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Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1871, p. 4

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fIse,7'lvnîgeveoI n the NMitIinerv yDen.artment, LadLeà' ià the follow ing :- s s a d O il e s W t sesandChlres Htsand Bonnets, FIo.wers, Ribbo'ns", & ms g'earoon tise Drivins stôck of Mens' and Boys' -ra at FeIL H&tais very' con Arng (bian vonsnenofebowin m'Mtost te.raie, and ey barge lssra* lido Ittc06wvoi cai very ev cf tboliï $,)taare avare of <ho act. lu soma o te lipi gel 50 distorted that bsy Jeurceilyclose thons bogother. C l1ocre, liiofc Irene Ms.radye, bas cînith &odieored ihst shech eai t c00se IL a I li, snd any cosce observer e le plialnly thb.ouffect, but eh.cle an in eirde séuulYcbewer. 5o 4aleotleaMl Imiqaud, wbo leftber buebeud- sud 1>idaerory ber thon ,givels uop. B Pýebryif soother, Minais Oton, aillas soler Johuu l IJuli lIna, so ealled (roum foloafug e. t MY, la not oaly a esnofc bewler bu !rnker. She, fnrisi,,d a bous@ i woîysev~js srs an d drauki ooc p, Tht lest l'seucof ber1 'the Bîésaler Sîreet Bank vitb.1 nonh al Of feu.q lunste Ù4, of drawl -,n *ber laitidollar. Luotber etiele , ~an old-lady éet os ue u,,. ee"y 9 (J 4s eof âge,"wo onld uot gu,. ojý a~uf fofr sol cousiduraiou. le le a common tbing for the uiot1 .1ued sud- élegant ladies ilatheB.ooth wie il, lu tact whe unee lady calle op tieouher @she iavarisbly £arniep Ser box sUIffsnd ber huittstsick ,Als hersud tig >il Lb.ladies pre.u.. halle-aa ocial .1et §tb.'Tfr- dousheru ladiesehave !'ifforecît <rrJfl,5gDl< j (roui LoeOfg( A.ïorth. . c ut a îwigç fromuIbe-brant Y a,.q *whicb grues lun 4h. 8ônîb, nt b., cbew the encd of ibis tîwig tiltIt ilIl& erab. l'bis thsy dip loie thee suif ait Làw o IL sud rab iheir teeebih ,,11e0imes for mors thoau Dbour. Th îtcî tt; 'alorts>of drosau tluguor, a sent il perfect resi, Rlmuât the s&Ume as if eau, d by opium. ?"Dîgmî,g"cOultsi of cfp# osp tem-, soif nd d asphor. The womea eacb get eh.i 'oosh.brusb sud bus-I sud lumbler of vat@, '*.61aIl1 itSarondduton Ib. fluor lu a cle le. Thsy bave one or tire bar.suofs-bit Uetile soap, and. oir out hé o te spes liimko aiteiser (or the groap.l'bol Sa ý"'l aitàieculy Outiliail are doue, ws- heuiw Il bsgin togember. Thir bruaesehala; tse)vred with thlqk latber, ibey dlp thon '11tÃ" Lb.e suff, sud Sheu drop a lttie coin - hur ou.lbhey it quieily fur au hoer ni Clor, souitimes repealfug tbbc'dose ibreg r four timen. Thie a b .ts issu0sâm f$Eu i4sithertbbing lu the 8outit. The'lactor :girls of Massachusetts art litLher close w4mo are eddicted Lu ibe ust if' enuif. ,They osa tellyou a uas onia -ho cal Isouff. Tht,7ail nie. Lorîl. c 'be hy oitenu deny ibeuielve4 ittît cuiots for their snf ciad Jif by Sol, tauce the>' arecs-iboui l, ibcmy aresau c.csrvous sud lifele&s as go hb. unble te perf-oras their tacIke. Ail ibis proves thi ï4ufle s s cinsa narcoîle aseopium. À cbap up lu Cetre. ica saltin. a uewil tts,rrid couple, by lccharging an ohd hlundetbus nader bir lattice *.wudos- Vis rilowunop by the mepon batna.. Be iccceeded lunssaiug Lheuà out cf their c cbut eau bertsiser dispense s-itLboe $osvcl bis cosi. SA piper telle about à girl who lhstes c.î:r suilor tu snob unu pient that. wben b. c:tled go sest ber'-o n lutdmy ovening, abs lires- buth' ber arme about bis ascIi SLd ti'îeesed hm imit ta duaîh. lThe yawlb etuai4 lsauî s ht hi didu'Lcoeil until the A mn s -edivorced (roui his vite, sud ho msrried anuther, vhereupon bueband Uo. 1 lnqnlrid ouf No. 2, 66 Wbîtrelation i-reyo goUteme? tNoeibs 1 knov ofIl lyIes, YOD, are,' ad ON o. 1, * nar u eit.phusbanad.. 1 slepped out sud jeu stop- A eringeullenion, waltobtshah b. uîsmoiess, wsas lu the deepeet monrcng-.. 1 f moarLlug, se <bey timîam-î7 gay, (roui theg croiru of the besd tsutîb' sole of bit Piol. Ho esors a blackt scratch wig, aiepers, sud pellet! the lougeet cü£ inger- mAinabi, Ion4 faces. A trisud addreeiug litn la a snbdued sto, ssid s 'Ism cisrfrlend, s-bu théonhaie lots bad the. riii(oèunn ho toi@ Il 111,1 r-joiued the man ini ses en sd Weepes, 'l'bavetluit no-. titblg;the lieral. tsct- lo, #bat I bave Lim dy ! sle w Ih lterost, a per la ocher respecAtehéb. cndîtîhas Of Wul tbe stainding conditions of ché Court, Fertbejr parcularàand eonitiLons or, msY b. budatigeat Lthe siddllsuer'oeto 'na et Ché. 14W 0208sof iMeurs. Dennhetoru llndopegb, Llnday. DENNISTUUN & ninSPrru. Vendor'q Sohletors. W. IL WELL; Lits>,Jeu.lie it., 1871, blfi-I cent eare sais whetolcim or Quthaa.,cc.ac. = 11îme *= Mùdt. enwuefttsezuu.1 safe rVblà. eb 1 . !e Et esg kuic.0 j. 1sibi..aI The çeiebrîset perfected Spectacles ian Hye Glasses, manfactureil by Lzsg MORISesud for vhicb 1<e bave theso :agencyl,âtre gaining golden opinions frot aIl shose s-ho bave Cm-ed <hem. If yen vani Lu preserve yum- eght to exircme cld age, use Lbe sudano nuthers. - JAS. il. GERRIE,Aua 1 qç AO t -u MIANUFAOT(JRED AT THB Agrioultural Works. Double TUJRBINE WATER, WIIEEL. Tn 1oa1097 rnàt s-O IL us Vuts orgwereej a! tie Drier tn joli ceaStwlQioust stopplng 11h1ie eaâl, Thil le onje of thje mu'e Imjportant Improve. Ment§e efected lua &Y Machin. turing Lb. puet tvu yeaiso. -AnY one or aill6f lthe Avs -Df tbc lt'el CAnhea de to ses s ai à alth bieOption af the Driver, by a Lever r e ad il y o p e r t e d b > ' b i s f o t . T e c - CnIg apparatus laJ u rn t'ThMchne, an ti bicefore btber Reapn horMchine h. ouii. work of the RMachine l nde ite s c l t h ot u e r ble nd- i td e g ti a n a y m o rt e . . The Table Io aitt'ched t'O Lhe Machine botb in -front and rear of the Drlving Wheeî, which combles lt to Pues over rough ground ýwlLh mucb greater case andi JJ eis ury b Lb. -Tablé. - The Grain C Wheel ion a line wIth thexl o th e d riv e w b e el, w hi h abl . l b t or -&.crers readlly. - umtison aktssg tient muah leun l'able to breakage On uzeven ground, ýanti rueeregalar in'eovl thLe rain. The x.ar is Ve; simj ele trong andi "IL_ uabl. T BUninedwith > ID*BABBIT rMETAL,. Tise pertare ail nUùmberecd 0 et> tithtie repJairtecaunie or'. d.eil ,y telegrasph or Othe"rwie by elmply glvlng the number of the part .1. wanged There le no @ide Draught lun *ether reaping or mowie and the Ma- chile làs80perfectly %, ue1ancèd that thére lu no pressure on tbe Horses' necke idelther wben reaping or' mowng.Ai Our malleable casings, where they are mul4ect Conmach straîn, have be.n le twIèe. nnealeci, tbereby Fonder. * SUU theunbotte touigisand tronig OUT Johnson Rake le se consLrucLed . i JU E IV E1tD. BI teraine the Camse ferabove preEIVED.hMn tishe Grain Table thuat thse GrainPr ro hme, Shades, Reflecters, Pooket Lanturnu, ises flotlInterfère wlth the macli. nes'y of the Rakes or Récels. We utake Spring rackets, Wiok Trays, &0. * bbcabovelfMachine Iu two sîzes--No One,,iD-tE *larae sire for.Fermer, who have a liras- JA E , E R anuonut to reap-No. Two, medium size fo Firmers haviug more use for a Mower .Witby, Jan.,11C, 1870. Family Drug Store. than for a Reaper. WiLh the excepto of difference in sire, lb.,. Maces are similar lu every respect.* Our No. 2 MIachine supplie a waut beretofore un- filled, via.: A medium between the Jur. N L Mower and large comnedmachine, SP E C IA L tribut. our'sample machines ln Marb T D '~ arnong our Agents that lntendlng ]NILLINEMy -GOOD3, DRE8S GOODS, W ES Parchasers May bave au earLy oppor- -tunity of exaqin1nz t!xeir meite ; -and wvu HQ&ERY, PARASOLS. guarantee ,tisat al ll arlîlnes-B Shlppeil this eassis shail ie RENOW EX-11131TED IN GREAT YAR1ETY -equal-In qualots' and fliih Io thse sainpleseexhisbted by Gar Agents, W e nvite the public o vthold giving -A their orders until tbey have bail an o we belleve that thcy are upeurpassbedi b> S I"TT I "Q othe' machines on thîs Cont neuL.R â leS aIseoSer amonq our other MachineW Johnson'@ Beli-Rahing Reaper, huproefi for 1871, wltb tva kulves, saxooth and Thejr have ilnported thio season, besides large 4nantities of eloble etige, andi maleable guards, Wod'ePatent I1.11 Rsklng teaper. w -Uucksye neaperffo. 5,wlth Iohueen' a i ' â oy , r - o d . BuceyeItepefle.Bpwtb oh -oat splendid assortnent of ENGLI-SH & GERMAN CARPETS. Seif-Make.Saino beauLlîni desicune luFLOOR &HALCLOTHS. BRUSSELS and Ohtocombllaea Umnduaking Beapo, TAPESTRY, an4 al Wool Osrpeting. antIRCi ff ey oweetMa, LAMBERT stili overneca the Tailoriuoe, and to intending prhsRs Buler - No .tbey L fe nueeiFn datgsscn o none in the Domnltn. Balles Ohio biower NO.i. P14ES[I FAMILY GIIOCERIES conatactiy on band. Ohio, -Zr., lky e . ket:b An early cali olicted. Ç:o P ar aeret avo r te G rain O bBru i.& A . S M T H h Apion 0RMy 5=ddR. D0> A ensfor the Farner', sb neSwing machine. EauL TMRER, AND siPlrx ., Oshawa, June, 5th 1871. 23 T O R A X D T H U E S R B %_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Or eably lmproveil for 1871Wlbe o r H a ll'o 8 o r l 10h o r s-p o w eb r. c A T W. shall o o fer for tha Fail!brade ~U l A E U I R t q Clv« hreberandRunler, very chsprien te anyother heretolore ilu. troduccd. à NEW AltO COMPLETSI ILLUSTRATE» M ALL O.a DON OVA N'8. le belnigpub4shed andti wl haredy for e4rly distuibution, "e. toa ai applîcauts. bîti A u O e nu e i . , .. .- 1 1 U A good-ýassortment 0f' Ladies and'-Ch~idrens POOTS AND SHOEIS, just to hand. The Clothing D 'partment isweil asre with Men s an tiBos'C otbin to s itt am we te. TDress MaWkng ànd Tailoriiig douneto -order-. Also a fuISoko New Teas, SugarsanJ GENELIÂL GROCERItES, BUGGI -'i-P OT 0(;KAPhI 'GALL And leave their orders, whiAl wil l i futture' Lended to as at ady otaber Gallery. ' aIaueamn atid Paintingai b>' 20 R E S -, HOtTI T, Tn A R-N S Thesubsriber.lbas on hand a Iar-e. stock'of Ilarness of the Manufacture., lie wguld more particularly eall attention to the Exclsir aokteHip Stra I new-andl useful invention for irnest, . for the rnanufiutur vhich be bas purcbascd flac exclusive right fortLe,,Town of WhItby,, tuws-n Lub rnis fo r m n èw e reAlarge s16t o o iba, Whyal &C. all sudan s ~" Remembon un>' nês- premnisea, iissxt door ta lb. Royal CansdianBanlr. ~ J. R.PHILP las reuioved from his olti premises tô McMillan's Block Brock ALEXANDERN' B LO C K. 1871 WluiLby,1 Ap p ub eery . thatis tock em <i'entIemen's Furnil,-hing -(Guods, A general assortment of-best selected Cloth&. Ail Cloths mad' to order. No Sl'opwork. NO FIT, NO P-AY. Great Care and Attention paid té Àrtik« Catting. A continuance, of that liberal patronage exten&d to.hl dur ing the Past 30 years in Whitby, respectfully solicited. MARÇH 28,-1871. 13 SPRING- ST0CIZ -0F BOOTS__HE MATTHE-W COLLINS- Begs to announce to his eubtom0rs and- theý public that lielias opened business Ofr the premises lately occupieti by Mr. Bandeli, on Brock Street,-anti that lie li now ini receipt of a splebdid Stock- of the [(IGIT' FIT, .AND MAKE, Al o n ti of tlar e tst tyl of o ots 4 anti Bh os H Y P O pi-e O wHI±rBY 1LIVE quaut>' 0f the cLtud nc proved tue coicve)ya..moee ýpem1oe. h lcmpcsa bh b menct tIi. venta c01 Otistoi or public patronage,. 14- DB--Coied -jceiv, anmd ladi,. Prrnp sen tu ait urders. N. IH WbitbY, April 8, 18g8. TEETIU 1MWTROUT ]3Y TRE US NITROIJs oXID LA OR TUli AT DENTAL IM DUNDAS S, W IKITB Y, ROMS Se ,I. 0, wbituy, Joue r6, 1867. FELLPOV Amongri. Lb. dia..,., Nors-ce Ail orders punctually attepnded to. Ilepairs« neatly done. Business also, carried àn as usual at the old stand, near the Loyal hotel. vhitby, May 10, 187V~1W (JL IS rHE OLD STAND ! comm COMBE SS'T. lrD'%Store., p1'TS 'TT, THIC ARng -1 ý 1 -LLA N s 1871. Il re»n -Il--

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