d. 2 do. 76c. Third Priza l3arlej, U-rowed- -Jos. Pearso, -2 bti h'ls, 80c. per'bushcl do. 2 de, SUc ha Haldimand-..Kjor;îy forB ' - Reeig îgyoap ctepartuvafrom amengat '-stPrseBan:', two read e-Amaden, cf 325.,' Ofnuf a s d, te a're elrgeti aphere 5de, 2 tdc. 8s.oc, 1 . Ealîou-Majoiy for Barbe or Lyon e,fuofnlneaa, wbae v pray; the divine!:L. Ct*vall ,'-2 do- 80C. 64 a f cf249.' bealgMay rnat on yoar *lîeours. WVe;,1 Of Hamiilton -MaJorly for Willams 'over sah yon, Rev. Sir, andnteD Iamie cf the isPrzSalPe - ým. Brown, ci 202; tongregatlon, I crave leave te siryour W. Armstrong, 2 bush'ls, 850, par bushel or - ButaiRating-Ccrby motnrnod wthcat acceoptance.cf ibis humble roembrance do 2 do 80e. la ocet f 0cr regard ; à gresior estimation wvlll ' ,- 105 " West Hutibg-aJori7 for Baot, n"Main alwais a pletige on or bearts.- Second Prize Small Pea- Ovg c Esdca, .2 . IH. ,MoMILLAN, J.>-Cleeékg, 2 bpsli'la 85e. par bushel Norw;Hrn I I W. Whelatn,. 2 'do 85. ' il Nr'h.HnonMaj rity for Gibs Scet' Maqagers.J. awaee 2d. 0. sp I ose Hsys, c 800. 'On bhaaf of thé Cà area- o c'Tir PrV sS*l Pa1. et SouthL Ercn-MajcritY for <ibboba - . Â0 rev egaChnrco hiby, J. ia, 2 us'l es 8e. n oer Carling, cf 195- , hub, arh 6 laî, 1871. J.l îtYrtie, b2 do. 80C,. ;e Kent- Msjority fer Daw-son cicr Smith, J.Lwec"-o o. 6 I Kiagaton-Majonity fer Robin«OR oser First Prias Largaeas&qý- ft Bretienand Stewart, cf 19. RE-LY. J.. Luka, 2 hush'ls 90e. par busfacl g South Laaarir-Majority for Coe. cir 'The. Try ganerena feelings expresseit Haper, 2 do., _D5e " 1n Catneren snd Hatuari, cf towarù ma,lantise atdrea yen ha!. ost i a rper, 2do. 9e as North Leeds-MajioritY for Merrieli over rand, cn bahaîf cf the cengregatioa cf St. Sae'nd Priza Large'Pesa lot itb, of 2??. 'fo Grng Andre'.; in slaw cf tise severence cftni> T. Lawltr, 2 hushaIs 85e. par bushal et Lene- ajrly erGrn ecir pastoral relation teaIheni, a' It tepeni do. 2 do. -85e. 06 no Stveo.o .gift vbich accempanýis thé drema, I am- do- 2 ,do. 85e. e Londcn-Majoriîy fMr Carling over' not sahauaed. to acknowled'le, îcch me First Pr-isa White Ot- .9Ccrniab, cf 421. ' océedingly. 1 , - 1.,one bsttsy5.pa usa oEut B ien s exM riy or9.,be 'bile in lb. aeusihility which ila awalr. ll.Francisq 2-d o. 65e. ert vas c 8. ' oed lu the heur of parting, y'n> erR. 'Harpr,6do40e North Mlddlse-Majcrity fer Smith eimato the valua of My serviest ov. ecnPiz'WhlOi- e r Mclnîesh, cfor06 saiesant letheconimnniylyat 'Yen -Harper 2 buhs 55c. per hushel< * 1ec-ao'tyfrMClu oser riglstly beliese it te have beasa myaim te do. 2 do, 05e th Edigar, -cf SOI , pheld the crédit iO'of ar ecbnrch, antiW.Nichol 6d.67e - Nigar-Maeriy fr Rebads' ose craisa b oefferte andti ifence aboie mare Third Prisa White Oat- BaIl, cf 109. ' ~~routine. At. tht saine ffua, I bave net HFace uhl 5.prbaa bd North Norfolk- Mjoity for' lak. deumeil o ut 01 -plac ee H ysi n .tais, 2 bdo. 65cer. us * oser Wlson, e 268. 'every W&y open te a Christian minuster, T. Conts. 2d. 5e re 'Sonths Norflk-Maj6ity fer MeCaîl. fer thé genéral gondi cf thosa amoag vhom Fi2iPis dako 55 Fon Usa Neriisumbarand-idajotity for my loivas ceai. .am avauethattherne Î P rH eBac a Webb oser Eyre and Moyen cof 37. suit cf my andeaierS, iîo both directionsJ.Pie, 2 buhtis 55e pcr busel h rse W e i rdmorfud28., lty for have <llen short cf my, Oçolres andi pur. do 2 do. 69. Fruser ser'GîerG, cf28. '~ pooca.It lie almoit certain ihat bey, If2ti. 5e " Northi Ontarlo-Majority for Patten auyo Dow connectaà it î h cugregatien, Second Priza Black Ost-» aë oser-Wrephî cal 'Wkelsr, o e@ 8. haytit, ila eoLmeaaeu. ?erse.4 a, pre. W. Arutrong,9 bnish'ls 415e. per bshel South Ontss.l.-M&Jcritl for Parolwoll Par Ostiniate cf ie amenu cf wledem, tic.. 2 do. -65e. over MeGllI, 'c 98. paiieacei anti liberality, neettetitoe quip do 2d,46 Ottawa-MsJority for Seacoser Pr&,. andi centint aright a chsqa -lilma this, .h la ssaidtihat Napeleon passet ronh ton, cf 598.' whare eperaticas, -andi almoal litsexistence, V'onîie rselgni ysatiy i a South Oxford-Majerity for Ollisar hitd beaufer se maay yeona anspondeti. te Eglan 0. 99 eser Richards, cf 496.'> And ibis circnmsîatîca viii go fan te ex ' Peel-Msjority forCocyne oser Bovs, Plain tb. ecriier difficultias with visich va Royal Ilarrange. c. f là . bave liitte coetenit. - eNtis Panîi-Msjority fer Mentoiti Tise largely increnseti efforts cf tise con. CELEBRATION 0OF THE NIUPTIALS. cicr Ballantyne, c f 453.' gregatice, wvithi a few yaara puti, fnrnish - South Penîh-Mejenity for Ouest oser grstify'ing évidence thai a mone acequate VERY BRILLIANT CEREMONY. tc Tnev, cf 81. astimato bas at lui bien forutet cf the- But Peterborbl-Msjenlty fer Reati nature cf chnistian venk, ani ihai a dis, (epîl hy tht Atlantic Crible.) oser 0'Donohe, cf 110. peaitien existe to.carry h ýn 'nadar sncb MNew York, March 2t.-Tbe World'. West Peterbor'--Msjerity for F'air- conditions ast are neeiedti t insune seccesa. apecial, tiateti Windsor, îtotiay, eays haire cicr Carnigi.,-cf 52. Serein liés aIse th. promuie cf progres là The weather iseclearing anti the mar. Praaot-Msjority fer Hamiltoa oser sand strength le ihe future. niage cf Princesa Louise bas beau celebrat n cyti, of 210. - Tanght by your ovrae«patience, boss eti vih hilliecy. At il oclock-tii if Prince Oetiard-Msjonity for BUnker considerable are jeur resenrces, asti boy foreneon, ministers, ambassaders, noiility iloser Anderson, cf 134. ' effectaally ie> ceuha tram c u,-you anti clergy anti tho bidegrom'a family' ýr ' orth Banfnew - Majority for Descec baie ysr <atuoe vry machin ouro own ver: atittei te the royal chapel. -At 12 f cir Merra>', ef 131. -isanti 1 le'clotk, ton rcyal canniages vith ail the Souths Renfrew-Majority forHgarring- Wbeve a>'Mycdi bas bacs chieS>' thai menihera cf tise Qne'en'a famiiy sed other t on cicr Stewart, of 175. O f a sewer, 1 trust anoiher May>*noce arisa e ryai personnges left the Qneen's gate at Rnaall-Majoriiy fer ronigsc«er Me. ho yl ha permitteti te rosi abonntantly, Windsor Palace andi proceededtiat the antitî gaté, cf' 100. anti vith ireproeet facilities,' a itîcreu.ed -entrante cf tht chapal, whena the>' vert Nth is icoa-Majeority fer, Artiagli o.fprt, fiud means anti ncatitres te lar- receiveit b>' the Lord Chambenlin anti1 oser Louât anti Cooks cf 0 gev nufalnusa;hon ilie ii cer anit reaper conductedti e places on tise H-s pas. AI Stermeou-Majority fer Celqahoun oser ýrejoue. togeihf;. 12 oeitck tht bidagroni ennived' accei. Bethune, cf 5. ' For yeur 'kind- wisos sasï mny future, paied b>' Esrls Paercy anti Lerd Go-wen. N orth Vicoeis-Majority fer MeRse jsceept My sincere ibak. , # le pleasing They wene ceadluciedti t a saton the c, or-iSO3. 'ta eamssradtbat, altiseugh leasing ihe Haut pas At 12.15 the bride, accempanieti JSouth Yîetoria-Msjority fer Woodts i eugregaïtien, 1 ratain ibeki reard and ti at~ he Qneen anti suite in lise canniages, I oser Mtebeti,'cf 342. fâtchaient endiminisheti. ,Jp tis assar. arrisait aftte 'veut entrante cf dia chapel -Welland-Msojenity fer Cerrne oser auce, aud lu thse subatantiai ple4%a cf il vbene tbey vere-joineti hy tht hnideamiaide Beatty, of 137. nov gîsen, my famnil>' vilI asI sedeepi>' antimosati up thénases amiit-m'iea y Wellington Cenre-Majcrity fer Clarke intercal a-i spyiaif. Wlfrra mmid and 1 the choir. Tht brida vwas supponrteti hy oser McLaen, of 929.ý beart, limeé anti ouery. veta earnstiy de the Queta, tht Price, cf Wà les, anà dtihie Wellington Nertis-MoKin eleetati seteit te(lie promotion eO'jectî in vhich Dake cf Saxet Cohnng. The bridaamaidn North Wetvarth -Majority for Christie tbe gondt cf thé eeegrag ,ttrieuand cf thé were, L'adies Camipbell, Caci, 'Buttar eserWooi, cf271. ' . oaiaienity vu lntimaty> concerneti, it Montag~ne, Gordon, Lennox, Ghordon. Sey- Eut Yerki-Majoitly fer Crosby oser, veelit b. sinange iudecai f, couiti acier meur anti Fitzgtrald. Tht bridewastt Hlesteller, cf 400. myseuf < resu Ibis vorkland tibis place, seatedl on the loti cf thesaeltar with tisel Ntis York-Mcjoniîy fer Bontbea.'itsout a pcng. .Bre. cy mo»ý Carnes: .Queta nean at, bandi« Tht crereniony vas oser MeMernici, etfS3tbcegbte base beau atte4d; bers ppisaof performadytih>'e Biahop cf London in West York-M.Uoity for Pattaracuoser asefulnus. l isich:Mn>' bole litant vas choral styla. Tht' Quea .gasa the bridee Grahamu, cf 126. eOngajeti, base beau fcru4ti, ant inme s aey. At tb.ecuti cf the lait prayer ab estent «can niq-ouI len. 1,frisel enjojedi neyai saInte wu fireti <nom artilien>' le Lyuiteu, Match 21.-A mst mslaneisoly sono ie té veeteoî pîssures anidsonie Windsor Park, andi the guesîst repairai tét accident teck plac. bor.e t! jdft , À A f thé mtst i ehnnis of.niyfle, anuit he Ctitît for luncsece. Thie bridet anti pour man ecumeti Joa H. Hull Lad geone haro cao I1baso-puuaet lioagh lia soneat bidegnooni departed t t irea c9clock fer te Mr. Vantiakie's milii eit requesteit trials, sarrneua it l tt:je>'and _1u dtha Clanemont forý tht boueymooon- About-a caum s un k u e v u , be b is a o i ge ti 'v u s a>' cê li k o bjr--b e t ., e d e r y th o sa ntig ueesto itu s e ti th te ane e m o ny . caue iokown hob«ae etsoiedwit &Y4mb* &Théegcoudeof the castle ana filledti iht thé beting cf the maschiuery anti vas 1[trust my semoyal toi auniiser charge immn'ense crcwdç anti Windsor la0 en fête,0t tenat vtisbot ara ati estccpl.tly Iinot hé laissa te mditeac autreet The Marquis cf Lerne'uwore tiseinaifenai cf. leva fromIlithel-bal. - -laisaast in th v elfar, cf be engnegallcn. thé Argylea 'hire artillary, net Highland 01 - 'a..--..1 -I ope',e vsilt cecasie iu1, ati ncte its caston». Thé- Bisiep cf Leaden wast jSt. Joba, N. B,'1t. -A. meeting of tisé history. lu vii gcau'?fy a râtil w boearof soitei b>' thé Bisbcpa cf Oxford, Win-. c baiikers efthtie St. John crw bau boeu ti pnosperuty. chater 'suit Worcester. T bleutncedthe.ttrais cf uhe rae witkh - Ma>'thé great abophé ihava al tise Te nigisi there viii boa grand banquet ci Renforth itsfaito etiloit Stases £50t)1 naérsof ibis dock Ilaigooti'kueping. mnifdte, tastie yu- hé11 lu6imatet . !sti VWolt hoas tonsgili v.eeadtIe gosl cf bis ambtionen eaucspnov add thé ibo dldslnab log l.tters- 'M.P.P. to bis nans e .bau le hlm the satarIai for a usefuî meaiber, If hu eau but munatae to dseartibis as- tisse psrty 'lows snd oihock to be goueral letorosts o e é actry, ia prefence' to thse lalsa of faction. Tisat bho ,lIItae. s vimcoaecourse vises ie te., bisi position in thé Hlouse, vu Iasw oser>' ges- son 40 hop@, trom a m&4 cf bis alrevitees antigoeetiseau, Tb@ folIevleg are tbe reternus: Pickering...... Eut,-Wbrtby. WbitbyTea Parevoîl. MeOlil. ni>aio , zsoj. , 186 00 62 00 5' 00 S00 9a 00, A 2 s-b 'for cuit aginsit tbeGoierneac, seccning teO tise poIehîeabss cf -tise. vrters. Bul tbai 'lb. Goemene vero wrlrieg aisjpiitbeoé14 o e nescaviatevor te deubst The position of soee'of ihe, nevly o!eîid uesbers, anti vbc are' claiet e 4Oppesilticuiste, la a ver>' anet. tale bus. Où ac fair impirtial estimate, Milolmers wviU nici, va boulit say, hase heu thoe 41ksp.b.e, si ta rogul" Oppositio lcs' h st d'vo et ito blgber Pigura tisse 32 or 33, vitl tise remainiag' four or lase as 1citepentient is wose vctes viii 5> macchamore usai>' îouhé giscu vitis I--bae >,gainai ibu Geserumnent. Of Dr. Mo Gi'. adeaat, vo Caïdeitly remarIa ibat con. sild.ng ail tiie-adseose inflencu brougist againat is, h vu net aiogêther anas- pecelt by bis soppenians. He nicde s meut gallant igbt lne tise eo f poil goser eensd iss ocdaciteuseit bebo.. to te bande et the eleciéosof South ontarlo. We -bave, bewvvr, cahboe opininl9a f Mr'l'srevell'egood suse tbcnu tebell,. *tisatb. u il hé ledaval' b>' ib an> ftctc logtsr Nantis Ontario. - Mr. Paxton. bas Sen -ro-elecieti by -se uoespotsdilylarge muajority.Tise tl. loviu ns rt.hse figures reesIiret. Rui,; ............... o57 -cU4g ......... ......40 Tisormb.....70 Mirs ....... .......145 Bro........ 0...-0 876 12 Majorut>' fer Pauen.864 l'ou nu- S R vessa KD sas Mca'- WUs.-Messrl. Wahhsee &'Ce., as ylba een b>' idventlsenient, base auidertaiscu a maOët fsPontaci sd et iaîablo pise, fer se Oaclg esp &W mest.trausit ef parties de.] sIrIonscss o( lmgmà lg gothé Re ed River suit tb. Nar'-Weos, '.W.usdirsisud oïl rIent. of tise cgraqattoal <Ih.in a. la isTore,,ar iskig a sigoroïs est M. r ai e nd fusrslà o building 'af oa Peumbesgo and wsoni oo ee. ait to enejhtbirbaos "i mprovi ati beautity tbe proises b>' thse ructicu cf a nov fonce, set by plant ieg trots," W. asre gladt .busc tieI, uas aytising it sitits te tl i tretlvonees cf env ph.... ot pubie vorsMip, oihén nternlhy .or 4 ernaly, Ià .s puble Impresemees 'vblcb f.v <al te appreeate. Wo trait aur friends i rnl.tlési mtitberiptie; liai viii meet vus sà iseeni>' 'euisboW. amoneg ,tisa adbeete of ilselr evn denominstloe, andthie liaeraI mitadd o lttisuof the Town sadit egi- MeC. Tiouas Cbsler.' Deceed wso fert iog fity'acrs of land udianibait bis ait keepleg bouse for hlm. Sis brotiser ai asoilier yaung mau-bait been outi shecii andi lait thor guns ba the atoep wvi tisa> teck dianer., Tho'deeassd tcôk t eue cf thé gens acivettoctt w shoot s some crovi. A report vah ordly bea It dbis s4eter oa iooking eutt idti net5 ber broîhér. la examioig 'tise &i visence the smoke, proceeated, tise yeun ma vas<oued lyieg itesi, ai tise.g standing 1agaloal Boeetimber- (haît «0 piieti ner thie bouse. Itiseoppqosedtii lie vas geing on tb. imber vsea tise go exploedtiacitelly. The lede cof goc wu defectîlseauti Mr. Ciseterun. bait anint lest ýissý lifi by il, eaccitienteli discisargeti on a fermer occasion, tise sbc basing laceratoti bis temnple. Dr. Tacher haIt an inqeei<on thi romas antic a rdiict otaccideatel testl by tficisâciarge. cf. cgon lu tise-bandas decessoti wus notuneet The charge ise letigeiltli cose ties sc anticlou unaetion bibeant Scue. ' Deatis muatI bas beau almoas iustantaoee. Doceuoi vu btgislyeeaiedtià l bis ne lgihorboa and isac!t iice tenset i vtiste Séarboreugl Volanniors vison la eucampaieul - Aneîtion symti itt 'lsiti par-nscuit -tiser relatives of ditheU coase vas passai by thé jury, afteor lb investigation. À SOCIAL ln aid cf tise iiCongregatlos. al Parsonage anti Secool-recm Faodti vill- hé beli t atise re sidenceacf tbeise Ro 8. T. ;,Gi&, tbis' (Tbnrsay) esening, ccaimenclaet7ai 7ccleck. NMev Gooe.-ttelntioa hi irteittt tbe auacuneent of meurs. Hauiltee à rCe.$ la other ceinains. Felleva' Conmpounti Syrupp et Hypop- besphiteas t olb:ou>prepevstionr kuevi vieh gises prompt set permanent reliel lu tîseases cf lise Longs anti Brouabisa Tubas. Itrestoes the osocrtices te theis healîhy condition, allays . lefl ammeticu e o the encens membrane, and th-ts es certaIn vemeti>'fer Debilitauiiig Maladias. Pl'al directions accempan>' each bottle. Price $1 50 a betie; 6 for $7 50. Sold by apoîhecanies anti b> ?. Cuntiil & Ce., ivhoesal asgent,,,Uôtroal. Mapanea, Manc is 1.-Tisa body cf Jsc Hienry, an old, reident eft iis, place, Who disappeareti about Chitmu, Wu tocnd ti atterneen, visera itlai suppoeihtoeit fnom theé-top cf e lilgi Wall, distance &boat ton tes, cuitdtuait rom the effecta anti beieg aupesédto tehe celti, User>' effort vas mïde tse Sud hm bas vhmiseetibat vithoat aucteas. Allas CrAig, Msebh 18.-A mon by the. comairf Denu OipbeîlfaIt cff a-freight train es ui nge, -about eue aille vest cf -Ailas Cnaig, visile r»*oig boive,, ibe cars unkova letutise p esin charge of the train. Three'cars passeit oser li4_bcd>',ý ,aud lievu billed untantl>'. A coror inquesatvasboi t to-diauni theb.jury gave c verdict'lu acterdamicewvisis'the <acta,1 aîtoaeima*neblasa tu thé raillay1 empiled. 'Windsor, Mercis 18,Lest niglit, ;b.- Ivoon a suantotn' c'clock, ihe boue ceeplot b>'iMn., Perry *eu iiaoreanot t he on fine. The clav a vu qiekl>'<ieni, andi on enleriug, Mré. Penny vwu (oud te be ln a corner cf tisa roona etelopet inl Baims. ta lgre vas qeicly 'extiegaishéti tut oh. vas ta- a horrible state, héiug ceorly rcssi.d, fres thée efetis cf vbicis she died *aly' tisis rnriag. Thie Ore ornast (om '«vs. Penny aomlug la e6alset vitis a Iisteit canie. inldsay>, Mareis 20.-A -Youngseau 'named Etissard Hepburn vas uocideeti>' drovaeet lathé Bîsor SBu a g Satan- day nigist lut about '11 no'-Iae, b> tise upçttiag of a cace, À comnaite saset JouepisWhievu latis.cana. vitis bis ýsîib th e sai and -ararno.oseesPo.I wihtheir bloond and lives. Lot- the Thyw 4 Rechtag oooperaie with the Gvernment ' J I s ithe costit-utiorfal oeispon cf perficting Turkishà telava 'for the weifare' of 'the peoplea.. anuo.unce The contribution arrangements ojcniom c onlude, aplated by Government invôve proviions of the separate treaties made in Noveiber to the nut with the Southea States, which will r e et touve in à ne, ica to be submitted te the Reichstag a botter eonformation antimora harmonious rendering. The amont ta be 13L00 contributeti by each State towardthe'ti carrent expenditure of the Empire demanda BARRIO, the. legal settlement and sanction' taebh given te separate lawa for Bavaria, which will ha introduced. The war indemity parsi yuil ha diiposed with yonr approval in London, conformnity with the reqqiremenrs cof the bas issued Empire:' The just daims of the Empire reasOn an' on acconni cof the erpeu8es of the war wili i inrm~ep be laid before yen as alcen as possible.mareh The position cf recovered terr'itory render titnolishi ed necesiay'special législation" whicb 'will citizens. bea êpeedily, bronght te yonr attention, as these tl Pensions-for the soldiers undi snpport for i>:et, becai j the w id ew a andi rphaus 'cf the sar are te b >' dis ert, ha prvideti for, and meacrea tu thee nds tht presen shond ha made te appi>' te the whole/Em. lican, anti prfraIl tnght with equal dévotion thk a pire forthtcanne. anti deserve.eqeal henor, anti reaard. MsY by deeçivil the re establishiment, cf the Germant Empire aie civil -w be a, promise cf, future greaIneais. May tht 'deplei tht war fongbt -se glorioinal>' ha followed F;howi6g1 by a n eq oall>' gloriots peace, a n u r CtY iist Heeon.in people henceflortit 910Vt victorious in -anthmic universal- strnggle fur, the fruits cfn peace." as gond clit Protection or Gev. lisez -sannat Ranl 'sue -sale of Cnba deniedl-Erae». NeW York, March 18.-Tho laitter cf tjsîe .,Captain 'Tempe ulset etraCe operathn . tapie publiprod yetuidty reveaitag"sPrésident Grant bail ordert*'feth the nasy ta proteet thé Qovernment of the force peace Basa'against any demensîrations by Hlayti, ia cenfirmeti by officiai eorrespcnidencej TheTinV which is alec publishet ibis merning. This tîat un Fri cerrespondence furiber sho-wsthat Admirýai of the'Nati Peour and Minister Daà setthâd âaise ne'i'fied takint; thei tht Hlayîian Government cf tbiso rder cf fortificatiol tha Exécutive. were îlet i The' Evening Poil maya -We have à THE resortet believa that- thé Spaniâb paria,b Gcvernmanî hau netified Great Britain and' Pitrisian de alther fcreign powera, that ne pro position blvr have rt ,bau baccmatie te the Unitedi States tô salI thtbitontin Cuba andi Peri Rica te tht United' Siates.nn i'h Shipments.cf op ecie Ie .day vwert *by thIle autheritias. City cf Brnaaals $222,000 andi DeutachiaInâ. îratlîspcnîed $216,000, makingc a total of $438 000. , de la 'Vobgt The caae of Engish stockholilers cf the, scizure. 7T Brie Railread A',ue Fé,1r. ndeten rtsithe! was before the U. 8. District Court. tht dalv Blatchford, ibis morning, »w'en*, Receiver atthorities. Ciemau asked instructionx. hether ho sveral quil shouiti band i he transfer of 60 056 ahanres rie do. te Kenneth J. WhiteMe, or Pari, lIr tu James H. Rbijson, a ew nceiver. nînre. Sind The counsel fur tht sîuckholders einsiatetiphoes Mlaster iu accoi;dance wiîh the oider cf thé tiers cof tht UT. 8. Court, regarditeu cf the suharqueuit with the pý onder et the, State Court. froma which the nuttîbers'un' cause ha&, bean removed. Argumen t PILLAOJ nufinahed.The spler C17hicag , M arcb 19.- A & a m eeting f G l arma n so -the Board cf Trpîde in iuslaroomst teday attGeransod 'Committeea vas appointedti t preceed te, pjaining cft Ottawa 'an&ti repneâeai-to _the Canadion wîli placea. Parliamnent the deep.interest the West hau uating the t- in tht construction cf the Huron- and Loon Ontario Sip canal. Evnts cof th Ot have tairenl Mn. Torrey, who bas - been trieti for < OLi ihou robbery with violence,' in assiating her ernment bnbant l bind, andi rob Parkes, a c lrk ad etaofchief of Ifydar, a celebratedijeweller-cf London , lt of jwels cf the valne cf £2e500,bas blieuMotm rr acquittati ; net fer ani cf ovideuca, but cannon wean 'ecause the jury ver. sofieneti by ber ses matie sotemn aà d' ppiearaujce, anti preaumedt > aim htne ing thenati( eparae intivid aîîsyllon tiartrc, of Lte lin.,a T h e Iii nc k S e s b u e f io n . ,e 'in 'th e .London,, Mach 17.-Tise proto'coli; f' force, hati h e - r c e in -g ' f th e C <n e r an c a 'o n th t a ro u n il th é h t lac i(es e tio n y ull b e la id o n th e t u9 i r i l n e tablu of tht flouse f Conmeona -te night. spntinls pvi Lhy'ara sigîed b> tha penipotentmries codng tho of tht sven pwere represented. -Their railleuses ive; gentrai featturas are a c6nciliatory lone groupe, wh of aussia, a willingihss on the part f authoritiesd Turk y te accept thte tentà traliztîio ci W as théir il the Black Sa, ani deference cif the ,, C htsodi-a foron" t thewia.. r*.th, -_ 4r on the ng polittciaus,-atek ta in ' u an. lHedrags tht pictu 3rtla resulte of heir te, the nviving commece of )petiardtitht shepsare desei iec -Tiè Geveremient ho 'niants mli retunotte i 'tsane anti'oe>' tht lav, enera te procee tuteexti te fret tht country f a )ut it la teterminea t sty a n ti ti l iv e n 1 îl s t p r i n c ip a l e i Tht Geoveromant relias en on, f aid ved citzamia. ridnt> uornin cra pon nsrd mpîrtici miý t 11 m l ia ar e, be ausa they Paris devotedtoetht Republie.' eSyS:- l I U YT I <A lT s t t f l S U IL G E S T S . V ,- i l l e , t l ifancit18.-Sevenscen et this anis lt putias te tthe National Assam- b ispih resolved upon a fresit appeall to~ ce n tre insur gents fo n m o îlration The i t upn tht sunnentiaof thet ,n- ere p in possession te tht nalitan>' Gariali s.The National Guard [lissa The>' wi id fifty- six, caniion'- froni Pirce taes Rosi :s te 1llville to prvent tiéir but Gai h a M en im a r i nis t a g r a st î l .- a î n t' ir rigilance, le prep mration for 'wt i s . easures expecteti <rom lthe utmset Tisa r.shlt as beateg; 'ini fus,î',1 a , r e n s t lis n o r n î i g . t i e r e : )NT><AiTJi2 LOCKADED. men ai mcli18.-enc a l'ame, vtiTht Pr,. Ir' d mner., h-ms lleiadeti Monit- Paris if leiefail nlie etrg have Ien ta ken 40f),000. A large crus-t cf Naioenal agentei1 'oéundeti thphill. Arnn'cil sbl- land andt e!ne fraternise in the streat-S coma slaj teofîle,* Who are eut in reai. tail>', vi t dshoot -i~Vve le Repuboua by these ;E o E %HOS' 5 o 4 E e a c 5 t I E A U . c v . t diti caton cof <harle1 Bonne -New 1 ig ben vantoni>' piliagati b>- patc), t& 1liens, its. canner fias written te Chausey Duke. of Xlecklenbiiung, coin- treeps te tht outrage, anti iclmsring hae sorractie tablet on tie 'Wvlls, perpet ainet pan ninen> cy f the tîsg'ncful act. thauZy ti:mcli ' 19 L'ter, 3 a- ai- _ graden e be ilst unîfontunata chanacter Wharath place irn Pans, and toc situa- tee wenci înhy bacomning graver. Tht sihttA iti foliowinig up thtleproclstea-ganteslha, ns ati nîiniglit on Frits>, sent taution o it oftrnops and gendairmes te itemubiy u1 positions cf tht insurgents iii Duîval igi -. A considerab sîj tnuithan f ant il ua ,ramnoîpt, anit th t gendarm es carcer. .400 pnisoners. leatînt mont i. iouaI gurds cf hlellvilla anti odo 2,vithimnany ut tinaniîd seltiers I i.a s annivet on tht scene anti ne- ahi eu anc i ot beeconi re