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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1871, p. 1

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eo dilli, Court les NioasLry pubIlic, 4k.- petaoor ho Royal - ARTPIEIiJi, roRiNI<X ,ch>NVEYAWN struer, blastur ExtnaaTJi toa4luOy l'or theuu-D çe BrQk-si., Wlîllby, I< NYAT 1,AWý B ollielit C li 0aui'ey, Coia'VtYaicaar, Nc- ail Puablie.af&c. uuugcte-Net .100 to tlae Storm of . & CampeI, Broeclt ., Wiaithy, liat. Wbilhy, Nov, l1,,f-67. del. s 01ýLù T Â-NTRY UBLIC, &. te. FAREWBLL &MGl! 19HRMlIUST-1, 'rTOItNXY8, SaII Tt,~ 'u$E~~E1SANDI Nu- orrin -fiais dair hordea or thae 10,4Offlie, OuIaawa~;sud ReUeeor'etIai, olpusat6 Tuwu aili, lowiniaavlle. Es E. VACWZL. RMoorant C Il A J1IfI Ù; KieLIER, A HXINtK r.L&wýX%, 8t>L1CITIORIN on hrnck, C. W.e A TTORNMY-AT-LAWV.'SOLICITOlt IN .tOaancery Notsaly 1ibuîle, IloaaVoyancer, &a.;Whittiy . W. Ouwai, Byron otrect, Son;1t'i J'ot Ofloo.48 LYMAN EXULIST, 11 1, &UIISTER AT !aAW,Solicitor tl a Olan- 40 JAMES lýAlo, g PlïoiCfTt1if rcgîazv, Ovv.oac.-Ovoir Aran,îrung's loutte1,Moili st., OR. HANOOCK, *(MaON iifOLANi> & T ORlONT.) SURGEON" ACCOUCHEFUR, -&p., 6jtIGl4FONTO '01E <QUtl-Y (*A6L, Rhy roi)Street; %V îIgity.4 - TJIOIIIA» RUNTO14 TOWIqCtEItXdTIEAq8uREixLWilTBYI TI)fnuo-'.own 1I411 - lourfl o lo'look. O. N. VAR8,-- .TR hO yrc& rDentiste Oshiwo -sfi '5*ut1 e Puis teo 0 ataic oan fmeehaïtret ttardto oiiaortli of tlae oatorio ÇLC, ' PHOTOGRAPE GALLERY fora szixHyNEIrzs92fRJ, :1ROCK ST,_WHITBY' The. andor*lSanftd lis ovpuri t oe I'hotomiplas, An luvieAe îiiurutl su lift. Opeca!Or " t fkon aithla dl!droa. 4lii lu Ceasgire &agcit. Nov.mhr 1z~1e70. JAS. A. CLARK. W 'S 0N 1-10US E, A. WILBSON, Jr,, - Proprietor.- T H£ &UIISCI19IiEX bgeLe àoinoanee to hl# frletidiAiud tha. public gcaaerilly, thajt lie lias opeuaeltlhe OI)ove iew liotel liastMisVillaige et Asiabrirul, for thé ioccomodatloii 0f'Ciao gram- r.illluf pabll4. l'bu.11011140 lu slow.apied fiur- cleliedlu Ja 11o0t tlaoro&,ltansd eotiifortahle millier. <liiete wil flle!ad ory eobaaeilece ai 6the $boy$otihlaitieit ts iqiora.. and cigare qf thei boit Bruitadi alwyskopt on nand. qr 0004 stablîianatteteocstieros la ' k. WILSON, Jr.,Proprietor. ehiataen, 31 q 1sf, 1869, tf le Grand Trýink Railway Hotel. AT WIIITBII-,STATION# 1X M. (PUIL liavng purýaasad tliooî W nd terj'îimsu lnovaau-»CIao (granad l<1unk el, W hitby ostatiop, bop ta iforn, ad the olir itul hoat i hhu eà thed ci.laiaq ug&§aasauboi I.ii est-. *eliss style, si by attenilonate. the woiatu et %fieoe Who favor niWliîî îîtlor atroîîuge 4otu wmorît u.cortlnur.ca o1 their eatorn, l'ortIes toklrig the traiu anad leuaiag lier»% vll- iste im Veilîtalien or-cav eC Wltity, sept., 18615. 88 j~AL(AAIANf4TaL 1PORT PFERRy, OlT. R. JOT, * roprietor. Sua.r<lor oaecommo&ltlon. <0004ai ablugt en vlo eisansd Attenitve ostleri. Port l'erry, Nov, 8, 1069. 4 PORIT PPIRyOT.M - o - - T~he %l.rlher wvIsi t o !nuorM tbChcoin- Muftiu&a ltomlueqrs ai tw open tu the oe~ iffER CL c A fin. stok oElèti, (trowlteto maire abelecioui (or GleeausmmasIe Oshuva, May 12,1l860. 19 W IL L P~A MDVLIN ORNMÉNTAL PAINTER9. 1 Brook Sire.;, whjthy. Ai ordore attended tb vîlihpuneituaity sud despatah. l~Agent for liosl %amples room Piper. bluy 8,180.1-16 T INE ANI LABOR SÀVED TUE -OMICILATKf(G WASIIING MACHINE' P ATE NTED b i sISTR OS rJIrTT,1810, ur WiL LIA M ATHE.WSON, OP .BROORIJN, OXT. Thf rotonféeachallenges saay othior Wuallng blaiiie oaaaw tu nue to contpeoW sognIl!"î, eroaay simmtlasy mny usine. The Muôlaliaq .e.,on talartinsth1y teosud îaia .Y ,e.,rly a81l1110 priicipal h lmil sailoitdlaag larnorx lu lte Couit9'1 Wo rno e ftheinabeAt ,OW ins use.It wl wmh fiouianaiiuiipocket-1anr- korlieto a lied qaîlît A trial' wilisatlofy un> pcreulia u$sto iiaarltR. Coaaaay Riglitts and îMachines f:gr aaide, Apiply te WR.Ob&ATIF.WisON. SBrooklin, Ont L'roollin, Sept. 14, j$70. 87 frlSc.ihalber ila.prepaared to- Feam r Town Fropert 1 ZO0W RA TES OF lXt'ERESfT. B3OUHT. SOL», ANDý EXCIIAN10,ED. CONSIGNMIENTR 0P.(400D5 faaraaflaed Whaouaqi r-io. JAMER WALLAVE, Commslsuil & Real Estate Agent$ Duidail ut.. opposite Robscn RHote) Whlthy, 901h Oet., 1870. 48 F M110NALUAND> DURABLE The. una ;an ed goul beOge toaanunme the aecolpt cui? aan ulivo aew stujck orf frst-claia. lia$4 nd, ,1( luShe, for Ladies Uenflerî,aaa ciaul11h811. dran, of tjah auîi etre au 110ME-MADVI W(>RK AR US1SAL. ]Raaa'iun.-AlI orders athanded to it), pfara (OpposItte Royal Jiotel.> seipt. 6, 1810.-8 ïG. YOUtNG SMITH, L L. B.~ BARBTERgi, AT'TORINETAT-LA'W, leLICI. TOUt 1% OtAIOEifY AID lîSeLVRteY, 740TAUT!PUBELIC, &C., &C, OFFICE.-31CDIILL-AN9S BLOCK, »ROCK 5TUE.£T, - varair, ONT. -2 WfýITBY -PIAN0 Fj-CT6Ry JOSEPH RAINER* The asubpMbler,' an tturnîng h & %lu- cetf Canka te the uauy (theuide s'idastorneri eftt -Whaliby PIANO MAMJFAgTORYM rg r 1t lit iel 110 nov Carrnes oonCthe husl "cas. moily npoia hIe ea muueaut; said lun -hcting tture ordere lie boe sto seure hemà hat natigWa11 het-iuaadoue on, hit part ogKite satifaction, ln supplylua ý or sunuîios QVTALITY, Tho celobralcai nov pient sud erass-ce patteru of 111b Oas. luvo;alu m na3u"(aurod Mai beratfors.1 AIl ordor?& msutea i viiipromptitude dlpalela. - JOSEPH IF.RAINER, WithYb y My , 1870. - 1. ON"VATIrcI-rinivi à ,TE. Witby, 203 coe-] s and 1l l ahe AT TRE ILOWEST 1MARKET IRATES, tw* Bihl Lnmb alklùde Iaiit 11the sliorteet notice. A. B. CAMPBELL, - Brookln P. 0 Jlrooklin, Jaatae litha, 1875. . p ROFESOR J. P08 T, P-IANO-,FORITE, &o. 'Riti$ID]CNcE, a Byron Strëee, (Naal4i opjoitefa.a id Rîrk.> Tanns-Instretionn on PlIWna, $10. Thcory of &oiaVopstaa t., $5. :W, bfr.r, ost keMApea gonerai stock of Musiie andi Ibo;tku, lirrsale, and wislaeu a cati Irorn hi* M111§10.41 frien(at., W lîitaay, gaaitî 2, 1$10, C ENTRAL T11OTEL, R.iUVIIAU JemHN BAILERY, - Preoprietor. -e- TiteMe altariotel liait hefu. neviy fittieal sp sui furtilsicd. (*ne.ta. villiffud aonitorublo Gooa rouuny utaaIling and attentfive oitlers. Janu. 26, 1870. 4 P1LIOLOGRAPIIy -W 1: aa -1350 m' DOMINION,-GCALLERY lis WB£=it uE Firet-CIaa, PHOIOGRAPHS i NittIaif sgbut goo<l'work roloareaita leare.the ron.Ail kintls und ithistSfroua Che situi olet picure te lite s§ize, and id lCuiad lu t,'orbaau tai'iha luit, 1:3plI i ater' 3or lun'-,ti -colora. Mr. Wliiuou la ver> oneocoatl inu buking Olilldrosa's pairta'aits. te OSpolitl mituas feClergymen. Ohai Pot- exataa 1sIycopleai. We sialli,ýle uett t iap;y ta recoin vIsIta nI au>y ime, (àa a'et i oudu0gnt vautlit lotises.) on vo fiatot ourairves Ciaé visît alîl Weol reps> 1-yen for thae trouble. 1 NeV. 151, 1870. Il .MWILLSON, LUiI&T 'ON BUSINESS T be forefu'ufunkor i Jbetri4p1trmu &Mug pirréofre bestoeipoa'âatmeato. TOWN -OR COUNTY, AT REASOýNABLE BA-TES. TTlqo Aaraugrne'for salex 'Con b. anode eltserut ie<Jaaoo<iLa ffieor iut ay own Pluaoe, Brocktrest, W htty. ovsy dvrase rorady hs smple meaus -ft.,rhfihJsi4t roo te hî fil- 'Iv lfeelo r&.A'gse J.M TVTTLR, 78 Nus.eut,, New Yotk. Tin~e drgned hep 10 ta e lieà h Root, Sed &Jlanurs Drills#, W A G O IrS, HA 180 VS &U im KIDor 1105 - L..tturs and tigsof thee uneet Drainas, fusi aud (Ian OYateyu in qvery 8st10e kirParties vi.Itn-g Torctîto for f auy WhU liud every uaaiumWatîan ut the Terrapîn. A PrI 5, 1$70, U4 WILIT Y, a ONT. A. M'A SON,. Proprietor. Tii. ahov hua* een tioroughbly renovaîf4, sndi tii.publailh111aidevery aouuanirodastia sud Ciao leust ttémtion. FIRE ASSURANCE CO., GILLESPIE, MOFFATY & Co, Agent» for JAMEItDAVIbisN, Manager. INStJTANCE agalaaat LOBS hy FJRF. arc. Leffeected ola tlae naosîfavorahle terms, anad LOBSS ? A1D wittoutrofereuoo to thao Board' lu London, p APER .IIjANGINGS Thle unuier.hgao4a egu ta lmmmi the puiblia tliat lie la iasoilt lIa . helorgeet sud beat uf ock of Pasper Ilaùagingas loi t'wu, aihi et tlà. % FicleiÎe cirer, eratsue, ver> bar, tor caula. ;w Painting, Graiuaîng, Cslnziasg, eud Paperhfungî99, exectiteal ilaua a maulike tad Cxîaadititauh iaiaaat'r, aa tel.111 A. C. WILSON, Dandidn Street, Wh i lit Whittay, Aprl 21, 1870. PARLOR ALBUM P INt VVE QUARCTO VOLUMEs. j Prîce. ».!» petriaolume or 60 Sper uenimpleo. DENCRIPTIOÇ OF TUE WORKC. TIJE VA RU>R ALBIUM le deubleo,the ma ex- toaste. Art Gallery over îobii@tad, auid. by tou. wlao buave exa.auaad the ocrerai iportionas atite vwat lias boos pr.acuit "er 14eei'umsinazut I3eauly.sy et volumne eiai, 20 t(nitlpage ChrmoeLiuýiagaphs. li YEOMAN GIB90ON. AeiWliîiby Oaamigranaa waa. saiM ag~esaorrendiag maraier, 1 'E dýlesaavitb lauruaa.ta lai okagce I9 t ~ t' VL, 1 lSderaetu %u Vil Americaa Brd,. 65rrn.aauoa.uuaismtpdelar vu iit'o.sw 0gsrfacentaen-) ;n VOL, Il eiiaiauanWild A mrneiAaials. om2e.aau.T.C~ua.eibicaouemeut Val. litIAiserlmn iiomouuarsîoaa Bardsud Aial.~i,. u lIla 5i.s auu~Ii ai4a.a VOaL IV. I'irelga, Oird suAii aînaaie. na'!u,,a..eoii.,,f.,wvl.cdIoiuy 1Vol. V, FahsuisHepfille, uad lîaneoa.f- Il .. pud',jll~acaiiarua.aasa iThils wvan vi 1at once eouaisend ineif'tatoufa - ihl.. h i 'l'I' tulis,1 a.e lb valeai Ainorieiaaeple, aia aaoliha'ry viii, lioreuiior, . Mzf'aw, u.~ lle P di~ lie esmpaao waaaaout Ibis uddiliai in iliareoure; .. L ii0 >âM vIalis s a parerauntueantl lu uneqauelea. AGIVSWANTED. t theo alae dr eiu 'blienliuuuand vish ae appolit aasgena n &vola'aw li tho L'aiaed x5auuandorsilia. laluepnovlacoLJ ;."Zpeu1oned miaua.sioîud ail oibc peras orer.ecaialiyaoural aumt once. Asy INTERE S PEU CENT. Yunglue a, orYoaaag Liaidy, eau, lay'da'auag a short tiai. dunuag tho day air ovenuag. ete aaa npioa SECRpetCO (rué oxpeino, or, il pre<orted, wee wvil alita large THLE -COLON L EUIZSCO Cointauî;l oi aaCash. W. laer aaroparedI onls aabouaiai Ipeelmen iioek- uiit for Agens, eoamaia.g 56 otite f0lt!hraanislu Uiosî Frang». 10 Wadaaruagsud 50pugrof tdo- 0F LON] N, ENGLAN»D. tuehriitba 'r cmnso inii &.Loas ou ianp oed FairotuProgserty vo 9 ae iit keadhairu wuai', de sYtta- for s Te 01ci FîroToe. elort t avocat. sutooriheni tots i nt,'or wilisead £#mm, le 4a ina dvauew- tiaS flpeclanon iBoiule,L, ppimitLoii tert esaalo au cor o eiage, >£ticl. uaaup (rt repI>J etad d ir. A7.IIIRIUAN VÉUii tINO c, , 1rinthpd: Repgy e by i-staIment0, at opt ion -£. RalLsUe VT aarwr i'olanasy 1 a.z as LAW CHAR £ EUE MODEIIATL6 MA---A--------ESLOARaié P TLYOBTAII'ED. THOM Il U STO0N xz'NANW, W11Chy HARR~GE ICENES17'Wellington lit. West, Tarosto- Voit. 71871 r- lT- Office-Toan Hall. ResIdocc-Bymon Sîreet, tht.. doute uorth or Town bail.TH ESN OU , Jan. 17, 1870, LIOurraeSOr. ln.IESCLAS FARUXVUESALE. DUNVDAS S1 qEET, W411TBY, C.W Boing part »et Lot'Na., 10,-lIn Ch. &rd cone. -<<l OlSofParlîr efli ompaliug ir108 saresl, 8s>acrtes aloaired 1 aid ilî.a acoastâeeet aultliitlon, and- voit 'RIE'aubiee r be7o eannnuc that lao feaaeed. Tiuero, le a living stmamsi et vstar T. ua leaascd lae bu iding foruaae'y kuovu menineas' hrougla te faim 'A goai uer AmuifiteoloI la ' lis esnorstr Prame Daollotg lIeuse, 'ad llrut.lase oui,, ai, refairuhslee aad fitei up tliarogllojaî,ilu iluIldIng.. aliseagtarSo eli aad clsqtoru. Ti'.ethl. Cbemsty ?,bheprenimsetsroieu*sutly Iuaispteitm.Pot(arherparilonlarx, &e., sltuated,>opo ttTi 11e.dltCu If ,ltby ltiler (pre pnlId) rthelb.peoprleooa0 c 6 oft il 01102<3 LTLE, tC is aeefor xbridge aid Bosvetseni)eav< Maoheerp ,thedeoeve r ôrafg.- nourdms perday.0 Veb.2,1871.GEOIOB ROBSON. MONEY T T R%T )otoaîasi tedn PRINCE ALBERT f A I 'FO RENT. Or for WSài.on ouasy Terme. s PLENDID YO.UNG B U LL FOR. - SA LE Mesura. Birreil and JohflStol,, op PICKEBING4. thnviug piarchoqeaiM.Go ile' éh kîaowustock bhit ", BFI,1 DUKiE OP tX. FOI)," sr ooWaooesii tlaeir spienditi youug Bull -LOÎÏl'iII Il,"brod fior Mr. ,%tu#. Millet',. voll kilowi ,ow "IlBeiiy Leoe,--sù;mter td) R. H.Cul tilttwo.toîsîdjnlrCow "'Muid- of Atuaa,"!-nlad by John R BllM 511fEL&JOIINSTON, F obr ary8 1 1 , ~ G re n ac o d P . 0 . Feru Zet . ZICI, U N D RITAKE RI / &c-q. c, &C. DuÉn>as Stret, - Whitby, ont., TUHE FOJJNTAIN nestàuràt end Billard Parlrs, 030 Ring ntruirt E'iut,'TORONTO., The Bt ar %nn1ied aath Choes Brande or u the il syla iae llr: attached. Mouahîýtünli bourg. 81 J. LUMLE, 1Âeocu rlm s. tocotýftîat I have, tiea ta hoe ittd ith d puir of Saietaaaies aud falied.j MrI. lloyear taUs ilid:in, vithIa apair ef dp'ae- tuclo, viCIa alacI I rend 14 inchIes dis. tancn from the oyos; I lave flot laid ahy Cc read for- ther oil lhau ô6 iaie}aaa, sud Chou îaot cIcur. 4tVING RAIT, Dartîugtou.1 Booeieih , b 16, 1871. 8 Uri liO" te a sa Ibell; cornet A*Ls Irlg§bmài»-Jimmy Butlerea 2M J. A Smih, L'adon Avertiser. "TV in te snamerf 4, 1r. Ad - terti#e,', that I landed atI Humilton, fresh as a ne*, pratie jues# dug front the 'oulid scd," atîal wid al-tht hIeart, end à heavy bundie I set ofl'for,,the township et Ber. tord, îitiug a faste-et a - gong, as merry a yeuug (.1ev wasi ver teck ithe road. Wel, I trudgsd'un, sd o,, past many a plisant Place, pheasin' mysoîf wid the thenght tbat saome day I mighl haye inch a place bi me eau, amid a w;prhd ôfchiokeus, sud docks, sud pige, sud childor about .the.- deer ; sud aleag iu t heaiaterneen -of the seoed day, I get te Barford:Village. A conclu et me meîher'e. oesDenuis 01- Doard, liveaboahut aiin milee (rom tlieto, sud 1 vasfed te make* lbis place thatý aigbt, se I enuir1ed tbe,,vay ut the tarera, a') vas, luýc4iyte Sunda, man he vaswu geiu' part et Ihe vrai an' wald- show me the1 way te Sund Denuit?. Sure ho vas very bled ladade, an', viinI. gel eut of bis wagon ho painteai Ibrougli the woed au' teld.tiïe te go 4traight àonth a mile an' a haIt, sud the firai housewoeld ho Deenia'. 'Au', you've ne urne te lose, nov, saîd he orthlie sun is lev, ad' mand yeu don'% get btei tho veods.' 'It le lest nov,' said I, 'thai IPd b. gittin' an' me 'oncls as grest s nivigator as ivea steered a ship acresa s eCrachlesi s, 1 Net a liit of if, baya I1'heh I'm ebleeged te yiz for yoer kiud avice, sud thauk yiz for tbe rido.' An' wid tiai Le drove off' end loft me ahil aioe. I shoulderedmy huadie braveiy, an' whisilin' a bit ef a tone, for cempaay liko, I pueied ilte b bh, Wel, I veut a long, vay over liogi, au' forai' round aimong atho bush au'i trouti i hega. -te fhink I muati b.Wel.n1gh, Douais'. But,, bad cess se il I Ail cf a aeddiuu 1 came eut cf the weods et the very idenîlcal spot viero I siarte-d in, arhicb 1 kuow byan ohd creîcbod tree ibut seeme od 0bu uaidia' on its boaýd sn' kickis' op ifs eos to make diversion of me. By ibis time lit au grevin' derk, an' tiere oo sene lime, toi leese, I utartei in a secound limne, determiuod te keep itraighi seeti thia Cime, sud ne misiee 1get ou hraveiy for &'white, but ecli lon., -ch houe I it gel se dark- I coel.d'et ceeý the tris,and 1I humpea me uoe. and brako4 me ublus, white the miakaties bit us bandie an' face te a bluèter;-an' after, eomblie' sud ifembIil iarouad until 1,vas fitly bsmfoozlod, I st, den où.'a log,, &Il cf a i rimbleo, t ShahtheatI àvas s entivoîy, au' that maybe a lion e ' me other vild dreatue o oold dertur me, ho- fore moaie'. Juil thoen ibeard îemeliedy a long vaye off ay, aWhip peer*Will,' 'Beduai 1' aeaýt f 'i'm igluad thaitiue't Jamie f bat's got tce tko f, îhcaugh it seema that it'a more iu crîrov ibse le auger tbeyero demn' i, or r rliy weaild thioay'peer 'Wili V ' 'sure ti bey care't b. Injun hayiben, nagur, fer 'à plaie Englisi iliast hey are afahet- h spakia',' Maybo uhoy migbt, holp me cul ti thus,' se I ahouted et the-top of me elee, 'À. los& man Il Tuia 1'listoned dl Plisintly aul anaver came Of Che aWoods, On vo vit, l, 1. uaould country steeple choset1 'fl, suroeneought vo cameout te a clearin' an' a ouge.la igie id aliihf l in, 80e hevin' the ould cov puiln' sn' blowme' in a shedi, 1- woai le the b-ouse, au', as good luck woeid have it, -whose aho.ald it b. but Hi gave me a rail Irieh areloomo, an' inirojuceai me to bis taro daughters, au puriy a pair f girls as ye cappedau an ye on. But vbea I toid bim me -adrenîere iu Che.iwcode, an' abgeî the feilow Who made feu Of me, ih.y ail laughied, au' roaredW auiujhd, aut Deniasaai it vas an Ovh. 'Ali outd vhat?' Bîaya T1. 'Wyano i, abird,' sea ho. - 'Do y. tellI me, nov, sez 1. 'Sure fisaa qua&Te couutry and sa quare hi rd.e Ah tbey:aIl laughed'again, , f111 aist I langlisai myself ihat bearty Jike, an' drop- lied rightinjte, a chair, botwveun the tvo petity girls, an' the. oeld chap vinked ai me an roared agia., Douais lu myl father.iu law nov, an ho oton yeî deiights te tellI ar children about Chir'dad.dyes avinaure vid the owl. A Coaîemporary Ihua uierat es ,lte symptoma hby ubich, clai mida 'May be When a vemanbegias te drinkhor tea, -aithout 0ugur-tbat's a sympîm Whou a 'veman bogins le -read. love sîcries ahed.ý-îhat's a sympinm. - Wbeu a varcannbegete siy' tai ae bai -refumqd mauy an effr-thata a symp tom. Wheu a wveman hogisteaaSY aruat a' dreadful set et createres mou st'e, sud s bat soe voia!dn't ho botheai rlîoeefor aIl fie- weorld-îwhat'aaosmympucn, Whensa veins heginm ho -chagebhem oes every lime shbe corntes iste Ch. bouse afiera walk-t ba' a sy.mptem. When a veman fl.egme te have a littie de trôltiugatter ber"thats a symptein. Wbea a aroman-hegins te have a cet at, bor; elbov a't ineat timc n sd giving il sweeîeue d alk a' a smnplein. - Wheu a voinu hglus to be ambamed f0 ýtake catf ber, bonnet in !Yentlemnu Company becë4ae hem ne cap en-tbaî'a a symptei. ,- -- Wben a voman begias to say f hat a servant bas nohbusiness te have aavwe. boart:- bat'i a symptein, Whoa awomau bogies fc tub lier fin- geai ever chaire aud tables te see if îbey à ro desîy-îbat's a symploin. Whon a aren hegins te go le lied situ ber otookiugs ad Banue) uigiteap ou- -thtsasymptei. , Wbou a vemnau hegias Cc put ber flug-ý ers hef4re her meuti vben os'a fking ta any eue, -for fiar they miaulai mpe @be's osinglber teeti-iht'. sa sympo. Ai isnDo;quîte. - - - - LMyr Stergi, a Cenecticut mat oo a8 nortl bunai train lut niglt, premsing nover ta roture. The iafoîy cemmittee arrired he-rs lama OrOng te coetr viîh Govoruer Alcoma la tie malter. Water. Bron, thle esusmn, died ai the roudeuce of lis mother, lu Nemburgh, N. Y., ou Friday las, of eulargemeut cf the spleen, cem$Iaeid ith drepsy. Thoe disesse vas oonttactqd duriug the dstrauc- lien ut lais heat'house at Boaston a foar Lady WimOt oratn died lun Derby._ sbire, Engisnd, on fie loch instant, le' ler eighty-ird year. It as se who inapired Lord Byren vith heie rut goug of tho Hebrea Meladieshejgiening "Sne vaiku la ta)eauty - like Che ,aigbC M tcloudlless olitllu ndj stura' skies ;- And ail thut'àbhast "t Jerk andi brigiat Il et in lier aspect and liea oyens.11 The utatiuas ere aritten by Byron on as.- tursing (rom a bal.roomf arbre - lie had e e n M r t.. (a fie t va rd a L ad y ) W i im e L l e r. fe, ie et bis relation, vie wusover.. uor et Ceyloeu; Aon tus occasion,' Mue. WiliincEt otn iaiapppe n dlumouring, ai nti mprous spaugles ounlber dreu, and ie fie futlI blom et bejuy. A. decision bac been secde'red in uthe Court cf Qneeu'is Boucla in tie case of G. A. gala' agailut Struglton à; Hoddor,- publisbers of -Mr'. laie Friswel'a noiv 401reontitleai Modemu Men 'of LýIter8 goistIMlC7ftidsid Ma'.FrimeII's troc'- mieut cfMr.Sailawaas belai by the jurfie,- bave -ireflected upon lais literai7 repu sa- tie, snd alec upou bis privsfe claactr."p The plaintif vwas, therefore, svurded £60 A kttcb Petits.. for Divorce., The following la an @jexactCOPI. la loudas OTEIS

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