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Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1871, p. 4

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su£ S5I eed, sud lua I ý -îI 'whitby, Sept, 15. e aprm ss WI1-LKIN-soN's Boot and Shoe Store, The. subserlýbor ha. on s81 10Vlreis ort- Muent ef boots 1,11 or Ill* wn tnau.oture., ei aIl s4tyluot sud cie, for wlter wcar. He ini. ,viles auanlIJu Wiotirma&eteorder laaefrstclm a nuner OWtgnnrjtleed. Repeirlng donc neatly. Il. WILKINSON uhwNov. 29lti, Su - 45 Agricultural Works. ZhFFEL'S CELEEKRATED ]Double IIJkJ3NE WÂTER WIIEL 555 MIT ENImtuGl WBE 5WOM V UM131 ~'Drsse goods iu great varletY, Clan Tartan, Plain aud *Tartan , Wvinceys, EDgligh, Scotch and Canadien Tweeds. TME MILLINERY DEPI&RTENT.(under the chargeoQie 1ladY 0ftatste and iudg- meut,) posseases sirperiar attractioni for Ladies. Tbe Ietest styles le Hla tRbo Flowers;, Mntlernd Dres Trimmnings. tgibos Realy splendid sets of Purs, Tory "cheap. BLACK SILK $2,000 wortb, (purchased under esptàialiy favorable freumifances and belling et kon $1 to $3 per yard. -THEETAILORING DEPýRTUEiNT 15 under tb. akilitul se~erintendene ef Mr, P F. Lambert, irbose merits as an artistic cuter, during the past Iiteeu yearï et bis resi- deuce Iu Oshawa, requires ne pufrlag. Beslt and nost fasbionable0 dits lu the Domin- ion made te order. Fresh Grocerfes and New Fruit, Boots sud Shoes,-,of sUporo uality, Vary loir. Try the. old SorS cet., Oshai4asudgeL yop u money!uworth, 8Wr#, Simeos Their stock la -Try Y Our- berb, New, and ail of the best. quality, lods Or- Prices can .be beaten! Osbàws, Nov. 28, 18~ R. k A. SMITH. Wa~cIies'cloi c AT» JAMS JIINTO0N'SI WATCIIMAKER, & JEWELLER. BR OÙ,K STREET, - WflTBY, -ONT. FtUR'IT VERPE WHEOLESÀLE & RETAILO B1U RTHE -BEST,1 -Keeps constantly on hand, and in cour ée of manu- fact re, -th e lar e est sto ck o f ~* F r n w s a t r s Ladies' Cents' and M issels' aCS sIy 15A.[13. 1870. W B URNS, Brook et. DJIRIST31ÂS AND NEWV YEA4*i NEW FRUIT, AT JUST REOEIVEID 100 Boxes, haif and quarter-boxes, Ne Layer and Valentia Raisins. Barrels Currants; boxes Fige. Boxes Canded Citron, Lemon and Orang Peel; Cases of Essence, Lemon, Rata fia. Yanilla, &c. Cases choice Brandy and Wine.*- T11PY, Vbcld e lre lOWMANtTFACTURÊRS 0F I'H1y otier idliop ilu -à . eIr as o. gua an u-? Partie, 'R~frtirlfraîo a b PAXTOiN, TATE & 00., PHIPPIN wil seil Sofas, . r,1nd ~ten- AÂME E ANDP Mareh Biot1s.P u o : er, 1869.o Tables, Secretaries, Sid*-ag,'Wrobs __ extra Hangipg Looking Gse,& oes on B ew&do.n o O t W ATANI) BI3ELOW'OOST!- &i Ail kinds of Furniturp, very cheap.t utlir ie -As the proprietor attends personalltoheBeigargur stock of Ales aud Porter ean always be depended Upon. NOW 15 THE TIME FOR BARGAINS- 1 Parties desirous of Iavn iso ueirqaiy~POrterequal to au - y PUNZRAL attou.d tp ith Ming Attlesooa supatvery1 rîluad try or theielves ilpred, aro esPectfully solicited to send their Iorers foraqatylgeo Io'w Prices. With, the sidcf u beae hiiiiearcaletprueanri. 9ýî- A large stock of Walnut, (>ak, Butter.Nut snd Pin. Oofins, and Coffinlurn ice (ail the year ro'und> second to ànp in the Dominion. - ture, aeawys on haud. 51 N. B -Orders left with Mr. J.AS. H. SAMO, at the Furniture Wrarerooms, BrocIk Street, Whitby w,ill receive pompt attention. Dec. 1, 1869. __ __ __ __481 _ _wTHE LD S T AND! oeW 'a kw Ai tutIbIrl HDO LI ' - Merinos, (the réal thiug), Cottons, Shirtin, 0osîery, Winceys, Shawls, Cloakings,1 Ties, ÇCllars, Socks, alpdàai kinds Cens'Furnushing %C Thodae5t m mostcompiete stock mib on t< and ut the lowestprices. Give a-calknand & -SUPERIOR 'FRESII GROCE e ~ ' oots aud Shoos iu great varicîy, Hue'keepera wbo desire to practiceeconotuy, cati et A, M. Ci Corinthoan Hall, King et, 0,.bawa., Nov' 208th, 1870. ___________ TATLo'RING;.Cbisboln'stabljsbimenit passeuses uulivalled1 p=rnet. flaving' secured, the services e a firtclas Cutter, fr. gtemen's garments are cnt and-maàde to -order lu the latout style net excelled byth'e fint city ostablishnen-ts. G,-île.ien deuirous' fittingý garluent wiiI mako note. - MANUFÂOTURED flY Bý_ROW N' cPA TT EI WHITBY, ONTARIO. WE DEFY COMPETITI Siztee; yers pracical oxperience lu the Manufacture et Roapers a fies uwtbat ifie "Johuston Self -Rking Leaper" is very fer lu mdvi Machine mrade et the prouent day. We have just introduced it into ufacttured alimited number the. ppst season, anîdaus yet are the on This season aur Machines,Îvill einbrace sncb smell improvement s u in the ausunlacture bas sngge'sted. .Strongly anddurably builLTh ~e bout material used lu its cousi ciunery the meuot compact and durable., The lest lhable te get et combluation'ai iwood and iron in the fiuger bar, makes it tbhéutoat per Tho seat -et the driver, ioeated ontside et the driviug-wheeî, go bal$ the finger bar, tbatit iu les hable.ta sagor break than tliet af any ei OurSelf-Rake is the mast perfect ever inveited, and consists et fia, aroun'd an axis close te the dîi i * wheel,aose ù u s to be entirelyi of the driver without sîopping the teamn. It cuisa ad deliveps tauglod, criz7k1ed, or lodged gritin iepidly and Cuts a six le t swath, vithfas litt à draft as a * pal.i,r .... -- FHLSIiOLMS, iRIES ,IIIS,0LII'S, under 48 rateE work- 1 -AT UIIISIIOLl lsùperfineBroadeloths. CanfLdian n.nil Reiif, ir L 1 14 Goods, IT 'SM]

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