tk nrid Greçn, j.Whitbyl Dec.,18B *4j A. ÂVIG OaoPIR tCENT IN FUML geonom1oa1 Drum eer i»'lah;niod t0 rIs! kinl SEAD 1074 79 7 EPLESA Y. MaDon?.$Pwaaa.- DeIl 1 ted <v of "orth'als poèten havi11111nt @M-I' l bonago1mat wnt? 10" eofid.?hî17 th grarssplendid Seing à oas. osrpenineuplea, hosti,% i it « 0 estal Mr bholn"iî * .ro o m et one. li o o t fai Iloo itslbnonsm <h uitIrnutea leihroisoutihe W IsOI,. à ehvd y lia meunitaà boscOOcousîrtssbly oie.l .iuhIleOsaary to h'it tis tov 40 rdet, hereby Injunung th, alirno is 10oe vte ho urINeir pantshave tl oehuated dlis la . nvolvine throngb tise ruci' bIlhted and sont ut in, suad by tisl missri. te th. propler degyse r. qurd. 1 ov a eofore :eehived anoh boisen - hImm, ceas i - ~A*e WIITING. R . y PSDLMIE 8Ir _g n Q n_ Not ithtauding.he Shoei letis lm peson seus <oa bava gone out detni su n d Aer tf pleutêl (o tisucese of tise Ume of tise "Notîs n udrt Patenut son," bîsed n on tise seedent wLleh oeeure'l with ua n î Lter1 Î ,, adeu Ii igSiA a we are eouoernad, t conter- OO1t sot is ame. Ttise ireuimatauoe via ntimal Meu's heavy course Boots peeaioted by at orsi nutliency ofthlie Cif sewcd Gaitensa OIC ueu ad not by nannuseu.nluonnec-pliBam il1ou wltb t-ir apparattia lissait, or tise pnincuplest Ladies'lg u enos ehI issslais'ounuoted.a'hýoupli lm 1ii 0 n lufuli o:peation and Ithum fAr, aetasVlvteen aud Prui 04our en.s4tisfactIon.Maislu our opinion, ise u C' drnsMce fofuetNy, efâlolcy of heatlig a'sd ccoruy MusadCide' ;le of fuel, quit$ lu advase. ef an> 1otsr mode ofl as u is buttonp4 -baustng nn e, as tarai veinrt iwmre, For chaap gosty Smo. tise ocident oeerred, su a (artIsa god ty PfOOf OfeOurnSIitiacition vifs 1It. w. isava got Il oreeod In air respetive dwaiiing ibouss$,, nul Sund, sa fer as thsmauegive smsthse opportu nir 1 ai lidglng, tisai Il fuit. eli 01-ilacon1,one Mec(LUJiG MIiOS. N.B- lseo s nde Bousuvll, ov Bb, 1£69. futher notice. PRCE 07 ansd lipearda. Wlsîtby, Dec. 1, 1869. soodn aqualiiy of raterll. A decrcip- tilve dirolar meut on fippleîiiou. ]PartietisaIare dasinous of bouling tlsd. bnlkiqgm osily aliould see tillA boîter, i. It la doeedgy the boit ud musot eeueull one W ~et Invented. Tise subacribor vili boclhappyE ating b. ausounit oi boit nequired, cie. W.L Panles, iufrliiig gon lmutn lcl. &bý8 an wllbe proioaoted according toe la. ar» p-7- Droad Oloth, 811k Mliture, MTMENT 0OP Cet'Furnishing--QooC Gopd. zmade up in Istm tstyles, nt low prioes, for ra," ero t, Wlstby, Âagust 24, 1869. A GIRIEAT SACIl GIW4ATRARà G4&A , GREAT 1 UBOOTS& OMbavaaut isi. ta..- i-E, J'., Muva. C*MRIRL S LLS, C'On- peyP.O, Ooutp <Of Lenuox, owr., b lDOOs, Couitl of Ilaatilsge, <ProvIne)Of utir 0, Feis. ois 85. T"~<tuew r ni ror aikls wiehrully. ut.î gtheseprîssgtis 240 tueuto gayd'ju, sd on op le My iPsupad I beesnOse90 wessk Ilat 1 eould isot walk but vas»ceSued 1t.u îy elîuir. Vsinabout two.earo, wise fi 'wveuasam uiug In., sud aftervardi, I ongt isîuja dvsco, o*nfîon at dilà enssitime., tlsree doCtera. tnuMOSedliteof dilieressi kMade, preooibod bylnMouds. but of uo ivail. I outiunio ogel velue ad ors., util ties umier of 1<05, 1 .pIvus ndsseed te try tue greit seisu- lodyby r sssliu% ti"i.cur.m Iienorusd, - PSmpisler. >AttIbisUime I isad baguis l 0 SIvr4eWoem lu #Dy hand&m; la (cti1vas D.wg *lmt e IPlOMa.- 1 bave takeu tvo c ~ #e Si S hosoneos leuiedy and tyo pf bo fl au 8,esnily restoned t Devu ez - toga bten, but - ~ ~ l aunI theIisMi nîe" &aesortffonionu *uI~qT~uvu f ¶sua ~ 'I, oJi Priva$ bcieda;agd tp i nga 1 ni1egibom anad si;ta ni~ onsa vas, sf ud, rnsud DOPGIITI. cavaff -a. JE Co Co -7à T- ýARNOI makrer'. trikwand frstcIau Éoo. the olà price lor lîrals; Iîigh cut C. Unella Balmeoralg. eue aud Prune] P4let Overshoei 'cd lait Oetoberi ffl oe O AST-LEl OPPOSITE TH E COMMRC. WIhitby Sep>. 1, 869, OFFICIAL .Ao GENIRjLLAVTENCY D~c*0. Outilola pnepared Ireh proqmptqy a o,& asooe- ber J11. < o boI re. la t Bo vbloi hon a Fay& atinbuted sgeod fim s ntu i nope0 Iteusdy. ngoato fLenoan d propoilf topromptly,suaIsel 0, tsat lu ben a/ Aise, LandsboWh - 00fmnuo We. lu <b, ostai Plu OFFCE%,,' J. P. LGREAT C Ti, m y ine atie nipube Woodwhiehwea ç tJusî otf gooOo The undersigned, bas just i-'~i vèéd, and offers fo the public,-(in WhîîIt 1 cUle,189,PolOhe exebauge fu~r Cash or fir m Produce,) at his Store, Brock 8eet, Whitby, the largeÉe t stCk ofPHNI tIIiICE. CRQO RIÉS WUN $, A D IJ UoRS FIgIE ASSUANCE CO., ~~DUG77oNa EVER BEFORE OFFERED IN THE -COJJNTY. ODm - E8LB1B8iRD IN 1782, FRUIT. WINZS 4" DLIQUORS. 118 IR 8 H O E S ~ 200 boxeV ilen i a nsîs . H nnesoy's B randy, O h i ba r l W i e 1 m . G ILL ESPIE , M O FFA T T & C o., A gents for ..S O S' 100 "Layer !ç .1 JÂMEl Conadji. . 4 0: ;:M a rte la "6 0T ro t. D V I gN, M a g e r. D' ~5 t- Doesîl t 25 " Labradorferniua'N U A c as~ L~ y FE r L D S 125 Dms Sul tas Jamaica Ra. -" Salmon. tn 1%rsu 10 kega seedien P Klpo Glu nLonsdon, I th rie iuI4ctbe1 Le~ - boxs Lodon Layei. e Kiis. <lii," MSkil~l.LOSSES'FAID vithot efersoe te the lod >nt 44 u't" Wes Eâd Henit's fineat Port Wine. Quintaîs Codfls.11n, 011<10 C a i L .~ ~ e uc a e s le m e F ig s . P o M n i a d o h r e y 's . 5 0 b o iço s o o le d r gen iA it r , 6 8 - ah.ýô bxes CandedLeon ee. inger Wine. Smoked Lladdies, Sal'e u omo~ . Or ange Po. Old Tom Gin,' mo an la rm -h h C il I3 ot; F en h ~ ' t' Cit On f<lt Whisk y. Bloaters reccived fresh week y. *U O a e r " , 25 ba galRic . S daOld ye W is key.41Ai fish old, wa nanted prime, -or m oey AND i o i $ a k n a l o r l a s d 2 0 I e g g p 4 i n g S d .Ç o m i o n W h i k e y . r e t u r e d . The above GQroceries together with a fuil assortuient of Bladk mand Green e8 à w idRe r TPbî j no epctilyinom b LSuie 0ths is, a colsatuîy propnred le il Iamoal;Laie' fined Sugars, Sà ePcls acs &. ec piigawelslce tcwihwi l b 1 Bj! ondW[ptudeail onders lu the Bakery m, Trnk, sold cheap for cash customers, at prices that defY. competition.' ail oth]indea.Ck e, Trtlins Binu its ofîe u th heb.t quit Ck, araadfactsf à r .TARNOL»ID RmePerte lquered Store, Bi'c tet Vib.~ empposite Ontaio 1a k. t.oCOiGA L must bo aid withot A few B arrels of C hippew a O1 Ry' iisto ck, 5 years o d ex aronetisr&eroki - cllet fr amiy ue.Wblîhy, J uly le, 1867. 28 80.4 elle or' Ue.'c Ijst of Frjuit, &C g;, fr cash-..-201hs Currants for PAINTS, OILS, &._ $100 lbg. New Valentia Raisins for $1 00; Piba. New,,Séeeless Raisins for $1 00; ew1301ilEbLED &D ANa> Layer Raisins from 12jc. New Figes 12 jc. 25lbii Good Clean I Sweet R'ice for ý $1 00. A re a 'alctiollinmade on ail other articles to casU customlers e- AJI - ee Oi, ~ Wltb.Deemerl,189.TITOMAS LAWLER, 9se W Whtby De einb r 1 , 1 69.Chequered Store, Brook Street. G ENUIE W HITE L AD $ At JAMES DH.SG SoE, BBI hy 0EL rinD LN OR5L. AE INGoëWIGS'!c in 'J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~M Tundennned oers for dsale the ot utreeedsrassiriene ew st à -O 8 acres of Lot-18, Stls con, of the Towushel f tonna. Englîigs Paper Bangsngs aeiiing RenseoIs. Thse1]asd la two miles n ort f n-t o ie og CD aA -t lOTeES cester, on the Centre ro34. TIser. !ç moune DQJfIRN5WNO T D purpoles, 40. Arc., . For panticulars aptily te JAMES IH, QIt1RIE, SoliIr @orL&n a zhltby. fpil tI ..i1860 ~ X X X R E A A L E Depemben45, îsO. B L ÎN 60E O L _ A y , a u L L N D N & G B E LA-CTIS SURML. 9C(>MS'ANy in OIQ of thse PAL .&E A» OZT.1. BLAK# flI~iL. Mot propensoi EfngliInsrnos.. ADELAIDE STREET, TOT Ooir, aINETDFNSse..S1o0,s c.. OS STIEr ORTNDr TE ILAn7. Its I FE1?0LîCIpDSare., B $17Prototjon3 o Il. DATLY -INCOME eze e $2.42,o Don Brew ry, -Toronto, Ont «Csud i va 1R 1 lordtise ircne. l -As thé proprietor at &pesnIyto the Brewîng awý a Ai HUeWt~4 nl far aimasRXLer ?AM- tritheor4at *itok of Ales sud Porter eau slways Le depended upon. - .Thsaheumels ploseasily sitnatlil ose t î Most lbeniliit' shown In tbe adjoumoDt of market.l , dnreiaini anPsiqsml Of Puimile<1. tise09.- F' ~ ~ Parties Mes fsnprioruofiy fPqna:iî ie n te aluhoay fas:r hluhs ea..P. 0ses.ITH, imored aerepctuly olcie&t sndth;roresudfor 4 te r g orny Torontr yul e9 ea, 1 t86Pe.asis M AKIERY ft heai f cr eee ailities, va are euabled f4 produce aq arti. rTru - EE91174MI)*2D y Jl.y 28EA 1.' oe- 0.14 IAL UOEL, oe (ail the year round) second, te nono lu the. Domi'pion. - bt7Jly91,If.---- N . B -ODrters eft ,witly Mr. j4ýS. pAM n t th 4tilts la Whitby wilî H UTmM , INSOLVE NT A T i'4~ o Ix,- receive prompt atteptiopmr R 38 FAND AMMX3.ENTS TR - b *De. 1, 869. 4 8 NITROUS OXmDLAUGIIINQGS, i~Alq D TH1ET1 , a ai rR E>EWINSOLVENT ACT 'F-86 NEWFÂLL vvOR THE NOOD NE F-L WITE G 0 5 AT i u au f--Wf 9 ca N E CHA.PE& THAN EVER AT thé,~&r~ 1. l ,Q4 N1 1E ,PAR DvinceT, of Onai, . b t n - OFFICE ~ Conaisting of Staple and Fitncy Dry Goode, iiclndiuig achoice 1.2 C5 at g&oo. id acte.tb -- OloIial Ass nec fo North, elcton (DRESS GOODS, ýSHAWLS, MANTLES, 4é. ÂW> Datcd ai Wbltby, thba Itib day of Deoemi, h4i mte s ankrpte oreTeA.D 8 ~iy Jegd udas plendid lot of - _OEJ OE LWi-ocr W bon> A. ]>.des, SALE I lu. pp* IL AW O:FF Io]E te hiç.new building, fini d oor -toutË ROYAL HOTZL. Whiîby, Nov. 24, 2869. F IUST-CLÂSS yPArm SALE 0#, TO R ENT dernetÉ. '2hae 1"i.6aliving srairinn through the Pan. t nisuabe 1 WiLby, Mar t, Fire m E8TKBLISI Capital; flb FssUdm ICs ieJ an$URÂNe mag Pffid without referlam ITULBROTJ Agefor O. Agent for '-Whitty ~nourtndrg c! IRE AU. COrper eor Broci lai? LE its ol u.Il, -1j WltbY, Ja.u2, 10 The Noirth hait of 1 -oneemolnoï file contaiuinp ie100 acre h. lî, iia6r15 [H 1co- DTEL, ýas Slreets t Proprietor. )CK ST,1 WitB'I o07 smxq. TO , 1 SALEI