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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1871, p. 2

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Lageost Wa Niw. CAPItUALATZoN OV -u - W S' ITIOI. PaIk-tI? irontcfyo4sr, v! filyend -picmae -bu al <a etu ut. ai e (« .ramnteof h@.. t rate suE.érlot aïtdedurànu  À roe@ofaititre. veek bac beau.agreed t. Tib@ iamlieed -eity wili be aiiowcd tw reviesuai, and thée tar. kg Millions caaped op la tbhe ky reooed front the extrbmest horrars oif <mint. The te-rme of capittrion aePem cescion- of Aima;. snd, Lorrain.; tiý< yloiding, a portion of the French flet, »a Monoey lndsomlhy <or the expeas or the wurj o t o eguaraeheed by thba mot- kolpalliiot Ail tb. forte havee already 6eno oacupied by tb. Germaons 1 but tb. Germanitroapo are cai ta enter Paria. Thara lt tu be a <broc wookoc' armielici, #0e enabie thoélcionos taIo bo ld, and ta, enable <te Frencis people ta deuidf for var orpeaca. The pgnofa the forts are ta beooto<raopia. ai wvrtaotise victoraf but #bce of endiente aie ta b.c imply &modicmtted, ýAod visatatier Ibe ttre veeoks ?A Frentch <cigram, <ieu the' romgtb at tb. variait. broies, and saya lit a( atho snd of te armièitea, Fran@e ffl, have 960.000, iginmesready <o continue <hbo war. Itii o be haped that t. oppabrînuiîy giron for <theoulaofuga mont,! passioss yul have a better resoît usi<ho 'conlînnatian ai hostiliilee. Lot théaors tone for Lihe errata afIbotisaeua. Francht pride wil b. aod <ho humiiéioîi af 648109 tha Gorman siotoru entrr <soiri Mais-City, anddt<ba-evini bane ostentaioun <,heu mlefrtunea, While tho sate jeu. frCan.spirit, aoe<bsmuom aprevoil ou tisa anuldo, vstrust is yl ho met by a car. reupandlng spirit, of raignaîlan "an 'tise athsr, :ta hebýrotcaily anuro <h.eisard lot ta wttat <boey mnt-psrfonoe aobml-, and that pesae, itutismg anti - permeniat, "aY'ic and for avor buesotahluised btîsso bath n«"uata b. a digiicd, but wil oul pl so4oguglio toue, vitb-f"M, Wamu- "If tae.it, or, fr. Wardetooaosi&r," or, 11a1 a p f olon4" aid co iiraugbo ae athisve l! meantiantd uamcîlse reali'ypreeaowilopub, over, oaitenoole ea.mmeacad, andîned and endad wvus -1 itaise tho rcposibliy,"-J' I1 cay" " 'cy agaloi't-1iE I uhall,ti-<e I am, jneied" "I bave doDe.0 Tise egotiom af te gontlaman ce so grant, std bis higis opinion-af himaeif aa prafoond, that ha appuars <aoe aiaya tu if ho vote in uearoh ai a superlaivedegree.. aicopar- io and coold Sund no climaz ouperlar.,<o himultin ntaking 1<t. Ra adosez iota. during hb. short speech an t4b. Wabdan- ahlp, aud at Ileast. iadosen ,timoscduribg Ibtis icussion ou Seogog. bridge, and 'a eorieop;ndinj ombi -ai îmes dniaog avory *tber discusion ai tbe qmin- oîery argument oued by tise gentleman ta wisam vo allade wue di.sfgurod wlik, <ha orietng reitevailon ai-"I taitse'<- -1 grant i0-11I have ttan smre pain." -611 can get"-uI <ýtink-" 1< . a.eemed a.l fve 'rset ica o tulf- IIonnsot rata. Myci. too high, "of vL at uiét cosss'aqdence *mn I.1 Dace <ho reader-fdi<ote oaoguise lucaur sketch <ha depoty reyae of Oshawa 1 That-moit excellent oai sunii e o 01 Pbreoogicai Janresti aud Lii lilutrat. ed,s" cames laouevus hahe abtuar>' number iobi>' ireigiststi wiîhgoc'd resdieg. Tiser. ti ooîhine in 1W adspted oevosy bodY1 tule, 1ituaauthe Ialoii.ng olapic frat tise table of contente iE.W. staugistaitho embouet lWryar ~-,Wisaî Cao I Do b.si-the- Repartes-; Tise IlOtitian" Cisirct or IlDimoiplea," m1 ils - - -- - -twclvs fins portrasite and aceompsuytug Whatby ansd Port Penny Eia>'. sktch«ois i h odisig * Psouaer. ; Tom- ai <: ~ utcneti a <tc a ou r part met;îPhysicai Edoca<lan aoino:d:1 We bd atendd ta ive àfull eportThe i fChignan, a tlmoly tits-est a Oft#praaaetigu iiobt anlpeatse 17 aolis lfuhion ; Nomss- A. King, tb. sonnai meeting ; but, on aanoidaratian, vel-iseavu epienian ; A Brief Histar>' ai ttc conclus00 i o rlsced upon ns that. [t Bée Cnltur o Bi valasm' Ciaractorg saulti senve Da gon osipspose. Witt the Tbe rigisi Soil <o ii;Tise Deage-&. permonal toeiliity of smisbers tomars-d deatis aceoneai tise Bible g Tise Pangolin;1 eccluotbe; tho' epublie aievc ouhhng <a do, Decel<iniinec g;Hiiaaisa .Waoluig; The aud <ha discumsion ai tisa meting vas MaintCeeie Tunnel ; Bonas- your-Cahl-. pnlnelpeily umade np ai pusoud dtffernc,. lng ; Ã"iin af <ho Amasican Flag, etc. lu mas-ion and denial. Our- radesa&ailabo lanits t hia -magazine. Ail visa hava ay,nIarsot ln -the cou- Piian$3 îyer g single, uusberm5sOc,0 trneîIan ai the s-asi vili ba giad ta leano Atdre à S. R. Wels, New Yort. obst thcro l-now vsrsy pramptsof tils certain cpaady cotupleîioa, and tisai MassTuoaooan anIIDSOC o ~iaPiÇURsa b>' Angoetsi ia, Itlàluexpectei, Itselune .iso.-Memrs. Bu-rseudani oisuston, ai ii hein fuil ouing ortier front Pas-i Mapla Bail, Picksering, bav" hataiy pur-1 Wiiîy ta Port Pers-y. Tise itditffinîi cemai tira hies-a s-asu John SnciliEeq., nov stok snbmcs-ied, la tb. ai5ant a oforEdimonton. Amng <hem are <vo af *20,000 , f1.,*a ielf# e goad igu aiou - thfbiS e uss siîn by Ms. Snell IlàLandau, ereaolng confidence la <ho autos-psu. nle1869, one aifvisicis ook Lise fis-st Thése»o on tha nov direetor>' haro mono>' prise in iso-ciaus, tiseagther hîgiI>' racom- andtimomu to a- h isai tmandil, bhinbhg mendeti. - tels- is-eset ta buititise roati au peediiy CRemuirSALE oai Betiie, Coiueo, &0'. lsu pasiwisimf.Iatsresti tise main spring '-lleution im direcîcd ta tha advrts.t of air uaiions, (If go Sigisar Imotive,-)'ment ai M;- ODanovan, in other colusfsus. Viti us-go uben ta put 'fbriard iii thois- Thomo uta desire good bas-gaium chaud neeanrs-cfor tho esti>' completon ai te Oualmselmu iksaie. Tb. nai vor s- 1t 0 l s-ad. Thet hme ail <ho people inieestedmils ode ron 5) J -.1 A- 1 ran-tse rod-by hma. le I iihit, os- codes- vsaiat spicele Iotoem quite a c.atayoansidena<ion. The affichai s7onnaI reparts-t at bor.. tàd uati fo1etaem ntsotbeLtsCampai>', viii -ho pobîhahedti sseeis. LsscmÀL TO M EVOLITUa.-Thst flue, loyal aId "bricit," t eaveoraiSeatt, sobscriti 8 5 toasetheupeniea ai <h. Canadti a mita Wlmhlectaa Be in- -0 ..--- gO 8e*.iSs.ruwtu Amati eau hicisor>',ant iîilli e varrautsi. Tue TAi SÀî..-Tsa adjous-neaule ai lande for taxes, taise place qn Mouds>' next, tise Oui hst. "Tssaday, the Gui." vue iurted lu e former mnom br tistaugi "UHA YBoua.", "TiéýSe i a is..]k Talagraphis"bubea eermocui b>'the pssbli5bos-uMs-. Fuller, t< o Cieago5 visera vilie on CptelaDocora taheg th "' ' n su Omua aune 00r tie agresabte sield o eptin moare hn: tisCol.tiame of ai '1 ppy. Hoîs.e,'a1< le neaul>' manii, < beiorvrdadb>'SI, a Co.80t up, veil printesi,sud lise matEr goal 8llse tsathng <bat ihai vouit mats iýp uicil .ested. hic ebaeaof <ha $100, neofouatby the mnjorty aiftte Coint>' Coué, cil. Ciompara -Plan smw Lama. or Paut.-av.Ths ti4 is h Mi- Gardan'@m liberaiit>', sud dwollng a-isd cantents ai Ms-s Thoma. chghting ramas-km îo.ards <b. Voloutera?1 Todds, daput>'Eeeaior'te tovneilp Oai - ~ ~ ~ Uxisridge, wue datrayed b>' &UanWed" A Soalainunid airlbhePits-tnage foednmda> iit ie2u lo au uct-. ai is hib Corgmlua hu-h m04atai$700. Insus-ad luthb.OUstda vill helditoith ie romdeuce oiNMr. Etivarti Fariea' Mitual for $200. Caldwell, Bsoct St,,enn Frida>' *wuieg,- ttc Srd luist eammeooiug ait 7a'eîois. T"s '&JV&L $01993 -0?vUs ONaDss Alil flndtly tte abject ame lalted ta PARUesauza nua, viii b. heitiet attend. - b. e liuea' hall, on Wedusadayi Bih - ta. Se. &dut.] .Fias Oi o ~ua ou Tums Inae-A 11 bNislrsout ia the promiseusNo. 2601 "onet ofCR. J. ami Pa i nuza"..5. N;Dais e ss , 4 oitincal, ou Satorday'clms ulaght. te2utisa .. < a nd *,ui b5s1,a..L a. diviocda feandve; e drdlàad Ont. Quea. N8. N.B. N. PI TrWaok...g easi.Wec ly. i 8 O 1 ô 1 Wk ..195 61i23 2£187 Sam.mnsti. 0 e o 0- 2 1 Total .... 96 *87 84 15 9- CLBRaT ix BiDasezAntaioa.-Frm boeora iibed <o the pubtimher ai tise "Canaimn Dominiont Diratavy," tiseUnos. ber ai clargy baleugiog <o the »cevaral de-. nomination. in the provinces ai Ontario, Quaho., Nova BeaSiaNov Brunswrick, Nevfoolaod sand Prinea Edwad Taasd Dtooeue of Montrent............... t ....Roai...............u ""Ontaria ............. " Noue Seotie & P. 9, bSn.8 "Total Chutaisof !gobi . .5 Himes i Tanto .i............ 80 jLiq«stoqn,...... 0......40 Ottawa ................ 59 .6 Qiuban..............-1 ....r.a............89 b< llyneohtba ........118 Thrae 11v............114 t8. <Gormsain de littatosk.. 80 H aliaer .......... 7 " Ariehisi............ 4 St. .John, N B 85 "6 Chariottatowxs . ..... .0 Total Chaol-af Rome...1275 cIUosoor.à Onal nd Quaisca............. 148 Mar<tsn, rovtona............4 Tot al ObtiofSoo tlaed.. 189lo canada Pnebyisrlau......5 Presbytes-y aiStamitordi............ Presbytes-IanCisits-etofaLowes- Pnova.i 1 Total Presisytenlan Chaoh. -... dos Weulcyan....................... 537 oufes-ene a satern B, A..... 160 ........e..................10 Ps-siltve ................... 11 lûtiodpeodtist Mthadist zpiéeapal.5 I - Toali ltîodint4....... .....1175 seagoiariBsp ...................sr TroWtal Baptiste ............. 47 IrCinisgatuln....................8 G ru n totca iap...t................4 7 sJvosmgregatAcatuion ... .......... s Bilerstan & .....ra: ............... 59 UvntelosîlAssocIation........ ...2 Chiana ......s-tsu ...n.;o.f..e..... 6 N ie m u e Clu u c . ........... 7 Luthrtan ........................ No.ir Jin slo in................ lupsist..................... ail Grand Total............ 4502 Legtia<ure af Ontario. Tise election pelttion b1istis e nou- t'on" rempeceing Stipendia-> Magistrales iu Par-y Saund sud Thunder Bey ; tisa ras. lotons reepectlng Masters in Os-dier n>'sd Referas aifLise court ai Cbiooery, more coocides-ed in oOnsuitao oftisae isole sud repos-ted. Tise Scotolbsill uic on.e as-aerd lu casmilîse, andti iraa. lauses ags-eed te. - 1 1 Tiseeumaîcesforthé ervice ai the Province ion tha yesr eniing Sisi Decs-., 1871, vote brongist dowu. The Muicipal tilI 'vu resd a.e»ooti ime, anti ases-tedt<osaelect committes. A nimbe- ai prirete bille os-a e a ad. ranced a stage.- Tise Gair-otant blill p tisa Railva>' poiicy l u ie .bs-uu'ght dama on Thirodta>. Wle as-e <lsd, taSud i hoehaestimatesaua itom ai 1ý6,0for thiise huspi-reott ha navigation ai lb. Séugog rivres, hoivwen lindsyai d Imitésugogi. Jan. 28.-Thiu otoraing about tva a,0lack, th uisblier in Mi.t John Eidsr'm clavé a mtas-> expiodad, liati>' ykilliogI. a yaang otan amet Sai, Wisavu mcting' - a igist 'I i c t t c t il .15 a t, nAMt u i- "'fér'S<1,'-i îeasu'uop in 11,su s- el,~itn yr sud ha o , one session Oono aira> wit ls tisezaî. -The trouble-*Ithastsi vau s bth<ey ladtoo'meuy l5uýyere, ai tbaugh no lberr tesa tntisa couty -casin- cil. Ho. conteed <bat tisa-original b>'- 1cm -dit i t laabt tise JonI> -sto keap tisa bni g4n repai-, but ,unlytoa a id in'ils contisc<b n. Tus' county isuttipaiti up*aitis oai $50 Àe year, duriig -the lest 14 yen, o- cpng <ha brijein repai-, and'tl <bis ub se <ban <bj Z aI IMany rigbtio da, for lta -bytlav-didk u0<,stiste. as tho resue afi igach beti nead'it, thafthtis council was ta bjid tisa bridge anti kaop it iu repiir ; lbusisupiy tuoaid'in lîs con- struction,asu d .read <hae dae ai <ha by-lsv in sappe, t of hisiargumant.- -Mr. White rosidthe c#unoil <bat vison <hic -#chai. satte as- bal en pretty mail ventiiatad lait yca, <ha. conîcltusion arriveat tby a-largeomajority of <he ment, bas-rs u<batheLb.sy, 1evshaniti b. i- pematid, vbat ne" light, haeasskail, bat beau naceircd itiue <t àtshould insiuce <hem naw l aute -n change? 1< lîha& been urget i bat àn legal-opiinion,,bad been abtainea pi d <at"wiisheldti <6 hosoti'î oient ta mlte'r' * hoe piniolis 1 of tub isn.e BoL in ortie-tisa i 'uoh su opinion stuuit hava any vaighî, ho is.id <ber6 shoulti bu mst agreement belimcitheb.parties tin lif- fareuce. 8uoh mas not tise case. Ona part>' banc (Reach) -simspy&sittedtt<hait ovwn viema lacounci, atioii c' 'ained an. opinion for tisoseiucs. lit tb#'very fis-st question subiuittcd by <bain, <liy satiorts tisaI Soogag Lke foi-mathie hound-ry balvean Reacb anti Scugag. Tbis was <aking fus- granted ana aof'tise principal questions in dispute. Anotsai qutestion satfarth<bat tisa câunty lidcuéne lista a conîract ta builti sud santnin tisat bridge.This vasnot ths e . [t mas tnta ha vas-y questians on,- ics tisa ciifferoucas aof opinîion arasa -a lebâabie question. 1< vas asking <00 ministu ask <bat tisa council .iiouid noir eîuiy iteli andi ondo wis<stishey isatdons lit Juste, on sucob flàmsy grountIs. Hlûie ot ves-y respect iun Mn. Cameronu opion, but, ha colltesidad,<tait bati beau gi1'tiau', al is ers-oneous staeanient of <he Issots <Isshtd- baen given es-pc--te upan faise pramises.n Ms-. Tisatpson con'sidss-edssîst, su an iatter, of socisgrava impurLth ie 1easut bhat ough t tln'h, conccded by' ',a oppn - a enta ai tise b>' 1evsubsuittatiV' le i-cave t uf Reai w as t aliov tis e u 'l to go nito cammitte oftisa miole e~discuteâ b the mette- (ul>'. ILt iti noLipea-tu< s hil ta b. stultilfyistg.thisas-priuodings if bhey repealadth ie b-hylam of Jse iat. s Nat aiîsg a e mbei olise counthtion, ai bati not board-thesaargumenta s u 0use of;, but <bey mare nov tottifie-ti'tit tisa opinion of counsel, wihit<ey tian isaticc .0< tu guida<hem ; ansd, sudes- ci tha ircuisstances, lie sisoulti appoli tiseta %mcudmant af tiso dapoty -cave if Ossama, co eocause ha coniiideret ieiscouru a barob t Ms-. Smith mas in favo-of ai amont -* sent. Ha coulsi uaL ba bt<bat tise ig tanie authos-ity <t is asseti tisais- 1ev bat i' )omer ta -repeai il. It mas 'a saiti, a-ab maýre bagatelle to Reacs and X*ugag té or ep opt<ha bridge once <bey li;t buitt. $1 asot Wbitby bistites tlimes mop bridgistg ha i keap.up, ant <ey <axedti i"selues t ana Io 8u vithout coîosng dowu toise caunî>' pl sunçil. Scuogg as of much hîjpoliuc - s Reach, abîaiuing ail ils <rack- iu pro- ai Ice, lombe- anti cos-dwooti ns upl-ail g tha islendare mitis gootis, asl, usidas- m ýI <ha cincumistances, <bey bai sno sigist agis ta keap tise bridge iu rcpair foi col Ms-. White romindeti the rae ai BrocSgu a2 going inta coruquittea ~lci hc 'au miission ai the principle oaittis' l ihanti bc bat <ha abject oai ig into lommiltee art 'ussimply, misera <ha priucip w a- rtl- u, itteti, ta amenti <ha tetails ai âmeasure. cot Mr-. Sextars oxpialuet bas bt.wm oua tie persn ègigt'<'ipt!M-M.h - Cao 0 sdatain bisý «4tion anti'SiQ &id that ail the question'4 atised ha- )e tha counicil mçea'ubm4t ci ta MI..g kmercin. [ ise bau- oai!V vo avugbri rivoti, tbe Was-ten lait th 1ai.1th& Cooncil resumeti at b .ai t, 'vo 0,- ma lck, wrbasiMr. Sexton. coint ati, main-.. niuig <baitishees-a va ; risgain ho- eu tise coont>' an1thli' nsbip ai oSf Cgag to kaap thea.brid-gé7sÀ iW, antiý pro at tise' ÇéÙîy wvs hable; I.yet Mr-. (lasdon ieplied- - '", ï 9aller bai, uicb tise vote..astak en, c tha six-.'ir énuit' oist eardeibye-vo 1 2E o'1.- ;moi I'u-esr.MillaSn an--,ie aFa constructionoai <tt cki Janû;sry, 1850, iroa 'd;ophiioi ratian t<4 Rais l à ,& e h hocounity'e 'die in repis', and, - Vounil rofssing dler lawoould be ta art o a mv, whieh ,asmipiu*uldurluc ,,for thé,p>opla of d ývit4 Lis4b ,msttcr dil. Aay,- ed fnot ter w"s vu bt b aOOnty au abot bcd for rearinx canieeu v hich cama iota !his ooty aud kllJ.d uliep Iadisertmiuuauly, 'while <b. Monicipalitea af Onarig bad ta pay tho bilt. Z. deoirad S taarothse la, of. oniversal application,' éoMpeilicg ail connat to ry <ho tar; or aîbenvise ri.. PORIl il aitogether. Mr. Wbite 'bad notilg. - agahsi <he principla coneded forinlu -he icolution, altisasgtt frie tise notice Ibat had beon grlen ho -apprebended oomeîising difl'eroaî. HoI adviaed, <he vitbdrawai ai tisa motio nov,aod <bat tise movrs prepare à draft memorim ach eb atise conoii cooid adopt and tiseN-ardon lige irithoot placn ig hi ini' Aey aàwkbvsrd position and making hbim adopt language sasbia It, ai iofhichs ho cooid 00< approee Mr- Gailoway ssggea<ed a upeolal co m- mîittea<o adopî' tho menmarial, and Mr. Gordon, acepting <ho aoggauîioo, movai <bai -Mr». Witie, Galiavay &ed tise suaves- compose tise comniii<oe, -aud tisa rauoiuîioo paumcd.a On m tio i-r' Xtsulla eou. n On md utotinghMs-. roviisresoitaion 'pas md aslr $2n tie refsers-ieopa. Ois msdeuga r. ar dZ fn Cani a. jununtil et a'clock Lamarai mono- FOUIfTIIDAY. Fritiay, Jan. 27tis. The onasuil mat et 11,15 c.m.th -The fnillcmmng moi-e rendi Repos-oth le inspectons ai meigsa ndt mesisures fuis-North ans othi Ontario. Froin Col. Skinnes-, ssking a grant ai $100t<cirseaxpanses oai <ha Canadien tena ta<oWimbledon. Fu'om tise Wurden' cf tisa County cf Canleton, cailing attention ta the destitu- lion in tise Ottawa diâtrict, cau*'ed b>'tise tata ire., Peistion oicartuiin ratepayers ni Beach, asking a -grant ai $-200. in aid ai the Part Pers-y Grnîouîs Scboo.--Mr. Gos-don. EQITÂLIZATSOSS. Ms-. Thampson prasentedth ie falloming report tfs-cm tissleot committea appaintati ta aquaiize <ho assessment s-ils. - The cammitte examinadth ie assassament rails in -poês'estsissn aitisa clark ant ini]d <huit duly certitiaislahavaentbeau s-a- oiiead frainru ernsl ununicipalities, anti reconumendtuai tho cla-kis cf lise suînici y>lities s-hieb hava neglactedti lis mattèr lie mriî<eu by tise count>' clenk-, <ha uitîlv centiflid rail& me>' liaai tise disposlaio tha comuîittae atJuste Session. Thse coin miitl'-oaduart <oatisa tact tisat alîbiougis mxstny aiflhe i-ils are uda oui in a neat nud sos-urate mannes-, oths-rs tre tiefeotive n tisane respects;' andthie committce oeIls attentioîn oftise membunrs cfthtie coiuceil la this, tbal proper dii-actions be given ,to sssora anti clai-ks,,<huit tisa defactg may be aidati, anti peniaci accu-mo> in future ecuy>eti. -The report mas adoptedti iioul dieua- son. RO0ADS AN»DarutIMEs. Ms-. Gardon presantedti ho repos-t aitisa cmmittea an ronds anti bridges:* The, committea repas-led <bat bauing ýaken mbt cansides-ation <ho report ai the ammissianens of Talbot Bridge, Sund <bat ha repis-s ta tise sait' bridge amouint ta ý25,25, anti necommeustiotipetment.- Tise'çoammiltea havistg careiuliy con- 8, deredth ie fies-t ai Mr-. Bolton, commis- v loues- of ;ise Nars-s-oms' Bridge anti mgs-co'- bIl tises-cIarecommon t <al bis balance f accauints for suntrisus amnunting ta g 13.04 ho paît, tise saine lieinst in fi]ufart t ialfsahts-e of axpenses ai bridge farI 870, i rut mooîti <urtiss-rocommendthtii$2() lie %idta <o M. Bolton for his services as comn- ilRslanes- for tise peut yas, andti t Lha lie i losuet an atititinal soru ai $15 fan bis i tendtnce an tisa cammitteo at tisaps-osent ieeting. t- Raspecting'tise Narrais bridge, yos tF tiemittea maulti recomîsinithat your te smmissionen lia instnucîad .La'aliot a t uard ion <ha said ii staiscouL ai $800- V4 Tisy recomàînnt at no appropriation 91 s mate an tisa count>' line betmcen Reacis < id Mariposa. as tho cammitlea es-a m.itis- ti ut aoflicial is;os-saîion frosu Lise cousit>' t xincil aiVictoria. m Tlsay recommendti <at <ho Wmsau aI -o la; count> canou itustise Was-ten oai a foar, vus s mi ta compaling' Oapt. <y, ai <ha steamer E£mily May, tamsueoan )ot tise damage doste -ta < ha Ni-?ôws' -it riga., causeti hy groa caralessness, andtiht ia ýaction lia <tan ta -cmpai bottes - v anagemant in isa efotnra. - ' --hc On tise,4îb claue-_ ;N- -Mr. Tisospson saisi - <at altisoogisnomo e fciai notice isitibian necivdofan u p- ih op.riatian b>" Victoria couuty council, fi îl tisera vas-gaoci evjdoer ofthe i---e - Q to bave thea malter te4eatib! la,. As-. McPhcý afata<f <bat éapt MLxy wît angas'bitravy suan,who genruaaly did as ibc gleased ; It ns therefora diairabs , .teacà ft esson. The repart vrae adopîoJ. ZDtYChTIaN. Mr. Thomsupin prèentcd thse report ol tisa standing Cosus-ulîlca on etincation. Tho cominittc îacommcnd to fili théi vacancias ini tha Gramman sobool trustees, tbat tise, folloving appoitmanhs be madie; Whitby. John B. Perry , Oshava, n, W. Glenf; tTxiridgae Pntandi Jomeph aluld; M aillea, 'Rau.;D- Moeigor and T. .Wylio a, ntiJ.GOcencàlen; Part- Pari-y, 11ev. (Iso.JaRiasos and Ale. Camnpsel. Tho fôllowing gentlemen are' necommend. cd-as; local supcritetndenfts ;.BrookRenv. A. Corrne, Marsa nd Rama, buo. LK A. Camspbell, Pickerng, Reu v.. RIots, Rach and Scugag,' Jas. Bairti, Scott, 0. A brabam, Thoras, Rev. D. Watson- Uibridge, Rer.Js.Douglas, lhitby, Rau. W. D., Balienztyn, W.bitby at Rcv. D'~ Thontton. At bis ain requesi, 1ev. K. ,-MacLest. flan wagflot reappointcd. on acaunt ai hie aing reeeiveti un-invitation ta an- othmr paris, and bis probable accoptance af it, and consequent removal. The commiittea racomnscr>d <bat <ha latter irom tho Inspecter of Asylums bo kept for futura refarence. In reference <o the petition oi J. W.' Allison andiotars, ai Reacs, <ha orn- ruittea nnoommend that; no action be taken tisai-on, inaamuch as if nid is grant ed ta <ho Port Parry *acool. theicoise in Manille snd Uxbridge voulti aiea bu sntitied teiL Tia report vas edaptcd without dia- :ussiun. Mr-. Thomlson ilntraîluocd e by 1mw, 'aurded <spots -tise rêpurt, appaintin, tise VOEOng trustc Rnd suerCOL. dtaIRA. Ms-. Galloma>', sco'ndati by Ms-- Rom- landi. muued anssi k mas rasoiveti. tîsat <bis cauncil liaforo atijouruing,.tiesi-es ta expreuss<ha deep regret of the suarnberu pressentatet<ha absence et au cîsianti vaicat a momîse- oi tair body as Mrts. Fairhbanks, tise respeoteti Reave ai Oshawam, and tiri psinces-O sytpathv mit iilsm and i ls famil>' in <bain affliction caouscd b>'bis sevare ilineas, ant t ii be'ais insguu. lion tn ha clrk <o cnvy a copy ai Iis reselulibu tth<e Rau-va aiOshawa. A short but illt<mati discussion took place on <ho resolution, Ms-. Gai-dos con- t anding <at if it p uss î. a i e r mm bes- wireeàightiy alik, we woulsi aiea have ta pass a vota ai sympatby fer isios Ant ho racre ai Oshawa s'as gsstting mcii. snd m o i m iti p s - ao i > ' b a w it h <h e m n e t h a nexi sessison. W eV a b ebttes- express syssîpats>' ils Ms-. Totit, wm isaba sufe-ail fs-cm Sire. Nits. Gallcuay replia*(], expressisg bis regret aet<he artssow vets takan t'y (hoe Reéaýu of ach. lie (.%. Gusloma>) maulti >ulliingii' secondi any nasalution symnpss<hizing mils Mr. Totti isn hiboss. as hi a îtidh,5shouiti an>' tien memuen sufer. But te reve ai Resctn-isuti- esstoot is motion. Alll iesamnteti ms te express tis e-gi-at citise council ai tise loua of tisa services ai M. Fairbanks. lHa isopedth<le motion mauid pâtsse itlsouie, vote. I Ms. White sait httie rsolution mas ana, visichis 1< oult haas mail l ta in-tosc, but iran it mas introduceti it masbtter.ta pesoit itiout iscussion. Tie resolution tîen passe, 'nin. con. FINASiOv. AND ASESSiENTs" 1Mr. Gibbis brought tmp <ha second r- port ai tha comi <tee ounfinance muid as- messmant. Anti on motion, tise couceil ment isîta cammit<e tises-eau, Ms-. Guy su tise chair.' 'The 'repor-t iecoinmentiadd tisai $100 b'le grenti Col. Sksinner- la aid in tiairaying tise axpensaé oi <ho Canadien merksmen nt tise ccming international matois1 at Wioxlion. ILls -e recammanti. <bat, inasuis asi tho gavcs-nmeut bat lises-ah>'subacniliet, no grant le givan <ho Ottawa sufe-ena Ms-. Gardais opposadti he adoption of tha fis-st clause. -1< mýa a lar-ge ausu for tha 'courit>' ta gire, anti mis cuti-el>'un- calieti for. [He saisi it moulti lia bet<er toi ;iva it La the Ottama stifferers.An t iwme vesy i'orlous. <bït.theý repu-t raoet i 1 givo <hem at,'%çlïerasâ it -vea lun faiosf J ;mg i mona>'<o ae-set of laz>'itile goati- - fos- notbing felloms, tb go onua pleasure trip anti have.-a good'ti <le., Ha v<soiud more <tho hclause lia atruot out' Ai. <Valsa agreeti vilb"tise lutiupýeake-, fi a n d p a i e t a h e a nm e a fl e s t. - T s Mn. (Imiioma>' mes iu lavas- ai lie item, il and in dalanding iL, saile<t ha ie oiilt u te La se a ast>' ai hes-eun g'o tisroogbýtl she mai-k anti <ail, aud isandaipsîtha tis.a-6 volustocrstiti, ta dueeniaur ,bars-lanti aomas.Anti yet t tielus tisaititse.1 voltinteors anea elez>' goti.or-nathiug st. ~Ho ladignantl>' danieti suchb le- n -tisa csa, andi sais iebu as 'luin ivor of aiheli ' valouteens anti vauld ah.t in Ls <'e p6toui ofthse suatero. ansd' W.-'W. Casld1elil oi< 411es eug uès> tise by chse w eo ofl gin atcisas A sessor, W dfr oot A . Pt ie, A c m p n. as e Spt t'oeth r, sid sait] N . B iot a n ad Jam es 8111sfr, <ba.t if =ulcin'aionay ,vas ssot raiset i ispectas', and recoomnd 't! vlueteer ahoebs oti4 h-caliaslon for alë i fW.W. ,Cadvell, as i tise balancelie gave' ihW e a*haiene 0f a saî'ey or t.40, and Oaiq£ Pi m ifita iL lif , hb o i e i c hm d ta c rss d b is ' -. - - o l a y f $ r . faotoîy, and taS. his e n with him ta <ha opecaa aeyc 15 front, aridt h<af r if fli n J per sonally 1Mr. R y tio gb ii i wia esis pookyer ret. aU* o* ofisà- avril'tis e rport<sboulti ho biraught i poc il ires. Il via' Oostcmary to Mr. [lman as-opposedfta- tbse' grisa!. b-lav, learing <hoe Dames bla iti it vas giving m tre>' l- u 1h jujofsg RIIedýup b y the cannit. ]go 1 direction.,faVr'ol b; gtet o csanze asuoeson-usi A t h o pr sent lim e, h a sais, it w as a dis. ,~ a é a ' o a s f i i n putid point mhc<ber aur'voliunteegaystcm mai, maî tie hst for th a cou ntryv ; h a fea rs-d it iL - . (Ïf a i él) s 'djf e t i r<e -ci w e8 ot, ian> af tlievolisn eers trained mud. for ecnomy>. lie. gired t oui apanse, and wvisalaitthebiscountry Rsy as ta tie ffliencfr 'of Mr.' -would be (oued iu hostile ura3Y glinset bat ihodid DaLtishini s mtoodid <s whan <ha <ime oi trouble eomm H e 0au, Whuiriav.e eld. <et tise vor vas in lavai aii cncuuraging - <ho m ilitas-y hut he p iý r.d d d W sp irit ai th a ou u tr y- an d could n t ag e . a i e P c . . a d r I with the Beau; aiBeach <thftthse volin.. au afficuant aidées-, h. vas.uare <es vose idle or- lo7y-bt -'iheiarectaZd aussemssanbfore antd diti <bat' thaeuerke ai tha gtitlen nditi vll. , For ISIÃŽpart, fieecud net not extenti ta tho voluntean,- as a body, tling vrag mît report. but onlyta <hase goisg ta Wlntbledon Bir. Cames-on seid, tie otberi ith Colonel Sisinnat. fie vas if avaso i ie a iecvea tabi of <ho gavarnmentgiving aliltiserequ is-d o h omte atdI. rn aid, ati in' mt, ha did fot knov but titat repot in tie ps-un shape, but the m oney < now . spe nt on h o vluntaci- tho g hb N lngig ta b . amw force waulti ha battci amplayed bin acp-: Das féal blond ta vote far iL ing up a standing-ar mýy.' - . Btto aid tih a bject *a The clause as-lbt on a division, he o dam expene. Ife did Dot- 1anly suombara votingfor If, beistg XMefsura. anna, ubomid bave il for lai Dostovon. Gailaîay' Rowuland, 9 MPhea, come, becanua ho mrvréd tise to- SusiÉh, Gibbs andi Biokle. The commit-- andi iranva coulti gel aé eff tee han arasa and <ho repart vas adop- oflear furi l ithse ps-be. tati as amendeti. s, -Ms'. MeMflanuesisi ta bath si OOUT7 aeegjood sue ard fihalcîtia Mr. Guy broaght up tise report ai <hise oua woulaîtido uhe vont isec camixittea, mhioh mas 'oostsiered in . as n » c O r n i t ee o f t h e ' m i s e a n d , a so p t d - Me a k e d , d id D r . a a e without amndmcst, a folw iai h. woold da l for? T ist tficy f u d tie C o rt- li ens, ýAnd gao î D r. C arson r p ie ti i un, e ect, the s ui d L i s e u s î si g e :m n s t f t h e i a a i n e t s t i i , i . c W s ' y . i m i r en t e t i $ 9 0 , w b i c i s - a - i e Tieui- witis res;peet tu tise *c'slniaicizieiuîof wa onld tais. Mi-. Lasiginnis', 1liianecusr ot A 1îyiismganad psrhimns in rcfrrica l thesaerror in iài treport,' Mr. Clarkesa eit! tisatiliwueuoi îi'sceiijir tieresi ln sutsi cor $50 "u tha ex repart in tise way tise comunittea c peiss ftho lIsWitby gusut fat titQ yessr atsii 18t Oct. Is. the<buCOMUssuît Ld the. - amineta pie in fevrs- a anas'e appoi ho ssii err- and tise correct amuusl anly si1-. 0emotion of-Mr. MoUfillait, th 183677. it rst iowtesain Paymelit c a!sismber of âeounrilsfor gal iitarmt-alts tni xippii,, uisou-'tiig tu $U7,82, wa» recoin- sittèe toa report b>' 'by-aî nt t Tls:it tise report aftie COunt7geoler s<hawed metig tli s t su ri ig t e p r i e t f r e i n l à ît J u se t a a st . I fN A i > A à a a a l i T . Liecouisier lîssi, tiers lia-Iueo,, cotsltised 01 Mr. MMhf,'ilau praucutesi tho s 'ssatdes sud 18 femnaleâ-5 of w misswà.re af-ei- icesd tiind;-agàl <ut on St Decatîber tisa' fieance commutte, visic rocou .-iero remsssifi-d condtised 8 tiamsk'sasss 2 sesusîls-. . d the apYsueu aiftise accas -The i'geiegat- ijuinlier -t 'i 011iji uetPiIco' reinng cificeru of tise iat mn siere wuri' kePt on ggsit llciiuce dsliIS)g te aoveu iuontlit witt 91day, boheîîsg auatsreîie sud chool lecîoe, amauntigt sues tii, previcisoii srisd sut' tts'ifisti of lolu 55 ; and elco art account af $4, t î y a t tas s t s s . t o t a l c t c f r t i s : m iu u d r i u î g c a r h v r e n f S t . J h ' wstsi peuîcl i ats. 9sits anti nie î&d-à-halit brbvnosa < os ThstNr. ltody, <e bipestos-of migire suaLxoe liipsussasuing i th.esut t'a re,&eipsu for tis uss aiuiu;.iusg t<c #78,Ea. Titst Mn. s'ssm'peu, <us - iuss;et or Norths utubtro. îuiatio 23 usseuiatliraeipta hs'uiks42.Is. Tise repoi-t csscieiuuda-th <, s ecouinud l'or tis erceti'îss asfaussa ais tise uorth S site cf als Court htuee gt0nsil its theise siatyleus tlst fi11 st, .s sîseIl siise 1uWuutden tisa i-cava cf W litby aud tise 'ounty Clark a cunittefot tisa puirpose. FNQtUIRIS neNTo tUiiiasBER IEAE. Ai lis e rqest of M-. illes, tha clrk est oves, tissu smes ai tisa soyasai moru- hart, thisas post officeadatrees, andtihie number -aif-suiles cisargcd lfor tiileaga. Prom tis tatesuent i< aýpperet <b tat thé reeve ai Mare cisargeti 180 mls svu ta go asuuuti y Toronto;-,andt <is p pea-ing ta a e lgal anti ccorting La tsa e, t s m a ter mas a ll aîct t d r ap . Ms-. MeMillan prepentad tise repos-t ai tisa ps-ltnlg counti*te, îich rs-oam- mend the bopayaet ai tua iolloiWing a nts: Luka & Las-ko, Vindicator, $14.20. Jas. Curs-le, Gleaner, 24.85. Gea, H. Ham, Gaïpita, Mu25. Baird,&', Pas-sos, Obserir-, 14.68. E. Mud>', - Standard. 20.00. W. fIL Iiggins, Chrouicle, 28A.68 Saeres-e 'eceivati for ps-iting tas- 1.811, tram W.'H.,'Higgins, $670 ; George 'H flium. $680""erd---au E. Mfundy, $700. h$0- Iasmuch as the commutte. consiter tho tanders exor-bitants <ho>' racorameutha cles-k ta, adventice in the 2Tôrouto papes, fs- ineutiss on tise Coonty priuling. 'Tisa reporti s-acowmesssed'- that edvertisesuante - risich <ha clark deema necaaaar>' ho a u> ay iues- in tie ounty papess, xcept tia papass aving the cotnt> prin<iug, ferr - cents par list.- Tisa report vas udoptati vitisot disos- don. TUE BHEEI' AND f00 TAX, The spécial cosusuittea "nanas-led a, On motion, Lise peîiîioe aifMUri. Wilson vas s'ferred <tolise mayas-. -' On motion, s commitea ai oua ganîloe. ma irosu eacb vend lDr-. Cas-sou'io ti Norths Ward Ms-. ?eta for' th. Ceaétra, sud Ms-.Cames-an for tise BonIS-toce aies- desîlînte parties, vas sppaxied. On motion ai Mr. Baette, ail pisuing af <ho corporationu shah b. as-des-ad by the committee au priutiug- - A mouion, grniig $1.50 par veeki te Ks-s. Postj,la ulait by a vota af 2 toI 8. Tisa cotmncil lsen idjourriési. . fWisiîblMonda>' evening, Jasstaaiy 801h, 871. -Tise regelas- meeting aifte Conail vus hel et tise Tomn ball ou Mouds>' .rening laut, - Tise mayor toaS tise chair shortly' afues- eigisl o'alook, Pieceut, Meure. McMliliau, Doisorao, Rny, Gardon, Cam.- as-au, Clarkse, Bette, PSiip and Dr. Carmont ansi Ms-. Allia. -- PrOM M r. 'VnuW ..in S laa t #A é. t'ai building iin of ]Ir. MENOU forla il dj à4v ti p it

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