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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1871, p. 4

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UJL. l.1IT<~C,1*ragsîî,ont. fielo Agut (or the DOmlnlba - Broughami, Iaroli I, 170. G. B, Sana; Eso.làm1fia»> OiiAM, N Oshawa, April 4,1870.- l])Y,*Sm,-WC bave heeu usin mourLitbricat ig 011 'for the paut niso oheep, andi Jamts angeîir t1mn any otiier cil. W@ bav.ri , 1r 'gi14 feet lroî, plainer,A D IT ItDoý'lliîîg. IL keens the toolhsD I I Je.. ud brlght. Ve do Ùfi a nt auytig tiette U a 1lbricator. I arn, yeurA truiy, E 7. W. GLItN, I'resident. FAKM POUL $ALE. 1 11 31 The itsatboirlher fr pâlase the Worth Ftty Ar*of Lot iitirribnr twority.one ln the thirat ConaessioîînDi tIt' TOWNSIP 0F #V1IJTIsy. * 'ii. land Iu aIl cîgarsîl, Weil '11encet, sud ln & rood itate et cîiitivef Ion, "dniu aatreani of W wt.î raîiningacarias 5. 4riatr Wjilývorth l l . icriA:,e ..pTheir, stock la Su SIMUEL WJL«INsOr, Whlthy, sept. uniiprmsa W- IKI1N sON'S Boot and Shoe'Storel The fîfflesorlber lia,. on shc>w-a large fi0kcort- meant cofJoota .01 ot' big own iniuauuiattie, of iii sty lu% iiîd amzis4, for witèr irear. Ha lu. Work madt b rler insafirstt-elagoi uanner (lîod it» g.tttrdisted. (loîiiigtie tînetlv. IL WILKINSON MANUWAC'rUUgî AT TIIE Agricultural Works. - LEFFEL'S CELEBUATE0. Double TURn"IN1';WATER WIIEEL lo 111 seT KcONOaLbeAL WICIugaewoIl; usaI WlicelaWbeltire enow msnuusacîring J.elor hu p >iy ohe il o ip Ilis tbe anun- tryanti ie ml lgive a goaîiîptes 'ah ntIcsa W leicmrrriifiiîg Llîethonto ha us irei macie, andi to gi eeaasj#end satisfaction au auy mnaun- gostureti lutlio4>otilulou. .Parties demlrine farthser Informuation can ob- * tain lu by addresinujc- Ï AXTON, TÂTEZ & CO., Nareis SsI, . I'rry-5t., IPort Porry, Ont. NEW M 1IL L1 N E R Y FANCV Building s UMS 1 oyai Rotel. 1'~I-1 have 01J baudj F isP f (I>aU bath. ,100 barroh e ~ SÂLT.-Engligh, cam TERMS (lu sccordance with * Whitby,Dee.14, 1870. !fOTVICE.-Al eeout. Januiary. nooption wili be Ma * I rn onmpelied t do thiâ in oe'P id Win 1cr Goods, A.'SMITH-S ;pberb, New, and ail of the best quality. Try1 ij our Goods 'or. Prices can be becaten! sà' Dress Gooda lu gret variety, Clan Tartan, Plain sud Tartan .~ Winceys, Englisb, Scotch sudCanadian Tweeds. THE MILLINEILY DEPARTMENT (un4er ths charge -of a lidy of tait. sud judg- mnt,) possasses auperior attractions forLadl!s. The lateat styles in Mats, Ribbons, FierMantdes, Panti )esTrimminga. Relysplendid sets ef Forsvsry eheap. BLACK SILK -*2,000 worth, (purcbassd under eaptiaily favorable circumstances,) sud aelling atf rom $1 to $8 per yard, THE TAILORING DEPAILTUENT'le under the skiilful superintendence of Mr. F. Lambert, irbose merits as an artistiecotter, during the past tilteen years of bis resi- dence lu Oshawa, requires nô puffing. Best sud moat fashionabie seita in the Domin- ion mnade to order. Froua Grocerios spd Newr Fruit, Boots sud Shioos, of soperlor quality,. vsry loir. Try the olti Store, Simniesai, Oshawra, sud get your monsy's- worth. Oshawa, Nor. 28, 1615*R.&A S IH FURNIT.r vi C~AE'. N. PHIPPIN will sou Sofas, Sofa Chairs, Centre and Exten- sion Tables, Secretaries, Sideboards, Wardrobes, extra Hlanging Looking G lasses, &c., &a. W AT ANI) BELOW (JOST! Ail kinds of Furniture, 'very cbeap, to suit liard times. NOW IS TME TIME FOR BARGAINS 1 FUNERÂLS àttendod to with every attention, and at very low Prices. ~*A large stock of Walnut, Oak, Butter- Nut snd Pine Coffins, and Coffin Furul- tors, always on band. oh w w -gp FE JUS,£ REUEIV]ED. 0 O g- m o m z -I socketu, Wik Trays, &o. JAMES 1H, GERRIE, Pamily rDrugStore. T, C.w fiLs INVYSTED FJIDS Au WH(c il. (ILn, la býag, for duii NT LOSE THII aaboirs notice of redu lral use; Qed-. 1 be etrlotlîycams. lb, Chequer Store. Broek St. 1 ow piat due usuAt ho setted at one, Uniesa sattled by the lut .ftnie but to plse thieinla Lthe bauds of ni, collnitor, Pir collebtion. ordez to carry. out my bamineuu arranemn# b ilftIu3ated. PS INO S-II OES8 )LESALE & ]RETL4IL. K. *Keeps'constantly on hand,. and. n,àcourse of manu- facture, thé largest stock of Ladies' Cnt' nd ýMisses' Exiýmine for yourselves the excellent niaterial 'and fine w>yk- mansfiip. 15-April 1ý3, 1870. WM. BURNS, Brooks't. tJIRSTÂSAND NEW YEÂR'S NEW. FRUIT, AT MeoMillan *&Co's,' JUST REOEIVED 100 Boxes, half' and quarter boxes, New Layer and Valentia Raisins. Barrels Currants; boxes Figs. Boxes Canded Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel; Cases of Essence, Lemon, Rata>- fia Vanilla, &c. Cases choice Brandy and Wine. T. H. IcEILLAN & Ce. Tboina havisSon, MANUFACTURERS 0F CR E-AýM PALE AILE ALE ÂND'POUTER. Don Brewery, Toronto1, Ont. As the proprietor attends personally to the Brewing, a regniar stock of Aies sud Porter eau always bo depended upon. Parties desirous of iaviug Aies of iuperior qàaity -aud Porter equai to any 'mporýtejd, ro rospectfiuily solicited'to send theiri ordes oqantylrç,r smal.' sud jýtry for-themaelves. ,- rs > or a Ij'antity large With the aid of our incresed facilities, we are enabied te, produce an arti- cle (ail the year'round) second te none in- the Dominion.'- N. B.-Orders ieft with Mdr. JAS. H.SAMO, at the Furnitpre Warerooms, *lrock Street, Whitby will receive pompt attention. Dec. 1, 1809. 48 THELDSTAND! The not exee 1>7th ~flsrst cty establishments, Uentlesuen desirous 0of wearing -a fittlng garnient wiIl make a. note, HO10LIDAYPEET ATý JÂME-JOINS8TO0N'S, WATCIMAKI BROOK STRLEET Or bY letter', (Pott paiti,) t., 20My7, 870. N B LOW &S EL JEWELÀLER. - - WILTBY, ONT. OIÏFITT'ING AfND GENT'S FURNJSIIING ý-GOO]DS. Alex. PrnÜgle desire9 to inform patrons and customiers that his stock of Tweeds, West of Eigland Cioths, Mixed Muitons, and Woolen Goods this sea- son is unusaliy large. 'Trouseringe, Veatings, Coatings and Overcoatinga, in every quality, coior and ahade. 1Z"Also'Se-arfs, Ties-., Shlirts, Coilars, -&c. M G entiemens' qlothing made to measure, and ail work ex- ecuted, as usual, in first-clnas-tyle. C Onu and examne the iow priceot suits. Sep. 1, ALEK.PrRINGLE., Wbitby, Sp.2,1870. SELFRÂKIG IEAP EI MANZUFACTU.RED 13Y B2ROWN #cPATITERSON, WHITBY, ON'ItARIO. W E DEFY C.O)MPErITION!ý Sixteen years pructicai expérience in tha Manufacture cf Reapers..anti oirers, atis- fles us that the "Johnston Se»)-Rak ing Reaper" is very fiar lu vance of auiy other Machine niade atthe preseut day. We bave juat iutroduced it iutç, Canada, anti nian- ufactureti a liniteti number the paat season; axîti as yet are the cnly 'manufacturer$. Ibis season our Machines wil I Jetbrace suich susail improveme.nts as a yaaresexperieuce in the manufacture bus suggerted. Strongiy sud durably bult. The busc material used, in its construction.- Its-nia- cbihery the mest couîpact ant dur-able. The least.iabla Le geL cuL cf order The combinatien cfirwooti sud ircu; inthe finger bar, muakes lt the most perfect of 6finger bars. Tbe seat ef the driver, lcé.atýd outsida of tihe drivirig-wbeltel, so balance, anti relieves the fliuger bar, thatit is lesi jhable to sag or break thaný that of any',other machine. Our SeIf.Rske is tbe most perfect'ever inventeti, anti consaista cf fiua Rakes reuolvfng arounti an axis close te the di Iving.wbeeî, se pîaced as to ba cutirely under the control cf th" driver irithouit stopping, the team. It cuts anud telive-s tatigled,' criîikled, or lotigat grain rapidly aud in gpoil shape. Cuti a six leswath, with as little draft as a light four (set Moirer, sud.ne Side draft irbatever. lit cuti eusily, with a commun tean, fren-i fftee t wenty acres per day, anti bas eut one huntireti anti forty acres in seven diyu., IL l ianufacturet rr Reapi ng eniy, becsuqo iL Isa been damnstra tei that; a sepa- -rate Lasper aud Mower will lit te eut more grass sud Èrain. tissu two Cenibined; Ma- chines, sud cosa mucb Iss !W, the aggregate. Besides, a separats Machine is les coni- -plicated tissu a conibineti one ý lessafhable te get ciatot order, sud is slways ready for work ithout the trouble qnd deIay of' changing trous eue te Lise other.__ Tis. Ieaper 1ba s beau in - succesaful opération only ffve ii-àrI,1iùt u mii sprir points ef excellence bave woiiifbr iLturing that tume a usuiltitude of triends, anti a po_- sition never before attainsti. by any harvester inIc short a Lime. For the firît tire or tbree years iL iras- conîparativiy little kueiru-; but turing tile pasîir sessons it irai widely introd.ucet Lroughout,îthe principal %-hest.-gr-)wing sections efthtie landi, sud gained a popuiarity unprecedéuteti in the bistory of Rcaping Machines. * THE HARVE8T -OF 1869.-OUR RECORD, F on Yea 1 s tisers iss; not been a seasen irben-grais ha. besu lu so bati a condition oravetng as tise past oe. Thestrai bas -been exceedingly hsavy, broken andi badly iodged, tbereby severelY testing Lb. ability of the different machines te work onder auch circomastances. This test the 'Jobnst-on" Self, Raker, owiug te iLs peceliar construction, bas been enableti te meet suceisfully, furiaisbing te tise, arming p.ubiic eflelosive.preof thair it la equal te auy emergency nd'a eompte ueai i 'n. ansd , oaditisuof grain. M c- i-a lkid 1Df i~iA INa %w Bega to lofom Ibohepublie t] stanîiy on band a $Ulm Fleur, OaS andiCon * Wheat, Grahami 1 Bran sud St Anti nvtlsing iu tie Feedl thie shurteat notice, 'aiec, t lorensh. Salt asudPliiter far sale. Ke'veniber 25, 1870, LIVEI t ton has agalu qu lat tnesuiareaed quaiity ot the.aen< P'ein6e$, lie.Iiupea hy bainj omet tbehen ifrta u jt ou Of publie patronage. IW' CHARGES M101 N. B:-Covsred eonveyg sudlasiles. Proujtattend, te aIl orders. Wbhitby, ÂýrWS, 885. TEETII 9&-WITHOUT1 1BY TIIE US!, NITROIS OXID LAE Olt TIE NE LOOALANZES 1AT w Mr. 40. DENTAL ROC DUNDAS S~i WITBY, C ROOM5S.-Qve, M. il. Cod, W tifLoy. Jane 26, 1867.. ana> iï-tuer rEST xxx prn ri Wliby aii. 12,1870.-- EVErý u-ED ,tut, pr'io rý' rfýt]E Y 1 or (Ide l

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