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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1871, p. 2

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Tj fy éf ra -1, v iy P w n 11u A y in s mauuit r. B s m i ung tS ris t prpo sd J a . i. ver àment of O no * A I trust ual tii. fev R rntion-Wfih otbers,'who cniat ffn et iid pn lodi' 8aenviable"pu inHsojj a*Inew I84lrnden and the splendid 'aw- ffr tsatit hé lad ne expeco-cl nserno¶tbp np4s of lle nmr" alent of a Do. .[CM gâvonaaenut, or bailmasrba <ece Ia aou t dd.11 ...d ,fth ii. b m., O or ouduappot. r mont rc~ ater. 1tîîo Ibo f, iaiiisom adol ia.1e aspotd* oenna i the sie u hdly spirit lu wbeh tiy a' Y rusis.m erp c anoé be fuce' to ,4a I e bencphue 0 a rerf rek - evruep h ortB e tsouner,u baa4 or-làlàatiu. , , 1 ~~~~~minatiocu/'sud ta i 'sn hdol hth a wsfteu > . Refra rfrd. a Soih m bliged ta target*" Ralpi wua trying t e n- ithe ir e/.fdli ped othet tics. present iad contrjbuwd tathe materfa wak o Ontario. 1 willI hem> ou brieili, aud nl amboozier E&Ice. - The Wcs woaldko for good goermomnt ; tust ID u cumm s~reeiyc b lOOt ltaithe u0f -élire 1et héitcrY ndte rsprbuofte W408; rehouvulemi1 u lwyr awito hlm at' once, and' ail tto speeches hi ad isard, at meetings, pie.Ta a ieia 1ndrn i The, tacts sud Ltshenotortlie Oxaca.. Wti tEe 0<llOn ou<f ithe utrageous hecd the arnimai <oni hi o'viipetaird, ii 5 adt'so i oeaetcfnig.- h UrsSfor soapornlà g o [odalsdoe fBadoue -wrong ; liaititeim acti go fan governinent thst h a aldatatr _ condaci f scue cftics. geatmY an nom- to the laughteon of aU wfthin the pro- toecret btI hel sdS.yatmcu.a wu sal aled awioe, ReLue asipretnted, ln obftglu% haLles daey I cannot belp le. 0 ouScf ointe of the, Wf-ro.AthuhI u<wcnget 'la li oritw n a> beasf cvil ethendt sifsopeen t coalary -. ii a>.braée1ooldwa ty theuâ., Whielneyer .pedare tien a ter he mfghttalk "atink," ho wsa.unahlf s cf iif6ifs a âL aÎ&agocd, servant dle at bis ead. Bat coatrsting is pouf 0f elegluoct' t r (mmParty cf the tso< pîca ~ lubeven, sot like a'livc skuto- saye frIc â laays been dofgAg itiL ond tion, sith tieiran idduhofn? i YOdUbct.tiO tathpontl>,Lu no1lslrqsudonatdidi.e-bave7 M diet . i( Pary, elai a on ae bavehimself then. b. a e dserge M in.sd takei esla a e, a efrm er, spp rting g d e.. stranger, uan mn od' D r., M c Oill b d vot od farta;m o ae s, j s s s a v c t d b e sistie tb.>sere Di tir ~ 't.TO preunh sdion aad the Wonlff- fifnrcfgc eres cf governtnent, fornalh, and centeoded for by B e- of my poser sud abuity. In apna fifîn looked 1k. one- of the very euemaLýsud for tuaL neasole lin. BiokW oiesf h at u nyotie o pocuniatrit-'ho etdoncfeaulieato4, tfemankfnd./-Woald sapp rt hlm, sand he entertained nd dey,- He defIed sny zonest mua, îsking a sus., Ici lui, at nce endsmuîocd, tc .' . .....~....doabt"bnt ,taitihé electons present voald sre fleps ftr fto c obiio boeen alws>. tic cher :1,I WaD oct been mistakea as ic My Pensons for Refrmers Uapp rtîugibe asuspportbndrtu, h:ki ae ourrythe ssccryotessnl tso oclgutonidentity cf proprlctorship. But it Admlat'trogtîone lange 0majcniy. diet 'tii.'position hoe-laid down--that shess th># deptis la which tYa. flrebrnds The folloslngaescns ts'nn~ Mr. Ratè1iff /diffened vii tite lust Lhe (evermnet cf Ontanioe* md Dot Whou c t ccL apctdMm er oo ng ufiauesacstorth#,, ametsdsre ytitr , Wîli desened# fa the caîne of party. Asd ti uodan ufcen oos a e peakrenthat Lieootiatry', Led geod gev- somplished more god masones, sud ]Orcsn, lu1'87-as l vOul<ld0 te-mornes -men, ad lidth ay ond!egiula. «Ic aried taog mono beneflîal logis- egau, u ic ere gcsdsteugIn-ber., tee, lot me noenartthai t ,lessforuer s upporting Leth nieutftien Lier. mad been Lie Opposition isd lationsin.fournyeant à ilnoanrations veil kuosialthLe Reformeamu, thllg ntanlo, ,s# girnab> Dr. Agnoww fa ~te be Laketi for IL. tstpeeeitihddu.B p I. nôteti nef Dm.MoUlu; bu for Dr.letter atidrêeedby MID .7te MI. Wallio, e n Pnvil(h asaeindfî pealed.toýfacti. Tii. goneroment-bad, in ferî oei»,doLD adh sion te Mr., Brown,. la i t Toronto. ace ch eaing) sa id e as -prned of Lih s act, acc m p îi et m ch aore tha n as 1S etremeDposiiconSVacr sMt euîcnd '7 tshse t e sit M mn.Beam e LsGvenment bas feo cc~nr 00c L a et ' ets xpeeic hm ufnsehort a ime. mn ~ ~ ~ o ~ eîîoe i In u consnftug ~ msaytleeoom on snasdiy, te-takie an3Look onnm the masrei cf Lise Gven lkpitn.adurten h iais sleader &a distingsfatied Reformeref irtereit iu, andi gl ivdreteaa t iattenanicopr tam iisla d e l n g , i L f b . G o n e m a i s n s ;l a i v a e Ffraw e l l .,t a x e n i e n c e f a p a i lelu .v s t e h o d o u e . t ea g a I r m n a n s au t ns d r q x i r e m e a s f rei lIi fr tef' us.aes~Afcr ie ..ura.n~ ~uIueiI?555t ptro. ecootd--Beouacosder the* nuls cf the noaminations vers inade, for it shewed 0the country? ol n e ayta Doîcm bold takes bis seat lu thc Rosue, ized a Rcfous paper, bygetingbis cie.c- present administratien thse restietionss. sa13s0nga tonsqaiidt e sîe eeelaesis ia sisaonLe coutryt (kte vs. nable to do st hcghln. ien prntiug doc et another ogi", aI- ou tLe igbt ef chutoie.etthsepeople bieorepresentatives;, ýiL asjt w asstieaied; ithrea fattie poutryd tisoi, op te tise convention, I hatidos e endon@aeissngls roeuy-iaaîtte sn os Bileawui5cooteaded for, andat w ers desiguedta te a tice opeung oet tuesesion, andtilailP 1. quaifiction ton membens cf PanliamPent, culy coeindividuel sic coulti bc sent teadmnots uuec i eur~H meni ftnvrti,>betoatitietii. e,:eeYtling grateatOssy-...e ta10sappîying sud thse franchise hu bieon grsaié xeai alimnsu 5v tnu isln anedtne mantuethe isscntrhi, osa Ibcd0e. - Ler bçi "ii 1tdecide as towviseshould b. lis in, '4se dizit ; let thein examine thse record, Pro inettd li insoit 0 ta li Glbe'treortcf bs geein lais hrd- Beausié, the Present .nisle sud visetier is viewswven lierann 9u essu opr fbu rI to*veu, bis Mstsouest bad biseient\ estig ot Auato fîik sec- vi t Istheir ovu tinder the' tree pninci.. becase thosptie tMesuréss livn,e-«d ~ t hsd Wbecs agreed spcn t o h11thLe tain Pçovince. etOf Otario 15 bu Ls eel t 1ssml t -ps sssno ageerument, because Ls hatisuap. idge-tbeue s> b> udtor measares. ~eî goat lcu ehigiits endietrlito enony bar and. sentatines. WhItigri tepstyî ietehi.eîi eavureali0st.e appealed P rrepta Lesnl , uansmmished tacts befora tise Intelligent bindmeace te comploesreligiosliberty. i e esodn dtLieSlétii~yfJucos foBe *eulint mcli I t su ~ ~ ~ ~ Rfomr f Sioueth atsfctonnatitoroito Beaandue tise pr eseteiots." -,If part>' lices sn" «liiè L.therefere,'tbat ho vas s suôte f tihit ,5e atlsftadoaiseocofgsemase fthe isct rt' pperen e e ofieedadmrrw he od o ýilign e efori tsmeae niOn o; antiaprirepes-me emigratie ise n osteret sdhe' rw inabcye ttllgn npresent geveroment, sud that hise ve alie. allgeut anti best thinklug Referon f 1, a i. sucbonteft reen rostai sd4s lni ol >'e ts' ellgein*et icuspeitiî"qsetca ual iei ct dsrnte îe eînni. I furtiser msreprosesttn. Poicyesbeapplui ib'the tht u ltiarise, thon. 'seuli be part', end fise people santed gecti, goversment,let a h. Blding. Tise meauresthe Deetor voted lHIOIS.extrciseet én adirnnd ni sse libéral- h lac o sor eryte ses iL ethirvise, fsI tea prcit'i hn1i>'Ldit; bn arc îotý dfssppirned of evea-tise GIS.ity. tosards atas! settiers, vile opeesîs- muci sas tiene sas but n inidual, eitl4en ethorsis. let tienamitbesst tisfvr Cinonlele Osfe@, J tors sud landi saris ibave beea discona- thi. Dectcren Linseit, vise Dost golatehi eteaetit mins fa rati isuacat But extraemc ae theatis ye>. Tie>' Whitiy, Mrci 15, 1871. tesanceti anti disceurageti. legisîstano Lise iones migît ,s a Doit ertho ea bcs.aises.vand oet Hi Se prcaonced gooti-'uearae,-bcu.nsed ft-Bmu cde tePrisent nul., ed-tlaey abentmeio ofrYM OiduV One IividmùL. tgeti-B cuntry sadbe i stiLee etmeeinpcfan vry smmcd the fttre prosperity anti geetiof a mel éoby the Oppesition, la paoiuopeneti op by ra tribin rpiifain>' stateti. The Dector vastise tgon tise cont ButitrulsaMn i 5115> re~~~~~~~~~~~ilsay extensioso, canrying émnîent candidats, sud ho 4Paoel aeel nittita ar> halih r eroiia i iisle nt ii o-1ns fltemethe peeples' candidate. 1eu tien.ss ere mn;wuua at anogitie sycalstge cflelssten. Mn Fre ells en oigIalpicetie 'ieisoo ,' anti placig ths protiu Ls su ttedonusiatos Pc feti t arry pgeop lenite tndie se et ie châise ganst tic Doctor i.ahisat lhe cf \informatiùn to the clectone cfof tcnsstlrsti ayna thGoe neatf tithin bdti eof Ilésas tacartyteopei setoraoftimîo «s violauseanallegoti pie Levote South Ontario, fa hie nomaination the beat Markets. o ril ia ssobaii p s at ex etiisai becae odéation ; geit tiseGonerumet sthe ri t,#ejeoh vs t "but-tisere *as enîy on. Sixti -Because, nador lhe present raie, position cf Dr. MeGîI If1nyears ego, gniennete atea ecyt ie individnni 'visecenid ho. sent to caOr national systena cf education lie sien ise, thc Dector, vas eiectct ed ttact, rfrn r ariei latien tifui'aes pronsdt tc b. ngbt uinent, " 0f course. Al tise people pide' c f car Nes Doiin-is. ieen vii~th aler represenîstives On s certain at anti because, in tise propen se-'T r rn,1 oe gantte otrgreati>' exteadeti anti cousclidateti îcipl.>',tiai as * ~ ceptatien cf th~ entir, tiee.asuen vrcg, Ivoet agine is D oercf tise Riding know tisat thi, h.Ile ' iis1s9preticl eicte sîi a y' mntat wunt Tii Doctha th en adM- aeeluttsts L ats mile utte-fc Km Boya) a tii D. eenMn.Panvel' on ofrrmauchsor Lie pour, Bas voit as tise icis, aidfonvandtitefett tet administration. pat'àsuesictheoi roo. suîn, tien Major of.Whbt e, nti oticru, leiigti cf tinie. ,W. necd soaroely 'iing te ail -tise in estimable ie o n., ntc lcesciag hirrpeetaPo.Eo addt at et ts o- a-tisse vtr>' grounti. - I belienedtbt tlucrreadens. WhoeMr. Fasrewelî Ooi.~tn ii5cranls ple' IEaxzT candidate. Wiio piscedthle t tirewit a ertin ineof oliy tlgoenmmeat viser. tise>'are-If net thseOf se tien noir Goneamnt, (tise-Brut tldnle. tiat "ee Individut s!"~. Foi niBcassato iepeeuxe ta ecarry i it î. Smoice epul ieHotells us'in aa opr> rale, tise nances have 'been , anageti Doctor Lsd fallen aaî, he argument sas i peepotlepaty as'ten cf a-ccotry tise peoei fiti snssbiconclmy tise , ntibtnin bth a ee enoe epeietanti carnies us avu> beyent ilie tisys cf tabdlisiet i gnti r 'ical efor tle n s et,>' S ou th O n tan ie h av e d i gf e re d it -b M . great i>' in reu si i n d eed catio n snd 'te i m e î4 b ust hticD octor h L e. p ed od iii. » c nf eteratio n t e t iese im es. f ba th s if o M 0Ud -a ii niltnten'esrs srwl ntntse> on. Ànd anclilpregrese, thc GovermsnLtelfih9 efpitsa engs-eipta iasd ita.GrgBea ai. suire <bing ,b4- W Le I, nstanc.e ot ap to ibis day tionpenirers yç fi ruitaseibistcrî,) haveasupscmtianssin.AiLeidieDotnudtntcnteriosalihith t - sant fortiseioneit e ussud crplonantraio.LAde vea lu cidtet1sta'î et tcongédéra ie pregresinte se Local Logiaisiore,. îe viii bu reeqillet- tint iisey cannot sec it as hbe ccibchiltirathcf enes ilti c n d aol-îin i. seautbgai6t i sneldo n tielr ttof engu es. olthe sogresie Hes I poe eDmno eou .ma-tac caur word for it tint là.u. t' ' gbs. at lie eunr hendvothe r's bc nig I t teod aite oftbtingu leWI llad tisei, thà-ie uta s IA eomradlbéa lueadi onr;h oe o shoulti b. brougit areati again ? This ont asdt 1tiser etbereats, eernosofi tl. iuciec as lirts 'lie inst supigistis-Asina efre ni tyuraithc administration'. On ietisai repre. is@sisaL Mn. Iaroeel antabut lhe à Old partiescncie suppor yen prefoercera > Oc-ntentationastin-teD rage htb I befne he , ant 'ba oeuomset. - ~'~ gn., a gebr e bavtan e ii. ' an tiini. '67 But net ben betore tse electo ta dcue't fi int as not e fo thqeslcton-tfi o a s figvnmn hatre t Dctn' oigna petgo Dsa>usr' Maa.ny Aezîuu toRre, antiro a suportctnt i.h t'soDutir l igst po. mrl>ot tgrai ou t>' eWoo d ngi n -t tii. mmies cupesin It exintgoi. 61<utcetw tt Tii qin tsegoermnut a>ippntI on spnamag fuabiee, sud sci for seis tieo ppOn bsatcesa1 oppestie fi f coniti fot fba il ikn bse go@cm c ose etmtruac > enr' eaitc tbr Lehis Dors riginal le 'jdg.en tileat'atilhs e mpemten cpsud rrg ace w hor't otagisPte ftise Dg ii tego fer omelvesnien potcot H o n., sud prac tîcal fh o iatou o n os ipe at .i na leti fbrit>'em essir s list soe cf tise nexasseeY . P s ti a > rut, slowb" otekig i s s ootlu ib l D m tr e n naexe ins a n ctig mnarain ie m F n sel e t n poas el r1h vsabol i o ,frte Brekis uotnofasgDowpo ss- hie ma ng qseieu. s ci 6 eocces.e feut p il uyti geau cf oLite van wu t>' t eh ginea ils hv Hou"i hot boie intere abo t' a n 1t opo etlie,.e â ges, ha b settil rgbtly, ta M y jtde-peopieflsuds presentin @aa crynglemerse->administrt fiont instioa ei cf o Aconscgenc n a j l u f r s g u î g o s r y m ~ i e s m s i n u b r e D m e o s 's o n il - e e s t L o n c ! t at i c a n d s t a t eg i h e r s tao ta s m n . . e n t i sut i s o c*r s c e . va si e A n >'f ora e e e o l d ve d nsI t el6 t, icsaI totig u&iti B».esd tiectiet cati nonleh. *akdablt repeineaicaimntrtîî c :. r" detatas eoth>euron umet. CoLecaI làfutd0:.iet bi- " 1t ors, endgL ue imais niaua' Bte is aprer thongait, ' tacra en w t , Oft . .inde a Idesgn îe Iopoetthe aboliartio fc ia ecunssî li m e ting iwu gos p, I e o -th, ee r i ae ush ion .ber A l U aracen - e o t p a tc l k o lo g f t e v tu ,dcig r sig ai I e gir o cbi V4 a i ak e ia1',quo Tien e ag r tion anti oft he ras i y cf i - omoî .of D Mort! Nntir tiserpeolan raesetan rosson fers-amnitaio ntedo btisei s ou ntisa.ndisurte tho60,0-0 6 me bety fo sin dîgthetai>soti use oov" tis h$'n- e ,lino faceto jl7 reptéerd t te f yu euse ns yti e ieaga potâ A y4s îy te on i ia tcm la ea in el o aun - ce'gh.âtett» -i e b ue on tise chae ue tn h en - boosobenpt,~ill0. i . aimsa he ouitgîve ci['hcoure wu tiseatnt leiliear ac ihteW 1 ha e u i ole t ai e i nug, aas i s"n v m, nni sg lel - E FI os t Oni tr Bni l a o m n t a e < n F t ili t c' a g e a n t a .. a t o n o ' gos1t mleoPrfn-lwpalr>tou of ueOcaso egbat iitiais -1ticate esi. - an ceaora ot i s en. 0, ugacletos aure auutelqa thelons ms Nif partli, ' reoewi. tail-nt; han ise>' ut n ilt tachageth ocyfteadisrtonn AM-r I " 0e , knthtOr at lent,onesAeios.0We00aat l o y ons&t. . u'd l et u b sy'emi> pee n iI cf mti'tina uipst1e roI gne e ieDotnfolfw flaf'Oer tîgafe. I vii meto-LeLndc1 saesît soutg eecti .b . fi n u tg cîr, s dp em neâugt Fantast he r q2 u tw io ý1 ni> ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ot eoselwouOltdlt, RivoehutlàtiO'ee,, . a, u ntcmtosiev-t ha v i ie a i l o , e . f mas s ram y . s u c is l b p otyy e a Wfe g u e h c a i n cf h . t e l i l. B o ar i e ie ciga tth e polu t et ii a e t s i e>ds r doDw e ir- dmiitai o Mm. avtsaiti an i. [st Dlage eet seelaluoy.. a s#Ise oti vrsedeIF fltosoti MnoFaowlltsa e ren, boules solaondsothrseatFroacut tel sers tici &y uetinssepu, i ntseOpsu .~at tnn9 b au terpbi ats scpleeogshto lcotai. Trov oeTu AM Svent4Ongmalzdid.. 'joly"Farell n is.- peeh ' theua.npi in etau>,t fi a ca Be retnhipslie selset Iidrmsn i in 9ed ceongis t f Pa 0 oufr le;W 00 srhosat al iI h aattn ae b n mg ut i ft b. oa s l u tre uie t a r ' ar tim d t a b isn o m l s l o h uo nl n m b r o » aofiT u x > i n at nge t o . s. ', l as e t o c oli pe n u i u s 1 u s ' nm s. u. .a e laie b s ~ e î p n y . î l s s e e m o r il s t h o s e p . o b , s s l d b ~ e g l a i h -0 d ey A s s uM.10 f sl c f x p e s e it a u f e u " t y or n i ev1 1, t . -L . r ! t h e . l ees e mv e i . c n s s f v a r h l i l . J ai Wh or fi thé Bu to te bet ai dom th i tiiy lis l j10 ni ro. $~ se secona3 81, AtlLen>'. qacicelBoesection NO. 1 ?esNI<sur, uxsailnos' No. 1,Geteoi 2P Widdffieiti'd Seseol Boss., 3. tlxbradgel 41. Sehoal Bosse. Lot 181 îicen. N.1, Z9piyr, 2, -Town Bal, 3e 'Casptigs Shooet."9 Li su-ea poon businses faBow. mannille, sien Yongtaon -are eblige t t louve iLat higi anti hcnorable profession anti go0lai tise nespaper bàuess. We havre bfoe .nusthe Bruto uaber ot lie "Canasiga Sicet,9 fa tise isterast cf FATKIn1ARainAx. Ia tise nezt ilue, se soulti admise'tise-Younggmna to gin.' the publie tii. beneit et anu aricle ona "Ceai Oil Specalaticas," anti the greal stivan- tages ôth&"Annezation.» .Palier AItrabsu'-- ever changea-No, iaet« ie.-Ife (s the ame Dow îbat ha evan sas. 66 uE pti BugWia,9 h1ast.91 hastesb Ch. andflld, bi'ng viiihse, Jue tand mirth andiollit; )rataaage sets eur sadiote cloe, Gratats ocitdî, hearnfi o "eer,' S'ili'ei, vilhla aay ctiasr Actis, Stand terits atout ead-Iacnrrst tc: iot the btawlstig bmzn'brags, t>, Brosnude V.>, wbc..npaltry negs. [ave flutteroci tiare' te flananad mie>. Hasten eeoli mailte to ereli' luste, yeur taniay vote$ ourdil,- $t-eiaDving itang.atIftiliere la, ['vixt tandhhcld.' facta and G. B,'s ,îfzz,r t Tiehe etmgeasunié we bave errert ïad ian Canda, haver becu paaaed by1 he Satadfield Macdonald geverninent,' Il if v-Iicis Dr. McGill ia a supporter. apport lic Gevernnient, and voe for Poling PIace--nousia -Ontario. 90. 1, Union Scoel Boue, lot2, t "2, Omaga èBalltg DoSi 3Dau'Creek, Teupensellit,0 £4,Broughama, Town Bell,w " ,,Clareuaont, Ir f , MaCroigis'. Scicol Boom,' id 7,Z Bentiej'.s ciocl Ross., t, le. 1, 'Olti Tonl Gaie, Nati cf Wiitby, "2, Broilin, Tosn Ball,.s 8 , Asibara. -- agi .. , Oedar Dbile, SSith's stoeo ~<2, Town Bail, Colutabus~ l " ', egas Sie! HessRoe.' 1RI13YTOUrS. FrdNe 1, Mecianica' Hal ag " "2, Skating Bini, e 8 , Tcsn Bail. t OSHAWA. an o.' il Osasel'. Store, li. CSPedlsn' Store Boom, (i 4, Thomas' LlveryStable. la 'il! cf Mn. Fareveil's speechesoaiM bas faled tcfignd ota single t ne; the Govenrnoolt-bat oeold -be con.'Pe uned. Itï manv avaallnt maz- Twc hii.. BolIer, lit RBobnt BhKa* c '1is 2nd James Store>'. - Tests HarnisS, litJ',huti. fuJn,'S Dale. -0 #i, Cdno- Single Hmyncesa, ItiJèln Dal, 2rid'tno. " Dale,. . - ým Set HOM eShOffl,'t, 1Ét bL BAns>'. f Set BHrce Sien, viiicaulke. Ut i r Phillip Goyne, 2nd Robert Eàn ey.- r a -EXTRAS-Doubeot f hOei<4bý' James Wuiker; Turnip Digger, Janlea Waikcr ; Cayaga Moyen, Brown Pst- tenson. V-e fer Dr. MdoGili, ti. Caèdi--yti< date cf tise People's gcvennmcnt. -10 Lia Tise',,i.apatelaes viiei ve publishin aWC ether colamas ti.memniag givos-anu ont- mur hune et isie pnceedimags v wic i ocis per ut tse nominations. iiroiagicnt tia. contry cii yesterday. In neani>' aven>' instance Ise or more candidates sema propesed. Thora WCr vil!, tierefore, ba s cOnutest au the peu. brai fa nearl>' 70 cul of lie 82 conuîfîaent*ie$ p roc, ieio sisiish.heProvince i. divideti. Se et! fan as ve have Leard, tic toliewing gen- -pi tenesbave iden electeti by acclamation:- !snc 2. Coi. 'Williams,.... ast Durhamn. O 3 . Mn.- Uslia.....' F teaac. gooC 4. Mn. Grahami.W.. est Bastings.'aut 5. Mn. Bykerf .............i..ncon. Ltl 6. Mn., Forgason ... Suh simce. eonu 7. Mm. IB; S. MeDon3ait. .Scutsie d ceint S. 'Mn. Galbraiith,...North Lanarki oura 9. MmrSnli .N iBae. begu 10. Mn. Parties......... ...Lamton. oh t Il. IMn. Penny ....... . onti Oxford. ceins 12, M. 'Spnlager. -orth Waterloo. tuest Ï&~ Mn. Gos ...SauthWellington, their I4. -Mr.'Biais. .....W est Dsurhama. i5i Tien.i.e, tisemefere, no shange in tics. Radi ecnisecpt se fan as West uns ( ranf -cocerneti;ant ibt is enet a polfîlesi bat tisai' aponoonal change. Mr. Blake. menel>' aace taie. theplace etf1Mr. Meieci, vie avas b>' il !a incuber cf ithe regular' Opposition la pre tLe late PsnIiasent. Tii.ciange fa Senti cf bu Lcds lesua o aperusnat cas. Mr. EL 8. 1o11c1 hfcDouaild i. tishe nl>' aesa== in the o' li.t,' asnd conacu laas a Uincng IoPPOIel bis af the -Gionemment. Tise Ram sevenart otise o aupporters cf ithé Govenumenti. gistee li ast six ans factionists. Mr. 'Galbrathi iasb atarsteinmch a liberai ceurse ia tie laIe ut Par liaent tiat the supporteof thLe scaîta Jevenment vers satisfieti its il, astn-d r. 1coutal. isenetore dit net oppose i. Be motes itbi tun~eq Lbe'Oovermeaion mtace t beimapon. Chang ant questions, laelaiding tbe raesuicsthise of lait session nempectiag tie surplusa. As Ligie we uboeot a tes tisys agq, Mn. Brown 'Tuipt la is eoeoap division'tflis emiateti gaeo [r. galbraiti'same se le. lbae ,nfne Meut mes fretLie lis&eft' is.vse woveted i hem1 viii tie Gcvermn n mtest quetioens. tien 1, -Se tar as tise nominiations.a-oconcers. anti in W, parties standi precisel>'he unie as tie>' Le sec ileod'in tise laie PaniUment. Tic. bail, Badaci lenefora, Las epenet i l fer the Govera. -'-"B- cett Tii.' i bataoble mjejnt, In theapproa me Bonse,.-asti tiee., ano dcnii ie>'eyfYO Fiil be fuiîî y as strong la the sOit Parîfa- Oftbei oent. But tise ,atvocites of geet govera. lthe bit Dcnt muset Do aekeaîieir ffmtai Ti,>'crsy", zecpposed y.aien lans 'doei ned tLis tes maie s despera àsrrl o efc.mna

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