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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1871, p. 3

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a w And, dear Brthbron; Iil w. would s0 as ta 0 sf<e1l luOur province. heli And order andjuatlce ares o Oflrvetsb. liaed, hOw much mnore abaurd 10 mend am A Iresvhere tihe crime vags committed lu a country that At the tlm* <r'f the Coo- issiuon vo b.d no more righî 10 interforc wlUu tbân w, haî! b Interfora 111h thi 4emmln&lon of 'A imilar, crime inlau »lauriîn's Lad, la the monatain. ci Hi. huaoyg, or on the, coesa f.1Mlabar i 'Na> uw" ;,commltiud in a country thon In openi tabullion, wvlf.,h lb. oyal Ensigi tomn down ; wltb not a <0oùt flouse in lulch t try, neot a cosiatable te arr*sti or JurY 1try a, judgo te adîalnieter the. awi or a srd btexecuto il 1.And yoour but andsi ot bemorci men, sayof *hom have for yea,'a bien 0igb-un5 on baoulesein the legilative hals or tb, coite Iry, and! vhose loyuiîy Or Proteataniam, fi ýouId bO i linîîg te doubt, are nov .Io De turiie4 upon, ahusard aud-butfeted, [ro pot g Plla,"becauue thby open, iecruliL 1 And! beaiies alil IbIs, Ji t ere heedfil 90quoîo îhcfr cvn authority for the lrpretyof voting sucb an addremi osI .Baepaoed, l may be foindigtl theedltarial columne of tbe great ïlol' a&011 l, e, h t ei uLd 'nu ega tnding 4VhatoVer; 1 tbat 'formally ar.d jdiscllyi iré coùid not Interfoee'tisa, tore vgo c*otn for.formai legal action;'andi that; thil astronger ci all t» or' moral Indu. * n4eSb elhg brought tb boit opon ,the, *rn doar, làatise sray cf rebake and Opndelnnaîln.' Aaaul'êdly If on r province boa 'nô légal tndlag' lit Io .casand I *kebokesAd condemnatloh' ;Ïts the * *tvoaghf 8ai , emothbera Of Our as*l)O atUon,aad the. îIiPpore*s bf Mr. C ameronao ahnsdmeOntt, Ia>'bistruiy suid te* bave gvon , e'aîrongest cal I1' Bretbron i rentember tfiat out, counnt *As nover before so prcmporotsm, or mc en4celui And- content as fi la et pteaent. -Dur rmebhim n lb inle.and tIb t ovas,' i! the sono cf our noble beartai formera lnthelb coùitry, Inatead oft ttrnlng their Jbuchis apn thb.-bhmes of their ath. 1 rhàand aetklng a living la otiser 9amisamfcrmcrly tus7 <ere vont te do, aLre nir contentIJn tîbil happy Canadiaaa homes.1 biie tboaesnds Of emIranga are focklng ln 10 john -vltb Ibernu lanthe poa' a"»aou Of this (air land ! of Promise, cf lriedom and! bapplnoaa viiero Industry le, certain cf ls rivari!, vbero rebellion la unlenoîn, *bere tic traiter dare avcv hIo treason, and! viere, IavLAd erder are «vUYiviiouprorne. ,'Brotls.sa1low1 cId entetiles, the ndi. MIl Clalir Grlls, fadIng, that tb.y can ne' longer ,aucce!by 'force, Are no*r bent tion division. l'bey veli mcv thaï; se long U tbo loyal Oranizemen are unltod 'ihers la no hope for tiem. Be ateady,-i thonl, and Provrto frieni! ani!focebat you Caa oia ioe tii.mere achoeea cf atlon-tiat oraugemio Ilu-net a rope cf aend ; but tht you are ;kaîtto1geîbel As Ono Mat) . and I aI me lnfiammatory ap- ,Poaa8 t prejudîcea, no holiov pretenco '«f YmPatêhY ne allssremenw cf proeneded erototantlam, or protonded I lay, can ,tutu You,,alde (rom the 'éli! patha' cf ro. ttusde, boncur sidloyaity - but Ibat on theda Y oftrial yeu vulins namil l e loeund lathecOn ceenîed and unniIvided :anka, marcbî-ng t Ogethçr eas-Britsh 'Grenadiers,f wlît thbeflg0cf 'NO urrea- sr' ýproudly- unfurieti le the breeie, brlng 0oui Ilample toid 'th. ftlisimanic lutthe r¶pth the Orange and! down avt theisecodcf cid, t oe-ltoid r$, ÛtiBritishs of ,My Use isonoar and.oonaatIa trvr 11W tle Lev 0.reepict, -bUs Q 1Cp, BiIons, up9A 1, mlupantasg appoar."1 oQn bebaif 0oflis. Grand Lci!go -of ettalrn ()nlarioý. 'DÂLTON WonàyTuit, itght W-,-Graad lMaster of OW. O. Part NoutkW. Orami Master et B. N. 1. DAACy DOtTLTON,- Senior D, Grand Mater cf B.. N. A, ISEPIEN LETT, L L. D. Grand Obaplain, W. o. 'Let o.andMX. C.' tas Wbitby, on Frlday, jlh lut.,, îb w0!. ofL J.' -POwell, Eeq., of a deugbtar. PEL!3U-8WITZL..Âî Wbtby, On the.1ltîblest., b>' tls'Re..8 Ta lbe Xr. fred Pltz.,of Kaum T .-., tobse Karrat Shis., of -hlt -2. à-Qsu.. :à 311ug M 1 ES WUH1,71. TO SEmaIR dès or T0 IGTOBO Ica, or TUE CELEDEZATE» BULL :hoi"CLIFTON 'DIKE 14 mer of (12.0" rerJBook),, mis- WILL BE AT edors J r «PWdur4q the, &4Dn, an of upon -o0- opne 1 med.Ov,S4 ; Tbougýbred marke insaîtJIER LL . mm of 8900ein, Mar ix51h, 1of l int ipioIcerlg, charg. 1iW_. .1. MLAEEGCEEENWOOD, Whitby, 151h lMvab,1Ù71. I MESSES. WILSON & 1BILLINGS, WOVEU ONTARIO BÂIÇKWHITBTY,5 --]LOST-t5 O0 REWARD. Uoaub«lven Brouabhamasoit heTown of Whtby, a pnroacontaing 81.00 lu bll, sumd about $7.'>O la*ililer. The lader wIl Melle the above revard by ieaving the. sume At thia oiffo., or et Williain BsilCY'#, 4th cou, Of wbhtby. WILLIAM CORETT. FAEM F.?OR B-ALE. 'WiIl b. aold by ptblieÂnecton19n THRSDAÂY, Match 30, 18719 At One o*oolociri p. in., on itie pyeml"%. ,thse Ncrtis tvenîy-Ava ur"et o Lt umber Ten,, ln tihe Tiil oocmion of tihe Townàhlp of iickertng, Neongng toe t . of thPislte ALUXANVDER DlLIVENLOP , ltEliStg.-Onomtîslrd cash, snd tbdisehln.. u tvan yearsiand dix MoinU,. troui thie day of sasle, with iaterflut. For (tirtirer iartieueaisnspl7 10George a. Gihoon. and ia. DaÜlop, okerlng ; W. H Blillange, Souittoi, WitlUy, or 1- - L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Antioneer Wlilby, 1ioh Mach, Î871. 2ia-11 JUST PBIRD TgE IPRER GRÂNT LANDS Trom Practicai Experiersoo. cfBuas Faimig in thie Flee Grant Di.4tria to MUIXOKA AN» rARRiy soum»5 Dl, Z7ima. oMurray, Z P. ZEK:Eleee of tho Unsted Tcwnahlpaoot Draper, Maa isSsplies.on, -&o. I A Illmstcry cf tise Birly settiemont. T0elaiitore" Pcresuad Devolopoment A Descrtio1n Of tise Cîlint.,o , iTitube, Boeehory. Crep, &e Iinta t'O 9 , 1 rnte. IlilatratedM vti a Likenuem cf tise. Auer, a VIev aftise Grasdi!PFUIs c f Muakeki and a Spisadd!New Mup of tiseyFr,. èraat IPEICE-ina Paper (lover, 80 cent@; Soumit lu Clothi 100. Bgle-Demy Octavo. W'80 per cent. discount miieved ls tise trade.Ail otdoro 10 o beadrad cd the vîsoiesale "gent, AdamsMillier,E, 1>Wei lingtio siraci, WoeTeroîsto. i 0f Onl, lu tise Court Boul, ha ibo Town et Wedned~y5Karo 22,1871, At tisaheuo f 10 o'c4ok,A,, Of viîuigailCoroner, Justleee 0f the Peacu andsiail oiseau conearsie! îlItake n"tu#, m goven tbs.ussivamrdlagiy. WiIiS Feb.1[, s P UUfSUANT Tu AÀ LIEDER 0F TlTl, ODUIth0( Cb»8liMJý'miii, la au sat M;On' DOIN CARRIAGE8 &I3JGG], 0F 'FERTY 2UPERIOR BUGGIES 4 SLEIGHS. WH!TBY, Nov. 22pqd, 1870, lstes style 'sud ,beut, itters, REPAIRS AS USUAL NEW ' ADVTIBEMENTS. 1 GLOBE HOTEL,:ý TO TIIIÇ ELECTORS I B«OK'N j PIRST-CLABS ACCOMMODATION. reab, 220d, 1071. Ip is la t cortIf> tisat 1have boeu n laa oedtciudlgc rtdo me vygoir nd tise losi ho [p. Tii 1lth div ot <Feisruary, éolled stAI aBaclicra' aýre, lis Bcwmiî ville iordiîg b *ýinvitationand 'notice tus 'Uri, L er, of Lsteras, Mords. Ce., wotsli be therê;'and I bai mthtie- lamaIexgsecsiti tiaI cIoud g«eta&pIr 0fspecacles te me, vils;-. -camnet soeer, rtiser tisais4 Incises fr4n Msy eLy s, atîdI h ave tise extreme piesiere t !Oytha&my oyeulglit l is v ils apair ý petces vlth vhlchin me.p au ay dstance IdIete, and isreviîh c>uoaii!or It nmy dut 10usketisapublic, andI tender thanka 1t t getandI goodgpetoieatrm. Wltnas-.BIBKN. WILLIÂAM GAY Tiesaoid document ia avwora-beforo us 11RG AMS, J. Fý Dsto, Eo msaisle Te . 16,8> SOUTHI ONTARIO! a ENTL-e- I *gain present mseîf a. a£canimdate forycur Ouffrag« esor tisheealative A.s*mbly. lu 17Iiluked my forstunes vith tis.etDÉthe feader cf thse Eeorsss-Party', -tho Hon. Geotge Brogu. 1 gave humm ta u arbelevlnghlmn 10 ho wviaihoepro('s'e to betise umempro- mis'iig enemny of-auruapticu lu evory tarin. Tufortuaitai> bLa cnduci dnriug isat electicn useeriyAdetroye-My 7 conacla ibis pcliti S n itgr. Kisil>la tiseu esiaa 1 refuaed 491 cotrbuta asmuta demnandi! by hlm t0aa fand vhieis I Lad resson 10 belive- vs SeIng uoei! for ccrrupt pisiposea. Titis ledto - rup- ture helveen us wilcihanover neen isesied. 1ictwithstandla4 this ruptureI accepteil his oft.rpeetesaao ticptis the-ouIitlon formai! hty the lHoas.Joius Samdfiel'1 Mscdcmld vas asi vlate d ouli!resaIt li au ilibersipoli', anI avi oui y ho aaaaiaed by extravagance an! jobbory, Lhtiicrfore cai!omsed' le. -Tisrogh illmoas I$vas protented!ficmte slug my ea til *bout a 'uscsth afrer thec trot ses- ailon bil dbagua. Dunri sig tisat time tise ppc cien isid aceepte tise gaîsorai cllcy f tise Governuaat, sud ias sâd4 lared tg to bhomo 115e- rai tisat it v-aid give theur measisima a fai trial. Frot iis atstement 1 ielled it tle b Msy dat>' ta vute iec.rdlntg tawvisas ln my labon oaf&ael forl et interomit of th - Pro- noes. nneietely upon iabiog my ouat tise queà"tof.]Puai. Repreertatlivas voted gipon. Ai 15 isad uot, durfisgthecauvs sbtem mosdeaarn , q neaeud se 1ad net beari! the dlaesg tsa reepon. 1 voteil ta pompone setlon upon It ln orde r10 obtilis lana, for far. tisereoasolderatioa. For tisaveeI v as do- acaneed, and pisaly ffrad t"1t.! unt vote, notsemcordtug 10 eor.Yfélom, but aecord- lng 10 b',edictatoe f snleader. By tlil w reqaired te give my manhood, mv judgiaoatg Into tise kopiagoQIagoatiemin visa bWdbeen rejeete-d b-tte pAo>plo amoagt visosa'he re- :ldod, end! ',visela tara vus controlled isy suotier gentleman vise. politicai principles and! obsaeter, aller wvisat 1 Ladmen la Bans b Ontamo, 1 could mot r"spect. My mimd revoit- eéd At suoaaproposition and 1I ultermined th jmi!ge tise ineiurea tisat cmoe bofore tise lBouma ispon tSsiIr ova monité. Tise neit Important vote jastides tise vis- dom cf thia course. The Governmeat propeod to Invst ebsurpli tisen beeisig t0ac-e cumulis,, la Domilston $ecrititorn. Coary ta tise vli*ivocf tih. ébppcsiicoi 1 smpportedl tisis propostIton, and 0' tu resait La beeL agala 0tfl' go5001 i. sProvince. I Invite tise most ureft acrtiay ofdm> acf.o 1 auppofld tise POlio>'visioisbas aecDnnaai A d a surpina Of nearl>' Sont mailicn dulera, FTis la usparalleled ia tise iStory of Cinadi, andI antilles tise Goveraimeat telite gratitude ot lie psopla. Il Sasbootsbresisîmotoaiy b>'tbisemeSrigid economy ani! reedoém f rcm corr.sptiois. Tise ciesout exailsaon buas tsled 10 shov a afaglo dollar Oorrisptly e.cpeuded. Iaaupported the pcllcy wvichioL ouprovlded homes for tuieunfcir.ntea 0f ouriadai hait tisa ce. t ai hlis shey' Lad Litherto bcen Among tise Ma>'SU Solal reformSsusp- ported by me ar- - Tise Ve Grant Acta, viseeob>' a sidornàs bas beu opemed le* aetiloment, ami! thise î ursinfa eha hVe-hitîserlo dockod 10 tise T.ned tate. have bseu ladacea 10 temain -Tise Drinage Acf viîcIs oleihanailai.al arions avramuse lato iartill Jarmo -Tise aislitien 0f isturian dIrants,.-viiesi bas sepanated tise lest lie belvesu oisarob and! Ali 9Ecica L4wiv, vsi s mremoi'ed tise bar vlsIck proveuite! asy -bat vel.tis men rota admission 10 car Legialatîve Haffs, and b ilngeloctione 10 oae s.y. dastroyid t. lecie pportuaities - for terrosiasa ad brlrrt .en.m e fParllsment BI, 'visici les 5.11eve, for atrlngeaîy, unaqualled b>' tie leva ut sny conory -t A 14w tersa Aed, visici, b>' -n sa wivhs annemmur>'ssaluof or nrta,lonmai lovid Juzom ro Ymain nt tisir owa buniness, lntoad cof dancing st*nena napoas 1h.., ibtis. ening large sains toar coual>' aaaual- >'ÂLpismeat Lava., wbhhbave -desttoyed theislbule] s v ýls eo d thp .A et nt..ish s i s w n f5 if ah fI hi 10 rc leae!up ]nouser-e.r I Tbe eoiabrated porfeotesi Spectaclesanad 0,7e Gla«:ei, massufaeturei! by L.szaaum 'A Moaaîs'and for which vo bav@e f. oie ageucyt, re gainlug golden opinions trou &Ui Ihose silo bave tried tiem. Ifou vat to Proaerr. your aigh to50eztno.ne o14 &ge, uée thoandsuuno thera. JAS. K. GERIEAmi Flur,#& Fee'd STORE. HEN RY SIIEPIPARID Desires te laforsa lie linhitats of Whits3 sud VWIIaty, thst ho line accoed tu thse Sasînesaof Wisero Le COPS s ntanîly ouniband,. Flour, Oabmeai,. Corumeai,, Brun, Oaîs Shorts. Grahsam Flour,.&c. And i torytini in tise Pend lina. BeOàt of Fleur for fasIl> Unse.Eri'Orytliu Ai tise loveat mlllng Prie«. The casytem atriutiygdiered 10. plouf call. and! examine quuliîy and pria.. Wbâitby, TeS., 1871. 7- E LEC TO0RS SOIJTH ONTrARLO. PUBLIC MEETI.NGS 0f lise Elotore cf Souths Ontario, ivili Se hl>!la tise Interestcf AS TOLLOWS j Groeuvood, March Istis, Claremoa% - arch 16%lJ Bath Meetinsg to begîn ut seven, p.. vils tise exception Oet tiatat Duffias' Cneek . ie îic bc isýe blsI Ai Tvo P. M. 10 FÂRM TOIL ET, o et fyaa en X piyt cf tise aoatscf Lot -No. 17,-Stis cn. Whitby, -comprlsing 75 acres, about 60 cof visîcisare ander culhlvstion. Gcod story sud a Sifftme O huis 809 w, uskitche anid Pemtny 12x18. s gccd cisternansd oxc'sleui vaîlet vtar t tie 4' r&n 4tDx8Oso; orie stable Ï ansil esied 40*14, vils reossi>' hy-: -loftI fa1liIee bUiidlag. A amani oraiari! lu ratois 7i, tgl1a7rate 20 A6 CAR LOAD 07 TE 'J o7 u slésg 8? o BUsr»ue? 158 7189 * 82 'ab, Io 1Sv 03,484 12 1 S 84 484 12 19 85 4Uî189s 18 1 a 5 6Il 17644 12,1 18 178 881 9 89 180 4 ,47, 1 ls * 194 ô04 12 1 8 08 ,54 21 189 5089190 6- 189 2M8j104 21,89 jet1bn lX à 1 1> 80 189 1440 4 23 gost 1 18162 82 18918-69 -s Jo .7 s s o o 8 4 e 5 8 7 10 - .ua, rUFiFAN i AT LT28, ç ~ s n e~ o L 81427 189 1850 "91& il318 17 20 1389 1026 BleA1l.ra. 131 2 as 89s151AT REDUCED, PRIMF. -2 1 29885189 1514A à M 5 322 89 I1514 SBock A, BrocisetL9 Il 77 2o189 l1894 e - . . 07 6 17 89 9 18 461 -6 1 4 1 8 877 fé i - , &79 4 1 99 7 82 BIookC.Br est 7 189 8 1 189 1ISle 66 8189 82 189 A]Y1ILTO N & o. 's~ 10 18982 18 10ff11isvr DLAOBRIM "6WflllausLt.8, 7or 17 189, gis, ARE O EIN GEi BÉGÎJ IN di ' 'f * - 10, S371 9 1895à,op B lo e & 1 ) , B r »* M t 9 1 0 8 8 2 15 9 1 24 7 ' B ioekR et,10 8 71 9 1 s .84 Bla'nkets 1AlLAcE'Ho 6 :1o 6 1ARTog 8« Cloti nge 43 r pse ir or211,FlanelsDresà Goods.; 8 47 1 1 9 ôleManties and 3M1illinéloy, 41.20 5189 414 vALc LANI ~1 ~ obng Made to Order in thé latest -styles., W ,à L à c d s n A x L ST 2 8 , l a i c c c x e s mio N . * 6668895 F-amily GCroceries, 1 Z 1-S1 89 404888 & I 2 18 :5 189 411N S A i ~ Q O S 2-M 6 1 89 448 'Y %ào 4 18op 440 anary lth, 1871. 6,S85H 8 1 89 649 68 52 81 89 549 78 852 8 189 549 . 1 248 61 89 448 2 1 60 4 1899 858U1 -" 8 85 7-1 09 489 * 8 5882 8 11 4 * l 68 14 7 189 MO m10 à 884 8 1 89 551 lN 6 -8 4 8 189 551 44 486 a898 0 19 7 189 .53leIlIU#L1181 IUDL 7 91 4 159 8 84 8 19 7 1 89 _515 GY -17 7 189o bi8 $o-17 7 189 bis14 las Street, Whutby a 5 4 5284.7 189 480 81a 7 7 189ol818laHÂS BEEN REPLENISIIED WITR'A LARGE STOCK. 0F 1 $d7i 61 89 45018 7 11 S189466 t;R0CERIES 0F EVERY IKIND, INCLUDING' 81284 1189 480 *THE BEST R, 7 477 11l1189 ô677 a 1 Il 41 89 884- 1 416 Il 1 89 6 76 , - 1 2118 5 189 412 ' s492121189 098- 66 È86 189 448 U6I POS SR s- 0 2 - W 6,189 448 3 2 58 6 189 448A a b4 s81i9sa 5'oz."pMAlso iarge oonsignment of CROOKEILY China, Glass L 185481 8951 " ss017 7 1 op 5b18 and Eartheuwàre, &o., &c. 80810SPLAN or pFAUT or 10 21j~' Pes..cail âand examinie the ncw stock. Primescalnot be beatensc BIoùk 1, - 1 *'O9 119> a' ~ 1 , 9 ' 14 78 6 189 1if os* ~ 1, 4u il 1 ~89 66 aur1 ,81 . tfYDndas StretWhitby, Aral'a brick building. Ji 9,N~ 46 189. 487 -1 8 " i - 8 1 8 6 1 4 6 ? , ,$ @ 0 M 6 _T i 1, 0 488 1189 68S4 x x m X W I 2 1151 o166170 ' ai~ . 5, 166 1 89 8125 _ _ W«« alla, 0 1950 78 - 89 821T. D 68876>1189 5481 I 86 94 17 189 910 - 1 84 -10 1 89 56835 26 484 10 189 6836- Miouchier & Aidersou'. wilaasn Beau.................4 À .Buatm &Co............... A. Barbeau ..... ,1..........j N.ý BDart................. il. s icteil.............. WsaL BIzs,...c,........ . A. J. Duck................... W.. lIificel ........... J.à. Bruce ....... .... Jacoab Bricker. ........ ....... .1. Caryrt.................... C. %V Card .................. James A. Cioe ... .. ..... A. & . Cisumusers............. A. Cs a......... . . .... 1"" ,Ilci............... Jeta' Dyke.................... Diamoa &isnu.......... .. ý&sscl Davidpo.e............... le. 1. Dfawcryr .......,.. A. L, ns......».......... James »iiot .......... Nteoslas Ea... Rssfua Evert ...... Robert Farsyls ....... VrfausBras .. ,.. Firrird &k Miles.............1 S. J. glreen ..... .il,..........1 ,Tseissy irà............ Gooepb .................. .ibf, B ................. al& G. Greesti....,.........1 -Gornts, AMoKay à; Ceý........... %vaS &k Waher Uuflirie-,.. Wi. . llier........... ijlard & Diuo,::........... . HIall................ ,I uner Brothers .............j Capt. Rsyne............... l John sro....... .......1 Jota lagiel........,..... ...j iB . . ffJoue ....C............ ALink oy.......... ......... .IBiW5nLt..................j ..Le r2....... i....- ..... nt id en 1ULE8 1 n9 9ALT'm PI 1 1 1 -

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