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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jun 1871, p. 4

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'ir.d a r.Proof CJimuoys, ae <J Ell Vtrs d mar. - Bpring Braoketa, Wiolç Tray 4he $belr Wbiîbv <Jan. 121>870 Or tie, The basband or b. ido, SDI. rThe Wllkno wn blooI dtsuion loua to show is Vit.'. relatf@ il thé *orel hb.o ould, t<o.k th.gentlemans4 bers. lb a livery stuble, FIasily Ib. rialt becs,, a Vsitation, sthe-mor.bs. *u à <oud, artt.r thlpes of ive dey. s;la« 4& gIU ER T Y , 59 bodgin5 sud hoardiag the gentlemen. a- -1 prottiy eoaiderasbil bahd ral, opet ;he' Wlii stand ior Mare.saetLtte Whitby Llvery liver.>'stable. Adoordiagilyb. wans 1o Stables,.tibis Sea..on. Heistand. 15 baod*s théMauwboW kpt bo ivey @abls ich"bias.colo.. cark chestcut. la Oso aor tâo <b.muauhoba kei to ivey ssb e st s elo t ob-110citslu the Dominion ý land told i h o the b.gentleman <o.k Mre. mOnt froua à dIsttied vIf!b. provlded hie hors, b. vould psy- tb. bil. vîti penture ut rensonabxl, ales. Ail soci- i ~dolait. attheao k oft o lb. eu.t ;,, 'Tory vol!, 51t osal ePr, 'i -TIfRUS.-sîo te tous o. - und.rstad YODn' > RAY. Aàcoord<agly, tu à short files ,héb.0011nt1 7'W iltbr. May Iii, 1871. 1 gentlemia vsaî 1o <b.- tibl. and crderid- fiie hors, t. b. g9t -resdy. The bill of IMPORLTANT TO PARTIES USINGC course, vas prétérited Lo i..E C iEt 401,1 sid tb. gentlemaan, 'M..-o My relalve, vil 1 PSy Ibis.' 'Tory good sir,' said thb. stable keeper, rT .S" <' 'piee.got an ordier(rouM.~--.~ EX FilA MACHINE DïLH viiibe -b, snie s <h mon>'.TIlt Oitexceis ail otier Vi, botanimal The hors. wuipofup agoin, sud svay aud "egetulbe, anti w. arc p'opared te show vont thecofutry geutiomae e os t Ltsuperlority et titi. 01110.11other.ltstand* tb. marchent kept. l the msieerieurlatprocure a flir-cia,. ar ssi h, l * *v* tioie. it la adaptel tb antier ligigt or hevy ma- 'Are yen f' laid <b. uaercbant. $Weil, beavest oft sloafis '!ýýhé foilovinit-are Lb. - pinta lu -whl fi; -Lecs&other 0f. : IT gond bye, 1sir, WILL MOT OUM, llancesuachinery cou b. 'Weil, aboutmy bois. ; the an " sid kept dlean with but Ilttie trouble, sud It viii -tbe bill mitb. paid for b iéeepn. ieamcicr'that <tas benelreadygummecl I supose <at i rigb, sir >' ler 0118. It viii not couveaa or tîtiplen 'Weil,1spos iat ergtar' lu tîté oldebt of venter. Titis la a qualtty 'Yes-voîl, but Ion kuuv 1'. ycur ut »bo bighext impértauce, fromît thc tact anu 01 'if,'. cousin.' not bsvlg ,thi. qu4liy '111 not libricata aa calai slaft, incb au I may' ha appied lu a 'Yes,' said the merchsnt; I kuov you beataci tata, but the monment l toues acold aeJ but jaur hors. je not.' <batit Y <scottaalad andvii letlubricatéu. a, - ril tL..,àurtlib> fiction acquirasl thaît Ituper- Jprefellijr I tg iockOr alée torea nacssary to raduca il;teasliquiti tata in Prcclng Os loc cfSbepi acqurîng a igbar teuerattaroby fictionls.ie - journal expauds and the box fslunjured, lt Io 'Net 100 miles -trm Dubbo,' 'rites as.linpossible toitse olltitat villii ili on a th. correspondeut cf theo 8J/dney EmÉ old ,sbaft vithont titis reéuit, as il 15 te Min- Jrgla 011 villa woter. J1. G. t3tock's% 011 will lu-. ,bu su excellant sheep station, <er, 1a bricae tiécoldatmachiuary lie uomeut il Wau itelligent, pion@. Idmnuwbo round uda ed etaiIsisessn1 la nvla seding vhe. Ivo taP bis sheep in t hab bush everv Suudsy, of seisfactio, ad al nbin ' ai g lt es opens bis IBible, sud aftt.. givjpg out a prefer it te raflued Stparte or pure Olive. It in iexts praacbes s sermon <te bis oe' I rmo froua lbé.'objections urged <gainaI al shpoîber Cilla,as. t dope% rot vumu or freeze. Nov vhich 10metinias ecaupies hait au hes, ur sas tbe, public ara avare tbat inu woatblens delihvar>, 1 sacradibi>' informed <bat things are pttffad lonto utorlety, lu order ta thidBoc ofkheo La beomeprove titt@lasi.no hombez, sud Le seaure Ibi Soleet hap b. bcot,0 acas.- ourselves <gainais 1he operations 0<t noruipu- tometi te b. praacbed te once s vaek, lousa il aettt,(many o otn imiinet hesi- that Oun s>' tha>' ' eldon, sttempt îo te epatte off tliau, offiti of Oi refinarias <rata fmatberthonib. peaehng aoidbeitig identict lwitit Stock's extra Machine travl frtbr ton bo reahin grnndOhl,) vo prapc.se. ta thosa vito ara interectad outil <hait. ps.or bas ormoujsed them.. iuthé trucath of titos ataleneuta,, 10 sentel IfettsusliY gels Ou thé familiser stu ptbam, on applicatiotn, b> tnai or "lerwilue, milirc etchage n u wa, s mpi; '*Ae ilî wh iceb serves s s pulpi< ; sd i t the th t il f>'po k o ibüf And -will ipi a J preacher vas Dot in earcest, the apparent. seild viii it afeai itplci tetet, as effective as 17 atentve Iulesbaaoveduponlain bytbome ttetsby viilI golti in kttawttfrin lte ]y atenivelook betowd apn baisby hgerilltais, atnd vbicbviii eabla parties or- paraeoftheibm avVould eten relax bis derittg teaccor.eîsenieuveRagainst iiitposi- àter feture frm saneuto etr lotby easblitg tîete dtaéiterminé et once steru fatureg rein ssneme te exta.vtet1h. 01 tcrvarded la as good s aib.Ail thé sheap tace hlm, the dog temple. v )jing hy bis aide. With the Bible in- On. Ail parties detling lu Machineo 011< vili dos. baud, tb. preacher bananers aLy> vitbval e GEU. B. STOCK, Bronglitut, Ont. Lia othar, i.s euînorlan veice heing heard *SieAet a haDmnin u a mile Off. Tbougb bis gesticulations areo Brougb.ai, Mri 15,-1870. * liti IlOuelimeil violent, Yet the - sbeep o sud-- L torbear te nibble theéuaost ieuîicing hîstie T EStT IM ONI AL. et gréasi utii thé bilisdiction bas heen Tute JostiiHàLL MAazuiax Wouxs, Préinouulcing ;sitar whioh 'tbeyl urts right Oehawa, April 4, 1870. abînit face, sud disperse <banslives over G. 1B. Siaca, Esc., fltwuaîtaM, the Plain or lu <ho saiîbas scrub. Men- Dràn tfi,-We have While the oid shepard partakes cf bis beau usi geu alsbriaîiug ih iei Iheat primiti ve breakfast, sud <heu poraneeshidct s'iîttitl.tiit mouatonus vocation b>' feiloviog ltb..' alan chisi), antIlstis longer titAn an> otlier oit. T We btae neut. large 14 feet trou plaltiar, palt 7 da>'s vitb ellaoiliitg. Ilkeenu tlieto olsaso; TUR litox Caowrs OF ITÂLY.-..Ou tho dean ca ilIgt. 7a do nual vaut anylbing n 23rd tifMa>',,18<15, vbon thb. Enperor boLtat as a ubrîcator. snd Napoléon theaa irsi vas crevned Kicg of Tain, yonra triai>, Itaiy, at Milan, halviti bis own baud., F. W.GLEIN, tPrésident. W placés! ibe acpient iron crovu et Le.- bard>' on bis beati, sayiug 'God bas gionM 1<1te me, lat iilmbeys...vilo vouid tieb it<il thug assuiiug, as Sir Walter. ScoitT observes, <he baughly mollo attached te, thé antique diadem b>' ils eari>' possessors. The celabratad crov& -je cotnposed etfsa broad circie of geid, sel viib large rubis, S auîoralds sud ssppbires, ou a ground of bine sud goldi onamol. -Tho ma$s imapor-. tant part et tho iroit crevu, (rom vhicb inderd It dérive& ils namne, as a uarrov baud et irons, about ibree lougîha of an inch broosd, sud ouo.tenmb et au inch lu Ihickuess, sttscbed teohelbo uer circun,. feront. of tho circlet. The lune, baud of sacred Iran lis said ta bavo been made ont of eue of the nuits osed et tha crucifixion, Doun - guven b>' tho Empt.eas Hliena, Ib. siieged < diucevoe, o e<o croiss, %o ber son Cou.Ti #lsntilles.u amiraculoas protection, tram Lbe dangers oet<ho hatie field. Bons- parte, siter bis coronation et Ma, ioui. Slteil s nov erder of Knigbtboed forLay outltled tb. bren Crovu, on the same I principle s. <bat oet<ho Legioaofet Homionrt. ,TUZjWUeti CLASL-Ia.e'pw <e.t B>' Lb. pasugà ef the, Westeath bil, *-Gladitono is vested wilb groamer paver Litan bu previosasi>'pgsarsed for -calaaiug Iroisad b>' muans Oet<ho croi-har anti bayonet- B>' its asaus howiliIb. ahi, go m4o elaeind tee bot for Sibbenmen sud Fopismis. but bis bosslt.,. tgs fit la msk- ing 1t- t< o cic for th,. Womca are saidti tohave stronger et-. Wàbaea<s $bno. oIt, 14 is iaod là M itîle thiags. Aà a.on fî.ma ttacbed te au old bit ; but did yen tuer kaov of a woose bsvring anatsbment forsan oid bonnet. uxacan..proiabl. n=.neu.îezaacarrc tQ=t. ,is=tacf1Bsd a mp"aftea droc siOic a . T p 411 bu <. aie, a :reu; rotali eaviraptibW i rtteaa .nvN .#1 o o frthe tbuofrtsgpotoa.d pecal.uad 81 OsloPst, Whaî relo &bout- jMossis and for wicb;. have, lb. sole sveeplng Ont <h. roc?'o *No' auered I g5ctc>, s arPlantagolden opintions frm Pst,' 'la sveplg onttb. dirî sd îesv- sU Iboso ihbab.@.tried temh.. If yenvaut logaig <aroom' - 1aprosrve yoPar igbg <o ez<rémý olti se, Soi. girs aa iis oli usk.<; e se thasïs milne others. mie s deont fpqder and votifsgo o airJAS. H. GERRIE, Aor,,. -Wbon a lesbattertyIl'hke a kits, 1 wh. It allgbis on toips. JO ~N CA RTERt, A veleran ebopkew.r 55>'. <t a-i- LICENSËD ÂTJCTIONEE ,R. tboaagb bis alerte are tom>' alkatire dai île day, <b.>' are siu <a>'. reM abioat .p o:&caiso -at aigbe. ,ONTARIO, YORK & PEEL, À ouoyeist<ob. formeai or -pro- -0-- ..o S, thOh, uatlag tb. appliestien oqfsteS, pov*e £u Lb. colîlvatlomwof landi snd tbe other p.ur- aka ?-.Psj..5yg 0 posesoi buebasudry. -SALES stuadsd on tbe qbort.oaî notiee, auj Whst oioobus uti- ~ ~ on resonablo'tortas. Ternas.n-b. made «soi WhtClmusddntinooW bile prlatd aLLiae hrpuîsclao oofor kv hhg dho«" i Im The subaciber bu o ù hand a large stock of Haàrness of the best ;Manufacture, -Aie would more part[cnlarly eaU. -:h ttebtioù b îthe Exoe.isiorBaok &H ip Strap,' à new and WHeuinvention for Harnmese, for -the manufacture of whîc b h bas purobsscd tbe exclusive right for the Town of Wbitby, -township of Whiî1by snd township of Pickering. It is the best liproveut that bas becn made te barneas for many yoars A large stock of Trunke, Wbips, &ô. Cai,àud oc for yoâràeia. Cash boyers noteè the-tàoti. R C> D ILT O' Tihe Snp.rb Iulev LaZke Upperýst CairryinDg Unitecd Staltes sud CeadfisnMs std Express. LoSue Port Hoe. ver.> Moru. lug for Iftcee te £9 oloook n h Ol c Grand Trnî'k lia>' Trains trouaEust sud Wiss.. BturuiQg, leosPort of Iteeheutor (Charlotto)e> ovor'eoulg aIt 9 o'ock, (exc.pt Mstnrdayu, vheu site leaves et 2c'clock, p.m., for B ltau)., Ti, is i iefavorite nUMICIer rote-froua Te.o routa te Bacitetr, Aibsa>, &C.i, cba est, sud -quicloat route fre int< s t o Port Hope oun te Grand Truuk, ta Eao"ester BuaLla, &o. Tito favorite rou; t 10Ao' su Clift iSprtu., <&e. 11Il1,1 Paegorts and frolgaG. take cars along, aide ottaier etI Rechestor landluq. . Conueciiou madea at Cobourir sud Port Hoe AxoasR .CARTEB, AprilIl, 871. Port Hope, Cutarle, 15 w HlITBY PIANO F ACTORY JOSEPH RAINER PROPRIETORC. -o- Tho snbscriber, it returcing ita <lu- coet'lbanks te the iuauy friands sud clastenuera et lte Wiiby ets te <tale taI ha nov corrdesountaetusi. 'ss solal>' upan hi.ou n loceut;* aud le se- citir.g tutureeordersho begi toaessure tem et nothing yul. ha laft utadone on bis part FILESH OY5TERS, LOBSTERS. SARD[NES' FINNAN IIADDIES, . au ïï aSMVOKED AND DRIED FISI. or stwxatîoa ffl The hast brautis o Wiuas, Brandiaa,, Gins sud Whiskies, constant>' onutauti. SlL T Y L, JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH CONSIGNMENT OP PURE FINISH* <'ha ceiobrtated naw patant sud aras-gaa CÂNADIAN GRAPE WINEU ttr et lia. evu itvention uaauumtc:ured ;lharetofore. R ?ACS hl -eadRti rcr Rr Ail orders oxeorutad viIb promptitude ' ~ WocaeadRLi rcr id cilapateli. JOSEPH P. RAINER. Whltby, Ma> 8, 1870. îy.îa SPRING 00VOK 0F 'HMA HSTNBQOTS& SHOESO MARRIIGE LICETÇSES o W' OfEcea-Towlal. 1 leisidone.-Byrou n _ et, trea doors urîla ofTown hil. M l ~ W ~ . In. 17, 1870. 3 A T EC O L N MA-NUFACrUI<ED AT TUE Begs to announce toi lis cutomrars and the public that le lias 10 i MILW M l RetXXIr opened business on the premises lately occupied by Agricultural ýWorks. -Mr. Bandeil, on Brock Street, and that lic is now LEFFEL'a, CELEBRtATED in receipt of a splendid Stock of the ableTURBINE WATVD WHEEL RIGIIT FIT AND MÂKE,9 ~ Remonibor in>' new premises, nazI ~oerto tho Royal (>anadian Bank. LR. PHIL~P. 18710 MMILLNDERsPBLOCK, 1871 ALEXANDER PRINGC>. Ras i'emoved from hisold premises to .McMillan'a Biock, Brock Street, and begs to inform his nýumer(ous patrons and th rulegenerallyj, thatî his stock em- b 82e every requisite in Genleeo' Froihigg oods,ý A generaI-assortment of best selected -Cloths. Ail Cloths made to order. No SIopwork. NO FIT, NO PAY. Great Care and Attention*paid to- .Arti8ic Cuting. A continuance of that liberal patronage extended to him dur- ing the past 30 years in Whitby, respectfully solicited. -MARCH 28, 1871. 1 fR aNÀMCI:,l Wune &< Spirit Merch ant, NO# 1, ON TLHE' CORNER, Having the wants of bis nunilerous customers in view, takes Iis oc- casion to anounca that -ha bas jst received a large and wel assorted stok of Groccrica for the holidays, viz: sZ . xaTSC taaeroxm vrirEaL-XUov içVUs1 1 Manufaoturer-of Tin, Oopper, &Sheet TrOnu War.. Wbitbyjuue 5îh, 1871. NOTICIE OFRMVL -Tames Joînston, Watchmaker, will carrY on bis- business in M.Jas, Byrnexs Drgto, During thé building of-the New Premises. Iet, &., c.,atvery Ilow pril Me On DONC Splendidly Finis-hed, e: lav BUGGIES & SLEIGHS. *IIITBY, Nov. 22ud, 1870. REPA I RS AS USUAL.ILÂTEST I And of the best style of Boots and Sloes. Also on baud a large stock of HOME-MADE Boots and Shoes 'Which cauueî b. surpaascd for qnality and price, Ail orders punetually.attended te. Repaire neatly- doue. Business also carried on as usILal at thc old stand, near the Roity a y '10 t seL THE OLD STAND! rrEEWIa..îé v. arau lOW -insnftatring. -I. citaspet Liensn>' other slaop lu ina.h@cOMO t. an sud w vii I.a* gmraovtb saab artrentngthe inta b . vlindrlgESTAB-LIS lIED 1833.) Parti.. dasluig forthur . lufmilon c,9n Ob- tsin Il b>' adressbing - The uudersigned in returning thanks for the liberal patronage - PAXTONu, TÂTE <S (10, hitberto exteuded toe .oid ettabllshm.ot, for neari>' à period et fort>' years, de.tires M ar t U ,. e r y 4 ., P or P rr ',o n t, o s y b t b a s n o e a b a s d a la rg o u asio r t ae n t o e b .m st m o d em ra ns d e le g a t SAjld trusts bpiés roerne WATCRNAKER, àe. pp attention and-mdrt rie 0ecra DreeS Sîrse of - -. WhILtËbs. covoreti - upbolsterlug. lurnîture re-stufoed sud Watches, clo.tslng and ud ierali FTay, Sqpied as herotofbre, $sws apaig Machis. IF&Some splendid, peoimens of Picture Frames, -sad Gilding. Api voytalg eeuaea lepirc sd li- RBemember tMe 0W &and. WhtbMyî,151.g WIIIU>y, Mur:!> 9j1868.v HAMILTON-& Co-SI NEW CLOIIIS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW JIATS, NEW.PRINTSO NEWt dS Ge Otos,R Clothing Made ta Order in the lateat styles.ý Famly arcerie8 Lquors, M3arch, 22ûd, 1871. BOOTS AND SII-OES!s HAS REMOVE nRom 1Di8OU) PLACE OP, BUSINES -Tu TaE PREMI5E5 OPPOSITE ýR. & J. CAMPBElL'S :STORE,ý éý Brock stree, wbcrc bcwill be glad te rocive a vwst freux bis Old cuatomers.Ils begso eintern'i s numnereus Pas- anosd t4e public gencrally, that hbasb A LARGE AND: COMPLETE STOCK Of Boets and Shoots of everyAedesptien, for Ladies' Qents' snd Childreu's wesr, sud suited te ali kinds of weatbcr. Thick hcamyBoots, suited fer the mnuddy 4rects, Lighta iieat aud easy fitting tt, suite1 for dry sjf> 4iaks sd-for- Spriug sdSufumer wear. »AU of theb besl» quality sud auporier werkua.bip. Remeoviug te bie pr&lntp remises bas enibled hii* te make vory large ad. ditiens te bus stock, 10 whichS-4ad a at of bis prlce,ho inites the.attention of eustomorem ai 29, 1M. 1 'HE inuders4 ,ign« bv AgentferrLiaeabove ces. çtasredte Insure properi, On the litmoat Lavorab.t Appi> te- 2-hian. - ndSrig U TTERS Wsoir-:U t. U&g xe paties,&0S., &%a, wl aud lates"tusie, or Appiiotious uhamat AOret by.lettet., (pos pl,î t 20-Ms>' 7, 870. est style and best R om Pa Tulst Arrived froni clutters, Direct freni tb. Manu A, SPINDID Y 'As SH FBOM Frm ot.e $1 50 psr-.Roll. Ca,, sud examine for yourselvls. Whitby,, April 12, 1871. 1 L'IV ER Y bas agi auebusiness at the oid WH-ITBy IVERY STABUjS ' W Iivin9 entareasecl tb, nimber and quauit>' efthle stnd, acnd as added toanatd 'i- provadthe LIa.coveyanomanad valaieles ou Ihe t P"Ouaisel, lita bopes b>' beiug lu a position la airaI the Wr lts t rcustamaraLatenrt a sitar. of publia patronaga. Mr CHARGES 1JIODEBATE,..~ N. B.-Cevaracl COIvoyafttlea focr faaililes aud ladies. Prompt attindanc, ec'h erctolore,- tea u alortiars. - 1i Ne BAY, Froprielor 1 Wtity, April 8, 1868. 14 TEUTiI EXTRACTRI> IWýWffHOU[TPAIN, ,Aa - BY THESUSE 0F NITRoUS OXID LAUGIiING OAS, - OR THENEW ILOOA-LAN/IESTHEeICO AT- VW :X ,' .& ILDJ - DENTAL BOO3.1, DUNDAS SiSREET-_ WIIITB Y, C. W. ROOMS.-0ve, M. 11. Ceeitraua'a star.. Witty, Jie 26, 1867. 26 HYPOPHO8PHITE$. A 'uougsî lthe diseases averconia b>' the usa ai Cbisttofo, stam, -basmti,sW Y. Dobilit>' resnlting frein Typboid aud« other mv foyvers, Diplîboritioesetration, Hystaris, "UVpoaîd l,Amnorrhoe <ilorcsi, Ana- m i, aonolàiteaou Etb IhvMras- mus or Watinir o! lie >Mus3. a.phm0ia,'4 Lot eVcico,ctioeaor St. Viluat lna 1 sua ibz m' ba itruattoufs or lte Lnejs aud Air Psse leacing tlareta. md Dobiitb> 1rci Varions aofss, mta> cse a valcl s perd iepelea., Sodb>'Apottaacries COMMERCIAL 1HOT BROOK IuT., WHITBY. Tr[IF, unmbm.rbhep teannenne.s 1. rbonts anthLb.public, it h snna.d possession of the aboa ewella vorabi>'kuavu botel, vitichl snov i lu a' auperior main er, vitb.1'.r>'ar suce for tb. recPtion 01 gueuLa sud L! vciing public. Boat acceaomoationuad oui w[ue,llqnors sud cigars. Cbod a vilit ..el.»ed >'ards, sud at (uWO vays On Lb. premises.. Chariges mode E. M. CALDWEI "r., V.ibyt< ATTORNEY-AT- Son tîý t îPo.t OIfice LYMIAN 1 CONVEYA NC]EII < tii E. { ver A rme Uzi,ridLtra. Uxtiuge, Jouie It, D.HA SURGEONv, /C( 1URGEON TO TI k. By roma;treet.Wli TIIOMlAS T OWK CLkUIK <fiT Oinea-Tov-u liait C. N. P Icltl :iietbelcj ImcoetlrmpLt Ibîrd.loi Ban k. L LA R KIs - a-ML.LJL JL si 1 L L A N'S B L 0 C Ko REPAIR GROCER. O-î-«n' - ew F-AMILY JUST MATMEW. COL.LINS.1 John NU' - a. 'a d.e r.9

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