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Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1871, p. 4

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tltebO$tofi4tyle. Th ini, eurpe tul centreioft te Town-, hoaeêr Jrlg nBe,o e~thedooreveryliiornitg-. Eoard$i perday! AD D1ITION AL I~ ARR1VALS GELOBu1ROBSON. ¶Oarofal istiers Iasnatnso A CAR LOAD- 0FTE il -ian àin c CEL£BRtATED 5n fer.GI.ft ATLANTI1C OILte-A-T' JAS.U.GIIE >Whtby, Pcb. 291,d, 1871. Noney to Loan 1NTEREST 8 FER CENqT. THE COLONIAL SECLt1uTEs 00. OP Lcll<D<Ii, E1ÇLAND, Lo ïo mperovgd Fsrm Property £br e, Term et rivé Veare. PrinoIppal.. ùeî b'l 0italients, ut optio of lorroiror. LAW CIIARGJis VEIIY PODERATe'- IOANS ?RUMPTLY oBTAILNED. W'Good JIertgages Purehaseg, .M AppY te JOHN AGKEW, Whltby E.J. >U. CflIPMAKN, Manager, e 7t Wellington et, We.t, Toronto- rPb , pli. ' S- MANUFACTURED AT TEEI Agricultural Works, ILEFEIL's CELEUDRATEOD Double TURIINÈ WATER WIIEE.L flI-XeT OOoMxcz E NOVvis ui ICeps constantly on hand, and in course of maiu-A1 11 O ( 1faetnrei l~e Iarg'est stock of 'Ladies' en s' an is es YO GIBSON,in order to make ro > mi;ne oryuréIe teexcellent matenal and fine *ork- ~W ImiTER DRY 0<G; 15-Apil 13 187. BUTRNS, Brock ut. E'ancy Dress Goods, Plaids, Winceys, Glovés, Hosiery, Shawls, Blankets, (Clotho, (Jarpets, Fancy Sbirting Flan-nels, Red and Wh A. .wouîda ase caîl pattcular attention to bis stock of OChoice Teas Sugars', and PÀ11itY L*ROCElr1ES ln general; Aise Judd's t S M IT R.SQIIRISTIÂS AND N EW YEÂWIS tîV% ardware, Nuils, Glas;, Paiots, ;Oails, Varnishes, Goal ______________________________e__To bis old Cuseemers, and the Publie in general, lie wouid. Their stock is Supberb, New, and ail of 'the best -quality. cmlladeaiebggosadpie o ousle eoepr NEW FUITAT - ALSO WANniED IMMEDIAT'ELY TrY Ofjoui- Goods or Prices can be beaten! .OQBsi 'S,~ED 50 UHLAS $~Drese Goodâ in great Variety, Clan Tartan, Plain and Tartan IVoIIiIJ a n ces, 5,000 SMAL 4 5, 200ô0(;001) Winceyà,,Englisb, coicb and Ganadian Tweeds. 500 RE ,0 OI 10,000 Id O AR E, 50 ". P lsï 100c Il MIIIIE BEÂNS, 100 G O l TH E M ILLIN ERY DEPA RT EN T under te charge (o a lady f t 'ate and lud g --o r lflof w i h h i hes b akt Pri e wl b ment,) possesses siiperior attractions for Ladies. Thelatest styles in Hats, Ribbons, JUST ]iEOLIVED 9~Fralo hc h akt wl u Flowers, Mantdes, and Dress Trimmings.- -GO D RualIy splendid sets cf Fors. very cheap. 100 Boxes, naif ~nd qarerboxes, New' BLAOK SILK *$2,000 wortb, (purcbased nde, espatially fvorableoirououtances,) 'Layer-and Valentia Rain.-Y O N au sl ng tf , $1 to $8 por yard,,.jltf 81 THE- TAILORIÉG ýDEPARTMENt lau nde, the skillfîîl superintendenoe of Mlr. F Barrels Currants; boxes - PRL 2t 171 'Lanbert, wbose monits us an artistie cutter, during the. pat fiteen ,osrs of his rosi- ;s donc. ln Oshawa, requires..no pufflng. Boat and most fasbîeuable suite sin the Domin-~ oe ~~e irnLmnadOao ion made te erder. B±e anè Cton *emn- liOrne c3s Fresb Grecegies and New Fruit,; Boots and Shoes, cf superior quauity, very low. Peel; Cases of Essee, Leman, Rata- Try theolad Soe icou. Oshawa, and get your mooeylu werth.fi,ànla&c Oshawa;.Ne,. 2à,, 170.'.Cases choice iernyand Wine. - T. H. MOILLAN & Ce. MANUFACTURED. BY GREAT ANÏNUAL ____ ____ ____BROW.N &PATTER d» WVHIT]3Y, ONTARIO. Thmii 1n W E D E Y COMPEI1 1T1( vies,&g th ettowes ist~.p5tclxeir~in the Man ufacture of Reapersan JonSinrwI fe o aeMANTJFACTURERS 0F thiemd tbhepresont d&y.'e Wb[avc'just introduced it int Car, at te (hea Gdh Dr, ods ~Ihis seasori our Mticlines itilI ernbrace such s!nall improvementIs a y ai th o /eaP p Ctih-,ryGoos h L Oq R 1 £1c2ràincyth Moatcomac ugteaddra. TeIat.Ub.t e art t' ..~ x- x~ - L trongly and durably builLt The bèst matterial used in its construcl çtensiveoSacockdaduable. The easwhole- A A X R E IVU ýA ,L E cmiain wood and iron in tIe inger bar, makes It thé Most perfec leil.1v toc, it r'giiaýi-Wifle-The seat of the driver, Iocated eutsido of the drivinig-whee, gse balaneg sale ,prices, in order to makie JPALE ALE bar.AND t isle"TER. te sirg or break than that of any othei -om frNew bSpriiig Gods arou~nd an axis close totho diiving.wbeel, se placed as-t c t on é y, '1'orfor. of t'le driver without stepping-the team: .feyn reguar lea- uOflIt cuil and delive-s tatigîed, crinkled, or lodged grain rapidly and lu Thi sale. b ,euar er.D n ar w ry O t- uts 1,ect t1with, wiîha itiedraft' asa light four-eest Mowér, 'nc B crsal , forÎt esily, w thaconmon ta ropm fifteex te w ny a r ' l n s e o p e . A a t e n d p e s o n a l y o .t e B e w i n . a r e g I~ r a n d b as eu t o e u u d red a d forty acres in seven dy s. AsLhue pito ted esnal.t h rwig-argl Ii la nnufactured1er Reapiug oihl,because ILhas been drnonstrated Prics n obeet. *~ too ef iesandorte ca alays )e epededUp(f. ratepr sud Mower willI last te eut more grass and grain, than, wi .srieay inéo0À lPaties desiirousfajgAe o ueirqal u otr qa oaychines, n cssmublsin the aggregate. Besides, a separat Machil ney want e y 0 imporedare espctf l e s o fit edt ndirÎ ora1t1dr or.a q werk wîthand ot lb tulepsddlyo hnigfrn u etoohr antmyiarg o plicated than a corubined eue'; legs lhable te get out orcder, sudý'is a1wi am iadîyfrtenle ;ThsRae a-elincesfl ope. oIny, fiveyears. but its- -ý-'OlâN IN1 - N KRide(ail the year rouind) secoqd te noue la 'the Domimen. sfiiu neyer before attainpCdby auy harvester lu so siboratis' oth ______________________________________ .B-Ordersle.ft with ltr.-J.AS. [-I aMOh, un r aeoostroyaskirscpprtvl itî ~w zu~.rit pat liFr tes Brock Street, Whtby w reeivepomt ttt. widejy introduc-ed tbrougbîsut' the principal wbeat-gruwing sections cIL t ua eDec. 1 5, 4e gained a popularity upee - i h hsoyof i4a ingMahns ~Oi iay ibit orne one of any.otht C~TT C1'~A'ITT~iFor ti ~J ~ I L / J U L U j U L J J ! for barv under si ~I-I 1LOCALI U oe w c, 9~ Il liai 1 1

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