Jet and Yýul- canite. Etectroplated Tea spoona, butter Knives, butter Ceooter; ot&c. Cloots lu great variety. French gilt uhade Cloot;, suitable for preasentaticu., French Fauey Goods ; Spectacles tO unit al sigh(s. Solid (Jold Weddirig Rings> Le d bright Gold Ear-Drops, - AtcMaE OHST Whit'by-, sept.23189 N. PIPPEN'S91 I ivill seil Cnpboarda i haging IjiOl one month, Sofa, ifU4sWrdoMaR Watcliniaker & Jeweller, Lunhot PlinWoid.- Tam Üne S Lx-tlo., - - - i U l ~ ~ T U Nole. I ters t 0L. r& o iet J i< tPieerin,~ Al . 2,C86 . - An Losî er PUENTURE o03 ALE O LETO E T Yo appi>- b-. py- ,Y% BAu C.sWIOr N, sarUeuers ------ 1 rJ¶IME UndOoersgn i igbussi appcimîca -a- Agent for tihe aboya compatir. sIoamuw PseoPare toînua re prty agsmnmt LBIÀ i 4pply 1ti. L-l2mce. Agent, Whithy F 1 UST-CLA8S1 8 y FOR s ALE OR TO -RE ,STA I Cosposeai oh the rosi part of Lot'Né. 33, 4th coo f Whjtb3,. obount0 gorgeea lei iseremainder adi timu'cel. lThere lu a Lgoosi trame Dweliing iosue, wilb ston18ecellar, 25 x 35 sas courise of eneclion, <rame Birn, 86 x 56, ai~i iseas s-n dorneatis. Tisere tg a living stinïù fusîaill4g tiarassgh ttue Frsiiý itho iuaisiauabîc. Aloo fer aivie a large quanîity cf' goa Coal - W6cd, hioli iaa cnt bot aisltcr, aIse a qsýý.os- tily îZi*emlock Bank foruie. ylor ternis andi fusrtber parti cnILira., pply (;f hytmter pre-paid) to ALEXANDER OG.TON, Wlitby, ct.ýiý I l, 1889S,, - 8m4 Farm Stock, mpet, &o., &C, Tise Subpsriber I lasreceaivsiingatione t c'ar for sale-b>-Publ.a Auctiers. wautbat:: oh1 Plckerlng, os. Monday, t 6tfl Nov., 1869, thse fllIcWingit lullea rprertý heooging as. Eoert J. Rieba-aiula - 1 Mai o s cl; b% Losian Tans 1Marc. ii, foui, b> - Black >n ttaa - -1 1108se, geai; 1 >iare,isgad; 1isa>- >ture ;11*imak Mare, çj by,'i. TalIon"e; 1 lick Rosse;. 1 black tira- - >eg? uld colt, fait 4bj' aWaillngton'I; 5 mile-h ceas, las cif; 2 tbree->-ear elal ulerts, a Z, yen.- olai sterrs, a two.ysar ohai-ileiflfii, 8 clic.- year £Id Heifere, 2,ore-ycaroldsiom4sriq 1av-,8oes .bosar pig, I bairreur psg, 1 n..-' psg, 8 s'îrlig gug 1 ison suie iago,2 sc cg)woqguasi 1foubi b pi bb bismeal rk-aping nuiacii, oClaie ;1 io2bialeai as-Ifý ruker, 2iirtvtru .ox, oga, eia 1rFe, a'ufip rîigiuitif mail, Î5h.a raletf »uiler i Jigrgeta4a, i1 oe--i Aa, 2 Pair waiiletreee, 2 ncckyoke ai- fIatf)Y eirrn Piitei i Ïio ok al Joutrcai Jmarkets., feaa~saull, $ 1 Obo prlpg,$1 9O>;i 02t0,& las- 1u>ê" 2<.* storc.paaked, I9 Asti-I>ta 5 4o *545; p-aurîs , 5 2X -Toroqto Mlarge@ paît W!iet, 9 o pyls- 1 Spe., s 8; t ts, ,iaî> iA DVETioEMENTs. ETATE Oi UE LArB DE. TIARE. Ai l ࣠- ssa ne 10tie «el t be s tojmm , G r « flred to cty7fortivts qu.vi' ion.. BAItG Whitbyo Oct 23,1869. 1 Wlitby, Oct. 25, 1869. OTICE 2 ýl MeMillari's Block, oppogite Ontario Bank. - 1 1 19UT 4 1 si 1 0- STLE FO

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