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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Nov 1869, p. 1

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ntl..r. liE, - OËITARIO ZmI * ,WMyIMyA*Ctl. " 4Wlouiçbgb o 'n J13X Ofus a&nreaili rsui PrOPrffilW., 11 Thé b8 ' --- . j èàmd theorporatiuo et i@ CoeuîrpaoruOn u' l i e51 U IL . jhéInsuafis. twmuèyoloIspon good security. Ap- i nliýled wlibevarytbbug eftbu, i Ottthse <Lice otstilrm, C(ourtlous,- 01Wl-Oi uo u (gr KORRUN & AJIPSON -- IE N W fl £RIMT280, Attorncyi, Solleltorpjâae - EEBSNKUE lin litîest,Tofouno$C. W. DUN4DAS $TEH1LET, W NIT3T, C.W. 0, Ho COCRJLANEyB, Iît, rE eabsorlber brto Annonesi~tb 0 NT <OW ATTOIN £Y FOR ON- *olaadhbîînfriryknw * J uroarb.orsid .toruKya-Lm, ~ tu:sl Ubt0l, Whioh bas baureot. liltrlu(bincoîy, Noinîy b>nbleAu-tia ro! i'lae, Tuda vr.mîUV.srep"renaîy USeslu iigiowa NBilding1 Dtiadîtisltuated. orppite th(ise ot OffleA, nd Iinthe 5&rt,~"l4bv SiceiItrs.ot tisa Town., If. DAiLTELi ..ThaltaàwyOnnius cls eau t thée lotSU4 UNQEthé Itieît tuUxbyîdge and Beavortonîleev# C'>VZYx-tise door Overl nuOilng. -Bon rd@ perday. ce,1Dp MRgiit.r Mýwr Jxti-cordi tesfy,afudSeniiineîu ifaeel othecoun. GEORGE RONSON., #y of Uniarlo. Oilceloci-si., Witby. >0eCrefuasiTers bwyslusg.pndaaio >EO~3BRT jjy wisitbye, a18.80 1141t Sbt *, ATroUENZiY AT LAW GOG .i>~SêtiItoîîn isancar, d&0. WhistbyC ORAK Oficeq..Ovet Otario - »Il, o1n the Itortit IIEIC KEMOJIANT, Carpeuter, and kidaL JoinerGroonst, Whlgby. ÀA rgeqasm. laOî.ar.JAI UNDEau A&JIIITERAT-LA W, AUNDSOLICITOR AKI 'G. T(bimseeJ'oront".. u , rAK -7,FUNEXALS fublaui " dinatended JAAEU ILEITH tCi»DON, baud. 4osatî B AINtiTESRàA ATTORNNY.AT.LA W W0A HeStcto Ilîeolbîî. 8011 lior Ili <hAntery,Iônveyamser, No- aGBoita£cuxMAVt. J9S, N~.ext door 1tisaheStori of B. asTWftbJ. bBb, 88 OausflpbsillBroosk St., W istby, Cl. Wislbyov.sdo . ] rocklin Drug store. OICZTUN NOTANT PUBLIC, Ae0A. aWIW, Iiarsisier, lolicîlor la Chaauary, A.t*4 Wyneitnd iquots;ofthe beetqaalbty £oreyr. '4. cdfle upoas.acamsoù4 ýfu reliboved sf illnea W Jet loor ovar <ue B . aistaublas0ae.,1- 1868.inCt Wf~4b, et 165 - 40COMMERCI1AL MOTEL, YAREWEL & IcèOi - . BROCK sT.,_-wIIiTB. * DAUUItSTEU gATT;1N LYS, 8lJci- -0 ABi> J. frianer iegtà a&silonunea* Iei NJ No- Tbf'riids LiL.,opublie, tmt hoha bsTe.- UI"îwî-Ose oo-nbilof lu l'qt Hfle umned posbession of tb-e ibot e wil jsud faý- lbfmunA ud ootar'A iWo olb ' vorssbly-knownàlîotcb, whiiislamoy itied up T.uwu 11411, lBowmgnsilbi. upu, alu a parior malfîsar, wbth every eouveul- i. N. sufui oue.ee for ti erooptfezu of gaestsa âÏl tha frà- R>M f . vcbiîpirspube. Y'5058f LAUDJiN, IliL)CK etc EMITIl,' itîs peuîied yards, laatntilve Ostlbaal. * m'A>', eeprosoimes. charges. Moderate. 0 lJAbt~l1lo'p; B. . 29. CA.LDWELL. Aitormantb.fiȔn, soliccgu, lb h ou. e Wlfitbr, iJn. 4oles8-;i cryoad Iasolveaue1v, As!&. -___________ UvvuOe-NeIlBlBook, Broek-st;, YO A GISN - lti.6 ý - CUgM.sîettodn~ iie Wlb,<OMMlISSONN ER OH ANI Ji,,. 6.6"., 4. a., i l«. uesix.a A. W LAiUa. I .*.sksa.> INfSUIANCE, & GENREAL AGENT. Wbhitby, Jan., ifth 1866. W$ai LOLc,£0, 0.PEER Ht4 Ur 'iesto, nIN lOMXu>malo ck, BIlt c ÂN* eis V& o w Strit, B l'LNK, - - Propnetor. W-R IZ _yJatugS, 1o alla roul W hitfy ea#1 I ly . Jvi 7 * CIIARLES ûi.tl-- Stagelad te este. Lareful sad tian-( ATOSE T L AW, - SCLICI'LOR 1Ntilvaoscl. on llrouki C.,euar, e.<jni1 0 rEL&PIE IE J. UAMER GREEZ4WOQî>FOS LE TTRRYSC-,W.MLIL'ITOR [IrR SA E d* henitbyi, Notaiy ubt, Byon Jî, orou IAT old oietsblluhW sudd wuIllkbb*n -Ni)- oto -- 1GI9ANE. f y 1lARISTERSuuATTORLNEYS, 'ORVET- Spiendid roo.ny etbinA» dtiing cha, 10 l'il s0LEUTU*a#o - To'ade, onmne>bu deufred, Il da fln. youcghast- hall. Cpustéownilg Urcfmsrd. Vise et wo weulewith good 1) pam i Iliciexclent ya.er. 6 Poniasssw-Ortz.Blgelnws, Bleuie. joTife wi lli bu sold, At a barrain,4 13 IL (ooixisaw.,LL. B., W. M. Cueoumaarn. sSaI.. .onu0ftise heuîchanceslis the Doinnion P. Catiunty Crow 0 Attoinney. fortan 0aulve bumisîvats$nu). Port l'er', 2LOhtis l>eumer, 1l8M.' 51 WIi fao eclnbaiged for teanis propeuty. --- For ternis, &o., suplii ty b' ltter, p-al ). dlYrfIAg EN(LIMJI, L'L. B..9 t, ICANISTUER AT LA W; solicitor lu VUhan- WILIM N .T<N eo01ry, Vonvyalîer,A.o e. i Octoise ie - - 0 j) ROSS, DR- HANCOCK,, LICEN8ZD AUCTIONEE]q, *(rlum x rpzàxji A îONu0.) DAILJjqu ofîhe slxîh Division Court T -1 . Gov CC UJE EVERTON J su Ile .J. clxcq*&cq21 4$LIRGFUN U 'V iUE V Q U TY AUL e o , . * W-.HM, LA W, B. A., M.,D., GENERAL BLACKSMITII, N Phyicen srjentccucet, A&. FIRSI-FRÃŽZE 1MORSE-8JIOER, ' f ly.lD.- WhiLthy, 10, 87l. 2- TJitoliS usNprn, TAMII l. (IERICJIB M POWN CLYlIIK 8TREAeUltElt WliîITIY ci J. UIee-Town I[[ail - lours <te 1I oelook. lias Junet recebved a cariJoad ofextrOrafuaed Un be 15 va 00. o rio hu' ilpzLI OUI TOWN OR' COtNTY, AT REAABLE L'ATEÃŽ. £0" Airateueguuufoi- mles a b M e ffe, Iiocn t 10 Cr0 , ci- fit'; '>7 ÇO 1 bCOAL 1 FrDo utijonr>Bl.E om' lo'g, ai'na ACARGO 0F BEST COAL, W b*,«y.Ai,.'çt l'ifi, I3G9. Z T 110XAS BJT l içso'1orM ie people of r , nd *,D-u iyIia.t, lie Iu, opetied a ebop Opposite the Ontario Bank) Block ireet, Waitbl Ontarlo. Cloulka'sud Wa.'igj esa uçd repired, ulto sui; repli red, &r- ~.,*. Asar Cyour Pw .'oa4g'ge fle icited. TuI08. Bi NT, WIilLCI,, Aug.10, 1049. ir-se. Al'yAmO0UNT 0? V Z T? LON s m e t01 Iom ty , <p! vÀ te f d e) ou I good v m'eid li ]1n- WÂREimm.. ires k delleoontisa ahbo'.<,.î luodce. ('pa ,Z 'Ouse, Co icu d ARMSTRONG'8 Prpriter. or1le LairO ,jdie ai ks) E.ARITEOG, ON recr T l rloo visli ed rlise lra ilripir . sierb)0ê splre ' l l ise le p opid roo>r ataf GIfh ag, ëf' line kxneborid0', eu. 2, %' . si ANM1rie Oen! jüx lr !,* Su olieaul ioe lo n Dams..) sv :m a jor li ii iiesl rpxeoorfi Gobila li-iel boci ', ,O- m d(iflAIomaIbo, sý;lte oldeann fuuouîsef,- <uneha isa e. iiuem lfueal b idiFml ci ouisoliLe asipie c ii'iiqe ces mc-eul 1 b ed fs, o 61W'rc i?. et lgbptw.A wro .. t- ntuao l tiae a e loiiou su effc14I, i.gouale rseeiî -OlW uesr' Oiriu(mocyîu Oacf. .t olssasi £llim'ths1 elr 0bash ame lui sigili 1 Isem dîel. RxsuisAT si oi 0lt DLAK'SGALLERY 9ti ý u' o0lsetAi-i -t ilite Counir, and ce Ã".,' Sif>'. 6a ist IWThost'x v isa!<lanuatter-, 60 don'î aekmrd .abou, comivgfkowvard.- SBJROCK MT, WIII TEV. Wbttby, Nov. 12, 1lu7.4 C.N. VARS,.. dm ef-ltoasf ci ppc ait@ thaPoitîClis...ufmnc loaSttr4mt tird loora ortsof the Onbmri Mr' EX?.RESS AGENT. &e., miso Agai ecidant sud tstudàsld iliraufsce Co&. 1 l. E. ML IL.T 2 pLE It'aduate of Ontario Yeterlnaz 'COlle1 and latj Assistant te Prof. 8m4u of Toroento. so.IVILND, 'rofettsot ô«Agricalture P2o1. g11 IMI, V1S., Prinipal o!f stlo V Du. Vlleïe. ~Clu C)l toultl"o- Brootr!unA pril 14, 1969.,1 PATENT 8SULICITOR )RýAIGHTS-MAN« OTTA1iAu CANADA, liiC1~ ~ ~ ~~it sidi-crlp--s-s-aolî Govern- £ iA l ;nel Deiignos p o.-a'-tj' ~~ ~ ~~A-adîn. O;h'r Dtnuenty moin. ./iyusiur, e Pui.cmjOgirea re. adTrunk Railfay EoteL. iâTW iBIT BY STATION. 'V piram-enis uo ute su q»mte Grand 9fi.ted up Ilie bout@ sud *.sli!eto lu flm: se wiso ýtu.vor hîbsa wlîib'tise!-)ia'ronoge l i-o mei-lbttscori!otsacno fliseurusfoui. r ParI-ca tlkiuugtisae tain sud lessiar uest *111 hava tisenm .Il liton cars o!f tili ýMMER'CIAL'H1.OTEL9 xus pEtlN4GLE, - - ropu.ielor. ERITIàs JMRIA SIJ'RAMNE COMPANY Capital-, 0400,000. BIBLES andETÂNJNTBWiltby, 1mb May', 1869. 20 $, ,b. ~ ~ l ILn r<i D nds nrll dlioetaoumCAMP BELL, .4' if~ -rai 'o. 'n- mg 21 .5 Wl Ký),Sera. 8), - Ui. Uj CiT7Y jj1rpj Nios.',Y, and g2, Si; lue ph ree Tisa 4, lwoîifurlg ýponcîed lie luove [No <ase 78 cols, wiihsz,>o.j yad aud ataiji -: 40hiorce. Tra soeae * C . LA CNiprîatflor, Bî&Va, m'ib a VIew 1o MW ee ielessa. ad dl unand, for ilieir eae*-Z>od PERFEOTED' PECTÂCLEC, AI'POINTEl) As teîr 4. Aentfuilltiis place. Tiler hLavsie ,Fedî.- a e ve 0s1ittaadr'sui M, t1ic ra buse ,ioiitlfe li it I lle ca-.on,.re. auioi-ci siu'.vRoyl'eorijue i oieniicîl ' andn, i me iiueeéoin oi'i scqeu. lisf"0 bIoa'fr alie l , V ovar '4 ie oui'*1uV , v a,ea wo'ii. Tiiee' Ooe utri 0 *.1 1.'" i l . lsi on tuL o l , mv -is îl eci' co*'-10%ie c q 0 i a c'oes"ae m'cm s'f . ssi;a 'u. - ne >'ii.as l >e<il lis. ~u~mvyea uu!oit: on; eîmge ie. m MrW AV PLOF .2eVPEDDLIER.eM OAWES'S IIUTEL, 'e ulc lie grbiafto;Do.m 11% uMyn siiva u uî'.î-. -'.i lie flien - ed -lu l~ut% Je et , Ȕu Cl *,o, g, Noi m'a>. Au'-_ 1l. 1969>. mt ON£% TOLOANI - Ts'arnJ-fgiaJ irceived linebrnc 'onu tO Ilai-ca luite:um tmous-v .0lic pi e In o na tain or b s. v lu u" ia .. o r l i- prova, u-u.. oisia'oms-rTld ÇUCTION IWSINESS o. o Io W.Ilb. rirLlINij, Apîl2 ib, 1U9. Ne Ieg U, 94~. T~ UkR Ii S~ NMOIT]E SHORE PO RTS r.* O PT0 ROÉRES'ERm, àAnA wfl 11 moi "n ', 'n< r iiic >*. lvnt 'Co'e tfi n' i.riî'.freaQza. L;igcv.', ['osor I:oelle.:er,(12,"v At O. p fL c~11.8. '>~u-,wieîji be e.ca 5t Foo; r: ' F'T- rf 01 onIgir4i. or Io C. 1 PDe4% I . '.%,1j':J'b.ea o(v. OUta - . J. IieLel," > ' u . Nieioori, N6.eg, e 1 A.(*0"' l isa ed (400. tbeu.iruoni, Nl loîJr,eC. bE o. 'oliotret . .Malte, yAItMING ýML'EME'ïS, le. V'.ieil r Ie. > to u..lo 15stl ho coto- Root, Seed & Manure Drills, WAGlONS âAt L r-ireor .u avis CELEBRATED CHURN, Noieil 114oneaCI lie , ,.. e eie.of ie kluiJ BIf'prop cf 00 o u o«KC ffNS cin- 10'!, lie I.g u vifixa lie ý0600om' eusicd '.0 caecule ni' ode s w",im'iî'lî 1'e >May ien ri. oetl cieape-, iil *uie~glreus;cr cfe;:;Ou f01 id l>oifie *ilt l.che vî of Coli a, , bec lto1w iiClorie Eîîg7ce nt COR 11) 49D& LUJIER Tâkati la ocQua çgo ari iCa,iuP - eisowed. JAMbECLAYTON. TÂRE RT! lht application yl ha nwde nt tisa n t scodon et i'arlJament, of te Pirovinceof On$ario, lor ûmn et te amend the Aet»a#uiaiug to tf Port Whftby PortPeiry Ballay Co. 7T'OLLOWS. To autho anilucres.. bu thea Capital Stock of théi ~'a In pany ; -Toaunthorize un extinalon of Id silway (romiis KIortisar terminus At, virtoà, provlded by sald Acttsèam jut OÙ tehe waters 0f thea Geri n Ian' - tmolntM niagitZ of the liiiliway Té mae MortgeaBonds on t'rbllw n -SIiplDaaUuras do- - Il aC4p y Vigil deeuriîles Wto th anAér Tes i àrtha alaction of Di rur and oueal or diugs et tho Company; te, maie. other ii71ry amendmeuits. sfretsry r.W. AP. I. 10 w hlby0: 0u14"9. 7ID-1 fi mirne loi t ,borowerg at Véry loyw t s of luarsî rpaYgbla lu One $cm, or by 7aitl1y Iam Ieattb,.o! ofthé liment Monoîary F7ELL And a nuimutt IITDPARMI, DUN~ASSTRE-ET, Wil By, C. W. Re<lpàyIb Oe-i lb CSunsirsue'a Slore W l,%* Ja eé% ru lS lyog&f Le fIet>&6 e rs e u t, m Ou00.oc ~is r;-~.ev ouo ctua DASEER!1 AIfraach'ance b make. mone.' W bt by , A ug . 4 ,1 989. E. I B B B 51 1oý-Town Lot mitis dwalliug, adjolibnn bbe Mechanies'lustituca. 11o. 32-Toim Lono0rtis 01 tise nudry. No. 1 X-ot 1.-Ilu Stis-con,,, Mata tiss Ltisà of axfellonb qualit>' oflusaul, sd ii aio ?-14is-4ýParb M.Z.M Lot Ko. 7,ýln itiscon. W ci, 5serus<- 200 acre. " 7 alts< 1No. 1- in t 20 acres. 0o-18 - 8ln 2th " - "Oaras. 200 srs S e v e i m l a l f a t e d l o t a l un , f l e t f i r v n g 1116sg# of Por't Pari-, and fort>' wolsWle=ia losi1'n tisa Té oi rWhlgby. Eaach, eoaraaaî0arpj,'itb good buildings. Lot No. 22ln 19th cou. ioviek. MirP] R Rlr cn ho se n aft is'office e ?ry ils> fomua 9 <o ô O'elock. u'iseîa ail information l u r f @ o ao a t i e b o r e u e h a b " d p p l calions b t>'pofprejsldi. Al tbaîbove prOpcrfYblà ow open for ln ePaction, aud bisa Proprtatcor Would iko to 01Ou omt ilsm'isla itiin thrty days.. ]ROBERT y. PERRY, ti.t Whty et 9 so F 1IRST-CLASS PAR)£ FOR Consposd of <ha eTrpsit o! UtN]o- 33, 4th Cou. of Whiiby Coeainsu 100 Acres# more or log about 60> mores cisared, tisaveunaîndar mal t imered. Thora la a god trame »m'linl Houa., mith atome ceilis, 25 x 85, luarse2Mo M i ton , frasuaB in, 86 x 50, i sS h ' ed i au d.ruaaf horTIse a i lvig etreaux tanniq fistougis thse Paru. grTitle iudhspneabla. Alco for sâla a large quanlît>' o! gaoi Cor Wood, hirnasonesdt lust minter, àusos qusu btty Ha'nioek Bai-k for baie. For torne and furiser pA rtîculea, apply (ii b>' latter prc-peid) to ALEXANDER OGSTUN, Whitby Post Otite Wlitby, Ct. 18, 109,, SMs-42 N OTICE li Appication mlIi ha-made tq btha Lgilive Assaunisi>'of Ontailo t is naxteuissiont for au Actb aincnding Ace , vW'o bir. 40, entsîled, "Mf Acf W aufisorilaesale0clheinnsovble proporl>' of tiselmt@ Herrioat Judith Hart,," oc aelto ampomur tise Caragor or the esimie of ilus aid bar-btJdith liarit bouve>'Lot nu un ber Tirelve, lu tise Tirelâtis ounesaolon o! the Tovnshlp o!fBasai, l hebProvluceoiOiaboý Dai.d, dît October, 1869. 41 MdARUFACTIiRED AT'TRE- .Agriculturul Worke LEFIPEL'8 CELEDR9ATED Douible TURBINE WATER WIIEEL I»s monvzoixoanoa.M xxioir xlusn b (à tg rIIESEsz aéla *m ieno o snuflmcnring . Oeepor lisan sA>' otisar bopi tis ecoun- r t' e n d me m li g iv o a g u a isa .t is c a cie u hu iC O l m i r u i n g h s c m t si b e a me l m a d e , and b gfhue as good satlalsetion assa>' mu- fired la the Doministn. Pâties dssirmg fumirienfoinatloaeau oh- tin lb b>' sjilg, PAXTUN4, TÂ&TE &C0., litas 8sf,180 Pa yt, Por PT ry, ont, 1TONS W hby, A pri l 28, 1969. O UK T I 1 JAMES L&MON,i CONVETANCER, LANIfD AGENT &c. OP0P-OeT Arnairong's &oie, main st., Tzbrldge, <Ja ne JIXI,189. t . pwvAWW. hi i r I f 1Wôlu Pare iq VIh!Bý a 3cnrs'A b. th&-rod puibm h pv, fitraf 0 et TIs litasi>akal-to tis>' grav. ' issow f* a - caranDot forunyel!, Mr fsnils fatr- 01gb abor. lis>, Bayomuti il ui eviforle powrt 10 iw; iose glitterissg1 -M y siat.rahoue befote hara astar -- - 'rif an Impenels Shbues pmsreby .a'ar tise yonug moon's creSý uded ffe cent - unreacffaf Sha wlah'diont etatuionsbotiste tar tisfioceama al, Wibls the saie foui brusîs;,'twas. a mobrtby tbrou$h mnici th Ofluomisohfte.masudhctsofaî.uîgg in latise muit of ti -To tako sncb pians W hblskacihotis uofgue.the g>-eat white a ITla aidL aoko onneuainorbla Mnoria gieaming béesaaatl 'AnA fond ttsa ifi s susous; pedly. thir lustrawu re Ikn.w myself bis. tasgtfraleoa - adso i.gr moon cle& mneelntâtlsui. (tbCLrd adekonoews Wh&.t lauirëa l îrude 'Oma,ýn ns>'hava wmru - As tiesailors a I kom otbubthi dad o suaun', étr-anigeSpectale This Iavd, loguacloas, literr a ntie, coantenanca ofth ot; Shol wenastisauon oelîsidut à oreaAiulo iemiSaba -Oua's lie baoiues ore unn yeum- roll ob; AnA yet s insu inuit fact a lîtIe iota .To tisink bow lue milI enffer mien halo, gona. 4413W nUlbomuhis i,"sasthea men ci yora, "$De asrudaf," but nom oves5 10mb upon Polies mito foui wordo; lu foot tlmeres no Enougb. I bve 1 ail mon'&soorn thaele- This insuiltýth lb. 1M n d the doid;- 'Twsa a prond teak for woman7àa banda b try STo*heap dellement.on a womuanIs bond.' Thlastowa bad screly aaredto prate, bam 1 Beaus living' but wharer her wordesar.eaWd Dooo exeoradons muet ber naine environ WIîo dagte' inddle wlth me. TI teiWturc Tisa paie raya cf tisa moon fal soffI>' on stise green' billoirs o!flise Polar Ses, and upontise wite saili.o! a majestic vasal wvicis dasd hei tsafosm _tafo sparkling. spray viti bateromas tise uvifîl> moy- - cd fistoagis tie valeiw. Par ibeai la.tis> distance tisa blini o!fiteiras visible t M .xperiana.A ayes of tbisateison deck. Au tise bnra tpidi>' approachail fthe crystal bartieas cene ofirondrons beauf>' vas reveale4. 'An immense floa'efcis'ed westwardl b.yond tise teacla o! vision unile ils castern.s, xfremil> ' vas covetoil uitS a fiin hase ihicis envelope it inlua royib.iious obscurify. Beneatis tisaIlu- distinct ligist o! theseevna tisa loy ses appeared like au ococf alabotetoo' -pute anda tinleas vèr te ha aallWd b> lthe prescuca of morlality, butlaftabo!e for fthe ses nympias of tlisArozenlmouIl. As tise Maturai siovî> salliai tistongis an Inlet o! opean valet, irnici tan- 11ko au emmoald girdie fisîcugistise s nom>' glacier, tise horizon purplad vitis fie brigistgleams of lise aurora borealis. A crimson bail sisof acroslise sie>, graduailly incteasing lu aize, sud fil>' burstiug itb as t Sun, mItose raya stesuid atisuait tise»boa; ven lu flashes o! mungled scarlel, purple sud gold, misicis faM> uited int a laie. mItose blue--dopîhs boat -lu uild marcs upon tise fom'asb dad iillsandl tor'ýuy gorges tisat unvironed if. Tise veasel fotced isor va>'ftougis bie narroir passage,, toirards fisc nortisoru cx- tremnit>' of the flou, unfil an adamauf bau'- rier of tcabceîrtcbed mrose tise inlet, bsrming s furtiser advanct. -&hAit cfed objecta mare repreamsfed by fisosua. Some rose like saient catisedrais oftisa Dark À !ges, aw!aibing ,bob tise an- tranceo iltie goreenusl>' robel is'eropiaut te fhrov open liscir sealed portabi, for fisc 1-admittanc of noble sud* pensant, knigist sud vasl, mml. otis ear bteath o! tise incense, mingledil utS tisa tisndcs.ing Te Deum, Iloabeiupon lthe frostir. 5i4, by side v.Stie-C , fn c 'ebat o lis Maisommodan mosque, - misao scUelr minaretl sud iettel iloma gleasilas, brighyIsn>'lutis îovcoverid ocean,,ho- I oasi tise, golden llgist, as les uts ovssfervid1 clisseo! tseorangeanil fis palm. -mUgh aboie lia comipou's bired rfons 1i.ls-n 1 accessible cytia tisa îned ecasîleo! seino robiser, baron; tise hatlteed. bwerssu nu;.., >0535>5wM Me s maai ttre4 bo>' ips lognusa fe SucS anutteraica A ubduad howl attracled thair atfen- flouiente theetop o!fthejierge, har. ¶wo vishita hats eto dietlncbly visible, growl. 0u Içand gsiulg thisaiteeth a stheabuman bUipvlso baildarail t0 disfuu-b iisfrsoli- fade. A tamqaickestrokes o! htiecrsunt, tse béats mis, lhq mmeàiste vlcinity of lflllstetadyals itu hechiai barpoonor plunged his itou loto tise grast 'bulk - of tise visai, Scarcai>' bai tsa mouster-faIt - tisa iound, iran ha furued i mlS qauic fetocity upon fise aulisors o! if, laabing fisc deap imb a itofoomnsa b ho rielad arcund. Hiz -scileafr-sapd jaW-sood lu bolA tallie!againet fth. purpbe bock- grouisd. Tise lino iria s toir ni- ier tistal ibh llghing-liko veladctr; but forfunstoly t-fise ontfiued toduas aromad ndr a clîcle, for a fév amoments of motion lu a direct lino wouldihava sivr- ad biseIligisI b" ta glut tb. flinfy Ici,~ 1 Not moro anexpecteil la fs e faîl cf-tQ 1thunderboît1fioui a cloudleu ske-ftiss Sthe, sudden proof gian b>' the ivislal of tsa dreail eagacty fori- nici, biâmasse ranoWed. llaving modarafo is i.specd, iha continail fo scuîll 1-n a circa, apparent 1>' nmindful of thseanmiles arounil hlBm. Deeming if a favonrable ojporfnity, tise looSo boots adiranced to thse stanti of fise fut one, and fisc iarpoonar of tisa noetfhai aireail' pousud iisdaiffoi- a emat, when fise white visaI, inofsnaneos- 1>' av.rvng frouà tsa coursebhaaitîr- ,te beaan-pnuiung, cussa ita'bois be- fvan iats ets. Tisa injurel boat-lim- mediael>' sane, and a acane of tise vildest confusion ems.Uad1 ts erriflelscamemî deaperstely stiving f0 ahun thefia, ,av vnics Iadsreail>' rougsî sucS fearful Pulncin.-Bt ln vain ver, aU Ushe efiorts of oneapoor falîu, vWho vas da~ downbefgrofise ey.s of hie messins haulng scareir lvima tballer a single mil bctaneue hoà disappuared for evur.- 8o hsum'ssý.like vas fthe conduat o! the. vie, tisaItee omrades of tise -di-onel Meaman became, animalél vits as Blerce a tis foi vongeanco as fisough tfisir op- ponent mas-% mottai lot. Stern and féarful vas tisacontait uneSh foîlowced, The eomnading veicé o! thoir mate sounded'higs sud. lear- abovo tise tumulf.-"sae.hlm, My heartiasi1 Nom ha's got iti Bmck, aill-of yon-ou your lives, biceIh'sî iedeati ury." ýTbéecontest vas onde, sud lte greai irhite misbale a y,-upon bis aide-daad. Bub terrible evidences of lise avînI struggle wirbias ha& labely pased intisaf etrange arcs aframéil fh iserti. Shattered bousa aud diseesieed. corpoes fBoateil lipon tsa' iseavinzbillovswiisa uundulatory motion, tse latter <ilin"ging to piecea o!fishe mreck- witithsegtip ofdems. .Tii.onI>'remain." ing boat stecVed aloýn side of fis, motion- asbody o! bie-ow'ssc, ovcr-m'hoa. faria tibè mate leant lu filumps. Tise aire-strace creir guzaililu suent wonder'upon tbiat oie, sarcel>'darins b Sablievo inlits suceaSful completuon, ani 'nconacioua o! tise daîi hovering ovar tisai. A mlgisfy vair. tcésailhesa Cl1 lise icebergassyed upon bise -troublaI waters. Thoyýbomed hie terpest-rivon. colotiug ost vivîd 11URON PORI i SNOW 1 -

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