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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Mar 1871, p. 1

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ORTITA OBANI. K..:F. LOCKJKART, B f ARIhSTERtS AND ATL'ORNuE..-AV îJLýsv Sollcittcna thb Batik et Montreal, * tJ4I~.9rpo8tio o. Llo or Oftntario, shuOlelogil uien geed maurity. Ap. ;( ut -t1s Sc fLiirmi Court lMous- ,#ne~'a-8 YîetortInilan ery, Nolary Jnîilie, &o.- Offlcï-l3rock streot, neit doer' te Royal fRotèI WIitîby sil :r<EORGJE H itARTNEL1., D 3AXttiTEt, ATIUMN titï e CQZ'IVEYAN- J.34~r, Dep îty legirtrar, liater Lîtraordl iarY,,sud examine-i n (laîmry lfor teCdoua- ay oeUitarlo. Oie Brock-it., Wiltby. RIOBERT J.WI]LOON. BA#)uTîwElî &; Ar'>T Nl«Y- AT LAW olitorinl Ui&uery, c. Wivycîie N Otritm-ltlxt doer Lu te Stnr of 1B. &J. Oaîmpbll,ltUrock mt, Oulti, Mt. Wiulhhy, Nov. lb, 187. 46 S. B8. FAIRBANKIS. SOJiITl.ýNTAUY PUBLIC, ic&o. '74REWELI4 & PoGUER MýiltâITElt$, &ITT;INEYt3, StLICI- Uvrtqs:-iîe deer ubrîll of the l'est Office, oslavà; sudi blce1ter'a Blgc, opposite 'Zewn 11.11, 1owmativifle. 1,0 r4f .KELLERI, Â TOlgNl.Y -A2- LAW%, SOLICI'IORIN du JBac,'Jn. yaicW. ut A T'tÃ"BNlYÂTfLÀW, SOLCITOII 414N ObancetyKuay Public, (ioflitC>UUCO, dbo.,Whitby B.Urîiiyront strect, 40 ~JKMLSL.AIl., r .~Tov ATL OVII8.-jyoer Arnstring'n Ilote], Main St., Ilxbridge. 1 uxwýildge, une 7th, 169. t-28 DbR. HANOOOÃ"K, (riltili NCLAND & TOONwiTO.) iguRffiOK, ACUCILeUR, &c., It. j.- GlirN-9M. D. QU7R41~EN 1>TO TIVCOUNTY <JAUL, 0 Bjy ros Street, WIl iîty -4 Ml~c-Toîî î~îîllousUU I 'elock. O. N.'V A R, itictîelusOiice-Sît;nec Cu lmeepree't trd loariorth of the. Ontario Bank. î1 CELEBRkTED SOOTTISU GRANITE@ Mt Mabie U1rks of JONATHAN WOLFYd END Undaa-S. Whitby. -1! J . A. »AYIDSONo P. R- P. 6., Royal Colloge Veteqiuury î5urgeons, 13«s to lofor» th e buhitsintu of WlSLly anel ourroundlng <iit1 utlt lith.e "opned au office lu AlexandOtlaOtri lotilo, roek stel~Wlutby, whero hp cea u ii wq4 ii.con- Sept. 28f 1870. 8ol KING 8SOLOONS NIc5BRS6. VAU &.liAZIERb ialving secnned té copinht fon thé: Do- iin o uaind the Uiutedl Ste- tes, for tliq pibilication eft Ileso chnt,, tAigeubor *sttlcoloreti lthuigruptt chants cf. lie Rhumé, Red & Blasck Ordors Ormiuom y a lre novwcffern ra mfor gamie. Copies aucitouI,' tichsa fi-oui thme îroîristona or tluein au- Iborizecti ,entà. Thé îs'o plati, eues aM $2.50e cciiThe. colore! ut *300.. The viole set; ottiree for $7.00. W~ Every Maon siculi! mcure a mol. .m JAMES A. iCAMt'BILL, A»Ont for the Doihhînu. pro îmataîln otite chats, overydetail ortwicb iiih lind to agree 'vitit refereace netes traîîtirie Bi bhe iive a te margtu.* Octl.10l70. -48 1~MR AN]) LABLI SAV D- TIE OSCILATING P AT EN TED- 01;exu In, oTIt 7JUtlT, 1870, ST WILLIA M MATHEWSON, OP .BROORZ1R, ONT. Tifm&Patcntec hallengres n,' otîer Wasiiug bla-10iîcio dctun use to couipeto ianluiut bus, fur ai 4,su-,n tfY mt.y sie. Tho Machine lionahupmtirough t teted Sud usel ly niily eitl e pr ip la eI 1a ndîti l e idi sg isi-m ers lu te Coltiityi, whe prnoutce it tIse beit nov in Dite. ý lu iiwn,.It ra m utinpockot-litind- ke-chiuirto a bcd quilt A «triaili ul sty stay paýeii uis teauierts.i Centyt> tiglitta d aud1thipes fui- ssle, -Appîy te WII. IAISS Brooklu, ont jBracilin, Sept. 14, 1870. -37 '11i6 subscriben la prepareti te LO0AN M 0 FY, Fartn or Town :Propert 1 * ÂT .LO0 1171Z.4 ES OF 1N2'RRESI'; . RE AL E53T A T E. BOUGJ1 IIT. 8tJLD, ANI) EXCIIANGED. CONSIONIJENTS 0F G-OODI furtlsed we eurd Caompnlclouu &ROIcoRtie Agfent, ,Daidas et., oppoisite Raison flotel Wî1isy, âlOOct, 1870. 43 F:,,,%811[NABLV, AKI>DUIRABLE B0 rTSÂÀN-D SIIO0E S L AIl 'The niilcrolenleiîbe;. 10 ilnnuce tilere ncot ofigi extnajt'a tiiw stuck ofltfi-ls Bouo, îitii<iljes, for Liadies PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY - UshLieLamind.Jdl.. f0 VER iSjcjXX,'Nvs .'rvuR.] - iuti ttt BROOK ST._ WHITBY tstye,%. The pnderàiXnudIN ni îow Prepare! te taIse I9M11.MADlE W<)lK AS 1JSTAL. Pkctoaraipliîa,Aitni)etî.yo,%- ts ;illuîns ai t rîi.~lorders attende! tu wlîîî puna lite.sîcllaietktvîieii-st. iItait ti> Ju towtia. gîte c eaU. - JAS. A. CLARK. <E.CMTU6 NOVcI bu 2~l7. --Brock troee, septG187 ( UPPOo he isRoyal lictel.> W1(N 110U-B' .~nvzo'~,G. YOUNG S IH L. B., A.wILS0N, Jr,, - lIAtutITEu .tTau 1111 $UhîSCtlI IEX it ags tea aidutce te leit, A- UEYAT LAW, maîaCî. f£taataditiid iltiulie gatîoraîl>,thuit ie TO,t N usCutuCELtAND îNSoLVEsev, lm eptil lte ubjee îv itotc.1I lia tiiéViljle liOTAttY PUBtLIC, t.&e cf Ambitriui, for-te icc(miîitii ilui tria- i vtilltît iti bil. 'i'ltei iolit-o ilmt-w, cîti fui-.OFFICE810.ILLANCS R LO C K, >,anusl. lGcata vili ilhuaI eery courciietle - - WFiiTifytONT.- aLLs h setiiisiuuu i es, Lilquora, 2 "Iîl Cigsra 'fchlice eDt iu iadma lstya kept c0a! oamtu. in fi yTLBY PIANO FACTORy taiaîo. 1 M sm an, ey IsL, 184ie, -f.1 Grau4ý Trunk Rtailway Hotel. ÀT %VIIITIIY 1STATlION. W uT . IYNIIRIL laviig ueîledt ~ nu Tiiiîklietel, -W h11, atioîi, htgs L uÙ ban . lttetif)upthethonte <id tblas ln foit- clama style,ud by ttesÏipu ulitte wtoiot tlcKo Wlio lever hlmi wili titeir patronage tru,iito; menit iîcrtiuanrce ci thclr cumturn. wl mtio talngt1ie trai n uad leistii,, sibrinJW 1have wuelltakeu cure of tli thalir pl. 'Wîtî,et,1868. 8 IOYAL CA~NA41AN «E fOTEL, P'OnT FERRY, ONT. H. FO , :.. Proprietor. Supci.kor aecomtîodnatlbn. Good stabllng &ad bled rocni, and utiffive otiers, Veirt Ve rry, ov, 8 0,869. 45 P 6 >ÉT: Pz RRMY 11008E. AOT FERRY, ONT, JAMZS THOMPSOXT, PitorarzTon. Th# $,ýhnClhpr Wlslîos te fnform thée cer- innolty that lh4 premisei, ire uow open te tule puble hrs lOeIlu PrePurdte lur ili s geod acorudtieiîn a surtintie. Csurîty. Hair Dressing, and Shvn rSALOON, Whiltbi, Jan-2, '60. - - K, Prcnir. JOeuEPH RAINER il1 0L'o II E T O R. ThVjiibmerber, in netur ing liigin. hu crq thtîtîk» to hLiteiîity frhetds tilidcustensersit te Ye'ial by l»10 OlMANFTORY# cela t stutu s e w corriei-atelsutrio na items Moaiil,' apuit IMA, <iti sc.ut; ad a to u- liis -mîrc îrder, uc i-s tii s aane susithont tît tit liAitiailIc loft uîd<,on nbis Part ti gttve sîatitlatiaus, igl*suppl>-iisA L!TY, QIA: Viec celcbi-aled nev patent aut cri-%'cuile patternu IIIlits evu, tuve-.tqanoufuturo! rAr XIl oiers exeantdwt ronttd ai disputcm vi Popttd -My JOSEPIL F. RAINER1. Wlsitly, Ma ,1870. ly-lia ON 11,ARIO HOrTEL, dIate C. Dsaoa;.> WHITJ3Y ONI-ARIo -A. ALeXANDER P - - -or T IE subscrlhan deaines te rtiru tîscks te te 1)Pbi faût tIsQ try lieral patron. 0;iebe lirttel,I roaklu, antI et tis$e sin, I takds oeopsion te apuuice tust lie lle*seti the aboyve eli Inucn, botel. iLUrge addition%, have boei receîîuly mitto théi neusasc lu; more eoommedious nsceeoncdatlon sut! euicessalng- tIsenumben o et pc;Tost Bearty otebalf isse, thanfrat Af elasi Bltilard laP~ter' is* r ... mdlicous I ~ilb ceubpi e iilrn JMY 20. saucve miII, , ainated lt o t tý couce&I ofsth e tîo Tcsiip OOMI bntdga, are uev lu - !bu our cugwo su w iaa 7i uneculitt,' ýud Lumber oni frein Io te 80 fit l inli. JORN, WçxIR Illiuane GnsalCommlssln jgejt OPPOSTR 2HR RBSOZtV H02',.E Laires ai ineaberate ruteA,ttfeltsîe Brit h iisusdand Americiiiî fficesLq IhFt :Fdelity nd Accident Branche. ie ,o L u à b y ,, E p t.m 0 1 70s4 Tis diaersimtil bes on bud, a M-EA-D's ML M EAR; A SUIB'UR&N Alange quaut!tY, OfLunewbich ho LOWEST MARKET RAT)E SBull Lntnb aIl ,kluds ssanou A. B. CAMPBELL, Bi-ooklin h1 Bu-aklun, Jine lPLli, 1,370. pR o tiSoa. J. POS - R e S aSP 0 PIANO-FORTE, &( RESgIDZWBYC, - ynenStreet, <&crij, oppoitei7mfai ld Krk.) Trnr.-lttnctionaoui Planai, $10. Tho( of Mnicael Comptiaitiaut, &a., $5. :t ' on. ot keepa a eeeersl ateel >tuste an tttir.lsor mule, and viuiies a0 tram hlia Mîtieuol fri-enil,. WhILn, Mi-rch 2, 1870.s 0 E N T A L flU T L , "q; o f ý JOHRN BAILEY, Propritot~ The aInve hôtel bha bi-n nowly lIttoietiru andI fuiiuied. (4ileèts will firîd cointortilble accouîuîolîîîe6n and Utiition. mymvstablian id tteultive ost1crai Jan. 26, 1870. 4 pfiLO TO QR APIlY DOINION LGALLERY 18 WREItE TUIE le, FORt Firet-Claes PHEOTOGRAPHO 1 Notiti' g but gond work allnweil te lesTe Lthe ruoins. Ail kilid. m tdl tli izeaf, froui te giritt ctet phitiire to icu size, hintillfiîîeîdi l dCorlbojàIlin i,,tk, simpla Wter or l11)(il bfr. willmou iqlavery amîccecaful in tîîklng Oitîdret'.prirtritits. SSpciel rates te Clergzymen. 01<1 Pen- We glili li o 10< it ppy te recette "ixîit A nny titn. <iîlu il yei oîîpo ht wNit plctui.) ams wO finitter oCraive lte vilit ulîl wcll repay t4 Tâ,y c or 'r Ail ye~I for itetroble NQV. lBOtt 1870, 4iM ALICITI.ON B USIXESS Aage iteretofore biitrweîýt ilpola me.,datr n nanuce lImai iarn preparedti o coinut isicti, - aitlima i- - TOWN Olt('OUNTY, AT REASV.NABLE RATËES. Mr Arraupamel for ýmies con ha mu!. altîter sttue ntiao, eî1<-ivîe, or uai uu>'ovl Ottes, 1Brocîtk et, %v hui>'. - Wblîtiy, J aly 8, 51 premature dieceiy c. s Is ine î siu ot aehf-cuuret viaiciliseysil.mend fre. ta,,hha teh e low-,iifforerx. ' A'ielrss J. il. TU>TLE, 7 Nauisaat ., ÏNev Tank. - F ARIING llLhIMS Thie undei-tigisct bu-ps. M itate thai ib6 contlmuqst a L utlaaro Eciot, Peed: & Manure 'Drill~ .Aà, WELL Asr WAGOINs SCUFFLE4! ANse ALeitJ)go MANGLI- W R1NÇGEPR 'Xoted us eo@ àtubhoa st tilceiof tL iknti msnuthctcned Is theé 8ocntnv, un! hils inuret. èoSJAW CUrThTRS, g s uli,' vorktid,and 29 AL LIOTEL, Coaveutietly fitied unomns for Centm clai travelena. Bl11.ai-daattucied. -Aprtl a, 1870. TERRAPIN REàTAluRIlAI (87 & 89 Kng sireet Ruat Toroente). The usost glants spîlie nonis anej Cigarà, otite fluest branda. 81 anâ na sy"tarsla oveny style. r £- PartIe, vlatia; Tor^nttons aday1 evo ý,rY' acmodtitonust thc Terrspiu. Apill1e, 1870, WUITBY, -ONT. A A MSON, -Proprietc iThe above bus been tioreuglîly reunvat an! t. publie villifilud every acummuc sud th.et-est attention. April la, 1870. L FIllE ASSURANCE CC 1.OMBAEDSTItEET & CHARINU Clio$ .ISIBLISÏIED IN 1781< GLL1,E8PIF1E, MFFATT & Ce., Agents1 Cignada. "AMUS DAVI.4tZ;, Manager. fNO8tRANCht& eugainat LOSS h, FIllEi JL effecteil on tlhe înct ftivarable terni, a L'OSS P-SP^ýD vitîtout refereuict1 te Bom April ord,1Isse. wILL ,I AM DRY LI: ORNAMÉNTAL PAINTEE Brook Strece, WVilti'. Ail tircerk t aîended ta stithi putimctislity an deçpateli. W Aeent for beoit samplca roans Papi mla>' 3, 1870. ly_-18 J'ob Moues' Periodjoal Pilla Tlii nvaliîmbieitine launruiling ln the curec Atillig tuiei..uft suddan<lufliu dasaes towhichth sn en-mot., ail obsttructions, sait a speedy cure a lbc retiedeao. TO uarrie! Ladies, fii la pPctlarly emlied. Tt witlluinsashor utie brin; al te tiitr perioîi th regularily. Iriail CuaesaitNervam o dt4tpitul AlTectintis.Psin ln th1e lIavitantimi,., Petgue onu siebt eïerlin u-slpiauLiennis heurt. Jiyoteriei. sutd Whitci, Lin M114, wili eïiutl roi.rhen at ther i.,ena bat. rait 14; allattiiapowerflhl nrnaedi. de ot uenteiii irai esiom .i uatî n y, ci- sny tlîas ig urt<ultulte c u Fuit dti-et-inxii ibe 1 hie rudacpc' wlieh shîutd lte ceureierredzhîsi 081 EKk<, NEWYUIIK, SOLLPROPIIToRE . 410 cand 1 2j effu, ferrosstai-e. eneloin uNonti. top ana Lî'muii Nemeict;e..tint., getueil iagetsroa t11W l)Dnointnn. witlueur,.ur a liente, eoniainiui; even 49 "*o ,i m b"Inui.'m' sud L. erne. W'bisby Dawe, lirttitisut il icedicin. estearr, FelI. 22, 171 D--o- Thme underaigneti lmgs te hnform Lime publie tita IeouI, on 1 baud Lime largentandut bent itack -oet 'aper Ilatîginga in tovu, tahi of te c bich ho efferu for sale, very loy, <ai-cshi. -iloPalutiu;, Ciraiangg Giazung, aud Paper lingua, exeenteal lists arn manlike usnd expcdîttîî,u muner, am tinuai. A. C. WILSON, Dandas Street. Wbltb t Whitby, Apil 21, 187e. le-If GEORGE G-CURLEY, MERRiANT TAILOR CLOTZIIRAND DUArER, hée hat style uit lahoaL fssgltîon. -A if ile 0aLecInof Clotîîs tramitwîeli toeiaIse s seleotota for- Geutlenenȉa sammer suits. F I a aIW y- L , 1889. F O R 19E - Bcin; Pal-t 0LtNo. 10, lunt.th ril cn. et itetii, camprioing i08 twnes, 80 ecrem» lant sud hula s ooil sttate et oativatlan, ant i hl t11îuicd. Titer. tjqa sliving stresm 0f ewator- rling Ltt hrough tIi faims A gaod lie* Fýranc Dsehling Flontie, asud fiat-chasouL- tnlnlldtiîgaq, hs8t# geod vell sud cistern.- Tille indiaputtale. "6r <ather pariiclare, &a., . Pp iy, f by efto ( pro pald) te tthe preprIetor, MeNE'- TO LEND AT IR DUCE» AES -am nov pr5 red te laid an'amnaufet muou n U e orlu,'et g ino rm i-pro. r .s..Rmb sun maunon to subiý PenicpsI ccii horepald b,'yea- on lu ose un btl cZtivsred tarna sid loetf for s e hp. oeaf id aDuues., Mortgages i Grc ubokubeuglut sud selti, sV tu4eua ulv t j, Wor a9 les, moen of lubor, meu-Ibt -of feeling>ù,. W- mon ofe c lborh, am u .cf fee, *The IMaddugXecOnîlo fThonu. eninstovaz&s i; lbany aç the rate of fe4t Cimn-e t l r sud e .5 lamemilesan heur. U'ear'New Ilsaburg, la In )ami g eîît ub i ht s t sa ahiO ur brainà are s ve ty-year cl c Is, T he re l gh t vw u sw o ng o t 'es e <om au . q - N T T h o r a r eé f e r n c m b o id r d e c e s i fa n g e ! f if e vil l s th e ui.> o p O n c e f o r a i , p ro bi llg t r a in . D a v id s m v it sn d k l a s . Tlmcr::are littie ccid. lti il;' thon c baud caesee, and gi'v e Iehy ib thevs b.signal of -daugr i Thn ccl bin itîgi stiîlug0 laienhe of tbe AÀgl Re oin, . iremmu again took ithe alaru n d shontid w T h oarear c odai-on th e L i . g l o r c i t g G od vite ouni a bi suls, nu: tationiq, T i c t ac I tic-tac t g-o th é vh e s ftboug bî. te8 UM um Sen s for life 1.. T he. noble Loes asud* ro4l)lnuy n a d me ;- Ou r Viti canotstand thons, mad naaes makes Simm eS c lly auawrered, 61 vn9t Jlil Ferte ý I viqdiiffuctiuuu Ibeun àéeý,dah*ln II Agi o to Are a pe>bIon in-iesc - aterdatnon i rastay 'viMYi - niy enge.' gi asei 0ne ecse u aîngh vrs ing le a Man of, irna abis post. The. Ora. TOR.- Tlotg oniab i- theea n cmfnln, vich vo caîthe . eur man aprang 5and savail bis lifo. Tii.an,. *l- Toil59dslaijites re ulhr i-a ue, ilgeneatluat thc ,w al th er n la jCons dle rnd e, slnee clttelickiug cf the terrible ginoorma atrain on t ha bridge. fHe ane-ti. tid flteëi &netlonie sm' ecaenn sehv crids.ln euabnalized ubat bis only hope cf uafoty w.an F~ da i ietelm.r Urme eu, onrvriare hoave ai Ifvasa l onîy te dauh îhrotigh 'the Obstruction. Re i vj ai 1 teoe 1gt otoc, s l-on car pillovs and vhisted off he brakres sd rowdd on ne9 Ve u iasateî o C od c u t li ci! b ia o fe al ,teas. Tus vas th e vcrk of an le. làobello týc ult t e d sd h n e o thcnght,,fî r a ;ot Trnth and 1nsticeore, eternai, thcugbt and image after im4ge jaming aut. Simuons peaod ictthe i.dunknoasi Bot ilvetnemsu cd igit tbreugb the contiredorgan.- WIII ncbcdy shadoving bis.7yes"vith bis band, aud vas1 Secret wroigt i4llneyer proqper boktoewelocul btpcodhdlt h aào êt i4 Whiethore a 1 0suien$ nîgh. bloc the rs v tb ld, tepleiguba plow daThei a the tuJviof dthe"a hs'ae Goti, vito-teworld-wide voice. ts aiuging, dtLeurnuta odti egis lv Tous sWdu 1r, t ho ins hstfuntth - Boaîidleaaý love ýo you and me, up t. einferralmachine vith gnnpovder ? teg ai a i.cl'blh ptl 41akmaoppresIî&ouiith il*tes lteterileatope But s peblean Lie se, lht a passion comas ovrs ometimes lae1eribe atsto. utii.Hudson r for :silence and rsta u nuflRvrRirai hn a a n isak M a ri ; c P i ce u o Is. m echanuiso unwiding b . endleàs t pe tr abo t i5- D avid Sim m ou s as a beore and 1 orf tne od re ibspectral figures a "chic" "e va have not huli for m n, GREAT PNEPARATIOttAFOR TH£ £TENT-SOW cf lie audd b ol aebut coebrief ae mnw hvgoeopthec» itid, ras MATCH WÀaMÂutE....Ov 739E OUNOhoiliday. Who 'can veader liat, mon lI-o b aogn pt ieeu -vn hilem Ies ci freinbeamin i heu- cnon smeti for uheir cennîryos sakre, or < COUPLE LOOL ' - - poqiu èssost they 'jnmp off parapets bsh i am s"bt.moh fHl, - West Rai! gradé men in London, a latter into' the uvift and gurgling valons beneati,- ta sale a 1leigco dc~.n b da oed about tr e 9eeks ago soya, are -be that they taire co uats ol c f the fiend v ho v n d d z l d b'i o r m n e s d s l n! giaulu; te ho bus iti ordrs in, connec. bas te «enter but bis ee peremptor, mon. or of the capigo, hb haped -hoors tien vili the opp?ýachiag marniage of thoesllabîe, and the nesîloss machine is shivorod on ei vî n usaigbu,0 B, Priacoas Loie ait! the Marquis f lno as a vae thsa sdabai upn a marble course, te,' deservd it. It vas thein ani d e u t W ,u or ie o y l t a d s 'o n fleu r. U n der t a t b u ild in g w h ich w e p a m isf r tuu e .....ot the ir fa nt- uh t t ii.7 are already makiuj preparauions for giviug ever,' day thera are -strou; daugecussiou ldt. ho ougage iu tho trade f desr' edk a te ce-ýmonY, Histories, Si. viiere noither hook, uer ban, non bedccrde iîag l it rhe,'n pri ientSed afte G e o rg e 's C h a p e l, h o r se m a u,' illu strio n s u r, d r in k i g em sis fr e n h ic h a s h a rp J n a B i . o r t o n e h S i .; b. for a u p ial ba a b ev cel bra e d, is oiu ~ frag m en t m c,' b. s attered asa ith ob. een . n ev r a b uued N a p o leo n on u e v re ru de ta iu order for the olcasion, aud the car-d ~Tos a oîi oril ve tenraiyer Msose i tie Kraotea atoEis; rf g r o s: p e o p le vi o re tn h o in v ite d . a re 'o n fi e i h th e vir lin g o f its ve ls, b u t ti . ' ev n r s e d e a m t s p s , o ore beigprnintd. tc sprnig gainst the slteno Wall and diparagai! V n M ltkes stratgy îe 9 anmd Quit. a flotter las beeu crested amen; silence thein viîh on, crash. Ab h, Ie, var vas noue cf thein mnakiug...tberefoe, ond the arisîccracy lu anticipation etftth. cere- remmehr that-the uni! city <suos- their heroisin des rv> ackuovledgemaut, -~~~~~~~~~ Ioil u ig ascdnol od the. watts are nicel,' pndded, àethat ad tLieuvalur -Proie. Butwvite va tby areO intriguing ton tie bigh houer in boiug one eau take eorcise ua ode likes vithout gazo-vith admiration ai in dividual bravari - peruitied te be *pre;e t. The bridesm ids d m agig iu ef. If anybod ,' oold lu th e fi ld, vo oug t nosto forg t, batl , Nare deply egaged iur- consultations ith roîly cotrive soem kid of a-lver that ever,' dy, thons- are goig, on-nti carM te drsses vich wilI be vernu b,' hese ee coutld trut amo g Le orks of this doro, sef scrifies moes. noble, more t e ight carwhg yonng ladie, sd for rich. hon-id ateutunu sd check tent or aler glorions tis a au,'hicbhoth history of n o u s s d n e Y ait>, t e ,' y ll su rp aos u ys n > ni t he r ate et g o i g , % ha t vo ld *th e > vo -Id a n e a u ,fu in iah . l uit as 'evonsl ben wtaesIdna-give for tic diseover,'. Men are ver,' T hare tanet a mas, l e oVIctrin 9deed, t ty te gol at-tiie machine b,'saioucindi. Gma i-uy rintcdsert ocsi T U E C Ot n T D îi ts M î K a arec t sy st o n u o r o t e r. T ii.,' c a p o n t ih e f F ra n c , vh co h as d e se rv e d b o tte r f i ar 'ur,' at ur vifs' -MAedud brakes by meaus et opium ; ho> cage mankind iban David Simmous, «hose nil~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h frsmeia dne vsn i.uddeniug mouetea,'f et r.hythuum e ii po abl eforgettea b,' ai- ýer 'fee iêigs ad nw ombnaionofcol. by meaus of femmeuted liquors., Lt is be- ozcept tbe sorrosting vidov î and lie a o rs soid matenials ; uâni! fusiin in eagerly cause tiie brain l8 locked op sud vo anot fttei-loss cbildre-wh..ven bis mauglod e -lookis« forvaîd te sonsthiig original in teuzch its moements du-dI7y,ibsat vodyientecalonsa narrov Rome. Hé vas a ta'. the roaseau stlieh saoligive the. mode -10teii-ast tiese cosuse tools la tircugh an,' ua cf peaeeoanunnacqnainiad vith- future veddiuogs in bigh lite. crevice b,' viich the,' may i-esch tiie in- strifo, but; sili ao n,'euasa,'tiat ina ding-M i Lord Loruad Dis iutended fair bride, teroatri&rtofgiifrawie 'Dtahebml fheenne hteia have, iu -tact, been almeet- persecnîed vith raod alleraits railthahginefo. a ul mhote Lro te us eu iae, yl.it i Sthe attention cf people of aigl scrte, vho ai Iltsolti aîn.'huraisled hogh g he dakueis vii ils 55ara desironn ef making moue,' ont oet tiir immnd tf re hci ii. va,' 10 a pe professe! loyalty. Musicigas haveloune- . The Pannuidge Eater. bernonsuc avo, ho ele diad ré- e, daîoi! thotu wish. "Lord'cf Lare Quadrilles,' [Washlington Star-.] tion go the >actios of bis calliag vhich no t 46Loulse Galop," 6"Argyle Waltzes," sdann od enovemal o eeu nucivillian...conli!exceei!? Circuin- <'x Royal Marniage Sereuados.l' Perfumers' r. iu etin o, ige l b ea usa-stances, hovever,' all'er- caes. Ha! have pestai-e! timinviith-Dowsceats nauod rd iO David Simnsagone te bis 'desth at theth it- ater the coming eveut ; posts have vexed igbbe'2a!1 'îckfrtit'haic eps,,osbiaee ine Stheir aoreni,' wiîi copias ot verses iuspired iu!deulae mornngaecui s hevage $50 men, imates! et in front oftsoe~ re i g is IlP b,' the suspicionsienue ; the tradesmon cstdeala stili eagcgod lu tbct agresableru o f evot,' kiud and dogeeo, dail,' extol thein business at Miller'sKlomaa lieuse, sud ecarlestaoetbrleus tav aualorsbad ho i tswrsb bitnngte fe h aeibis merning put hinssoîf onsaide of bitsofrdu i iohosv uan' u 8~~~o anareapr,'ss traeii, tein atte tie nan h-of a o n e eotier cf the . asnced. 2Oîh bird. lRe cenmeaced .b, t*kag thte bne lt u mmupreasran, t isvoh onldt - brbirds broiled, bat at No. 12 got lîredof et bcve pazd commen hougayehi eno, 0 TUE APPKOACHINe ETENT. liai style of cock iag, sun! ha incetalis don l!n ets,-s sa ÈneV-61oad As U the marniage itselt, it in rogari!ed tLem steved, l.It voul! appoar tuhe t a oui,' did bis dt,"- cold bloodo! -asudon- for b,' thseoantry viti gi-est favobr, inasmuci bcgining te got surfeite! viti the stewe! charitable verdict; _Merer, the man the as h VIIIl tend te break desnth te nigid alIs, as Ibis morniag vien the bird vas vho fails deina sdo f glor,' lu batle, da -barniri svich separsîed tie lircue frein set befene hilehoeut h in halvas, taki ug bas a consolation oton donici! tachlm d tLe peeple. lier Majeut,' iecredile! vith one usoiet,,and thon takiug sai-est until gn O oeof' thesitorie eoàmpliPsh- . haviag oxcercise! vise commen sanne in bis heur vas nosrl,'ont bofore lie ae theTmeutoret'eue cf tii. rusthnes o teSO iavngcourage te give the band! cf ber nenaindor. Thuns sar ho Las faleéa eff 511be ome vi a an hrushpre or int tg daugbtelon aesutbjeet. Peilons cf aIl posséds luvoigiit, sud bisicomploxion à brcscb1is tat-mauerpbepsrbudlforbidet, i3 grades of seciet,' stre hogiuniag te getl 1ke tiat Oet$"a dean siirt." îtIi o e -sudtiuthat evderalot hs ocupabiot, impatient cf ise ueedy, net te se,' beggar.. trouble! vitîii uss aha keepse ictier10kiltrtcbekile.theasl 1,', arra,' et Gennu uprinces vbo voeehinuseit, sud ta confident et socoupliâbin la -a v 0ii i d in. élf btiug admitus! b,'marniage tae ir oyal the toit. Some ne w o vic5 .sthlm eat13 bouted d St uons. Ha lf ,fsmiiy ot Brit4lu, and snoi alliancos verc den rsv e,'aîsrs and three dazea fi ied do. - t ad s enIheueohaevoldi!co laIse! apon s4picioasuslyneteu!iiunudal,'et oeesoa u wago a test mentis sinco e sade. nIecsactb ed er n la strenguhe a tho toeiga elemaint at the. are puttiag op tiieir mneey ou n n nd deti-sot front-tse confent sund pnosertCh Court ot St. James. Tii. choies cf Lord cillersaviie put op moue,' tiatiie wvent! e Lielîov mon. isnine,'. baud ILoi-ru s e htmband et PriucossLouis. no& accempliulu the present lest, iaving ivsc urd. tvsnttor pro bas bolpeil te weakeu gliai; suspicion, uni! vatche! himnuiosel,' overy nurnling, are ieofbnrd.Iwantiie ptba - b e lie f à e a e ta i ie d th it sa c h a llia n c n o v b o c o n i g o s k ,' a b o u t th e m aota k e s . t o i a tàg e r v o ! s b a o o , s d h vilI b. jta siatter of tact ln futur., Ilul a aid ftint a man vWho conld est bhfaIt . deilelie sciianiell aisd thor wne- Dow Wu MATCH VWAS ROIYOT AE')T. bnbel bt cut strsv in hih tras dozon quisle pluvglne u hn a Mani people hava oodored iov the MWav 9' cgga iemixed, failai! in a sallatrdaner lui" h;eutn asidiors danr, projeet etf the royal allianco vas fi-ut(test te suis. Thiitmni ii haonp ou tohe c usI ndcmne. e i es tbearte sman b i o a c l e d , a ud f i - e u v i c h s d e t i i . p r li n . 2 6 th n a t . a n s a s I t a p p ro s c i o s u be i n t e r - s e8a0u e m a . h t m s l b b s b - ~~~~~ ~ ~ o ., t... t,.srs mus .G . refuore j iim David 0 M.14009 se vti #ie t! Angyle bave iboM ins umadestihasbgu si u otile ir lteon fa, isnins,' ad1<-l caussthy dasîectti is itewîteutbisee valiujlon onshesnd!,n prspet B Jchas I4 foie *ytýbimg was si&p;à Jmore IunlfenPnsu hs isîsY er c.4 le -à.- - - . . . . . . . . . >of S oettiah 'alto beeo1 diàcdvered sIN nil uposi thauljeo. i!Iw; 1. ttofvitfi twui ve-ea-. t1-s maarn,' you al nov-ai! boe- yen eao sert ,'ourselven golag bons," Wastward tiie manufactures ofthtie JosepcHali Wonks vend tiieli-va,'. -la ihe laniicbs News Letterof tiie Bist Deceunher vo fiai! a paragnaph et vbich the followin; tsa aportion -W. bave one cf them haIt medium presses a etwrnIh tai office, sud fi! it s parfont mcin. Tii,' are aIse nanfactaing a largoe cylinder prntuiag press, wvilchbuigiven tii. higbesî sîutctien vherevor itsodue. ed. W. bepe ie have on. cf thon la operation ber. earl,' iuîibosummer. Anui tha pepuharity of thein general machiner,' i. ee tt bo h prin ting presse." Te*follevin; hmve beeni olectei! offi- cers of RBi &YorknAgricuuiaSociety' - H. C. Marr. Presidet ; J. Stephensen sud JL Carter, vice-Presideuts ;- -Wiliam Ronnie, _J, Cravtord, J. P. Wheher, S. Hennie, J. Hliggias, Janues Rmsel, Robent Reeser, H. -McGil, >and P. Wîdemsu, SACKM6 OFciPOTOm.-Petosi, the fa- mens Cit,' et the silvon minou, bas hesa uekai! for'tire. mdsys b,' a rnolutienar>' force, that l trymug te overturu viatever goverumont tii., may hava ia Bolivia. Thte uroope 'ci-e aiioved ithe ildest liceuise, it ta naported, au! ceaseqautl,' ceuuihhed- horriblhe atnociuics, -snd tii. Ciy bas boon left in nains. -More terrible sud btoodiy doodu nus, ,'eî boezepecici!, as the ladîsus, st e ic uanuo tf fu,' thousan!, are assii! te ho joining lie revointiauar,' art,'. Tue RESuLTa OF DlsmsPTxox....A numor taaosthat ithe man wie dîdved ilo efa- turi, came up drùvaed in tsa-s, and has sino. been-lu tio depuhaot-despair. H.-- lu nov better, isvlu; dippcd lute a booIn. A nambor of conorfeit hait! dellars au! ten cent pieceu a-i in Circulation, tiie stanuping la somievhat intenhion le the Oen a- À uaiaged 14, vas foni!desdinh Ifarkhaum n uMonday nighilosniag againat fiee. Tii. jury teead ibat ho died rrem atural caue. The reg inationofet hisu marniagos and deathsa, inauimportant Macter, ,'eti eeoma to have beau but carelcuastlonded ego i bis oeunt y-t,'ti-p-artiou laloreiuot. The Merciact's Lino ýof Propellers uni!. [ha Northb8bone Tranpertaion Qoumpan,' ave-auulgsusîed, aM the Union Con- tan,' as aov forme! yull be euabhe4 te nu îbroe buste veekhy oaci sta4hoîtoen ifeutreal sund Chicsgo. ais H0easeusth Pope bau sent a ropi,' o the ad!ras et the Cànadiad Bisiopu tlopji,4td Ia al, in vbich ho tbauks thera or thLtr <au soi! constanc,', au. aussi-os sen tt the IL.affsire cf the Papal S8.6 ail,' look moreopi-onising. -1 hI ave thus alternoon be, proachingto a cougregauhon c secs, aiti da conceitod ,ououg parsen,. I" heu thuavm the ra- ou ycn calle! ticu -behove! broui-en, ýpied a, strong-mindètJ lady. Sepai-ai ci etCLuu-oitaud Stage, ta neir e universel or,' in Groat 'Britaii. The. li disestablisiment being anau CCeu- lisied fnct, the progressive Libormîs are o-v tarnia; thou- attenthon ta the Presb,'. iian Ciarci et Scoulan!, theie State hnrch la Wales, sud the Engliasi Chai-eh. ivetef consîltuencl 'ea bave heartil,' ap- ovai! et iii action their reprosentathves a takea lu tiioseinahiers.. Anothor fearfal cahanit,' has cournoi!in 'alcu, an axploson hia ving talion place ie collier,'. Thea uauhrof ticie in the ineor killedis netustatai!; bat fAtt, desi! ::dles hava beon necevorod <rocs tLs dis- ýtrous pi, BcFisff Sveai' One day lut veek, r. Illins, noar Bath,- cangbî a star- en wiii rinet, terorgthe b.ice lu the -- t,", vbicb woighed over-85 peunds. An application yul ho n0 adea(lutha Ou- e rie >Legllîra oxî sgosuien fer an Act ýathorise the ceustri-clef a railva,' nm Boinville teu-Bobea,'gee.. - 1 r. fia Fevior, et Oeeurg, anu eiperie,àced Ivu,' contracter, ta tha chiot proine1lar the proeoct. Tii. inuenutin seeins t go nuir the rosi! fi-onuBovutanviljc ross la the direction o ctysamille, and los the -vAll#y cf Piiraou erk ad -ý 1 l' l ýe ir YEOMAN CIBII;ON. Agent. %Vhltt 01 )t 1 fý GEORGE LYLE9 manobelàter P.

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