£WMAO21 M UA4IO 3ÂBNK. LkCESI IE J<2E, Begs tOlinforro tile l8liabitintg of Wîiltby, Mwa e lh eonnIci ng di.uf.risotaridoe, Oin . urocno 10ARITESAND-i2TMNvo,Âr- tu l I Wp ruuiriiig bis sucrvieei. e OitIlicýOr ttie-akof Motitreai, sept. 28, 1870. 9 - M.,.O9. t ILJ. MWL0O?îYLL. MASONIOC HCI ARIS IO NT'yCRO WN A'rTORN EY FRb~TÉE P LR ' talIltIîirriwteraii ttorliaj-njt-Law, Se - ,Iwo torli Iliso.ry, Z8O'ry ill,1 ce&C' MESSRS. VARS & LAZIER, whtb. i Lavîit rnrnùuril the e.vpi,,it for dime Do-. Ilotol, Wilîby. - in uo iîadi iîdLe UntedStIit- (IO(EIl».IDART1'<JL7,ptem, for thu puîblicationî of tiice A1IiilSIllTi8lATTONEY ( ,tl>VEYAN- chirti-, togueilier with coiored 0 r , De IIilt; l<gitrar, Muiter lxtraordil îîîîî'îgrltfpîî clnreo. te eryp sud eXUneIIIU*te o ieufer>for iheo-cu-Bis, fRed, & Bînck Ore. of Moiny, ,.yof ontitrio. offlierf)eicK., % Wliltiy. lire now mffiiîg them for eni e. C piel assi on]l elista EO ETJ.' VILSONO fronî lii, proprivtor* or Lîrnir au- U ÂEUISTEIL &,ATi:OIEY AT LAW tuiorizcd irgeobtfe. 1T1e two plinît0e10 4301lditonn-iniccry,&a. WlItbi', C, W mt 72.50Oeli Tlicenored at 100. The. 1)fte- Ovor 'Ontaîrio Disik, ou tLim Sorti, wbloe met ofili ree for $7.00. aIde. I Z vcry Mitfoit ahoulil pereva mu ct. .-3 JAXEs iCEITI!<0200, JAMEO A. CAMPBIELL, D lAIU'IS'ft4R d T)i& ~ -A- Agent for the DomI1oT.e ,&J golleter lit Oliimnery, Coivtyincer, KNe- . X. .-No exppilsecltisbeen . epareillu Lthe taJP lo ipreprtior.of Lie cuin.tf, very detitiiof whiem svigom-Ntext doorta the 8tori of i. & J. wil h. f'îînd to ogre. with referenco notes, Casmpbeii,Ilrocic uSt., Wliiiîl.y, <>It. froi teLii.ble 'gtiven u iii . margin. ~Wulthy, Nov. 1bi, 1867. 46- Oct. 25i, 1070. 48 B*.lisl. AIRIIANÃŽZISO f1E AND LABOR SAVD $ ,0WTOU NoTÂIt UBLIÀC, d.&c.-&. T 6J. A ~ .. TRE ONCILATING O$rster, 8ollestoir 1111-(Clanacery, At- A IIN . A H NE ,tormey-,&c&c Han~ rentý.ved Iitfice te .,toit it loor ovcr the P ATÃŽEN T ED ONTAIS BANg.ONiTUEt ISTI OF JULY, 18»70 )sy *WÂiitsy. Out. 7, 198. 40 S WILLIAM MATHEWSON, p AiUI8Tii*l A'lfl5Ul )Y , ICI. OF . BlWoI(L114 Off' Tut4,<>NEANW1tAN 1) lNo. A1tJJ8 Pullî<îU.The Pateriteoe ienires any Otlier Watiiing OrIVIOE-O;ii"<mr niih orftii. l'ost Mlebacliiii îow t mue o Lacoimpote mmgifiîi.Juis, Pslan iiiw;nl MmîJ!îcir'e iloiuv, 0u-pummgs friyiiatley insmy simule. This Mieelile 7ownIlul, I;wljillvilo. m hen klii iîtelo, idali ed by niemm '3~ewm Ililill~W iiiiii8ii1. ii ii. priiieuîi houI)tJIl ui l isdinse fitrtîerm. In B7 1. FAREIWELL. * I. l Oste qit, wi rtoic ttsbe l I kerclîimuto îîsi q illit A trio ?Witt umtify c ilAUI L EN C. fi E LLER, mon> persuiîîi% e t ciiq Coanty Riglite mend Miiiîiefir smie, ou 13rock, C. . v Alq)ly to W11. blAT[IleWs.oN, llrooldliti, OiW je ZIAitl I< <riINIVOODI Brookliii, Sept,_14, 1870d<37 % ATTtI>1NVY-A-AW. SO)LICITOR 114 - -- .~. lsoerNoiiyPulliv. i()îîN>LeîrYr,]UN OL EYY1 *0., W luh> n. W I-rie, Ilyroistruec, N 'f ll ([ost lltltm!. 48 0 Vfie Snlscitîer i. <repri to LYX1AN f YGN<LMf, L L. ».. LA O V »AlililleR AT1' oAWoiior ln CLan. ralauorU17 .LUWi1 rropent A T li IVRA TIS 0F INTEIIREST li{EAI., ESTATE. Bi>UUIIT. SOLi, AN D EXCIIANGED. CONSGNMN'lOF1<GOODS cillCt0tel. lietitiactOry retereneos tirmlil luchua rieqëlrosh. JAMES WALLACEi, CusInMissi-iui d& hieumi- CtuituAgent, hisilssmt., u R'eiehobsonlilotol IVIjtlIy, ii)tli 18t.,J1<43 j'ASlihIONABL9 ANI) biJhlAlLE. Thue thiriuis eclsunule i.reiulpl 0i1 e -Xteiv#c mî t-w k u'of it irMt-0lass J AMES~lL~lN 'COIVVEVANCVel[,LANI) AGENrt <rivroe.-Over ArilesLr.mig'lée10uc, mai 1 -Uxbriïgp,.ine 7 ,190hl8. - DR. HANOCOCK, - (Fiomuti NUAiïÇn à k hîsî--s SIJROEONi, A-UICIII, 81Ui.GlMJN rO TUEii8 OUNTI <GAO] j < iy rami I t i-rnt, W' 1111 iy. T OWNt'liiTLt Ml '1<SUUItl. ttlliTh3" 0. N. VARS;, 1,) OmîeCliii P o;<,iÇA; lrsslsppî lmuee'itruet Lti liiorlimi-tl obîlie otiarli c L ÀAfi l Kâ PHOTOGBRAPHGLER 13100K 'ST. WHITI3Y' Vieo uidersigius'd telmuaw prepumres ta timkc lloLer; lom A lirdit)e-î!,s, &Cis., mîmîiurml imme lire. ~mli uelkm wii lliireiu. wlueuu it lonvi,jive aiCoeil. -JAS. A. CLAJIR. ýW1 L8OiN il1()u sE, A. WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor, tlid*itliil tii. illiblic le gjmîlo llyý t liit le 11mite oeultilîe Igo<ew ijutisI1hum tueVillage of Axelîm mml, ftiis u el<umusmLmot Vinotris- vollilig<nil le. 'l'leu i,.e 1lmu-mw. ei, fier- ijiel 11ll m .ut tliuoîmeglîiiuil comm<rtblei mmitosur. l, Cu ii duelîl iiîd cir>couvivilîe etîtheo o ecellmluoit, W'ii-ex, LIqîione, tmyll 'igosr» ten il, bem-hrtudeilwuitym.ke;uteu Onad StAbiig aud atteive Osîlersfilu Ashîbummi, IlmDy 1lAt, 1 soie, f8 Gr4ind Trunk Railway Hlotol. AT WUÃITJJY 'ITATION. W O. INRtI L Iusvilug ptroluede teliatel mtd lurcîuleeiown usèe G id s Tnli lîeiWhiItby eliiuIn,.bege imummiio )luie tricien muid liet te llu îî l i tle lisîritoluil mue tIi. boum, i d le 1 leslauil roi- ciass style, îîîîi l y amtlim Oi 10 ti. <omits 0< c thoie ies ve hivlesii.wltf' tîîîr prumîag truste a ete mu, mor tiuuum.o f tluir cusîom. sa-l'ortiesmt tsig tues traach lemîi heorse, <ill have tlmum <elitsa eiacoa f tie tier ruitiril. 'Wlitly,$opt., 1868. -5 1JOYA NANAIAN TE L, X. FOYF t ..:Proprietor, luperler ncconuuioduthoiii. (lod ahiî and ommscà rToune, ammdiatmttve costierd. Pont l'rry, ov, ,- îsee , pu IT. lEn it Y>,- I 0 - aE. PORIT L'EIt, ONT. JAMtES THIONIP$oN' Paopnugvoae. .- -The Stuhe4Morer Iloosta Iufrm lIme eom-; týuu'ty, ilmt hk lorpmealeel, ore sluw onea btoi lu] c wee le pýepird to'furts a pi accon.imoditoii as otmv 'y isthe Ceuty.sod 'sept.., ~17' - RIEVERE HOUBE, ~PLANK, - rcprietor. JOHN WEIR. 8apte.<be29, 570.41 JAMEVAWfLL A CE Inisuranoe & eneral 1commission Agent PairIu -Street, . Whilbty. OPPOSI2'X TEERoI RO'1307HO InsareamitModerata emlm iiiulBrte, Cetmndisn lad AmeriOi1ua offices 1LIîle, Pire; Pldility sud -Acehdenlt lrmmcbem, Wh tb'ySept. 80, 18701 - 40 Ùthiluderlgumoci be on hîmot!,mt M EA ) S MI ,i L, VE AR A 8Il D UJR r A large qtmmutjiof tuuuooer, <ohIci be' AT' TUE ILOWEST ]qARELET RATES, I"Bill lIuuub ail kîndn sawn on the- A. B. CAMPBELL,, Bro<kiuxP. O Ilvookli, Juni, l7tli, 1870. - 26. PILOFESSOR J. POST, 0or PIANO-FORTýE, &o. REUSIDEYCE, --,. yroa Street, <Xrarlc opjmoeitre a oU Rrk.) Tmîntac,-..Inaeîrmeiîouîoit Pumumo, $10. Theory of luimailieumpumitloti, &C., $55. front Ic kMuica;l trienîmi. "miil ftruhi 2, 1870.e eQENTRAL HJOTEIL, B <mUCIî<M JORN BAILEY, Proprietor. Tii. elsove 1 iha lmuen rei uîwiy Iitted up uniii fuiriiuiiedo<hlemts ail! flu criomiîrtumbie acommation eml ittlmtion. <JCOa raomyiatmling nuui ttntiv'e oetiers. Jun. 26, 1870. 4 P H O T O GiAP 1h wIOa X5 0m )O IINION G aLR 18, FoR FIRST-CLASS, PIIOTOGRAPIIS NXotiuu g but tco wonk oilcuwed tot louve Lue ruuum.. A Il lciti ifil m,'t imizs'i., froi <lue u.mtilisscko isutre La lite izp, mil tdliuciîed hîî -.Corhîuuî <sîssue lk, oreluis i Wssl ai ge 01ii <i ele1ýg u i rcuu iomm. i te 'g i . '. olr.Fiioisintltend -a mPhlet greeld each packcg 3 umîsîke ici <ohueciuiuild Le oarefm ily preserved. litre Mv. Whil,~~~~A % s er> euecmmumtui in tuking JOBtOjNEYR,)EPORyO style,§. - (lldrenmie portrauit*u. MS.NEYOK8LPR.IVR Bleeiiml ratesi te Clergymen. Old Poi-, $1 00 rd12J cerfs us « a<te. eneep"d te Nort 1l>M.MIP 01KAq usuALi.: tIitrum dyv cpieci. ep an Lyan mNeu ranileu, llgemerel ogeetlsr l2rcAutls.-Ailiordersii tuiend t iiiiino We stiil f bc mîot ihappy to n-ecieavisKitos fth. tDonmno,will insure a te.uuie, ceuuuinig orer9 tumqlity. mih p n ~n, i u uua au pulls. iy er tmil aytm,(<ves onuoe e wgi pieturci,.) Forsae tsy .Iumps ilyrte mnd 1. H. Gerrie. Whitiy UEO. ý%lNglti) mnagwe u f t(ir esrel VOus the visit <uloil i- opa> W. 1P Atutims and Rosbinson &Cou., Oshawa; % l.CmMEtN yous for the ru~ble. Dawes. aircoklmu, cdndiii medictne dealers. " iiickbmtrcuî, 18. H WILLSON. Feh. 22, tsio. (IPîPOiîe the0 IRoyal Ilsc'il.> Nov. lut, 1870. 44 sept. 6,14S70. p A P E R AN G iNG-8 JOINîNUN S AU ITION B3U si NESS - - flair Drssn and Shavin Tite underignat! hegs b lniori lihe publie g.CL blitho liiason bunud lhe lergest sud SALOON, 1 r6,til' ~boiçt stac oefutPaper iinginga - IiiîlCK Si., WIIITB. i"~ il)îtowul, mli of Lh. 1101 SOUTai ûi-Tiltl, Big oeyIJunTJIIBAL. ~ WtiLy. Jîeu., 2,6. t L ~~~~A ~~E - Thg<rr,<rnbim~istollî liorri peron ulmclilie offere for bamlei very lov,forcusi. w IITBY 1>INO 1,AOTORY lmgeulomrpttur#o ho etweî i pol me, 2incite nn - ;w- aaugt, Crmlnnfa Giazung - ulue'uoiit' "maira Prmt-ccOduct sales, and Papar Haugtag, exoeilsliti a vorh -o- 1 ttier Ili mauike antd expodittuuim auaueîr, as nouail. JOSEPH RAINER -TOWN-OR COUNTy, A. C. WILSONO P10 P RI E T OR.3 AT 1REA8'.NABLE lRATES. Dunuse Street, WiîlLb1 TIi sîbeueii cin:rg iic- g' rsmcnmfefrehccau i e WbiLby, ApnIl 21, 1870. i~ cuetlt- tetejjji rlld ieul it mtht*lum t$iia lC,3 )icL l"c, or et m n v E EV D cor, tlî.iketor fihc mîuuuy 0910sOfic, Becî teti, W Ilth>s. K,3o l S EEV amdcueonosa Iu iîîyL. FAIRBANSAcr Jdrfth>,eorae PIANO IANJFACTORYP Whiîby, Jm,laAn.. AUuorIO>ExgIE a oi!o h oee nocrotu ci ui ituetro, uanw mhries ,,ouitu htc A tIa n t ic O il nex 1ollytiiis 18AOw91itrulli; ndli VD UAÇKS.-A vieol ---- il is m.îeuiimuu lui. ulie icuite ,ul uiou- VA1D Qlin 0<etrly li- (The pureat andi be8t lurning C/il ailu, tieu ncon lc ie u e t e ucn - dco nticn doetu.mug mc tîmut aaitliu 1w11 ho lut uuudne onsm ipart prommu re doute>, d&c., bîuiiuigtries]n .ii in m~~ mthte suaraet.) ta gi-e eutisfuciou, Ili sUEpîuîîînii every umsvertimed ed nc.ooiy Limi n simple -mocneâ Sl ttelwA PNbopioa Op suPEztîQa Naou et., 18ev York. . JAS. IH. (ERRIE, QIlA LIT ' , ____________________ bih4iv 2 T67. Pimiiy Dnug Store. S TY EWlityNv.2,180.44 STYLE, nIM1tmEMENTS --o- EORGE GURLEY, Tiso co1ehrnteil cw îpatcnt muid oros -ceh MG nnv pten(lIi wiljiouninnnmfctured Teud indbest tt htb pm ietnucl uomi lie ci T rcorelgned btoga b iuabtire MEu I NI <TA 1IL t)Il Wý Al ordcrs exeeulteul vltbpromptitude Lauamiiutctir mud dlspmiîcli. RotBeed &à Manure Drille, CLOTIUER AND DRAPER, JOEI .RAINER. -AB WELL AS C> z WbutmyMsy ,190. I.6W A G'OVS , GENTLEMEN'S GAt<IENTS monde uîp I, 1HA RR O S ' tlus he,et y.e manditlatnt foshusu. ONTAIuo ufElle uie toelo cf Cotma from-vhlcb bemalts ONT RIO H , * c v F FL E R ga feeiectioa fût Gsetlemaen. 8 summer suits. (lat C.flmveas.)AND LLL mINDSOP ~OsavaMay 12,1869. 1 ~V HITi y O N.L AIIIO FARMING IMPlLEMENT g. A. -AuLEXANDER a MONEY TO LEB Ni>' Proprietor -t0 ms rriiE,nslrrlu oiareeburetern tlimuks teA ELCD~T5 .1. L-tue publefor tlie very 1' Iatonfmiinov prepmrd.to ]end anv smonut of âe ecuvwed Jml Uiilhitle proprietor Out tii L &'WmocyonthIVRINGERod ar o po Globe botel,li rooaliiugrl mt tua u.ai tm ctive Tovn P jt, t*oloe ovuigi tsl.< ceeslo t uuuiî~io t aie ie Notedsdeore Ofthe bhe srlesoth Ie iut rate of iu<rst, lu s.mb antimariner-e iljul< theà aoe Illkis'idlitl naamîaotunc' i te 1u t!hundhimZ-v .à os..Plopaeu .rplbsemh hue-e beemu receîtly nuadet Urgevadtidition% lt i lalriu have be0loretoidtnsumdo iue prentilseesecur d$ A UTRx îiy-stotanud n>mn*o l icg -'- - r .,---omlpieiiilA 110uo . ârs lperiorituaevarf respect, ^I- lsmeit o- lm ]iâa asum a TERRAP-,PIN JIE8TA uR4 (88' i 89 Kioeire t aTornuto). THIOMAS CARLISLE; - Paovan - - gant, ipc~alôn tuourant inCa - - >ieuiiisupplh 14 mors and! lgsit of the fimeat brsnde.1 a a ytors ln ave.> style. £t'* Parties qvisiting Ter'into fora i ay fiu4 eyeny muuouiiodiltom ut the Terraptin WIfITY, - ONT, A. M<A BON, - Propriel Tlioa .ove huit been thoronglily renom anfd Lii .11.t o.attention. PHRNIEX FIE ASSURANCE C li.'MBAliDSTRtEET& CIIAiINU 0OR() ESLUJBLISIIED TN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAIT & Co., Ageuti (Cnnadiî. JAMES DAVIa<48, Manager. INEUI'AIÇCE eniîst LOSS by FIRE ecft'ctéd 01)thtll ioei fîvnrahie termm, I,<SSES I>AID witlio ut roftreroi a Bi1 1 i ri Lo rd. wILLIAM D E YLI AND- ORNAXYENTAL PAINTE] B3rook Street, Wlatby.- Ahi a-drches ttended La <olili puuictulihtya !'Amoout t<k boist eemphes room lo Miay 3, 1870. 1>-Iý 02, TuIE UXIJAT FEIIÂLZr REMEU Job Moses' Periodical Plle Tht. .mrraiole .medicinm i. entaitie; in thsecure ai tiotte pmmitoanmd diierouâ sde,.. i which1 and rrec ail etsiructieme. simd a speedy cuire mi h. reiiedt;n. To JIarnuet! Ladia.i, luis perml.rlysuîiicd. vlnl Innab iieun eng, the Iniiihît $pericnl <ollIt egulmiiy. Irm ail Cases oretýuoor, an.d i4pim.al Affections. Psi lne, fhjtii omd Limuimi'..Fulgue on legliexermio l'Ill* wiuli frt u cure w.hemm ailm ther u.onmchave rai led 1 c amhu a pewer'ul temedyda est cotait YEOMAN OhBS(a: And Ibo crwMobph.. ear .,, ......, - à N Tl ici. ;imous tiale .. ~made by ber seaitbier.-over i SNT Tl&retujeloms9foeis. ansd had become asîaa i 1iulu AlIed h eui - m e establabed in ho m e ino -- ni i l i g c ce si4 ai - h o t in L on d on , Jir n ativ e c u L y. 'Tgsgffigé» 1 ~memFor oDua ahort yaar @bel' hd boeed <om- unWmawdefe elhmle'~,ParativelY hiappy'. Théa tbîere camea I l . h ili e u m c o smît 16,a e rseb e r , S i i O Io o f b l o w a s ' w i e b l i ed b e e n b u t MTOM Ad do haitîs w<h the *rou<g. theefte'pplur-shiuoes t the, comtplete de- sis1i leiglcill ia'ehIlà ly. strctionof ail ber bore and, sumbition2. Goie- r,6 bme.kwag uj o crime L'or b abaud hgaembezzled money -to- a us sud Assy filissuu hein uraS arge amtoaont, ctmdber old failber, *ho bas! iagis O kdwleawre mahetTîi , beeu induced Iob aijohlm'with bis osvO ledt At Tonqueiylm~hoilghli; credit', waa comnpletely ruiued by his <ail. N'Ine, - W i e Optir e.m on l ii À ~ r Ta ifet hus b îîbisughi; Harriedly, esta afew boura' notice, s eand lWhie-an errmrcieedolhî;euw ber babybad-forsaken thair bomeýansd, 0f h.uiversai hcmmnt - wiî Or tîe Awnis, 11h4,tr75 em utder à (ase unom e, b d fies! Io the.Con. tr. Action tgitho ,Wie liiil ;Iart. tineut 1tviîtii oîth' cimna Tbey Ea4t "L ndm weri ueh ý loa and ind . eîidii an obscure towm- in, Ger- Have bniltmlier'd gvcrmeg&iin. * anuy, <obere, tby bad l1usd fer a time ou :e To h. namekmi whemm yo6iî!l, the. retenaut of tha stolon fouds, S ciene boridt, et. 1 1 l' ihD, tbhe bd commaunce.. a ertes of A mn d lie r p -r w nt s d e t p e s h a ll j o u e , Aned lier iriuuipliils mmm i tmr ~mligrat à which -Lad s! ateU for 'yaars. tor.' $lisamd e;wo other children -hadbeau boru t0ilbemj - V~ili agi tver-%,deningte. od n . msral friy bcd remises! ated, ~ 0 fLdowd id iîemcs romt oua towu 40 another,, living sitekueW la o Mlak s the ho s e t oihap pmen. b n. 1-1bre ae fis s, lir, ot hw 15 Dell iileem gýiHe <sd baccSi. a professiouml, gamblerj Digory t deiied.andcharper. At limes, Bt Badeu-Usden ' Errrr imuerîwine vi Tiun it or R'morg lived i- lu olt Vice BI1I<NI&iigery apni ci atnorfrable -hS l1 Root Ihemn out. ihefranmuem ssd; puorfrahleo'bsiigte tj< Gommmsai.cînemrnramgains. But under the'vivad sud terrible'c Lvil <asSit amde msaIeitecinso.aha ie e Oiew-uxm amd mI1 Eatilm ehballsmd es cousequeutonsha fé,br re gi p-ee ig lmLj torterwqmaubood bad beeu-fairly csbad l Snofi glmr. the pulisetOife waidd. lier, sud ah. existad - a whad sepnichrs -a abamnte o berself, anid degrsded by torced contact witii msociaetes for wbom c~e -o h could feal ouly scoru and lomîblu;. ~" ' ~ V4* er ouly solèce <osinlu the growiug intelligence aud'beauty of ber eldest chi-id m ae A Litie Ballet-Girl. -ber ocly dà ugbîer, my 11<11 el, 5h.ý and - ballet-gýeri. Sbe, mas ah.e ad growo-sud lord She vas only a ballet-gfirl iu tLe theatre 50 rapidly ais cbiidren do-into s koow-a N. r rsa lss nth rhsr ; bot Iedge of ber surrouudiugc, b.dl so sttscbed à tby1 me aseo sppeared ever to hbe <bat wbicb hersait <o ber poor mother, sud witb suchA tebe seemed..now a fairy, with gossamer ,wuuisomeappraciation of ber oorrows aud waugc, and gauze and silver; uow an bher yearuiugs, that elle b.d become, bera IN almond ayad <ircssisu msidau s-e el<heu a uiy comforîer, and a, remit Tespite fromd Swiss pemiaut, or gipay gil- so did ah woe, ithat wpre daily draggiug ber down tl aeîually emnbody the aharacters elle filled lsato dneust despair. .: t .wilîhbar cbarued truthfollnu.s o fmncy s; Foreçeelug a possibe uecesaity le, he h :R, oell ne <o reaity. Yet obo wms, oniry1% dim, iupeuetrable future, the motiier'b.d s 'ballet girl, &ad 1Iapoor Germen ffaîiet. devotad il lber epergies sud' intuitions, as mnd I used] tg watcîh ber tbrougb lthe long sud ail ber csmty smYlugs, tW <h. edacatiou pi houris of ï hemplay, and my Ilote would-talk of tibis girl. Sa El. ,b.d beau taught w mr. 10 ber, eeing, iu tender atrains, 10 01- mumic sud danciug, aud, being spt sud' 6 presMy passion. Sh. <wus8* gracefui, qaick to learu, bad! becomse, ut a very early hi and ithe rose and lily would s0 chose escb age, absolteiy accompiisbed lui theste arts, su other over tb. damait of bar cheek; sud that coald mot fait to, b. remiaaerative, if ai brer ye.s so flahedsu d meiîed auder the the time obouild com <oen uecessity ira- th crown of ber rich, dsrk hiir; aud- ....quired the*ir beicg -made avmilsbia. Tbmt aiý Oh, dear 1 it's no wonder ibat I iovad ber time came et hast, sud <ohen El. mwusas - 1, uth ai my Germen eutbosiacm, Il; ouly îwaive years old-four'years bafore I pE Ma wras Dot otten I coaid get te speak to ber. kuew bar, Bi Once Iu a while, in possing, or al-rebearsl, Tbey ware lu Paris, sud ber bsbsd- th o: we exchmtuged a word ; but il;t as uotbiug, -the gambier, ra!:e, sud ombazzer-com.- sm .tioogb 1 treasuired eancIr of îbhem for long pieted the list of is crimes by forcating tg aiaon cedme'b. ic wafe mimd ber lit!. oueS nas a s trange te log Bihé watt grecefulas; an muautelope, and land, to fly witb s peinted! cresatate wbo £1 t"l ber figure aille be perfection of roomded b.d long bieezi bic accomplice. tic osbeau7y but, by-aud..by, 1 uoticed tbat Left alo-ne and frietidiesa, th. poor lady fit ie,. ev as growing thlm mmd carevoru suad b.d no resource-being wiluhott <sefti fol several limes I snv traces of tsars ou ber kuowiedge berseif-buat<o bt. adrautage RS clieets, wiere the rose cýame lais ottens Of the aiily sud edacation of ber child. tee. and sheily stryed las AnI ih- m9 iac.Ad1 being Lhtîle Efle b.d obtajued à position la the wu s foolioh yourg feliow, grew sick Over iL, -ballet of one of tbe Parismin hhestres, aud me Sutil ona day, meeting ler ai tL. stage- for two yeaar, vitL <obat little ber mother da, ..door after a rebearmal, agîd >îbinking ashe coaîd obtmiju by sewing, ber earcngs b.sd pi vas ili, I venured to ask ber why elhe b.d supporued <hem. At length su opporîanity eat -en chsugcd. Aimd ohaîber it was <bot ail b. beau offtred them W oraturu1o E.ig-. an my distant worship b.ds not beau for land, free of expenue; snd yesrniug Io ros nught, or tbat ber peut OP spirit muot oea once more ber ovu country, the poor hard ralesse iu îalliug of ils vroas, I kuosr voman, yuLh ber luiti, fsmily, set off- for Dot i butllsha a down boni de me, wbere London. . re we vere. quit. sione, met!- toid me ber There 'ahse firci e heud of th. death of te' moist corrowfui story, w i t manY tbars. ber parens, wbich baid occurred cborîly tO Fi Ah, little cold I do t0 aid sud comforî after ber daparture for the Continent. lauos ber, bati Ét litie I did tic cheerfully sud ber sbamp mmd disgrace, Sthe avoidled ail 0O9 Sgladly, thit -I tuow, ia il$ vary williugneicc communication with Illios, hom ach. b.d eg of giviug, -iltvas bainm to-thb. voudead s ivu lu iner hs.ppy yonth; sud sO <bis the disttassed boust. And ibis vms ber story. blow cama < ber witb asrtling anexpeci. Bm Hier moîber, wliomuelh. suppiied by ber eduecc. 8hbatW reacbed bar native lanadig ~lilîla lalit-girl'iss wsges, wVa& very iii. Twouder asasomet! name, sndd ahe noirbasd young brother. dapeuded ou ber likewice no desire 10 reveal bar own; su ad sq -for- i -for smbienece, sud ebe t.ould barely sup- ubesé <vo ars the bat! sîraggl.d on, iso. 1l piy tLe eessaries- of lit., whie ber lattdes!~ alsone, Searning s 'pracotrlousfie motber vas <(d"cg sway from ber hhroagb iivalibood, sud etil sastaluat! b7 El. ta ic actua! nait of lis lazurlas.' I want ta see ber oIt! roc'à tiou. <hem lu thair mtcersbie jomia, sudl <rOm Tii. giic1 Ladtalets, betno friouds, sudig ile mothar fs lipoI laariaà ithe ced 'talle couldthberefore never compas snyîing ~î vbich was neiiwdlmg itb ber Vory coul bigLerirn à u asbordiost. poaition. Aut!1si viuh tb. misery of its memtory. <bus uhair affairî stoot! uban I vwu irci i-el Yeari betora, sha Ladt- beau a hovely acqusia<ed witbh Iem, sund 1for long allier; L girl, the d.ugbrer of weaiîby sud proad îbougb, lby addiug my obeu.rasources 10 sud arents. Brtaîa i n xr -h gohen a aaid1 teîewhfrmsa wos bagauming ta bc uneas, at tbe marce inferast thesgirt b.d excite! lau hUi. - But from tbai Lour I sav noîhing more of hlm in the. thesîrs ; sud, souci, other sud m-Os< palaftl matters bletted him from my mamory. 1 Efle's mother vas dyiug. 8heh, a baem drooping clowly, sud simoat imper- ceptibly- for comne moutha, bot va Lad hardiy observIed tha Cbang4..- Suomr <os coma ; the -theatra b.d rtej osedan h~asdIdit! uitle butvm<ch beside ber bed 1, -1 - One bot evemiug, vLan tb. soit Angosi breeza bau-dly cirrad tLa vindow-turtaius andt!e nbrestb of tha juvalit! vas scarcet; perceptible, I vas caied from my constn position ýby a mesonuger <rom tie stage.~ manager. Tii. msage callot!,me per., emtorily b b im, ou a maîtar of great importance îsudà s ti elsek womiluts condjtion hualnot vanjed ma teimIlin lucom days, I vaut mit once.- - 'This le a curions busjness,' Le uaid., II am dasired t imike 700 10to thegentleman <ohé mede thboc e enquirec Efl. V'ernon. BI the vay, do yonu knov uhat if, lia le ber rosi nomeY? 'No ; it lu El. aBartou,' sai! L 'By Joye 1-b. va-rigbî fatteraIl,ha< matterat!; snd thon b. liorriad mea 5<o5 ;Witb hlm. As v.vaîka! raidly îongha tform. ed me ibhat the genlemau ba! sent to îim, sîating ubat bo vas aI tbe point cf iath1 anmd deeired to conter <lihlhm. Complying iwith ti, vwicb, lbe stage. nonager 'bà t!iarnad Ibat the genlaman iesired te icomplet. caiiin rovisions for tha gir, rom a caprice 'arising <rom ber ers regamblauca te s Mn,. Barton <ohotu he ba! once lctown. Couoelvtug <bat 1 rould ha S proper parson toiuvitues cch nu sont, hi Lad sugg it i ,amd "the prc. position vu. ai once aceded te. We ware nov ou our wmy for <bast purpuses., - W. reachad tbe-icone too lati.Re. mit! juilt!died,1 sud his 1iavyor, wsvbtu' vmitig for o, gave me asal.d packaga sdrassed <o Efi., 1 did not eveu socj 1e det! man,. for 1 do not Saek suchi ghîa, amd I knev 100 <oeil Ibai I muai ii wlon b. prenant at another &tlt more1 miaiU. Hurrying borne, I foond Mrs. 3arlon-s Immiy nov cmli ber-in about me oame condition. I relatad the ctony ws nf if tuew , ssarendered tLe package 1 i Elfe, -Beiugopanat!, il-s <o foond t i coussin a poiey of lire ingarsuce fori :,,0QO, etffected lu'i ber nmnta about the i ime <oben ha Ladl visited tbe thhétre aut! I [t sean ber. With t ut a m note ini the. t iloiovug terma t 'My .-beart boIt! ie vheu I first sav yonm <bat Iom vare the aglter, se YOnDmii-.tho iing coonter- ar. et one vbom 1 have-evar Leit! dear. it in ail the vonît!. Accapi Ibis gift, t! btell yotin motber thai Ilhs l inIouuel'c, evenge, t she on the<Lanoto alout!, mut!vitb embliug aents, sud eyac fille! viu Srs, As mie climet! it, vo boîh <tuat!d oh t edying vôman ,and! vae rumansixat v aw mev rbarpt expreassion of lier mnîrusuce. Faably Ler bhia cougbî ih othan, antd alaspedt! getaêr ; sat! un, vith ayaa raime to <e eaven, sut! a ie et oneanîbiy beà ty mut! hsppiuess Zhling ban baie,-'she -<obispemat!, Scety, à omel'à reveuge i1mot! vas desc. Mouey thos givan coult! not but ca-ry h s b lessýing, and! se it bas pruvet!. ronigbt ilusn wiuater, asutheb.6ireligLi Icemiog ou my uitile vite sut! mê, mmd ily toucbiug outrcbiId se be lias sleep- om 6tthe >iig bfora , ,bis carl Lhest! lovet! on bis daupat! baud, -!marm Our arts as forti< thisi i te. dumestic sida ofa apyhomne. -.iooël Havilaut! ha! beeu a goot!IlMacs, s <isolone ; -bet uikat. oo'masy t, he bat! beeh au uusuccessol one. rbaps Le needadt!hîe stimulam of a *ng sud pure love te creata moccees; twhatever may Lave been <Le cause, Ieft lnethiag but that 'poîicy of lie irar.cc. -Ant! canlny no logft,-cooldi no fuil of- to ucbiug mtmonies.andut der ssociation~ses oua lu vhich le-e oIvedt!e liascrifice of <hoe na giviug. Ba lb. gif ue an abiess;iug te us; happy, sut! couteugt!d, sut!loviug,I i lu earnesî - respect mat! affection ubhe1 n, tried sud <rue. <oorambarat his J itIue lu ramembmat! my levet!d n Dg vite--tii. itile balheigiri.- 1ava&Go sos vas Sxrai.ox.-Dorang fil .u.seay nais gouêuirtaer, <onk the Young vpýman into a private roooi ab auarîy stage of-the acquaintaacean sd wiîh the pretace that ah. iiked lier looks à nd -mn aters, hopet Iat, baiug a straugar, lier, su. fecaeuets bad bean u cb as voolin if sense bring diacradjî on tL. <ami!>'. -TIir lady mad. prompt rampons. ILat aveiy. thing ws as h shonît! b., that, hergarne -vas spoles., <bat ber tather 'was a ss Captain, living la Si, John, N. B., sud.- %bat ch, voald net hq guity of decepioji for tLe world.- WeIi catisfied, <lie motbor agreeta 1theb.marriage, <ohich iLereupoin took place, aud the partie. hivedt! «getlier asnm and! vite for onue short i eek. lu t La m a t iýae th e o r i g4n i b s ba oid, m se n g is cons evut to Boston ta looki for lier.! I$sceareh vuas aifirci, for obvions reso ns, vain. But, for parposas of ber ova Ibhis femala Barbe Blee nov rasoiv- et Pa psysVisit te Boston sud-btagto sione, ter mùev huchant! objectat!, but ahe ovemcams bis seraples rand ca'ried out ber desigu. - Hsfviug arrivet! jn <ovo, ch. sent,1 ta erWacuboro' lord, addrassing himi vili compntipns reseeve sear friand,'" sud aseat!hlm to be kint! anoagli to send ber chothes sud other affecte on te Bouton. The huahant! came imstantly te thie a4dreà s <hua given, and!, confronîlng-- tha eîrmng vite, Taproachat! ler yuL lber- miscane. glieiken vitb remorse or terrer, oLe fehi on ber huns, aut!, yuL bitter tears, begged bis forgivusime. 8h. con- fen-shci ba!maie! someho!y, but <oae quit, aUnable to recali the incidents of ber .coui-tsbip or vet!ding. Peudiug ibis rave. istion, tbe fniendi of tbe other bumbant! ai-rivet!, baving got <olnd <liaI comeihing,' vus vrong, sud a dradfatl scena anst!, vhicb aendat! by-ube lady retrniug -ta Wasuboro' yuL lier legai bambaut!. Ih l proper ta 5>' lu ex 'tennation of lier con- duct, first, <t it e 'le rportedt!a10haie imaginet bat berbauiban! <os a bitbfo ta ber; sut!, second -the tao commue, pa set up for bscksliiters-thaî che is- 'lby soute aupposeat h.insane." This stange uîory le carlainly mot sor.I' pssedt by'amy ofthb.simiiar antauglemeuts .ouceive! by ingenioas novalisis of the- iay. Extnaùordinary and improbable s it seamc, lis t uîb lavoucbed for -by tL. Boston newaapers, som 'e of <ohieh- glvo th nûm.., w<obi vo bave 'mpprùd.- Y'. Y. Tiunes. Dit! you everséeea chimuey svaap lavita bis shoas blackeat!? c Dit! yen ever get au omnibus to stop axaobiy <oLere ion visaVed lii- - -Dit! yoa oever know a lady ilîali s sp- like vae, eose, disposition siso vas uQi rs<ber vepich ? , Dit! yon avee meau mnalderman vbo vms a vegetaian?7 Dit! yoo ever 1mev a baby thst was not cousidaret! "ihe. svcates evaer-born," and! "go 1k." smebody orcîhar towvlom yon cau't discova r au atom et racemblance?7 Dit!yom ave- meet au Englishman a- broat!, io dat! uot osaent<o tbink <bat La lull caste by cpeaaiug civitly?7 Dit! you ever-ehallenke - a sîrseger <o play billiars, vithout mo<oalîy aening <bat you Lmt!ut tuihet! a eua for upwardis ob.a iveiveui omtb? Dît! you alvec bheur a modast man pro- posea a oseti vithont ragretuing <batitlb.d mdot beau placet! lu baiter bauds? Dit! you ever coma home late sud lry tc gat to bat! ithout anybot> adyharng yoc, wviaaabefrigkdilordid-o( bang, -amat! avary stair eÃpiode as thougbh v ere a tog.signal 2 CoicTtRADIOTION Shoiild sake. our at- teution mmd oire,lu-bout oar pashion. We shotaitd eou? no side or intereci but liai To PRuBauwz oEoa. Dip t14m' -lu maltet! lard, wasx, or taliov, a'ud 'pacir tbam je saut! or savt!st, uwivh.7b-tIsaniali eut! dovuvandi. J. A. DAVIDSM, P. É. lè Ir rJi r, IC Ir il À' Il Dr