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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1871, p. 2

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Dr@a-a-aLu ueamté gT«p4, talattissé,, er. abuiols b.the R>k-' Notcoulent vlb tbs - us u tattl'of abus* of Mn. Bnomn,'&Dd Ilboreproduction of staie quoiauions of - a vsali lu lb. Globe ta-ont>' yans ne a boot Rouae Catiole. <sont. cf thetu iisqoeoSuatinon* of thotu erer ceea b>' Mn. Bromeunutil moeb'aftetor ii aPpeatte uprIi,) cer Toronho cou- lsmponary guos ontho scy, Il ab*îdieg Cilocal laemiaary maitoal on oneofothtii UCtioliso argty torn theO parpose o! git stllg the question. A cornespon.. 6t dont Iiorai usthat t.heaaesieg ~local lammnar>' mas no lais a pansoa a ga thion M.,Faroeel. a-ho, a-siiomet 44 hat. casu litn -ploe, cutil - nom, ths .," people'& ietuepent" reprosentaive, "bontibesd' noinand, beela, andi ill a ccepy i hobonorable positien «,t a yaK4 té 109msahice ln thé aoxt Asobmiy., -61Wlioeror mite- gentleman mss--bomber 64 Mn. Farewell or Mr. eomohoty elée-hol II mea.avo bien charmei! ant i tede l'deiab the t-enit fthe intervie wmimb thé "elorgynkan. T'<hosur>' <ugeo that itie "ehrigymon neooived un: gnacloealy, on- Ai terainot hlms genoronîsly, listeetidbuehlm dé auîeeîinlly, ccd thon assanet i nI lly 11lau blese wment is, on ords *0ffimilrins- dé port s Toer neqoeul, 68i U as I endntant i b ', la that a-,shtocli esou ar n lueno mîbý 60 Our people tKoindueseco iote:0vote for & 6,Mr, Brtown,_ Wellimo te t y u anmo i 66 As chrisakes a-ou ee forgirve Mr, 061Brama ail th.e inultasbcle hec eapet v ý1. apun 'c.cetdour ont-c. a, theaigli 4>hou a-s-ouKoapologise, re»pent, sit Itumi lie &ite himiei cei toa g,-esuen estent ieun Sho bua aroady dace, a-,ý coalti not, wmolt not, ant sionîi not gin, ui aur I "support,"à IlMn. Farewell tid tico oaiàer lb jadi. U c*c elos apneus ube questionftinthen, bu w~aiîiadrem mii "cé à es le bis dam" n T<ho- iavo @tory -efthé tit WerapA's roputeal cotresponalsaî la mafne*tacmret out uOf wiile clciu:. [I entruesfromulga uing, ta end. Tbioo anot tubo ouata, cf a ehade autglteuh n it. Anti a-.mighi aay more, mhich moult scarosi>' b. rery oem- fortrag h cencantopera,, m re - cc - aella-ar. ewmumch aver"e the ta-o igbly vospecail. Cauheiio clergymen of sueîh <)utaria arc ta have thoir ames inîr otin - ot, lau an>' ac, lu conneetien miti tbe -plitical titucosiona-et paties leniiie WAim TeaR t-iXîE Ba'-twit h-Ia.Y AN FaAîeî,c-Ic pahliciing ithe tolloa-ing des pana a-s ma>' cni s: a Il tes etfa-ar are grounudless. Neither noonry is in a con- diioc, finseoially or otheraiee, ho reuh iute a-ar, eseciabby mth the laie experit- eue"t bafoetisi. I fd A dstcdatot Roue, J1 9 Id, 550 thatre is grea t eliement libre oven tho'rote in thheFrench Aoumbniy on lie pomlon ofethue Pope- The journal- regard a-an ini Frano. as proba blo, anti cocos. the îinistny o et inuyicg the toue. tny. Tii, Gazettemsayu ibat thie Guvrna. ment shoulti ne:bavegene muoRani., bat bavlng gene mut ScSy, thoagit tiek alentis shoniti envelopo lis palitical horizon. KiPmn.v Limn.1m.mî..AIt te conclu- sucen efth Reappr, match, partionlans of a-hIi s ppeamed ln lest a-eek's isitne, Mn. Gion, Proeshnit flbo José-phIHaillmrai, bantistibock toe tii3eoreman> ofthe-i.Ag. icaltunal SOCiemy, the priai ut $30 amorti- ed ti bu. Mr. Gie bat, in- atidiion, given' a lihsrab i ocatie tjoýerds te gehicg np of!tho match. Im is an olti kinidiy a-uy cU M. lIen's erer pnckem primes amartoti bis machines. Content miii ah. bonean, b. bas icvarisbly handet batik the puizss, anti 50 aisisteti in pro- iucmigagicalmurol latereslà la <»her tirection&. BAsa Or E-r. PtaîNI.io-W, are ne- qeeshedtintlmimaio liai the npxK meeting o- f the Wbi.tbl Banti of Blupe and Tempor aneeliloa, milb hbitld <D. V.> at the Oongt-egatuonsî Chanci, next Tassday oveniegi et 7j o'eîock. Aliso, tbat it ia cantemplahedti o hulti a Baud o!fHdope Picmio cm the Dril Shemi, o tbemlu1vig Fiday, (mite IIth las:) 'The Baud iii meut nt the CougregasiocaL Chanci t 1 P. in,, and ai uaoile proces- sion to hio DnilI Shedl. Fnigats mishiiig ta jein in ho Pienie miii ho mcdo wsicome. Senti basinets le ,gooti ii.. -Pauac. Aaïbua Ï0ne a uitapae.or -Conviucui.. ---Tbe tlegnapibnInga tbe aueoneemeeb tbat Prince Arthur iii ahoualy b.ccnuctoti Dait@ o!Coceauguet., À speelal lýabbaiihSohool' servmce cf sace atnig ea ster, mil b hooit(D. V.>)antmue Cebgregalonot Cliureh. noxm Babbaîb soning. Tho 'collection ta b. -tovoted go iio inLeesoasoUi heobeimol, Fmîu.Oa-' HVi.imaPUas IEMva...-Ur. ?el- Iowualaiý-8 neto State KiaK ho bas no. anthonlascl agent, buL tit bits Hypopipe.. philos may beobtuined of aIl respectable DJthESiots andi Apothoccîii stbis pria... ,~j ~ ii. "'"' UYTU OOUU 10189 l~9. ~ - ~MI i' Wie 0 KlOOUl? rioneamdwith tbem, gave most important ovidenc. un. g ysinretthugs"I s a t o r t I i a f4. - k m rde m a ti. ý 1a u ru et d b u t Ij-Jî t t1. io neBM ie.rn d h en t tu d e ah ,, B n d i oýe re r 0$8 b W S .ndî î o u , J p 0 n o s d r d i en Bb p l d oli un ,t kb u t , o l l g I i î I y o o n t r a it c t o r y . ' ef o rm e r è 0 1 4 ý bouièreridllusla the fl~yThora. wua no ozéiemntbeyond tJiat 1Itncfooroenil Jackson. detafndto seeed grcatty distreednriÇat t îo, tmtooviaîb. adie deprt..LZOWIU.oenaaaonod by the chafflhg of à tonques- fik4lBtiito sao:AO lSta l ook on"> a good deal *ile tellîng wbakilieti WCdc~ifiâi meni Àby-law oi ibis sabjmes ws a psed,. ticofbîo individul. after. V#hil.o tb. tidian igultrdewée rj'unk, aeeknew< 8h. appeare gb~n fit h o es etitéatt ' A ovad wu îIbck hat wmliiprovo whl.h mvii bu (oand in adveruiag col- London, Jai7 si.-Ia addition, mdth Lb.1 rocn tl aoknie hror, Ofilifing conditioli, and gro»anied continisuuy. reacli 100; ij arofthem wore >lâced O on Miuaoor.-.plan vu s £ad'npo nune meeting Ib,, etina koilParkuiyasseMayn'1 Siedeciarcd the RrLîoner or ber haho3td c-irriages and, driverfililth on/ fo otaalg n als.ddoiso.fru GANS ~ OL. etig el l HdoPrkyst~dy0~ sacre., and Ireeci bis compasnions. Thig Innocent. Thoas ~McWain ias cailed, drug trsn-h egbro&ve fo otanigencaiaddoiflo ros aia o RI,.proteot agaiau tiihegruntbog by Parlia- mwu on the 5th i mt. After marching ibu tid<id-net k aowmueT b abouta4 1. eihbthet~w ludion. . Ona m otion of 1M r. D o aoan, e onded m ent of an anu ity ta P rince A rthur, a soute davs near y nk id. they w ere <d MiIlte kn W hf p o' n a d t i d w it b the p. A o gt b ireJt red ýve by Mr,. Ray, raie No. 1 of Lbe Cocelisimiier assemiblage hbu been coavoked for bv a friendiv haRnd' Of PottawatLIndei 's" r.rd'dr Sive orli pu sn, f~o4n~r~3~ T h e r ac e d P o t u e o t~ e 1 2 b, g~m rd red m a n a n d b is w itfe iv e d o n g o o tid rî e n î h re 'Md on - . , W i i 0 m Prine Ldwar 'hmttudleceperae' vs arcidSq.andàerte' dobaitin i& tother.ln, Trfrl.r Suoore19bas'dTea rsbçd Fraiiceyon her1afn Lb, Centreu Oahr, rs.Moor an sf Tet.place gta theeffect. tht Ib. Coanci mont lbe ri-robiWied by îbé 'authoritlés ;'b tnearly.sexautê~d, and M acitlooro. pro- Foter-a*Oniédicai *iidenceï-, liuuteiy aiimou re tWiteaCen.tre Sreetddx Goroeor ~ ~ trs sudthir Modsy e ii. m Aih;1r. Oditer, wbo leado the.movement, Pt r.,cein'o-LaeWorth on foot,. aok 'describi g the iiîgerior of the bouse, the:inis:ere ' la edin.: ainbulancep- an anfre n tîdModyleteilo b';ri t LJogepb.. mhere i h. bas -Jriends. bodsains, and the conidition o h r , th , bp. t'<lqpe maembers oppoood go tho treaty a'speisi memhtrspronent ct hait-puil', snd if7bot. treesIbe meeting. er abiedeeperadoc, nobcane, edidan benring of the. murder at haif-wreaoroginoeqîton A sesio, a aneoosàqasaraagmeta qioraithn a àjoanmag ti.London, Joly 3i. midight.-The meot., the Etstern Texas -nutlitw. They vr ps breo'lc i henouigTeeiseron-progb"agion re sen."A halà been madehetmeen the Goverumenta place ;and adjoara always 'flot. Inter than ing et Trafagar oîqeAro ta' ,ýproteut again:dest ssvgs n arcptgd eiec ofril;entireiy circuiustantiàIlod aiwaig h ai ben t:t co d G o c are t i i e bA n bisth e , oUnt e e gs I , 1t h ei pr p ou d aI oîl r sne o ý P rin c e A rt h er th e - ru e iie s -w ith , I d ie u z st .. T e a nm d p o in t a aith n o d ire c t ue Kies g ain at i o s î a ; s m i d n h a y ; a l avde iourT rty go it oioeaeno e avu OA5O?5OU. 15hpld, hosigbs 0 ôpeoplo e. 'wre had iao-Wtith-tbeuf as captivés Mni4, snayone. The a-bale natter seouts to beee e io - mtpin. aombulanci A ni tiou of r hupoft rz in.>r nt hBpakr drssd ti oman, ut Giudlpë ot<utain, Texias, fvoivo iniithe taikestiiystery, but memWCe it lllun ioeee e Clone, - tml go ioo opraTio e. irtthtt lae bspiakniagdtouebreakan ahee (acta Whitetirantias legsed more cinookcd W antiye %hei T he . olle n of i ne banns b e ofPs ib fo r roo k l e iso rt, e on o b a reda nt ci b io h S R I a a . Th r r te e p e ah h ange pbi o p i nion an ti Ol - oh e r l i o n p r o s le o n n avn 0 ex ycns ppopratoaft, s S m ihig i o otd, aic ntie s i oi oa ssrtin lu tbfalaitthe hecsefrLb nu n t t heynd ile cgnith i n- hr Seeni meeing baetbenscdoJTh metia stjoaot ntageno Dteotw sc "an, o an hù eniaîîearsrDavis.ioTh'ats .,cere vd er. bere ndng Te andte th t fabrme f r doe te oo t il y 'ecrnu5 creo roéplc rsrew ce!ott disre tid' -oàiA3î ,RLLL OTsTiif é.i 61 rela istiont. and egalati m se -l, is i lying in the aol Davisaifreiller coix.tilicmnih theu cnet ,tdna tiï riet e uuiinjuredus le butla d hbyr a-ory po luio - " i h e a i b y t h e T r e s îC o ino4. W a s- 0id Ioo no fo f o c k . a p to r o à p s » . i g e W are o e , bo eo r e ,ph b yli c0 ,s t i e o n a n i e p a t i o v r b s u m t h ,,h pwro ho@oot0 pi& freso-ino( îe-aDolifut Io arrd 1.10 oi Kohern a -hleaur'boersstei isîro esrfdei -rias-Thomid bisLordCbo f uss c At @ anetlwarse ba dite ver lu the htrasl JontyCroVan Att or ne removemi 13 llo in, Lb ew Street police, .bes;ià Res' -d W .r # e d t d o s . , A a r t eea rr f r oillth e Y s eri n a m b o r o fllAs. d r csa - i g th o G r d J r y u t ' a nt h a rK i n gis o a n n la o a ms a p aan o i 1 0 t i l ., m o n t e . ÃŽ o' i.jilo e a a n u p eo i t a t e e x i onmeCpnt rpy o n h 11- ilh a ieu la th &d iu oeýf A or. lftenter a ful oonn iee t ho Do- orne y on Mond14y, cplgraîulaîethetheni foritabie Tiehiitrnehtriai that (or ni annleurHth ati h baiorer - ic la a lih t ein d a.' Tr , mnti a ei a hope lotein pe tieirt heon , leanyno'f r Th iis e, nDa en ëtîely n ap erry iboe fie ai uu -s s un ef D Sb e Adocte taiti. 'iCeos i o tonr'of r. anoise t u sei t ha te ra qiit :o te ouay a-sbae orde lot (rho Bn- n heidlaothnea-s guî da o aasaeLi. cei u dcate mthn i ouy fofTrmenRose, tSeip irue gste rat.a ppas ta ii itt Sae ai nal iu, s ot er iy ta theSh i stakeabl e forli e saion l. l i er ht u ii o e ouhjeeling oxprrsei g aines aîin rytetpice.g qnenete i leur, Sex aie came, l@an iorein Ibo spo man more 'at t boue 'a h y, uid e d ieeag ho eforsof hae policesae ti 6ivo 1 Se tegan. Tii e cea of.tigntma, hof * l io g reolatofnPatti miiich e'Wuam amango Lb. popl.r neDa i u e r hies wihsthenigbt. Tb dy tke i bac thobutitue M a rte- t, 8 7 . w s p t d , i d b o n a t l t o s e v p e ic y .T u lst J oî e n t rA a T o à g l ett o n s mo lr e h o net r a re i t ia I ar e i m ii s k o nsab b e , p o n t e r e p c a l nly i i e -sn s r e riu e i T e h a b u p:c -fte paolreiot l cni o l ioî R e at i meenof the om nitoniSaes tBtmo(aridbai e rne a a d, (e eaitnk plc; eina-s aferdaar nebo t tee ., rlne ni zi e g -u m aardruathé o tn e ai ho b. atan Ton -TgetithLor d jur Koendstce.r a-auscovtor hi armhbbo a nni cm crulath' ýla - . oue tue ole a rfd el oa- tb.gI rsOv bail, aed lsoîo liere s ut oie e a ri mng an t.ti uti smo iDns a aor siated, ii. Dmno TrCnda (oaTathedpuantnriacoitssmei.aoroein tontii cmmo us c th cLeri atito ere nte Grnd eturynoLu -ei- g l s Rondm aeai aal t. tuto ap tan th u forite mutaera- b up eb eepo othe esuoe, ati nightbnely n itiî Roi. - Wess ttema ow aid uo-opcl u sa. o!of ta 'd ta-o c onnrms, met , tMeposseti bis. beillae th t t peed cor e ubcr eral pu r smonan nes G t nes H Lëan in nore t heapiea le hil. ata a-ok. Th <onsndie f ore part oncaaliaysennonuasn(resbesas aatofiretke Towarbu frmee!-foo!foitee huitiin tha fretgeneoroveti. Tonedccries hc e p*- A a lé t , - h t th is i n is i o n la r eo f p ro g r a m m f o r t i i c e x i b e a l is p o et ty v o i îî fsh m s a b t, b ua ion u t th o n h i o l t i t s m r tr o! persans. lic ques eh gneyer a-as koe te ii eti qctai errni n. imuats er e ti enn bo y ef liro e , tho Renia T 4 a eg rale A nnea lM etetin ."thnee he fann etaecdrg ng W e t- ut th E np r n o m od s c ai an a . ale nq ca a ai a'jbutti tlt thnoi ît ni as tl ey at ugto b ne il t e oa i [r, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Ll d amtt e L a e , a t t ~ e a l e . h t c C m u t e o a ~ m d i a i h er y ta ti g î pe csîn ta ea it e ar t ( r Ii t u np e a nti t baot m lAàuth eFriina1 a cn , a n te s .re iup o n d e th i 'a a . A formbsrsy 80 ii. Pourti esiati, bobutceivthe,,oiondisencorrespondemeilesta noDominionlb pplnetiden Lb. bindagesounty an20imitutesel andoc :il, T bo o e ospaper in, !t inhe Thent ato afmi tndt a pinsh mt matct aaerandon îe sc o ieidniîrbsu odyrelefto PStheAtRiOCi55ON75 rdeA -eebanet ledok tanshofer propar d ".et andrgoual t e ti on sss and m nii 'sira in o t beiece elii.! 'the i qeesi eof athbis por.fnc , tbe t -a .- Bav teol, Ae s:ilda, and To- hs4et nir amil gitiea-bers they more nom '51 Lui'5 , li Th e mo e mbr Mn.g o d m ss, e nv oîve iun î om urtatin a nd." f ih deo - -Jusice 1on cbat in peoplessing te r grtnd] r , O blOd cuhat o m ei sîhin , he r. teay 'po: ofiecCrc t al a alc~ k teîîmhe h c efti forcey Dr. h ic. The canratietti heui u thi~urormicon *u'ana$ig Lthsbops u ib pescaetuhrea t mi boulheexlhangteyen ateplosion istheymunlitidesnmna.er ct Wne6b rio'et, bs! n I oas ntuhs c"ricot ribo tciio-ig enlme iMes s t ition 7nn !teAwr legsea ri ie ivi tisbcJtapa -ab etecal-n er nelfsas eedow*d h arerplc Cie ro~ Ro o...a leuna o w scb bo ve 7 P nuo, B sta , ass; G ur e S a ei ut tttepesunsty or Ilire mcause s, co nlta for u ie hborc e i l, an i s gtentravelling posa -ef n alt e r a a îi ng a s art b o woods for tclaseyai white the iabîltiincq ja.slSti -é,ames, tlaceelatiocoisha-ai fedeofded agabacsréféraucttta route feterilnrPortplace;abut itliusauginr m-noua'dalarta ahd axera, Haa~d, Blalo N. . Rd-ant D. ol.. nemaka, iz. hosescnduag thremedan -huit eamek ah ioçu.a is a et ut pro to n oM i n-snlu e . W ia. U t e da. S a lt c, Jett e. t h e gse n die sj u ry u i, ui n e ei g ii R m a e ai u a t, u a in tWbioae c wBe v e toin a a n a u m e îs ar e ti r.oo a v e r pth e db a tto ry m ec n ec lv d f utu ti , l i.f îe J o n d esc ao n H hA a ta re o n g otu e n b G ee k, et îo o d ta e d v ey a u (eo r y. l w th a l , r'. i i m sa T g h i th ie h o t en idbsH o a in essé boireonso Oolon the oma inio.n;ofbanl aa iorlpb , C ic n olu hen d ta tis sve el sbt e . Hatianot lhicu se l he tr d ai e i h. a t o!can tothe amîtonîies 'f i s uo retecb i u ssErîicia rsa i daWa o, the e; oriig ni vaîig, ie i ti mim su o lep a tvery rectiondsmoag thbe ydis ! Mr.Rosewa anacyé!ooti i a pe m ngbrth, bo e fcvhenhisrelaC] - thcreceintsinlîa toeenva ta uWigt lc -h eot utya i u o- Rea y. Mtn ad in , jbL TePuaiefice hir. Fr e amdli L cu te a rfce olved-"Thway f to c Do miio n o r i apie t oandeve >p r t ut Lieb leon t ha lem purar s, îltica a eo la u s dvers e d e- n epecstor, m a tin a t uve r dsth eune I- th liait Lesei a v ins t hba e fo et a- t lied Unackufrner e b.Ro rtns c Tram c viueatinulzigefet.ad wol o.mosole orap éetin btointi n avoln igtaurisc Cbt ofte oàWa smit-sv .T e re aliony. 100 t~~~~~sorn ep grant mmon en foIioi oi r fés B tno eds? i'îO p erst a nus. lTisqe sfriosn mi aiicgv u has n t s pîîa îîî a-ash ade A y, t ee i a li t o ara g m nsao n aîof the p a ll bohem victimeg, m t-ond th farnes, o chaging Wes- ow er anti frg.-tmsutlan. Oer 15e UrCida fIoLa r'edo.ei amiîîe ed _ ta seeda C d ele boncoo [sica. - ii Bith vrish [s t esare h avi,.g il ot otunseea-adticario th a-ae o uut iy nticretiy cri) uo(. estsguieeie h lteyaih me br fteF nt o t.b eevd proiet at t oesnd M eetgsu miionut. n aintaearbis meiier, ant nitens tiioao ik meie et c hatii a - .8. a a nd aimeor te xpos il. rn ers r.s a p ia ies n t sfr o t g o iaiJ h erra -f I o nicBa rorad lb i C o m m ec a te c ou t ehe a e ctor tîneti t serie t e ny o f i i rbel th eefici S e us y nd lea rnîi d ng, (ar e .ofeasttas 'theA Rw o u n d edBuff lo. J e , K ueu an ant u uîî 11 0Cu h i fr ain a iitn o a ain ai Cen a a ud a e r s;c nvela ta aofbsdo-tly b bs e dy r plest ] in y t iook' chargeUEM olD er or eta ttede k of aio ll fe r ire canaris, Thc olts, siedia ci t oelonga, ominiondmay, lu dmi on ILt hq tonfufr- -- ut tnig oics. IC :i tho unes t de$en coi lu te Tinc h, bre 23. , - ue LaolA t n a te.li -Caa- ieboat antior -ln de he ue-iiendwen Fi on h a n e ti n - th e d ety er, C n e p l n jno i in t y u o C m u e , ~ iu n~r aye n alon - t ha hrd is. e ae d y , su t f he a p li at o lantral. eu, re pla cr! o the a ia nduiy u a y u -e m-Pe ta l-epîo n te b e uni N o m 'Y ork.l Sp m onofis ,t K na n d t w » s ci ns O aa d o iso ate m .M esu rîe o n . of 0 , u pa e r Nt ure o as luba tthe i r a.plaen dueso ofieîsly pose mii hee, a-icb s 50 mmci desre jlu antC? for h .--jtyas i tiau s nidois- ucetiOiioa-ingatameuuîeL; Atm 40yoseoda ta e . îl i uî,-t e , R oyal M ai l d sea m er a- 1 0 hioe ro tu g ta b vy Isianti 12 , a n v i snnn in e . m l e h b. eue ut a cinleHhottie, cosiug uio.l e DimnioncBoardlbbtreateKingatondn tock on 'sur A taa re cciaia iteîinm thti-fiC oucou ut.G rotnB nitaîn anti B dela ti, u ar i g o co h e R ma m n ia B er m a rri t i t ofa We t ce e d a a n ge . m os re c o d e r la-e he n n emen 20ta cî h av e utte i h a e ilan wllcaisy icrduo onl b lanti e.2Ouh le:t a couisit nt, Sleit i mea T e e e nstao §y.I naa ipelgno t e ae heFlao Naaa enlnpoei ytecm a d of yen ay neet 890ob ne n o on tohe neqeirot @fod amatvey srtflie toclsebeuoa-inanfregieinohe arkina- moreCerln,0 ;O alu 1top , Jcs. ne a-a i 2deres abovut i h naeo dàn t u. H eTheremanus o b hten oue fo, nct eIpt a ci tfteand pasuee in examiut i fie a .ia ,o l ; W M . MPa n t.o nL oau iseh o wube lt o u ea s , ati b i a mi vai be da stu g e "I lineh u ho n t un Peed in o e, b e o n i F is, T h e bo t e P re n o em ua m a i e t i e c u r e o h o t mi*itp and tiiing heatte m il raisGieadey 3recpon aoug hebeb om te ro sfcre t h ltl s haFrnchîng àraigu . he pro e t tonuiti. Lavic ust e esa ite G and t ik bo ttbe i i 'Ihe rshuin ocneie 5utn Poc -b ath pri fa rsi-. R ea1liam - . Ttenbois Charet o:nim e of nscsesraihe vesvetsa ndus eppos et mu h ah.i acn o !ant an p ios sre.- p-lne ao i tm aîttlfnd e ruauu,' ?goe. 1<13e Osoru' la e heahotaLochbitai mis actineataken yotse.vNtional gilt c - e avor -it udybiarl th a-blnery, ugienPîic îng îii d Se n ch e in th M a r e s,)i. B anto t Trd e e" t t e D nu i onu B oard t ppT ie d uta e n icpt o f me the o anexpior emi oe ia roy et atie s a in it de rs0 0 e upe SIim ectrai Smd t Tade b.-O m aba. Jloi t t ip u e te i2 3 t-A l t e jni t a trut baie hck boa- la î a h o t n i p l csar e g e o d , ti i ea p o cit a Cusuon d en d o c o f rccm m i i h umit -b I S T F O P C a v a , l a KT nE m. b oU i t i u o d n a ho h t r T e u i a t s e c r e r o e c n ft a i n v iuta i t s b c r r n i a h o au t i a a e r ?ý n ' sl e pa i; , h i e , ' A l o r i g . ' A t mlii mis Boam hu nid i. reciprocahe tsi s u . t e n B ritlyis e s y A.D are h i u, mici s capeIt ia- ero h c r io ubns iet nipb da fiug and g r ee l ut tria e , i bi rs Laned I aroa ch t i tii bo ul er ant m u-ailier, t Rth e J o a a i N .M ee ti n Jo hnl t st o m ml. a enve ueabnti scfleuu rn m c ti ' a ltsh p per t e tr yti. ier l m s to m . nt th n an i us ut n n y th -c C ok; Irhooao te r&a h a t i s h e a a l a o c t I raio n M n t e l. Q ; W . HlHm s u t o Cnu a h o in ba e t iii. b a i n g ue a t c u r d e -n o t m a e n l ie a -l d e e n y h î g b c p m et 2j .t - uA l mx a n - e t- L e m m c i a mF e c a ss e - o i ti t e a n b u e .n la - e u t o n o c kh a o f u i c i L e 1 3 h a t u s e e - i K n u e t u , - ~ - . . . . T a it x . . h a C o i m i u s T i n e i l - ith e c u ee m s l a cr - n c b e e b i i e h r o u t e t n if s Fa s r e i n g e u m e rs - T u d y o l a t l is - c d e r r n t t h t el l e s t r o e r , C o s o m p t o n , m a i o n o t ai n e d b y tsimdmm tn tu, thefi i eitri i .h"tît ae ;e otb'e fipn a1n wm im e tie25,20 27 28ani 2mb f epini m i ho conte ite Naioal Ru t et intu One ta p m a t urgeosb e t ll esreuon y an ontiqîae lu 183, fnitpaidelcard t mua sof 5chrp aa am en iîuLm egn4oit.e ns morateo tier rt t- ,oit bailîencnd . hebot et tj 8 ac esie tin? ne, ju.uuÀ q 'O r Et as I a-as gotingenv obnen egiee.ma esth o t a séial ho Umeit of the nea, l o o eea lcs b i r ock s ae r i a iî'~f u ca eyT u be t meR oya M i e sm ip ei te Gr a Tr ndeub y c Wt12 en poin uplace;troAina-bo re etuau limnetuof -.às '- buec stigoetherntsin ti eoabidAt Knso n ap on Gat-hi i a ndt. lu hnag, mia-s a- tgitesteepantomi. fm o. It. m s a n htoiaunpbs, anti ies I k ume s autilnge mtt hnougthae tii scai iad stte tm eanilr6iac'DdriverrasteBermuprospect d testmiful ingdeo, sai en eitte t20ptor, atidasb [ ale, aiisaiAcahi n redolnîszes antthtmand'coi b in ah.,10ta cietî' ett frcuee o ierib ioî g A canna c ite sofgn lgne o vr h eno ig.aon.ie Guehii ti i su Iaaa- blte obepnt Crossan v Glo ce mer i as av s ize i n lte ta . re eat ai the ca nai m e ti g u S . p >th e' u i y ar bas d i e t n t he o! oa s la c ie e m u y T e g u e o t e u a ae w tie cF mll imT e oie a e os e a b ile r; I bailn nt ire a îm te custthe p id. hr t i.R.Lu-ecesrLush all eltptti, anotd.u e armain e'umrooî h m e imebuea e t GaealoBrnhe ng htnu t heayîurl.. a i. fne-spae m t a aveenamuimiugndicr-exp4ia Th;e leloi ed t 25 o n ,e thanoatinadtuneed toneigviolation 'If01 suptse! tebc te. Traofaui-boss a- ne Iwn onipotetr o VhCaoainte hptro flet teatonreiésce thNtioanai D t io eiliaccien- nm 5 lest G iie t 4 est84icie O eflit.heWî. Ciieoneaofnta tah. houonPotrk th teg la,.t S e a-sMachanemin h a rket. 'h e eting utotii. Deomite nionBstd o Ttats i he- , a-sate ihrt nepord tonin e t o urs. Sad om 00plo mal re n au fcotton Wu'Od, ana s ay ,A t lletteas n t o rthf1teld; 'Ptr~ik, h ibe i a sh ken itan a ipean ti a no m unt e Ottaa-a,'onà thomm7ttL daor o férne al p t on: mo! ils Ca vne utCeaaa-L k, lotîio o na botter.lia o y , tr i -i4s a e xi a in erebisiter! y. ibi e c i - l ait le inlet ur ale Ï ; it e e ' l iaad t ho mt mayh mubisiBoerdto adjuddcacior-cTie nexm. o ma ensut aaimtues ti A . Be ait, i c cîleani Iluee paie cgerh e, cietre i ganmeu ing 'a fieu bars ofe d a aTexa, ver>' ondt conItipo. idth o n mr ardmisue vicelantion ut uer rpodetaas ~ * -. j elfoe a pbecepertrfonyerMiaein. Heirndetina i lyainaiu oan th ompnea- hanBrigsorertae by a-o ua bys, ae- i edLA-o IST - at a seRheto gîhebta oittofs, TiVîei - a1Tho ue . C. là. o PW ,- faR nd Poini, qta itabcd o loe m insii98 gage mi e sni e ue haitd bm-as tsio. 'w ie o-h.aiie R ira T h e P r o v iny , le A n a i a n t a - l A n s. c i « T o e a l l m i ts u . - L o ht n ,N J a B ., l oh p o n n mes t r i h e A ma i t ys i e n e a n b i n g a coat ti e , r a n a v e b ic H s hu , sr c i 6r is lis w s so t i o . a d l l ert p a rt a n o aN a a k JVyB e n siîi oslof serve moe cbcka tithonatiertiitta ut M eDon ail' - ~ ~ :iac ion ube ourne ut ha P icco et a ua- uat ongem ieg u fe s1porigip.ne., a ti s arrndgan . pes enge a n scy no a , , -i- no@ arg ls amuteena s su . lmo snb s an c almeani n a cle t thoywu Inoeti arMan etta s Ofa-hon. h a-i, anlfiecm e di thersmprec eira oc of tieteu. s a mberoi ut ilmugneiofetion mily ain rlal enî-eu csate b lo5 tin mithery dlamonses f inforaig on s Moteiuhoblt W . Princlan Proto oe cd canin te rn ors aima, srtoani henig. M n. etibonsonpled O ma isii. englue na A iabaa Ni lciafldiis1 ten ie att al o! kid t Tnramy hothe PDomini anlxtin. ni:parkJahl ia, unFHimiltnx rs c i l - The ersan, on- T a oinhe Seîi îition s. T h u phe!tieaa- tanoeugla Rabrea ,byoro Movng a rts mant at m 1o grdeti aout un etet Vaiî i 'iai.TT [- em pulo o- --- ~ un f ja um gvodaora dsa . Tam Pu i ewi Wt. wi istImuaa nii.r-- bt Ic g fte m r, miih laii ~ o h acie7 o ca ~~td nt he. ' - -s ;tk e be nt-s hai i l d isAn îe imalto ,Pnaincf or a.lK. he h.-;Db uin Am. l t.- ii Prnceslerte h ro een oîliaitc la ofles a io tae r t ons ia iTiS Pe NT. - T edaNut t e m ok Jpl-n nc eein w a : in oer acofrihetNatiool B r eu no hitieti ai iii t mis ut n dsrciler dL'a n a tb ins 84,- Ot an c a filergser oiN . Y., p a suIan hstaievenioa.tCorne eoatv Magcouism,. seme intethicviîaiîions.hanqsetiA<nicmbaer i he25 2,27 2 ad 9h f epem 0 00 plir srrl Olcs yteoby nurtriîg cotiencksnstcy- nt Yun vriit tmocnet thL e exo aifSuciebe ttnigei.UOntedoStites,,t e si e lleet re a t oefe s.o o L. uuhpeavion cier t aut.ma st ffia a b lie toï paetigat on. B ee Ii ioa b voa Foet chrs Calrie bi a a ta tALLASria ie or b îa osim h. eecti appyaIttoftliy, Bis mark. - qiur t-y wu a-oipiec-u amrock aedgshorgemIpanel 1c juy t-day, ut the investith tevr si l my o alo-, hothng a honoa-lmn te ers nom timof the tii Àoail , H igheserosseiCic lampe uhator-- - ----20 e 00 ponamoe lu- nohrgtina. teil he tonpsenri andays' aI nIl hom i o xsene;1K hunmatil e b eng a l aatendims u thQeanfr muetabti mou isérbl l akni D rlcàwj fgnreo h ulh i n obr rso me - pninop meim,tsafcnti oihy ths ma ve be-n-dTmo t he i miti n tefhe a siemi b isfombens mou ielm. ti,e, 1cm ad e i aLatuGeys.-enom- ce u t SUTA Ns.e Ta E inh ic.lu m ene 5e hgisig be teat-,hia5 î 41 tr p ; the onet-ai i "The A motonn sebooierS&mu&l Gibert N aional Boa d of T rad for aiteoichargesedteitutilsetia aorrespondents -a-ritessectioabouthepGratoWestbatÊ sa-hoytankm aceleaerlmeescaspetile-ltantiînhuathegUsMicati' the i opinionti ut ere rea alo - Glocemerbu eenspiéd n tesau prages ebtasu si _been e inkSt. po! esoî us iaime ag ndbal( of Prin placut e It et ais mhe znita-of ene tmacs, ojury.mpimn expproati bier ; Iti ntence Lu tcndtn ut nua inishre t h paen 8t en.iorncho tserTLuis blat e tepmouit. a noy it ationaiAnhoe n asp ontie tuea o ir!est-o- ast es tee , Ha srisburg iend ranr utds. aae ims u be ttigdae l -i ohuerthe bmalen i a o atch on lae -u lmometIslcanid,.both cntominienavait-r cenad l ah a tM.Hg i nalBoa-rit hso'f si 'Iebaa t ancei'soaciboott meu b banmied On e TfiytheSa>, tb i201 letif. ers maine, at.eamou thetsexplcaotion oaI-se iasiie;gthétbneter -as 1 t~~~~~~~~~wne of in nes; t icm, e o thtoy.buoitoetrala onfsbppig ans uthh r la. Se wa lodedwithfreh f ait . Algoftepnaousns Board anTreab e lfar. se, ofh h eicrom va-sacent - inecgthf. wo B eas lp tompnlotte wahoolma o! otonakeW ore-tei Ka nsa, obustHe#tue, a-nie utaineti.*-T h iedy the y a ae noG padi o ni Smiewamsobtps ls Ry o a ntc na bsbarsd opedcethopnum ese ti m filneto e t ai" atb ei nbseniy eina ug.tiic aischie 50 nénte nitllgn1o r OvOnaxiug iiifr.am jd atic don, Oc TherNomEngani Sate. is ieondliecuaitti tdbserss meaonprethel ,e tt r aq i s anh e xpv io t e pre v lahtn, l ee r at t b n n t t t o a t F rt -o e a ns hie ra m a ia, l u Ca pst e m m ti n' N tcg u e t m sars, u ta ma kfe t re iii a aT e as, t vi y mer e on lc ip o n .r be ontaT e n ?v:r hii megh on ctio eq: l bo ho K agda . th ut h Dai ui su r etoa a rty nu'ýCam eon t he ir sin a it on huea ntri n h t h n o m bu t ant a-as so i en l tw oin m bt c h l c h morys, a pr ll ng cu u aeh thunusroemorti ofti. les uiba use t herrav hirbds egec iee !maya t id a-hem, reai ci n.Wiêi-bl"e ls -? z ousc lr,-monjcrýX. atn , h g uis been _ -raaier Rasi. Theng1w itiofGOenadb h og fCm osvn oo onfô e f'o"ur cdchao!ate>ýr nt__Ea% lotiy andIibo braeare ae aact ' ONi LuieACTEF5Âs ath rstci pe~in mnan ort ' tieor e aItimntse 1eae .Wour ut h neaet oifrat'hefs la apaboo! ii ePncoso n oI yi la air-iy afficted ti ii i.fomthee tosor ! eeîat b i Bn. ofCm een t int811a1,nohthe act.th ptos cigo oai - -h rnseLuaise, t rply ta cpe. Gnmay lieoa ýiug utthoe sc ater uon riftt' mitteea pon ustetionBbme n capneiteepoin ho thinks stomaci l oâ nbe torin tii. tti n trea ti.[ia Âncy om i,., coe a.,sd Gerniau emigrnus timing ta lcinepngsteecàd e;~ ~ ~~~j ba.minmi0ri a ag emy lma ho I ib mssut fo b e o maic1 a a ' utIlsepe on thie hop trou hldi cdbugrest matso. Gladtnone monedt tthi lcin essLen.coli-e eun but.O Ba 11254 cdf- tie , ho b s; ntheuaie alre nsy t d lieimaoibe fr er toe Bela ia l, anâi o os, anti us &gain ant iagain subergot cand ebouhtibo paimi *ont ut local taxes. Upon steca on.' ofintorvone for the. neteauo of he Fenian. lu Yorkshmre, haro broom0bsi ilnoothe froxoen, anti cmlenujtiia long isiantiu c ivso h avrmofoo onit O~-~.- O lyie g ~~~~~~~ " 1 K n ~ i ,~a t s - e t e s e m c t e t$C p o r t y 'fn:a o v a b -a e u l fho l co ! n -i i lL 4 -01 1 ' -ýu it;l lerwri-b e p n' Psora, sdth uestion otpatieo n t tr onte. Engla .ai. aisen - fnei ,, ioiyA ...n,.uoysed ,t9 m ut s lasos argefortii.iucco< er. - iititii.GorrmmeL - rai censequenco, the people cf BIngian ot i fle asy oiib a-anti le'< ormanger o i i abaiy steo sicdactise.ste At Medina,-Ohio, leuitgrdo, bic fmen masi saflarefor onain g rou Tomtriiee at'Oseo msbave heen e (or ot cl a-hp ~ , c~sn sel ot tho ffsiLivo,-, 8 macli anti river is remarkcbuy lbm, 'ait. Sesenal vos iaiiiAg trou Baitc pr 1s. -' ý- A Ã"dclysa*-* - ub1e .o!1Mi e t. iii,, ttnsintlng apistol it i:bisao. babar n l ast ieb gtiagon ie mlte l pro 1crte VLeelair's bîron tteii'i the c f Miles Rihae Yan oas Js'dclruicaex. CÀqî oi o ~ ct ati' Psloms Compomud Syrap cf pele, have gronedat ligbîh u tinitheoper------ - Brupe itbat'U . o untve sa* meani eso.' caimotisse a rrs oifrcu,. ti #d o bieii impa l ttiseiuiiy îe u>,ti o ot ot otoul -I . pe r n ta-ehp- tmniis aia ]M n .lc.latitvm t i. bteui ging tho e - ia h vine ll awain t la n aceo - apiophte i uoOey rearmimo! the cannsI, miionthe Son,la fot u. tking a centus ef the ep~ h1son of D. McDonald the - aibff uosqOeJ ii eori roem e tcaiimtu itovti a roltg- ~Bsebtftenseepf, 1dbs in tirsaihie ueaae.a >jdce.istmlh n 00tua.- tead c etsa ~oê go scie>impart ibis itaiiild in, udoi latu theacre - i botiuetuownsh~ eooia ii. e e gts iest r oR.. Me->' b oto roi t hoe A n - inchy o faido faaligRoona aeir util is&uadSIOL om .a..î. C t con c J of -Psi La' ing . he mai I'ift sine uitt tue pboi mhi e s requm ant et bj tieed, prop a-ast dtui dises Luu1s and et kdîeu ie iari t dtiet amsy., the whÉlé lerel -p-tain febl la,' engnhfing 5U!pensons. ,The. plain becamte the rter ut;4 volcana, '1,500 toot mite ; anti froua iLtuain., sles, anria Stones mer. tbru'mùi into the air, A Pause tiiltank suboideti, wa-i thero ms anomier explosmon, anti a raie cf ûr- foi- aet.Woods hecaâ;te ignitgd, a1nd men antfi cattbe 'méatfi)-ing hotore LbfeOas.' The spectauéiwïas' fnigitful in thle cx. t-e. ,The voleana continues e laect stunes andi earth. -Tho inhabitants' havo left Ltlantmbhhformerhy contained c popmtlatiun ut 26,000. - ' Cemhgnieui produces cne-tenth utt ho mihoes unanila ieutp gu-cwn. ' - Ta-oFATAL' Accunua.q,8outimpton, Jul>' 20. -A maît lIïientabIe actcident bast'-. accur-etiheu-e uemulting ia tie deaW !o! a yc.ang lad WilliamaSbelock, cgt' i&1 yeans, son ut Mn. Sbca-lock cf Cio village, mbiist in Lb. muoda mith ie iser. 'Tho yaung lad, vent ta shoot-a&a-ced pecke-, anti in 'gattitsg oven a. Ibg in c thickei, mie gara mont off, the diseonrge takiag effect ira Lieright armclose ta tie axilis, sever. in,, hs pincipal bbloc tivesselàsarthe- ierung the siaultier joint. A portion ef Che charge entet-ed the chcst above the stîponlon lobe of the rigit hung. Alihougli metical etidma procu-et as soon ai pos- xibie it mas of ra) avait, anti ahout 7 houns aften the, accidient the bad dieti. Whilst mahking on Lb. rsiirg c! the barge Genenal Siie-tuin, à yonag mac nîmnieti Charles Saitzer, frnmnoir Ottama, thippet anti fâu uverbo t, andti iKiegi efforts me-e mate ta reocu e un Lb.> mrere lneiffecîurit, antihoo eauk in anot 50 fathisofo! atu-. A young girl narne, Catherne ean- - anghsm strangeti ber illeguîmmatc off- lpring in ti, tomwnship a! Binbnook cm laturtiey Ist. Afte sho gave birth ho- the cil-i ohe tnangh.ti il, anti placet the bamiy under th e 'bouse. Lite mas net 'zuinci mhen 'ho body 'mas tound. An inquest a-as betid, anad the jury rctu-ne a vertiictthat tioceasoti came ( to 1w eati t-oua str-angulatien anti expesure. Heinq. GaORaI aba-m vas one o! lie passengers by the <laspia; miticli sailesi rrcm Quehec for Engîcand cn Satutia>. r. Bromn contemplates beîag absent atIl the eofut epteme-, ýAisettlens mite, near At-thur, mas car' ring a leg uf mui'tue> , ' wen ac iramin Ama-et-, be-ct-d a-as getîing soncieose t - le, flua5 the-muttue le tho beWrs l nd escapedi. '<i. local committee o!fLime Provincia "'hiio qbitacmeeting ai Kingamon ou îturta. '-it le estimiteti Cbat Il a-li .U$427 te pace the Crysai ale noni

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