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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1869, p. 2

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VAY UMP»Y, ur8on4 7wl, ýV!1ý IDI«uV,,lW.l long M It la lu*O ý Dot aGýý1ýigbt1y, and Chat Was the "nom, -irq»«Jej Ir, "a pr"ared'f& - roffilig, Meeting or the rat ;iýïï with, the Sailwal WhY they boa asked' the Ipetstur@ te stockf&$2eoig polit W'tbe si«1ý WÀ4, ho-ropew-ed, t'O t1l the wbok WwAï"ýr4 belp them, They wanted-moro--thd -fàrtbâ amounto, té ai -Y t à and ý bbiýu Tfie! Ils 'won a en y or bùM wanted te &,va Choir bo4de légal disclosoed and t1ist wao Wtii AUrOTION SALE$. ized. ocessary, relquir to C thÏ rosil ln; lailis, sa long la it -wu wide «on Thon they wantgd te bayo ho debontlirce, t siras P t Ili rat got They rànning--ý«derwOuld".E: SS-10IIOwS:ý cati U9 Àt the Globe Hôtel, Brooklin, son Fildai The àleybr- Cook go. char abou balf. à' jrb* di the munici liari. ùt toyen &id Sit'm', It Ãœ- - two> Palities le Tbî rd- Roliing stock,- $o5,Wo. Right oiW ýfov.' 12,-1889, Partn Stock Put Oight ê"elocti And thora vote thon sultOf sli thiâwould bc sa $20,OQ6; V- 1 asl'il; &c.t thé pro. (bat if-(Uer éîbéný- fiers'àt Whitby-and 'Port presse froin 250 toooO péromilueloding and tg tà%O $40,000, Stock- tures of the town l PerrY $15,00(y; Locks et Lindsay $15. rty of Hollidzy sk Erarrl»n, lamllunif and boild dm r » WbUbY sold IW the ka lr6l"i lit osd ilà,thât Bray The other Market for only gjtýty cents Ili the dollar, 000, in 911, - the further sum of $115,00o, 'atSkh effl ta thi Fairbanks, P., Auctiog«r. many 0 t entaillent mon of the to!vn, codtra«' Mr. Bigolow, Pfaidant ci the cýoçcp4cy, thoý,tiïi"efoléd to taksi the »Wa would baye' te 'moka good, the And-this deficiency was, supfosing the Holdon, ý»ýSjr. Voril on mondai Nor. 15th 18670 as the rad. and Misant. S"ton and Jacoba, di stock,- 10sier offérid to boita thé rosd deficiency. ý And suppose the debentures stock, to bé ill oëd and «the ebontures tie- douce of Wm. Laing# Boq,0 Whilby, gou». WB reewn, roitzso>,Doo, but W DIdý fak'i Mek ; sold fur only fifty, conts,,,*az the town tos Se Is 9 1 1 à si 1 te &1illls limitent WB noticed. no g0,ýý dlljltop*. ' pion Chasse grounds ho lie Sn W Furaiture, kaï Fairbanks Dàiàbli 00èred to, ýbcfld cd qip 4jtic!nal fifty cents 1 app the, Directors, how they could si) s ;r.t Iffstiug rétid the requisition, the Mayor the ing to make good the ad - ý ý )s it lot lieu! idit bc groitait tbAt thom t"iàg part Tbat 4ai h w ý the 0,, e etoo& on -and là fin lt- toik. B- Thê-Y will' thé contract with such a ehas cs, rosd for -020,000, -but, Waals! taire no lie uid, telloyau a fine long gtoty thasuce,. deflaiency ýtO'be made op. Starratt woold when the t .1 'ki On ToWal Nor. is., on tôt No. 14ý the PtOmdiage trould conduct tbemeiv"' a , not t 0 ortooce ga' take $0,009 èWbé ho Case. -liait -hîèý (Kr.ý nolàei,Ï, town of Whithy 0.000 fonds isn 'On,ý' Ut eth cou, Pickering, Varm Stock, 40, 00 lia the rosas gave ifs $5 1 Ch llltOwà!'ds esch olher andabstais were the men î0ý É They worned them Chat gueh wat'tbeir aWéàlaý, 01 9 -boh0ýà the ra!epayerg. 'W danse, or proporty effile tata Sher et$ amur-ý tract ID!4 ho* net go lu - fal t em bemse' flbiidi 0 -ad Chat- ifiey wood, C. Palmer,,- from personalities. île cilleil open ter- zolog te the U-gisi4turo, ý t£ïwàk , Chose, 1 1 -would, noiFer lié, sksisd :'for iiét, t'a Keg" n,&,$târïi, Jeu** Dieil Aéesilo lieur. oral of tbq signera or' Of a festiser flocked together." Bot the securities validsecuritieçï,.dielarfýidolle sny mot# -'iWhem the $10,006 stonk was the requisition to Cadorollanding wow Chat Ilfoyed never pay ÂïStO ÇUarlinteaiiig the I»ij& subgcrIbeý aud.addrm thé joseti of the üm ný»tosxL coetisifily fia'unè oll,- a cent on tbm:stock. it vu toin se part P&Uilt was llke endorigiti.e, mana ý#' » , 1% tý lie* f"i la tendèrî wora'iqkNi j< CRANCERYSALES. SmOigit 6111ffl- otire» ng atthfi,'ribtieýi àpp1lpat.ý, Itlu PaYý'4bé bonds - portail the notion Ofthe Ik Mr. cou ho preferrod -P&Y Of the wil». They thon eys, if1tb#ýCOmP4ny did-not, fOO t«ý parliment uking to go xoongn va, giving Wàî'ý'ë Oâ»dtl .,roserving Chat 4hà conirsa 10ý,thq Brosd Gus«e ha andýlÏeýfolt contident t eyaùld not-, the COMpany's bondos won ', ln bis' opinions Parr -Tijàro tuatit 1 -Altona, on Baturdoy, Nov, 18, 1 809, F4rm any ý4,-bàve to rtô'thlng ý legs thari'- addin bitd,ýoaisite for os jeter et rOý béenlet for $320,0l ma 80P> e', M '6, - - Viseras aititer lit writing or ho, Mr. golden 'a âcý,,ürâingly é -ýp4 'ho Doctor thon rend P-roperty, B., Cochrane, vendoses ego of ir ýeA àlled to - udgment -. iftitiute book or the cetilpa, ille notice ai stready Or 2tist sept'. 1861 wiff lad logo mobiedblul bis $3,000, which 'open this state -WU bolicitor; Y.' laîrbankiojr., Auctio Ibo éroc:ïdiage, of th1nýî,'ý.4 id! 'Kr. flo)ân a spbýèëfiýy ýýIë ha félin lie did sa tend foith. Thns thoy W by Mr,,yuxtoit, six Xoldop ont en héthër they *Ould impose forther but- Szidthâtthior*«only toapplyt*-Éîïý--h don-4 illat à&vjngý: béin,«Iled open, T'se fdvùd ont 'tbat ',11 -gala ho Wàà iotý,avar4 b "W y riezt ces and liabilities upon tWèr, fol lie but lie held that ýthe town of Whitzb" 'tididii2g, cOi]ýtincrJonand te lie a the COntrut var Dot It wu in 001101dcrOd Chai ln incurring the progent wouldbebound as in WYjtby and TOlit flerry Rù Cid nt ýPf«ont-hAd acon, fâéta rm-be did not koëw whet @Ioe:to, enough. But uch ৠsny Plu lad la the 91d4siM-flýd auprsi - ci, $6000 the town bad done lity of the county for psyment of th, "I,,,n poil what lie liait te mai on the, Aliknew . ho Thora!* Mr. lloldou'4 ëW, es t dýb t tac wýtbl Werc C:Ddâ- -110 Wâs sôme«bat.st*prised et rotnpatàýy hâd-üot illoü proi fühJect in the publié proie, ha dont tort o0cIdýnOt donc i this tâWa by a, few sivire-pullers -- lfr, Dumble atifil finie taking thé bonds 81 60 C NTS A YU R illOil prépared 1 ho- boweyer, - perbeps T'hoy Md gou thé' $0,001 aboutit the wire puUki bc alliivred to sue. es 90 '[Illich euh; but now it wag et ibo'tif»,.Oome $60iÃ"00, Oc te un t4 knov ego@ tjgl3,go la Çonnection'iwilh- ý esded in further ýllaeÏ'Dg thora. If such clear; no matter how the bqn4g zélici the file ugguraticO i ý ka the tbli théýý wantid thé,, balancé' ce 040,0,00 t'on Wai aske bin latter, and Dr, oistin W11ILbY'l TIJUrsday, Nov,, "bile wllro, ID Ordir 1 tes '@noble the raoway of _4ýfor ln thýe",'House of rateP&Ycrj5 wore ta ý be datied open td lie (Sir. Perry) oupp(ti4ed, y Ilot sware, and On the&@ ho a M te ýOrg&OIze, would it fur makegood the difference, hould OiTer a end berisaie th' 00 listenad té bo, ; job oniý moment lie doubt Ànd.he hail no flic vcrý gentionfais wfi*ýdIý f@w rOdgh and raid remarim. He ilion p&y the 0 otractoro el - net Il A,.-with alibi that if the set Iftmod tbey would ai director, wlisin he'toüùd i Town iguiiwly Djeetgug-# y ton àtauits--was net the man go tolerate inch las have te make the differleryei-' giol Ho of the towW of Wliltby eut refoired te thé tue per cent tbey kicked théol veulent for the Nettoie, over, en» the man *ho ijàd the ai The th ing, and ho believed Chat the Hon. J cautiosied the ratepayers agginst Il Gugê lino from Wbi' conselque ce va& thst they & 14ass clin 81l"ing inend bis; own boglo-., huiles, Illéid et the Town hall on si iby te Pl. Perrymade roined onfortanste, se' edonald wu tiot the man to do go. om Chose 'thé- fine &tories Chat wooli, IM knew ho o-j th, gth si Nov mb r, est» &go ; te the 9 Istrutorsi *HO asked the ratePaYers of the town toit! them,ý They bad board theni béfore;. reoéived-fouý altogothore Mo .0 mee, 1: rit Prelimia&rY wbo boa besliered Chose imen'a words adat or aing last vas en Importatt one tin flair! et Brooklig te aigri againit anY Such thing and and were doccived, Let thé iatépayew wu another inacting of the MacY, respects, and sire therefore gire a, ai whieb him. bongbt Property, boilt a taw-Inili à- go ne, i, lfl'.'Hblden, Mr. Draper, au %If sud Dr' acon -boa àtt@cd@do and eurrod arionslotber 1 na in- safd Chat if they did net do do'tbÏirdàtythistime. Remoyédareso, longtboubd-Itoo extended a report , olany -Whore ho Made uly of the stelement Chat iabiligits. Fiuding woulc: bc too lato. lie uitderacood Chat lution tO the following efrect, Whereas P" f lit--and Dr, Guni) WM Chat theY bad $91,000 boucs,, thef com- one of the directors on t Who secondëd thé reýoltltiot] aibey, hm bien 10,09,ijough >, ho Board had notice of application tothe parliantent of ai the two $&Y---ýOf the proceedings. Tb@ apeeeb indeavoring binait te adopt gome p!&n in order toi get stated tûitt bc had as mucil intercist in Ontario At ifs nazi session, M annétinced ratt, be amel)ted.", qe (Mr. es Wili bave t1fia g6od ellessIt of îleari -te bulid Reilwsys go the moon.,i Bot the bold of filet money, and tbey Port Perr) bc huit in Whitby. flo bc- to bc, made on bchalf of the "..Whithy and tiiere had boer. a survoy, pin, 09 Nàrrcw Guage scheme bc looked open As of Mr, Damble, thon got hold lievid ho iwd,-1017 no man in the'town POit'Perry Rail tholos 1 Not one, nor was the. sway some migtà in whiob Riàilway mat. 4 and they arrange matters waY Compan As folllowii ; Of Privatc 'stock subcribed of Whitlisy, whose interests were identi- lot. Té authorize an enerçase in the Hoiden or Dr. Giton- kvou ligneuse lie be"ëved If Pleuantly with Mr. Damble Cô taire $",. fied -with the ttiwn, wo tirs vers $Ome*bat shrouded, and through tOý lie withie Choir means of accom uld go ;or men- capital a teck Of the Companyt' 2nd. TO oust of Cille roa4,l and yet tL-g thora out towns-pi will -lie lit inter mOnt, requiring as If did only $100 opololsho-f 000 &look' g'v'ng hhil- Chat âmonut Out sures go injuriou.,4 or contrary te t ' aUbOrizi' the eiàension '-Of iiiii railway And Ont u a present. ý-In *&jing Chio beý town,â est'eroipettq. The people of the from Ifs northern terminus se- Beavertèn ; Ma moka thsi, charges tlley soins liffle outoide iiiilwaysecreti, White PrivàtO stock wilà the thon expl bc. Ouly, stated lents- » Wb W. ý ec ingorthe rosentcontract. etated ý et ho lice towws auld net bc '.ait by the nose by 8rd. T*authorize--any municipality to Ductorlociisracter, the Dext knoving- ail, the trutIf, ficandalous talk nusetto lie recoired. Ho beliered Chat, lit. Damble boa ststed Chat lie veilla huila such mon. lie Çgr. fjtlblden),. was Cola the guarantee payment et firat MO ' f1ý collant lie Indu While a larger Autiortalring coluld net lie the rosi! for $290,000 but ho did ' other day by a gentiernwi In Port Perry 01 tbe ýRailway; 4th. rtg4ge bonds' day followiég, 1-o wroro a fat vote partita enongb laye To maké the morts and Starmtt, ivariting tholn I,ý Dot caà mierepresontations bc made: in thia-conoty Who Would bel willi a word about stock; but no filet the Railway works wotAd Lie et Igt 'ego bonds ci the railway gnd,,, municipal, liq V, Isoufflly respeil»ible foi @fi, lg'd 10 bOfOrO, the râtfPýY- set-ompliabed, there they added the Perry and not et debentures valid securities tes týo holders 0 ' a con'ract- -No, tLe Dx abbscribe Sioo,000 stock ; and Ing te 111130tooo àtOck- 83 & Pribent , te the $290,. D lit il - Whitby, ai;d ellatt. w1lin tilotthotown'or wl The Ilitie storm will do good in clearing tbat thst 000- Of course ho did no' 1 am a lad told'him Chat if would 1» im- Of the "me * 5th. Tqý,lefaIize Ibo élection shoul re olissiblo. L'ut h ý t litanie Mr. pouible tg 4ave them et %Vbitby, bec.%use Of direcÃŽ&;; and the Reilway atmooptiote, Te M &mentit, togotber with &collier. $100,000 Damble for accept' nom, proewings Of no peréonai ira fixibility MI Y--wo boucle, and the bonds on t ing 'no ferais, liewould 1 Ilhe carms * Id bave to leav tholc6m âpimmmuch ad the rate- the provisi ai kýnow thé 16»J$th of ho . secarîty or 1 th a Port Perry 11,Ooto?4"and s: ni walired ta have the contract, secePt Ouch à gond bargain bimoelf,-if - lie r? g and raturn again the eamo PAYersi, the -procoeding will thé rosit, àiesii infficient woold bave been werO in Bir Dambleps pliée dty. (Criesn if t'fie'town'éf Whitby'liti4d con- seconded tu have accepted, ej beau fillictiont but tg là une illey eau obtained to boild -,& Nàrrow- agate Une Io got il ton * and lie glad Of Naine, naine.) And âg'â:tn tiibutëd largelý'by'bonon, and siock, that Dg tha ,&cool pige ons si avold, To the to.waý-goseipe, Chai Offer à front Whitbi te 'PO Another *extraordinary au te -,the directors- The understanding 8 Petition te theý Governor in coulicil lie 011111Congod colitradici , tiol, of th ri Ferry, Bflieli0g, tbing connectait Vith tbiâ «latter was flint W80 tbÙ.Wk'ÃŽtbY was to - have flic dit laillopted, humbly praying Chat gala net file naisse mectir-g, the 1-ext oplendid banquet, Te the Reporter- tbati and Chat tfieý»hem0 wu, go il bad lie Preildent boa etatert, et , lie, mgetinq a th- ta open the ittack bouk». A aiready said a loisible one, ho went IoIl 1 1 tf th t cfors' 9A -Puitt POrry. fotîr, Bat a viay notý---bo passeri go -àr As related te the Moved by Mr. Draper. Se they bite groani in soreness of r if, Cage W:98 reversed. Whitby fil 'rd and filth étang«. This latter clause and allowed bis naine te ho jacad boordt Chat it veilla require $85,0oo boa otili four à that ýles&rï;. iteynniai spirit. a the MOU IDOMY. to balid, the rond thon ail the whl 0 Port Party liait five directom. And ho c.%aràcter.lya- Soi a most ry appoilkled two or thé Dirfetor provisional boord ào one of thg dirgetor#. stock soi 4irectors bad stapd te him, ne, iue. Lîù&;,ý thst It showed upon t Tiso riglit of way os bdames tbey bad obteicid, and ri Otna"P'é'oi'(:ton fille; very poil* Wd tue directors bad been acti 0#41006!1 were tie build &he r( ll-»40th Or Chrturellor VenNougknei« ne Bext recouitadýibe dîffioultiïà Chat liait" thé bo'nds to lied, thât lie, 'the,' use in 'bis attending nt the illegalliý,-%.He-fiowevers, left that with t 0 vr-9unn iwk#,.d tu ha Ilsermi to lie ovetcome 1- a charger, and be ta Pro- th na no aident, à" airesdy Subsèribed $io.ooo j Board,' fût, ho could do nothing tbere - lie Tow'n Cý6ui,,Lil; ýànd ha hoped Chat when offur 6f Kesteveil & starratt HOliss P- M. V--λ,,-gbae4 Chancelier #*la tw au up" tanding living JW#n 1 1100., 1 ; ý , . 1 ý '01114,)»On but Chat, in Order te moka op t4 ocut wu powerless They bail, ho said,'to calleil open fer.the Town debenturésthey were looked uPou &» mon et tri Ontario, died et bis resideffoe in Toron. GFD*ge reqalied, ho vas riàito trust,,ta Chose mens& words in Ory would insist ùpoti the production of the Gd tlleinsalve» tu bu ɧuels; it rate' bar pla îp $5,000 -ai v -Wnz; liowevc-r, Chat thut wus Dot il top On Bond" éveaing 4ast. Ho wu 0017 8110 W# Torqu'o-fur wh'ch be ràlgbt mot@, if the ciller 1 7 lil What guaratitae boit t4 ratepaye-ra stock book, and Seo %yhat Amount was nectitig ai, Cils, .roi ad tg 4141ra me, littie eredit-they combats "of the Boa'rd 'of the town no%,ý, buf 41 Yeats of &go. ne -followed suit. Chat thèr mon wbo- bOn4 » and otberwiào, and make a 't,'dt "ftest,' ard thit Mr. ce Wu one of 'the dong«te&tO" f*tWWbýbt and Port The want of the $85,000 bad decoived tlictu before would do se thorough exoinination of sverytljing be- recoinriietiýding tilein âïs, ilion brigh ià-ilr ldâgénoé, Il the pis". presenteil sa an icauperable difticulty again. They may depend opoil if filet the fore han* test ornamente Of the canadien Beach Perry» 0 , , 9 la the W __"ÃŽ!.'tWér the' pont . )lois - monoy. 40491ce." Sacli I)uitàg the c; latter teï là re Vq in th@ Officion. Of the Proofdent. men Who liait broken faith with them 'là The CoutiÃŽll, gala 91ilored the botter courise lis) and 44 bigh character and sterling Worth 0 MI te the Sowehow ehout'd Initial: Chat ail belore iti)y liabilities werc ind gaiùod -him the joie and respe 1sorouto Narrolr Guage Po' 9 however, lie wu got ont of the une respect would do so in another. Tbe sbould ho subc'n'itteâ te theril, and allow isied titero won any ongitruet 1 . et of ait irbo opte. The tonal, and next moisoing ' iý9 voted th, FOOPIC whO IV'Ld giveh their moncy Cd.tdd no concerileil. It m,2,-,ht bc, lie Was ouly tin ngretttieiatl'nr a ce cam-0 lia railtoad people of - right 4e have no [air ellance with the 1 .. 'hin the town wore thon in whole thing r 110 id. thatote'y were acting pret natL'rCly ; tais) t,-utid!Cton», Atjl'thi* re livor col as N4rrov q'uag@ jing sud of no (Kr. Solde DoÊb. wbei bad ah iliterest ici IL, but thov shoi the ellarlieter ut Ille enivertý. 'L things go na ai; ild bc alive to MW a man tata aroand.go CY the interesta 1-bel.wore touvinced 'it wu ooddeffly ri 9 fur if Wou Il tifitU hi-1p hi-M own of once; thora was no Cène to recul lucied %Ir, SALI Or vituilBL9 CoLi.-The 0 thst lie coula riot besp tbfnk. businesis as ofucial assignée. fi wu wluited be an osix houre ouaty. the 94Y lino tbl Vitbla inx Chat thfe Muet lie something , test; the pogition and future F)roi;êects'l ais.1 fii,4 rc,,cujlo,,!4 of Ontario 6 becomilsig, no 194& çglorstg# &ad h4'oild i wrong the rond jL - eion cortaitily t'bfWo9ý'ànd hi w" net tu 4uild UV Port Perry 09 the to«n démand, prompt action j the.*r etiivcrt--% wure ta twi citimr st.) for if& Weil bréj honte& lieu lie liDiroired Dow roposted Il &&&Io# glial woild novae éoomoledwhër@ 'het onch sý ouddOu change Tiiepros - PrOPert Y W& 1 t-wax, atter fidisoring pet 4 atiitake. Dr. Gonn in cors. Ille ObW Dot tek* plue wfiboui . in facIpl à ity uf our own town fibotild bc the tirât clusion attifait Chat If the notice of appli- and Stairitt irere mois of breed of cattie. Lut weok,, Èr. jamest lie able< ta bulid a raliroi4 except a Nor- consideratiov, Is WOýldýbe a - conoideration, Ile miglit il tt.'ftn noiçntnillir a wroux 1)(Mil of Pickeridg, soldhis fine ýI 0W Gffl 'road file rosofada bis bol motter jet a luse.gotting a Véry euy the '*ring" if bc jike ave bcon in clitinn to parliamont boa not appeared on ioji,,ttrrjo;àç li,ýZI)intjel; Niridiont tire, 09, Of Wbat ho 4 bad toid -the rimpayers $30 tiraient of ho would nerver d, but lie refused, for bu would bave iléon willing -to abide rhum notion ut oflea il lest old 'C00 te give tome isf it sway-8 low oeil fils nui,,tibbZ in order 1 teorrents 1 this case the %ilway dirce- 4 lits Obji,,Ct iti 110tify! -cuit Prim jt*Wl for the bande lut 1400arY on this subjeatt and lie soked to attirance bis Own privt*lnterest; lie Id watiteil thé Dirt-etier,4 ta di) oti @Omo thon$&" bore and A (0 W thouand libers. etood th,,e ai a man Who net bu trested Bot Indivi- gare of$850., The',porchuer vu Chant now te b@sr it in mina for hl@ wdrdi Adter bc (Mr. golden 0 noyer did a duel»; but Boa corporation, and ail knew tisit, and fi a (Dr. G. ý rLeulvt,.,j As, B6IIý Of Rijattagdoui Queboo.- wOlIld fera, ont te ho truoi ae condamnait the old ocontis, vice ta du âst, lis hist owil holia ) -W got book from wrong net of the kind in his lite. h1r, Chat corperations had no jouls.-Cheers, not the next dity or 41ay tiek, y ho board thif. go thon Holdon concluded atter a lew fartlier te- 11r. Fi Caldwell seconded the résolution, Sir. Party. it mis, a inolith a PrinC4 R4alwassiredbl Chat voilknown the course Chat bad bien adopted in deput attended a mieltinx et the -Board, Imid At marirs and r ânm amidiit whicb W40 tben Put. wards Chat lie toqk the mop, 1 ImilOrted borie Nethersil the property of 109 from the Narrov Ganie pion 1 ho the time thé Prince aime haro. ne, jo plieurs. y went over the liburil &id the M M t0ro badi tiokegi the JaUla Confie, Kr. Josopb Thompson, of Iýrooklm, And Wbitbl boa tOwD Of (Ut, received noti» te Attend, çnd Chase r' PerrYl On - C=Ing fOrWZrd t4l addr.,jq§6 alita bc petisig ail tlot:c*t lestri en the proues notices otmeetil,> Dr'AGUM, on thora me tiiimenizy etid sirotai gil enming forward said Chat fjxtrti- n$iurgd 1110 merilinir thist lie disi «o with imior, sud it wouid havi. lieun ""-out of"Ur. Davahonti splendid fin, 80»me for the uka or »ouring - gel ý0r0 cliver utit when upoii severai (,Cilatilons lia liaà the ho partie%. in tact he hall Won a tailroad tbore was ,ythin Dur lie disi trom the ëret, cf a *avare vold-it wast hy file enntrit(,.tý-)r» Chat if tito portai! prize marc, Darling 9 of importance té come Di living calied upon to addee his re, Mr. Beii t BU bazirdé j but this acheme woold op, B" thore Vras ý M 11 te lie a dinuer to the raLcPa>ýerâ when matters dotrimoritallow J" fact wlth'o'onxdd"ObIO effort 0 was able to hast itoted towards thoin ast fi 3 bu beau jack, la sucoriggg a jet frotta require fortber sid si Chair handoi ifs pro. Pri Iju;skatjlll- ootit,,ractor,4 wotild finve boers P née -8 dinner et the publie expense - flic intercats of the town wore taking ' about tO:Jrive Would ho of Mot char- amoutit of inanoy agici a la ýàcch vatuable stock. mèters Woilld cime down on the Cotin 't vu te lie et the Shérifra, and the Sheriff Place, -lie did not allow Ilinse tiiiit ho coltid net lie chargeil with ilitro. trotlllc, la 'Metillonlng Kr. Dai &galop and lie noir told thom-end ýJe did wao CO give the inviiations, and in niy utitil Véry, lattly, Illat Cite If Io think, al"vtlllng Portiolial ; for lie wisé deter. 'Ni r. Perry, retitimifir, lifli'l tliiii ld'gonl& M Ta, @0 SILhOngh ho boa himself propeirty, ln thJOO ho pleued-a a à vite 0 wrong goliig un in the ru was anjtlliýg mine to ÏtVo tliota and ta di»sl tlle..%Vlli)lo troll lie , ilist trio D,)cti)r'ii W6 net» smôngat others the et. 110àch and Port ]Party. 0 0 ho or inatterti. 13ut conduct of 1tiii. (l!lomtioli 2401olv upon public groandis. Am a tim, ilzi&7 arl 1 did. Th lietold Lliem Dow, grecetor lie foind himsoirellgrred witil IPOirg .11;t ligt. I)irecto;r* wa* tý. ine' and wu apisking vos no chance for &ny plebian tbere-anle waY the ratupayert; of the (0 winli.r, a elii»eller, with Ilà ilifi, ricrinet] a na POIV(,.r ta give riut the el r ýt 1 Soi ber performances, Bile ont! -sg i s'net blé c"'D woold dry op thOI0 WhOsO fOrefathers boa royal blood would bave of Wh'tby rille and dois, t u Illinliolf wait la party to the grivi i let ut light for their fb;ejiideo. th, ' ainally otlier bas, 914; "'Id contra t. Tlint wa% the qUestioi ri ber élus et the Highland go Il la th;' town and boild op Po Ferry, ý Thst in tbeir voici. wore solliciently aristocratie 110 was flot one to retard putil-sc 1 à wsiâ dette througil tljoïublio proiti, nit th. Dr. 'ixaliti-No,-tlie oilier vi ty woold bc the liffect 09 the pulsent procoed go attend et the gherily,,$ bouse »tractes and Again ho orc Chari thrit avait ac- iipori certain libOu At Perth in 1861, and beot 1 "ber ings Chat __no the monte. But when lie futind th gnunt for a ormur. , at IaJ. thorefore detertoilled to incet 3sýr. l'orry inxietýd oust it woi là lirere taking place Chat - vould Sbe,;fr, liiiv;ng great pblic bitis fellow rJik-payer*-ý; Mel tiloge chargé i, oluiiiiir a-)tjtract ta that witi, mr. sýl»s et the Iloyal Northera 'Exisibition in lie the e dis, ho abdiuld bave gala. But uoidertak!nL-è§ in &ce Who nought, ta 18112e % -Da charge, were Dot pr and tu risoct tllopço face to t ffect of the sort Of 66 abiultingl, lie (fér. golden COU tbom thon, Ilipt if aperly displiZrging vil!fY lud blaakonhini. thoisquinctit flint it cotild not rling and lier' progeny in thaiýbd bain going on for the lait two 1110Y look «one cent à the Railwey- tileir duti,314,110 thought it was high tigne 111»81 A cuward wilaivould a And lis callüsi that sintil die coili1mgiy wa» legally 0 money Io $tata his rcaýor»; " what ho trotilst et d bile book plied with oqual force ta mie un tblo'partpf the Dominion, bave ln ýIrtY yeari j business vould lie driven frço the te pgy for the Sherifri entertainmentil ho would toay very fur inter 11.1111t,%0.17O wrid and soi, bc- feri g. lie fuy ""'In P: Own, and business men vould lie ýf0rced litilo about th, contri- rist place ho a ouisi The d;fft,,retlf-,ii won tisat tlec D,)et, WOO and 8 oeeb'nu, woold moite tg coins back &gain. ý mr, butions &0 164VO IL RçfOrring te the de' of the town to-tne ut all'Idc ta the roinarks; sr Dr. Ganý1 fà&Ult with the dame thiiig In Other tblrd , prizeois incind-ing Ibo illog, 0 PrOssed 1101d0c, in Chia connection, referredtb"' the lie said this, Chat what th Zîd thut lie nover reeelved notice ai til'ho lit- 1868. Tari Ingto othetnattfý caillou of propertÃŽ in the town 0 town did con- lnic» of the 13o rd except whon thora w la nieut- YýrIzef et Ibo Provincial Exhibition. SW ho ýwb'eh buty M4000r lu which the Prince went fribute, it wagiýil, honor boutid irig patticuldir as noth; "41,1 tlley liad board a good 4 frifinosices thât àlL- si .-A Io pay tu bc donc. lia 1àlrý Parrs- »01 sîtossk. Ho kficw ortion te M'im if Indeed 4ýiie@Y Pd îLi Pré reeff, «CinutO OADi e course, yet be fori ýtheýIo"U -MOMSlity iî ý JUU _entaiio 9 the Ps4t twà;bi tbré6 motigul, Il. Ecisi returne atroady to -listid -eh*, t1u boeu Mach -Iekër th" lithert, ýW. -Daring ibe month. -of, j.0 there were 20 000- doaths froü -4 in thé central,-'roiincn,,,,imd rA ýllowiniz two montbo Ibo rite-waim lqèý#I la Baitern Bengal thora ha, RIY beell 20,00() deatils doring ti, 1, and in the Ponjaubi,,Upper %0,.d aiPootans, the desths ý have et tk ?ast been sufficien ttu, sweli,, uptb, -total to.100,OOD'for the -wbôle « ,a and Central Iêdis., Tbat a qae ple bave died during the ýpreüât, lie is certain; ý piobably this ver, 1 audermses the scidd'fixeres, six ,d Baropeaus imie perisfied 'Ont of a Population of soma, 150;000. ofth'ese grest lýewdpaper and public ýindîgnaLion len'ýézpended upon the tcirilÏ sur- ýLthe pestilence raged- fiermt sa up tg Simla: on Isick leavoe'gertifi. The -liends of departinents, vM - Y, DO, doubt, moired op to, the MOUIL ith the exiientive, umhoritiés; but rd, iud*d.ibat'aubordmate, maul Dàld rua away au fraudaient cert- î st-,tho'gne tliae in, that year wheu' tviced Oremost needed. It is only ýt>in,,ý'Umritiiir and otber plam-thi iries wore atterly destitaie,.of skill, cal ýâ"ist"ce. la fact ifie whàle ý.,reguîd to residence ai Simla dur. summer- months needs revilsiom Mt &Pl ý-officer, militery or civil, is roiement'or bis station and peu â1thY soma ' of the year in the 'B. - The general Govèrnment eau, i, ritbout improptie ty, tralierer it, imis, ine buineü eau be transacteil into a e yth Fi litIl enla sat iant Ucutta 9 ma t 1 E.crop--« of the GovetUM-00t get- two yearil lut of every ton, brie ye'ar of leave ýOur yearff of ee'm*oe, it i8 tou distdot-oinciais- abould sûIl en- shirk tbeir. duq' for balf the es the famine ;j; c-on-cerned. there cl oubt thist nier Mo < et, paris a wb the, ý-îni"eî of' the peuplé we :bed, and tbat deat6 fro-S, star- (rom 7diseu«. cousequent opon tt notrision- are -yory frequeils, Iý rýod bu'arisesi to four tlinci à rice jünt-noedto > be procir. rrty leers (eigbl. poïandà) tor do V coiquiandis >& rupee for gen Ï LIGý891-tO of the general wali.to- ý!e of the population thora is a 5 dwileso. people are, déllibg doWsod jéwelry t'O keep < them- re f th il "fèod ifiops appreuguiýlet )f riots, îzpen . aý-l'arge abare of t1l'in d'Sn ne . ng provislicas gra'_ the le, and'îü- M evening ie f stations sr@ ýhronj6d wilb c robilora Who iciamblé f« à 1 of' rite' ft coriL 0 Put Iftert gliéré -Wre bew isé ii la Most jikel, that-sý s-" yet be garnetc-01. - Rut iiiffl as Do disposition- - th deetice. la id saine or thé native - 8 . tàt« of tbli-sileuring-ir dýgà«Uj. Jný done thora -,bave been. 2,0e PM etàrvatiiiirjný the Put lis 7he Mabâroj&W ofý hypore lie# DiDe lecs of rupeiÛ ($45'0,00'0) bis peuple'; but èvêii this ma 1 ni., 'ality bas only iting distre"., sine irlich -bas Ãœtlà at Almere ;rowing in inteuitit and bas ready spresd sil over the Stm ýan*- At Aimere tbe people'. )y bondreds of famine ! . ý foirer, worin -.,the 'raliof,- at.finna Mo ýî, «&bv"àvUfý @MU Veille rwjl "v uuuura JLKUI#ib, luil OrI91941 00home been adhored toi sud 0, bu askedp wu the money ws & PrMPI4 and Otber firît,,DIUS CO-PttY' HO tenit le Dr. satonisbed tom tible P041tion 880à th 0 preie Ilr. L)umblç's reply wào-,*l von% on thst lisait. ýffo lie Id lust yeur. whon hewax defe, wwoily oulogind by ail vko «endoed W tbatt'boeu no Brand Goageubi4lligg wr, polis. They Jouu& Jilin eArrylit«, t 0 biý ami And no provision «bat- vas toràish té hur a gentleman « Dr. Y that ; twill glyo you ssood road," GÙnýi. - pigeons, laugliter,) 611 the *"y Wbero'rer skown '$bel Ulre boon or uudârb&Od w0lIt Ali'bed workeà bar, efer bouts il a lntiirxiënm, who wal; Ont billy a direow le ', made for providing Ile expectud the D' cor bit the lin ffwýy Board, bho wu& s sud ausMins the direçtoyo la iJ prosocumd esjost th@ thing4ar "ilantil Sb@ Brosd louage W4b«o roili, 117OCtOrd woold bave saId self, > but' Sb# fume on 09 800k a" -equipping the road.ý De- somotitin dirmtor fil the old Provigimiel B(iards under doue up to the time ho was rejectec 48 to, the oty'l'b, and ý,qUaIiLy 91 Itahroirochosgrpteormiaonbot$4tnod ln Ibo sud Bourd. On the 40 ot0etoberldr#Q -&gr&tgkw @«jol@# fbutpiàj oprong. apon #»m. 'And wby W Igbas Pend opon igo ho »id, tbat the object, vas the road ;ý but , Who +kbt and iutfofiwwry, Sud 111où, au 1 Il ' thel ln Municipal mâ ru orrP beau don; 1 ý bu woo.14 toli thS, It WIW 90, âme ý biek- in the Town &sain for 11 dia net Mr. Dumbie sali - averythingt 1 succemoivoly major sud O«WU . -te4and wu», te Mr. tioldon thst sticy iottn4 a yc ln r moved;bF Mr. k;Zon, mmtifled by Id Oii4bin of ,the grofO41ba mouterit, )eau and even mad#j out the cor, atiou---ýwantio naktiowied #0( uniolpal av. 0 lible. Whou ibe.road lied ficon mortgug- tract bis a the Dr. nowl In njrAvoý èntlemen ta put Dia not; lie si Il own, hand-writing. lié ( 'IL 9 ý bat nunici- PUitouà1ta cor sfoet -#os -vu tbé MM - )Et. DIAPtr à4d ed to dettb, tbo'peop'l Of t'ho town vould C Mil, ýî Dr. 0.) 8160 r lit of voy Oort of Blooklin to:p remarked th sl,4 twogentiomen to Purolla» the ri Qu"«W--Ur. Arobibald Bell of Rentios-. OObMd to boild dis yod apon tb#-Nmow ho éàtied OP0111 tbey wiald thon, e lit JET- DatublO "W&$ ta ode Y Ir ho turued ta t 0 Guée om# 909 Ma -- PaY e1r@ryý montb sud an Àet, ho -woula land the paver giv"lolul4to"wan"yy sèntho[Brookila to the Town et louage prbeipit. 'Ile trais, t only thsl; Wh" for y '10 carry out the ver M40 Who IVAS baok to. the gown sud soit Yèr more, sud there wu no 'enginuer ta -là«$U 9. And now, while Q»bout bas bien recontly 'mak i li;gé ýrop#rtj holà« buro# sud, Who ho sità the MonLép -,, - doii log el te the maligalpelit ta gourant". And no with Mr. Dainbl _uI »9tý oeil thot, but sbey vould alio soit the work, how the àmout ta whieh ho woüld bat fflie Y00ked 1 -si Aât ho gr. floidon fiad dons ail that, ho sa, 000» iiluble poro6win of etook la tbis a large otaite la the totra. Of aourse ho tovýU to guarantae the bonds of the Comý be entitteil cotild en Usa no'y woold, Bila tue saine powers, oourerrea ujp on roi 0 gI-ýO put the ho come at, Mr. Dumble nigglioipslitiq». It wu not noooss& .4lât 0 W" lot, P-ol ", ry dia, And iliai h a conaty. JU»Ideo the pireb»ý orlir. 1. 1. vould bu M«b.bocédud by thé jWIwoj$ý paoi, Mr, Ùalible woold *< no dicb&"»Ayý topliéd §0 ta tiiey atrut Itnd ces en tbat'therelrà$,,ào ý ocassîon for %n Parlianieui fi they wamed the town of W ltby it, but ha ooold nos bossas bimmll witbW et to bute, ý 1,dogt wîn# Su Saké yen stock or engineer ; the finaniging diioctor (the W gasmt" those Jch Mr.ýDàmbie, ho* (Mr, Perr 'Aftaè the go un Royale notiSd the mou sk» bmddag IW folie 01 yoùr b Shorit ý sa -bu, Dr. -W. thon, expectedj À volm-Why àwk fur It tltoiu 1 *tics ofilis duty ne onootthodirÏýi& ondo sud tbat vu the reuon they 44#wbero ho beuglât a% àr. àiiiierti lut@ 4 . 0 would fix, ail that, It âepeàïed ta him Mr. eorr With the Narrov Ose&# '7tfwri nèw- wacted législation toýloga'Ijia'tbeý< ooptlnBo4ý atmsing that ho was But bd te parchâte the tight - 91 waye es Wbitbi, il at oome- of tho». Informai sotôùiolild à$ the Iguorafiëë ofsoms fum irho Mr. liolbu, lie fbulid, thid gent sal@ 84 "Thlitte sa#,, fourtora for $L24Y vould bo*aublpowot, end wholotbins. Bock imontrageouprocoed-.1 înOfùnIý *ail 4his<-',badý,b il mitde nu of $usa ikrtanléots; but lie won more right thon, and the pimantoiýd ut ý M d - 00,11 out on thin ourprbéd'to b«r mont ooming train !Me ta trust with ; tol& lifta, (Mr. P.,)*tbâ «d " '.tbres'of Mr. ]3ope$e lut impur- 6'lupr "Out-ofýbu" log va# notrer bolbre bond of-aever uk- 4ry, and tbst--hoý il to 1 i of a gentleman ofthe a tauons for the «m of $80, rogid bu more proitable to d (rom auflo&latoréi and bu fally bu. wor psiDzy, of the Docior. bave &bis rIS4 of w%, sud fflid 0 o'0àlj.thér@ý "iimply ïàt" irha ý+.,p@rry poitited to, classés 2U 2!a tenus after*arcl», t U ho wailg, Aud jw (gr. Udell) adred lielvid thst the goffrifflat 1 vould, Dot hâd beéîî doQëý It wuý gb@*n et tbQ4 elmumM-, îad'$bO, -, go - whieh (14mpouys ý posV9 bon boeut en. bé- botter ta bal*, tbis lgîer amonot-,, moqLlé, liowlugýt6,jýým ooaterred- on «0 ynoSomry of think of sanctioning say mob thing It to which , ho referred thu os Il1 a f = au oducu- a by the id, The reàsou, h This wiw ou ldàttùr& -th.4 larged ta U clouions, and égéest ou ill'a trode - 10, th# tOwD wWoh -the Narrow vould ho r4mmembered how, lebon cot long, was short ofï4i âàiount tha itwàà ëékid for by the oompsny W" diythextockholdèrs inbtý-'oud 'the the ý lertes . t -009'tmdfd ebât aga th# législature wàà ked ta le omuary to,--C=?14to the rud. The bouoi», sooording to law a couaty ooullëll coine to the conolusicin thst thers wO new drus@. , It 14 now one or 0"90 0 Id "Mt Eu As jgtli»ýthe 0 - made by the - PrWdent ln -Vie ou t k voultL Bas une î1lose générons jýenjjê. scatenoélit, W ftb"oreMo*dihtqxaeod S$90AOwW»Iit M oodmenagUr.ý114.2euto «# but lookins local bj!alrý of the Toroùto and Niplssiug Rail. 0 to le; 7noither' liàdthçy Uf. Il Iden* ùjte correct in tbie.- ggiÃœg d ' bé 'or irtatob;ýhe Ti, p4pète in the, M« (Oued au Oum j 'thiy hm ' 01rod e bpoýds or sive mul; butte à au Dot As poWer-ýto op 0 a boucs ta *ù B"r4 si made agaWt 'lie (Dr, O.j b" 4 geeot respect for 14r amount witilcnt tolus to lâe people, Thoeo,, ove iAnd - Virera -sil ww go #Dch jo$iolatigj;,blz; ýgilbw ; bÙ0 Mi. wu tb4q<ȈkwýW the voirar; la ûèààý thaw Y ý-Wà .1- ý tb#'OrOP in t4o Popjeub sud fail. "I à" Vin bavi ïo be SQId frm iiiii»d vorld dbring themeia là somothing, however, ta - - Dunbar of th* bake of Dot toke plue', 'm WO ttili 'it br«b mm ýn. one of do te du 14ckfýo« P"bd iot «"Miet ý M ý'zeralla '10 vio&ivàg. coe prid«XORW nos , éwag mep sud ai at le tige, tbere ýb#,nt but om &6r4,* 1 â«k for impidie the navigatiol vest in the trubtees of bM ing g!ýD-ed, a pé road allow«ce,, benoi Mr. Raight Moved t noir rend the-seeond meeting ývf tfA*-t ccuàa Mr,ýýereen introduce reedtbree-severai approfnaong the amolli palitiel fuad to el On- motion of Mr. fidjoumèd ÙH Saturdej, The Globe conta'ins terestiugý statement C"ian telegrame cm land through Mr, Rellis we beliève, been iieleci fromthff in.telligence buý eciaied Press in thut àtand. however, that the folt in canadiau affaira induced Mr. Reuter te e agency fer the &ai.at£b country. The business' tg a gentleman long eÀ Eugliab P rem, now re>i and ore are iuformed thf Ille Lien t-,Govern or's pp in- of the Legiâlature y, firît Message fcrwaré1ý1 arr&ngemeut.11 Pilt!i are treqneritly j-rý,eji-J tri IlPe tlnclc, lulim ulmi lowcr Ce tbe patwir Ic up;xý, k ileyf Ur tetiellIÂ-tjirg ý)rgý Ismulu àff r 9 IL àà liï Dite OL Atec 'Isjjüc*»ý# jâ ex liérd, kt - Il Ver] rgne dift , there 14 iléore m lottémua, or titid paitifai di«e ,%WledP" My la a ilpeei& II. ddre=nw ý Il ettuii = Icýr flutfitirc and No. 0 Ug f5t. vv. 'Toroli In regard ta t4 prope 'WS,11, England,&.a,-Lmrm stated ýthat the clibrefs ha of worthip, attezded by wbile the'Dissenjers haye 116.650 attendant». Th4 of 22Ã" bellefices is e8ê(m The missionary work il creaffl sa largely lbat the Lry-Scciely proposes ta 41 missionfir;eà in the are now one hondred and dons, many of tbem àtt« and fieurers évery Scu4e A Episeppal -clergymen York'Ob#erreý that Ëvé ýjj testant Hpiscopui Chureb Énite witb the clergy of Party in forming a new ýcJ Bi»ho . galey. of p Kir

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