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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Dec 1870, p. 2

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s NEW DIVE RTISEM-EtT irl fft __7_{llIl'IlI!ll:lllS D- Ilon.1F A tel 4 Finih. The Ifoosac Tunnel. 1 CanadinReciprocity, -AsUR .1 y.of Nove.1mbe r p 4 IILezthil, on the 30th A speial despateh to the ;orld, slated, (ihgn Cade think the great pest tenl ar lifteen vyenisOf tiiO f1loosça iSuppose fthe Imited States, govet.nmn s'A 1L E OF LA IN Dl P. ChBra TePn R-no -W sea r an e e'tDonmeeting wast held Vefsailles, 14th, dayi Ameneanpelople are gr,ý ools. taoshnt Tonnel", fita tlhogh every o ly buti oalda impose i a heavy special tax upon . Met1todist Choreb. a PpoarPont Mttob, and was ad- T. elyinth iembardme-nt of dbwn panon Canadin r transit trade, toe1ot nimtlyetiene reua-ndian vesseilsPassn hrf hb 8. F R T 5 gg . . tdissed by MessrsJ* Parie Iwaq caused partly byl a for the sakie of o allith, 4 se . ware tof fthetenacity With which an enor- a ir Flats Canal, wile our own >vegsses - Fam ate -.E.Tolnsnmn ane, amsween Glaneras Blumen1a aree.the Presidenit's hMessage nmemons schemýe has been pushed, and theo' as th rough free Of 1all tax. EllPPOsethe New .grik.-T..H. McMillan & CO. : ' . Lynch, nd oth¢r ht fe o Th at is ad V npoe y Seao..asr-r-probable souccess,:vigi i? rtëfr t e tteloenmh hud ni Town rWht y, yvidr w-ri Ch • 'the adjournment Rool .Thelater w1ahsdtounth orm s.er Cdsh Boto dmnd abate utetoth hibt andanve; lsfr1i asin oun oII taorat on r t Chs-caesesof Brandae and Wmes T,, . . , &a hile the speaker@sbhorses to bring up the ,,g,"na ile the for- is a gretold Purhtan el et seilyWs.TeGan rn n h e-10hS Mr' hpCra na " Il. m Mlat&C .,- --~ ~ .... -* rait a »mg hom" n d goeaotmer insisted thain t wsi oset %itudywen' ut fi e elosein New mont Cenitral are (0o ircuitouis, while the -s oi tCnda ési ol o ei' ote Farey Gonds and Toye wi" , Allia,,. wohudre 9fa erat men rushPd to- yede nl an cud 9' rt to at, save pork Boston & Albanis 19Insuficient to meet Pr Lakre SPperior at all. Would not of Decemnber in the yearnecr or Si owad ane' sos ad400 ose r ow crin fo adbas, u Mcdi vn thee the demarns insf taile, ehiefly on necount rf proceedings hielp the Canadian brain |thlous.and eigit hunidre and saventy -er -«UL"inAllin. and trown ' I 1aý,Wvmg overeoats Gertayt ra h ig gn rmt e isnot ne important Qais.puto , adeve ortserbe ad .Th HosoT n esan lmoe lerl heq'esio "r Cor t F rfrrnew and cheap-N. hpig se. Taniner's horse railway terminus. The condition rte the sorghum of lltinois a Iw aeo nlrnt rm so truh ìebug 1vigato f h t.Lwenead h aý.ed in the thirty ,noeca r 'of Ith Undertaling in-Arsti-class style-N. Phip. to rgsadrnaway, throwing Tan- fronaslasfearful. The food il, ery sna .,more Importance now 1 rn Cape Cod roY. %vas sur yed n 1s25a at olu a s anggo in.•,- wagois kl a r.I h emncmsad top a o n . .te su'rvey hbutted :against the lloosae v1the provincial laws ar•e untriendly dt te a rsetigtdA e eryC tna scmn - .F acs ken by the fa11, cuig istn et.been without meat fathre das.' The folly id iu Granve npposing fthat range ndl]stoppe. Aillalong it was con - " y1 declae that th Willand a'nal and.or4)ir I a 1 rry Ch -M o- san oter, Id in ta ntdat. London, Duc. 15 --Proofs Of a Pressian ',fthe great Northwestern Sta 8, %WiscoInsin, eltt<leti lle ,was the best route far a rail- t é -.ainaliond 1thehrapis oF the St. seibe,l l machbae patenited .Illmf- analldhtm Grape Wine-R. Francis. teh • ege o a'sheme fur the restoration of the Frenc i "oist Indiana, Mmnnes ,a, Nebrasha, roal, land ifs advn.ntages wreesaoevident ,1 rence river are their8, entirel'y theirs; arreairs ortaxe. ,dlic hieeon,with thil Êi'Idles ines and Lignors-R. Francis. r rnIl ute garntlet im efety. Tanner's Empire comns fromn every quarter. n ichigan, &C., are'goin ob hu u hat in IS4S a coinpany was charterdt h tePresdet asnorihttoco . shereinatterapecified, a direeted b ly ,a Ž¢ EsT 8, H aelatatþeoe te&dormnn ft e ciekays that this is the oni nt , ýof Ilhe St. Lawrence ei. her r in, bild fothe r d. (Groundwas broken in p fte moanfinl etitos Teeaeteehet ientc h Novch- .met.ngwu towayv a oi, f ins MenC 185 ! Stlat Nm 't IhAdamns wherethe mouin- I hi . ls hlY United State s es ls h 4 rersadesess lo c4 þ t ltoboinson. r gwst o e av t o.Confidence the war cain end, that Republican Fr. a c e iidsalie of aqsasaistta cd h.pinrne .tob iered m amchn tefrbdUntdSttsv" s fi c ' i t crceda lat o mitireuse ner Strayed Hoieie -. Brown. in Governor Archiba l ichswas ecarried wIll fight for eveir, that the fat f P r The ftoate relrnr hhere she tat mm nse win vent gP i>1,.or1 i,dril ng thro ugh te, * he logter hircassa i l ron H a l, I inhe T n r w at by, by a vote in the proportion ofth anproduce noaefect, that the only course qanme wstrn ,,nar n r ,lde, butil t rod a file- H n 1pÃ¥ a e ther lo;hen c h rie n T ownRID A, 17 t d owy of %arch ', .o mprve70a Pgs Birel &Johstn.Eiectioneering is g g hree to one. 'B to makre terms with the Empire and g g ping down the Canadian - a.1,throg 3-o t in hviginth manie ag cigt o omlino ufiedly IAt the hour of Ton o clki h A.F1r Bankrpt Stck--H Hie s. g goingon tey brskl inhome, and leave the French to fight IL out the S. Law rence, to E P, cheaper been done -the Mussachluserts Legislature pedta e ndpohbtin lupon thsadaid oromn hro a n AillSainte*' dateh Sunday Sebool Crs the Province ; but fromt the ad asay between themselves, than via New York, an40 ly fools are grantedfthe road a Joun of $2.0000 n fUsi Sae isigvisesure e i orsay fo)r the rixes and,(ail lawrilel abvedecrbe, t s vient that there isB oreu, e.18.-The Prussians on ogv pthis North sten coen n eer ut undertoo to nn ohe tgether fo)rbid 'United Statesish- 1inadnn .1allandboit such , ae Spécial N tisesý,still imuch bhadblon o 1. laigteV leyo h h xit, for the sakte of Gen. B e' cdih. II, t oe lwprogroi n o a t mate utevtvigteVde fth hr n o . e rcilz ase oenter or tntoin their ports. Special Netieeè..and among peartis h e ntae n ni ,r)a On"D hyko htCnlui o or ay left the job. In 1868 the State Y Ill;ssofthe St. Mary's Ship Canal PERRYS PL4N, North Wyard, Proinean tatth re a e ln e iraan takdgrainit l a loain of hivomillions more, and 'is i ors ;» and we' have the saine of sirock Street. - ter-rad-atanasesGeneral Chanseéy, but wr eple.thus sike back, the monE ive struck opeoieatyIih e fosaaa rg exld aain hpigat- y oe 'o-resort to Nearly 1,000 Kabyle hremen have been off theirc ommunCicainb w-en Port.- Wiaiter and fris hnlsucssu e xomLakupieraior. heSi to-ai violenc and tocreato trife ad disider landed ai Toulon, and will join the French land, M,Nd, via Islad P , and New enzineers and contractors -then Cecne Fi. m iNwhllyourj;andweaveor d 'ý Il inIt ist be hoped fthat the men who eaused armies. The hMobiles whv et, t Agea York, by the rails and lakes t o)put the road throtigh fthemon tan- t h .e t ita.ig h to ur s d a ha veeà s ··-- - -- z - :the death of Tanner dd ntbi to replace the regular troops will euntii e.Gatspps nsm - vtors lrenilaben suhaa1 to frono ný.rgit We a y d aisslat an •19 4 3Lot ON Yt 0CNTS A R whtitrmd he t partyof tePrFrance, ad a.o f the National body put oIlhis Messa m ben fe ta rmi ii n a l drsolve dn0eit aY. -- Wh-th- Thurs- De-mhe 870-tee the Dw ebodne aDsuhsrti srprotn odCaysapartofi thâe aï in -- lia- ' vle erl ie m isthonglonger thnnyl in'e y bk P ocrnimost e hard up4 3 1 9 atasrbean--rchrsutd a?!n.:ooefr0H1r, pea smltn ,ru tosa tatsortiwes A estrn, vor ite ol ec fet.te ot.eistun2.fr2e wenigesth.flownrb ners mrde, soul beputdow by hei ll pagsoth lecnry.Itws .E'1" nra t pt t otst t asiondthtd ril is h from lisalir etobyc e :--" A Papa3 5is14a sa un tï,bica 'E eon sng had the law Tenfore d Prusiandeice.Ifadoticeable ft gtat hei s a at o-.-nael, fcandl eeonBlw oaFtbhbrinkeenvoy hasnnrrieal withoimpotant des_ .1487 i4i si TOw OFý " rur an suprea vol. ce• t o r the Opposition 'ournals are more bitaiy Boston--elaims above aff(itt. nuumer- invented a power drill, driven by Doc- ogongfitrthe b Pope to Bismnarek and 235 8 22 a 1 R9 rh fiowng idor orrry, and upp r e ol c y the fdopt yiono voet, ad h russian e an able eivil war claimeswh :amount to Presseil .tir.which lai "" dici"ng Wnnders 'the King. ILtilcerta'.rthe uringprounia-l7a 2q R 1 Ro strAn vgru p cyi he irad dst d t eAt t htver.* nillions; ? If so, the is o more fat]l in boring thýroulghthe imonptain. Steamn ed the pope to restere to himhbis tempor~ 0 4 9 • hefllwngEaddae frMunicipal of Lieutenant Governor Arhial d greatsneInatifgs held hre ray te o h b.et Cowrcllninb sean arisco alpwe7a oo te a eds heas8"4 ) ia honore were put in nomination nonna- his cabinet, an setien tatheFrench fuld defend a ofndspabli m s ubbe men' rsedb .hieyad are truh ofi e a slj ou r l eflc atens. Thtthe 809 28416 71 89. ----- -their country to the last received fihe tost He 8 aliontugs chch' f etog s ong ies t where te n rei hers at"K in s alo efli ned l, toies t tor e a. 180 9 1 189 d o ay or m esFNY oDsFl, lSMs r entiuisti0endorsement. An aid- d'e- such un assumpil t ' of Alabama work in tha bhowels oI le ûmronntain. Tuns ý Dgi.l.iegge TsI etvarie t e t orostNi- 82 a6 41P ForMaor Jams a errie, Esq., Allin is fully up to the tm" ' ¯~ ' c aipn e.Trcuecpd rm Prsclaimes as of the u pi ,r oonlngi o gi1frw r nbohsds rbb e hngsliree Iw ulre, m t .-8 a 75 14",1 89 re elected by acclamation e. Any pur by balloon,. or green cheesie, #1pposed by ,,me to bu of the moeunt ain, and a daily aggregate pro "o n8irn i soei ail 43 4 39 10 1 89 ForReee-Nle •rs|N W.ononT, nil e nytern h i st o f of i e. BordeaxDen .Te Pusii in that moon. ress is;nude of eighitrfeet. Afeantime, im General Shenich has been appointed msin. 86g 1e 82 15 1 89 For Reeve -- Jmesss. È Wup l . B own, T idrdb h raddslyo l inds 21,000 strog a t el - Nut ePrssians, B lut codfih and potatfoes, adeveryhingthe een.re of the ronte to be tuin;elled, a inter to England. «• î 60 610 18 e d Dr.. . e rry, ancy goods and Loya, snitable for pre. with 1 1 batteries, and aller a combat of .5 1ele, Icar in guermettnt iry-ijust lnow just-beentstrc fvent filtion, ndn w h Slano Trey pearing for a 22 59 1 9 an D. Gnn.. lnsfroda el syug esn ours, 1 hchtcusand ev efre tUtp fSt Dm o. Thtwork is being pushed on the tunnel atthefi l e ctdratrewihRussan 65 .59 S. 1,s9) Foeut ,eve M r.ç . O'- The goods, for variety ad fl fer '1occupied the place. It lis expected edfoatiisee, in the % 'ae ouse, this point. This shaft ei ,0Q00 feet deep. Pas tefd; a conl in consider the adis-876 r5 68 14 1 89 D)onovan, James EHolden, and 'J. B. surPasses an thing i n w q ui tyndfartatthe batitlewill be resumed to-daty, deemed the elle, or rather the begmanig W41kin irint;te tunnel freim the west, binity otIneressing the strength of the 377 4 2 0 18 Powell, .jugP or y in intow. Cel ndThe Pressions attacked Chausey yesterday, of IHeaven. it Domingo i,, the garden the: wrorkmnen are now workmng with a Turkqhfet hersreshv ee8r 79 2 8710 51 89 NORTH WARJ)|D t• 9 ' • 4 rc sl Rfata h unli Judge-for yors lvs but not in force, and were easily reulsed o te epo es. Gen, Por has been tiidl of a miil of mountain Cieread. . de e .hod herseres bradinbe nd r.ss 879FBIosTREET The operations were mere altirmisheg. ITh es , n ya : s. ioing isa rtr ftenme fteirglr Fo onilr-Mst.N eG ulTi RRAND Re EN?DoN to e e enemy jle back as Bourbaki advanee.Wh Cla was after %da nhe aldopeid, er lcrokdrawnou n Ntittr hd;ie nme f tfrris h a hun165 8 7 9 McGillvray, Dr. Carsen, and W. W . heldiat the M.ehanies'l, o ody TeFec roshv eocpe nhsltp eatfo ar o in tuns n tl i t tw n te hadtey.fouerodeeadet mae at fone. ha a n 5 85 1 Calwel.netthe 26th inst., in aid of the funds Vierson, ýý P'inp andfen, Porter hl been there, iee vwid he b an done btyfo - Alxadr. Re fForettisO'5t,804l5'101 8o, (ENTE WRD.Of the Wesleye MethdOfficil advices to Dee 17 ha". bLo andl", sayet is. If we Can My get St. lectricit yand nitra glyet'irne. AeTher work, • ' es Mll, (ý.,832 44 5 Il)1 89 CETR wR. an thdstChrc.nd reeie fomP av enDomingo/it wu get right, into IHeaven, vwith- does fano ui l eedwithiout enormonus diffli, hsbe arsediMo ralo aeage4 484 2 1 9 ForCounneillOrs-MPsUMs.D. Botta, T udySho poie ob rand an d rei aris. The city was calm othe roe fgoinee. Tecuteadmnymhapbtnti st bd ffreur e laed Nonr tea of a854 4s84 1 2 1 89 LweL AlnJR.Philp, and H. affair. The Parties haingthe manage ill ltaln i en T e asu fado oo hot@ power of our l100 00 ,ffices lis to that the ]o,, e ne i r iotobe bored. om sryntfr 09he am ofJ sorrn WAa. tearageetsalco pet 'orte Despatches fromn Gambetta had been re i res uininentisPra ,mwhich pen tb ac ,18L I o pee a ma a orsek? nCr 3 41 9 For. Dr'acp sio.,eIledlinParis, dated fromtethe f5th to the 1Ivwe iIe 81a li e Adams and Evesî, when b ht eh o ilhaee poe ainly not, my dear." lThen wh.y adt03 8 54 2i1 1s89 D. e i r s-MesCar .C rpr 2histgvn uldtil f rcn te e tee - .Y x ·n romn 50() II 7In men, vwith all the appli- Von tell Anne this morning to answer the20 2go 6 i8 D Ca rn , lrand J. K. Gordon. OGR30E'RIE@, WNEis AND LiQrons.-% military ceiente./ - - anees s tI;ar, cmpresse d air, mule, ni. door y, " IL is fimie for you to go to 23ENDE 0'S2P 1 N 9 Mfr. Draper declined the nomination, saying Francis bhasjust received a fresh supplyof The secretary of julesFar haes ANTE FEIN AD •rNO --t -ly rne m lcteleghen coo, yda.' trh pd frenPr., . stdonadpa "- cars of 'lo"Iv Labour at a cost of about itRneEs a1,2 o 1% atheha ntdeerindto enter the family Groceriesi, Wines and Liquor, for - .epe om ari, ad sart oonad SIUEO ARMs.-It will 1be 6"1n fro ,0,n hti ngtl u, Aynontlgaugvsarmorta th Ruge, We.t, 25 11 2 2 1 89g Town Counicil for 1871, and Bairkedhie the lhohdas a rtes u ellt matiemissionto Vienna, St. Petersbur ,h 1the following which vwe :ii ftrnom te 9,which 1M sachust i ossn to a rt h.« the Rig t elo n. oh glight asr esgedr d 41 Ùftoe ut, 26 1.a 2 1 99 nominator to wilhdraw hii namne. There. ca![ and examine hie odt bfr pr t GanL nOleFriay fast hoads hed Detroit Pa ,tha on oeof iomore fool er thtan be -tlout n the cold." ý hi.s sition asPresidenit of the Board Of TIloRNDYKE'S PLAN, OF PART OP LOT fore, 'in all probability, Mesure. Clark, Chasing elsewhere. [See adv's ] Hus mission to England will be successfu hi ond were preparing for miother raid IN Siv T :r Acconni.--Tbo indicatiors . •18T coseCEb:SIU.. Caer e h o ut ord for ethe Coufne>i orl.dan ••• ritre ad London, Dec. 19.--The French con-" u pon the Dominion .--iJiees Holihan, are that th, Czar will .be with Prussia, 1 Men.,areilikepotatons - Ithey do not know 6I 14 I 1 8 eors orteaohWado te aoing ier-Frgoode and e ap urnitre adfronting the Duke of Mecklenburg hold who was arrested for viM uin of the shou!d t-he latter see fh to seize Luxera. by oo heymy ein hot water. i 81720 1B 1 PikrnalaaanlatWht iure establishment, try Mr. Phippin, New York, Dec. 20.-The Hleratld-a found secreted a large quart l of rifles to say the I,'tý of IIolla9d must disprove 1ihrashingl her own ch i|d --e causr e i' a to er °lloliA, K 'i - ge. 1 1 ý 1 3 jg. w' rooaie Bussels correspondent tlgrps this and hayonets and Fenian dorms, was tecagsiogtaantteD cy iding of hea su.l 2 512 us39 1 8 su'l theol cnnil, e reinformed, were e-. -morndigbtat the bombardaient of Paris ais arraigned before United Sii, Commis- o iv1n .tatis bigtos5f. 1c2,Bre a.9 ila77 281 I)89 reeetdb clmtoCDEAP AND FRESn ORUCERIES AND Ncw declared to bee impossible. It is not lhe. sioner Davison yesterday. IHe pleaded neutrality i n fot be violated again If, By noe ants put yoI,,,if in another'a iima B-l , rc t 9 lo7r281 8ils TF wsr P F HITTTe-Mr. Lawler bas juit receivgd a mnanity which restrains the Prubeians, bal not guilty to the charge ao d:Ive bs:1 to however, ith 1charges alleged ae1roe,9 idrsthyarv8no weitols F rReeve -Mëssrs. John Willis, J. lresok which he is bound to e aIipl nipsiilyfrte o o,_ appeaer for efamination ar]ah rs i e- uýud in annexing. the terri- , • BlilC B k t7a s B4.]ickell. te.ws ivn t ed as they have neither the number notRHe denies sony guihiy intent; a th,. pou- tory. Th'le ,etý Bismarck can do now s . A ahoc factory on a %reu etensive seule I. l al 9 83 1b!'1 eÃ"r, Depug pricessr cash.3Partiei.theucalibreeof gunsunecesary. They have session of the arma. No 1 ,•1 ty lwasto write a inote LtoGortschakofy to 6 say '.about to bce ostabbled at Arthiabasaa- «" Il" 10 h128 s i, I 1 ò euyRee-Meas .Wliwol owl oe liat the Chequered only 500 Igups, mainly ._2 nea ae 'udy u tla m odta a sai ut e nbekiteTet ùy vil]e lW 1 a 12fia-2or 1 i, là Hlenry iacL1, àJ Baronifba-ant J. B. soeLaoeitebsig nalr, i Ã¥es mtriitatr,.stairminey b pt I rai et Cdaad 1A ofl i u o fiel •a brao -ig te orel.. A.y. - . ran.b s a ll u. a i n e. i 7 1 1ôI Dikl tcko fml W ns n iqura iso f Ibatteries, man destiroy Item the «momlent bhad been planned by the PF , ItledrsTurk's territory as it may desirle. rassai, o Icam. It measured seven "1 %%iIÏ'ýo.ýLI.t,, o a I a , For Conucinlors-Mgesrâ. J. Tweedie, the best qual. Try hcn they open ire. Paria has two monthe' and fthat preparation>s are ini p r, ess f,r Our dispatches to-day statle that the [eet across thie ingi.s. Blck11,8.. 3 f i s I.IJ81) P. F. Campell, J. BurouppsyTofisfood. 1. active operations. This me -as Ilpos. eople of the Dueby have voted almnos;t ()tir Frenche co emporairies speak in WALILACKls PLAN orp Pit o pF or 2'7, M. F.Cabhn J Bic a rruhs . ihe, CUalsTm sTass FEr8T mA.-. 11 IlSaint Be rl ,D -.20 The GoessGazelle of ed by saime of the Brothb o Ía n fille unaniously in faorirof retaining their eycne puu erso h aainCo)NcvsloNý. 1n on ioaR'veuSiunday School Christmas 'Ï;4 F stiv ti s "city says that the causes givén for the city, and to thwart the ma ent, they ! indm!endenoce- as if forgetting that they i,,',Iges of President Grant's message. Block: , 9 3.1 1 1,I comes off fat the Mechac'nes jul, o failure to open the bombardiment of Pare gave the information w hie led to 'are tno longer arbilers of their rate. Re- Th'le i atep)ayers of Lambttoni have ratifled ý3 417 ,,1l f For Reeve-Messrs. W. S. SeLon, ,dy h 9hi a m Ils on were incorrect. Te d cute n the teseizure of the arms End ,eoarrest of spect for the wish of the people as ex- tIlu Byv Ladw granting s lo,00otoathe Sher Il 1) 2 -" f 1 u Hunter and Gentile. Tosate29his. t730 P. M. transportation of material and heavy guns Holihon. About F500 mor gunis were pressd through the ballot can hardlly be Ino,, Ea- Lstern, Towniship, and Kennebec L, 5 4 8 1, 1 o (; - - ,ill shortly bie overcome. Further action seized yesterday. Il is a ylItery how reckoned as one of the weaknesses of r i wALLACE'S PLA N LT28 S CNES For Couneillors-The Island is blessed SION OF THE£ RED BooK.-A large stock gjl[ bc guided by military considerations heepatisgo ol %o he an he In miimad heLxeAougeLLokAE LO5 2, 3 ,Na s s o Ith no loe than eleven candidates in of Christmas and New Year's gifts on London, Dec. 20.--The Telegrap4 this are the regular needle gun, ai remae roaby av nwAeai5tonofWhtb-Ilet.! aa 8 9>,) the field for Municipal honore. hand at Bengongh'. Toys andaFancyrmrning has a pecial desptchafrom Bru in ibis coutry only atth Sprindiehlthe6tact.beorelong, à ÚZRnmGoodsaof every description in endless var- seto say'I" tbat'the lats heavy celle for wrs. TeUIIted State authities1••• - il 5a1 V For Reeve-Mesars. L J. Gould, and 0. iety, to bc had at th sin o te Rd teLad eot the weanes of theRd Cetin h^su ave actedl promptly in thlis tIran i :Pa mNo, 18y0, -Tl. .......N. Y. Leader 1il 4 2il - 111 Wheler. BoolI BrockO'eman nvesing arm aoud Paris, and m y.ethtIhylav hu 1 d *oi he h las Ianarticle in regard toa'lamany HlIl , 1 - . .......... . u «I65l -:1 6 1' 4 Whfr.Boirens.tal its cooperations a.e nw more'defensive bud anotiher bloody expeýdjnifio ito the Gov. Hoff!man, and the Presidency, whicih -5 1 Iu1 For DeutyIele- esrs. Thmas•*tha o nsie. One or two more sorties Qu8een dDominions." <hschiun aill intention on flhe part of JTam 1 ... .. ....... o".%a i I 1 , 1., T d;adB ja nPrerMo t & C .ar ofrng g de ik thtof laut nightsad the siege oif-- ... ,,, m any itl or the N. Y. Democracy to em. .-...... e o )8 . ' 9 , For Couneillors.-.Meas. E .Hi bor, eaper than ever dloring- the holidays. Pari@s-,Il be raised.U bide De. 9 - n cioeinwas """ the action of the National Demo 4 «.t .. *. .. ' I W.W diild.on BanoT o as C ns sFan r B o New York, Dec. 20.--The Wýorld'a held to day by Dr. LuNýtý, , aiwler,,, o n eatic Convention by presstI Gov. Hoff- 1 1. 1* . ..3...6 t . ;, 11' W. Wd d'feD. M. C ad n hma IT EtnsIVL T rOD .- Versailles correspondent of the 15th says : the body ,l one Arthur 1li ton, aestranger mn adidiate. [His friends, it says ,*.,,' . . 2 1 5(P Iý. i 3 4f rnaeaniesr sem n of he B o kin "It wII le impossible ever to bombard here, s'd to b, fromnt il o who as ,ae ,committed to Hendicks, of Indin ;1,,:1.. ... Fo tev - a HW seanM tois hrh ilb pec-Palis effectively. The anxiety of the Ger found dead in his bed aint e, loSaon for.,iwhom they voied many times at thjede (o t 8 3 ,4 , 5% à Fo Rer -M sas.E. Majol and ed next Sabbath, at 10.30 a. m..ad emns for peace is intense. The German Htotel yesteiday mornh g. vert' D eahast National Convention. In conclusion,3 8,54 Adam Gordon. P. m., by llev. Mr Cochrane. The &I troops are 0on the poInt of mutmny. Thee frm n ession of the_ brai- 11' Cause 5 1 ; ,Il 4 J os ep (y ad eye e s. N ae, na e etgwl ehl nMOionythree months' subosisence. Rats are eaiten --- ... ___ ' reident.ial candidate in 1872, IL mus8t be ¢-R --.--n- i godfodad_ _ -f tin Pai frNcesveus f lohhe 1at , ' oldJonT.H ffanbco ei'EW A VE T SE8E T ,5 JoehH lPadA oes eu. 26th, addresses will bie delivered by onYO ly nwgr and for pastime. The li. Thiers il er,t 1de hh 'g hl beracuse other States and seetons deumand3 1 1,f , ForCooeiler -MearsM.Weir, J, seve'ral clergymen and others. French have im poiution guns capable of at St. pullr,boirg on h, va uncesu iul ar- hm n o ecueh)a ee nay3 i Tripp, D. Town, A. T. Corron, and A. lhrowitg sheils through the King's palcuis tie, ,sIle h rast i uhe pnteC nvnin b h Archman. ReynýcsifC n a .ak. and driving Ithe Germaons from fihe works the advisaI)it v ,f siine,., lingtismark Stte e:s:nobl2an honrabl ditin.5 ,47 --eli-t and north of lVersailles.', that lhe sh,.uM iabano i s de,1, I n onAl- gus7e.7y ,%sI b 1 a A10T@rm a d e ment in aotlerp rt Ne' s ol 0 - h, 7 ,e ace, and ttake lI.lgitniIiI .lol lá dilinstead 7 2 1 l I ! il 4 F'or Reevg-JadetesGalloway,r ett- of this morning's papr r, itil e n Prsor e 0 Te 7 nsThis was deemol to goo)ýIl aqcag, HLEu T'mo roTcs-LOTII & CLOTIIING, 8 4 ed byt acclamation. that this institution has declared a ivi "Wls e av e etrobablyand ,,s ntfavoura receivedlenefromn the Telegraph that Ira A . LADIES' JACK ETs, &c. l. h 1 '; I 1 ltJ if For ~~ da f he e et h riestarvation point. Cy Hisa Jt> ofaiRussiai. |Painle challenges Captain Bogi ar to lur' lt mfcio loet , 14 il;O il 6 T For Depty'Beve Mesr. R wl nd e tlstock ofparceton teh e dsced The supply of m,ýt will fast but a few fdays ... - :shoot at a hundred single birds each, in :.lbiee t euto faou 1 9ia 5 and Qup te Ban forthe last six and to save 11,n e mani ba al OurOtt ý,;I-i iI,40 per cenlt. a 4 7, I; 1 i , 6 1 and Qugley.monthe. W r ap o ha htt nnyrm i n bd al u n hsma1 ng cos- | Buffio, for $500 to $1,000 a sidle. 0Oril 1 .zI , - 4 I For Connoillors- [esars- .Grhm,. ac al resiion of t e ànk all the ay. Sh'auld 0the nextrsortie faili Dicrtait tains ahsa a t u oen ade A.'aie.il soo fr hebag ad I00 rt s B oIBi CKT ET.In a a a S. Finmulerfelt J. W. Umphry, A. Tur- fies the directors in taking this step T ende the a il lave by balloon to prose.-ad.NT em tI o af i, l ei orulto $2,000 a side in New Yor.1He wll In ohr, '70. 40 : 3 1;1 , 44 pro ctseofhthearhanf.ie interior. fo h o o 1 - ;, -,IlIshoo . t a t ne hu drd irs againt4a y-j - - - -- -,- - K,1,., 4 i 4, neG og 1ae n ae r rd en 5 0 eraesi ohv London, fDec 20.- Military erities are .peat' a t r 7i )ommn- oefr$100oa2 0 id iim r \ \ rl .-A Falrm of FifDy to a io. ..2 518 1 i - 4 4 Q uoRNa ben$50,00 over and above aillexpenaee. Ofopi in talthe fortesillPnna ion notes o ofnils g fIllliIlý reula--oefr 100 $, 00, • V d aeW.lliamrs.m , e e nd I" a z fa I,1 - 4 Threwao a the balance in J e ls rnn ai i to, of 1wich non1 are in "4utional Carson, of Philadelphia, chall-.nges Wolfd , 'to . T M il O , hth 35il1-o 5 - orReve Mesr. hale Rbiso, sur u@ f ets eodlabilitie f abou eoche i e city freim bombardaient. e.ntsvTeI m r i s he ofCaadtoshotat8itypirs1o7doble1 ,i à I . and~~~~~~~ Peelal 3,0,wihhsbe nr ased t 'rochu ill rernain nailthe surrender. required amonit ,i o r;e d dIl ntures birda for $500 a side iir old ; le shoot at a aa 71a 5 . Connillors r-. .W. McRLae, George reduction of tbe capital stock toa bout ate hw i , s DB:ec 2Ai e Londtat or d-_ganstth .nteNew York. Cardon to find lt hebrssa 8-D)nm 's Pl.AN oF PART OF LOTS 2o, 27 proto. cln 3,àà A...M.. 70,0ý "00 -. After makin fu-l l all pa ys eildsac oteMn -•• -and Ward to name ithe cday. 1If thisama rchj Oyro .! I oys . B. E. coN(ýloN Proctor, lohn Bro Angus MgKan D~~~. .. )fo-bd nddobfu db b own e mse ar I.daadf-rom Berin.say aenn The Ameriam re;ri. Iweandi i. maeandconesof, P.ewl hotBok..9. 21 90 Wades han 1rmakbe eg-hag a our contemporajizry mut aee akacnxt smer o- b ar r.ent GUr an t and- 1-the relatio, THOMretASi e i 1UOMAS H USTON,- , e., nd adrge sppyo 33 mles o lineinaut gauge cilities for 1reing the P m . efrt as written Mt u 1 .:ment-r a ritain anU tb-e United .;1ia ut " at m. Vie 1s-Trasre, T.ýTowno th. of ýfirst- cla ah" ' tbefo hit hus it a lih ttioen Ida ty's a or mor prob->t y ocrew fur the four-oared auem . 44A? -tis tequestions tt issue bet whefCritascr onTreaurer's Ofl1ic ma" presents. ta".-GoePrion o rates4a shr-wd gupss re--pequr lthe t',,compete im the scull raý c lma o co -cOuntries be left to a1 court 1«1imrat , ~r-v a e h.d1tthodoor,) * w hitby, sth December, 1ï,70i no gianoe of Ls tlegram- test May bue greCted, and that such court sit per u .rtly v ctitýrý,tj. the proceeding. (First published Uth Deenhor,187o. rdone ,Po 11! rn TtlO Ontir, or e regn OND Y nnarl ah, 'I' n oon. onc e r whithlY, for the à t ryoe nd de lnot legssthan , lnor more til 1 2 cies t o tfi " the 10,011, reet or 4x4P!n oi liI,1 Id Ail. 2M00 fet Or 4xr, Cedalr scajntlin r,12 feet rhcl paid , .t bhe ooll m.e ath ol t the e r, an, b el er,,aat fthe Towlnl)tl)t on I1. y norefr ole arst day ofn el, . 97 ,18 Y1 rJa J.L r. PH Il e onoon, CaraStreets nndI mproe I y nLI, fi',T . West .. Torni. :-- -- ijn A f c rtfnm e ft fil ,, 7 243 hani fl il,it. Ín'lo 95 84 WESLEYAN METHIODIST ejLjCr 9 17 tribnt tO a 2P.ma. Tý,for il, 9 8l 7.9 he erved at m p, ,i, lhar, der le 5 l9ie eaes vil e ;Ir lbyso n, Il m no, a a and l f i 4 :39Il ine. lby other e "I', 4 Red l. 4 89 1 %mo il " T eIl voo,'oan 5 , 01 o a nmbr of other Ila e s n,, sie bilt D"oorOPen 11bfiche frrno 7 e nrv ingL. nthlf past .5 ocl n o e , le 7 VI r n hitno ado 9 97 the r vcarents or g nrIIIIa l I'.cm a db I a8 - -'w 1 I31 )LUETn fgra e a r on w ]P eni n- it iI ()7 ALS lar ge Fýire Ppr,, on it. f 5 .16 e 7 71N ,Hrrse 6 4 01 N ""°E hrl, ziI,, I hnv1 e ho- Th e i]the p i.ohs r'.,.U r m iio thz-bred Esqer Bor, which wili he , n P blefor se rvice, at Iym 1 , nT', 7 e e6 l, Whal i t by No be teIr stook. gtt, Il 4 whithy, nece, le. *in5 et 85- INI5'MPROVE TOURPr. 7Of' Of aple ]lInII, Pickering. i a a(lnnnn to ithe. Farmiormof Pinekeringl 4 5 ojitlN, thait they 1havo 1rh 0el h Mr . -I l lr -.b n 'I Ir. Fth rt Leo ok,(Io., and tOok 1 4 4e, e I. prira rt ihl Po'. rl tiihto t.a . b(,?,] l n on in I1riI; firet 'tIL o[i oun .3 6-1 bb V oWir y meya ml grýtelle T t si,.r pel' a e % ialé f servlen, ileh2h stl;o 1 on e e jlt an mal I.on pro y Cort ndr hl aby'l hE o,0 n *3 loih or«. iI 15 40 1sT Notice li nrerehv lomst ', u CIýio IL li, a) t tora t 4 14 M1.r. ohn i rg nTaorh nu tet i; ~ ~ N. alllAN A , Collector. ,:IN. y o,3,1870. 48 4 14to or ao 4 12 e in, a M te from L4 Th ma . Walkjer to Johln Ilir Perry e-,l a yl e k J I uoio . t n i ei 'e o nof e'rry am irifto 'tho...... g i.Walker, dated ofn uy ,No. 7-1 eslIjoet to priorimort. 8m Tin o o et l. kcwn t>I: 11 al 5 VI V nolorg Scloito, 3 48 5i P ort vPerry'lMIaiýy c mayt. the Legi.sa. 5,3 turCe o e f vnce o torio, at it. next e1 77nf et"t> e i ahe e a %- 1 t4 tend th powe1- conerred u on' te sid Com-_ l 6 ý, nloy, .ned f' lor te b tter r .oetton of thle 79 mn ilp 1t Iwieb hlave zra.eted or , nay 7l he ret)I9,r 21r-n1( id by boous or otherwtse to 12 saeid CompanIty. î 9 S. H. COCHRANE, 48 tr i'.W.& .*.R. Co. 72 Whithy, Dee. 6th, 1l7). sin-50 4m -- - 5. 7, N"flrCE. moIngof,, the e r o til a general 65 Poil Whilhy & Port Perry to R AIL WA Y COMPAN Y, "1 w 'C hl-4 b e onW lFNINDAl),Y, the 2 hday ry . I, at Two- ' nke, . ll , il S t a inc, i i no.n U i orthe ening leyear, slreanred by the co 0 or tilg tioIadComa y 4,1 ROSS JOllNSTON, N. I Secret osafi .,try, pro temle II Wh1Il b ,1e 7, 1 q7. 49 T >%li y n teA etion. at the corner 'u"" ""ld t in the 1 "R 1 f Whit1- yf l RA the 24th of Decebe 1870 7i iýg '.tl Furmturd, """enee .,, m at oclo-A. M., sharp. . o sgiing partic.l.as ull be r h Lpopt.todispose of May "ttce onorwroe n oclcka.m., on 3 " a.Vtha1th eemaer,1870. LFAItBANKs, air , Auetioneer. F erbyi ivnthat application "tIh. ioc"""."u¾ionof the 4 . ao .,, uelne o- pa osor nor S a can altuPlaie, with Jo, 4 tawa River, ut or near m u Povme f Ontrio nQebec. a, ecember 5g& 0

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