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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1871, p. 4

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T r@gin rE)3T r"nta e on? leb r1ca t . ?nt snythlsg KF..i4 * am, yourstvruly, C-: F. W. GLEN, Prosdent~U ~ i* * 7 2e ofeltp f sfor sale L.N~l the----.-, ]Mnfty Acres OfLot nurnbtwety.o1 AT uthe thir o IIB TOWN8HIF 0F WBEITDy,. uma. U E~ 06rd elf0oed, asd lu %R I*viM I m -i god:eo:tivatîon, and hlma streu of VT J7 s en 'a""SorowsI. anerWuthe or b brlher«....Their stock ubrbý-e, ida ôftebstqaiy S AMUEL WlLKlNl3oNl *WLty sept. 15. ~"r Try ijo , ~o or Prices can be beaten! ~IjIUN O W8. ase0in l estvarloîy, Clan Tartan, Plain and: Tartan WhîceY&, En9IiâIý- cotch ind Canadian Tweeds. J@t -and Shic5rf 1 'gNE MitLiNERY DEPARTUBIJT (coder tUs chare of a ladyiof teste-and judg- W~ eto ni e.nQ )poeua.s nrov attnsctlonf for Lade& The alâtstyles lu -aItisRbbons, Fower, Mqué istd Drese Tnimm ongs, mie A4tà! br Imon shows aréso- men o à o S alofbs.own uaU esssr, of an bwedndereiptelally favorable circuniatance,) Ites andWlaiu, or . ad satHst'op$1î o 8Der Mrd ail ayu ud miai.,fowntor M 'IWIG JPATE la nder thé ekilfidlu rinteàdenoeof K'. y. Woek ordr AInrs esse r tm b wo.. il Pta, stic cu12à,,dürinZ Lb.past il teen, years of his resi- Sdd1n ed. M S.INg Ov. roquirimng. auandst fasbiouable ni4lu the Doinin- Oeb1AWS, ZNo. 2th, lei,,'46 euh Groceiftand New Fruit, Boots and. Sho,s, cf. superlor qiallty, very loy. - Tvy he old Store, simee et, Osaw#,ansd geou ouysorh 11ANPACTUItZI AT TIIE oumoe',wr; AMlut-aj Workoé. ibale TURI3INÉ WATER IIE nu 51 o igdà n o wa, IxZL u u a ,W e l & l s re n o w m n s u rc t ar n t 0 %.nd woiwVIIIive a tgaraai lîb i @ch Viheel varrantîng î,ew o cas veil made, sud tb give as ood setlufacîtlon neaoy au unu- Fariée dalrlafui nfonuationceau Ob- lin lbIt ddesn * PAXTON, TATE & CiÃ".1 - Y 1 rch ery-Sî., Port Perr,.Ont, RY TtY ~ f-AT- N. PIIPP iNSBOOLN N:.1PI el el Sofas, Soâh Chairs, Centre and Exten, sien- Tables, Secretaries, Sideboards, Wardrobes,' extra Hanging. Looking. 'GIsses, &c,, &o.- IAT ANXI)j WEL 6,COST! Ail kindi cf Furniturp, Very cheap, to suit iard times. NOW 18 THE TI-ME FPOUBARGAINS i1 &VER ataaAdtIOUc azniupaL tvr low Pr ices.ILUU aa.atVO3 l~A Isge stock of Walnuu, Oak, .eutter- Nut and Pine Cofllas, and Colin Furai-- tare, slways on baud. lAi i au c w E - ELS*PT-U"À P« n é-3 '4 Q- c,> o r m o m z -'I 45~ -~ ~~E w 16__J 'dE dLL d Keeps constantly 'on hand, and1 in course of manu facture, the largest stock of -Ladies"C'ents' and"Misses' Examine for yourselves the, excellent material and fine work- lnanship.- l6.Àprl 13, 1870, Wm. BURINS, Brook et, C~IIRIS131-AS AND MNEW YEAII'tS NEW FRUIT, AT MoMilan *os JUST ]IEEIVED 100 Boxes; haif'n-nd quatrter boxes, New Layer and ValentiaRaisins. Barrels CurTants; býoxes Figs. Boxes Canded Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel;_ Cases of Essence, Leman, Rata,- fia Vanilla, &c. Cases eoice Brandy and Wine; T. H. NOXILLAN & . AT JAMES JOllNSTON'É R WATCIMAKER& jEWLERU BROOK STREET, OUIFITrrING AND- Alex. Pringle d-esires to înform- patrons and -custorners that bis stock of Tweed-4, IVetit of England Clotha, Mxed VMutons, and Woolen Goods this sea- son in unusa1ly large.Iroueringa, Veatîng, Cotungs alid 0vercoatings, in every * asl.y, calor and shade urAlso S.carfs, Tie-,Sirs Collars, &c. SW' Gentlenieùs'Clotbing made to measure, and ail work ex- ecuted, as usual, ini first. claS tyle. W Gall and exatne othe Iow prioe oi sais.: AIE X'- PRINGLE.% Whitby, Sept. 21, 1870., meect tb. ., of pub!io pu MANUFÈAOTURED BYj olrdr WI-ITBY, ONTARIO. TEJ epe i r c l h au facture of Ieaper s n ow r , sa is- des us T U R E RS 0he "John ton Seéli-R king Reaper" s very far i a adva ce of a y other I i Iahe,à at the pressai day. We bave just introduéed it imbo Canada, and moa- ufaétured a limited nuiner the, pat semison, and as yet re the only -manufacturer$, LO( ~ A ~ ~ ~ .- .~ ,. <~ Ibiseao or chines ylembrace suchamal impboveaients as ayear'sexpenieuce M~ ~ ~ ' & i~ ~ L ~ ~lin e m nufcture as uggested. Sqtrongly and duràbly huft. The bestnmaterial used& in ils constructio.Isa- X~~~e XoXn, E A A sE m Da PAthe fliger bar, thatit is bs iable to sag or break than that oL-auy other machine. Z AýE A LE A NJYD P R-T ER. Our Self-Rake'is the Most perfect ever invented, andcons'i saf ai ie Jiakes revolving << around an axis close to th d iiu w el, so plasd astabe entirely uuder thé contro 1ib of the driver without stopping the teatu. -* ~ - o re Ar or fL ~ n ~ It cus and delives tangled, crikled, or lodged grain rapidly sd ia good shape.-v iS -s"ix ietesath',witb as -littie draft as a~ light four feet Mlower, aud no aide draft Xe - -.--. - bsever.,,,,I cuts eaaily, with comnuon tea.., trom flfteen to tweuty acres per day,- t'20, it As tbe proprietor attends personally to the ýBrewin oe a regular a'd haa cuL ne hardsdfryare nssudy. *byfloP b. ti 1bnuaaured for Reaping ouiy, becau-se ilbas bicca desnonslrated that a sepa- usrc stock of Ales sd ]Porter eauaïawaysbe deppudd upon . rt epradMwrvi st tbcut more grass and grain, than two (obined Ma- orfur P a rtie s d e siro u s o f h a v in g A le s o f u p e ri o r q u a lity a n d P o rte r e q a î uo a n y c hies , n o t u h l s i b g r g t . i e i e , a s p r t a h n s l a o s imported, arc respeetfiîlly solicited to seud their orders for a quantity large or ïplicated thàn a cozniedoe 15 ial 1 e otc odr sdfaawysray o i m ail, and t y for the m s lves.w ork w it out the trouble and de ly of c anging from one to th . other.W i by ith th id-tf o inr m eascdfoltcw r ealdt rdc This Reaper bas been la successful operation ouly lys years, but is uusny superior c i e < I l t e y e a r o u d > s e o n d o n o n i n h e D o i n i o . a u n t i - p o i n t a o f e x c e l l e n c e a v e w o n f o r i d u r i n g t ha t t i t ue a im u i l t i t u d e o f f i e n d a s u a p -M de (ll he"yeà'ýrund_,'ébôn tonou inthe omii0ný stion neyer before xttainsed by any barvester in soeshort athur. >For fthe lirai two or 9 N. B.-fflrers loft. wiîlt 6My TS. fi.. SAXO, at tue Furuituro Wrarerooms, 1h,.. years it vas co.uparatively huist known - but duiing the past two seasona it was Brook ýtreet, Wbitby WiîI reoeiv'e pooupt- attention. - *- idely introduced .ihrougbout the prnipal v(at-grd~Viung sectious of the land, and -Dec. 1 , 18 9., 48 gaied aopularity unprecedened iu the isory of RpÀpig Machines IE s ZTU liePro Whitby, - < ý :. ý ý ý 1 - ý, 1 ý 1 ý, 1 ý. - 1 ý . ý 1 mmý j

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