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Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1871, p. 4

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* i dI bs et 'Oeuey- and thes ts*ie eeof 0 5,7. hOManuactr rasbeleq i-de YOD ae ,miiese oey u ii 4ritped tu p*4, l wtthtu iA,.>qec oil y Peopie want bread1 segoeOmuetais or àml.ly lnto couvîuy. If Do- ' I share ; ver>y u l. .Bow a u it-jugoulle slll.id~s maey are YOD le Franc.?' P ipet tburtj miilionee."Perhaps tirty millions il ho opAI'wvrmj1, OAnd bon, mach moue> do Yn suppose It*ia.e11ns,êl1,îls ...sluliTgI rA 'I ma'M bavse ?y'.&Y a hundred and f;, ymilons.' cine offoîad te lll-ht.q, maryellos ,wele lb n- a-019 tirly-Milion i e. ,-wili, du kIl varlattua of dom"st maleIl eVe francss aboid. Yon artetoUv M___li l fl Su; î Io- restl boe are tee (rance for yen, sud novw w eIiijWltt.lote are qut.'9 Tihe me voesas oufoonded l1nomLt omk ot" PIý b> <the argument sud bt <lis rapidivli h BJPM1WN Iuz C vhiel' tb. wboie luciden1 Llpjrarred, tisaiE C th.> foit t.emouey anud iqsppearei." TC15I0A&A Lewie Allie gntliWlJb ;Eo TEE Rocir or OERL. - Mies, Ion rU Âoutiuunawio; W - Iroisud *S7 f#bat- a mised eommlieu. )AMaY &h, 1871. l12e-19 Protestant sud Roman Cauholle goeems lias be forme*-In bt uontry foirithe porposof paocbsiugroim the. Jîle Ohorch Coiamisloneîs, sudtaucoîleg (rom se, Inrtber ducsy, ithe vlî.known Os"Rock of Otubml," wlu i ' h .haitimatt îitv cf tes- torlug the Dow rocadess Cathedrai of st, Patriel<'s for publico vohîp, sud piu.srv- lng Ring Oormn's obepel. Tre . "Rock of Cashelt" li rich lu hsoricsl assocation#. tTpon ibis aummitIeo nient mage of Mustei bad ual palace, sud ves soiem. Il crovued. Calmait McQsrtbl, King of D#smoud, crowned it, .116 the beautifai- Norma, Cboeh vhlcb ullîL boes'bit nome 1 sud, Donald O'Brleï, ioeot Llmeriekp added Ibo. <sbric of lb. oid ca'I'thasi, viuhin tii.als of vhieb, vas 0 a rsîd thblo5nod o! Caihel le A. 'D. 1172, jet700 yssuo AN ExaLteR V'zgW or AanUicimNgwey. ~~ l'àéas. - A writer lea<Ieo Joly. nenaber ol Casçle I aga.ziue ia râcetions ~ ovttdam of the peceliaime.of American jourual. tom.Be eys 'u Amrica pept i. TO NO CLA$i$-We irc1ý0irtttnred t noereBlow, tbougb Il may bave a beudred l»11t1111111L cther imperfections. o autg t mb, aleep aoer It. lu almost Pesticides il& "teisnt b -l.ut, irs.ttu t qiaoimtJ6ce of stocks, and teron Ilesi diote U9iJ.T04 oinsi0ttI Ert " àà wu v Md %ýe par tisemenes loto coneudrame, lest 'mailter 1:1ortele ai ahould wonst uheâarte of menuet. 1. t vc'.a.b-n.o u doee not, bqlleve iu e simple. asirai forte " e "' à z 81à. '1 ùf tatemeni whicb ailows facto 0go ak for thmsoeive. Is sub-editor4atoit through their columus of.eopy, sund break thate op loto 4slinty, if iedigesîibiu =or- selo;, by printing every striking, sàtarîlin, Phase lu a lin. of il&s ove. -lisdescriptive airtliesare profscd by bait s caouu-ot. index, in the isîgeot type, in whîeh tie The celebratéd peîfected Specîacleesud viiole force sud spirit o! whatîis ta foi- El@ Glass,, marnufactured by Lazàmus & lc.>i are preâented ta the, eye et ;a ice. Moaitis sud for whicb vit bave 'the sole Rend Ls headîlues &foone, sud lu ié,min- agency, srs gaiuiug golden opinions fromt uOis oe malle youteif master cf ils, conu. ilthose ebe have tried oIim;If(YOD vaut teut. It la emineuui,-the "journal of a ta preserve louir eighîto extreme ONd age, nation of business 'Men, Who are villing go Ue hese sud no otlters. bie amosed, but do ipu taro ta be futineted, sud wbc' vent ta travel throuch JS .GRIAIT evea tlioiramesemeute at raiiroed speed.' TOIR. BOSTONu'PILOT' JN< 739 Nu.'u Ro.The Boston Pilo,aà Ieeding orgau or the. Roman Calbolic . ourch, ie com- 7meuîinig upon the I2th of Jul, riots lu Ncv Yorndheul einterférence wyuL the . Orengemen, mht«'s the teiiowing moderato es auDi sensible îem4rke.a-" As.Lsîb Amen. Lw= - 0 cen OCetholo cisizpes vo cimdetnite W, - m &IL.8. "datera and ignnre the in, boat as Iris/ n e Ti$&Oin eand CaL/tlics." And aaie ; IfiL > ~ t Ibo Orsugmen lietermine go parade, îLey z 0'e "h;àie e rg lt to jaraes ha: le, they "liaisad muýcis right tparade tt < O OUrunge scaîja anad tbarsiaqa as a Fe "e/a Regintent Iaâ w/t/tgren carfir C= Uned OSturgti te " SseuiMeillt&1 ai au isonor t> the P'ilot sud thuse wbom it9 ATTCICD BY à Bcàa-Noar Halifax, lu Nova Sataa, a lev days age, Misse Georgiius Liaisey, of Midl .;ii uqd. ________________ booli, 'witis ber mout, Mr&. Stevant, vert LNFCruIuA H picking bonries, wb'.e <bey viree a udd#enly 1AUA DA H #et npon byea sic boear with cube. Th-IP C..1 Z ]S 0 IL 21 I bear iacoratea MiessLiudfiey lu a !rltbtfül i'nner,'mnlicting levers vondt- ou tbs AgricU1tural W'o'kso. catp, aud esritig tueetact. fearfuit, viilla JE98-A bor eiavs. The@enacî sli 'îh hernie LEPELS CLEByATED travery, sud ectuiy beet the bear ave,-AMày 0- raom ber niece. Mise Liedeylainias(air DoublIe TURBINEIA R EEL val o! receîery, but tbe.besr Ie net, as à IAERWIEL ponas of nelghbore, vîtb' prissvcriter. 13 O5 eelig, il popped '"'lber cocf esstte ono OxMa uznzosttoaI e ibus foliowlng Mondaer-. A~ Ieutileuold baceleor.ssbo,1masLei tie osbq, dey nuriciiyl oi-ged suie girl sigbl juste oid, lascaus. ab@'udLe lelrvotîu',bav hm becs...à@uebad used u the Drîsi I.. s 8 i I. ses and Chilrens Hats and Bonnet$, Floweris, Ribbons, &c., the stock Of Mens' àad.Boys' Straw and Pelt -itg, ïs very qâpIèt'. A good asi-ortmeni of' Ladies and', Chlîdeens -P 0TSÂAND -SUOES jst thaud. he Cothig Dpartment isïweII' assorted *with Mens1 and-boys' Clo0thing tosuLit tha warm 'Weather. -ps usv ýor 11Or she Arisa 0f h ke1t ~ canbe madIe b not as itakes at O1 ieotOnfo lte Driver by a Lever readily oporated byb is f~.Thte eut. tiu d p ara lu s 10 l u front 0f th e M c i e adthý0làîÏÏ wbetlaeî Reipleinj orlegn thee ntire wvof!lthe Machinelàs ndet tthee ofet b Drivet vii;. gidilgbs tet.~'be Table sIo gocongtrncbed as î Cgaaar the grain itba -Buinile, efore St l#caves thse'Table and. depoiftas lt tu a more comnpact forais.t#hans any .otises. al illke. Tise Table.la attached 10 lbhe Machinel, both le front aed tso! âfthe Diing Whee, , viicit enablea ilte tpues over rougit geonuwiîh mui rreatei utosan dJ lou Duury le lie Table. The Grain WiteelÂAZ lason a fine vîitlte aile cf the drive wheel. vhicit, enabjostg1go luxas 'Fic ales are, driven by aeai " r nâtlisà o !Vlsaisa*as, tbeve. ho. iave -a *eady Ismieru =p4ion snaking llsem mucs ee 1 ole b rcahsge-on uneven . grouad e manre regualat. te remnovin i te' «zain. Te' Gearine very simple .etronk, au ýd u m le. T C 1 o s are ail lno/t w lth BABRý1IT. MUTAI. Thse parts- are ail ssumbcrec Se tsastishe repaire eau, be or. dered by telegrap or otlserwlse. b> slm lgvlngtthe number coflte part wauIted.i'There ta no vilde Dranglit la subher- reapiug or mowtng, sud the Ma- ce l a no perlectly balanccd titat titete te ne pressure on thelHaesi necks elîher when reapinjZ or mowing. Ail Out malleable ceshiegewbere they are ihiect te' muchipt rain, haie been twlee, ,inn"l~ed, tlaereby rentier. lseg thein bathstougisandi stro, Oui Johneson Rake, t. op constructéd as té ralue tise Cam no far above tiseGrain Table tsait tise Grain beesflot Interfère wIth these al- nery et lite Rakes or Roula. We make lte aboeaMachine lute yesizeaý-No.One, large ame fer Farmers wito have a tlaras amnouet te reap-tio. Two, medium aise for Fariner, baing more use fer a Mower titan tor a Reaper. Wit thela.exception et differes luin'uize, titese Machuirue arc sisuilar le every respet. Our No. 2 Machine supplies a vraut ieretofoe u- Bl>ed, vis.: A'mcdiumr betweuIthe Jet. Mover sud large combineul machino, bath in mise sud price. We shall dis. tribute oui sample machines le Mairci ema'ng- ouiAgents ltai intending Purchaseis may have au early eppot- tuntty of examinlua theu merits; ased we guariantee that ai Machlinel shtppod tisaseasson ihaîl be eqisaîltan qsuality and flàlsis to tilt ramplea exit>blteslb>our Agent. We iteelte public to withold giing thi or ders unl bby have bad an op porbeuity o! Inupecîing oui Machtinea, as ve beileve that they are unsnrpossoed by an otite' machines on Ibis continent. Wce aiseo oSer smonir our other lMachines [obnsou's Selt'Rakinx Reaper, tmproved or1871, villa Ivo kuivex, amootit and WOO&9- Patent 5-t Rane il eaper. Sscksye Repr No. 1,wlia ubaeih seIf-otalce. Oio emblu..d IRand iaag Ls«pe, laid Ucwor. ceywga CliS.0 lWowerot suekeyoeo 07No. 1. Iuckeyo llier >O. 20-. Mai'a Ohio Nlower Ne. 1. fltt, Jr., JlWea. -* raylort'galnky fierasisis Paranors' Faiourlte Grain ]Exi. liamsplon Bar Pedder. A14D OUR CELEBRATE» AIuEu SE, I EAA TOR AND TIESHER eati?, ImprcVed fcr 1871, wllh. ýeth.r ]Ptt', olron, Planel, Weodbnry, W. sAh ai iseo ofet fo7rbite Faîl teade a 3w Clever Tiarcaber, and Bolier, vir u&h operior ho ay> obluer ireloiere le. DressMarg aund Tailorig rie, Alsoa <ui Socàk ofe-Ne'wTe, GENERAL GROCEIUES. Sugars, andi LOW ES &' PO WELL. -e Ffre Proof Ohimneys, Shados, Rt Spring Braekets; Wl JAMES Whitby, Jan. 12, 1870. MILLINERY GOODS, DRESE 0,HOIERY9 PA] ARE NOW EXIIIBITED IN A T They have -imprted lis seasea, be 1tapie &Fane'y A splendid assortment of ENGLISI Samo beautilul. desicns in FLOOR & Il-AI TAI'ESTRY, and ail Weel Ma. LAMBERT Étill verseés the Tiliorir bey ov fferindtcemetts and-advant:àges second A splndid nesruient of BOOTS atd SHOES nf FRIS1I FAMILY OiOCEIIES constant 0:> An early caliiiolicited. md.Çij 0:> Agents for the Farmei:. Osbourue Sew Oshawa, June,,5th 1871. XkRRIÂGES & 4 q S Il 'D .coMPLETSi LiLm UGE Q7 AuL OuRN"ci iga, non..*" laitb e tmost bOs. - r o cu t mn lad sied s tec uluoh Psut ILJong0. lain le 4h. â uvso vî Wjj w <-t z brlues eefy reqisite l -M ' r[!rI sh- 9, G OdsWHITBy1 Z A generalasàortment of best selected Oloths. -Ail Cloths made te ordei'. No -Slopwork. NO FIT, NO PAY. 01ua ylte Fmlit Great Gare andi Atteizton pva:d ta Artust C'utting. -ceeut the wntqeo SUO o!publie patrouai Acontinuance ýof that liberal patrouange extended to-jîn dur- NlCIRj ing the past 3 0 years ini Whitby, respectf ùly solicited. and adae.Pro t Lanterns, MAROH 128,13871. .- 1 rdr3 Whithy, Aprl 8 LIE SPRINGI STOCK 0'F TEETIK ly Drug Store.- BOO'ýTS, & SHOES.0 IRU X OR 00 EIVED. eloectersi Pooket Lck Trays, &c. H.GERR Fainily ýS GODDSO GRATOLIS. RET HRIET r1IU1UWRAEJHGALLI And leave. tieir orders, which 'wil!l in future bE teuîded tq sat anyc4her Gallery., 2&» cl and examuine s iisd'Pafnt-gi,.b' II iSS ýTHÂT I18E The subsoriberbason' hand a large stock of H ýManufaLdtilre. 96e wonld more partiel attentiôn'to the Ex.,celsior ck&Hil Anew and useful invention for Iiarness, for t whichhle bai;purchased the exclusive riglt for tle Townoi Whztby and township of Pickering. - It le the heetfitnprovemen W-2Ieiuenaber te> ncw premisca, neit door to.ite Royal Ganadian Bank. 3.1.871LP 1871. MM I LLAN's BLOCKI *ias r emovedfromn bis old premises te McMîllan 's B3lock, Brook Street, and begs to inform bis, nuinerius, patrons and the public generallï, that -bis -stock -emu Begs to announce touhis cutstom-rs 'and the publie thatïie lias opened business on the premises lately oceupied by Mr. Bandeli, on Brook Street, and that he-us now 'n@eMme o aspenidStckofth sideslarg quItitis ofAnd of the best style of Boots and Shoes 0'rýY CAise on bauid a large àtock of HOME-MADE Boots and Shoes Ci U , Whioh onnot be surpassed -for, ultanpri. H & GERMAN CARPETS. Ail orders punctually attended t.oIlepairsnetydoe al LTSBRSSSan Business' also carried on as usual at the old"stand, ne.ar. the ing, and -te intending purohasers Royal hotel MATHW 1 t none in lte Dom in on. M T H W C L I S iow opened. W tMy 0 81 tJy on hautt. ,W iba y01 7 1TA N D ring machine. THE NST ND! * DENTAL lgo D-UNUDAS- S . WHIiTBY,c I-IYPO'PH AmnDgu tihe di Felus tpoud. l itinm ret. loy feve re sutltiig altosR onrusiu or! l, C IJTTEII lvi.D OON-OY-A N's CA ý R &BIUGGIES, lates Sstyle and 'The'ý blîberto s best orde.r..i 1 and, aee -lof 1 ' I LL'A N 1 S ý 1 1 B L:O'C Ko E TIIE lq LN-IEý AT l E

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