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Whitby Chronicle, 18 Nov 1869, p. 2

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-~ ~>WUS SVe gave. zeo~~ ~ ! ih1at~.Ioî; ~ '~BI~&<O*~ en4~J~#*4Ç~ O 0SW*~O~ p~oWe~j~ ,~ "w- -~,a-,un. - -, ~ V~VpW 181 psy mens. ~ ~ . LSqeoe, 1,611, ~Ud4~J *5p5g~54 OW~l apprôbsîto,. !017 ~~rreh 4'I% - arrove-of a~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~Tb ~ et, ~ 200 certain ei~ee. <or S1-"~ layin ~Jie~e~ ., by Unreae;~g4 ChaI tii. ~ tii. 'bol. ,ear ~ ~* PI~bpgtG n~Iov~ e "~ 'af O~ lié hi j>~ tb.tougforsjgq~ ~ ~ ~iffTOI~p~i.fr SO7~ ~.-T..K. ~ fl d9W# the t~aok sbê. ~uepond ~BaII..y. 6#4O ~ LwO»n~ ~ c.~ ~ un. ~ bour.dmn duty oUlala Houa. tOCGêtrol ~. cons ~ ~ 04. *drOnIVIwanu.acd me part of iii. byJa,. prellminary etrveys 1@@ J B asog~g 8~î1lIstratlqn ottbo~tblie~fg~aaocc~ Âl~&Jpo Zoe*-.'nii~*.. Wahke,~ ~ ~ c, ~ ~ ~él55 otan Mondey' abont.1~~~qvI!h. etUl6g~It~: ~ ~ KoeI. hc~ s*de ~ ta l~rinina 9Çtiie.4i>~poep ~ atoefr, 'a.dlieggj ~~5î*,~1 ~ tb~ran~j of pubufcmonçg made b.~th~ O. Diaii.r 40o., anS oorssgunS b Q~ oauwfnlly-by 1fr. Meodon~îj eh. 'Town ~ b1i~ii t~'1ar ~ai~~t ~'~ati~*>sry <oîL<i.~ flkl MuonS tise aI îLe nez AUOT102( SALES. I'reaent tise amounîs to <lie large *~ cf .p.~ ahoçild ho l~yÂct cf Lb, ,for auomini 0f uhongh lb. ~ .bad bec n preparcd Iasbonbl~zd,în 94~~9~7~ wad epsaks WeIl <os. us or~w Ced to 1h, parUcular The 11m, »rog~'#., Pbflîlps, , SOllehorhe (1fr. ».> ~vaqC.4 fo bob fer. ~ '-~~ ~ JoaS: ~hb*r .Ahd. ézor 16, enS tilo4,c. <lieu <o Tor@pto p 'J ~* ~ caIl~ a~proprla granta Bref uandp; .6;~S ~ eo<~.~ ~hsa~nS4 1né~4a4' <~ ocre hbefr pro. Jn yveaa~ to~e~nsj~ ~ , WUub>~, Hors., OessIah,., POSiif@n <Pt hii#~'rolnoe, aud erea5nlj4~ Do9oI~fllyftbaCPra~inlon~dwb, wsa~ j~ 101 h villa Chou; nree ~0Od ~O18~ 'Ph, ~ - sud, preprn>~~i Sii~PdIv-that~ '~ ' 1fr 'l~aij~ lapi@0,iîa 10 an~-' w~ *zhïnm<on ~ ~t '2~I1O.vea~ tPe- Mu. M. ?a$or...-L. Fairbanks Whateer oie, me, lie eh, shorac..~~,~ ot sud, h1ob~tb.7 4'a~w~b..~ a>proprlated; /1h.prwgjj eau, siWhd, '~éi aIse Jir. Draper aeoonSed~iay aJonc, lu caria sud 11Inl~1tn I~. Anogo.~sesr, Cie Governmc~....<0. ~. ~ for an ~ amad IUIgI~S Os s~o~ g ~S0o liusI~eIu oeove4 Ilput eh. eommuu1ceti~,n cf nouba, iho reongnip Clan urgent n.- ~ cmii a 8vadetio~ tGriWdi~g~1ALb ¶Iî 1p VaJ..W.pj<.* Landa <n O~lngn~ooue>~ O1ana<*~gp5 0f <be Psowj..~ lande. 1h, appropriatîou cf leio:ehonî::, harley <o ~a Satswday, Ko, titi. P 1ô~Ar.b Aune iglou Ch. uionlos ce iasaed , r accouai cf Measre. O. Draper Bigelo,, askiug theî.S1oooo~ of~ thé UO 117 ot an i~crwaosd]i f#iln~ cacess1 ,cla~qf ougtiSoata~bl5, sud ~ thira ol' sud alun 0f îhê accou0fs ~ anS Ce., aud Meure. Carde ~ Rus.. ooo Town debeutur., . uIglau~ lpjo~~ prou eg;ng. 0<5200 BroSdy, 4a.Uoucor. - Ilc.~ Reput,. thereo~ and for reporte f0 tiais iiouise The S0ffa~ Uglo., also for Oasego, orsi 10 ila, Eaitvay Company~ b. h~uded fsaa~of ~ Dusuole dolua of Ch, J~prt . Sale teeoherrney b, angngeui~~~ tbe'$~ XéiJ<, i ~ n respect CIe~suf d4be: frtbaÏe tee *- On TJaomp.ou...4. Wmiocsaay, Dec. Pauterson, &h, 'aI Anotioaeur. MayflelS, for 1h. anueza:iou of tii. Domiojean R... ~ That 4udftor. vneraI lu ordoe Co-eccompneh h. I~4 . tb~ ion, ~b- cf Tii. ~r. ~' 4datu .-<~i~o~ ns8eeau1ent~ ueid on cowmlltW tloaooe ro~orî <o aud a ara ~ Mnskolca SIwcoeaud 2'ornuo th. et o~' ToeDC a S~tog Soncjiou for <hi. 'J~0i difference Brut aqd c1nesand$~5~, ~ hould o Su l'ooL~ fi lu noSeratooS- ~ resolut laU, Way,' vas ezpeoted lu the n'ez~ mee:iu~ps' <la. Çonnujî* ~ Matnrdey, Nov, ZOuli. on lpC N.. publie <o tii. Umites S.~., ~, Noir ~ That ~ It ahoaald b. 1h, dut>' cf tlie cargo of wlaeaî anS peau, for ~iu<e<on, eponulbjljîy abai Ch. to~u had C~ eunoee ~"~'~ ou 1h, QrlllIa-~e.~>p~1 Cher - ~ ~OV~OIh mec&loa~ noceusey Ibat t~o<, *bo a Pro. daring1lp~ ~ft.ruqon, anS vu b Ioed .îub Mm. Drap~r ref.rr.,l le ah.. Ieavyr,... ,~ wcri~ wc canpot uay. ~ ~i%. Provincial ~4uditor te on a pro. Or accoani 0< blossr. O Drsp.r k Co. In connoogiou ahi flie ~atl.ay, ~ bave no OOIlfld*OO# i Ia'.ah.. ~ or Cliel? An&hs,. aofeoeî~c. Sq tl~p q Iluju. lad Cou, cf Wlalîley, vainalal. pro. York Oua saatha&~ acudIeJopa of an. ~ requisîtion Ch. issuc cf publio PlOZlieg Tii. warehouaou are uow preuy adI hhet h waedoe te eh. ratepaprs;:~î overy, h. p. ruuadcd iqîu gren perey euS l'arma &ock of N. Ly.~L'. a have Yakbsnka, Jr. AnoCioaie.r. au4 saiS pîedg agre.d upon, te Ch. P~oviopIa Troqgure, te Lb. eXteol OlcareS 00< cf barly, Ch.re bcibg Oui, thiog oouocted wiula iii. Coupaoy hed ifenis tii. ezteoaiouoî~y raflwray : ~ ~ ~ e', anS caunol b~nypp~,~4 'p0oea.I~oo~c> ~ ~. r ~' ~ te 3011 ah.y are' eluilar ~ Chôme cf the an anS for ~bo UrsIces te which Iba seme ~"o 8~all lots h.loogiu1 <o . faa~uere lu beendon. lu e propr~ a~ann.r,~ au~ aIl ,' ~ OC afrordilau an asrne,~j ~ oqcl4 hy favqurnililé2i'la i~à»î Ides ~' ' Ou Tue.dy 1~ov. 2arS. ca lot No. 14, negeglon ôf ?.zas, anS that Cheyareto lie latur., ~ auSit <ho ap the hanS about <vo lhoqeni buehels r>'.. lii. iuseresg* cf Ch. Oorporeîlon iofore eh, de Stie Con. of Pbofrsrlag, pro p.rC~Oî' Jase la ropriation et . bava hon *pproprIaCed by oct cf 1h. logis. etora. Heers. Drep.r k Ce, - have ou pre$r pr.caations~CaJ~.<o~, pr e euhr WlaiSby.~ ~"org esr. COugresi. . . nase - . au <b.. , Op.ning , et monlM CXp.n4ltUr* ao ieaiaed, ~h.ro< ~d anS t e ~ aceounte vepo4 cf te t t barbor 15 open as lu IulS-anmanr aud boutures vers hanSeS ovsr.~ h vue Ver ~ ~ c~1. irt~'ctiiv.esti~o ~fLdUieeJ#iiu *Li4pa.~.A:II... - ' , e-.~ ~ lieue. in resj~ece tber.ef. , ~ ~ qaito elear of le.. * . trou lais desire, h. saiS, Cc do wé~o or scué ohhu go~Sj~,~,<p,116~1ç gfil7~tha&6na,%.weétk~S~rh Dlisrsea O. Palrnea....Jas. DIg , netico. Id belon îhe Se OHANOERY SALES. bcbg S?. ÂND8BW'5FDBTIVM,;....fr other b. *reuhel <ho Provincial Auditor sheuld TusSa7 niglat Swing eh. Dévore atoru Ihat woaldreard iii. progress et ;la~;ail~ uabj.rt te <h. don auoh~~. . lu vs young. Peey vo. Porey, ou Tues. Ocînauns wlll h. tonuS a partial annonne.. ~ shoald ~ prevailoS, 1h..sclaoouers.~j, way; III- h.'WàuteI~ajj~;j'~00y6 b., cd 'hulose frj~5~ Mr. ~ :eaS setisfaegîoP * - ~ ~ ~ ~~l42e~Ifro ail ~ d~ t ring good balai,. o.zj ~ auto Whutby Do grouu4,of complaiug, euS ho trasoid Lh.liortiwmn Ilaiîway. nov end ~4e~; ~.e. I4uh , e~ Whlseval.. -L, Pair.. at cf iii. progresse <o h. ear.f.S orna îo~~ Bubicot te roueraI on an eddrcss et Rance, fo shelser, euS unccecdcd in Chat wh.n <lis çQIpOJiC~ ~ ~S1kO7*?7 p~ J~j~ aprung n iiaahsjr. AaoIloa.er. ' . b7 Clii Se. Aodreura îocieîy anus place ~ ~"'~ shoul ,io~ 1IO14 snyotb *af~îy. ~Th. *euh.rofub. cenneil onld o ~' , - ~' ut preiioaea t#anar agnîns,. e ~ aud Zur~ka, met on Tneadey, Nov. 38. 'on lot No. 14, la oclulimulon ofthe intIval of ths patron . lat. ~heî by Ch. lqnd oct ef 186911 w ~"'re'~~~ J*rv.v.v1 i~ ~S~I aoue.Jiui. rUS7 toaa~niiao'hui ?alrahar. of responsi vçncînF~~lOh la penliapu e~'~j~ Choples<~e 0f Ch. Orown. or ga<CJug lusIS~~ very issu ichool soudons, Mary At Su oea PL~kerlug, Fer. Stoekiho., lie saint el SceelanS thfsy.ar. Thé tain omit "~'Ce4 ChiC IL ubeuld h. Jawful (or tIi daiusgc b, ,ossag loto oellisio~ viii eh. bllIty, Referriug ~ 1h, epplicetien of leospeba are la earooug, v* r.f,~ <o eh. ~ »t~>o~ iboer te' u~cla as ave ergnuent tlaa< the people of thon ~ <ound Chreugiiont lb. ceuntry ~ tqo amali r lu (Youucll te et4l~h~vJng ~pp property ofuhe lai, Sberood O. Paînasu. anS Siaplay are exp.oseS te h.. Cbslargest pr~ocds ofîbe soheol lande lu any oeunty g~~rjeS awoy. ' ~ ' , ~ . per stagcS Chat h. lied sesa a d~afî et eh. Simeus .10;th~qorgja,~~1 ~, pres. ~ ~ '. ... e plsr, ~of hsr fore. ~ Ouiaipany >fr. J~ri~ bol lames D igby, Âaesionesr. sud graudsg ofaay Chat bava jet tabou a eum net cxcooding 0ne~.fourth cf Macla il, nul Chat it e inaply seoglai p. wer fer' îuterested la te Chu LOgIsl~t0f, Rallye, fros ah, narre.5 cf Le . ~ O~:~l:tb' place lu cils tevn. Tii. &, AnS,.,'. proceede au a fund loi- publia loi ev~- ~ ~ - , ~ <~.rJ~r0nicIt SOOisty, vs ar glaS <o las eh. 10 Sent. asanre onde, ~ te h. e;p deS Jabjrcoç QnC~a,5ê, , - i . . 1h, Oouàty Oeunoilsefgluce. aud Outarie <~ sch.s, wilI ~ " ~ngn ~ lu lu Tise Hone, sat fer about squerser of toandors. th. .boads or give a~ b ~ 5~PplitJ8<5Ou têparliise~f5~~J~ ~ ~CoirniJl Inhteeti ~f~tlawrL~i0 ~ ye4srs, le growlog lut. large propor.. (Counoil anS aIse Ce rcacrve ouI~ cf Lb, pro. 50 hon, Ouly on Thnrsàa#.~ se Chat ver, ~ 'Nient 0f f2OAOO wiuheul gozng te chat îh.~ will h. anccessg'uî lu udr çq'orgs ~ Oint Ch, Trustees .of a scotiesi can e tue t3overn a Ornae.Io I~cunt scasicu te, a chartr, anS vo UD.~ dett.~' 1< il ~ISÃ"Proridè~~k~tie:v..n k QNLY $1 Clous anal iSPOJieno., anS in a qelsu w.>' ~ cf unapproPI.int.d crown lauds in Ji¶1l@ bnincis 'me ira coseS. 4uougst ratcpa7ers. TIrai lu was provided to eiiîeia 1<. W. hope se h. lui i~OsiUo,, li>rfl:tbo5!p *o(~ a le.. e y:EAJ:R aO@oaiplbsh.s~a1.. Cffding ons SftII thé PetitiOlli preeug4 as on. by M. C. Ch. SuOnut <o lie douated or guaran- te furuisia ou, readers in eh, Norîli .Ith ~ purPoses !II# ~ev I ~tie'owner Whftby, T~ursday, Nov,, 18, 1869. * Norîh R.n<re*..,E;,ctt0à eflir F forpublio lnapr vely -,.---.e .~ gooS. <o a «md oveucete vilain OCIlJero'J f~eu Che Teroate' anS Nipisaiug <eêâ W~ Ce ha epplieul *gclnsi te <ail rap ~ lie count anded amide, Cho ~ for cirtain fliuendsen<s ah. purcoas. cf rolling stock, se ' Chai BT USSCfnas Whl QOC~~>~r~ngan e~travegentp~4~ ~ ~ __________________________________ SalIve7 Oeoep are <o _ cie Ilinclus. ~ dWection cf lb. Gov~oor lu Oçuncal. ortiof ClieBeil, visaen.Tery ch Thualsa pro silo ' ~ ' ~yogras 0E tise lVbuIuby uni PorC P.,,7 Theton the '(Ch Deonaber, 16~5. au their charter. cvoryîlaiug lu ihe va, ofgradiug and laying ~ b. lacIS Smring n. order lu ceuncil vas passe Tii. asselon on Frlday~ £ooerdiag te our <h. Crack weuld la. oosplets4 bafor. il>. ARA ÀND ~ Ouopi. ~ r certain ,~- The cîcueis for sehetils h. trou, Terou<o côusesps,.,,1e,, onlp oocnpie5 COOOties 'rculd b. aubeS te dc ev Quite 4r ' s~.até'~iii~. coi$liticnq que asi64,~.. .aqr.,â~ in~f*.-~~4 'n tha., appoint. Fraude gioeks .bme bisa ,etumasd appîlcaîçen b.d heon satin fer- sud Ijiat oh.., appîloation lied hi. approval uc.taî ail z~zeaès Cli. ~ 8ê4 providnçg~ 'rocy t eot, and d sCsd:by Il>. sud about 12 sinuCes. ' . mn -~ - ~ V9~44hp la liallwey, ~ for Nortir ~eufrew b~.a majorhy et 120. Ch. ampro~cs~~~ fundoyo <aIl vIa. ai, vhlclain sac, initélaces hie 5uppî7oftL~ flECesssry,4 Thers are uow so Ave or six muse et The vote ut the elos. of <lie poli. atoo~.... ~ Chat the Orown Lunda Hou. Atlomucy.Gne I Mudoreî5 lu- for Ch, ob~1cct soaglas W h. slleiud, a 5.eieesp.c e '<b.- t*'e~dy- C4eZ ~la it tbe!4oIupuleory p4 ic ar shonld appria, tl>5InSpecCM.. trodeocti a lajîl enîitlcd t e OuCquîoDraî~. Tii. 547cm uaCd~ ho diS noC te hesu aIs oui - Ils Lilvay <racla gradeS, v. undersiand, Hiuckq, ~4O j »indlay, 440. <lencral .1 the aineunt at <lie cvedit~of oaoh egs &ct. Reed a firsi ~iije a~4 ord,,csj eh. OOWflhitCo ; but coasidcred Chai 711e Ibhig Sud ilie eousîrouîou~ cf Clis rocS h pro. I'lie OOUinetlou et caadidase~ in MoitI cetan~for procee4~rsaîc otIJoCh Orown for secoua mesSin1 ou 'Faesdayr uc:t. ube parîloular circUausîanuâ of île ~ P5; har,, videtia, maso, Tbe.ewenîy...~j~0~ qla~s. mi a loCal tuila prlog êloit ~ad'O! ~ ~peas Pr.PI:Or~dàtlliinf Wet fnéii ~èitaa edly Nnsocni g#sulng. repIdly ~ ou!S ~ espooted et Ileafro, for t~. îo.,î laigislaus. ~ eocrulng I lund,~ eo hast Cli. proportions bariey, a ?21e paln~ g ANtres, poverty, neglcct £P rDfaaté ~ pro. ibIs ssuon of <h. yeer, la liii bauds ef * placo on us Z4~li las te Ciao lmprovqmcnî fs»id naigh< Aur Ocunral Macdoaaîd introdurod a ~ Mm, Diaper's p0sisioo, Ibatth, iufor~ caqe, brunS out ver, vell. 5 r >~ Dumbis, 1h. eontracgor. ~u <h. on tho Ici Deecuaber. ~ Clie 'listion b. sct epuri by Che Receivor.Gcneraî for BIII coucsruiug ulasrifl's Sales for Texee. uafioO:~IhOPghê~.fe1~ freoa tlad "Oc. pany peteto. rot; CuIll * third of <h. poseto. Ces aiising bouween~Trusteeg and Totoh- .Letev~ Clint ~'%~rlng ~. contlnuanc, ot ~. llead Srsg lise-. anS. ~orSo,*5 <e, ~ uhoalS cPm. te lIa. Oonnoil ilirougla orne f,.w cospîtia previdca Cliat-% good'uaagiv of the di~trcn, uesti.g of the ?euu C~uucîî, lield *a~ Tus REMA~~,Q~ PIA5O~y.~ 5~~I4 Ordor larg, nqgpbsrs o f persona coul Ju reply te 1fr. Christi., Eoa. Mîoru.y h W~f poiuîed osai Cc ho sayor ho ~ ~. <lac sevarit7 cf ihu weoths~. Apptcs et III frein whocs declaien, - bowcv er, reading on Tne~ay. hcBS et the ~orporauîou, peclally t. Norîli> ipi Ponsequcuce cf ~~OO befer, ibo division <.7ou'rî Ju Brfg~s' ('tir. sud vegetabîs cmep Is rut nas.carcd, (ci. ~ et Prescut docided by arbitration, jI> Il DL nS lu Ch. 'newr counîles buylng Sohool Oensral Meirdouald 'CaseS chai aî vas net tnigl~ aoc wiîb, cm indepgudsnt of <ho Canaris7 frezen <o tIi. îrccs~aud reserved a riglat ofappeal. . _ cllog wsula Ruha.dy r >fou5~y evenlng lest, a cowmauîcaion of The Isperiai Gcverasea, bas ordered a anS (Jrown Lsands ut Chu pries, d*aaaaaadeij the ioi*nîion of ch, Ocramns~s~ the PresiScat, ashlag Chat 510,000 of Ch. man.oi-.ev te eoàvey the rcmaluo cf <lis by Lb. Orown mander Ch. ,jusLilLubl, bsllef Surin1 Finance coinnaihtes ia~ îhs maac.v. M * ~~r4wg te 1lao0piu1o~efIaa1 ubiqui<ous Tii. Suu~iaaer vacatiotai are tê lic '~'~" Dr 115.4;e. 5, . us ftrosdi deh.ncur.s o< tbs *50,000 lie hanSeS over late George P.ahédy to Amsrîca. TII. lu thBt-Of tho . prooee4s 0f Choir urcbaat ~ Proseut a.Ccion, ce fiatreduaas s geucral carrz.d dieu individuti~ "iii. oldcit liiliabIi.,t,': -~ucla Tuer, fi ne uOUuttuat (mes .tr , Ch TO 351h Ju!y te 151h Au uct.~ au iuoidept aever oco irred us an4ny ofila, ob $0 Cosnpeny, vas referreS <o Ch. Fl. a graufal, bai nene -îbsîsss Seceyve,< tri- 'aid AoC Imprevo. COmpaaig ;ay b. lnoerporate4., a.ceudc5 y properîîcnq provîti 1h11 nndcr 'mcii £IWAL ÀNO ASIC uemory~ echlcnablo teatur. cf Ch.. original Bail 'Jab SeWI~lltCee, AnS sabccqn.aeîy a bote ~e che cie grs.t monts 'a ocutesp Ced by tho saiS AoC la r.piy 10 JHou -1fr. 50<30e Tlavaaac, - SEMaNT LAWs* Oslaaiwa Iieaqs. ~ içul ojambai :goao Chrougla Che duftcrcnt sud Ordnr.,ln-Counqîi Cames. stucS thet Ct w~p 'u~î Ch. fusen.. ~'. Draper, <ho mayor, lb. reeve anS iii, - Corrociiondt.nce - ho aacprovcd sCilI more, auJ naad are con Tesoved, sud, befor. Ch, prc. rcsolnulons lere pauseS iuctmuoîlng senc. 1861, an order.ln.Oounoeî wé,s paaccd ai- amesten, <o refer th, Grass., sud ~5Clag. of tii. se toq~ plq'a ut throplst ou Clie pari <if Cli. Houa. gov.rn 4. That on the 16<h cf 4, P. tiO4 of Govarnsen~, deriag ah. prsssuî mover sud crocuS., ver. appuinteti Itprtn4iYjti Chronki..] Sta;cs in Parlinmohr, w. t.ù~î tbq* ft wjîî a As tii. .vea~. 186p lc drawiug <o a close, law as vJlr uptacquira te lie esaicia a ~ (Wedu,. Con. speelal cosoeisac, <o lakeijate consider. ve vilL.<ake a glance ~ ilie alacraticus aad aoroeCimeIt1oell~o~ . laiiges mn <ho Do 4h. ebairios., P.fr. Drapcr, Cc proeur. cer. fclndlng Che ortlqr of ~îh Daoeaaaber, 1855, mou Scheol Billc te a Selsol Oeunnaitge., aaioo lii, inuuilcîpal aud nssnccoaeaî leas l*Provenaeaac tiiuC laa~, tibia Pla'a-in our Scîa<ioî Bih a~ îcareaély i~irth noîbag POiS changea for y cli Whist. tala Soeanasnw aod laformasien freap cli. maujon Cabinet. wlaich Cuthorized Che payaaacnt et th. hua- , aire ip~eo cii., ~xiciaien of et lest cession- wi<h Uic viow of recos.. rillago turing tbeycar. Tii. Hall Works The trnfr on.o , provesont fun4 ereaged by t ho Eallvay COnapany, Cc h. laId liste,. <Le Ou Taesday lest leicral Cabinet 5. Thct et Ciao date of Ch t llCt*I uaeuding certain anendoaeuae te ah. ces,, bar. lieso gv.aîly - sutsrged, a~p 'ringc itig4l.o~J'own 0~ sny moment lu thot gir- Rye e itIa power Ce onq ouncul <if any Tho. phsngég' madp lu the Gkamnst~. ~-Barboy-':~. -' Conecîl. Tus is ail uit 'huaIS lis. 't'he changes anS nov 'n,.ns unade. orde, Cbern were great quuaî of 'Poney ~ O. ~ i~ ~ - - Ou fflOtiOa ofMr. Drapera Coqucjl aS,.. baiji 0f bricfr, ilare, eCorjn~ ~ . Jaavieg whcrt cacha a Grammnr Schacet tunyhe flOtICCOS ra<euapre <aIly OxpecI cbac <b. Ocencil ~ Tii. Cehi<ieî nov staads as follcwc t I~Aut1m~aas~pa1d te Ch. Orown on Ciao pur- ~Oe~ AttOiiiOV.Giaeral Ifaajoaaîd, iu Joarned for eue week. been aUed, îngeaa'~r wiîh nev~o~cos, uev 1~>istc<~~ Che mighî et aPpointîng net more l'orIc per cwi rescinding pper 1~aaa4u Ce <legs as iucldqec .111 dc Choir whol. SaCs in proteetlng CIao Hua. Gir John 4~. Macdeiaaus, K. O. B., Ch. roacinded erder, off which Surin6 Ch. continusuco 0f V5pl7 <O Ibm. Pergucon, atated that 1< vas ~ ~ anS fiulpg.ap sbops, aui aie seulS <han fwar.Taaa~eees Cc cci alun. wiîh thoae ~ flutter ~aCeasAi of lise oerperaîîoa. TIay voteS Piil~~ sud Misais<e, 0f Justice. ParC lima îlr.ce lioen paid. nnd~ large aoc the iutcatleu cf Goverameuê te luire.. - ~~~îI~a,', NOI'th~ iu~ ahop greasly eulargps.....,~i~~ wjll 4be s largo part S b~.jay4 lp orS., <o secere 1h. HoaS Hoe~ Sir George ~, Cartier, Nemi îtJ~ Bille fer amweatlsnnt of ili. aciecc~ (Spatial ~~rre~po~a.1ea'eo by ~:~: ~: Oospany te tara oaa Parly ~ - - . ~ls~ CUlttr.~ ~ TarIte». . .~. . '~ ~ '--'--~ Jfeg. , Miuisa'a <if Mllitia caS Defsoce. ' at ne proper prevîtiion wnî made ~ lav a~d lic~usa law 0f lss< session. £4risit~ meaut et work nov doue. ~u su.d hhey are r.ady 10 gîve th. 50057 ~lll. Hcn. Wr Fraucis Hiuckc, K. O. M. G. by Che reîcinding ordor or otherwice tom Meuday, trac S~pskom teck <ho chah at <ho Csb~ueî Fîcîor~ cf Mîscrs. 0161i1 Ttc Editôr efila------------Ts4.9rap~ ~ P p~ jugly royid.4 <ha Oaaapeuy tel*lituîîy euS O. B,, Ifinie<er of~Fiusnoe. ' Che applicuîi~ et thoasid monici in local tic Bilantes peut hhreo rud adjoarned ai lui <liC Ceenîhipe ofPtfara aud Lamia, et ceveral large sddigiens have h.op~dSeS fa <"lui nia acoou(at et a viali pald by lalua <c et han WIalt e rorento - Dâllj <miEl ail engagesease~ But viii. Ch.y ~0n~ W.. Modoegall, O. B., M'uisse ~ isuroveaients, anS Chat the cettlera have, <on wiuas.s <o fout c'cleck. thc presout Cime, the mosi prepiosut Copie <b. va, cf buildings anS machiner1. T~e Wlamfttc Oreçfr, vIsai,. Mr. Wllmoî la eo~suc. 'ITLIT fo~ iinco the date ofihe rescinding order, been AI<omney Qenemal Macdoueald presioted 0f,.dOOVer5a~Jo0 15 tii. iKteucgon pf lIa. TMitsra. LuIt, 4~ Bro's. have orect.~ ~ uer aly cai.r~rln~ c&,ns ". viii I sisu ou kecping Clis Oompany te Chai, cf Pelili, Wonkc. ebllgcd te psy lnîcd pricoî <ho Orsi rcperî cf Clt Staudiug Commi~<ee ~ H., h 4 B. flailvay. TIIiI cabjcou Oabiut Fartery lu addition te Choir el~ ~ o ~arga e, tiiers h su doifre te place any et Hea ~. L. ~èaagvlu, C. B., Sore<~ry Ce Ch. Cmos-n anS, lu addition, Ce previde ou Rsalvays, recomuendiug tiiet Ch. uum. ~ DO O O Che fulI stipu l~5a ~ la '~j~ by local tsx~tioî, for the improveluente ber cf iae Simbers reqaired <o constituas unsh.r oS pmeliuoinary meesînga have becu Ciii. weok. 1fr. Diogle, bail cm, lias aise 0wM'er. hy caret 'eut so more eavilllng ot liair.splluelag. fer eh. Prcvlugca, shopi . they wilI Oosaieaco tisent WitIa oîily Jn~Vnjfi~î5~8 ex n. lu cii. way. Tiiey Hou. Jes.pIa go,,, Seem.tery of State whlch would havi been sccooepîiehod by a quorum bs roSaceS w nine, anS eaoved iielS at varboul <Iwes, anS rccolationb iiav, a ues- slaep, <h. satchiuery of vhicla ~ tiC the 1h. fanS. h et ¶~iey wisli to dsal wluli Ilie Coaipsuy -la a Hou. 8. L. Tille7. O. D., TMimlster of ~" That tho dialinga et Ch. goverr.mont C rcsoluîioa b eoovdance, 'hicla vas paseS ausni~m.îy bu favor of <Ia. arien. ic rau by asos. po~î, Th. machiner7 the latter, a la,~e p jadîclouc I anS geesmous epirit, se Cha<, nov Cestonai. with tue sottIeri should lie chnrncteniaed oarrfrd. sien <rom Beevertou te Âtlaerly,...baî up aud aseas ongiuec 0f' bath . Mcsers. LaIte .tetie<lte a ~ aller bél'ng mb . 0< ne tever <han ~ WIS~Uî i'nadel r 'by Ch. atmost good faitla, and Chat It vas ~ Trow loCredu~5 a. lui T~ ascod <~ aow Cher. gave been c aud Dingle hîviug brou manu(ecuamcd a~ ~ inoiithg la iaen< prorees Of-lîtti. more <liait F aiad.rel~t ~h. mcey lsvoteS, the Ooaipmay oeay S.. Hou. Edward Lauy, Prcciti.u~ et tho not qat lu the govornme~C et th. laCe the suscusseni 1ev cf 'sut ioseieu. Mm. Cabsa b7 Ch. ceaucil. W. p.rceive, b7 a ch. Hall von s. The.Prea~j charcii CJoWIY....ctiine Ce îif - iras elleved te mun Auction. . Cooneil. - ne Secidcd stop .'rated psuc~ over hIc spîrît ,~ cxpoct ~o ne che Counoil iipitniih .Lrenm cf which a buld hicLelLan, tlvs tbe fullest lieoed~ froua It. It is ta Hon. J. C. Chapaic, R~OOivorGea.cal. Order ~lthoaC providing fer tho applicat. Ch. principal of 'hidi eo àboîicii cor- iO~ cf ube corporation cf Mars, Chat tIaey <Ower aud cqpola, ra4d -hb~ ~Of-r6~i~iml totrr1~h~iacy voro roaiiid strcang *noîîgh SATtTRDAI Pror ce o aunda te reîcind th. oqld Troar explalaimi lii. p vicions cf ah. bih, fesolalicu PasseS aI <ho' lest ceaucil soot. hie licou oomplt..i tiy Ch. 'adSlcio~ cf a Wetdlietlaiid naru.e4 anîil<siz oreeveiamoptIî. O-venu Clîeia *et Bot ast j 'liii. Smaaly luzsictlag le prcu.dsiug anS Fishemlce. . -. proportion otthe uaonleî reuiaining anpad 10 ew oauîy Pe~,r Miîclall, Miulsîer of Marin. Ion te Cho local lmprovoment. cf a iaiît talu <b anS CêrJimit tho have aI lui been aronsed froua tlaeir lethar. St. Georg,'~àj~,~~ ~ Chaa'eugiiîy bclng retaibed0r.~ ~{iCe <1. t-'reck a t ~ ' *be lOIBresis et <h. Corporation, Cc lie lare Hou. AIe:. Oauapliell, Postmut,,,~,a. <n rospecî cf Ch. anice maSo Surin5 Ch, OXie<ing oaeup "a peWsrs nov cujoyed b Ã"J'jora ~ ' c of cx gie cbanahcrc, anS have ahalten off tlap clesued, whisewa4e4, euS packjpai,~ MEîacuamnred bytît-. icisîli of Ila fin..duioîwly ' hliat no lMptliinea<c *IaaIl he tIare,0 lu eral. COiitiuuanoe oftho f.nd, teudiug Che ci., * cE. >au.au M taxci apauheiie iutiuthereuc. witla 'hicla CIaoy have Seita as were ueciscary. lb. Sohool ~I~2d ~VîJ~~î Proocedcd vi<la Inarena..d hoiie8 hait ofLot No.. i. anthcrexpar~nnî , t ~fior<, TIi. followiîîg Fiat - Hon. Chrlsleplicr Daulilu, Miais<cr cf '""""' Tho AI<orneiv..Gener&l ' - 'gOS <SkCIa. lIa. bec. repeaîedîy cla~gâd. They hav, tabou Houe, rouI bas heen .iacv ahiuglcd aud ~ ~ ~ recepuion houe, cnoct~cC d the reat bnah. lb. vey cf Cii. Oeuapany. Tigre c nov Âgricalîan., Saaîic~icc sud Ianniigraciou. ~< StBt0 ol Atragrs et lb, Noi%~. troduchien ofth, Blll'e ~ rcaeauUî,n te pfl>5eCtite hic s.dvenîuro ha gaaoo~ay, pI 1'ialcJ no aoesq te, conaceclea on tii. Wain eh. Hon. Aiea. Mords, Minlcfcr cf InlauS - ~ Wes;. ': Chat Il iheald ~e raf. '~ ~ <Ian iuaiîive, sud souanuce ahree secîlugu ropaired; Several 0ev houe.. have- been bacc (o~u l!a~dc . c Oanaw ~ , r sq 2J!a~~ ThO beild .O~ 150t-..Cb, coustraeîîoa cf LIas Railv4y ~ aq4 Rcvcune. __________ hein *toppod on lais - Ocua. CO be hold, reapecîiveîy on Clair 'iiz<ccuth baili, <liai et W. D. Miclael, Ecq.,. ou <ho e"' ~ine O are corne sut ,li. pro _____ ni *Otsrc of cadi, <or Cli. sere ______________ , 011<5e. 1fr; Trovealle ~ U<P~co Ihi aeveu<ecuth sud eigh:ocuuli, prox~iuio, ta Iailluortla cf Che villagebeiug Clie prin. ~ anlwou ah <ho uaaulh as ~ mc, sud About J? ai.rca->c -fir. or tel ar soi' j Aine fijai , The reporte Chat Gov. McDougnîî bas clause czcoepîuug o5o ~ : ~ <BIta iuîo cousideraticu tii. ndvisahiliîy ot ciple oaap. T.~ N. Gibbs, Bsq.,. bas oea~. ~ about groued, anti about te îhê B.d taxai r C.FR4TMAN 'ritlug te a frisaS seyg. River aettlouaent Canai eut <o re correct 100 ie reqairing 3 ~ - bi~**rPj,. sud grsuciug a houas te Cli. Port Hope Ces- atenced layiog onu lais ga'oaod~ ou Siuooe~ be~evcr, proveS bar puseof rotarding Clis prejeet, eau ealy Chat h. bU sdvsnceti tire mil. be>-ond 5ft~r~05O Sis#Osuioa Cli U~isieà~ a . saegsed lu lnflicîiag lejary apon aIl ocu- "Myvoyags 10 ~nroi~. lu iuddoltsly pesc tho (routier anS îtoppcd at Clao Ce aid <hem ia-ez<cadiag Clacir rond St., ailS diggiug oaC the <couda Oui dlii ~ ~ Clan a ____________ whicb, cons 1eted. ~hiae e, waeS, 'Ithoat effeeîîug ~ partîcle ~,< goud pousd , I har, .disoogsr.~ hh. 'foentaln Bay Co~j~j,~ p Hu<~i<>n sur ao.lp. lu cIl et ~*etlon J e~ ce cran 0< li.altli' op Ibis cid, ot <lie Âtlsntîo~ cher forvard for' seuding Mm. Provens. MOU. Mm. WocS iétr ~ ~~jmiu. Pre. reliable anthority, ve beuru Chat rosi4euce as scon c elarlu, ci~s.. 1fr ~aîa~~ ~ M#~~ WJ . ~ 10 Che point meferred te. ~ the ebjep; pÇ coappaeuoiapg bulJ4~g w~.la ~~<iae first, altlpapgh Cbtiy ycpe c<iud<i~<c4 ~n a Jbl<~~-ofBmsp~ aParbej. viLla Ch e lueur- acécuuts te, 1868, auit~ t it i. <baS tho ecp laatcme.aî o4n~~y~ 'c -. - acutly 'suai-c haa~e ~f Cltogehher by-Iaw ~ hie refac . M<,aa~, on a ~-.-.-.--~ Tlire. lio~ilus 0f us Peruv<a~ ~yrnp jiav. ~ ' ~ ~ fivg b udred îtreug. ending SOu Sept. 1569. :~ ~ for granhiug calS houas vilI - b. carrjrd, 05< ipoacci nerCh..eaî of <ho Faceory.j~pig ~ .. ode of t)a~ 'J'bu Ts5os isleJgaîî. ieecaed me frein Ilis fange et Ch. ~eaS Mm. McDoaagap .bcleagpred la Ma. fort. - Toww Mr.Prevénchîr irua msdejrisoue~ anS ~ - ~ ' thougli net vi<hoaî~o.~.,p~j<îo~ fçoup rougli oaat honscs ha~ ~ 6w ~qs us Clen .1<" oCtI ___ lu elithat' Lihoral eut The bOl on liii. sal4eos, introdaced b7 ypepcla. Dyspcptîoe uhoald drink No reelata~0e was atteuptés~> anS ou:tha . ~ , ~ ~' r¶ . ~ * ah. Point iem donteutad Streets -souCIa of <ho Factor,', - sud about <~D ~' ~ fiJ CJ< ~liiiotts or. ,~Ce iCI' i,>PaJIîî aje; - G Heu. AC<ovue,.GsaeU Zfasdoaald, le fonntaln. ~"'~ et Nov. ChuGovi~aoi. ~ *~t.d ; ' . ' ' i~'1lC - , St Boaverto -~ or,- l'or tari viii haviug a ctahion - la ~ olece proximihy CWiu<y otho, he;cep bave beca bpii~ '-J~ j?~7~fl~4~6iVe Chîîn shelior -.-e4----- acroea Ch. lin., anS la 'nov .ncaoepe4 ~ a' ~lo~ ~a e.-~'~ dsaJgned as avemeSIal meacare, lie vaut of PAuilÂNgitTay PÀIIa.......Oer thaulus *~ No violino.' vas ~rjae inca,- - ~ <hq- ' ~ ?f~e liYilew~ 7.4r. car Peuihins Ipa Pakots CO~*IC~ ~ ~ i. niionS te ~ varions puçse <it;ih. village 4gÉ»pg lis <ruas UJ ~ ~ tenrdd C6'<he~' ~ . viJoIt hq Jopg hou <eh, anS i. oBlenlataS Are 550 <O Dr. MoGlll, M. P, P. anS 1fr. ganta irere Yronch. ey have organiseS of nearse vs mai Ciér.foi. VBr7 ns $urally Tii. ~ * 'vjev' ~$0 àbia Ccinp Ciao tact as ou<iJ~itjlpqs pro fleur Newc~aîîn, sud Chia,.-~ eriiaiàiaaa, ' Iode et lUsaie amnonnu of genS; A liv Pazcoe, K. P. P. fer psrliaseatqp4~,., ~ Provlalouel Gevernuapat. - prenat vers Mcssrsj~~ - ' - Chat the oeM.Jêtélll~hb ~a ~4 -~ - hialtla anS cotforî cf 1h. lpJialilaa~ ~ ~-j-~~ Tad ~ tnaa4e ?ratqro~,Lqb ~fr~ PI» Th ' ' . Oies put S O'Oloch~,. *-graat ouClaypa~4f~ - requirod It lu Te~erléitLiC~Q~v H~Doia Il hua eren, Blo,, PhflWfl' r - - ~' 2#it stîli ~hs gsash~ÏS~ o~i~a.-~ls.~ha<frtb. rtlm. ' are ordoCO44dq,5, ~' T E~~.-- - $0 urneS7 <h. vroags OOaIplaleS cf, wluh M. Bodard, advecat., lias licou appoint. appuiS ~ OCCav; 'sq>bo Uc or ~ O0NflJ~1J(t5f4 *~ ~ - :~ 5 ~ val~ atiS 'one Ofl~iire*shoc%-a, enc~fr a .iepîh CIme n.aiinlrcd~r ltntola oeevel,.. il, *i.lav vill-puc~. XCII rêwakqS b, usa> ~So ha Ol»i5~riiOta4.ti4e~ôa -~moe 'chrsoc dis. ~ h.. a ~ fi Agsaî te France anS Bel-. ti<~i. BM f~~i~wîîî re~ara4oVanaSî; TIa. oberk usaS a eemoennicatîon amp. ~ iiOW alsq4rjgb. eisvcOih ho;r 'JieJ'orD ~ sdi effocîaally îarev.na <k. ~' ' loanjy f~lLof.zo E nba.y deub <o iberlffs' hlîlss, ~ lie,5 l~ndl7 ~5 Emiga~tîca nflueutiel party lu Ciao oloeîug fors et petihbos Co <9P~ 807 aclion lu Ch. mausr, thoqg~t O%0d~â3êrlïô~Tii& ~ S 019 Ire *iJhS foc ~ l'eau7 year, anS w~ Crus t glas for Cli. Provln.e ef Qu.h.o - i~tUemonC cenîîîtîug cf Ch. Hadso blay <hé tiis4 lb. aettranpe~ liy cli. Autorney.~en.. ' ~ ~ OOSPany officcre anS tIa. Scotch v ancil, to Che Governpr...i~ep0~a~ In C» qgitatioa ha. bain golaag on fpr monîh Ã"W?~atlwhloii !~ Wu !.h.iriàtouîluînio Wr -. oral yUl have tbe-4s.îg.c~ Sie~~ efre5>~e~., ~ Uaston, D#Meciqr ofpus<omj et pbrt lb, «ovemnor hut wlanther Ch.;~~j Qopaoil aud l~e'glslatlve AicsubIy et On, U1thO0t*llOliiO~g theeliginoa~r..~~î. Cre~, vus not pps il..: eaistii<g jvl.vaco~. Tii. ticlas of Colioarg, oesmlt~.J seipide ~- Tassday or5~nlZ, a militer; port-la '<oI<~S prayiug foytbi __ bm'a4~ ~ peejrie, --5 _ Oo4~ng cf seun~s~, -, ~qv4i~i~ abS 4 femo. lu hic eup _ 'r- . -- - --arn nkslite fialat La.--------- erlv.S a~aJgl5aJî, lut, b, 5ii0@Ciqg bluasîf .kfl a .11. * uncortslu. . .. - ~talillcI~sent 0< an lion Ires <b. ~ -~- '-' _ ' yeac' '~flr'dm...;A....a ~- - . ~rvcgu 5i% - .----..-, Suatior _ ~.r- beueqWl - - -'--. - ..JIaiIa aer ~ps Otano. , vqiliog liqpressaou ~ 5~- ~ pro. uni vo tract <Or ~ sosuJlalmg dola I Cula l'p~~ ~ -¶~;7 ~Ja 4e .~Màd4fr ~P - - I . . niaS ~ ~ ~ uJ~awJ, ~q5p.~j~j i as-ceusa i bor 0f ko;,l:n I I 4 a tek,4~~ ~e1T cou, .~ o.T~, 'Ft~ Z a Chai ch. hii!A0flJugAe~ ai tii. ~oL t - a~C ,Ihe *~no 115h llSIfdii'oeds, vlao w. say roat w - ~' wal~e, Ijrpsejutiea pssaed Inctruc,~... oopilve,~whcu ChcoÇgeçtlusej wj~ ~>. ;îpn havé a~sesiaI,~n great cire ot eh. 'J -' h pro <eoibaaag em T5n~0f <lac ~s ud- 0W ~.dH ~ebs a.~ty y,, i<ig Chs Ms~oe~teei,~ fres csevar4pliip. HcwevrîIao 014 ~ iadsahh ey lv ______ ,r~%i~ uasi*-b7 tiiUq5~ ~;Ill b; On Teaap~ i~g eae.jy TIbu "iflsargents" are s nus OUqu $)Ir. Drape,, secondaS ,liy approaohlog ~enaicipar el.c:ieu is tue jiae is a iiîsgrag. co tii. pîece. ~ iii. Tpqrp~, o ____ ___________f suris aud uusrepe1 ~ ~rpS ipea b, meus percoa uaii~i.,~ Cou. tlifr 4qîy b>- Cha Diisulnlen Govcmnsu& î<~., Bîgeî~,:p<~isacî cf tire WkjUp7 anS provarb~ak stuC . haI& geaiS, "bette, T' j _ ..tIua.Eui or - -~ pOticlon. -,.~., FjpuaJ <o ~ iuâenuu ~ <~. iuiafia> ~,. col ___________ wbo bave bssîofor. traSeS rnpou~ <6e' ~ l4k~pl~ln 9osssqaorna.. ~ Meatatinas Ma.. McPrn~r5 psacit$rna vialle Port Psrry llailvay Co. rsqnsstl;g Abat ~* thati iiO~" Tli5a. 55e .4 lgqoi.iu~ anS (cars ef <h. pepi~~ ~Ul ' ~ eceeae~,5 of car " Camping rocud" fFLI~ *10.000 of tIi. **6O.O0O ilalua..-- - ar.~.f ~ ~ cf i~g or ________ thefr~4ceupeat~, g~g~* a - *lkCheaa.~j,*.~~,ê. ~ h47is*sag~,~ 1115151 b~ ta~ ~ ,t * : PATn t*1i. 'lia o se a na arr- d anSta L~R8N~ê.ther~f:Lf th ~'~0Fq.cnvoo. c iera DI B * £wrOs O . .nr.r w C4mrJlul5q Ataltart a (asau~ The iai- . J. d aea c'a p - doorls s soluof theo 1 y, ticre aieOpryeenrire e~ Whtk ak cu< Lee ma i. r Il p - ' '.tp d r P % a o x ~ O m c a ~ ~ 'j~ - tb y >~ pg~ - OFt ~cret soy @ o Ltia - g *o ~ - c r. . A...; c e.-B . M ' ê 4 s r s c ~ ~ ~ ~ A w ~ a , O A U C to r At . O b ~ ~ f4l n. town- of Peel.dancd' n At? ram aand com.E "am '~IJ . «r ~ 'b eeia' iuna wAuacv : KVN0yÂtrjg on, ~ ' nail~y~ -a ~ a~ ~ .~ .': ~ 7T W.lIlCby. N ov 17, lesg. ~[uq.-~l~Q~ WALIEE. ~ d-~#~~' ~- '~' - -o, iuog. r -v tiioi~~ ~. . 'o ru -. ~ , ~ieam o<~~ff~ ~ ~ ' ±r.r~ tri f i emunJ...~e-~ us0o~by 'r;' ' îur~ 'L e

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