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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1871, p. 3

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kuf Rby Gordon; ;t, big ho Salr> h o. ii m "PO boreuort pa>'aug t100 ubat $60, o7es, woid ho *mpie ýon for icamoqat of work Toc- beuia. arssCamr.o,,-'ma XUIM,, Aliea ad Beous.-- 5. Dsfe&. irs Dmovan, PRayGordong Tb# e ants of àlezcuder, 'p#i s, Alexander Pringie voe r ),Ji»ud se l- Spossoe~ILig he atii ter, osrd S to 4, thé yess snd mas .bait# the osce as Ort$. ote (Or "aser, < À motioof lafr.'MchIIsu to usir tho udiay $10 wu. defeaîedo.sud $156sried. Thce o*.sittu rose sud reporged tic b-la,sudlou moîoo for adopio- Mtw. Donovas mroed to raer tho report beeki vib liaotos to'enoraao thio sehor'a aais1ry frot$00t10 -. ,Yess-,Noru. Donomoa, pay', Clarke, l'1lp sud Goro.-à.,, Nale-Meeuu. 'Carion, 1Mouillis, Bota Alli nd mlametro.-b. Thicft;iyor'vod wlîth heusys, émi-s do lird lie ibotie. lost; à 7 ts iu d ibidîe.sud' passedl. * TMU BKT XCoJanoxs. .Tic ayor.remridod iii. sommeil that belorse»JouroIag, iSoâiesatines boghu ho tatesou nriharec 10Major WalIse.'a W0frlassioaloo &bons, aatabliublmg s er- kbif-, s 1Er, koillas eacquisoed, sud sompil. edoltie, diiaîorimaa or tie propor -coin- mîttocoIn' tàking sp *omasuclo , *frfsd, ta tbee. g oumuuloaîlotiscf Ivery groat Importance vere cegi eotèadu ofie got tihe ge.by altogesh.r i ibis wua lithier nîgisi uer jut i.gentiedier *@e salit bore <o do thée vork cfLihe Corpors- tien, aud îhey tbeaid gie.tome attetoiton tWib doumie tbby had anneali..Io.é.. Whitiy Markoi usrl *isea........... kyo......... .......... .............. ...... . l>taua ............. Blece............. Butte;::**. Tafsy........... NE£W ADVERTIBEI YOU CANT G'T ]Pm~ R. . Yrnod'sBoot and Siios Store, and Dot psli l' y thae l2th Psbrnary toit, vili pleffl P.Yth it usto the Cdsrk or tibe Divlixioi Court, f. b tby. "TIIIS'19 INrk4DED."y g. J.,YR OD Jonuary 80&h, 187.' CredlitSae toi. - ~t' The, subserlber emasroosiresitngtrnetiofaf. ýDr. Cation- reforred Do' tise desttbts ,D b 00udiioc of Ssauol tirsiord. -31,I. M Q 'V À i Ou tension of Ufr. Donoya,, seolifidad to i>.l1 by Puieî Auction, 'AithMA .b-K,. Bouillas, thse postione of Major- fC-S. zàllasi ols verred tw tho botaoeute Cardage FaCtOry,DrkStllb bist ova .ýprOpérîY.9> gr. Dette lq' repiy 'taMr. Piup, sld -N W bid uotîilg wtreport as 10tiste pour Eaturday, February lith, 1871 et tlCes' aqio 0 d. -Mlltie Tise rc.Iiwigig v ral asAssrtment ef Buse ôidjonef Mr.vo wemboks. gow- ie, Crrigos, Caillera, &o., vit . Ill djusid orto *es.éBsusoome Top Piha.ens, asttu ai *1 u t otsaiIrfsu Is latis ila i u#,wth polosaa, r * * - Jan. la, 1811. 121 It1iitg sealesi Buggyuf, rilais d a 1 KRo- lisa elJuggy ist Tise Couneil .,eldctci for this year ' i vPeincy ¶7, B'g~ Vlt:. iit. s, Eiuq., naeove; W. Mct'hee, 3'iiio.flst Bti81ss qDeputyiteevo. snd lMesxra. J.-Clark 6 'Lurîsate Bssggios, I1singeagis iuery ligiat4 A. J.' MeDosîtiand P. Warren, Cooncir- 1 Eteiîas'1'pVarrisire, îsesrly 1ev, lors. ivng guideilia.nuai ldoclara'tlon i secisd'lisnd çeal.isox tJltggy, tsoarsy novr, cf 'ualhlc~io aid office, teck their 1 aeo.iaid-lsssajd (ig, seau. 1 ulsi Buggy, The. Iteoe lis tle chiar. Minutes of 8 Pàbnsai iirdîîtesCuttt*r, lsiotfs at Iset meeting, raid ad u .pproved. 2 zoriad Cumet tere rsrvu lieut l le, Ue.-Warren a4ied louve e olnsticcuce ai12,sbi0s .band UCOtion. sai lsy'lawr for the ptsrpoue etipintîng Tise ahovo new verk i. mode frain picita Auditors for tho Municipal yosr. Bji-aw seceisulgroarti Amurlcats lllekory,-aud viii h lngrouceti andcipansso th rough ia sevoer. Watrnsated. ai alàges,, apponlng Wus.' McPhee, jr., Sntc go eamsniene amlii o'clocki n9o luncsatsnon ith tise nonsinee eithé . TViCMtS.-P. i'uera vii ho aliosseti Reeve, TLhou. flyrnn, Ataditera. - moeascrégadit, oaa furastauiatt'g allprot oe Notes On reselamîlon of Mr Warren, -thse Re-. L. YFAiRiiANK$,Jr., Auctiondes taratng officers recolied clîequea frtheir Wlisth,,Fi.l: 81 Service$ ai lection. -Y,__________Io,., _____167J.__ Tise clork vos lnstructod t» ceitinunl-Ti ANIA aet hFrank EBaisaEaaq.î Mr. T F Creghton'a Agent, relative ta contesmpla-- ted' sale ci the Town Hll-Attaerly. ,-__ Obse'qpea vere granlei té Maurice 0'Con Viei' $50, part payatient of contracis oar Tais centre road, Mirà,a ais ta bin. Mcflenaid Can2adaPebtra hr ral ondcartaianer, for liseaervicea au jtywl ebodl h hl rh ocis, Ion 1870, amounting ta $24 7ô.ih, iiWlnl uiehalets On reolu*ass of Ur. Warrens, tise clenk MECJANOS' INSTITUTE, va wsInstnuctod 10 nnatif>'read corn., toi expend the auns ef $800 in graveling tise ou iic orening Of bi vamp, Contre ncssd, South of Bre- WEDNEIDAYO FEU. suo 1871. Oouncll aijasrned util the second AdTm A atX Unç C eg. * e isaturds>' la. Fobrutr', .to uleet astihe Amaau 0Cna "ame place, Aïki lFOU rongsa lRocepUion. -c - - WREAT, WaSislugîou, 1 auin,0.-Tii. <ollovleg -PEASI, Jolst reuolutiou vas. ntrodcoed in Cou-' gresu by Mt. Butler, of Maiachotseo, X, and tho Roue@ paaed ib>' a voe of 172 AB to 218o E*Wevd-Tissî <hoCongre. of ~OT @o ~ Uied States,ilu-tise ne me'an te Tic u riiidw4 sy -afr boaîf of tise peeple cf tise United Statu., Ts n td iit'CAhfra> gie o 10J. O'Demsovau Roi Tisa. lark, b 5ley jies d at.u iiiasPss =oy loia., Olear>',.Tiseo&. Y.SurieC. DRAPER & 00. Cia..Uiîd rved,0Coet u ier Wbitbz, Juai. 25,1'71. $Maaoi., Irishsexilesand patriote, a FOR. SALE,--&I, Pisasir, Coaf sAsi Water- oordW al coose toïtii cap!*4alnd -la<> liste. C. 1D. & Cc. <o Ibeo ouonty mm ltisal; a Oof Iisi Meolsthou e asmiss % 1" yîe & E N S A D poi tis thé ita< States.i PftNIAN zcuO5i'o'...NvYork, Jau. ]FOR SA.&LE 0Oa TO BENT. 30. -Tse Fenin exiles met a joints e- ..-a- rnhttu,,of-tbiscogoe couei l ii.afior- Tisai vel.knoarn Tavrn, wati Ro<ud tablagý »oup sud agieed In scopis; publie aud scout>'sheds, kuovu Au re.optlou b>' us oIt>', but deoluoti tou"TH ]BRaOOtLIn H U E, ldeshfy isw evvlis-auy pânty. '1is. laet th 500o hofnusur- W For $Me or -te Bout.«i bifisa ~ic Ta5P m0 of temîfo n craouI- Appi>' ta U<ho ovar, bate by be Tmmu Rai génralJOHN BRADLEY., ooînàoe. Tii.e date et, ti. wooptlou rë. .lits, 1871.- Nov nneceaary Itisi tisenervous aspparu. 1r IdAH1-'h Roua, sud BYi s toi *hould bo perfect andi the brmln vigor- planent occupted b>' tisaubcrlber ona rosia ou hen oltiser bocao. sexisausedtà treet. C. k. Jolê' tbrqisgb,,ver'irork or othor lImprusdence JsntwaYiOh 21 <lIais. li somm a n hadevoloped. Tise ý,.eMedY"l1ea ronsovhng thse causse.- B>' alog AD JO UUN E D SALE or- LANDS, y'ellov&'.Oognpolsud'5 orrHypopbsuFOR £3.. ites t thetoe ns si 1 g sO 0n reslorodFRTX6 t ih.eb.sin andtb ie wisole norvousa &y#-- imu, ivilo' Udlaee l sepllctod "o1r- Suit d:ppca:r Pa.e 15'boa btile;i àfi70. asy potboaro# sud bjr 1P.CundilI & G&O wbolsaoaeutionotrait CLUS..A VAIv MZsylSw.- Dr. Ia kscrs Lmlosmagstrae, e siesTiseCoiy Tueaunoa ale.1of! 1eddfor .ua LaS.ma a »do nfiàrS ha bu.. alsi laT"aits 15boec adiourued te N5 by. 30. tgp '41-a--- 1 l wo J'lsave aliea ohîtgated ourleivem te essnis'ji thse musne fsciii',laa for tunsasasoitiihig tg il ntilfef parties lg'l Ciss)ussi. %Wîtisotsî the iDnfo ation sun isa U iron ta Mr. (JLsJ<no osaS cm mu.ssi~bulld oui.Wiseii g auJWe dia punes n atitdatopureliaate 0in Wlois od 'l 0the oi<rnianitfiîotuirer. fr. GILSN' fiîliltii sagre Usssussr.s,,od, sutd w.e lt ae tiehowl baillWa1lect 11&,t'witî gir,, perfect aa-etisfao tion. W. tlserift'ire, c.,mniend hlm tu tih, ,Public of (ssidswti usl e i..ce, f1ail ingsuri e wil msaufturo s WIeeil luai (13411041J' JAiBS LEFFEL k00> WARR&.NTY. W. are prparesi to furlil*h Water Wiei, Osara. i sasis, Pssllie asr.d mil Maceiisary tae Ooissry ta sîttaelitise WZiîseslt tige msscisinery tlsev ste liieddtu drive ; asnJ If, alter tare miothatria l, tisy arc net istittîslseîry, are wili tait i ll batik. , sbielit bous waya, isuilro. fongd amy p.syussta inissia te, se. terue,,. Wh@ro: partis .are îtcs itisfled iitir tise Wlitel, sud coallcansskc a chanige Bt fle t1itis 108840t iea d ssinýAe, tie>'may runthei visuel suid MsO1iisry a remmtiaie limne with- out1 chargo, tact exoeediig aose >ear, in order tissttie.> to ay iske as isssge without iljury 0 euwara giron tise nettes c'f Parties wio nra Dovwssig 'rofts uns te Ikaemset saiOr wrieels 4 fji.dw. Invite parties vWho wiaite pszrctiasp wucssrrobspossd anitiseng. Daid ....ne ................ awas. 'rhomq Arist. ... ........ i..Arkik eoseber & Assdetau.....I.....eorgasa. Ba.vmuik Vrsaagiss ..........Aeis. Waiia 5saa~............s. AI A.Jail o.............. alye-d Alirea.................... feaetvi. J. 5 Biceli...............asiaia. .Ne.. #; rwow6d Wqs. litokmlieid .... à. .i.ihirF» hîi J. M.ILale................ . ..tsbii 'i cbrislé~iiter ibrreill.............. taille Nis5 .is' tIe............b. ae J. umisý,.C.............. . Lcsd A. & J. Chummiassssr ........... b cainr. A. Choiiwî..................... gon. James Dy'ir...............iàerr1iow. .Iohu V 1)5... .*-1.a66a. .ilirsale. I)SamedAsti t)ianss,5 ...... Beleville: gasnsci Ltasrdooaa.............. isi y. C. li. DrSsrary .. ............... Aîîtaîs View, 'M.' Pagemt...... ..........Naae. Jambes Fiis ...................Prt ioppe. Nit-bois-gosn............... /'iiibm ItuIbas rs...........s.été satot ni.rs FBrit............oirsi Fa rar ,-4i.... ..i.ar........ ameiti d Fr4.Jrr .......a........ss9 Tb J. firec,,...........;.......woer Joh Gus ldii, .................UESsdr. Jas esdo ....................Isnige (Vi. iiu,s................. (agew. (0.tis& Dreuw................hswub. oul. ato G.rs&sCose...........s. : asu. <Ioni&n, lier>' & Ce...... .... sit. Wins. k"lit r tir-.........olias.l Hil il..............iiaaibista 0. . al........iskshit O. t. ite ......,ý..............tec ilsii. RRi5ieîher......... ..îane jobIl.Ryse........iîsei lth. Highlan.............flh ensaati ltil...............lligh i leel ,k rIS ktkrit.................es lie Irir. sr's,.s..............Bre lalsis Jauhis [ligies ................ ph . . J.s.us & Ceý......... ..:Sherbrook. ...ons. .............eeooe Jae .ih................. rmi. 'ahi assa-LenaI..................ew astl. J, 0. tA5IgÏnl .................. xlgsrt. .J.Lmclitart...............- rOse. Hss 1:96 ............ ..aian o. Jgishî Sittusgss..... &....... 1îtru'ls Wlw.in Mars,1...... .. bi. do'tiaa lie Jr-i3,5I MCOsa..... ............. Nt'ew . Isaac velk $e5..............5Elumarsnie joshn irmohr................i. murg taies MeIuaidl ........ .... r loba SirEehs,.............. Bsrss.id A. %V Ilie&l............... .hisflitre Jo nua,... .............. Sonfle'a. IVU Woe..<> ..... I&.Ce........... noatsanil poan# PAsI...............s.Sroke Was. Pste............... .eickersig.s JaniarstL. ia r..a .........esaidi..Crck iV sPrY .................Ai ug. anarsL. t'imer.. à,...... ,...... tffluîa Vu Johnereî.kCo..............shees«l C. peard. ...a ....... onk aibu, Pri*.... b............ lonte Pabraui.................... Fier, ure aay. ..,..........B«ridge. nést - asch......o........Iera, s,». RsUM... ..............sorlrnont odward 9ss5t5Jj...i.......... .s aa sieh BrOai............I.......a anvtie, tase muils ................disS' Cee, la les thaleas7er. oI iag:s1 dp P, JH. Bssitl............ Pagr, %ls6 1.asi..... .........ia a ia ba ..................asae ;orge Ilaiçes'............ ....tel .8eil $mitti ................... 'go',ai Ymrsimim...............as itiAaiiYa. stapies.C.............. ou'g, rola. 3. mervilie .... leptcneos 5 e s"oa............ , 'r eig............ ........int ANbert, svid Tas s.............,El*wmmill,4 ,boum k:Towasoeudo. ..... Oi, ejW ee............. b aa.l ,casrg Woadusar............ i5ak. tW. Wooat..L,.............. Novaie c, s<.............sw ie mnes Mca(h............ a Caae P'ORI'BLH ýausif 0TL<TlO1ER F Steain Enginn and Sollers 1 01 ALL.xsnwe A» aImm. B& m uMo aciaers'of"mI Klado, Iseledtn#Uohegi sUd Amerimasstisags Owutwet*eiOatimtsgOaag asMml> m Ifaad.abeistnte.tS Orealk j'u.,, r4 iaull 1aIe 10s-1 1488161 80 21 S s au18 189 87 18eu 142s 812 81899 M80 12> 1 8 184 5 9 O 1 0 9 81 63215 1893 880 4ouS 1 89 MI à tg 1, 89 8114 0869 889 86i5 869 8 -8 J876 os ~14 l'su 577 424 Io0l189 8783 487 1 89 879 2 10 5 19 * * JO7T17 l18o 6 5 8 67 21 1 Su 68 880 14 8 67 8 20 15 1 @0 8 485 10 189o 8 4 12 1 89 84 4 84 1 1 85 4 84 12'~ 182 2, 82 6 180# 1764 484 12 1t89 11sa si 9 .1 89 *180 64di7 1 19 194 ô (4 là1 Su5 2038 84 21 1 891 208s2 90 61 89 288 1 04 2 1859 laiBageEa,î, 1512 21 80 1 59 14 40 TtOIlNey orgs'&. orN O ÂlT0 LOT 28 15T CONCESIS8OI. 8 1184 27089 180 tM1 UP ltADEWNDyagR~il 8s jeàw 1028 ' Q Blockt A, XCigaet. 1 12 9,21 8 1à1 SM00 mis, 21, 5000 " ~MAI )00 Gd .OOD BAÈLEV, - 500 , i PRr LO WH IiITE 13EANS: 100 ' GOC AND 500 1GOOD DRU8SE1I 1H0GS, g Fr ilor Which-the llHis ~re'Pjewl V L"(YLT A '1 .5. L2)JJ.vAfl JANIXIRY îl'th, 1571. - t tinoes ubjec o tetante edu tion. Eiach Parobseer to auiount of Fort>' Dollars e'ititled to Pour dollars wortb, as a prient I -66Twenty Il' 66 .Two 44l 66 64 Teti && On. 48 46 46 ' Five " Fifty cents 8 Four S j Fort>'.66 I lT h r e e TS 4 U Twu Twenty"6 66 Opeea.b Teti 10 cerde to the dollar, as a presAnt, al 'lne.d tecasutotuer. The goodmali redmul_ n mcad a git beaidns. _ This laia ofler 50 liberal-that v ee! assurred Quririends willi W-rgelyaait theinsel- veo tfhe adiantages of the sale.* The inducemenîs offored musat incresso our tusde, by fntroducng r'ew euutnters ta the Cbeap Cash Dry Gods Stor. igr Customcrs'hare their choice of pres5ents frers our entire st.oeki This sale fi worthyi.be attention of ail, and particularly of thome buylnlg largety for familles. We are proud of,(li* reputattcn for gtring bargaina ceopct than evier. JOHN SKINNER, Cbesp Cash Dry-Goods Store CÂARRIÂ GES 8CYTERS M o '. DONOVAN'S.- CARRIAGFES & BUGGIES. late leandb B 'Maiufcture l udbe Splndily inished Utters, OF VERY SUPERIOR WORKJÇÂNSHIp.' BUGGIES 8EGH. REPAIRS -AS USUAL.. 1BTBt, No'v. 22nd, 1870. '8 52 10 64 :4'95 H-AMILTON & 0Co, Â1MS OFFER-I.NG GRÉAI' BÂRGAINS IN %kA,3ookaet. 9 Blook C. Brock et. 7 a4 . 10 B 11f, BraoIr Ott. 9 'AIaLACE'S PLAN 01,P PART or 1ton 27, IsT- i '1 7 01 1 st 8 79 12 89 12 89 12 &9 70o7 8 71 10 as 8 71 18 1I 141 82 1I 32 1 17 25I 1894 8 77 7 82 15 so 9 do 9 la 12,47 55 - 8 1 69 5 o 175. 10189 681 2 4170 1 804614 2 21) 81 89 4 14 4 Ist S10 89 41ô48 1,0T 28, IsT CONOESION* Iaook T WALLACE 5 PLAN Block A B, c. 'i .1 - G, aa R, fa' R, su ICA 2 U0 2 60 2 60 2 2 8 2 5 2 8 62 8 82 2 61 a 17 2884 2864 2 84 1 91 4 8 1 2 18 4292 2584 8 7 2 1U 2 ul 854 8 54 a 17 *DDINO'5 PLAN OF PART 0? LmT 26, I89 189 I 189 i I89 '189 189 I89 I89 8 9 8 9 1 89 1 89 1 89 1 89 I89 i89 iaok 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 8. 8, 5, 5, Loto, S 19 22 9 147s se 18 9 19 22 14 645 il rus 942 6 à 18861 46 10 428 12 l 9 90 24 O 29 50 78 D 076 16 E 72 9 mozncOus'sLAN f rPARIT or LOs-27, 15T CON. 5 $94 17 189 900 18 484 10 189 ss rKELLoes UPLAN, orPA? M Ot2, I1822 40 1 89 1861l $ 10 1518 te8'0 i4 6 10 la 189 814 ." 918 l08 2 1$01la7si 10.35 87% 8 1 89 17 4 ff27 1se 7 1 959 5 sa 88 4 4 4 48i à 49 5 49 ri 40 à 4D 4 43 a 58 4 89 à 49. fil 1 5 151 3 84 5 is 814 4 t80 4 80 618 S18 4 bil 4890 6 77 8 84 6 76 S79 876 412 448 4 48 S572 4 48 448 S 61' S 81 S 18 2?, 11 go 17 03 il 80 4 87 20 Pt§ 6 84 1270 -8 25 12 03 82 12 18 81 oALI? iA vvvo oa OP , 2OU B6, 2888 A1 80 28 $9 24-81îOP &'u 290 89e81 89 6'23 2 26 hi8 1 89 528 ar?.xcuovi u ax "Sphcinwr 09 Tii Il 08 S7 109 18 21 Illanties and M1illinei'y. Clothing Made to Ordor in the Iatest-styles.. Teas and Family Croceries, W1NES ANI)"].jIQUOReS* Januar>' 17thi 1871. Dundas Strèet, Whitby.' HAS flEEN REPLENISIIED WITHI A LARGE STOCKC OP tGROCERIES OP EVERY KIND, INCLUDING THE BEST ThAS ALNI) COFFEE'ÏF-S, - Blanke, R» ,Mao a. large consign n fCOKR,:~nGlass Please cail and examine thse Dciv stock. Prices cannaI be beaten' Janust.y1,18. Du Faritr L EVI 'o DPES( - II9ULVNT CT 0F 1809.ý in the Matter <fiTA.îl s..tony Bandol, an Insoleà&t. _ - Tise-reditera of tise Iuaeivent ara uotlfl e mOol at thaéo0010 f the udsniged, lnu tie Tearu of Whtbllnthtie Conaty gr Onuario, en At iiiio or of Tiro o1Ieck, .lnuthe sfternuou. for the exaslaatiôax cf ise ina'.lrcni ad for the ordering of tise atate gCeserally. -JAMES JIOLDEN, Digted nat Whlîby, Jan. 25, 15711. Yiok's Floral Guide for 1871, TIse FInat Edîion of One siasdrasi anti Fiai>' Tssoisssuj Copie. Vick'î Iilssasated Catalogue f Seedan d Eliralitl d., fa publiahed asud restdY te sendt.I i o an u nerar. isg 01 aslssst es-ory' deatraî1y,Ie Pier -sud V. getble. ls. loguil pinïtod onfine ti s.ie papes, ilitsstrattydwit iThae itusdreti fins - W c dE ngra ings,' ud i T vo bea nîf ul Ths meut besotiful sud lte mont instrotive Fierai Guide pssbliaised. A Grmoss eduliou ubltsinh d, lunml cla r respecte aisuilar ta the ftfreta -ail-'umy cuataners of 1870 au rspidly s pcasibl,, itheut application, gent fo 0ail cîhera vho orJsr tisesu r Toan Coula, vlslch lanet haif the ceat. Addreas, ,, JAMES VXCK9 J Clovr Seed. maStetWbitýýy, rall's.$ick buil»ding. '.41P Wlilstu WaCrooIs.LoVsi ~S1ËED)& flt»fllnied Vsh PioPad î-Dce l ffvem~d a*.tlW heotuftd $tord& IPRMIR iMPOMAS LAWLElié Wllb' Iuay18, 1871. - - M~'~ ~ -* TIRlE SAVE THOMASg1-1USTON nous oi Tise Ssb»crlbor .laalren ta lbank bims aum-erosa osotomeis for their hinsi patreumgo daziug tise put i Ivee $Mrs119h. haha» beaU eugusjcd lis blem, voasiiLait. tla ssoabioooriaulityor TweaRts per ceat Discount iio&asa, UN ILL 0001» SOLS bltnre T 80 PER CENT OFF WATOH ES, OLOOKS, J]EWEr,RY, t&c. 00>FOR 0ONE WUK9. Pet 2à,1870. W. IIEPINSTALL. (CIIP OUT XD PRSRZfT TO) W. IIEPINVSTALt, *sthimakor andi Joveller, Erceklil, Ont, iifteklib, Nov. 2,1870. 4 TU:IE EOINTAIN Restaurant and Billard Parlers? GO' Ring - Sîratet hast, TORONT'O@ Tise 16r 'sbpl iied hisCbbo~e Oadso o Wisae Liqucra aad Cigars. -Oysars mervasi ]nl tihe %Zstttyle. ~*First-clea gDiniiiO disd Lunch Booms atsached. Mueiais t ai t hotirs 1 .1 1 1 WEItv-RU9»ý PL.tN. 1 j x 1 WB AISO MANUYACMUE Flannéis, xxe

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