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Whitby Chronicle, 4 Nov 1869, p. 4

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E I ST~MÀuKET PHIC F1WNCHJM8S AY, , Wx, WJLTEIGDE.. traaahmad' a , sept. £i 85. sol 13 U 1-1D ET'S .Upoo11,w pilait piioi.,sUd are #a.- ual r~u. la Lowo, 5o,4css, asd Vrcly sw gsIuefor tige Piêao. £bc s deegu d wurkiwaulp are Vary eogaut, sud would, * f l Tlu u AwsIt ta auy drawlng.;rooin. Kiib- fr54 dfaouttoollMit a sdtIe re ,Au, twriJoII Who Widls ts a urate Vary boni, roi à fâ.t.rmoeut uow Mwsufa&chur*d ailuld out tif@ t!ulsg a ru. Addreàa, Box, 170, Cobourg. .8 m ' Wlkgal. Agons forcanu4a, r [ll LIVERPOUOL &e LONDON & (f LOUE IMMUUM CECuM eAN y lm vue or thea usuast prosproue ai Euigllh Insurande Co. * lta JNVMED FUJiDSar.-..,.lionOt,096 Ji* DAXILY INCOME xoo ..$20,000 lis LuYE 1'LIC1lU are a ours.--rutectioa- isîr ta 4futures> ltk PIlLE 1POLICIES, Ieeuid et (!oauUev B:4TUroi nrd ample ptîotectiou vli u hoMarchant Alil fslr olanlouor'nr J'AI, atid Ou ut- * iil t Jwlfeiy LQaUsvlu the .Jutîoî 0.Y.,C. 64iTI Chlief Agent olot' ic. L. YAIRBAfli 'Ju. Aevan~ At 1wtiiby, ualj Wbltby, uyOtsth,Ù6. 0 De Fa. BUR <El i dealier, - KING s'r.. £EAS', OSIIAWA., GROGKERY &GLASS WARE À AWYLL 'SELL'C'ED STOCK M a' lhea1 a s' t. 21uC'udn 1619' . O, ossty f'Lonn'oz, Ont.,- Canada. j JalAiiOoussl)uy ofllintiisgo, * * jProvince of Untarlo, l'Ob. PlI, 1860. n ["118lea crlt atdr lîssr.c ,tIhe wlitcr et 10i via.talionlsWItlîa Wooaleuîs voftiso 11)oltus wl18r#u0lus slig l, f4prilig ut 1 487, exleiucloi to iii>'9 , iio, ati-idonu pu- tti il> !ligie, sud 1 beessitue »woek(t VaIIoouldlisct %-.tk, but.vos coufiie uei syotsîîtr. For about i vwo >'ara, '*ile tlii. ealiaswee cming oit trio, sud saftrwards, Inan,lt nesllcmaladvici, à.-ITiclur t d ferel leu, j:eeidstl 17 I'yfritieibi but Qa ie oavall. 1Icoutîlî0u'.l te get vfru sud woraq, pîlaiet ofîîqri'1868, wlien 1 wu* îaelcs u l-t ry Ilse lrrut $11lîa..iias use iLemod>' tiyreâsdl ii.the erabé'ior orizo2 apupuo.At Ibis liai, 1 bsd begîîîla t 1 oui tae weakuaas lu su>'b audit;lu ent 1 W"e greîlug atusoit tilons. I bava t iloun 1wo 1,tIl00 01 the dSlauosueou Neisusal'and twvo 1 uxià of tiie pille aundi1as suitrely retorail tu ltlh. I uaver ex puctsd -ta get bttûsr. btn isUnply lriad tlîsîiici ho oaniaemort )1f trloru Iwole. TiseGaeut' Iîfmin e a t nprivaI, elite, but kijawu ta tiltsis>- sîelgçliboare nîl îlio& anu, ta i»' o0îe0aiieud asean ia, iiijve oul t egty thse gooaiuoct i oussd> MAI01 ANN DOUOIITY. i»M dnlnd q p .kb,'s,v, 1869. A. Y. W'ocn, J.K, ke.ý i 1 liaroby ceorlif>' tIat 1 havo kisowiî>frt.' 1, rLAua Douuhti fur thé a tsfift tba jous<; lsown ieisr bfore d urhugund .sine# lier fl. aises. I1 bollev ie r eertitot talie truc it saery 'pafticilisi. I ksîow. tlI muwliliebr rl aieaeJoicrod isopesi; Anîd t1l-kcw thss n -' ,4,o ié, lues iber trevry',lwqu sttrlinlus %Vhitiv~r m<s ahi t* pceullur propefllai cf tIhis ssu4lols>, ou. thîingla cartahlit 1îî-lsur elle#, Il bas ecaci slmustilîko lise periliiatîice A. F. WOOD, J. 1. WVaden of te. Oaunty of llîsîifgt, Provinceo of Otario, Dominton of Cnada. 16 ,Now.:Ba-kery' Il l wtb prbmpllu deIoardeexD tti Bko el oâtar o C aé0 ke, TarU ai dBliaeenlsi sr MtoXII knde lu aeasosi. Ai. DLoI$ MNls, Usager User, JeO. Bakr, Colitacossr, &a,., Brook et PROF. 3. Pool*, lIE81DECE. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i p ~ 8NiIBTilo ls npanob, f0; tbeory of Mlmiialoqmosllou dk., elira, 05. rAuaý'arIsUçs at wor L tit1.aoi lié Vofflor Pot togadratase th*rapld - *lk@ otaas~.>f pupeplpaeeudesJsig licl HI Z ATIL!, COINO, ,TIR tànJ.rslgtný bsving reýtvec O tari, làe peis dta gv.prî Inîolepoy 5~ rooisr>' Note& ýofienorOfficiali Auîl5nee for'North ,"in oalInatters inlIa.îkrttptcy or Icosasihs ipeal>' collectai £and rewitt-anoea Ou good Tifa11,naicrt tSq c ft . et Spccînj atteniton will b. givan tathe licgonsiton 0 and tiorrowers àan roly upgn bdviDgtheir applications ntnded taomty n at sIllillI pensoe. Mrg Muio, Lands, botit ImProvod and unl'nproved oontsntly for salo. Insurances ceffsctod lu tbo Ontario Fermnera MutuaitInsuritnec Ctompanîy. E. MAJOR, OiIhlAoulgu(wuauVautr 1>vrt~akdii A'eîy »oeabr ,1,8 TH-E- OLD STAND!I The undersigncd in roturning ithanks for tio liberal patronage hsthortoc;lusnJsd htetthe oui £-sîablisehniont, for noarly a pc:iod o!' fcrtyy 3'srs, doairca tg "Il' ttîaîtlie bliow an liand a lai'go assortnutof the ut Iost inodersianad clegant And trusts by proper attentionand mnoderato priccos to seoure il continuauce of public patronaeo. Practical upholit4,riîîg. 1'santura ro-sîufled aud Undertaklng and Funerals Fully Supplled as heretofbre, 0?. gw»Some splendid specimens of Picture Frames- and Gilding. Wbkiby, MftYOh 9, 1868., CARRAU~FACTORY, MO'DO0NO0VA NY 13EGS TO DIUT41 1NTIO"T TO ItS L iR(EC MPE LSOK0 OARRIAGES, 'BUGGIES, &o. 0F THE BESISMAÂKE. A.CA.LL ISSQLICITED, M. O'OOVAN, Whili.y, l5uguât Ird, 18009 Agicultural Worke. LEFFLeL'8CELEDIIATED VIS Aff stEL XA x is li'KIC Vheeis marcro nom nanufactiiriiag Ttsaethý,onyyotsur îiip il, joecud sud taegIve as goad *ai4taciiu uy au> sua- raUe tdig f'urther lnformatlau cau Ob- PAXTON5, -TATE &-,eÇ O,' . i'etiy-St., P~ort Pa:rc>, Ouft, merch isot., 1869. la1 f 'I '-i '~ si-A- iTisntaIpplicatilonmilii bus înd g I11 oau saion t etls'lissaaeiaîof Ithe "rvl'rvesOf O nîntrî>,, 1er ut t'art la asend tise Aeîî ralttng Io tise Port W-hltby & Port Pabrr3. Raflway Co. À$ ïOLLOW'5, Tro auntîiriait n 1îcrenase intuno cEsptiîll Stock ott4uelIeilsvay Company ;..Ti>enÈthorize ais eteninof î elîd Ilien>' 'roi" lufi% rtlieus turîîiîsne t B l Atustu, provtiud >' sul Act$,, la owoy'0i1)cutlie watcri ilfthea Gaurgian Basy; sLa unlirriza. aty %îîîiahjslity ta. «nmmue j'ni "Mpt 0 0 ré ci*rti. euls et thée T lms; 0in a setIî lo ttgage Bauds on tlie i Mlesy ti iy !li uslîstl<L)où,aùrîaido- lilteui Ihe Couin y,ê wW, <atq, th ie lioldera ; Ta leitlias, tis e usIaaiîîicf irctorà and rcteinl Mracatlîc, tiesi)I'îîsuiîy t» *Socretary PW.&se~J. l e 1-I E SITZER, si. 1 BAKCER vs WITZElî. 1insin O nQJr OCthtie CçIvrt.cf Chan- Me>,aaon 'tii.tLbove uinatlor anid Ciuco, W er viih. oid Ilsth' tp jprohî an jjaî Heo (wr' : Dfartnell, .Eq., M.Usîex o! tIm C'ourt, ua hiitui>, ou ' ' SATURDAYO NOV. 0§, 1869. At teco'oc l Iilae fterîîoolaî.st lite Oflce or theeuilmuIati-taIWlitby by ianbor :lel. jj* PAICEL TWO.-Tg,0 Waçt Inîf of'Let Nunsher Pouruwlis itise FultjClcmi ail lise Temujeîl i! Broak, III'i4,ce.siun iflil Ares- O.&4 s'5ostts Ena h certise: iseroof. ' Tlaêoie Ce abOtihFort>' Acreaassred on IPur- M~ Oue, a Log Jioua, ai lie Fum-ci ~arecI1 l~ie~a<a iliîtîon ailiîl us tiiait,,lîî5.. out1 ltit~s yable ous tisa 11h Fetrcir>', rd lait, uualla lu arress>. Ot Prir> -Tbeo;aara ab1ut Ifty'A ors Iccirdon Par- .oet Tee. a g'od frnfîo- hionsi f26 x 18,31 (mt lut mud Ssvlncs' Saclet>, for the um of'$2 SSiI payu.L4is 'Uteecu ye.r1,'va>' tuif I,'>. ntrs1on tisa1 Suit _ yof ! o I â 1i aoir nute»ers orf -persdeid'ta hour, I1.'> LUe. per.--Weelrkl-i àacvance, * i .5 i5t, * . ' * . . . 51 AL'SO A GO0D ASSORTMEgT 0FP DBroad CIOtb0,1 Dooakins, Melton, A S1>tcndid výariety of Cents-' ,Furn ishing CoodsW Goods mado up iiltot s4lc, at low p soCes, for ÇrasLu Brick st., WhstbyAugue4, * A E-186e.IN L!x. Fornit r~elrEvybd TH1-P LOWES$T CASH, PRUCES, TO SUJIT T'HE TIMES, A&T TIIE SIGN 0F THE, Dis '&ROC'H,' S IEAIW A.vrylargeassortment of Fu4niture,,conisting of Chairs,'So'fas, l3eurc'aus, Bedsteads, Tables; &.,o ad very arficlo iii the MÂÀD E TO OLIDEII AND. WARRANIED AISQ rcpairing, moving and boxing fu'rîîiture dono inî the best and m ost caî'cful naîîîucr. Undertaking attendedto and Funerals fully Supplied' 31 Nos. 1 2, Catdlwell'a Block, Brock street, Wliitly.. CLEARIING OUI. 0F SUMMER STOCK 0F 80- CE NTS PER GALLON. Ginger Wino, on draughit and in botties. Henneszey'e beet.Frenoli flandye on draught & in botties - Davîs's Don Ale, in 10 gallon packages, & on draught, Guirniesses'S Dublin Porter, POI,'orSH-ER-RY, s-IUuS, GROCE lES, Best 'Frenchi Vinegar and'Bottled Vinegar. T1EAS,- Rama and Bacon,1 A FINE LOT ON HAND. W'hitby, Atîg. 29tli, 1869. '- R.uim K. JAKSON EýSTA13LISHED 1867. Ti1-1E -M'O'N T'l RÉL- TEËýA" 0M PANY, rE-eCqtiuued amcolisn of tlîie Oompey la onlynttribtatable ta the quelit>' "aidpurl-tfheir ý4I'IssaOeruuiudndtlia.0,st 0"*~i.o t13hârsàbeau saut ta a114'as>st partà t lseDo- a41 ll acu wardi a tI îusumud nestIMOQ18 ii4 'be stîawn ýboarrlî4 ttiuny ttkisq q alsy undJ 12b il uaCrards. Etier>' puvaia. wnrrssuttfd teagira-iatsuhacion. club logotier anîd sciid ter futr Urfaa61,Vste, ic ir li umlbeantL CaalFge frai ta au>' eilmu>'Station lu lte .oulîicî. 'ri iOit oucy eaubu sollctcd citioliver>'. t4' r>'our fraui groîud cent o et d us i 5aud 101b. Tins au arrlà;, tis atsvoîîr of ivltiatý là rusait>' excellenît. ,siid avery pscusrý u wrrstad. 201b». lestandIl 5 o ia aiius te aiq a44U.ustion t15arrissao fruo, rsuivr:ut par. Eliluss reeafa. iraoe Le(, îrssgou.45'.N00.; Fine Flavui cil New se"o. a..£., 00a. nmal 65.;' Ver' BsulFuî Vtiiîre du 7f.' oaid oa.iB'43r;- tihch Flavusuredsiu. bta.; Vcry Fille du. '75c.;Japeu GÇMJE If TË Tirnkalî 5W.55. okc.JYuwsg J*tyuôsa.5O Olui ý750. e.;Wdo. 7e;VyF1i60;BprnsuVr chviee $1; Pluei 2spwfe e;kencsprudo 01, Iço. l'sue. No 2j 250.INo. 8,200. j NOA.14~. per J b. OuuýItis car),ý yeirsx i 1 ircmilthefirfcba r a.su gnyour bosue. 1 hv.erriehoiF sita), ~pz.c m.> 1,10 ISUIIW JUDf ve l5 WJ ieeu thue, a pf Iiu. !ncy meiitot h. . elbo o 'pnw) r tý Out Or imon>' Ipuerà n(aîmiler import w. publlsb the uordi,,udliMe large bassitéias liy ah, <u,. ,, are duisig suaî >b oâa. Ibe lee4t raidoîi4o f l Uiitt bo l. ,L, 1OtiAa% Iu .-. 'J'.e liait w. Peunc iea Weiltiffaifd wiliî ir iset Is>'purrituc recclrcd (roisyuu k glîvîîsg tirr' au Aeiou l (rili I[bons W. (ccl p)ieuure in %ivig tIsaI aisy' lia.t. are li pcaaadwubiil; xc:luii',tiilC tic». whIeh out resler. ina>' have mew auis: aa, usaiy dot la. Baud haSt wck. me>' b. <Liii w1hle ie icoifuL.1we. Mlegj, ItI Jswîao-;;ni.a 5'. Turcem.. ved roiiyliugsrc ver' gud sii(eOiuîi sd wua The ga -,-Th Torono T CAag lwbu hurslried iaem o(gsîhaxeliugqally.that ail irisa. liret lit Tlh. e uie part>' wrllss, agahi111hisAug.j as (oUlhuwg have rosmlri îuroughly uadlMied. I Ir te>' du aîe trdlo TefseIlrs> mesls iaitîyoa, w. du sauit kww wh,> CaII. doud; ssâu, thse Cu&hst.PP THE TOIRONTO TEA CPfPAIýTY, 188,. Yonge Srelrno Sispt 21, 1860.as TO WII1.LIT MAY ýCON CEIN' ' The subscriber, having .learnezd by actual experience, that the. C RE"'lD IT T E M la wroag in priîioiple aîîd unfiir to the Cash dealers- comyel iùug tbias itom nke gotud ltù lls m suesaiîed by ttisfiuag the uiissipohast D.i rER3,1NED WLIE MAi"rii:lý., 0 COSIDICT HIS J3UI.?IESS Hie would thereore ony1 to itaenlng pu-ch-isers: that ho- wîivll, Bsell goodu s iapt ba î a.n îy i n % îto% s ! tt, does a't i dt 'b'ai e cî1 ( ail A N D , EXMIŽM UN bàixrST0 C E 01 l L E' 1 Flour, Provisions, Crockciry, Glass and Ea-,rthenwýare.&.,&. bbto pu:'elîasing lD i'.Ansd iL str'ict intcgî'ity arsd fuir deul e'! bttthd up a CASH 13USINESS in thus T.own, I :ni »ftc's' à. SPositively no goods deLivered withotit the Cash. The highcst cash price paid formary quantity of good Firkin's of IUT£Elt. ConrofB o; 1tnu t op.t 3Lci07t7I r.lus. Coracî aiOyrsî lindss sl, ppoist. ialisi t ies REDUCIION, IN Tile, HLICE OF Farnily Grocer les fresh, cheaiper 'than' evel, At Re F R A N CIS8, bzo. il ON THE CORNER,. IMALT WHLSKEY, ]PORT &SHIERRi ,WINE8 A spleldid atcei aret, good and ccaP5 Dutter, E DIVISION COURTS IN TE COUNTY OýF,ýO>NTARUOý, FiOR THIE YEAr 1869. No. 1, Wlîlb....._ lLhJL 4. Utril o...........27 .L.'1 29 71 usîuroi...........* * . .... ....* rhltby, Jimlou r ltis, 1869. JDx At NO. 1, ON THE CQR',NER. ýggs, and ?arme u's' Produd RL. FRANOIS, 1' - I I ~O ~A1A e X. B.-Spc»1 attention Pis! tao C FMRNCE...IIo DI L. Mel .$IllutOr; Mi.JcIls. 51w psin. eî G. O"rsswfordi Ssulsr; lJosî.M? C Auîgi o rrieop,,Esq,1M. P,-, olII M 3aq . 1 1 . , T . 1 ) m a d oI l e y pE e , l lire. (tOrl)ttti.id lnruiuv, Ori ist, ce NEWLY 1IPORTEI fAPIIlGANIG Ni Fcosatc mcu lii1ly laii a l f bwi'hli.NDiab o oalusi4t Vrffcducd 'rles. antiPa iaiîng, rusgGàu1 Dadestreet, WLshhy W1ltiby, April à, 1808.,-t FIIF14sliI &_CURED! l3e f lt Veal, k1mb ork, &L*, Coriied fleef, Pork an~d Ci fongocü L'aGrtiil inii a ulîeriuro gaîr;a.l ' ;rtid i t al55lîlu50 ~t ustt~i i ré- Co -i ô Isî an) Unci t'ueusuel fnîi'ursgl-i lt'roi. Allusem pl. itîsusîit r01- erécro luth, flaurt !DLosdo 4ges.t> for .ssds Agtent for WlikOlîaluiuuî TRE ALBIO!3 'MOT.E, cornter vi' Brodec & Dusidita Slreeu 0. C. cPIJERSON, EProprieli UO-LsiweSts ssuiht saun fla r Di'cs ng and S a i SALOON, * e TrScr iElL BA'iZ or ureL 22A, ui Sls, heNorths bslf or!-£ot X"o,12, laiseIbo coasueisasi cftiea TOWNaIP Fof pIOKERINE 'lily a1cciaiahst C'udur, anal gocd lardwood tht, it. Isa uiI e g a d is l rl Wi tri i.'l thora. ni&L cjlîit.sl MilI ltoitouatise a1t tii- YII Dr..-ADAM FLLÀTUS, Grceiiml - r ta W. Il. BILLS, salicitur, Wiibl G:coîamooj,bla>' 5, 1119. * ! JONCARTER, - LICENSEýD A.UOTIONEER.' ONT4.RI01r YOR~K 4 PFE~ làm Es1PEýNCE-Loî 8, sa, oO Mlarkam-Ilos OIlc-'uiYnoù ille, SALES teliîdedluthe unoret otice,i o u> r sre sthn l o e t or m îs, 'T ô m 8ias a n h a m i d 0 1 bille prlistusd utteoChioMie-e 'Ufcefoc Carter. .'- mLLii MON, . m A. 'W. "I .0., 4nOiXIr AT LAW, Salicit &Jcory, canvojauccr, &(., &e. si mcoojl'..4 aa;a DR. HAN=O - Yllo x KLàlD & TolmO IIIRGEO, A CCOU-BE * R. J. <;UVNN, l J lURGEON TO THE -OUjç SByron Street, WI.itby. W. . LAW.a.A. il à- %Vllltby, Sept. 1, 1869. , -muqumu a AXE NOTICZ, .C M CD J, WhiLby, July 22, 1809,, 1. Id Rye,. a'nd

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