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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1869, p. 1

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DU IrL ,WlltbY. AT! LA W liltby, C.W 9-12MotA tise tar.i fB. &J. elLby, ont. IUÂANKsp> te IcIbr ovor ie, Whltbp'Oct. 7, Iseo. 40 SO VEAM U N EJtM , SA I CI Un1pa-116,I. oor cootb or h.pi,M001., ïihww. an #Pàqn'ra 19ex, opposite W@aUDILMLOJ<Ã"IBITB j rygo, tu deMiaLsol. o, Brook Bookt -C. hIs' leBokS. SOLICITOE, *-L .,SOICTO I o<*nsrlc , m MoMîa.ssblo,>ox, yair, lioPWtbyJil.9 WZ. Byo0 e Mpub o l'st 91. KLLER, lETCo. rucs t i oduasitrer 1ESON, - Jrplî lie Uioi lMotel, Stieor IALOO0N, - Thir, '04. -ifi lm1r ii I-tel N . 12, i l . Vit UM ite on tIhe un . cHEiANvE & COCURitANE. » A4UST1LE0 ATTORNEYS, CON VEY- ellocrgansud ýoi#rlessPubllp, .&c., &p, &>,,dit ALuaS-Ozcoa-Opppmlte Town Pose Bi0,u~B~1n' lock. - p.CwauLL. B., -1 W. M. (Jouz*oz. ounty Çpvn Attoriîey. D>reery O 2 com....., 1065. LYJKNN IdNtLII, L jý..B.. 40 icoN VEYNCF!R, LAND >AGENT &c p"m£e-ýYOT Arxȕtro gla Rouil, Main St., Uzbrldg, Jun 7ti-, 18sq, tf-s - DR. HANOK, raog zxoeuxz> .*4 ToIotiTo.) - AUROEON, ACCOUCHEFUR, Cet ,sUGEON TO TuIE COUNTY UAOL H, .,LAW, B. A-9 M.D., THOMAS HUSTON, WEJjàNQTUN }IOTEL, e 19.iy WILSON HOU SE, A. WILSON, Jr.t Prq#~etor. of Aon1 liru for thé. accotuodlon of the. tra- vellinug pibile. The hliuso i. uow. sud fur- Ulabd lu a m~ont tlîaro.gli -and eouefortabia niauer. (fucist, wiII fiud overy convoune. et the choya establlient. Wl-e, Liquarsa, and Cîgars « t tie,bos Broudi always kopt oee baud. IG ood stabllae &Pd attentivç D0,0cr. ln &,uduo.~ WILSON, rrprieoar Ashbui ni sy#y1.t, 1809, fi5 The. ttitffloti b. p ,itk . nlt. to tise Do ian cd w.ileaciod stock a ý1rBLpt nd -itdot leT&~N :Br . ik, --,- ft*hitbî1. - . îsI1 ti-- '-f rrE£cubit Jtoia loue sitatwd. apji Wlie Rallis the, stae#esfti tilodoor ove, o~Olit, 431 tftyoidi TTTêJ Ero nD rug Store. D £ALS iniDra,»l atont Kodloineg î 1 dloa1 pied Lîqudaotte otqul pBrpO4w.c. oithd«ývas botquil Crodn . W., 18p 2 COMMERCIAL. HOTEL,, ] BRUOE T., WRITBy. varablylîuawn atai, ital t l e basd rep lu a imupeir anstier, vitle everyçavioî.. tuoo fr tepjpJau cfgusat "intl*L- f Boat gqorlondtlon n wlt t000 lop yard.,c1pp 'eod ta ý auedyade ad ttentive 0*Lerps l. wîy onlb prpe$..Charges Meerasge. M.D. CÂILDWELL. Wlîltv, Jp. ~ 1948. 8 COM4fISSZONMERCHÀUÂN MANCES5TBBce W. B. PLANE, r - - Propnotov. stages toat»!(rom eWhitb~rcl sl.E.. Crotlsa C q eOiaD ainIl d iLI£Vei LIOTEL & PIR EMISEe FOR 6AL94 IAT old estsbllsld sund veIl kno7rn la- Speion4id ~omuy stablilg, asud dulvingilhea, h~rWIf 6one or ton"d attaoh-i a dani O, odngbear- lt Thero ar'iw gelt:1Zgoil Ti, willbsld nt aI abargau sunl 0110 ortlso beNtchances lu Miie Donîlelon90 for nn iîio.ve buaiiip. iMau. Wil»b. oxchiulged lor fertu roperty. For tortus, t&c., apply (Ile hy loer, pro-).ald> WILLIAU BC L.TOIO 42 LIOENSr ED AUOTIONIER B LJFofihe lids Dýivision court Addrom, EEAVMTO7< GENEBAL BLAOiFORITIl, AND FIRST!MPRIZE J1RSE8IOER, DVNDAJBa RELET-. Whltby, 19. 1867. 4l JAXE$- il. G7E*EiE, puasjiltreolved a cait! âdOfextra reAbted. (1iaatze4 irryle for -£xpor(.) WIIlC BWlpELLAT l RETAIL ONJLY.~ .FAXIILT DJJ thR~ Wiilleby, sept. 8, 1069. <n56t IR.E.C M BEL Offens hie services ta tire Peble, and, (rome pasto riene, hapes ta ri-va goicera athsfae. th 1 AIl rdera pnnetasîly stnded ta, aht ncadersto cliaruos. buders Meay be LuIt t Uo Robsan flouse. Wblibyv, bt. 12, 1869. Ji A. A. C0TA~P -T ~ A 7R SUAPF .on à, i tva.oaagt ., hve BIsa' Offr ý* isohFicbdilugandenndg off.,. Là isbdIod n ubie goie-ý relyedînîg.ssu et0byno, otitor botel, lu tIi.P0lsc. , eIt' 0108 LIesb bppy ta veiome bIo oit! idnda.- Wbkbhy, t ýle s, 8 Qu 0tr, Why la ILt thât thet0 la snob a runfor ,p lctareo AT CLÂIIK'S GALLERY?, 111le boeanse lho bui the bost Gallery listAihe (iaceity, ims umnasoe PAtlnce vîth chlirou thoin aey other Artbetlu tecauty, sut! eun do quite s good vcrks a uy allie,.maen l th l That'.osWitesthe mitteo, sa don't b. biockward about eonilung forvard. -WbALby, Nov. 12, 1807. 45 C.N., VAJ'ýÇ P Deif.lilaaue, dfrot)l oppa. lmceigsroL t Lbraortb ofîl.oCntaria WEXPRESS AGENT, &oc., alsa Agent eg4elcut snd Standard isruo a. 17 grâuug, of Qnferio Vekrinarc mqs ae and .ds8igÀ,ig nt rof. litài, Pao,. BUCICLARD, Poesra gluteo £--"Toronto Pua,. sMiTa, V. S., PricIpal of outsrlo.V. D.14 tLTorointo.- ROWILLL," P. .. SWEETAPPLE eau bo Poouitojte l'rofossiotualliyt, l-&isresîdence, Brooklin, el eii beurs. llrookhin, April 14, 1869. - 1 HENET -GRIST, (ESTIBLIBHBD 1560.) PATENT 8ULICITU11 DRAUGnx7iTSMAN OTTAWA, ANDA TrgtummetibusialuW ill i idiSa -office, sud allier depirteienti eltheb Goveru- mont CopyrIghts and the reglistratelof aitrido - M a r k s* u d D e s g s .p r c u is ý1 , . / J'rem ss wi ,pa* 'thésGra-d bu" 9W xp tcne a 4, ees Jce.r 01"1&stylo and sti co. h 'AtsO Marde"i, v ,2850. h>oirps ong trnd oT arun àk i1way ROfýtoU ,Il sAs riondp spdave wo traveliUr,*bio0Ib to sbtd p hbe, sdsuI. r 'lai etyo, ud b atosîtan t Lb vana a '01 AHI EJ~9AL PTgL .DS*4WA. S -is m OlEY TO-LQÀN ra f ripoutive Tavi or Vlîg r~prty.R.eotIntres, Forcenut, JOHN SJT 1' .sarvojvr, -Wletby, Msày 26, 1869. - 2. fAUCTION' BUSINESS 1o oth oeProParced conducîsaei<, TOWN, OR COUNTY, AT PEASQNIABLE BATES. , A rasmlgeue., or T Ieas .uî oiljiqt tI~e(lew.oexzOcoi r ItuMy owze wbltby, Jules, 1809. - 27. T J")OMAS 1IN T, (osFR05 ILONDOIF, EimllàND.> B.gstoiufarm th;, peopl of wbitbvand ylclu. ltytit bbbsopeu.dasliop OPPOsfte. tue OntarioBank, looka sund Watleo.aaadoul,,a P.~R4OL éUNJLRELL4B and ed sud ouvradi Ssws iiarpen.d sud sot, su serd, *0.-tc, i.,Asbr of your p.itronggo la salioted. US UO BINT, WbiLbAis!. ; M1olqyty82 The Suboocrlber Ia now prepftrod ta oi u anaut iMooy prvaI feds) on ood lusn o sei sit barrowers, iL vpry Jc.v rts or iii:eens, repayablc it, istalneonts. --~01 Uq fb'yal 1 sUL40 reprasnt tAireoforlie larges Monetary ýiIsatloe uii.heDoilose, wtob - ilitî A LARGE ZNUMBER or FYELL CULTKA.fJD 1fARM, -And a quntity of WiId Land, lt j.aio choap. 'lor particuiare aîeply t'O JAMES ZIOLDEN, Oflciel Aiqsigne., Mouoy Brokan, tic. OFFICE.- Second iloorMZiolau's Block, Brook Sitrel, 'W IiLtyi. B.- u wpled taAncveosîIn aill inds of!;ole1itneë, offtgei, and t! iler sowritts l*reanbaekp aud Allven bonglit and soit!. lNSURAÇE COMIPANY, 0F NEW J*AVL'N, COUS. -L s dosabl blM UIi leetalihi r Ag e, cyrl àlîe ta foi~r t nàuroeat scedVan- éceastiCo1 e ni o n Lb.eiuualTaIs- -teck an*OO,0 - Ordlnarv !Vsme;rski aka -hn iÇor about as pet qoettbd DO prouium uuteme re4ulr.d. TEtICUlER 'PlA NO-PORT'e,&c.I led to . offer b bis patronistire l ie o r i g " u p j i e 7 ILuS airy ,MerYants, obedient to his Mai, have krought tribi FIruit-ý,and Viands to ýfuLrnsh forth ýour <Jhristmatbls FROM THIE SUNNY, ~RES 0,F THE 'MEDITERRAN~EÀË. Risins Dai (Malaga, Valentiak Layer.) Pru ns- ~.emonso Oranges, * imonais Citron? C4ndc1 Lepnon. gpUÇM FRANCE 4 $DSPA. Cognac, hery Champaignei FROM IOLLA.Np. PROX THIE BETTI$JI J.S1Ige Thé finopt brandi pf Scotch and Irish Whiskies,Ol 'm Préseérve Coffee Pickles' Ol as, '8.gars. ltuaw vawS th4L the rai2s ve.ad,;in N thatthe, Red Lion w Iid,'u'qiN betre.ihêoul rsi îffrene e. saw, , r;, ifalr as oicocrned the C h, vstîdîsue tbe bank:of sorte conceaiod 1: fram 'no . ."Da byey minutes longer thaa vAin it cane by l.ij teaid road near tb<laùta'tion. traiàE, But-fn s fer months more the. railwsy -'Dat Son, sftortie veut SquAre- Emudoîpl Lando was standing .toisOng bimsclf-litb bis' *as & -backta thi;e in lu t pubIie routm af-theoBt'I coýuntenauco,' although; , given neiLiior O ta - vine ý6r ta spart. xAà hé stood-*n't tisere bis'facie wu e iu*vk ith s'ngu1sr .t'ha V Mixture aofemio se gqdoe.A Thoe kindor liân 'vas ual ta b. iaouii 4 ir y' Yarkiliite,sund that is -sayiitgmuch. - ilo ,eldthé had, nadoub4 bis-pculiarities, his hims, tY thsi and -his crochets; but ill î # ai£oB lat brun 'lu imat adinersa dgre, ta virtLu'c ltia side,. vîthout thaoeprops àfesiéIet 1cw iri<gi wisdom sud prudence neigiet. hâmo ssp-, ment., plied. . Be ias ius off.» 43iposed *t'de- h1tÃŽ foend- diiiquents oven, ana, ÃŽWgo- a lift- -19pr ng hand ta ýthase vbaom) tbors hmdcast '(la o i t .~ ~ U c s a e t t h e - t t u t o f" ai - l l Pe . WI opinions vhich vwero. 'vsrsly - embridéd "On1US81 majriîesvresddeîyattsnd. -Witb -I»e AI asl -g su'&ep.In qpressed enthusi. Que asm Wkbae F oïd ii-s lý0espauseid tiiçU or-forvhsîtever poridâ hépsîronlz.id, ho professedta have, tbeo.s>compîthe for os)thuaszp 'r" fndeed, oi' tie dispîsy and th af feeling oaiy kiud'on'Lb. pqrt ofaéthers "ut's and condeneeciail ,such solit, bullitions 'the loi as ýbçin-rirb watho csied,, inaýonOne their tbiu euýiy h saborou sud:cogjld nover htiMbI torgiv ,- that l*ais'fabiehood. ;If the Râ d vonât min tol ic thuLe', tràtb, bpoyer -lidy,àt npjh itcondemue4 -hotoiler.himielif b ldn va at' odce réýeeoIfed as suabjeoct af rose ni aympathy. -And vthéà gonuine o- vail e WOTO sutee, ,snd sufleredq4uietly viteu u wLL coneplist sud eapecfsly il ho himolf 51lt34 badu -hé chgrom arMjkig thédiscovery ai 011où1M11 sucb a camo fug hart aud Ppg. voee POke 1 dida ain heÃŽtéo,, answe.taO' he character jman, b of the tgaod old Eun1ih gentleman wlho to 808 lovod ýtii. aden so.- - ' 0511 Squire. Randoiph, on lhé ooccùian ai- Àru'tl luded 1» ' ' ' b.' - beli ai sakthe . The j .ltg' a ruestBonsud Bonus tô--spcskthe P av la -hum. Th'Ié. SquAre had simooat rom- a'Ofthe & b 1oyhood, Ànua as, - threposting-hass. as onsbltti upon bis, property and Lhe -cach passe lli bs gogale, bhdo ispeciai inlarest lin themn tome, fOI bath. '-Tfie guard aud coachmap soon en- camtom torodânsudeotbir-roïeocLable abois- est, dri aura. lhoy sked for the 'Misera'. sud glmoE tha young.squfrei, aâttbeio sîte bi tÉe tindaý ýgaina, sud.4 variasaother genoieqesîtibus. your cl Te e quirc seemod fidgaty,,- and vialk- Noe edtpsd amLerauiiÏh huah'anda quepce decp iu bis packets. At ast, suddeniy hlro.ved, ýpaseing ho turnej ta -bl is frio nd udbeYOnd sald,-- - - - - -e che 'Weii, Wibis ps~rettyJuupipesssisn't itfor mn vibl ieraifrond 1 Fp 'IAs yos 557tSqufre,' said en ;. nt( laail 10 them Obartisis; but wieit êeectld yo u lat, m, expeoet ?,- One lob , > eycan'L wroulg me,' nid LIheSqueireohe~ &th ôseh they wauld if thiey cold.Ye of'esy Y théY 411y rulu you, sud -hthey Om ?b4 tihe doacb, and they may rulu h. i ou Ty' h Y ho .They hava doue !itl' iaid lbeun'1efivour giory of oldEngiaud Iogalle, os bHt ona aIkè'éhi roemarked. ta Som eJO4«ef, por ,<.110w, so 1 5moi he ail fami ne vooui mi (Gront 'cil uic., av.d'bo'nm git-iei-, 'Andt! h< 'And vii ne -he cantinue Pitls?- -'.Nbo, nr I su4e gond and ithintE -Again dWum 'I ted l-, lý

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