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Whitby Chronicle, 11 Nov 1869, p. 4

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houri, lor 10c. 16M. q. T'8 h7ip AT - fdgèed to b. superbe or o < tsg j ab.i0 nasalesWo. Tih. meut beasutitan d pei fidsabdtt4 ortheplu, jogagi- odOn good farm Meerity WMikusablp are cary esialan d vocld nagoclation of Loana, u a rnoot tea asy dravlig.rootu. AÀlb- te promptl>', and at an ¶ehumntolirobua dtua trado, An .~ Is ad laca Wo iteoi une thae 0hbtoegd 's latuun o ain<tasurod ilsôsid gttigae*efebad àlu b.Ontaio c" ra.Aurait, Bol 110O, Cohonrg D, meux W>IokaekAélos D U Sm l/es. C<00 u4 1ort ftrry, Docomi, rllE LIVERPOOL & L)NDON & GLoBE J NS e Zgia Ii'rnof s. T I &SNCE COMYANY 100e îî. lta INV UTED PU NS are.S' $11,0686 Yi (J C1011%rea aicir*Protection lcr the uu. ità rial E OLi %,laudt 'YvN lm,,argrs îiep<soll te tiherchant Aliloi falmi Paous'ra,.PÀn, and, tise ut-ý mcm l ibusxiit7. ahown loi tisea asolai Juead Ouseanada Drancla, Montroas. 0. . 0.SMITHI 'Cto A1EU$ Agent for Domfniot. *WIitb7, Jsil toi4i, 1 09. f rES'] rriOrvY wu ang s Cunti.Powily colieczaana remittances ty nt 8pr cent intereat. Spacial attention vill ba giveus to th. 1and borrovers cao roI>' upon having their application. attended m"a"l "pense,. ,botb Improv.d and uniroprovéd constaotfly for sale.'.luiances 0 Faniers Mutual Insurance Company'. E. ]MAJOR,' - Officiai Auasigneand Vasinator. lecl isent door te the Itoyol Canadian Bank. ber2158.4 TABLISHED, 1833.] mu ~~ The-un-dersigned in returning àthanks for the liberal pati4>nage h. r D ft t ~ hîtiorto extended to the old establishment, for noanly a peniosi of fort>' ycars, deaines Do a B RX EPte Say' that? h.olbas nov on hansi a large assotmcent of the most mondemn aod elegant Famlly Grocer, Wineso pirit Stlso de:aelr, " Styles of- KIl'Ë T.. I1ASL, OSHIAWA. -And trusta by proper attention and nioderate pie osc~~a COOOKEY &GIASSW!AR contlnuance of publlc patrona ge. Ps-action! upholatering. larnnture ro--stuilosiand A WELL 6IELECTED STOCK P8EIUTELSUnderttking and Fimerals 1Fuly Supplied as heretofbré, BUGLE, IrSomè splendid specimens of Picture Frames,- and Gilding. e- A GROCN E, AO Remember .te Old Stand. aAi cb@Agî an nyu;> ooilaCad. ___j Ma4y go11, l1ut.2 htbMrh 88 1To .lMmra.OÀîrsÀ, uu,(o. toay P. QOunty e/ Lcanoxe, os., IPrnce os fOnaro,Feb. 90is, 1869. T 1III& la te c04lf tatsrin'r the vînton e1 rIode01. vaý tabou vh ilS a vcsh uéffof the inukies, whiel psdna1 dunlng the Bpnsg ef 1967, aiteaidelo,e m ocs, And on np te My Iips, suîd 1boutuo seok- alt1 could net tireyean, isuhtehia e «o oe cming on mi», sd sllarvard*, Isseugt medical sivive, e;MpiyngîAt duffienut <mai, \tlsrae docte,,. A sniedljs$aa of different kînsis, p-ýeîcvlbad by frlaidisutoifneavili. I centinnelite get vossanîsd vovss, nîtil tise Sommert f 156, * whan 1Ivas lidueed to, tvy flue gret Slsesisn- est, Uemedy h>' n.adinig tise cua,renleu-md, <s i pamphlet. -At tlsi im aled begunu t tfi el <b. sslsus.lu ny lisudro; In f"st1J va * Ith iifhnesRmdyedtwo ills. I noerr xpo tot oteronbut - iiaup>y itylis A nelleiue As a sort ::f féon * lsea. Tls cooa cf mine vs, ulst -a privai. oea, but knevs, te ail1rny nolgîshevi assa (fricandsud te as ene afilhlcad sas a va., I 'Juie .ouilay lva tise S boLscnces Msody; jbealiava It lviii uva en. . MARY A NN DOUGIITY, &W s iç¶ré puaiet asdae', Omsuljqf fli. * ro ie sLin a # o is f APst-er, 1859. -A. -y. WOOD, J.11., &as. 1 hardi>' certif>' lathoI luire lsno brs ns. !iv>' Ana Dousgls:y for tise isst fieon -0#TA; >ho filai voman cf luobil>' Andsltroth.ilur * ,- É lsne isorc ,doping osnid lune. s lirii; - essiIbalielier lacenîlicssîe <o b&te-t lut séry partiouin. 1-.nov tîsat Wlil it liles- aasm Wu dicts- i isesi anti I1 kev rit the asa.ielier necorer>", al wayî attrihuted War6orearn>' te sa8 Fseîionen Iteuoty. - haer us' e htpdculigsv péorties of Il*a medino o ting lscertsin, ts.tsse on M- - as 8 a ac: ta1iote seperfes mance * iela misada. A. P. WOOD, . . ~ ---*Wsedea fho County o estis agProvince 0(<Ontaneo, Domiclooef Caaa,. -Now,,Bakery' AND, TE IE<ndsalgind ed -opoîfnlyInanni tise Lpubleiot h 0làconîtanîîy prepormai te 1111 vstS prompitud il iri -a utise Baltes- ansd <.onetlonssyline. Fs-uit, spoligerind aIl ethev*kindme Cskol farts; sndIBisis t 1 W Fruait 08111 kls.di lu mason: ' lse lob.1 stars, Sindiasa, tCoq"otaul,, gingerIler,*co. 1 i.EcCJGALLO WlbBaker, Onfoctiocor, daBreaksi WhJmIy l, 1557. TE.ÂGIIER PIA.NO-PORTELe Tuux-,-InWuoona on piano, 610;- thaer oh muiualmicompoition, &0., extra, 85. Au - - en f or thaiIf Ts Wblbv a-eh af uplpi, 56 udhltuîn 14t 149 CARRIAQE -FAC TO0,RY, M. O'DO0N OVA Ny BEGS TO -DIRECT ATTENTION TO 19IS LARGE &i COMPLETE STOCK OP Â&R RIAGES, BUGGIES; &e., 0OP THE BEgT MAKE. A CALL 18 SOLICITED. M.O'DONO VAN, Whftby, August Srd, 1860 MANUFAC'TUUiLË AT TuIE Agrionitural Worko, LEFFEL93 CELEDEATEU 1.-AuNmnA- DoRble TURBINE WATER W}IE EL, IISEW eel sare nov uannfsctning chQr l UIayet inahp In &ise con. en, d vo viliigive -a *guarsatea vitheoaci, W hecl varrantlng then, to b. aï weillmode, and to va esood satlafaotion as any mAnu- ate Çddan urb Information eau oh- PAXTON, TATE AC. fPory4t., Port Poney, Ont. Tho TAXEictNOTICE, mpde nt the ne Thonl tnofapplisaetior vithe mpoitteaOnt aincr Pssblet smcmn etise Acti, noîmting <o tise -Port Wlxkby & Port Peyry Rallway Co, Ail OLLOW5 Te atisa,-iz an iseole lu tise Capital un :XtnsI o liss layronpas;itssNortîseru aemiusntBeevrton, previdesi hy issiti Acta; te semo p'>Ilnt ettise vatergns, hés <leerglon bis; 7e mntiionlzai n y Munieiali3- te P-us antepYuent off iroiMortgrige ioid c5lieItailway , Tc sials, the Morigage Bons!. On t6isai livîs>'andi Muniespa1 Debentnrea de- us0tatithe tCompansy, citiraesriîuem teatise luoldorsa; To legîlizo tis e laefion of Directes ansd tnenrai proceedisigs ot thueCompany'; te meake otiies-nece.sury emendmensm RJ. WILSON, Secretar>'P.W. A 1..B.c. W!iîSy, oa.i.l1, 1869. 71us-41 F Alt FOR SALEL 5<WOODBINECOTTAGE,91 vitîs its isIsienalisfarso cf 15 acre., lti ovncd bY Mr. Wni. Ta 1ev on tise Towo-litue. wsiiii0 i le et tni10 2evn Of. Wlssîy. Tes-me te suit tise pass-sîiees. WU. GLENNEY. <)et, 12, 1889. 41in-41 81. CHEUEN qrDASHER 1 A ilrst rate chasse. te msake mnnv. - E. IL. ROBBS. Wi1by, Ang. 4,11869. 1 AMES LAMON, sOLucITU 2% î ORAaEitr CON!EYANvCERl, lANDAGEfT AsO. hOMCE.-Oven Annsîreng's a Id, Main St, lUxbridge, uila 7!, 189. f 2 vios. -a orc -- 1 -o. sales Attendesit3bon tise sestest, notIce andi on noasenahie tes-as. Teris ucn ha mmd. et tbe CusIOîuaIuUmm&" ait Wlstby, les JLs-. Wiliso. - 0aw. Wlslth>', ct 8,189. - 4 'DIRE ASSURANCE COR, -7-IAB IN 1782, ce., Agents for Kanager. per ;weeIr, ini adi J. ý,BORLA FIUR ýTWEEDS, Broad 1si ALSfO A GOOD ASWOITMENT 0F ClOotho, Doeskins, pimiiE.AUX sigo 1 ,',,, Kelton, &c.9 ac., Cents-Furi s h ing Coods,- Goods made up in latLoit styles, at low pricest for Cash. Fniîurc lor Evcrybody, ALEZANDR PRIN LE, AT THE LOWVEST ý CASH PRICES, TO SUIT THE TIMES, AT TIIE SIGN 0F THE A very large assortînent of Furtîlture, consisting of Chairs, Sofas, I3eureaus, l3edsteads, Tables, &c, on hand. Every aitticle in the FURNITURE LUNE MADE TO OR-DEIR AND, WARLIANIED Also repairing, moving and boxing furniture done -in the best and Most careful manner. tJndertaking, attended to and Funerals iilly pplied!1 31Nqs. 1 2, Caldwell' Block, Brok treot, Whitby. CLEARING OUT'0F SUMMER STOCK 0P ,80 CENTS PER GYALLON.' ý Gingeýr Wine, on draught and in botties. R ennessey'u boit Frenchi Brandy, on draught &inbotties Davis's Don Aie, in 10gallon packages, & on drainht Guinnesses's Dublin Porter, POil»1',SHERRY, si-Ru lis, And ail kinds of LIQUORS. II~RO CE RIES, Best Frenchi Vinegar and Bottled Vinega.Hamas and - Aý FINE LOT ON IAD R.H JAMESON, Whbitby, Atug. 29t1î, 1869. DIJEASiS Bacon, Ek5TA3LISHED 1M67.. 111JEMONT"REAL-T-E COMPANY. 6 IJOSPITAL STREEIFT, MONTREIAL. T E nzcontinncd nceosaOf thi CeMRD y la only attribotablo to the q aliyad ponit or the1ir TOfiëa n ffvo8 11undred thosaâandboxe»ofTes have baghonte dffret parts of the Do-. wlnad Purfty or theor a- A geat, %avina cati hooffactod by p~assodirect làom'ni, csttiea ot .5 ans 12h., ad nwadî.Evey ackgevarantdta iv~îaisfc!on. Club together and aond~~~~ Cir foro ieM.ctis hc ulh sn ang r.t o ailway Station 1n the g~ Tryonr(rsisgrond tem roatd Clte, u I su llb. T nsd npvards., th. hiaveusr of vldh a nol~y xcelent.sndvonyaciçgo vnnmnad. fli an sd 6 or 101hs. Coffeceas Boglei, Break(aaî. Broken Le oa4 Ta 6. 0. i es«ïa»et 00 a6. V*Tory Ful Féou e d.74.5 ouMdOeiresg45ë.1lch FIaVeur do. 50e.;Vary Fine d J& ISo ; pn geee, MO.,50e., Fi" for-, yery en» i ia -Z ana7. GEEB*TEA .Twubky. 50. M5.;. ilYe g yon. te 0,5 ,sud 7&-.; Finedo. 72c. Vaiy Fine abc,;iSaerSno sud V.ry- C Foie. $lFn Onedruej ; ssnài od. $1. Tbe MmauteTe. <oBi'niyt lm~SXMNZ-Ts a >ea-aaseJ ebiotboS-itcàetoTo feusoa bumlavi lubafflmn> seedigl>'c~,.1155550 e. I oroycas preosi ssitag wsveitu belx. --- F. DEon T cm. Ecuirea T.Cisrsp: - - MantseuAiseI. 55~To ,MNtreimTe Cens là. Ibod..vou-e amnyee-int més5emdli.cna Cu -, Gaggugh lDeLe aiB, ba ooeuoieuasenoa 'wito w adrustd Dgitbat aiys>'be, lac. Tea Couney la nCS ii u notiuroui &The Ten TaCompany' gniranto e e iosrio aaiialhson Io iu pnvmuera,or roinfishe . ne>d. ~ THE TOIRONTO, TEA CIOPANTY, S 054lui n. 59-,,Tho T.a isia 0 #a 55ynt sing Cr5,7 aiaétion.'Al 1e vsiiexpecite b ave anuther or. iibsJue, 5e9-' e-e.Ta reces.p i oener'ge tisfaciion, a viaw Lstihianuemimn. Ail whohave fried ii,. 3Y lu. ilthe qnalit il asa good in 5h. nex: 01 stsnrod.",aurow Dro. Corlmi Lindsay, am TO WllO1IT VIA'Y CONOEILN The sbseriber, having learnedbyactual experiene, that the CREDIT -SY-STEM' Is wrol'g in princi pie and unfair to the Cash dealers; -omell- ing ihem to m ke good the, losis snstained by trùstiug the unprincilblas- DETERMNED HEREAPTER TO CR 2T I US~S >~ticty pon Cash ' Princip es Fie would therefore say to intending purchasers that lie will seil gooda eheaerthan any flou8e in town that doesa i <redît bulsiness. Cali AD EAISE My STOCK F FFESIL- Flour, Provisions, Croekery, Gl-iss and Earthenware, 4&c., &c.1 before-purchasing elt;owhçre. And if strict integrity and fair dealing -wil.1 build np a CASIl BUSINESS in thio Town, I arn ofter kt, SPositi-vely no "-goods delivered withoutlthe Cash.. The highest cash price paid- for, any quantity of go.od' Firkin's of BUTTER. REDUCTION IN THE PRICE 0F' Family Groceries h'"esb, cheaper than eviref At R,. FRANCl'8'S,. a BRC ~iPJ Corner oh Byron &Dundas st, Opposite obson oue. Bûst- Brandie%, Rumf, Gin,, OId R.ye, PORT & SHERRY. WINES, A sple.ndid article i ' n('lar-et, good and chetap,, and Farmers' Produco, R. FRANCIS, Butter, Wanted. Eggcs, Whiîby, Jul>' 22, >869. NO. 1, ON THE CORNER. COU NTY 0F ONTARII FOR THRE YEAR 1869. No. 1, Wltb........2 i l I 9,Msneîost PineAlbert. . ,.j .. 28 IL " 4. ....... . 27 ... 21 2 Canminoeton ......k12. .. .. 2 Aîcbes...............2 W tb ,jan u'a y 16th, 1#9 ,9 BU TU-E PÂ'PE"R HIAIN G1ING S. HE nnsior'ignod e lîontiep. T le chat l'à i l aoddni- I cent a1in nglisnd, a lot of SL,;I PAPER IIANG-INGS. Sciecteai carcl"11 by bimiaif, f1ich ha h. o aiaIVer>'Eeucd ric es. g]rPalsuung, Gs-siig, Giezusg, sund Piper JEsangU9 execUteil in a vork soanike ansi expeditioni manor,a- nanaL. A. C. WILSON, N Dundaà Street, Whitby Whitby, A pnil 8,, m. Mt ]BUTOHER' MAT, F ESH- & C1iJRED T SUBSCRlBlFltbettoinsormcneutin stantly- anpplîod.mi tte bpst Ipropoaiiâ Sisivtcoel'ylrdressed and jointed go ..-t lsOssekscplems, ansi fe asile nt tige lowest Iprie.. (Jorned BeeW,,]Polk and ûx ToDge Icssred su a ausperior inanner; and ovcnythilsg in tise Vicisxaiig -lie kept. conâîtsl>' o.s hansi. ,ZXOrcmemben tise ns-v Siîo-betveen tisa st beâcsrs,. list i issii Loves a& Powell, Brook Street. NI' JAMESmAN. Wlsltby, March'Stis, 186P. - 1-> ]Pire 1L P F-: LONDON. ESTABJISI-IED 1803. .Capital £1,045,000, Sterlig.- Fondais veîted î nnlu $O,00 I fURN7 ainmoi by lare effectes r n-10te Mositfvoi.tutas.AU l cme psid vithout referenice te tise Boas-t ii London. MINTsîULBROTitERS, itontrual, (boom! AgcIsta fer C..nads. ?Aet(! JOUN AGSEW, WM7nr, W'g fr'Vithyl Omia*&, Bovmsn!iihi mnrn*roundmag countr., TH1ALIBION IHOTEL, - -WHITBY. J. O. MPHERSN, --Ps-opisor.- Whitby, Jan. îth ub,181. 2 JOHN ROBINSON,»» flair- Dressing andShvn -SALOON, B11QCK ST., WiliTBT, ore SOTor Tu£ x IANEorMoNin. .. The No;;rth ba i1r.i±' o. Ioin thsa 4tI Conscssaion cf*tIse TOWNSRIP of -PI.CKERING, O cntaining 100sveres,. Tisiihe a !x o til-y of excellant Coda-5 ansi roos sd=woed J t hse 1 > . T ise so u i. g o 0 0 d u n d - lvo i t ro d ainsi bore 1iî s capital Miliimte on tise pr- -miser. Apply te,- zj ~Dr. ADAM YULLToN 2 g r to, W, H, BtI . 0 Gresîvccd, M AY 1 , 5. ~ JOHN CARTER, ,~LICENSED &UCTIONEERJ ONTÂRIO, YORK &.PFeEj- ' NRESIDENCE-lot 9. Stb Cou.& S larkbam....poat Oico.1-4isînvillo. SALES atted on tise sisortest notie, i WAGONS, e 1C)dmm Mie. Il ho Chk lion1 a uost AXE NOTICE, 01 Ouen ez bave rein sept. 211 1369, À splendid variety of Brook st., Whitby, August 24, 1869. Whitby, Sept. ý, 18, 1 and ý Whitby, JtÙy 22, 1809. DIVISI«. COURTS IN TUÉ . . COFF'BEO 71 F.IMILI GIJOCE, - TEIN - e l

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