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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1871, p. 1

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MOAL CA#ADUN BABK, WHTBY BEANCII. ONTAIO 13AM WiiTy BRANdCI., KL. F. LOCKIIART, DOMINION BAN1KX Je IL JIOCLELLÂN, oU Apfil 1i, 1871.,.8 Lau', Soilejero to tire Bank of Muiurresie 4ed tire Corporatli of tire Coerty eor<Ontario, oijeis, ec., r&o., Wiuiby,0. W. Ji,0. Osrfno'r,q. O. - H. J. MAo»oxu.. WgMoneytooieupon goodi eeeunify. )ep. - iy t thre uOce ethte mm courst iiea,- aotir wissig 3 C OINTY CROWN ATTOILNIY FOR ON- tarie, iter4eber cand Attorney-aDt-Lau', 8 liOri tauoery, Nootry 'ublc, e.- 001ee-Broek metet, nest tibor- to Royal1 motel, Wiitby. 5 GEOIRGE 1R. »ARTNqELLr, l, oUienlo. 11e Brok-e;t., itby. j Soiicior lu Chancer>', Convoyencer, No- ar-yd idel. u&c. Jutrca-Nesr-door btii.h Stor- of R. &J Camrpbell, Brook Mi., Wlitlry, Ont.- Wiiitby, Nov. ta, 1887. 4 S. lie FAIRIIAIVMS. s OlitIoit OTAY- URLIC,, &c. t&c. FAREWELL-& MIÉIE, B> à t,(îNVyNCE118, AND 1NO- TARiES iUIAC. Urvc:Ordoor nortii of the i'ofqt Office,- <)chi.;, and Mlteocter'o iliocit, op'poite "Town leIirvnnvle J. Z. iaaaw]Cr...Mcc CiIARLF.Bs C. KELLER, on Ùrock, ï rc. encoW.ucCeu.r Je.HIER GREBENWOOD, ATTOILNZY-AT-LAIV. $>LICITOR 1IN o herceryNlit ry IlriiCnvyrc Ak*0 W Iltiby ~. .Oovrvt, JByronr troot. $ocrir -if t'oot OffI . LYJIASN tLJSTIl, L Le B.., B ABRUitTER AT ',A I',soicitor i n Chan- AJoerY Con vofeat r, &c., rto. - 40 JAIlES LAMION, 90LICITOI IN CEIArOEItY, CONfVEYANCEI,,LANI) AGENT.&c. .Oarwit,-Over Arntrong'e Mtel, Main St., Uuirritîge, Jurr.-th, 1889. t -28 DR. HANCOCK, <1114)1 NGOLANrr & TOliollTO.), SURIGEON, CCOUCHIEUR, &c., 5100K., UAIOUUPsTS90. W. PLÂNK - P-w,,e,~ Stic@es b and e OUI Wiîby eau deiiy. evir %eution peiti 1o gent..- C4a te ien-. WATCIINAKER,&c.. »rocik Street# - e Wlaftby. "Watrebe, C-Irecit, Musicl Intrumurts sira seweug Kacine. AuOverYrileing Meaheniei gEenired and lmi.. proveciltaO uit ail, et LrW Estet ndUtir. sboeteet ncr.ioe. Whitby. May 81, 1071.2, ilHE LIVERPOOL & LOr>NO & GLO)BE T INSURANCE iM l'AN le on.e r>the TUe !NVItSTED VUNDS art,.,05o île DAILY ICOME exeerl.... 80,0 île LIFE POLICIES are a gare Protection for thre-future. îLe PiIE I>OLICIES, leeneul et Cne 8cmz, elford ample ptotection tc the Moeeimit andti foaeehoider. Ali fair claieir nna r pT AID, andth@u lt niat liiben.ity alrovn -lartire ajuutrn.nî of G. 7. C., SMITH, THiE FOUNTAIN Restaurant and fSIMard Patiors, 69 '-Ring Scrnet Biset, ToRgoNTO. The Bar anpliedth hoo Baveê Wirre Itir ud Cirole rane anele ýqt gae.Oytec ereu ful-Firot-ciee Diuing anti Lnnch Boomn istlacted. Mieule at aillirore. - J. LESLiE, ?ArnAoim. F AUX PEX ALE. Tire enirler bnot!ers for ctle tirs Nani FR1>' Are;ortLot unrîrbAr r beuîy.oue 9, tire tiîir-J conceaion of tire TOWNSIUIP 0OF WIITeyr lire bint i earo-, veil ferroeti, sud ln e go-d e4trte of crltivation, anti ha»sàa treain of vutenrnrrrrtng ucrosxritI. Fr betr, c'iy1wta1-'-J. Wilnon, Esq., lhrltnwbib, or thcenirbecniben.... 6AXUEL WILKINIIo?, wiithl 1,er, . .On the prnries, ritz ANLir ua. Dsàsr raz lTOA1 ClaAcvzr1729. -Fuxman ieUUAD ...£2,48S,Iî,7e4j. Sbg. flEAD AGENq-r, bMONTIIiIAL....OMW Il. o. STliiIIELus. Ne5 St. Francole livier- Street. JOUX AGIE M, Agent. Whitiry, May stir, 1871. 1 JOHN WOLFENDEN, a. J.R PIN Y NS T AU R.A0NT SURQKON TO Tii! COUSTY (IAOL, CJELEBRA TED SCOTTiSH i. IlRETAu ,& Byron Street, WI&ILby. GRANITE. N»D TIIMAIIIUTON V __B ILLI ARD R lOUMS T Ohee'fois iat - Iélt 1 iiTBy . W'At Manile %orks of J<)NATIIAN (87 & 89, Ring atreet Eai.t Toronto). 0. _.N. VA RS, 9 NEDudat-Sg., Whitby. 17 THOMAS CARLISLE, - pmlTB [1Ac'riCA 1, ouatist, Oshawa Drîiitîi,'omu,, dlrecti>oppo. iu'%E Y rL>. LEND The'1'iic et@-.e Imooltro-t hir lor-soth f tre Otaro A . RDVý gent, epailione mad imoetrottrrd ooirti f ie ntnj T E _fCJ RATES. comfortabie Roi. Bank. teir.ut 1, Canada. Tom now pri'pcred tb lenil *11v saount of bMeut» eupplied et ARK$m 0 n tigir ait ironrs. Wne I>ductre Twn ropcrty, tliie iowest possible nteudCertotein# FH TGR P G LER r~~ atidmariner t t ouiCanOy$Itceti rnc day style PROTOGAP11 ALLER Pritiipid an bcrepaîdby yerlj WPrrtieç viriting Torerito fradywl ~ S NKS ~TR~.] Inotalmorite or li ouoesont. flrd every accommxodation et tire Terrapin. BROO ST. WTHIBY wiIl'w(' iiatetd Farine and Lots of Apnil 5,1870, 14 BR OK ST____ ili adefor cale oiler.p. pTira underaeirned Ile novprepareito taie e lvei.mente mcdoe in Debenture, Mortgagee Tp A P E R HT A N G I N G S Ptotgi-proArnroryou,& c., rîitirnri ai. and otirer Seccritiea. . lilf. époclui "are ti'ken witit children. Wlen Olilver and 0 rceecks bongzht end eod, o lu town, give a Cal. For furtiier particultîro apprîy to Tiie undormigned Irege w lInform the publie JAS. A. CLABI JME. L Nthât ho bae onhurnd tire icrget and Novemirer 12.1870.JA S ODN- bout stock of Paper ilanginge Officiai Aoiigiee,M]ýoiry Broker, &c. in town, ait of thret WILSON iIOUSE, W?~McMîîaîî'sBlock, Brook etreetr f Soptonibor Ifiti, 187). tri bait ho offere for t'ale, ver>'low, for Cccsh. A. WILSON, Jr., - Proprietor. gIW Painting, Grainin;, Giazing, 0- an.ilbg earnuc GL0 - OTEL. sd Piper langiug, oxecrîteillir a awork -X ierid»Uiid the publie goeierliy, rthtmeA r . ILr, Nai has oeoueil tire iriive iiaw iotoi lit tige Village BIRA.C. ILON of Amullrrrr, for tiro accornodatlii of tire ira- ]1OO iDundes Street, Wbitt f vii:grblie. "letorupe in eund funtrte- ~Whitby, A...U i 1 80 6- iiiidaa itro iorotand10W.ond rtabeTAXlS'a]POWELL, PropArietor180 uîcirr. (Irregta yul filird aver>' conveonrîIl et the cthove egtrrîrinti[tienît. u Liquore, FIRST-.CLASS ACCOMMOD)ATIONq. FTES!T£E R N IOUs E, sui Cigîrre ')f Cte 1boa 'Brurr10% alwaye kOPt on eb.22nd, 1871. S DNA TWITY jurrrd. UDSS. HTY W Gorrr.Stalbliig aîd attentive Otlera lin tendancea. r, roretr.cENTRAL TTOTEL "'1,011011 ph. nderaigned wonld Intimate 0to ihe j & * WILSON,JrPorBtoRcijjAm' .Lnilcbtat tire ebove roie. shave bc Abbrrrnr May 'let, 1889, tr.18 __ ee eiftted up 1wd renoveted tlirronir- i on, ortre gimodation or Guees. Beet I4 OrndTrnkRaw H ot-el. JRN BAILEY, Proprietor. Wie euor, audCiFrrire. Poe %Am AT VIITB SATIN. Tii. siove irotel hec beerr newi>' ftttod up Wine, Walz'e Lager, wh'rle.'ae andtaiti. th AT -UTU TTeN nd furniaer,.(Ineoue wili mid coinfortable SFi A. BANDELL. t T M.ONIIIL heivirrg prrrebaeed the lintil acnmdtoradrteîin Boardore takon b>' the week oi. moderato el Y!ard preriieekLiown air tire Grand Gcoa roomy stabling an&attentive oeiiera. terme.si wTrrrkî iotel, Wlirtby etutiorrbegito. iîifornr Joln. 26, 1870. 4 Whithy, Maty 8, 1871. 19 i hie friendisi.a tire travLling pubhlo iet ie_______________________ ______ho______________ boa fitted up tiir one surd eambles lu ffret- AAi-GIMLMETth, VMB criseas style, arrd by atterrion to tire vente ot ' L bEMNS,&.1)B B o tirose wiîo favor huîrr wilh tirir patrourege Lh tracts to menit a eortinnatice of ther custom. Th4ue>'tedbnonbn, i i W 'rrrtiee takirîg tire train anti ieasiu Tii. nnulrigned bege to tate tirat ho Nerdesgad reo hne birreyl hbave tirent welitakait cere *of tii continue tenmanfecture ~E A. 1 S MI I iL L me Wiiby,gopt.,18 88. N '. ~ s'--E A 1IH13 VRN 'ROYAL CANADIAN T[OT-E L, Au WELL As A large qnetity of Lurner, wmb*ho wl PORT FERRY, ONIT. HRRW@, F RSALjE K. FOY§ __ Proprietor. IIARROWSs ,j3 Da SeIor'or eomodîîin. *~~»~ ~ ~LOW EST JIARKET RATES, ad l d ri 10e, andiattentive ostiere, ggBill Larnb eah i Mud.awn on the. Pott Party, xov, 8, 1809.48 PARD11NG LUIILEBIEyÇTS eborteet notie . B. CAMPBELL, À -&PPati WX. MATBEWLioN. A.> t, soi. 14, à1870. BqkiOnt -Tih. ai, Boul;'aid hoe Soe ment of boots ail or hie. u s-g eei '"l #tyiee ud îrIz, for -vurin an fcuo t The.es v'ite an examlirîstlon. t«Wer.enin Workimatie teor-ydevlna àre.oheemn'r 1o'irve N.l mis, lemR.LWILKINSON A1I 48 ber»,to st lissa aoieM tit fottil FIR ASURACE C. IAMBABDSýTRERT& OJIAINjG CROS GILYtiîRMOCaado., Agents for Pattern 0o JAMES DAVIbtIN, Maneger. s iretoi FNSURANC!Ega9inat LOS by PIRE ara c dsu LOSO p,& OUeo thir moavorahle terme end hty laLondon.,ID WIthontreçerouooto a~,ral Wib Apnil Srd,lcea. Agnwtb Flo.ur -& Feed 8 T ORE. IENRY SII-EPPÂRD Desirce to 1lo7loru he I nuacl tnîs 0f Wiitby sud Vicii>, «ntir re nceed ta ire NsninALEec BROOK STREET, WHÉITBY WLeire @ cepe Coontantly 0oniranti, Pleur-, Ocîmeai, Corumeui ti, Daot Shortsonir rasem Fleur. &a. -Anti erytinqru tire Feeti Une. Best 0f Flour for <csmii>' use. Evor>thing et tire loveat ael-ifI2 D rri.e-c, The cei eyetem estricbiya4liieredte t. ricee eau anti exatmnirre quat>' anti pr-roc. il.sUEzPPAiîD Wlîltby, Pcb., 1871.7 COMMERCIAL MOTEL, OS HAWA.. JAMES BLACK, . ersno Coarvonierîtl>' Ibtteti up iromrfor-- Corier diai brveiene. Biiliardoi.attaclîed. Api 8, 1870. 14 OIT! IfElRiy H-0~ FORT FRlyONT. -JAMES THlOMp 0.- p5~ munît> tiret Iisa promiu etie nu tire on- an>' ditiot u tire Centy.&Ugo 87. JOHN ÇRODlINsO1fil -a'Dressing and Shavingt SALOON' ___ ROOK S'T., WIIITBT. Mr SOUve or vau BANx0 OT3EL 5 Whlb ithy Jan, 8960. CLOTHES 31ANGLE & WRINGER, Z;oted on'sothe beau articles Of tire kînti rnisnutrctnred ýti l r ire rt, rOtd ieIsimnpnov. ed OfRAW 4cUrTIfRS, xo e$>"vI etat me emperler la ever, meepeet. .YIokd u Rlqln§ propar.t oneoOf Enmcseolebratià Jaaoo nnlneeu as rnutfacl o ebeg, jp p & tirt et ile nOven4eurei1 xou l irdenri ~ ~ ~ c0 vîihoroi a.m>'l avoreti oiresper Andtitîr greater izPadition tien hlthe.-uo,ansu M gUereUtce every esulefeoloq u ce ooerx lu the quilt' Of tire workmaniea c]nd"ieberil. . W Cortioot anti Lamber taker a l x. OLangeosud OahhPrIe, allouer]& JABLS (IAYTci47 THO )MAS 0IJS TC0 muonu tor aNIA'RRIAGE LIC ENBES W' Offie-Town Hasll. iteiti-nce-B, Street, tirree toora nortir of Town hall. Jan. 11, 1870. la- Imm l-SZUD WITBY, -1OT. [ABSON, 9 ~Proprie ovelb&a bpen bboi-lroneugirjy, m ttenimo. ETYPANO FAOT1 BEPU RrA1,NEu ]P IR O PRIYE TO-R. uoan mboer ru rthr7n hn i ý ý th nk to t r ra y f ienti md~~~ ontmr fti hlby rmtte thet hé nov Cmrdies on thre Y upon hie ou'ecut; end f rature erdere be boaiteae uypre ST, Y tE, i, iereled new patent and crom, >t iris -ovn invenition nrannact Ofore. Li Order" exeuteti witb prompti 'JOSEPHl P. BAIN ,Iiay 3, 1870. 1>' UNDERTAKE] vunoas srrecr, -Whttby, C T HREZ DWELLING J1017898 TO EE At IIAMPi'S dORERS. AI! mont erirkblo ltcidenaocf. Pent Moderae.- Appi! te- -JOIIN RAMER, E.î Wbibby, Ma>' 2nd IT87. BOOT & SIIOt!f, STOI] Tire rndorelgued rs icmoveti hai BOOT AND SHEOE STORE ta, tir ermîces sadijining1h. W.esternuflot Danile St., Wimby, virer. hire hailo prepared, tn eeute ail ortiers for Wark. A hare ant i eh.c stock onirruir. itopeiing das usual. JOSEPHi A. B.SNDELt Wilithi>'3Ms>'8, 1871. r* i PHOTO G RAPH Y -0 - w X&MIa 0 gu 0 DOMINION GALLER. là vexaI vUE GkM:V ]MAT MIL r M E Pirfit-C1ass PHOTOGRAPES .Xetiu -g bot gond arork cuiov.d t10lohe,,t] rooinnx. Aillkintie ant icl icir, <roi tire sanali looker pacture ta lite aire, andi finiaineti Lu Corbon, India l', k5epla Water or lunliii Mn. Wiîiton le ver>' oacceruafel in bakir (lidreîr'e portraite. ffl-specinri rates te Clergymen. Oit Pol traira eatiy copier]. We %hall teho 0,1;rhppy te r-ecelive vicits0 riny time, (aveuailyou do not vanrt pictnrec, jon~~~~~ fo ietobe oI 80 .BWILLS014 Nov. ot, 8jo.44 theSOLVteN fT AoT 0' 1809. Le~~~~A malerofTuosà E W t. la NOTICE lihroh rei> ivn, that ir> vitue o1 Ntie pover veetter ir. ma n aslrgnee01 -ire Retate ti "EffernueOf tue Atove named Inu boivent, aisdntier the Proviionraof t holrol. Veunt Act of<1869. is@balI Offen fer eaie, b>' pub. lia Anretion, etn'YOflice, lunlire Townueo iThitby>, lu the Connty orf Onairio. et tire hounr of Tvo o1ciock inu tie afternoon, on loNqD A Y ire Fonrtcentr dy r>f Angasut, A. D. 1871, aI! ire Eborate, ni-"ht, title, in Cuent, anti equit>'eo reenption of lire saisi Insolvent, annd oft me, tIre etierisigrnaii, ueZa chAeagu. In andti o il anti elargnîrîr. tiraI certain parcel on tract o'r lad anti pr3i.nlesituate, hyine anti beig r tre Towncship ar Brock, lu tire Countr-out Our. mrio, beirîg eompoced ofttt ar-btlot Nomi- berix,in-îire eeventr couceelto, ofbthe Town. ehip of Brook. in tir. aid County of Ontario, knau une Village Lot Numben Fivo, or tire Northr eide of King Street, anti%'est of Vroo- n'ne dr-es, in tirs Village of 'Vraomenuoit. TERMS OF iALst.-One-tiri cash, iha- ries in tvoy>'are, lIneqeai >'eaniy paynut, 11th nterest atergirt per centpan auun, eceroti by ïMngage.- JAMES HOLDEN, Officiel Asignee. iteti aS Wiithp, uni2th day of Neay, A. D. 1971.1 22 Sin Brooiu P. 0 I 1869. 1869o. 26 m0 -AL1I -% ."A». wti #tk. ouoao t lferu ons.- ove Milie, siztou Lot 'eoeiotie Townshlp ti Ng io lu ug Lemirorîn su>' quatt, It o10080f.lu luhot*, - JOHIN WEIE, T be temebmnbbnksen ireliber-cl patron I gieooebectovetiauPo nni etten- -nonce tiret I an, pr-ejme i b coeei sls. oluirerin - TOWN, OR, COWNTY, AT EASVNABLE IATS. ~ Arcsgeienî. <r sales eau bire ai elbreret he amonio.00100.,ortmyu Office, 8-a, 8ftu Cou., - - Fo~r LAtp i. tiredepthrof tite matira1cppse,- leekedon biglfeaiied ceek, 'his. psrîbd>'.r-ci 0~Bb. h7n a, e ;B O A n d ti te g em m o f sa g s rm e n u , i t , u t g j d nyr a l t h p g - or l tue , ib l leà t s l -n B W u]neer g&Il neh tre dw gem e n det the r<~Ieo catoîe '& a Ç, hst re etyincgme btcme u itergS8« rer.eIls mt.' W ln W là n tio trem ,2[o nu &ta r»b t v ek a the t I b d . pu na ed b is b e duld, n a u le t& fi, , a d rk so d ra df' i tbe seo Prodnce and- CommiSBIon tber ln.be cy voae1 bL vacdh i-eti i ise£eig le sud Ire o.ei i ro M u atu*a£RIO .. L Ontoklewstrns ie delirium of yr anti steued s ta i~ DU Door- TE 2 Tatahe vhicieh gnernelece anti etmaugeîy $ad bcvllrveei thougbt, of tlhhe manir Selanie uo DUIfD4B .BTRRRT Tho-, , a iot in ni>' heure. dae, - les ire bd cclied oie te Lb. -,u'Ih Pasi mitt-v u sy a-m ond Lin, (IdoBtor héR Bým oue..) g ~nici nolr.nc oe~~ lied coieuholing 1h agà iy làtvilee lte net loe i. dte' longr-atie - aud wvie-'! taok bgholding i i me, sud cailiughic Eeg ta lnform ile peblcie t irhaecascou- 0 dear-vu ae ethe heant;t het le oohâ, b bandg sudunmine, ancut etovoi..ne" n 'id fpiu re;be etantiy en hand aa superlor qua iî>'of Anti ber java, eerabawEume abli; hu Lcdeep, bine, giitterlng eyes wooSJIds of plueu aslneg kuer s;d e RV Fleur, Ontatnsd Coren iaî, cked Ani . enb anedou'n on berngraeota- "Or ccntl ve up acMoti m i.su n Oe enlogied. nds Ry 'Wheat, Crabermi, Fleur-e Ote, Itg i.veoirhedO ieLI. uibui-nducncoeee ri on ieaurid o e'hu Dnse rausd, Shorts, ld gous urngirdeep- 'at.r-t..he fioot!,.on e-upfaer-cae douut ne se, thean Antianyigin-uttire ?ei lne dehirretionu ,019-brcmeadrun nn a gttho*%horuacu noticeu'hlclr b. viii oeiloboap ru'eutoeniysethoat ' j1 seeming as eoid sudlfeleuseas b ir 8aIt andi plongerfor-£RIO. - .b oe, sud hope,' bLat eeimid ta othena s aud aainut e p giokHolvwe au'the y. BJ60ben bcuubut màleu. Fo ou MYbiari ferer laid if& baud opon me. cand for viol' (40 ieivd<rom hlm Binceonr pantin5. I& Godt i'cvlifLt I c1boula reoovev. Snrelp 4( IN i -INE4 Ï2oucîuded.>madie me bappy, altirng i lubrougi the ho kno otabe nd ae ten noya ofhI loiec f on lu bold me thet he 't a.aI-a 0b M. or Tas MAN VA CIVVE e?'DO uet tend ime froni po.' he sa81,4liedbecome a Obniatian. cnet jt r oh e & o sunniug.npou m e a tace s a cange ai wi ' Tiresve to is@o ucients slb inoS m suy ja nc aince, Pet ainesti, 'cre MY bain beginstebclie livenî ti ii: r-a,, J oh n L o w & S no, the slnnggie cf il. m md bt aI u'ouid n t ' om te ta me l R at Y-, I cm l . , M iII; an t s nugers bt o ecm e b y chance f auey itude Vula, eoorrn bave lecognizýed hime - Iuaon my vs, pou ehen ibis eicknîebeme au 011 vomen. 1My fatirer iiideul, AT- 1 'Yon eu not. I coulai not heer iî, came, but nov,- dean, pou muest'came ta sud 1I- quire atoae in tihe old icuse. R. !. AMEON l' or couiti pou. Anti I m u e eli an me. If in shouiti bc Ood'c v*1ii îaî 1 OIien on aummer nigirts, unong theremn. nnbelievir. I belle,,lîe i cdivine ecs- shouldlue,'i er pour face &gain lu ibis looks, à breair not buman eees 1t. toucit GEeRGE GURLEY, acuceali alrourdu -the majesty of Goul vomir], tirntiHlm ,for- oiero In, dearisu my check',cuti a loviug peence seeîm ho avec i e' ib. ou j ubte -s tam re -pour proers for me Lave been anaven- close croud me, u'itsbLeavin>u'ywiipene N MEftIANT 'fA 1 L DOR th ire ntiesaet bis oye ; hLe. cles op 1taoa]; vesâ. hIl ment in eaven, if Dnoson 'of conclusion, I knou' the lime viii not . CLOTUtEft AN»DRAPER s ne n helb.lovera round aur - fot; tLe eanr.' -hoIong noir util 1 hal see iiseletirat l r of Li g pr etience chines p tron t . the T hisua s bnongirt. ta lm e tir e eek 8 beevenly clip, vimir tire ,igirt of G oti opon dprigSun ; anti, Ratp, irhasirmnes intp ago by a asyiree' e ger, anti laionau iii bov, antisahe it in lepence be2ide- ~ iebe tl uiit, rsro.GENTL.EMEN'! oAbiMExTs maode np Ir,-our baLin ths btlove tiret neyer eosai Lahour afser 1 badr]or-cat l I as Un11m, u'57 m bieurere tire vear>are au r-est, the A i ets - aes it h ocich , queucned-..dearest, I mkowu ulove mze ta uiaccowpanîed bp my 1larbin.-I 19______ a nele sto ktfor Ge tlmer o n i er ta mke 100 elI ta tibm ' lu ever Oau be ,t va. a long jonrnep, anti vien -[ r-ce r] ed CompIabion .1 Persbody Sq ae -, L n - OhwMy1,16.1: This, sud'more too, Le saidi, vn ia is itenti ho vua telinlous. And, as pet blieon * ~ ~ ~ ~ee i ed ou Mi in lutirai gaàze virici I boitnet ecognîzated mA-el.'of d Rla j--rarrrn-.. enver msistet. Hefi e d i 0fè Agein I boul' tirhetnter ati r-red il Saunoer blck octdl inîre vi RI N lARIIO O Ii.I.]E - for-m fctld'ets Ibapýàie yteaiing light. Au'eg iÎ ris lie tormalopeneti-oîz ihe lot of Anguet, finie C.__O N 'a R IO tbéunoiiîing siouici divjie us; hoiRe aidi vire otemrîrer t l icouîd have epet- 'icir ocîhu isecajre for tie m mor> nI ntT Y O N . A I t ti 1 aile d l h ore vouidirehoclone iii to n : ever>' one, 1 v on nover vear>"* of G eorge Piabodp a e v r tucorner lu tLe DtA. ALEXANDER - - Proprlctor. tLe voia,, ltir no one ta love bïin or- r-adiug tL. blesset assurance birey cou- ýbeas of MIl vho are interoested n tire îlE enhecnier dateho etoororlrnte ;kand witir mp Liant veyedtia10me ; eudi1Ifait that rire Qed viro veltere of te or-. 'Peabody 'square' it If£ t nntiberbliafretae er hanks -too trozen for tears, I lisieneti hotahiesiratiheiunao mer-ciful voold pet contiuue bac beau deelguctet, anti it sands e bhbe e N f o b x o ed q o iIi i wh t i o i e o ot t' e yards, v ib m p m id slm lving-,einlp te beo iris g o oti n . a no v 0< trees ai lire lav er or of tL e GGicîro teOi r voklm, an(' ut tiresaine time finm, 1k. one tsiret e haten emainst 5h1li1iwvastirere yth ire enu Rd l Bccl'tiarq noed, On iehnteug tue etfrua- do tuas = Ioiternou ictaor , fhieao beapkevi nt- .eîl. oii',e Ivîr r-e On's Oirstiloehsian ste irt it ie not tire tbove Weil kton iel. re atiditione tire vavezo h b% H por ihetiuhtbou lt oflJ paV henroo-tl uado- ;_pr llà44secun- iiptauu. rfrc, ad 1 fe« neËt be v'e ana 8enadaws ekd an repneto om I. encrearing tihe Inurber or rnic-piflrgmoonunm > emgmevtr . sI stebn Tr cienaiter v>'(o Le vese tgonaffoutiLauee o le p aoeen ut t on. -el Oie fnmre tinornoily.tion ati ton paver 10 do igiri, 'tire, Mords cf tiie eru il',ad ulg ceeaitr eon; ~ - forncri'. ret anl oe'.r-g, ail-sta glue ndn por. epi esivo heih rv ben b - c ia e n B il ii r d < a r-Io n r i t it r e e to l e sa '-in » nsi e n p r -o m i e c am e t a m p m in d .b i , l k r l i n y b " a f i t p ven a edt. Extenîcive additiorie to tire t.'ualIae, hk nllctcicioosf ine heti anît d n s inoeicr ierai day S t e ii u , ie i. o o s e B o r e @ , e c ., h a v e B A O va > '. a c k n o w le d g e R B o ' a n ti R - H o ls h i i l u s h iti c h e ik . A u le n g i r I ro s , a n d v e n t h g r n i I e s i - n v r pe.r i e v u t ieen mate. àAIl cnabling ths untiereignet intidirect tir>'patLe.' Ati I câliafor îo the uiutov, cati kaeeliag tou bnds, the in s inpe prbebi> <ci ikObe u oft'cr ttr ie Olti Friende randitire public get- aurengul a im hoia eypnnt ndlcngybudOn23 railyoditvanrages son prriîed Ir; no enl.e i l eHmrleaer> r-sntatite]u n> ietiuonm ade, f tireusirf in.Hereare toinu lings, in te pace ~1evii n il tmeab. a eip. it came ho me, aud I rose up anti ooker] ont upon he iappp, qine rî;rnlso iiu ar'loigbidne velcoure hie old fInonde. stooti hofore hioi. andi prcyîm came miota>' lisant, fiîling ilîebientre]bckv tafiiirl îtI, Whltb>', Ueo. 2, h851l';48-1>' eAcirwnl91i s fit in gviug np Mp lite virirlave, antini' yls viii:bas, anti charmingI>' relievet b>' a pretu>' cluer of T E E R O B O N O US , th give o u Op. De nct spek to me. ellig p ta My lips iu ties, ortis. trees lu the centre of eacir square. Tie T M I O B S N R O S E , M y irearu platie ne atr-ongip as pour- v r -e. ' h,1Thon vbo dost cou viliing lp illo, r-cama are v oit igh edt. vensiietei, cuti (Lcxeorn.arai.OTEL,) Oh I Ashtron, I sec nothisag bet dar-koeansdti uo piieât us aven as a lauher plutir tb or-ungbly comtorrcble, Water inla hid DUNDAS STREET, WIiITIJY, C.W ail arounti me. I cannot tell pou ta pro'. iris cildren, tel'. nosthlireIgi t fMy lite on copieusi>, the staircases ati passages GEOLO ROIBO , ropietr. YODu ot 0pr-a>'te an ides; anti uben tramn me;- uet me jet Lebihappp le tbis ar-e ligtiet i vtirlas,,anit-uoibath noonis T u bsnr' i:' eŽ b e r a n o n nme et irt h ire cesse t ie restion ss ioain g o r e t t iar-k v o i tyi if lu b c.st , il ?' are. rovid edi as are n ot ta Le m e ulul THnaelatedtiebuilding frirykonedtr.,ubled ses, itamie hirlor mdenesse, Deepîr tell he'shctious-arouuti me, ant i lu a>'bousetsi5 $500 a yar-. Tiron s l se, rieteiaan ftei a tirnho' y- on have iauucired; poar prisions boat ? tire stars sirone ont more brlgirti, above. no eplrroeirta an, jaol like -uniformit>' tinO beatof styie. The premrrenuere pieaiantîyy naeotrai I vii wo a fatote. rnplove Icloser]tire vindov softi>, anti ighuti uIecrrdeinr îerouais, ant ini. aitustd.onnte cPost. Office, and in tire fr-pouO. ..-Oh i Aehtnutiretle imposéi- lire amp Open teil et o, ani, itting tire r-ales of tee stabliiehment tirer e io. cTitre iLt ,wA n. lr:rittiio.adbit. I vonîtit lI coulti. Neyer viii dove, vaiteti hopetuli>' for Asirson'a tbingtire-mositfalidioà' enu abject tho- t e s a e fu x rd e a d B a e t nI a e I cesse ta pra>' tirat Q d bave m ore>' on uaking. ercepu it -M e, hLe r-nie 9, v im cir aya, thodoor-everyarrorning. Do $per-day. an;- but ouil then ve muet part,, Ashrton Bush i vas tiret My Dame, tirat icu, *Tenants ceunol ire allouer] ta paper or rGEORGE ROBSON. -it cannot le oiierwise. fainu virisper?1 Yes, ther-." lu Comas drive -ci" into tire valso, for one oe l.'riarefuhloi6ntirs lveyeinattenianeu I thongih I kneo -v oouvonîr] me- agalia har-timaugine a cosy', ceredl iookiag - cuve j68.ta rne ,' saiti Ashton, 'but nov I fenal 6¶aîp'1rOonitZi neirher paper non piclures ou ia i I bLad Lpe. G o ond b ', t . 1 I nlu a m om ent Iwvac ir> r~ saide. lus vill. T ie t o quadrangle a afforti he IPRTNITO PARTIES U-1 L ave thougiri ot 1f.e mb pou by my aie- 4'Baty, love, Loy 1 Lave hongeatiahone amadation for 320 tenants, occupyirrg MKACHINER ! 1 a pr-otecin g angel ta keep my seul (om you Il one roo niai it a r.ovu a ee , tvre - -tain. I bave tho g t of g aring yen Tis munie met ni'Par; te anr eea noose-ai $1 or tire t $1 -25, - and et JT. J . S T 0 0 XK a 'u ogh i l tie ori, sd of be crnig o u booier] in o m ine itir'recog itio e ud] th sqm tes tie viole b ilding ie atrérdy - lm a 0 n >' e r it iro u g ir e v e n, td a n . lo v e ; t ie v e n ir, v au te r a n & ai c a s p e d e h k e , a n ti c a niti irv O e he n e t ic e o v e r. E X RgI HI E O L er. I m ut lea u- ie' sew, Kat>. m ine ; c loati of grief seemeti litret rose Ever>' effort in madt i t ure tiet, the r- Ti il excels ailiother Oil, bath animal trub 'ni'ien.atiîvp in o iaîîe s t airilegou4eI>'the e viinin a n ti v e g e ta u,îo, a n d v a e r a p e p a re d 10 s h o w U n a b le ta p e usi, I g ev e b m m y b a n d . a n ti j o >. I v a s a b o u t t e o e il m y a th e r , t u t 1 l c - e o i e e i . . . h e e v tire enperiority ofthie 011 te ail otirer. lb xtaritie19uvuspresser] lu Lotir ofiris, cuti kiseeti ho huttirelriti, irat Lo ulgiru seeviat 1 8tr-nggiipg pon. ludirect>' aucliplaces et tirettestneaî'oary tw procure a firat-clasaje uoaeyadongu.Gnl eloe uhahpycagbt-stn ' acltdt eei vutemn 'ticie, it iii sdapted to eltirer iglît orbaavv r asoae>' niievsgoe oei-Mei~e i ap hag, upAsu r s cul'adti tea bepofi t iontire a ' Y c h i nl e r > , t r i a e l ' - , k o r g ie i n g - i n a c a i n e o t i . m n I l o f i f o c d - l o v e - g o ae f o r e v e r i vo o î t i n o s l e t <m e . a u l t n i s l e a l o u c i n i e iravest of oait.. Tire foiiowing are tire Alone-alone I 1 rqepeed tire vend 'Ste>' ultirme a ithîs virile,' h. saa, tire>'muincnrese irons. accomodation of 1 nOV u Tiriiteuce rurcirer O cen ho ovor anti aven 10 myceif wviron t aoot inhaI aut ta look mua >'oer face, it le sa iot.g tire poorerkinti. k ept cieun vitir but iirtle trouble, anti it iýiJi ni> rooni. Sa ehuane was I tirat Icald ince I have sien it And I have mach---- eoman raciinrieryîlrrrb lins been aireudy gummed <seloiring more. *I vaiketi eimleaclp toa selto yon. My' poor litiîe flowfns msaer, !oIT..ea i: o'. b>' otirer tilla. Lt viiinot content or thickenfiesover, hou Aan lyeconie in tire coideht ef ventIler. Ti ileacquait>' op anti doua, cct.ciriug agimpse,es 1 vasterand ti , 01 oulokiui i a ut the liigirest imrportamnce, from tire faut an 0il poset!tire mir-ron, ot a wilti, vhite face tiret brongbt cil ibisaorrov upén Ypan1 i in te ir iis o h edvaeio h net hvitira qrit.jviilnt riot na that darneut sono my>'ove, I tosadtibac' ,s t.. ua, ail yoremenkabe-an me'Reavmolalpu bihns n incair, tirer-eexiste armkàl piece Ircate trte, butîthe Monrouat it toncfraani>m' bain (nom w>'face, anti laitdniy tamp, bloomnu aeIl b, of co-ace the' Evrtiluirt Tire )f eirafî t iq congeaieîl antivilI not lu bricate un- celai banda upon mp bnrniag fonreati, 'RusaIrl 1I ansueneu, f'hep viii ail come 'airtigpaeo ieEi prtTr r it thtýutenirarby fiction acquiree thet temppr o icutyi ugdedrcy tdotiq atuns neco;teîry tanednce it tboa aîquîa etae luencatileduiet iia sort of ecanioelt>'et cil back nov uben pou are vieil. deeviipconul ngeti codr] mcy-monnîclinq, a cquirinst a iigirr empenatuire by fiction, tire tiret I canît bear-clous ; andti cen I st camie bac' viti us toa, Hemlock Holîc uLtee aues ni raiion il. *journal cxpealde rri tire bror in injained, , ladoue cedtcried tîo rimel. Whîre vasho enti ve yl lever-p 'happye. We il~i Suahesanti reptiles of ovr-e>'descripto r c o iti eirft v t ao u ct îi s a re a u lt , se lb i. uo m in - D o w v ? H u rr in g I ro u g l t irse vo o d , o r en e y e r p a r t a g a in , A s ito n .' - a on- u r t it u b-e nt ,t9 e r i g ile 011 vitir voter.. G. Stock'*. Vil vilI h ygifts Ibaifitd lHw BtAho$ fc i e ceb cli, t a&vided otuninvisfg fi bricute. the eideet imachiner>' tiremoment irt giftrtILd nlcîi o utAho' aedt oSeiobc bl u ati rmosu am r- j' e ppic. ~iel'l a nv ee] n o-e t<,dan. 1, nuvontir>'gas1I as, cent avay,astire hope ced je>' tiat I feit mmet lu on .Buta' e ruchecnatdr nundrtieqtablixhireteanisieivingtirebest ifit lubéabeen a vntlsatuesr ra in, Teovsienhrj> o aru osPrnmnnenr.Tr rut o~ criafrîtraa .i ul neligte'in lveuroriaihunu eaoeail i oilr n efo a. vsiahrmlsct uksamc oueoey bea nonronl- iL Dus Ss-ilWrte Leat î*alm u yln;lto i 1 uca,'Thep eaaibuger no,-more, neithmr Au. Intia nuisso forgeteltiret to toer ni, à1>'anrunIca tu, eineZ tdi. Aa irm th» o aStI'MOrpf MY ifI bLii:Say more ;;:eisier saboli lthe sO*ud svti .hevf' of h u tirr-l teeistiactheh, n an forb-tàrcon e. Wae eau4 loge14et rebln anper, i.der'dy atrpgeuihaius ail msb -uhicla is in tire midat o e t r rom - 'v1fErLs t resolO balne-a.- ' o sp oâ oling. lut ke p th e oolis the Isd oosp, sud o u'. tire (lling ftai , *ha l l f ed tb em , sud shail hsd ee~m : eAuob ll i a l u e a m r ' t b1ýWe do Dot vu u igtebea,>'miet, ced the ir-encbetisudliving fonetalte vaters sim4d osqmari',. - R '- aoceeit- *â ie better si labbon. Srny iu«teew 1 F- am, yoera tr-nIl - - bohston flouons. -TLr-o jears bave paseet WI pe saa it-teaep froua ' oe. aet:uisa h a ým ARICI, 1 1 il 1 tid - YEOMAN GIBS4? jam..t LVLI 1 uufflou 1

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