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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Jan 1870, p. 4

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OuL~ - TWIN& uneI jar Th.ywiti b. guarsuteed, volt made, sud tho worltlng part grooad., W l'arties woeid. do wçl oi e mod iu thoir ordst's wltthoa-d.léy. Conty Elgits for sais., Ashs,, orsebr O,1869. 45.11 A OÀVIIÇGOP 1?80 1'E8 CENT IN MLL N O R T Il 9 19 4 A T » lN T Economical Drum HMater, ýWhIQh eau btappd o p suy lina REA D W 1W'TME PEOPLE SAY. OeXw, ov. IL,189 Der PIr,-Atter lhavlui lueai two ot ynnr $"Nortls'e l'atout Drnm lent. ère" Insiy hsy lotst wttar, 1 eau coiftatiy ey.tisry Pro a oîstosssid article. Dlîe gcoli- éitrsietud 01u î'roper prissipies, lcatlssgali part. stiko, 1 ven heit usy lioso tlroughout et one- lf thteacomto ni t Iltook lormerly, whtie tise nsilinîrtits wLIsiiwlilsei very roou eau bié lcactud ln reielosiosls Ail 1 ine t10 do licto opet, al l e dnur* wil InthetIs ouée,ud Miné lent cig'elsiateh lraeiy tlrouglsoaaî tlie wioié. To linve- 11Y lin itlusase àhlée coinutasbiy heatied, Il la ssssssscssry to lienathie steve to s rusi tent tlkoissSï lisjisrIsg îLte airuer tlie, 't""swishio tise lartlssr îrrts Isave lo be llatt isy radiotiots,. frIor 15 ta cen tt wiscoev al tl.is virs la revolving Ilirouxii tho drurn. .eiisg lsaatd isud Peitot o ig in ni ty tut. aseau.. saiisuil lis tise Jqssur degree requiresi. lu W l'c iserer iefora atçcis'ed éueh bontil for tlisaeîimnt îcx re'ojui sic 1 have Laed wlîh t)isos u rutu». . W 1.iag >uucai tihe suceeséIL doserces, 1 am,~ ho. A. S. WIIITING. Deer Sis,-A. sunes-son. SOUR ImpVession Iseenas ta hase rosseoOut Jetsi- usesli iii th isé ssceos of the uiséeof thls, 'Norîi Pient lisear," iissaesluposa tise sedesst wLisi cous-resl Wil t uson ls it; t rt tion, wé cheil, kt nicit as fer as we aie concerues, ta canular. act tise smosseTisa ssrsrciistîassre wwsa erly -éaîlsalby uîaievt or lisauoiéey of tisé tsimoss twsisk, eus! i lî yauy îiiesîî,Ilu connea- tsiu .ils 5the aipparssts.it scI, or the priucipuse amis cis i 111i1te fi talo. ésil tiséfar, aeté t Osur eastis, é'tisiliis ll saossin for Ai es ,*1a-tII'IeIiy (if iilsiig, ais oi osey ofludssi jsitu 1liaiss of t sssy otlisr anode of liissssisg îsw Isi lamé, asnIfur as we ère swss-e, eusle r'l cliaiit ocararresi, os a Isrtiser iproufofue ess'aslisaio iisatis il we lasîve got il es-attesi lit nir remaivie dwt-llirsg hoiséa, en.t gllis5eflr 4sssftisa assois ge is te opiostu uts>' o judgisiis ixât sti, ivoitel.* Me<'LUN G0IJRO'S. liissfssilNo'. Bts, 1£619. a' $E . 7 lud upwas-dé. - aaco-disî g) luqîaits ef i, salriai. A descrip- tive cire"ssisr tt oun apilic,tiurs. Pairties s tist are demrisosso e ot' lsasllg iucr hisilisisgs, essil,, shlssiii 5sitlbi» lauter, uas il Is slcisiedsy tis e ist isuntoîceonosuical oe 11, lisa-îsted. mli iuc'-ihîer wili'be lhappy .t'si rsiia l l m uioî aisîtprîcte iiaiy lpar. îi»letatwIili isscr lsiisswisî iîairados sttisig tisesiamoiut ctisict requiros!, dote , t-r 'î'tîo lis'iiiigilisgor oIe, ttgtise aboye plaît wiii bé oo ucaaucodiug 1 law. Ados-osé lissa 100 clslsaws &ie Agoittfes- fhe ieous'.f l.erfOnasiotà Durlear Oelisa'cs, Salpt. tuIa, 1809. 30 To .Mesurf. CniUEAXILÀtR & SaLt.s, ('on-. trop P. 0., Ooiînfy of Lcunaoz, Outf., Canada. i ltiauoa, Cousit y o!iHastings, 1Provicset tiaaietrlo, F-j?». qfi, 1868. 7 1119 lalt ces-lUis iliss i Jaia tie iero titi i sassaeIaklcîswitil a l Wisiâofthe o -Ailt$Ai wli±tcl ti riadssaiiY dsrisig tise hipsing ef 1807, oeeioislto iny uies,, aisi u n p tany laipat, as:d I bectsaseic o daM tist t csuld uses sics, ltit Mss, cosîfises i îy etisss. l'or about two yessrs, whiî ie wi, eîksas wüiécolustg on nue, aussi uttrwarde, 1I seais i aîsfil iace, etaaioy-isti nt dilLsîs-eut houes., tiss-cedoctos-9. ild aluacll e t s!l0of -tiiî ntlds, présorltad by'f'teiiîi.bLiaI0f la casil. icîtu le itttetgel- -s a nad Mos-se, saîtil thae Sisasailer cf188 whiacu1iwaésduces! la iry lia, great Stîson. os.» liloady ly reaallg theaoaurdas aerfes-msi, Ilia a pamuphlet. AIlis tliane I liais begun -te leu tIse wottknsln s lia 'is; lu fot 1 wus gettlrsg alincu ooo lpless. I1lava ,takén twé bottias nt tae Sisostiotcsse ieses>ansis!two boasso!fîtae pilléeus!d 1 mm csS-t>s-olos-es! 10 t lalila.1 i Lacés- xpotés!ta gés. bottes-, but sisssîly trios!théeanslilainuetea amort if forioru laojue Tisteose of saulne siasaet s privat. cis, but'kuown to att mni eighsor s as! fs-tnds; sud tau>' ono siftealas a vwua,1 hssoosi' opétry tlae Shoshouces Xmd 1 beilové I Il ic'ure-o iu. loey MARY- ANN -DOtiGY. seo,-a o bfo inu-ai Jfadoc, (taeefp cf HBus- C,, fM# otîgfa y qeui p'Febreas.y, 1808. - £ F. WOOD, J.P., &.e 1 lsoroby éeortlfy lIit Iihava kuovu Ms-s.. Mary Aun Dossgiay for thé luat Sfteu,ém'fl abos wontnf iioit>' aud trulla. Jieé icuowu ber bétore,daurang, sadsmnce ber 1l. nae. I1lillevo bers- celnte ho bhétiuc Ilu oésy pantIsuair. Ikuow tlisel whileléiIhés- eueéu a oces!hoplesé; ansd I ruow that Mlah, [léssebes-récovos->, slwaYS sttrlbutd bera'covery ta -Ihié Sise'lsoués ltsaaésy. ibis més!lioe utb4g etin lu bier au 55, It basa isoes aimaithe lise pés-fos sac A. F. WOOD,J Watrdeu o! thé Caonul>' o! iIséîlugse Iréve o! Untarié, Domtiniool etCausle l reqelve pr . :Dec.l oood to1 ase lth e Mr. JAS. SÂMO~, are onabled to pi'oduoe au Dominion. at *0e Vaut ia lWhiby ~GEARTHUIR TWEEiDS,1 ALSO AÀ(G0D AMS0RTMENT 0F' Bropd -0 e, Y" '»oukins, MeUton, 51k NMâtures, &. c,&. "A, spoùaLI Varlet>' 01 Cents' ,Furn'is'hing, Coode, Gooda made up in latesi styles, et low price., forCa. Brock'-et., Whitby, lApgut -24,, 10. AI&X AUNER PareiG, IN BOOTS& SHOES L. Notwithstanding the ShoDemakoer'a strikea and the rise in Leather, he is prepared te o mlfirotelasBoots ,and iShou, at imd under the old price lor Cash. Mont avy ouorse Bota ]ip audFrench Caif Boots;1 French Cailf sewed Gaiters AIo Overahoce. Ladies' high çut*plain Balnials; high eut Go sUaalmoeraisaDd - VlveecusudPrunella Balmiorals.. Misses and Childrcn's Velveteen and Prunefla Balmýorals ; Ladies' and Mlises buttoned Feit Overqhoci, Trunku, &c. For cheap gooda try-" RJ. TARNOL», N, B.-AII accounts further notice. Wbltby, Deo. i, 1809. Opposite Onterlo Beuk. rondered last October must bo pad -ithout Coec E IMMENS CLEARN.G SA 00 $306 of $0.OO Wo'rth o irstaclass Coods, at Cost, for Cash. GIBBS LOBB & Co.' IMPOILTERS MËD GËNERIA1 "MERfÀNS Beg to announce their intention of 'retiring -from the mercantile bues on -the First ot March aext, and as the whoie of the goodg must b. clcared out beioro that tini thcy will, on and after the lot of Decemuber,-ofar .to the publia thoir extensive stock, M~ A AND UNDER COST F~OR C 10 ffa ' Prices will be marked in plain figuires, fromjl which ne abate- ment wiil be mude. Great Bargains vili ho givan, und às this is a GzmUIN SALic, and no humbug, aiU who ýw4nt, tg get F iret-Clues Goode, ut Loweet Whoiceale Prices,ý should avai l temsel'esef this unuualuly favorale apparut- uit>'.. &ll partiesindebted, by note or bock, must settie wifhoukéde& la>', to, save -expense. b'Premisea ta hoe let for a term of years, on and siter' the let of Match neit. Oshswa, November 24tb, 1869.'4 CASTLE OX BOOT &à"HOE, MAKERTO* OPPOSITE THE COMMERÇIAL-11OTEL, W itb%', Set, 25,Pr9-Ir- 80 2001 boxes Vaténtia Raiin. 100 66 Isyer 4" 50 66 0e d 25 DuamsSutan" "6 bes5London Layera 46 u etElad " à cases Eleme Tigu. 25 barrels Carrants. - boes auded Libon Pool. - ~' " 'citron .e 25 bops Rico. The dbove ,Groceries together with a full assertment 4~ Black and Green Teas, Raw and Re- fined Sugars, Spices, Pickles, Sauces, &c., &c., compriaink a well selected stock, which will be sold cheap f&r cah*-cusatomers, at prices that defy competition. 0-7»Remember the Chequered Store, Broýck Street, Wbitby. A'few Btirrels ofChippewa Old Rye, ini stock, 5 years'old ex- cellent for family use. 037=e Seoe price Iist of Fruit &c., for cash.-2Olbs Currants for $11 00 ; 9lbs. New ValcntLt Raisins for $1 0; 9lbs. New Seediesa Raisins for $1 00; New Layer ltàisins froinï 12 'c. New Fige l2jc. -251bs Good Clean Sweet'Rice for $1- 00. Ar- düctionmade on, ail et or.articles te cash customers. ýý- 1,,1,' wu lmN Aile lit Hgonnesy's Brandy. martels " De REliper in Hienlt's finest 'Port Wlne. Po Martin and gther Sherry',. ,jGjpgcr 'WVne.1 . old Trom'. Gin. ORd Ry. Wblskey. COTJNTY. 150 hait barrots White Pisb. 50 " dé Trout. 26 Il - Labrador Berringe. Quintels Codfisb. 5,0 boxes scaled Herrings. Ssnoked Héddlee, Salmon sud Yoirmoutb 1 Bloterâ recclved fresh weekly. Whitby', December 15,1869. TUOLMAÉq dS torWe r , -Sret T'TTL' (T n 0.11 A 110rT lAC N BSES -The undersiigned in returning thanks for the libleral patronage bithérto extended ta thé old establishmuent, for*nearli>a e priod cof fort>' yéars, désires to ay - that, ho hoo nov an baud a largo assortmnent of thé mast modern and- elégaut styles of W 3EL WlX3Cw (Y 3la3 And trusta by proper attention sud nioderate prices ta seoure a continuencé of publie patronage, Praqîlcal upholteriug. Purutture ré-stuflo4 and covoeed. Undertalng and -FuneraiS Fully Supplied as heretofore, IW'ome splendid specimeni cof Picture Frames, ana Giiding., Remember ue Old186a. AT James Johnston 's, T'bug tprelus-nthtusskofor the liberel patron- I ge ises-alofore nit) ,psuesd os nouuectisa IIAm rn p"redra ta cosduct salue TOWN Oit CO-UNTyI AT REASO NABLE RATES., W Arcscmesséfor saeehémodi eltiser nethlie <'iitaolsscLli e, oralt my iwI OlIBOe, Break sîs-acî, Wlilîby. l.FAIRBANKS, Jr. W i tb y , J nlY , 18 89., 27. MIANUFACTU.UED AT TRE Agriultural W ru Doublq TURBI1NE WATER MIIE EL usMOST szoxlcàu Wuzz rioew ta sroi1 JJROCHSTJZE2, IVITBY. Wbilby, Déc. 15, 1809. GREAT TtIlES'YWlels wae usonw mnufatn-ing J. lacapar tisi oua>' otiser slsop lu tise coun- Ily, ands we wili give a gueraaoteo ita esacia Wiicet wurrunting <t5sîm to leac s we Il made, îasîd te gice as good *utiilacslou as suy uilunu- fcactsared in tlise )oiaaiaioaa. l'us-tics deoising fus-thés- information eu obw loin it hy eddraéaaiuw PAXTON, TÂTE &2 CO.? IN RWDIJELULD . T' U NIT-TRE. ]PROF. J. POST, TEACIER PIANOs-ýFORTE, &c. areçraUCc:onc 0DIVsN TO PMt$isAT TrEsa - A T- Tiars.-lst-nctious ou pi no, $10; theo-y of uisiamus&is,.à., asr, 5. entLAis expérience oh mostIsa»i12 yeas-s N . PH IPPEN '8, BRO O K LIN . s;aisencement o! puupiit pausd aumdris-tlt H IGHI EST M A1ÀBK ETp I Cg ,WHEAT & FRENOHJMANS, BAY. W.WITITBRIDZ., LAN»F0~ ALE. TTE-Z àuncsind off4rs, for 'alec tneé Korth 84"aresof Loti, Sth con. of thé Tovnshl f Beach. The land té two miles forth o! Stan- chuter, on thé Centre rond1. Thora té some Mhablé Céder timbor Sulteble for Railv»t For pariculrs apnly to' W. H. BILLINGS, DecemberU, oflitor,&.2., Whitby. BLAÂU K'S Hf0TE L.,: ADELIAIDE STRisETÇ' TORONTO, I will 801>1Sofas, Sofa -ý Chairs, Secretarys, Book -Cases, Cuphoards Shelfeners WYardrobes, Sidè bourde, Wash Stands, large îuncy hanging Looking-Glaeses, ut great sacrifice. Miy stock ot Furniture le iver>" large, and neurly ail my own make,' I cun warrant it to ive good, satisfaction. tNow is the time for great bureats, corne nd see. TERMS CASH. FUNERALS attended to with every attention and on short notice. A firstclaïs Hearse to hire, fitted up with a double sett _of Plumes comploe. Remember thé place. OF FICItAl ASS10CNEEn' GIENERAL_-,AGENCY -OFICE 1" T % u n d aving -reeived tl oi ntmeuto Offl iai A signee for Northt InSOîVencY. 11iuoy 'Notes sud Acconats speodiiy collected and remnttances proiuptly made.' On geod farna i"~rity- st 8 1>ir cent Inter.at. sÉpeeîar attention wil!l be giieà>'to thé négoiaton of oan, m borovrs ea elyupo basn;their applications attUnded' to promplyand 'timali expéns th& Âl o, odbth Improed and unimprové oa wstwt a l. nàrcs *feîýctsd iath n t r mnne Mutuel Iasanee{Companiy. E -. Offitl Assigne. snd Palustor. OIJIC e-Egov's Blook,nustidoor téthsRobyoiCauadien Bank, Poil P eomb r5, FIRE ýAiSSURANCE CO, 1,QMBARD5TRtEET .& CHABING QCROSS, .ESLIýBLI,llHiD .IN 1782e GILLESPÉ3,, MOFFATT &,Co., Agents for canada. JAMES DAV18toN, Manager. f SURANCE agatset LOOS by PIRE Arc YEOMAN GIBSON Apri rj15é6. Ag tWltb Nw B akory Lpublic tliaI ho -lée oumsîenîîy preperes! té flSWdl ompide ail os-dors lu thé Baerv an ajnltcnry lino. Fruit, Èponge, 4ns! ail otiser kizads ai Cuke, Tarte and Biscuits of IW" Fruit OC ati-kir.ds li soamon. AlsoULb.- stens, Sardine., Cocos Euts, inges-lee-, d&o. Baker, Coufcctiooer, &a., Brook et Wlittsy, J.ly 16, 1897. 28 VAl NTS, 15 c ENOLISII BOILED AhND 54W 'Li nsood OU, Dr.eg Store,- Witby. j uâtrecoeiis a fresh cesortmét of uaw pst- taoroé. Elia'per iasuglogésliisg - et Low I>ries. JAMES Il, GEERIE, &pril Plis. 1869. Dugis,- ht1 b T rizLIVROOL LONDON & GLOBE T iris UA NCE s:,*Me4'ANY in orl rMte labelt proaçperoas ofEnglimhsia ne o. Tts INVs:s'TVTcnFtsNDS are .. 17,005,86 li D:11tLY lNCSMIN Eexced .... *20,000 Its LIFE POLICIES os-e ae ure protection fais the fiuture. It IsF iE1'OLCFIS, tasuéd et Casaauî,a ,IAteO, silos-! aaiie protection ta lths Meschant -suidosusodr Ail fair edaims PatoaoiryPmxnsd the ut-ý munt lio)eraliiy éhowu la tirs .sdjuatment of ItesalOiffice, Canada DBs -enc, Montrent. 0. F.OC. SMITH, Chla! Agzent for Dominion- L. FAIRBANAS ,JR., Aoc,,:, Witby, Jsaly 2SSu, 1508. - 80. INqSOLVENqT ACT 0F 1864. AND AMENDMENTS THEurTo. INSOLVENT, ACT 0F-Or 9 in me7aa lcter o LEWIS ROUOX0, an - Caeda. i lullaeCouuty Court 'rovincecontarlo,>. oths onty 0f On-' Coulnty of Oat. 1 tes-b. Ou Muuslay, te Twenty Eiglîth dday of Fêla mairy asext, the uudernigaaad wili eppiy te thé Judeoftîte sais! Court, for adiéchargie under- LEWIS BOiUE,, by G. 'Yaang -Smilla, 51-2m lai.. Attas-néy ad litern. U NFAILI X G E TY -p I SE V CELEBRATErzpPaRFECTZD Thse 1tas-esd ineuéing sales cf thes. P-ERFECTED GLASSES if esuse ps-ah! of thelrs-upeslority.W.éé sati.fles! hast thoy vouls! hée pprocitâ Wbê= as aia.,wisex, auJ ihat thé rnaity of the osâvan. liges olffed to wearesaof! ops beaulifal lénsea viz : tLe ee sud 'cosulortu, the asé Jmu rendlr acertinediinri)vinsn orhe igbt LZMEN'5 GAIIMEN'S luade iap la style alid lateét fahou). stock of Clotho <rom wltch to nake na for Gentlefssmmr suite. 'Ray 12, B. ACCOUJITANT, 1NOTARYT tTLiC t.nd and (louaerai Agent, Ofillia, OfEicID1u Peter SZtreet. Wtid sud inaproved Farnas lu the Counnue. or Ountanlo sud Siuaicoe for salé. * Lend, values! sud route collectes!. mer- enta' books amade up sud srrangod accoré- tel 9- B.-1peoial attention pais! te eonleiove sud J.rompz ressuluénces unade. REFEREXCE8,...Hon. D. L, Mopherson, Senatar; Hou. John Sfuspeoen egor; lion. -G. Crawfordi Seuéor; uo.k~ smrn Auu orson, £éq., M. P.; Johnu Iorrison, ttéq. M'.T.D. IMeConkéy IYs. .P., A. P.Caburn, Eaq., M. P. .'lWmliBatty, Es, MPP. rbiaHumPer s-y', h*t Dm~ Corbctt sud Es q or i2 l.àtb1, tors Cil the &samora, Btsrie ', Csudian Poals -jLtudsY, aad &roici, u a Fée NEWLY IMPORTED PAPER rnnIt ndes-.îgu.ds! epta laîorn thé pub. tL 'la chat hise asapuircséseal usuiF talaré cent sêtsy lu ngteund, a lot of SPLENDlD- PAPER IIANG;iNGS.ý Solécted cas-étoil' b lalt, wliicb'la ans on salé at VeYYRy adnced Ps-tees. W *Pa làaaîîug, iraînte;, G¶azaug, aud Pape- Hangtng, exécuteiailsa work nsuilikceo ad expeditlous unner>-asubuel. A. C. WILSON, Dunda StBreet, Whltby- Wbitby, April-s, 1858. 14-if EBUTCHR'8 NMAT, FÉESII'&_CIJRED ! Ile, ut n el Lmb, Pork,., property and carefulir drcéééd sud jointed 1es suait housekeepers, aud for mrJailt tuée loweéî Corned Beet, ]Pork and Ûx ToUgiie cures! lu a superior maner; sud everylaig- in thkitsligh e kpt conjsautly oùa lasai Wliatby, Méicia 1so JAMES MA&NN. - fai ]reain ad Sha-ving BROOK ST., wIITMBY Mr SOUoar ur EBASE K0, I Mmt.TSZL L AND FOR SALE 1 Thse-North aiofo!Lot No. 12, l téitn Csauoossaon o! liath.4t TOWNsmp of pIOKERINVG, aoutsinu 100 acres. Thés-e la a large quan. t>' of excellent Cedar, sud goad Bardwood o'n tIhe i ]'.-The sou lu. 9ood anud well 'watered, aus! thére lM a capital Millsite on the ps-e- misées. Apply to GEORGE BALLARD, Dr. ADAM FOYLÀP - - alt W. -H. BILLINGS, Solleitos-, ..usjy* JOHN OARTrER LICENSED 'UTOER O N A t lron ara E oux Es o , - ONTA~~,YORK & PFEL. W-o REMSIDENCP...Lot 8, sth con., SALES stlended ou thé éhos-ets otice,'suè oaa roatsof ahi, tés-ms. Tés-ma-eau b. irads mau his ps-sntes! LItho Chs-on,,aî,offie forldi carter. 1 faTAL -('AXIADIAN IYTL 45 >TELi 'Y ?»tr Oe aide. tary Public, d Coiç>beil, Bro W!itlîïy, No lii emoved OCýsyAkao BÂism Wh11itb)y, Cet Tun e lf' LAI cFrx. xo W. Wbaiby,Jan. CHAIR J. HAB! PasrALI:£i iceu nty Crown '-J J ÀBIES LAI ÇONYEYANi PR. I~URGEON TO 8 Byron, Street, .WV' H. LA phyhiclan, Su THOI .Llthcc-Town MA. *eIF.DBOTT0J Tfriclds and t]i 48 Opened the abai of Aéh laru, for thi -*veliog publtié. Tta Diied iu a astoaqt -mariner. Guestà wl et the abutecetabji, 1< SAS I-OR,1 ri 1869. mr. rmr okfin, 1 BIRGIINS-

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