SA.LE & R For Tmi ppy to It. J. wfIglon L., i r r l t e r , i tb , o r t h é » Ih oe r I , Ar - SJAMUEILWILKIN&Iu!, 011 tte prewlseai, V1,K N SON'S Boat and hotre The. ahsrber Il 04 ,n.hn4w fillTje g ort- ment ofl boottiq 1 i tis owu wînitruturo, pof &Il stYleoq sild sle.u, for wnter wear. St. i1w Worlc mcd. o erder i a flrct lonec nianner G*od lts gastriateed. ItApailrie dneneatly. - IL WILKINSON OulrwsNovS9t, 15',,48 MIANUFACTUREKI0 AI' THE Agrioultural Worke. LE, 'FEL'i CIILIIIRATED Double -TUgiINE WATERilWHJEEL. 'raz 'MATzcrooticA& wiiicrT,0W 1 053 TIl"R,,, , t ,,oe w e o aontuli tv ebep, tt, ny 1otîtr"hopu ln the Gon- I, af-1*-à ý ie- latarantée. wth cacii go$ie m sgot I satiu.eoiou amne ar ,fatared lti the D inin. Partie s i.rlag furtiier Infrmation cari oh- 'tain clddreisoiig j 1'"AXTON, TATE &WO., llerty-llt., fl'rar eny, Ont. loge.51c , 6,1 I factu~re, the, largest stock of Ladies' Cents' and, Misses' Exameine for yourslv tho exeellcntmaterial and fine work- 15-April 13, 1870 ., WM. 3rNwS, Brook et. Dres% Gonds in great varietY', Clan Tartan, Plifn and ýTartan VNlnoeys, Englisbi, Scotch and Canadien Tweids. THE MILLTNERY DEPARTMENT (under the charge of a lsdy or tait. and judg-' ment, poseses ee uperiar attrectionÀ for Ladies.. The lateat styles in Bats, Ribbons, Fiowerg, Menties. a nd Drema Triwming-q. Really splenidid sets ocFPur%, ver>' cbeap. - ]ILACK SILI<K ,O ot, prhsdudrcpaal aoal icmîne, and Pelling nt Irom $1ita -$a per yard, TH1E TAILORING DEPARTiMENT le oindar the Rkillful supprintendenc0 of Mr.rF.? LamlfJert whose menite as an ertistiec cuter, during the past lfiteen years efbis rosil- dense In Oshawa, requir., no putfing. Best and moet fahionable sütin the Domin- Ion made té order. Freeh Groceries and New Fruit, Boots aond Shoee, of cuperlor quality, ver7 loe. Try the. old Store, Simce et., Oshawa, and geL your. moneyla Wort.! ,Oshawa, Xo v. 28, 1879)R .SU H HOLIDAY PRIE-SENTS AT WATCH.1MAKER Le JEWELE R. BROOK STREET, WHITBY, ONT. v. :u3z,:~- PIIPINSBROOK IIN. N. PHIPPIN Will sdil Sofas, Soifa Chairs, Centre and Exn Sion Tables,, Secrc1 extra Ilatginc" I AT ANI Ail kinds of ýFurniturc, NOW IS TIE-, PUNURALS attendod to, Iow Prices. LE* A large stock cf Walnut, Oe, ture, always on hand. W' OIMSAS AND -NEW~ YEABD'S NEW- FRUIT, AT McIYiIIn#c o's * JUST ]REÇEIVED 100 Boxesl,'half and qatr'oeNew Layer à nd Valentia ast. Barrels C'îrints- boxes, Figs. Boxes Cand'd Citron, Lemon and Orag *Peel; Oases of' Essence, L emaon, Rataý- fia Vanilla, &c. Cases choieQ Braindy> andl'WIineo. T. H. MoMILLAN &,ce.. IA.MASTYFACTURERS 0F xxx taries. 'Sideboards, Wardrobes D n rweyboo to O t Lookin g Glasq'es, &c, c. - BELOW COST! __ . w- ',~~~~~ ~~~ 'eycnp osi aç iis. As the proprietor attends personally totheý Brewing, a regular a verychýapto sit ardtiu1sý->- stock of Aies slnd Porter cati' aIwayâs ho depenaed'dpon. TIME FOR BARGAINS 1i--Parties deefrous of loaving Ales-ofeuppenior quality and Porter eqnal to any - imported, are respectfally solicited to send their orders for 'a qnantity large or M1 rwith every. attontion, and at Very ormali, and try fur theinselvee. W( cWjth the aid of our increi"'Od facilities, 'wc are enabled to produc an ani.Po tIc, Bu'tter- Nut and-Pine-Cctffns, and CoffinFUrni- cIOÂ5Il the year round) second to nonoîin tho Dominion. st iB.-Ordcrs ieft with Mtr. ýJAS., H. SAMO, at the Furniture WAanerooms# tii Brookc Street, Whitby wiIl reçreive pounpt attention. i Dec.'1, 1869. 48 gai Co CRE A M s "ND AL 0RTE , le7'Fo newest patterns, StapIe and E'ny-UeÈs-GoC - GO TO OIIISIflOLMl's. Superfine Broadeloths, Canadian and Scotch Tweed~ ýMe1-inos, (the real thing), Cottons, Shirtings,, -Linot Hoslery[ Winceys, Shawls, Cloikings,:Scarfa, TIies, Collars, Socks, and al kinds or C0ns'Furishing C ood The latest toni înot compi'»ete stock wiifl h o find at CIIIS[1LI and at-the iowveet prà ces. Give, a cali and soe. SUPERIOR. F R E S Il GROCERIES û Bots and -Sboes in gré vriey Houtseeperrs whn desiro to:prictico econotny, call et A, M. ITIOM peirtinent. Havilig secured the services Cfia first.çlass, Cutter, cntlemen 9 9grents are cut and made to ordeir in the latesti flot excelked uy the, nrst cicy establishments. (*entle.Len dosil fitting germen t will imake a note, MANUFACTUIRED 13» W7FITIV, O1NITAIRTO. WE DEVI O P E T 1110N Sixteen years practical expericuce in 1h. Manufacture of fleapers; and Mowers, les us that the.-"Johneston Sell-Raking Reaper" les ver>' fa? in edvance of any Machine made ett he prosent day. We hve just introduced it into Canada, and ftactoured a liunitcdnmimber Iie puet scazon, and 'itut re r the only manufact This seeson our Machines will eînbrace such emali improvement saya' xe i the Manufacture lies suggested.nsasaor'epî Strongly and durab>' built. The beet muuterial used in its- construction. Tt@ chinery the most comnpact and durable. Tho Ieast lhable to get out cf order, combinafion oft roodl and iron in Lhe linger bar, makes Il Lbheincet perfect of finger The seat cf the driver, located ouÛtside of the driving-wheel. e balances and nre the iihgr bar, th 1 tit iii less hable to eeg or break than that-of any other machini Our Self.1take-_is the most perfect ever invented, and consimse cf flve Relces nevc irund an axis te the di iviýn9*wbeel, 50 placed as tebe on e tec )f the driver w4hoit topping the teani. tnl'drUcc Tt euts and delive-s tanglcd, crinkled, or lodged-grain rapid>' and in goil s uts a six feet swath, witih as uitie draft as a Iighî four feot Mower, and ne sido vhatever. St coite easily. wiLb a cotumoutteam rom fyn., 410...... 4 CI ti L ahi lTIIE on, haudane in wurse, O'f mà nu- 1 lwo Keeps constantly c Try