eluqeier tle Vil fcrwarded la se good un Al ttlgdeallng lun bMaolins Oll% viii do Walli te coOniatu wlth 'GLU. B. STOCK, Broughpss;, Ogt. - , Mole Ajout for lthe Dominion ~Brougham, MaroIs 16, 1870. Tom Joes'n hALL Mienne, Wou"s, beau using'y#isr Lulrientilg A4>55 ort tes et t'our menthan sd ou .si-y Vtheut lî,,55.stioî tlint t li.-tlte beoit lwe irse averusel. Tt fi lon fIîeusp. atd iita 1s'îger thon ssîy otlgor oil. Ws l'fève run'usr lurff.14 tuerstrouilren serf 7 'lova 'itIi duisolliig. It kions tIse tocs. 0104n, 1u1 1 Iilat.. Wo do net wat nythini bis'tt sr a briaator, r; m. yonritruly, Pl1. W. , .,Propad-t. A CAR LOAD »F, THE' CEBRATED ATLANUTIC (ML? JUST REJI? "D, tEAnd selius< t h itisessssl L>w ProeI.fto iAN 11 IIPDISKP Wlslthy, Feb. Oissel, 1<7-i. 8 cf JOHN CARTERI, L[CENSED AUCTIONEER. ONTARIO,, YORK & PEEL. on reilunrsble terrae. Tern» ilcetb.mode sà hllsi prlsted attise Chronicle office for Mf tn5a-tg A f n.'.nw» ihi i4trstt eî tbome,< li và i utest th5,1e buidziuev- ità a th5,5' uor. eu pets~0 5 ,aau,. FI[ pReperuia bVtrodmepr ,.auama 14,aiue 555or te lmaca4ih/tq e'te nt 1 1h. .ao. vo î,u Vo15, aepeuSSfr THi~E FOIJNTALN Restaurant and Billard -Parlors, * Thse Bif ostnplie.l atit cie. armadiaof filVie I.tsskPtylo. 1V"Vfas>ss Niitio nd Luch Boom Att041e. t laumi ,- UJN E TA KE R, &est &COI, a ~iiIdk ~reèt - lhlitby, ont. F I N C, RALN FIPJVLL Y <[sPPLIIIDe Th.e elabrated Pert#cted Specisoto aud, Ey. aueee, smanufa.turd b7 Ltztaci £ - Mortuis and (or whieb vw.'bave ils.soos, sgnv, 45giloisiugolden, opinions trou aillsa bo v rled luse..If 7011vent to Preuervt 70<50'ight 10 *,U*ee ld mgo, me. ises. and no 055r.., JAS, a. -GOERfFýARKIM. 'fie u sderlgue4 liebon n nda A large quantity or Lutin.r, Wicb Jb. LO W EST lnAB UfT BTES, Mr Bill Lumnb -mli klbdu eawilon ts à -A.B, CAMPBELL, BrobklinJse 171 13170. bi F ii w suy 1 yon JUST R}EUEIVED. rire Proof Chimneys, Shades, Reflecters Pooket I4tens Spring B3raokets, Wick Tr4u, &o JAMES -Ho GERRIE. Wbftby, Jan. 12, 1870. H BO'T O G RA P1-1y OMINION GALLERY i falz IS irt-Class PHOTOGRAPHIs! lslug 'lut gocel work 0allowcd to efse>vý me roouii. Ail kisîd. ie n1111Sie.O, frei tise Aauilockai picturo te i!tu sixe and ftsiâiscd lu %Jrbou ds 1 U lsk, t3epiu Wuter or lu 011 colora. r. Wllon fn ver» soceailfu i Idren'a portraits. Ilu.skn r» Speclul rates te Clergymcn. Olci Por- va ~Iaboi e n py tirreccîve Viitll it timo;(aven It yen du rsot wasst platurea.> ea fliter ourel ye thse visit wil Wel repa» for tise trouble. Nov. l1st, 17.41 AUCTION BUSINESS tuI aesrtour ibtiki fortisa ibeael patron n onuc oIsprîsuieboed upetsrsua îîsdtouîîsi nouiceths 1 m po tisred Su cessuct salis,, TOWN Olt COLJTNTY, AT BIEA80NABLE RATE. J. ,Arnaigeiuaueuafo~r sascuis hoa me sîtun ut tiO iU. sstue srae'Ik', crut ns» own ,o ilca, Brock atratet, W i lIP5y. Il1. FAIRlJApiîs, Jr., Wlsltby, Jnly 8, 10AR THE ]ROBSON HOUSE, (LAEociuitziT 1s1,uSTEL,) G ZOUG£ RotLe5MtsN, Lropricit oy. T HF subcrienr bu M to anusnenc that lia nLbu lesaed tise kifS dlteg fo)rîseel ni>kewn asocrlrSune's loute~wSichisiuabectse rîuevn esl, ref'uruiaiodsîsua itteil ut) tlirossgle it Sil tluabà stoeratyle. Tise easlî srpi'suly sltna7tçd, opposite tht l'Ost Silice. ssii! ln thee centre cf Ltse Townsu Th is teilw»ombueca!itt tue Hoel,assel thea stage, fur Uxbniclgo. sud Boavertose iesvi tissdoorsverysnonnii, flnriL*î perday. GEOPRGE ROBSON. ls *i a,>, v 868. .2 ONTR'ÀIîO Ho'*Ld,Zà t (igt, C. Daweu'a.) WHITI3YO.NLjAlftio A. AEXA~DER - - Proprietor. Globe ls.,tol,Iroielu, aslast lIse u*aetigne iake unceuil>ss to alsoussce tisutit hiseleluuuud haivu huais Istly-usairt Ski rcssulecu soeur- torsats~ii uuwher (et uuiliîîg nusosne tu neari. 'u Iefuuîr iîusSsrlv Afirat- cesia 1ii1ilrd Perler wiegtbrou tiF)luit iiia is ei- beiimi alîleel. xte'ue4rûu sdeiÃSois-tthie SSsIutszlt t bisls, Jiuue t, Ca., bleüsIge beau madsîe, Aleni'eiiisg tlisa uidermic,îeel ta, offort, lis Ofd irieuila midlle e lublic gettea pssdI~Y'un uluu.een sotl in t pliw As il rit aiS titaisbc -happy te Wilitby, Deg , 1858. 48-l» S O 110- s- a Vie nuceligned pt 'ko ,aciisteinfe0,rin etua. i l~nust the ahere 51155,, aiisaueluîun Lot t No. 2'4Iu thue 71:1, oreai thi'Sîe 'i'W430uilp Ot .pxirl<ge, âare sow Su PULL ýC WORKZING ORDEPt Aund ucaîl»foiouting luusIîer In, à " ara0nj1» te, sut astosuers.unad witls Juulseciufity ssd " -Lumber ont trous lO.to l30ftat in mgis. septouibe 29, 50- JloeytoLo"an irlBnEREaSPateu CENT* M.81E COLONIAL SE(CTRrnîi's 0. OF LONDON, ENGLAND, if9 &«ns- ou iuproved Paru Property t for, a Tersq'os Pire Yean. PiinelpeL Repayible b» 1, tsImneui,>jtoptionq - of Brrow"er. LAW CHARGEs VERIY YODERATZ. LOOXS8 PREUrY OBTAI1IED. FsiyDroi, Store. PAPER JjA NOINGS 1 Theisusderal;ssed hega te Isîtorn thea public thestliso liason ibmnditise largest -sud hast stock of Paper ILsngings lu toirn, Ail cf tisa luie' o ffare for bal@,,ver» 1ev, for ceh. l~Palst:sug, Graling, Giezasgt eind Paper'liangsng, cxcceui luna vork nilikoassiS axpoditioua siausnr, as usual. * A. C. -WILiSON# Dundea Street, Wiitb f WSitby, April 21, 1870. Mi ARR1AGE LICENSjES 9 TFICMASHU-o-1 THOMUS orT DIA RR I AGE LICE NOS - NEW CURRANTS, RAISINS, SPICES, TEAS & COPPEES, Ur7 )fliea..Jj',ny 11al. Residauce-Byrn u FRESI! OYS'IERSLBTRSRIE,-INNRDIS Sircsit, tlree d'oruuro sth of Town botll,* S3LOBSES, AN RID IS INA ADI Jans. 17, 1870. SMKDADDIDFS. JW Tise boat brandi o Wiues, Bratsdieu, Gins aud Whiskies, conitanuîlyoubaud. . IIANUFACTURED AT THE JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH CONSIGNAIENT 0F PURE Agicltra Wrk. CÂNAD IAN GRA PE WINE. LEFFL'S ELEDATEDR. TRANOIS, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. in conaepence of a coutemplataci change in my buglneae, I 'will offer, util the FIEST DAY'YFEBRUÂ1tY 4glitisa vîjoleo fmry Stockat a reduction of front 10 50 25 per co t. P à sais pà r ehu.er ue0'à ee,e t uily w cent o e V ry ' d o lla, by b nylg th iser g ood a n o v from N A E ~ ' u e , t t h e C h o q u e r S t o r e , i t h n th e a b o y a t i n te . ,i 1 ' ~ 5 ' . U E E E ' E In offeruig iy Stock t te-redction numed,-petiés may rest aeured that i13 la W d1 T E C E l rWE D- net for tîhe porpose,lotlaig ont an old stock 0f rmnanU, but alnsply to racinath. proenet sqtock on baud by 1il, Orot f nicnary next,baftire munking the 1changes I1ontcrnplato, sDW witi thise o le 7 btter arrangenment of My bnailleaa afiisr. iu vc h ea ur s f o o d , f o r c au h , v i l Bn c i t b a t e v e r r i l i l b . r d c d a b v stocmmasolng ns:L Suturday norln, notjitnir guntîl 'the flrat' off1 Fibraou. Ths outire of tise preau'.î t tudk viS! even ho diapomos01ciof t à sacrifice, ic as téenable use 10 arryon[t tise obleatI l nep~qooîîurtngmu» bincsu, Ad delng buiness lu future on tis PVRIRiPY, H MIL ON &Co' Thse only o4e I Sund to b. thse bout, safeat andc cenpeat te ail parties, in thse enc. Thse, erus i ftis notice il! be carieci out tie lttr. 1 bave been enableel 10 parchase, at great acivatage, tho followinF, su mici no, as to enabis mueto offth ieim tthit price* quotineS-200 boxe* 'X afaucla Esianu (ucw), 00. per lb., or 10 M4. S;81 110 e lye Cli sew).loo. per lb.;i 50 barralI.s ev Curturt, (choirn,) sc. iuerl.: 54,taiTels od Citurrasa,(souisc ssnd gond,) be, par lb.; 500 b",xe. bestt Figs, 25c. per boz -aIl :klnds cf Ifuti sudaotier Fruit et eqaqsily lowprk;ic. l ls. Suuiss,$1. ýg. have on band ncw pu-e.chseeeof thi' varyboa»t FinIs,'-iuclndinc 100 barrais White ighi (pull o0ciels>, Too isrrel 'frot ; 50 burrolis LAador Hcrritsgi,; 50 hait barrais Lssbuador ilerringsa; lidles reoeived ilIS. SA LT.-.éEngliais, comandeu! Ine, Iu-bîug, foi dscrl purpeses asud farniara geneasl na; Goci- sobic, Su berrilo. . ý W _DON'T LOSE THIS CHANCE, TEEMB (lu accordauce vit thtesaabove noticaetoSredcuticu offpnice,) ofwsurseie îli bstrictly cash. THOMAS ç SorsWLreS w ~ ~ ] I 1%,,Ari 2 17.~Ts hqerSoe re t Wine #cSpirit Merohant, NO.1,ON 111E CORNER, Hsà viug tbe wà nts of bis Uîîniarouùq cus;tomers js in wtaies this oc, casion to annune thut lie bai just re-otived a largoand Double TUR1INE WÂTER MIEEL 191M 19s08'r ONO i izn ]VHEE ro 1 i 3Wiseo!wa nil.s±ist1ses toe aausfilusmade, andI to gîte ai, gued iutiafuottoss as an» maun- actusreillitustIse Dfominilon. i'artcu deeairiug turtiser izfornautlou asu Ob. tains i byamdrea;sug PAXTOsN, TATE &t0. f a r c i: ~ P e r J' n y 4 ., P o nt ' n s' , o n t , W LIITIY PIANO FAOTORY JOSE-PH-RAI1N ER Tise snbucnbor, sulnruîfo1g hq.si&W' cne tisulssuctis te man» (nrieudu aud custoniena cf the Wbluby PIANO-AIJA~TRy ngo t0 este t t ho bnow carries 5te bai. ms soilS»pon lii, owun sccussnt; aud lu so- ltir.g future ordera hbe igs 50 assure aisen saS voîiiiuîg.viI! bo Set t nudone 'on isePart 50 gite satîstaction, lu iuppîyfpt E~ LIE La 19~ Thomnas Bavies & Son, MÀNUFAOTURERS 0F xxx 0RA Don- Brewery, Toronto', Ont, As the proprietor attends pérsonally fo the Brewing, a regular stock of Ales sud Porter cas, aiways bc dependod upon. Parties desirous of having Ales ofasuperior quà liiy sund Porter eequal to, auy lmnprtdaro respetofuiiy solicited to seud their orders for a quantity large or umalsu try fr tlsemslv'aà . With thse aid -ut ouriniercasedl faeiliibe, w8,aý,e ouableid to produce an arti- ce (ail Use Y'esr;tbuufd)-seod 70 none iu this-PI ominiou. N. B,-=Orders loft with irir. JAS. H. SAMO, ta thse Furnituro Warerooms, Brook Street, Whitby will receive pompt attention. THIE OLD STAND!1 ANALORE The titberto 4 te se» ti styles of rESTBI1 NEiIvjW- CLOTHS,. NEW TWEED.S. NEWXV HATrSNEW PRILNTS9, NGrW DCESttGOODS, Clothil)g Made to Order in the latest-ste, Famiy Goceries «rs March, 22nc1, 1871. BOOT ý S ANID S IIO.ES'_! HAe REMCbVED, FROM lUIS * OLD PLACE 0F BUSINESS TU TUE PREMISES OPPOSITE R.& J. CAMPBELL'S STORE,: Brock Stree, Wheèro ho wi Hl be gdto receive a 'nuit frosu his * Old cusuîosners.tlIle begi to inlorm bis numerotto pat- rons, aud hos publie gen-oraliy, that ho ýbas 0f Boots and Shoes of every description, for Laqiios' Gents' m ad 'Clildreiu's wear, aud snited tealal kiIdss off weathcr. Thick heavy BOO&~ suited for the mîîddy streeta, Liglît, noat and easY flIting In~, ntdfor dry sidewalks, dà nd,,for Spring aond Sumnmer wcsr. Ail. tise best quality sund superior workmasnship. Réimoving to liii present promiSeês bus enablod bine to malte very largo ad- ditions to bts -stock, to which, and a liât ot isa prites, ho invites tb<. attention ai cusitosnors. Marcis 28, 1871. BROWN &; PATTERSON, *WlTrHýY. ONTARIO. WE DEI?.Y CO)MPETITION!- 8Sixt eyas preticlezpeertc. lu tise, Manufacture of Reaperesuad Ifovr"ri' aie les US tlat ths Jb o e lfEkuj eper"iavoy a l avaneo aytt7e Machine made 't tise préent day. eae atltOducocil 17 mboCanaas, snd man- nfaotnred s limîftei n uiber tis past sasn, and s yet are tise oi manutactureri. ,Tis tesson Our Mouchiuo4 yuli embrecesucb ss! l mpiovemenss as ayear's experlauce lu tise mnufacture hot snggiasd Strougi» aud durably bult. Tisebéat ma terlalnused inluits conqiructio,. rIts ua- abl er» t sct. comupact andc durable., The ieeat, 'able to get ont or ordor, Tisa cobntion' of vood anud-lon lu tise linger bar, miikes it tise mont porfect of linger bars. Tise seat of tise druS,, Iocaéd oûtâida of tise drlvlug-wbeel, so balauces aud relis,>. the. Bn gor bar,-tbstt l le liable to sag'or, break than tisat of sne' otiser machsine, OurSol('Bake Ji.tise mont perfect ever Inveoteci, s u d consiste of Bye Rakeg ey 1olving ai ol O lv 2-12m. WlitlbY Brasiiansd S SraaPieu-n ;, ansd lateat BMc Aprolletious muai or by etter, (poà t ps Co-May5, 7. 3uat Arrived from Enli Direct from the Manufactu rer A SPIÈENDID VA'RILm or ROGaj PAPEN, LATgST PATTEI PFrom 5cts. to 81 50 per. J. WOLy? WhiibY, Apnil 12, 1871. LE Ry SE UlNDEIISTtINIt'D DEShIRiS To1 Tform 1sf, friaehujtsana patrons (Lut lha agalu iréiesz uiisa stIshe où' WHITBY LI>VERY STABLi [l iavilng euereasd -tise nimnber s qtsaiity 6t tis tuid, sud aulan addete assdJ prenvad- tisa coluvaynlea suad ralsileao p e ie iahéoeb» beilug in a poxuiisà uet the VanI,t S etýours tu niant a ai of pubif opatronage. Mr CIIARGE& MODERATE . Ne B,-;Covenea cujenvysscu fofr lfeus! sud iadies.PoopasuacaSeeui to ail ordure. Wisîby 'pri M. < RAY. Fropriete TEETIKXRAT gâr WITHIOT !PAIN, ,S B IE USZW LOCALAN-,STHET AT DEEqTALuROOMS, DUNDAS STREl WIIITBY, C. W. EOOMB.-4iver SM, Ji.Cochrane,# stop Wlîoty, Joueg 26, 1867. F l ALE OU TO LET.-Th0 u ndei saofetfo ie or to lai, that Brio] toga, aitnuited cil Kinu srcee6ut tisa-reg 0i. Drsjuere aideuca, sud fÃurnserly oas JAMES BOL] vs.seeY, l8ov, 16, xer.- COMMERCIAL HOl BROOK ST., WHUITBy. T'US i*jdsubor lbtlinbeg i tio s n Inostu co utnied po!,Seo'le aber, vweli vorsbl»,kuowu isotol, visSels lanowdl lu a touperiormaîlsuer, witb ovory e [IID 1833.,] 1 11 r- aew,ý Whitby, April, 12,197L GROCER. PALE AILE FAMILY John sau-n il -e r s, mm --