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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1871, p. 3

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hirP, or pntU ilDU1%f U 4T0.$A of Whitby, deemeet pdliepl w ri.ulst.é Ver, stabs.$t Jinene*csd(,Osr- 5 q4 M t Z.11rpo ni V L DE i Çeupoll of th. Oorptslion of biby elitsas ful1ews : PROPERTY FOR SALE.- ry ke*per of a Llesty Stable aItl la..no 1 lot hntIors.. sand Irr ls#l, fromnrsand l star the etl, appIy for às ctian,.0 tle rrill nw'rber citer. f«o ale tRhe fll-lwlug Iowu,,te. attabla hiin te con- IL vt1lAiPrnpertY, ln lb. Towu uOf WhlL-ý ;wiloieo tng. %huall bu e .rlaabY, VIS -Au xala BikCott#ge lltil 11 own W'Ltissrer,or«Perlinsquarterofta es 'utIi, gîaatQd éor. lire cor- ta aigu snob licouis. ild lor lier o rnasdSt. Peter ee tg, Rnlte ýOne 0obtelnui Fld LsueSouth, Ward. > . ha Tresanrar of the s.id the Arpne, hlorsu acre 3 r otand;, ccli fenoad, sud ,îb sinuofFiflacu dollars. flahfli ltlhsou lti nîvaîlon. on titi ornvr of k. mnaneous,, oriou ,.hoWellingtonsud G:Ifurd Sllteî, North Ward, ire %hall p a i c o u s. for bihe A q arter ur a u acre on, ( tre Streetj sontli, lnérprovded ur 'n th t fthe residenue 0u1 C..Draper, <Xaq., la tlb, ~ua trv es.furlatIi laetsot, Wsrd, < tgion ri bl aîr.A'sLIcenoe Alan,- Twenty Ar.. ent gond land, heing1 *lw unies.i ha l,,ps atlesal on ot lia ofrrt 01 lot 18, lis the lot ti os.- ,rriràge" ngvisr -io o r t i QI Mtit'f Xray, Colnoty t rd., B«elu or olter robes, if, A5e Acicr ansud ciaptable titis Iviii bef sit., noe.-..ary lute quilàtbills giventi u al the'sthues pruîerty. For lurthir iduco à geitlflatae t the" Iu..purtieulars lapply tt ibeovuer. en to tba truoî, addresaad ltPANISCLRK irer, RNCSCAK Town Treaslurtehaîl lane nu Whllby, Jnif 19, 1871. su .îf ocelpt or tihe certfoinetui- secti1on N VETACT OF18. perie ,or rola wiio glial NoVuI 89 utfrtttinn oforoufitttd ttg.Ins4t Caustît _1tîthe (ouuty Court lane of thiâti. set, shh, poilProvinîce of Ontario, >. utt!0 Couuty 'ufUn. tf blotle the M o or Mîîgsi-. Contitîr ef i).tsrlo., i tailo, lu the 'imatter ut dî:e u ae own bc flted. JOHN rYE, Ait llitsolveit, seniti net lesp chan'u iVeo t n a;sdt lite Stut d ey f ngiet e twenty dollar$, heldo the lite rs vi il ay ul nat xdeextf idi Mayor o« tnlirale xs-th 0 W id Court, fer .& tib3huarge uunder the oumtproïper, vhieit flo n sd c t. edofftit guouda aind,àltattela rgelt porion or pers atsmimîY JOIFX TYB, lbh Cot, mon Oi utofte flyJ. Hunier &reeii Wood, bis, At for àeny' r -m.iaccordtlng W tayadlten tOunl t Said fiue sudets Date,!t Whitby 18 toney, 181. tiem. PURE SCOTCHIZ Whiske REAL, CGLENLEVIT, Imporlcd direct frou, G. LLOYD ALRSON. AT- R. H. 3AMESON'S GUELî>îî S EWIN6 M C( 0iEOSOI O1h. Tha t hit e li te tnty ofthlie (Jiiet Vpustebieof Ibis towu ut Lîceuse Il.îpector. te vice thaçte provilouaofuthIis snet eeu 'rtb. This By-law tu be rnhiish Pd Ivice lu ascIi ofthé tToci t.uWAcpnr. tsd te orneLU 11110 force o te lb 151hday t Attgueat, 1871. liii. ThitIy-laws -Xus. 107 uncii, 11 ftIhe Couennof utte <7rporttîo;t lte Town ut Whiltty, lie tnd 'ore htreby rapeetle,.' 911. Thst &I1l Lcunes irarîidunuder lte siltlurlty 4t.titsBy.luw, sulie to or tite '. cerrent tm& te lime outhlaisitg titereof, sîte shahLl exp ire on h utieny ut bebruary iuexti seecedttg the daute of tbe sanie. T1108. HUàToN, syr TOwCek POIL SALE> n end at Wnrehotaao. 10 .1 o lu CeDRAPER &C(o. c50' Whllby, 2nd Augurt, 1I971. 81 12 (JR A lt < VTIANKtu. The. Preildeul sud Officers eor<the Union >mriuieri esRtt7ut à,îîîyantid tstLOCK-STITCI SWN AHN 1htby, tbatiefully es-htttt-wlrci thlie roeopt HS IN AHN OlTitirty dollar rou . ,GttEq.,te- ail ie Sool.îy, feittis, balittlmie.,,ai Tîuand% llîrongrit ,,î a,a ara unir ci, liarIse stmraedt» lits oJuiîtl S 1eg-rttica htr! liteli.Miteoitnes. 'Ihty hues basa .t 3 e iîg m ehtu ai th e hOiiti tIîtteit iîstd 1,-te,! i ,t ttt cliquoct!t..n, m ake the tuv rie 'o nb Tu w o edie fa rn i,on t e; 2 81h aIlu . o lk ti l i, alik e un lu t i, aid ies, o uti are î r o ttuîîlceil #uperiur tlu itîîy olier ttinoltt, ufforeet JOhIN W1l,Iii, t e îtc For wide range 'j! w'rk, peIe tiecroetry. lio aituîy cui exelce t i iiecîîar.tm, sel- Wit1ihy, Anigusî cd . 1871. Si sFiablity, alengtti tntet dîtrbiiîy, Tlime Omborn Sewiug Mucha,», las no v ALUABLE PFIIIM FOR SALE. ,rival. , 'VgW I" huprovemenîti have latlitbeau mamie, * . ettttéil'îli te rti, tot*t 'ters t., cliltIl aselthe 208 airés, orai teràM bouts, parîly Sltueted un ttEl'LlJiUi VA ut Sea'iliZ 8,g ts itu.ntIteredt Lait go 298, antd5.Ut ui unîlo et test itîtullttii ara beltug recoI ed daiîy tmomi 'WhIt tandpart lit souaili lia.It No. 9 , ! .velBs xoprtut.itgisvo. 001i, 5ïReté lt (ioll acb) 15nres dertti aehliig %il]di l-kimmsut aîssrii, n te8t c eit<front the flîet ea abrio le wsiffeis rltgoek ru utultg tbrough arslcrCt iiiereth. teé tarte. T te dysiiug sud outbttiidtngs tare UuÂesîTEsicTaruc *0se ili5EiTsl, On 1X goedtud he isttpýpiy of bird msut ntewatr ILIWRAT1 O OE E tieuîiftti.There Is a large ati ullrivlt:g or. 55 Aer~r 0 IaETAs eOhsrd, ise0 vaibie Rum chierry, sîud other Thte Cebornttft la cotupletnansd rea..Iiy t r . >reo, itupreitttt<d. la soR i e uobuit tthe prou. 1'snîsIleri-.hjst ashehou lie bi'itlt.rtu chttrgea! for mnuiiimdoimîg s bite term loberl-ioltCashdow ; he al-rtatge iet vurk, te însmtiîtacîarers bclug mi- ance au 'luetatosuiRurebeter. oirnîtueî te phetue it witithIersach ofut esry Appiy tatho .unr, fattîîly tii tliteOu.ftttry. JAMES BEDMON, AA r.uàî sRtE PURtttAasa yl coîtlue. t1811 1Myrtle Il..0. tial our malittes orsteuttula,!. Reasldsncc, Lut 22, Miîcuit. WiiRby. Witby, A guat it, 1871. mi1 The Guelph Reversible liq>re.emtitteîl y tie hastgtingtoi% Tireet Ms- t~ O ~! AL ~ *chiîît-oitercd te puiu10-163it.ls tnarve.lIuns 08 S LEsucecca. Wtiido eaivRetieaofutdomestio - Il tiutM4.1,1hîtte, .ll(titiotit, $12; trouai* ln asnb.Paub higit ste otltira- do., $i7. W " at:it Macbitte gàarantced. ltin #011 petexcelle,! li t Uid:st gLot IAES, WAI<TSI>EVWtItc. Splendid M, sdmioeu. %We. w illiam. ciiiuttiy ut Mia- ucenietta lumoite motiay. Apply t1o diasis, 80 arus cberetd. ndval iR vtere,!dWN MAUE C gond feintls, guid tiinitgs, satîtAjfi»,' GUELPH U N AC IE C eO'f roîtsrtî uI'cltica trait , silitatei wilhin GEFI AAA 6 Mi," OftheeL vo;llI illage ut Park GEP3 AAA git nd otitattin 141jwrc. -Lewis Alli, Agout 1ur W hitb<Z; B. é B, Pur patrîislrg ppiy te_ (J t trs, for. éiitvlo Lw Qik o Norh & Southitalrlu.aikfo THOMAS KNIGIT, M. Bi, 1»71. Is-l j Pasrk H lu, __________________ WhIthy, Ji 221h, 1871. . t20 g DATLY LUNE T. (JATTLE STRÂAYED, R , . BlrtsYsu tro t litaprsinlie ert lita subsoriher LNO, 1 9Zit on, utft'hekorlng, t.bouî the ArtWee <is hast7, Founr Yenriag 1.ta 0edi u iS jflisPolia,! redstud tAy rrul gveit illîm itmtinaarwii 15h'rrOn ery, iii alhl biy en ard.. Th SuerNew Lke Upper tste <abla ta. bc 1steamer, Whiluby, joli URAJI shsan ORS0A. 0J -1c~ToU. -lihti ,.; - Juely 151h, 1871." "l ICE.oxou So PUBLIO Sjeflo e 0 F %'oa5 *sng u0no ëttesana Canadien Mitnlç sln lxPros. Lieaveu Port fHope Ove-y M10u. Lrtîd Traik Ralwy Treana frdm FelAu,!n West. gteltrtlbgl ltaves lPenrt WRIOciater aOKWM very evening at 9 o'cogk, (oxopt: avitea aWhu be leussiAt a2 soock,p., cunamr rou £frm 'to mot oula, l e r,1Aliso te..The obau. est sund qulekesl rente f4ém1 pints ea.«t Port hlope-ou lb.e(ratd Trntik, 1,0 'ue'esr Buflate, &c. -The itorite routs te Avon sud - CIllet e prtng, t&o. Psssengrâ ,èand ! ëigl>.Iake oAn loitigsie àteamrat Echater Landitmg. Conneetilin ont 1Cobourg Aud Pot flop.1 Witbi Roya ait11Lie 1teamer. rom Bêmiloul suel Iloutreal. -Heavy *aey, Cottons, a yard 'wide, et 9c. et Â5 .M. CHÎISIIOLI. A. large lot of Orgain Mdusliia, warranted fust col at 12J cents, at A. M.CHSO? Good Prunella Gaite rs 75cnsper, pair1a A. M CHISHOLM A large, stock of new Dr( aoods, - rcceived this wee ,rom Otie -dollar to Three de ars the dress-beautiful goo, rc at ' a A. M. .CHISIIOLM' Good 'Tweed ured at Suits manufa ,A. M. CHISHIOLM'i Hats, êwxers, 1 Bonnets, Featheri Laces, &c., at A . M. UISHOLM'S Silk and- Cloth Mentdes madl order'in 'any shape or styl( Luired, at A. M. CIIISIIOLM'S. p -- !aiy rcrieoral'ways kepi took ofthevery best, and ýmerked et a amail adyeuce,ý rh. bighest price,'pald foi kindb of Farm,-produce.. e 01,888, BLOOK, Whitby, Jnly 26e 1871. 30,o h ionr JII .CLIAINgXI , SAL Cheap Cs Soe During this-sale we ivili offýrtheý-b :aaiie oour stock at GreatLy Reduceci Prices, in:Drder to mrake room for Winter Goods. Every customermraydepen4 nsecuring >arg'ans, as- the stock- is large, -and m-ust be itdunce.ý MIS. loup [Cs. at ess ek. ds, let >fw Wýhitby, July 19, 1871. lamesJohutonWatchmaker, will cairry on hisbunesu Or. Jas. Ryrne's Drug StOre,' -During the buildinig of the New Premises, 83> New Goods in Gem RMngs, Brace-ý Lq, &e., &C., af very low prices. hitby, April 12, -1811. E - A ý»T- 15, ar-. Bbe p'blIc I vouid ay, bhey wouid look sud se, bootsan sudoaus. heir mnoe'psy, soi lat Lbetm cojne Lu me., su. a- sqpked store le ou Broak etreel- tétidauce, oourteu. kin,, 1-inia my goodm Inldeed a treat better oan you Sud. -ýT * améx n f Of BootsT1keepÀ beavysluk; SAnd ladiea wheu -you ioose. Your proîl>' ptàea u toulock, Can bu>' the loatest ihoaS, My lether polihee, fne, and g0od, My pricea 1uwbeside, At once yuli suit S'dashblugronoim, Or À. Osweet blushing bride, Will offer the balance, of théir extensive stock at greatly redù&e prices. Our.stock'is Well assorted, comprising' flIRt. ànd Cnlored Silk, - arolSrpd Ilesis, Dantis Black Lustreis, les, Cmtaa ttl, C lnP1oe, Blieck Coboitîe, LCe Curtaina, slrtînijzo, wi4birta, Black Crape Cl4otb, TOwelmig, fcîr, i."Cotb'tg Black Ripa,' Bkirtlt$s, Gùt, l, 0 i 'Straw Hlat, Fancy ,eDresa Gonds, 'White &Grey Coîton, runîus mens' bfit Hala, Maclins, Ts6 b tirtings, C î, ' Neek Ties, Prititî, TableDaniek, Twed, ]iac, Latdies' Stsys, Browtï lloilied, Cetten& Liauen Drl, 'Carpeta, &a., &o. ,fillinery, Flowers, frdFeatbe rs, Sum- ±x'"' > ' _' Cleting Made to Oicler., 8:r, Family Groceries, Fine- New'ra BLÀCK AND GREEN. 03»The Hîghest Price Paid for BUTrTiIIR Whitby, June 28,,.1871. MlcMILLAN & Co., Rlave in Stockc. uver 300 glîmmer COatos sud Veîiti itîa, Lus8tre, Apara, tnd liusgci C 180 ; io100 pairq si itlncr leuts, am ut vhijcu are . lielut lte fî' LtpsweeîLiving profit. RS" 1me, Lerlitîra, Pàtlltlmu, Feut, and s11k Ilals, e bcauîîfut assorimotl. JIJST RECEIVED 4,000 Gallon, of Prime OI!ld yo an,! Malt 2,000 GtIîots uf Fine IFamily Aie, ai Mnnu- haictarers Prices. Tl. H. NcKIILLAN& 0 Brook .1., Vbîy s'ELFIIÂKIINGEER AW rviaDED IRS't'o PRIZE At ProvinatEh ib fiz, 'We offer to our customerso for the corning flarvesit, MVnesi 'whiçh in Êtylti and constructiôn, embraÀ and most usefl improvementàs of the dei JOIINSTON'S SI'NGL E SELF-RAKAING TEE "RING OF REAPERSr' The universeL success of this Machine, both in closel triais asn4_ îetbha bada ot the farmers, verrietults lu'#ssyiiag Ibît, Reapint Miobine, il ha, more gecet pointsansd legs defeots, snd bus aucceas sud Iffl <alure, - Ibsu erelofore uilerod lu the public. Toronto,, two, distinct cethe latest g~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ei11 .....eg,"teucu 0 yn'rorder 1 itîte. u ituke4 0chan ge lout ,tjur tu tl.eir buaittjc. Be 10 wae ivva lte Etus-ifie utpartie, s Who sreetnov u'aittP trotui1 utV4 e cc utfunr purcbse, O ..tSpeiý1O partiies hej, l t ntbr AitcIIra .........Arkeili d wmntt -6-1tt ......:::. tiergizt., A.lliattiit,...... lventtg, ..A.......u......oi'w N Baraarr .... . J . . ik., ........ . . A. J. Stock ....-iuzr -Wm. Bulômied....II,....."'ieWn J.8.Busc., .......... ....,,.'tïtne Chrtiuplter Brrlt ...... .... .do~t. â .te.rt cser. ., .Waîrr : 1. 5 C. W. Cent ............... Jates V A ................. N sietn, J lA. C .wj ................. t t i r Doue7d k l>tmed ................ e ..tttt, g ............ Rattatérl er*...........utttae ...........s li..... Farr.trd &.Vitles........... .....Cmpllîir.j O . J. r sen - rr eît rd t Gettld ..... ...... lxbriize, 1 'tn. é............ uw iia & Bru........... lVm. & W ic u lttirie..!....... i Wîn tu4 %Vm. Hitiier.............. *Hiliarti& ixun ............rretaub G-. ll. i................. u _ * tittcrBrthr ....... »q,,, iteti- Calt. Itsytmeâ ............... . . Nutrai Jilititrt ................... iudCs tenai lik Hioni.,............. .Perh.,u t.r trII.,n......... ...... Biraî,t.Cre lrwin& 1Myd..............t'Y oe Yubit tlltgie .......... * ........ G uelph, 0. F. Jitcls-& Co........ ::,,, 1.0 an-ttuqui., Ja nts h....herit uke, .aaee oi ...............ta wale Wiib hniurra...... ....... d iy .i aitt tuai ................few àtI rove, otta............ id'ilme >.erttc..... ........iuntil Jotttt mAraer............. l.Riîtt ey Job Ncid. .. ............ er ew~. ..... .Itenfcd A. CV, Miietez, u .... .. îîiiretif -éo....... -taito CVm c.i .t ................. Z .vnsvui . ... .Bt ellerite1 u::tt::i:'rt.............da e A I,lie&rlrigCI ....., .t'te uoe Wtuhn Pr.,s...... ....... Rihar Prt. ...... .........clrt e, Peckg,tltttc &.nCO.............gtttunk C9le U.l.er...... Dttt1, ree SWLtorotfCàqe. 14 Ae, . l<e,*................... J.& Rua ~ ... . .atîia , J'oh'n R ' .................... earEs, Jedwnud .- ..l.............Cêe' tt, liloc t atut. ". "".........t.. ttativiile blatss w,............. tiarolreel, btaptes & Sehalenberg. .....jullglw;;d . & J. H. Bî;iih.........B " r Atex. SBqàitf....... ...... ur Jl'ua titw.................on George $atcqy.... ..........Ntiaal, etSietn..............list balls. Charles k;ttttt..... r or. ilLiblettis.................e g Is'rr is-ou. . ...o..i.ti Jiti.tt htnit &Eon.'............ili Devt......... sy drt. ....... ssumvùi[1e, Thotegata, & 4lnrna ....... wtna uville, »-geu- e h.'eter.....Be J..C......,........ ......e l Johu Wooxditury .............ia T. P. Wut,..............e a s Wête.Ward. . .G etynvIc. Jaui cng,....... ....Wj imC.,etr > WE M.SO MANi3FACTIJ<g -PORTA4BLE and ST4T1JOY~Ry Steam Engpines anad3olersU go t iachine(7cli Knd. icldnPeiah nwss-iwue.1laitet Ulâ at and-Mn 1- - April il, 1811. lu Towvu tbeiWî GRAND RALLY1 )RESS GOODS, TRIMMING, - RAIR LUSTRES, DO'UBLE WARPED FRENCH i TWILLED REVEÇ4SIBLE LUSTRES. V-The Cheapeet and Beit article, ot Ladies1wear for the times. ]REAL MALTESE 'LACE, llOS ER-Y, &0. And a Complete and- Pull Stock of Ïe Newest and Best Staple and Fan4y Gjods ýFAM-iLY -CROCERI ES COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARVMENT. FÂRMERS' FIELD AND GARDEN SEE'DS, 11ARDWARE, PAINTS, OJLS, &c. IW'o Also sole Agent for the Canada Phosjtate. 90TICE 0-F REàM OVÂL. SKINNER. à - . C>MV

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