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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1871, p. 6

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.110 119votu ase. Ceask for *ocha thing- Ths a a&to, ah-moswu"1'. lLIBIERTY qe. Titka i for oruaeet Ch.moreh Tt 001 maly rsd ibreopsene o, W. alb W' orbf m t heWiPih wâýited sa long, lot se much vainable acte bthlo, f: e.auk ch 15oaataaa a, tmwo- bang :the folio, 1I Lt us tave , ctat ioltiotas or hie as i t he laDor bore I Afii *U, totit oafrein a disteno. %vil[ ho.p diu....so ge oes1. llr il t te iath ture-aitrewabaaule ratios. 'A s906b a feat aws woriba f ew balfpouce. c-tp'lea ttie irasi of theo wnerea Tell aspflt 's A PPle 'on bteb hld's Ladi TIEMS.-$îo1o lestai., baut ibis patrlot. -wcald_ upi;one n, i"N own a u witout ae otros'. W b.i7uj*ilîr tay8d-8 mmm vas ad~ae pt 1 blash Ceas«y hee , Wore sigas of a vont, of fsith in iho vré. 1 1 UANrT 'AT S ttau clown ;_ ho sené o saD1v that At KACUINEIIY'l Wà unrès.orabk -to expct hamac, 11f. tao b Put ina pui (or eh.: ridictalous mcm.A r!.J. S-T 0 (0 K- ' faaal Ppennies atüre, suroiy, Leud snd an- ~ A TI1.î grj Ilmurmura Wer. lasara. nuad te.delun: -T A M M N Olattigné uf th.e rowd-becoaae sa hosîl TViis 011 escalseail otiécr ir 0fboth ai thast ho fait ho couai D ot ptaoh the 'oalteorl anaid vegotabio. arn] wu Am .p'opared ta, - thrCiao aqaraiaritara otiis0 1totali thcr.iîa .1 ;t .00 lh o gave W., ad addtla th htests »ec--O aa opacn irtu aà peutat offronesry, ýas if ho bad woived ticle, t lax uaettê-Cs iit i t par-t et tesbargasoia 'Iaibahoes u iane teeciarraabicesýtga~,it goatimea oala anae 1:np t ahen a oaaveatt cf staattat. Thae foilowint aitat they, liea, acon the fot.' on- his Cheat >11.NT G IIeiem iiaaoiry ec friond broaaghe himulef.togter ; sud sfter Sept cinitia but Chatie troat iat-aiadg Ioaaylflou rishings, aunt hig potato alcftte cl oai îut'iaîaaIl ayîa fot nt eaîrod Chia lit rut hoidbiehe,, foidiag hi a rnae, pm ta1l' ollct o eiaaîer, TÈtaiaa- a t 1ut tC iao iariat Imnporttance, frotta Cie faact ai pared Ie rocelve il. Down il came, sud fnet bovin5 ttis ,qai .ity witi fltctoriek eltah samont ad sagréoe e tching donna, clIaaafMca uie i mat ie saplied desonod n is ar freboni ahere it aaieteia tet, bâat te xoatceatlit 'f>uea. o as haro 1siaafril 4e caaacieai sAad ai aaaaitabriott aVas splile jutea dozeà fra9m"tts 'Il aas il C. baraa y fikciont aqairofa IChat Cotn »lalirfin aîiaaat:exhibtion, aud maies aturo neceMa<,ry Ccreaitco it toa a iqild %lu ais taitlrsaud Ch cas ef h. ngro o uairitzAa t tigter tempcratuna by fiction, corded by Mr Hi îea, aWho, for asîmal s monîlet tuit tbitCaJîare<tl nomwoul uiow ay oe inbitbig-eadCold Attauft witilaut t ls aisat, ositl lmta i soh an, loue so an, - ithe 1ead orlo 0!' aitt a ter. JG. totck'i% Vii ani vi, a Con cugo.. Ail(ha Yer ba'icatlo Vcldcst aaaitcIinery* fite muut1a Round. lis tplliedI.- tlle ail la fflw aisod la ovor hatiairajostaltitateats sd isattIvlaagttao Tihe 8ollIEamld'ouatieërners. c'-, atil aliaad ail .t atelt ualqaag poreftr ituta reulietl $permi or paire Olive. 1 froc (roi,ta lia lcajociôtîs targç ealtgati gmeite atr the. coliapget. f ~ thaliter (>11., oaixldut-s rot gttiatu'ar frouet.N tasqte laUlliO are awitre ttaal, laity acrai grot rraheliinaie, dredu of he odlaerente Ciattgo tre paiffsd ito nrttrety, li ofaita cf-Ch. aLcst Cause, nme cf vhom boit praavaatiat Clt ié y l iatalîaaquttate "(sCt been-sta! sinthe ormies of he detnat'i onrosi e igntatitt titel <'peraitaloaxt tufiscre; 50tos e tfoiet itgcttj&. (rnaa y ot'tWlAottt il talot lae Cndsaay ond mony cf: vilaain ad1 ttucataoli ioff the ttîa iioffcl ou. 011 refluer previcias lu the four bren large plautein. Ot' beiaiti lenticui-with tockar exta Moeli deelaaritag hasten»'existence wittia theOiQ1wuvopriapoate.to ttose abo tre interea, inthte trulia cf ttoo sttaaat-tta. Cc *ti limits cf the United States wsa absoiatoiy Chaem, cta atppliittioaa, hy intai or ataerw, aneraduraabio, eaigraed -tu tire loarisiai. > cI eltacargé la, su> va, a't çlllt je0 Cîztilt t tway a'peuk for - tll. Andalwil oa Emupireo razil. Thei. deddcolcalust-a iCia iiit ao Cea liaplo testa, a% cffactive asere led ta beliere thast itaBrazil they tliQt-gtiiaIby viaiic «il-i iakaawarai i t wett faad s oimate sudecunr, uaitodle bser mtaet, atiidtaih wilI etiautlopartieso Woldfnd8clmaeanConrysutd uaeiarte tosec-tro eanu11111300aat arît Choi'r luxuriatastes, su ad . oud 6o taag i'. kay tiaalitgtliacantg tetiqraai t Cliao wiîinumik aad houey orase la hir ima 1gi- wathler lte oïl farwàirced is no gocalj nats as o har futuire paradise..A 1ratirttcs deattimlu MuJcliueo MA Wilil The Governtment cf Braizi,thinking vola c conttaaattictte iîtli thaC it sa a àfavorrable eppcaluuity in h. ukL. . Il ±TouK, lroaaglauati, Ont. djalTcodppmiaiaetC. etpr Sole Arottt for theo Domtiuiti Sbatos, of colcniziag IrazU.'so ncrmcas BrgiaxMra1518.- tracta cf aaiuaprcved terriîaafy aith ex- T E 8 T I li O N 1 A L. perieuced agricula aristai, sstabliiahod oloni.os zationaagacel a Nv Yrk -lichond - TataJoszrac 11ALL Macatraço Wotu zalln aeucis i NewYor, RihmodliOiliao, April 'a,1870. Ssaah, Nobile - sud Newr Orleans. G. 1.Sra1 sgIatuuaut, 'These dmpoti were expreéuiy-provide4 aiah ]lt,& Saa.-We hata -e v-bar cf oxpediaiaag omigraticu, by pcen unsl»nrrlularicat-l tag>for the pax offbrang, DOsile was avqp;aosed h b iho, mi..- rtr.noattias, Oa ltandinmtay itiiitattt tsitiatil Cthtat et rite best <,il wc a-veoever iatoca Il f grants, mprior fasilitiand suducoenos atIxo ea ietîtan atailsta41tiaratChat»aay otier cil for maiig Brazil au attractive -home for W@ batve rui» car Iarize 14 fet r ort llit - -7dats atit ott olaag. It kaethett Cio Ca thesetteon, The uatiein ehas Ciay, fan- co»utt tt aWC tdo foct ajat t aytbin zalilasai rauspcrtaticn te ovor 2, 000 persoa 9sbotter os a lnbriotitor. ccaaprihiaga ocg thêmem Irogli sortaiT'1I ain, yourti trulya gaehered (rom @lit quaaserm cf he habaitable 5 F. W. GLEN, Crcatlent. globo, roady and. wilintô» o t atinz .xCejt band wonk. Arriving-ai Rio de 1 . Janeiro, most Qf'lte latter clama cf gli-.t granit refaaod 'toe cumpiy alah their coueraut bY Coionizinx! the interior, and romoaed li h. vieaify cf the capital, Ckinlg out a miuerahha: existence as boat$t ahsy ceald. Afier making th. City eu MaloMoperfeet paudeaocraiam fer aparly &ve yoars, theya ver. denat t-ms at Gov- arrimenC experaso, Ctho Iraziiaaamfeeling poîfeuiiy motsdôied lu uatlring ah. additiona. ral i xpense ln rde a tu ho rele ued romx but, a nainher cf very eoslmable gondeo1',a ment amODg whOm 'Wono ttbaccocgroweroi. taf- fnom VîriniascCaiulauen front the "a o0tantiins., Qerrgite, Aisaais sud àMissi- nippi, ýaaad extensive atgar.plaitiers fromein -- the fatuonusRed River district of Lcuisiae ~ ' - '~- itrad Middlie Teia, dozzled hy ah. brillilant pro#spect cf recaaporatiiag tIair dopieta.d fortunaes, eoigrated wiah thatbir foillaste thé prcvmuCom ef Saff-tPauan d E4piriCha S3ato, li lover Brazil. Whie district@ Of Cth., luaama land* ate .Soth, train To-rta, a;ta.cvar ,u~.p, - Maryland CtaTrexars, týere scritloed fer a aatîaaa.saata'Laa'tlattatatant.ha Caere sanag. Etaîlte o nliem Word aimasnt le at' ronttel . Pàfadt.faàacr.xaiti[Prdevfang,. etwli, 0l ta le i ra5carttt a. làaaaacda-arltaa eepsey depopualod hy the, groaa t t # ,a rttuawaaota~r'aataah exodus cf ropttaha emixratats and dar-~at'nuaasvaaar~.ai$aiaîa t, îpg boiaeb, Were poeul libsteisc il I lm4vos. esqaditnb, -th, vîlest deotieon jai- ESDÂU ToE Cbrisbenueai- I. iddiert fra, Ifaeto mallest o:* i otniko rrsc>i0 o a oêu -j~ ONTARIO, YORKC PLIEL. The 8jAporh New $te NORS W et iatiiiii, ea es Portof R ch str uuN-,v 4"- uaffl u uuYers note te actL'r,. (vlkàanlotto) overy evèîaliaag at 9 e'elook, (cxoqpl b0> Remember my new promnises, next door to the Royal Osuedian Bsl tietrdBlit ).-aho N a ves at 2 0'ailock, P.m,- T R HIq T le le t e f viriae au f m er r ete rom o-. roaatc te)RIoclIIt4cr, A lbayay, &oc. The ehoap- et sud qaaltkest route, (roui points Euat of Butlrl, a.The fiavorite rout e Aven-sudr 187'1. M* lLLANS e CK Clfa»nx tirualit caaaogta nfrolilaate carn long al. UCoant,îtion m.ade ut Cobourg anal Por, jOpe AL'E XA NDE R P T Ct T Mi l X j al a l e Steam ers tr o Ham intîtitR tad Kobtroal,. ..ZZ..C c>. C la »xzIaB .rC.ovAd from hi ý old Pr eim ises to M cM illan's B lock, B roc Aprpar 11, 1S eut- Port Ru anov d tomi er nsa April 1, 1811.Street, adbegs toinform làis nmrospatronsan « -the puiblic generally, that his, stock. em- brce every requisite- in GeutIlemen's FrnisbingGoods, 0-u A generat assortuient of best selected O1othsj> AllClothe mlad in to order- No Slopwork. NO FIT, NO PAY.- à« zo 0 ~ ~ Great Caro and Attention, paid to Arti8tie Cuttng. ma E c3 xOC - A continuance of that libera patronaige extended to him dur ;2 o=9 'e as& du a>u~rsin vvmLy, respcttully slctd = -MARCH 28, 1871, Val1ITBY P O TOYFA M1,Y G ROCER. -- 0 SE PH- RtAI1N'ER Wine-& SpiritMiverchant, Mie Pubtariber, laireCercli5 bahcIeni-I N cre tinstattak e oibony friendt O N H OR E . Andl eut es ofetlte Wttby (AND, MANIJFAgTORY, ffavingt'hocwants cf bis nîiaCrotîs customers in viow, laites tbis oc- cmo oannotitce that hle lias just rpceivced a large aand 01to bttt thol la10aiça carnes rata tie bps@I. welI assorted stock of (}roceries for the l idyviz: A 8 0 18 Y p o ta Ca wl a etito~ i t ai u d l i1 ra.y a;g fitareoraeihb,. abatste o ure titi EmOJ R N axotiainig will ho e emataclotie oa hI, part NE C> ATS AISINS, SPICES , TEAS & COEES Cc itsasatisaotoa, n tupi~nsFRESH OYSTEIts, LOBSTERS. SARDINES.- FINNAN RAD-DIES, FI-3 v t u m u n e sSMOKED AND DRIED FISH . or LIT I The bout brandt.o Wines, Brandies,, Ginu-and iskies, eonsttantly en band. AR I T Y£ l, &JUST RECEIVEîD, A RESH CONSIGNMENT F PURE -Fi NTv s ul . ( 1-1A NA X ? E @ W 'î r ao c o l r t d te w p a ie n t a n d l C o g g -M llte . I I - j j ~ U L i J a Y 1 ~ ? i ýr»- ra o lla v ion aisajnactued - -AN G AP -AIl 1orders exccuted 'aithr promptitude R.]FACIWlaolesale adRetail rc. JSP F. RAINER, 1th, 3 1870. I - ~ - SPI{ING STrOCKc 0F 'oI0MA MUSTON ]BOOTS 6' &fl.UJ±ib . art-sor 1ARRIAGE LICoEPs -1 -'fllce-Tova hll. Hmd eBroa mmu T E C L N t tiraec torsnorta cf Town blal. MANVFACTURED AT TuIE Begs to, announcè to his oniatomers and the public that lie has t RLI opened. business on the promises lately occtxpied by AgricuItural Wor-ka. Mr. Bandell, on Bro ec Street, and that li s now LIEFELP9CE-LBP.AEDmn receipt of a splendid Stock of the leIE ELAT ED ir le Prm5ets. t Family -(Groaries' & -qos.Gi sdoa March- 22ad, 871.Wbrîby, April i BOOTS AND 1SIIES'1 -~ri Jo lin raunder H-IA S R E M- V E Dltsagl caajb WRITBY Lfl FR0~RV 1118OLD PLAGE 0FP BUSINESS ToTHE PREMISES q£'Iileving ene OPPOSITE I. & J. CAMPI3ELL'S, STioiw, m'c Brock Strc, .wbere bic wiII be glad( to receive a visit from Ili$, I '-CfARGES old crwîtonera. .le begs ir iaxtornx lais npjmerous Pat- N. B.-Co%-cred c ions, and the publie generally, tiant bc- li<a7s l1dadie.Pupt A LARGE ANID COM-IPLETE STOCK Whatby, Aprs 0f Boots anid Shoeq of evèrv dsrpin for lýadies' G-ents' and Chldreu's TEETUI wear, aud rnitaid to ail kiaads of weather. Thick heavy Bo3ot8, snîîted for ___ the mraddy atreets. Ligat, ncat and -easy fittifig Biot.q, suited for te WITHOI0 dry sidewalks, and tor Spriaxg and &Sitnmer wear. -AJi of B TUlE the best quality and' superior workmansibap. NLTMOUJS OXID *Reînoving to bis present prcaniý;es bas enabiled hin to, make very. large ýad. -ORT alitions to his stock. to whieli, and a Eist of bis prices, lie invites theoattention ORCALAN. ofcusnatoiners. 3 T tJ R R I N U~~ W A T P D rrr viMn r R I I ? T DQI A I » . And of the best style of Boots and -Shoes. Also on-band a large stock of HIOME-MADE Boots and Shoes whýphi cannot be surpassed for qality and price. TUECS O ONOMIOÀ&L 'OZEL Nov lu cix Busines also carried on'as usual at the Old stand near te Wlaa-by, Ma0, 171, THEOL n i t u O vî a . a s g o o d s aW altt e l R a a e , f na t h é r e a l l a i ta s D o t nm a n a - tul'itTtlCaqdasiriag furlaer InformatioESTABL Calah batddesaitq<osae~ The undersigned nrtr PAXToNq, TATE t& bo., hithOajo oxtendeal trate Oid stablsi Marct S'li, 1969. l'ory.5t., port POayOný.t. Ce Y' thatt- he 11s8uow onha l - 1Io- stylés of KW', «la rwx W T t:m MATTR EW COLLINS.- ÀD STAND!II ISLLED 1833--l ain tans or 'th 4eral patronag 'i"earnrl po f forty years , doe largo assorttuent of th. moistmoderil and e.ia-s HAITON HAMI CLTN4 N:W CLOTINEW PTWE -. -.. a-'- w Ae iDirecJ t - roj a j d G r c g C o t t o n . D re at r --OF R S Eý LF-IiÂK INGIL-* E À?ER, iýfAU.FOT,.I:LI>- ]3y - DENTAL IOOE DUNDAS ST R WHITB Y, c. W. ROOM.....o . M.il. Celrana WltlttaV, Jeane 26,1867. PELLOW-39 Aaaaengrit thae disea erot the as. et Wn -DFJFYCOW-)MPETIT"ION!- Sixteen yeart practical experinicinl the Mainufactureocf Roapers and îowers a 1tis- fies utbtat [lie "Johnston SeIt-Raking Roapçr" iu very far 1h advance -of aun;ritiir Machine mode at tiae preatent day. Wo havé joust btro0duceal il inte Canada, anal nman- nfaotured s limnited ntamtir the piast'sooson, and al s et arecte Ocly mantafacturers. Ibis season or Macinaes vill embrace soda umaIl imprOements as a Ya'saxpcrit.nce in te mnîaufaacture bras suggeatted. Strongiy anald drabiy bolt.- The beoust oerii used In iCi construction,' lts nia- cbineîy [ho meut compact and dpioble. The loast liable 't' gel ottof order, Thte cembinotion cf wood anal iron ith ie flngcr bar, anke th le moat perfect of linger bars. The seat cf theo driver, iccatealoutoide cf [ho driving-wcou, go balances anal relieves tbe flt'ger bar, tiatailè esà liaible Ca sgag or break tbaan laaî of auj othor machine. OUT Self-Rate is Lte moat perfect-ever invented, and consista cf five Rlalcosrevolving areuna n axis close fa Cite da iriog-wheol, se plsced as tri b.euhnirely nder tbe ceotrol cf tho driver witheaîtstopping te teo.m.- 'It culs ana delive-s tangid, crinkled, or lded 'grain rapidly sdi, gond hspeý cets a x foot uvaîa výithia aslittle draft o. a light: four foot Mever, anal no Bide draft ivhatevcr., ,It cote asily, viCia a cratmon teatta, trom, llfteen [o tweOzty acres per dsy, sud bas cul oneo hundrean d fcrtj acreu au seven ditys. -it is msnaxfsaa[ored Jer leaping oniya becatase il bans been detunn,,rnl,,t1, asps-p rate Ileaper sud Meaver will laitto l utmore grags sd grain, -thauaitwe combinoil ma, ohines, andl cests mutai legsin [he aggreg-i[e. 8eaidesa ,Separate Machine lesou in.m pliaated thon ascmbincal one; Ioeu fiabue bt o e o gale rdr, ttd lus La rd rr work wittout Cte troublend alaavof ehaàwnIIIII---. -l4vys rsdl'o 3IODERAT. nttae dpy a l. Jfi I 1 Rk

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