awhssîm ab@ewee gessing - "ready aidstockc of Mens' and Bqys'Straw and Peit lt, hvr o pee ,~y wgro rsmuug abouttIsbobomge, ouilnvrémpe ofthtie parti, Wso appeured Io b. rte lead- or, happeomd tu iad -aopy of 'M"uui Jurispudence# I liog upou a .uld.4 table.- Tcriu* i3 ovner ble ouded mie 'of th@ A ,goodassortment (of Ladies'arid' Childrens poor îrlgbteomd iomen'a husbaad arittîmu 00 he ibm lent. 'là tii your bubaundat BOOGTS AND SEQES, juet to hand. à a kmiaquired ocibhelady. * 'Tee, air, Ivu - tb. timid repli. (14 bc aMeeou Il $Yeu, air.' 'Corne, boys, rigisi about.- murcis19 and qu t ly Li oum a ccrdThé Clotbiog DepairtmentÎiS weII assorted * Eaugâe Tvzo Ni Rarax.... wih M ns' nd oys ClhMg t sait-the warm we-ather. Brlgbsam Young1 ts cugaget in ua Dow rm- form movemea:. ne i4 devoting bit mu. @Sile t10 thse Promnotion and establisment oi plispmstsc atlle 0 or riliag and a .plling j Io b. oued by thse Hormone. M. i*#pro- Dress 3 a ,&rg n ,T îogu ô et r jr iatmrmstpd l laihev-orl ,and it . harowns alo i g do e o d r bl is oim oui ito i. This ne miéy'em s soi osereiy thse comparativeot algat pioaîl eeilsg, ehics saguinesansu - Alio a fulli Stock of N w T a ,S g rai trprlmilpg peope mà aà otil siproinvering NewNERAL GROUERîESan and (roileiu elorts t10 isroducm morne G N R LG O E I jears &go, bot a r4iormn or rmvolaoa, for moie radicalatio alibwis reliy proî'esmsoLroIs A. PU 1 I~ .I and msdenvurete l'O O e priasissg thse Precime L W S- & P VV U..DA.j iJ *zpreamiloof smor ati. aipelygismy là tul r inltr-odtse tissa a gessoral sysieni O Sw mpelllng. Moistof u fot!Sd hiabtir, *cuag làs t.uiresaoneesyuuîsm sa a liteer aud, &las I voty 1mw of us havé mainermd tbat 19 le terrsbiy bisrd wQsk to liera____ ho, tospeil 'yachit' quickly and currelyf, t0o aiera fi ail agsits, ass'ibettin 10 Write .UM 'lo.' Tera arg sfisuderersýeverywhere, * sud tiaeref 'ore il s lot arprisaug i peopleM aboaltibbon ud *ho easy thsaiBuligbam Tolong, l. *eudeavoring to intrutiuce tise Wf1 oe 0 mode of spellinsg for tise samne ressua viici' matie Cmiar voar laurels, ansd Kinsgc LUis higis bole, aad Qaeen Victoria lonsg pmttîicta ; -in order tu eoncesi 'certains prsossai tefizienies..- Gallair. -b-4 JoaWard Howe is decendati (rom au Mu alti soldlcr nol-CrumweU., 'vio leih is cour . g1 lry hecscoas h hbecause to bot to-hoit hlm. He,misrrifpda dagbitr of Roer William@, anti beesuns fesser of Richsrd Wà ari, a Goveruor of' the @tate, snd tise gratediother of Samuel Waà rd, a member o( tise Cou- tiuental Congruess. The vont that -sha daiiy doms mai seem imoot incredabie bin ordiuary morstis. 8h& ajîl saperîunenti J U S 'i2 .l7 E ( E 1 V E D1. bertduoestic affaira, taise a twomiie waik,_ Pire Proof Ohimneys, Shades, Refleeters, Pooket Lanterni, à w o.isours't iuuse of(erm an m ettplysios,1 anti ceceive biait- a- tiszioa eaiiers-aud ail Spring Brackets, Wick Trays, &o. before haste j ant i sismu rise- petry aIl the, afierrnon, anti mstrtaiti ail (hise even- J M S H E R E lug a Juzen piilantisrofisti' or prosy Wîsitby, a.1,17.Fml rgSoe pilsiophera, visa revAtve round her vcry -mou 170 Occisb as mice levaive round a choese- jost tqgegt a nibisie, noir andt ten,.- t one The wellknown blood Stallion of ber strong bits of gerrice. 5h. ta ricis; lives su good-etylilu asylétun Place.; is u af-tiosiatsvite, a devoteti mouiser, snd a womiau of tiselarges: iervaad lîroadest rie sads hit a doz.e " 1. laugages ;slintmiier -iii egel, Crom L I ..AK pie, Goethbe. Moate, 8wedetib-r, anti ail Wiii ,orsn for Mfarcs at tire Whitby Livery 14 ,0 thse grec: maesters cf song, feus, asti meta& tabieti Se. .uu. 15 Stands fa. W E , . iile lg.colon derk Peotue fts pisyIL .S.i Leiti o,-ut>l estaillonîs ol iasCiao IntheIi. Duîinirnsl. CO O » Miereg ment (rom à diat.essewiii te provlded st It le statuai that tise Germasn anthori. W"th pilire ut retsssr.ase raies. Ail ecci- M- 0 -a B tien have iissade uas inpurative-dussassd for J'ISCT 'euL, tthC2nea tise ltssssediato pssysssesî of tise irot * si TEU S. RAY. nsus. mnent oi the waur IdinairislsyoSFrunce. l't Witiu, May ord, 1871. ]S1e eItiouats te l.000,00O0 francs, and vas CM__________________ dise ihiéty das'a ter tise neestablisahment c 01 ilie Tisagovcrsîest. loban Martin, tise Iriisshitiou'alliu. goes P% down Inte"e oue. tci Communs in a*édeerý staîker' ,asti i smo ane sepoinieti Out tit îtvasonot usuai lo wear thse Houa.lise lsnaidtiu, bave nepiiedti iat b. "sd à aobisii pot bat lu Irelanti; but MANUFACTURED AT THE whiî %el.r worîli I ezeept at wetidings antic M .lm x 0 tmi M Adronkon omais lisForest . 'sohd a * lamp ovin b.8 ailet. heati. Tise brute lias Dot jet beaisaluetiup., 90v 10 malte a tishais! byft.-Tbrov It (rom aà iird m'ory vaudua, and tih'a sure to coore domD plumir. Cicago lae verbullt, andi - rente,ârg golog tiown. A dvelinig iseitia& *1,000 a Isar ago leaontaimmu t #$6O. Tbm. Bysoo coritroversy la 10 be re.. OoetinlisEnglauti. Beuîiov auneouuceas as lu PrOO. 'A viatilcation et Lady Ilyron.t $Gntlern.n," al a poiticisn <e bis goaetmta a i adlgt,'I doui kuev vietisen Ion bave isiketi enoogis or aci, but J% fon Msoirl, I amn oiug te sisss up., 4Tou se,osaiti a Judgm 10 a vitues. ltba< tbe plaitil nresoitedti tean ilsgeious 11» of circcueniantlal evadeice ;' éitl juis e*aaoîIl waa ju wpao by ihat.' 'Weui,' sidthe wisses, my exact ieaiag la sbat bu lied.' -l. 1 . Au ee<iaigemenmstioo$ à ise.çbeyond blso<daar emutbi,~ t les btis o f a -joanq lady visa, lustead of commua ppu- pli. buas a eioa saet in i h.. Akgricultural Works. *l]EFFEL'S CELE13RATED Double TUR13INE WATER WI{EEL =ul xis' OSoIAX au noV u1. ezvis "la. tor many years. A largE slVe4. Cauh btiyéri norte new promises, next door .ALEXANDER PRING.LE, fias reuiqyed, from his"old premises to McMilIan's Block, Brook ' Street; and begs to .oinfor-m lis numercius patrons and. the publie generally, that lis stock em- braces every. requisite iu Getlme'sFuroishiog Goods,ý A general assrtment of best selected Cloths. Ail Cloths made ýoyaI Canadian Bank. Ë~ . PIP Gfreat Care and Adttention paid f0 .drtù8tic Cudiing. . & B. are now receiving tlieir'stock of Hardware, Paints, Olls I0F 31 OJ!P A PIER A Conti nuance of that liberal patronage extended to him dur- Clr,&. ietfonErp e y, ing tlbe.past 30 years in Whitby, respectfully solicited.' flouse building Hardware direct froxu England. LT. TPA TTER M AR OH 28, 1871. 13 YfYX PTrom 5ets. to $1 50 pe r 1- W H .0 Fz ~ Caîllsud examinefe orlvs fl *A . ~ - iWe are now prepared t o put up Patent lock seani Eavetrough%, * in any pat of the County. 1pWitby, Apil 12,1871. FAMILY GROCER. ZJobbing promptly done at LIV 'Wine #cSpirit- Mercliant, i'-CI&BROTHER'S, U.1,U.I IUU j~Whitby,June 5th, 1871.14 r Ilavi g .t ie w a its f bis n unero u a e tntom ers n vie wv, t ilk es tlis c . 7 ' 4 ~ ' b U I U ~ I I b ~ A cussion to'annotince Usât hh a& jsst rocesved a largo and N E."] c FÀ ' F a l"12i ML V A lie TIE UNDEIISIQNED DE-SIPES T well assorted stock ofGroceris gfor the holidays, viz: îsaas s g a ls ndp.atrons,u]i FEW OURRANTS, RAI8INS, SPICES, TEAS & OOPPEESS.0WHITDBY LIVERY STÀ13 FRESH OYSTERS, LOBSrEîtS. SARDINES FINXAIN IUADDIES,. James Johnston, Watchmnaker, will curry on his'business in qu.ality ut i 1"uanicoeuit 0a SMOKED AND DRIEX) FISH. h tdd ai ad tan _____proved tise coivayaies- and veliiee V-_The best brands a Winos, Brandieà , Gins andi Whiskies, sionstanhly onhani. _M p-ems.slewl,; l enIsup e rs byeisg spuita JTST RECEIVED, A FRESH CONSIGNMENI OF' PURE r. J a rW-.D ug Store, of CuAGe~ G A A I A N G R A 'E I EDuriug the building'of the'New Premigsp4 K.;ie . ndiasced4tCOiveynticea for lui RFR NO S, W olsae ndRtal roer aiZef N ew G oods in G e mn i g , B a e N. RAY. Propti ]F R N R S W h les le nd età l G oce . W hhisy, A pril 8,is s SPLLINGs, c.,CK &0F at very Iow prices. XIA Whitby, April 12, 187-[. .j5 5_:a. WITHOUT PAIN, R. &A. SbZITH. 23 Oshawa, Jane, 5th 1871. Croquet! Cro< The great favorite game, enjoyed by al persona of al ages. !"utY Baansd String hore, iusst. orby Jet*ter, <Poà t paiti,) 2M ay ', s'o MATTHEW COLLINS CKI(8&CJIR ,s to announce to bis cstonrs and the public -that he as M f ý*ft N Id VlA LU 8 q O opened business on the peisese 1 Itely occupied by o nu I W l I' U~ Air. Bandeil, ou Brock Street, and that lie is now. in receipt of a splendid Stock of the -CARRdA G ES & BUGGIES, latest style and7 best LIGIIT FIT -AND MAKE, saufcore And of the best style of Boots and ShoesSdlOldIffiv Piýnighjl (i V ti'f NITRtolJSOXIDLAUGIUNGa OR TIIE NEW LOCLNS TH ET] AT D)ENTAL ROOMS, DUNDAS STREE IWIIITI, fCi. W. R<OMfS-Ov.. M. Il. Cochsrane,&s tor, WisitiuY, Jvo 26, 1867. H YPO HOS P 17 ja n usau aj arge stocI<otf 14UM1-MADE Boots and Shoes Alorders punctually attended to. Repairancatly done. Business iilo 'carried ou as usual at the old stand, near -the Roityta otel 871 THE OLD STAND!- l' V JiIIX /UEJR1UQ W ORKM IAN)SJILP. , (Os BUGGIES& SLÉIGHS. REPAIRS AS. USUAL. WHITBIY, Nov. 22nd, 1870. lue BOOTS AN]) 5110E ý1(t C~1 I bits 15.4 f~'a~c 'j O RO là te 1a2-s is wp as 1ctie, LCaron e Diarhom, ,-h&ucoly- *PROMU Bs Op »PLACE OF' BUS OPPOSITE R'# & J. ýCA Brocit Stree. where ho will bc glad old cutneuv. - leia as,,e a.,. 4..1 IOVED IINESS ; TO THE Il. f [ESTABLLSH.ED -1833-1 The under'signed i'n returninoe tlanksra f.w fkaliIcaa.n M*MILLAN'S-i BLOCKO, Agent,@ A. Sewing Machine, Just Arrived froi iNrect from the ma ah;JL"jt eý ty U to Ibul- 44mvý\r4 1 1 M-ATTPtEW COLLINS.1 d e r