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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1871, p. 4

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£epmet prosniîed-to bisafalbride, I*su a»Rsga5ent corti . i th centre o which w*8 the diautond.sînddd er.sîe#eîn Cif ilve- the taliamare rele vhieb- ba« gulded te home and eountry Ooug&d, sbhe £shsr.hoy of Napol. A la lst lyer,1 lesussete a quesîlon fro. ibe Judge as te boy many ivlves big llentrbad, mu-iie, . ave thus fer counted up oily thlrteen, but thbore are Yet twenty uie tateIas. oboher fr6., your 1 i. K 1 N. SO N'S Bont anid Shoe store, Th. %nlorlber l15a on xsow a, large lassort- ment et boots îLl Otr hi@ s niannfictiirp, of al Ntylo. 'nm ia-is, for wîter voir. lie liii. vites au ex-scigiaton. W0orI< umOeteorder lu a flrst-laa, nMannar Goo4Sfi Bt 4 a.uted .- Hpariug douefloatir. IL. WILKINSON OcisNov. 29th, lisr', 4 MANUFAOTUBRED,4T 7TUE Agricultural Works, LEFFEL93 CELEBRATED Double TUR131NE WATER WEEL suaal oo amÂIOICL wixwzksOv IN rem 1 a '. osbàawa, Nor. 2à, our' Goods or Price8 can be beaien! mn Gonds in great variety, Clatn Tartan,-'Pleiin and Tartan . Winceys, English, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. NERY DEPAUTRENT (under the chargp of à ladyof tante and fudg- so superior attractions for Ladies. The latent styles fa Rats, RibboSw, ea, Pud DresTriminjg. ld sots of Furs, very cbeap. K $2,000 wort.h, (purchased undor enpt*.illy faiorable circumstances,) .oui $1.to tg per yard., RING I)EPARTMENT te under the nkillftil superi-ntendeuce 1of Mi'. F. mýrits aas an artistie cutter, during the past tif teen yegra of bis resi- , requirea no puffing. Best and MOnt fashlonable nuits l.ui the Domin- er. is and Nev Fruit, Boots aud Sboex, or suporior quality, Tory low. 0, Binco. at., Oshawasudget your ooey's wortb. R.A & IR W.A.SMTa AT JAME -JOIINS TO0Nse. WATCIIMAKER & JEWELLER. BROOK STREETi - WITBY, ONT N.~~~r PflFINSBIOKIN N. PHIIPPIN will oel tofas, Sofa Chairs, Centre and Exten- sion Tables, Secretaries, Sideboards ' Wardrobes, - extra Hanging Looking Glasses, &c., &o. A AT ANI) B-EL O'W. Ai dds Ã"f Fnriiiturp-, very eh eap;'to suit .hard times. NOW'IS THE TIME FOR BARGAIeNS 1 low Prie.. SA large stock of Walnut, Oak, Butter- Nat and Piae Coffina, and Coffin Furni.. 4ure, alvays on baud. Co -- UJUL'UU wi~ i 1! Keeps oonstafily on band, and in course of manu- facture, the largedt stocir of Ladies' Ceénts' and - Miîsses' Examine for yourselvés the excellent material 'and, fine work- ~~woMAfrI. 15-Apil 13, 1870. WM.PURNS, Brock at. MIIRISTXIÀS AND NEW 'YEÂR'tS NEW FRUIT, AT* Bar B3ox Case JUST REOEIVE D 0 Boxes, hait' and quarter boxes, New Layer and Valentîa'Raisins. rrels Carrants; boxes Figs. xes Canded Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel; Cases of Essence, Lemon, Rata- fia Vanilla, &c. 5es"choice Brandy and Wine. T. H. McMILLAN I Ce 0. - I~ For newest AT CIIISHO. Superfinel. Broadcloths, Canadian andS <Merinos, (the real thing), Cott-ns Hesieryl ýWinceys, Shawls, CIC MTes, Collars, Socks, and a Ce nts' F urnishin, SUPERIOR F R KS il GROCERIES W Boots and Shoos in g reat varicty, Housekecepers ivho desire to practice economy, cali ztt A., M. OIIISHOLM'S, Corinthean Hall, King nt.,,Oàhawa. Nor. 28t0, 1870. TATLORING.- Ch!shnlm'sýestabljsbment possesses unrivalled facilities in AI potrtuient llaving-securedîhe serf ices of a tlrst-class Cutter, lir. Petit, of- B gentlemnen'. garments are Crt " d ruade to order in the latent style, and in a M not excelleil by the &lst-city establishments, .Gznteie;n desiru t crng -a fltting garment will make a n'ôte.o war MANUFACTU1RED BY Tvoinaie & Sn EDEFY C(«)I Sixteen years practical experieice iu the Mai fies us 'thait the 'Johnnton SelI-Rakiug ReaWe MANUFiACTUR1EWS -oF Machine made at the prsent day. We havej ufactiarêd a limited number the-past season,-an Ihis neason our AMachines will eiubrace sucli nt L ~'. inthe manufacture hann ugeitud. Strougly and durably-buîlt. The best -ater -- A ~ einery the most comrpact snd durable. The1 'X X X -Rcombination of wood aud ircu in the finger bar, The-gset of the driver, loc.ted outside, of the PALE IALE AND PORTER. OirSelf-Rakeis the most perfect ever ivn earound a xsclosete d v wbheel, so pi of the driver withoit stopping the tam D o re eT oront " It cuts and delive-s tai)gled, crikled, or lodi t â r e w. e ry g ,Cuts a six ,eet -nwatb, witti as lîtle drafr as a1 - o - - - er . it culs eaily, with aL comnmon tearn As the proprietor attends personally te the Brewing, a -euan d hbseuot one bundred sud forty acres in sv reua, It is mauufactured sor Reapîug only, becauoe stock of Aies and Porter can alwayà be depended tapon, rt ea n sd Mower wilLlas t et or Parties desirous of Iaving AIes of superior qtiality saud Porter eqtîal to an chines, aud costs tmuch Ions in the aggregpte. J irp Rtire r-eàpeëtfally solicited to send their orders fbr a quantity large or pctdta obudoe.s al-og raU, afildtir fur thiemi4elves.. work Witbput the trouble and dely of cllanginc W ith the aid of our incrased fa li e, we are crabled to. produceinbi il at. T i eaper bias bëeei n s .ccýss ut opération ce (al the year round) second te noue in the Dominion, p5oints of excellence have won for it durin.- that nîtiort nover before attaiupd by any harvester in N. B -Orders Ieft with iir. JAS. H-SAXO, at the Kuruiture WMarProoiàs, three yenrs it vas compaaivl -ltlekown, Broek &ieet, Whitby wilI Jreceive ponpt, attention. wîdely ijêroduced tbroughout the principal wbe Dec. 1, 1869., 48 gained a popularity unpiccectented in the histo; TH4E IARVEST OF 181 WM, BURNS, Broélk st. ý - "I' COST! -dSIL4 1

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