Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Aug 1871, p. 4

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-oddelioous la ibis salîry laaud. M. -L Il. ieî dauIfotbay snd maréchal liredhocovered a new.proossu for obtala- Sigt'ydv@gen gss ln large qusotities. The of thé aikalies or alkiline earths àî eaed lhi coke or oeaoal ta, a rod boa#, vb.a carboale aold end bydrogon fr.sell lmlaated. Thé, carbonlo acld Is absorbed by valter anti a pare hjdrogen lu - ollectod: Capital B.ggr-.OoPoCi the 0anforte-' Bate juveniles Who solicit pe nnies vas sslîed. 'Wheri Iliyotar mothr 7 8h.eru. plied diffidonily, '8h.'. 4qiad, $Bave luo- no0 fathr ?l 'Yeu sir, bat bus sick.r, 'Wbai ails hil "o'. 501 ota sors En. gel, sm.1 IlndeeudIl 'Tes ai.#Thon why don't ho ecal h off 7 'PIas. air#' respondà, id -thé lilti.maid, 'ho Lln't Sot aal money te bay , a kof.' When a vendor of -greens là* Boston nooimly vas ondoavonrlng to dispoâe of bIs stook la ie trado, bis poor old nag banlked anud rîfusati to badge au inch, The divevr floally-commonceti bqlaboring 1h. animal with a stick, vhon an olti lady thwast ber beond ont or the window ant exclaid e 'have yon n0 mrcy Il &No Maot' reptied the poiar, '»otbhing bai gneus.' Boa vder. 'This tes scas ery ywoak, Uv.. Sktap.0 Landlady. 'WeU I1 gaei fiamuetbu the vira vweaib6r.Ifoeol -À ronformîd gambIen sngirestuehat thé r1as, q by<Hault declinîd to 'Isouaff.' Vlas"b Oueshobudits a'vant lochev aDy. ibing tý do vh bthé e d'i. The bhing ini Corsets fl a sd obeb tb. fYorîQbb, -W. doa'î blifee h. W. haie gondtireaon ta suppose that tbe earliist and lastet îhing in corsets lu wo- Ma. ,4 corst s. % - An advrls.aenor Cod liver cIl vinda ip 1t 'Patients Who have once taken It ea te noCother. AÀ candid Confession. Statlstiei,-Of 1the 1001 yoang ladies vho fainted ladt lear. 987 f(.11 mb the aras of gitîcain, taro (cli on thé. floor, antCaioone bwalor buit. À bridge siDenieurs, Colorado, sports9 ibis notice i 'No vehicle dravn by morse than one animal le allowsd ta cross this bridge in opposite directions ut theu saine1 time.' An Oregon touat, nier a glaàsscf th. ardent. Hereo what makes us wear olti clothes.' Why sa the tîoadill lik. a trne con. vertt Becanso lis tnrnlng if the rtusait or conviction. Whou a pickpocket pulls ai youn vatait tl i hlpainiy that yon have no lime ta #paru@ A vrlîor on. school discipline, says, 'Wiîboutaî sbirai usecf the rod it la lan- * possible ta moike bops sain. Why la innocence 1ke an ambrelia ? Bucause, whîa loti ha"a once losI figliev "ay neyer hope t1i ses h back. An Amîninan papur spoke otf a men vbo idled wlîbouî the aid of physicians.'. Sncb instances cof diath are very rare. VALUABLE T 119 nborber effertsforgals thé tollovlng Tviaai property, ln thieTown of Wliut. E1rtter cf ainoe eno land.. ituatel or. lite cor- lie nid Orot.n sud St. Poter strete, la thei Aisebaîf aunacrson f lind, Waii Ienced, end lna aih lçtitis orc ctivation; on the etrnr tor Wsiigtùsi ad Giffor tSrotet, North Wordt. Aqatror an acre onC.,entre iStreet, sonth citereeiinueof e. Draper, ka»q., lInh soute Word,> Alito, Tweonty Acres cof gond laied, hein« uiomposed of part 0t lot litlts the lotit ccs- MIon cf the 'Iownsbip ef Marray, ceont>' of Rirthwtubcrland. W- A chear mad llndlspeitable titis viii be% grivea te al"he aboya priivrty._ For further particuars appi> te thé owner. FRIANCIS CLARK. Osoada Inthe ComstIyÇcnar> Provinceot,< niarie, rif nth rC tt cinC'a *1ne. In the statior et On Tuasts, the 22nd dey' cf Aogiist oexl, the utisderiîgied yull apàîcl>' te sJatge a( the mId Cearti, for aàdlbnhrge 'andin the sud At, oîNTK E>' J. Hsinir (r45nvond bîs'At torna' ltene. Datedaet Wihty leJoîy, Ion. lm .29 A valdjabio Peam,,Ili 1a hîgh sttî Ofaltiva- tien, mlli t e celled la !eai, heIig LU H S 25, loti con. %W'tt Wlliicsn%, ceui ofet igd.ý FI disse os,,80sias leareti. mnd velivujtereti, Theupoi gco4 tggoem, foot) Buldings. Ai.4 s0 i.) trr,, and wv vonai onoharilofc ooe.frat ; a.tss4d vlthiaewb4ul var «lescfthe, -floeiailig viliagu cf Park 1 tdtO Iciv fmlIy lntiscontry.. A yviÂa .gvonz uwEst ssviii eopvlneoi gai ibsi oar nis.*hines ere uoequalleti. The Guelph Rovorsible la pre.emlnontly thje be*t friglA Thrand Ms- ohms ofortd Ithe publie-bee is ,narvellonA sa00i5. Will do ail vàrietgeoS of dolIlstilO 4swlngq. Pricm greatly iedaoetl. flaaâ uneliltie wilt i l cautot, $12; Itel do., $17. £I ÏÎb machIlne gnarantoeil. rAeg»ms WALTKO ypurwlETgaz. Splendid la oeeut to aak,, mouey. Apply 1- GUELPH tiEWINqG DACIEINE COt GTIILPII, (.IANADA. -LwIs Alun, Agent 1 or Whltb1y;19. 'Iara, for loravl,;Leis Quiok, for Northt & ontis Untarlo. Masy iLh, 157. 12m-19 The celebrated perfecîd Spectacles and Ey. Glassîs, manfacînsed by LAzàaus & MoRias sud for whicb we havs the sole agency, dre gainlng golden opinions froms ail thoco "ho baie tried stem. -Ifyori vant to preserve yoar ight b exîreme oW Age, tse th.ese aud n abers. -JAS. a. GERMlE, AGENT. MANUFACTUIIED AT TME IP C> laY Agricultuiral Works. ILEFFELYe CELEBRATED Double TURBIINE WATER WIIEEL VUE euTEOOOXIAL iEl 15w 55lt un I 1' b. Amoisg Its many edvatges, we 'aU atta.n Lu n Othe Iollowiag > Sil liai.nogears oAistie DrIvini Enalillng Ilt topaii.0 over mancb or amati .rot'nd î'lu D ltqiaa opt e geaun th tei g!nj-ra L liniltobmkage it la lurr1iýnj WViîb, lir a lslv& tw.i Co %, ngi cy ulngtn ô twoforsteaplug ul»rU11lc~l aua, a uelitis <if Difier aa smiootiedge Agir ikttun gr-41b1 lu wbleheure lefass 1 4eo-d etove:. It haq nmalleAble -gusis % b on. lmbti M-Nloçvtr 13a, ani- ItlaperTlable wîh best caffi alteel Letiger Pfatfes. Itlel also ferishud w th .,ursew l'aien Tlltiuag Table Car pZ.c!cîîg -Bp lodged «Main. Thtis 12the oni>'rr-ai vaieablelJlltiaglvabUe o>trtad on tuoycrmnel est epevandhlowoe. Theo Tablé e van hovery easlg wake or losred by the Driver là bi sent wthioist atopoing lais Tflna. Tils tiou"Dith mogr'Iportant*Impzove. monts eff.gted la auy Machine turIng thse i'ast tiea ycnns, An>' one or ail of the" Aris nt tme tfrel van b. made. te satas, Raku ut tlhe option of tise Driver, by a Lever readlyoperated' by- hist foot. The cal. Uin rpparatus la lu front of the Machine, aadîire fore eteer Roaplng or Xowing, th.e colte work of lb.eMXchlne leu ndir ise e" ofi-the Driver *while guldlng hie t'-am. 'l'htoTableIa n constracflo s te #'îelher thse grais n - uge>aundie berie e il loves the Table anad dtepoels Il lu a more -compact foriuMatisaamy otiser DcclBake. The Table la attcuti 'Co(h. Machine both ln front and naresof the Drlvlag Wiîoel, visicb onables ilte oplus 0551 roagh gnouad wilthmnèlh greater esse anti Jean injur te tise Table. Thse rain Wbeel AxZelason alla. viîh thse aile of the drive wheol, which @enbl«I 1te tu=n tise corners roadil.17 - Tlaitrakesa» ar rien ly GOiff g' glnsta of Cial, auj, tiacrea fore bave a atcaady sanfora motion mainu l#heam uc lemla Hlable ta sueak&age on uneven grOUnd. anti mrreave la remo-viag tise «Ztain. Ios Genn avery uimple, trong ant« BA13BIT MITAI.. Tise partu are ailtssumbered e t<bat thio repairaecaa beoOr- dered hy tclegrupla or otherwlae, by oimpiy giving tise nmb.er Of is Part waated. 'ihere la no aide Drangisi ln oltisen ncaping or mowlag, sad the Ma- chine la 50 .pcn!ectiy balancedt ta there len prestire on tise Horos'aecks tither when reaping or mowlng. AU Our sualeable castings, vboe bbohey are guiecIta omaeh atnala, bave beon twvie upitîenled, tiserea'reutder- Iii; tlleissbotbi totagî and strouàr Our Johnson Rlieiles0n constnncte a-i to raite -tise Cama so tar aboe s ilio Grain Table tisat tise Çisalui diis uot tterferewitls the suachl mer> ai tise kakes or Reels. -W. make tile atove Machine la two sizes-No one, large sue for Farmena wbo bave a larges a.totnt'to rrap-&N. Two, nmedinm le foi Farreeris bavinit moire nse fon s Nover tl'an bar a Reaer. With tise exception of diiijcrence in- ii. tiser..Matchines ait -'miltrla cvcny respect. Our No. 2 àlIclgir.e papplies a vant honctolone an- flilel, viz.:' A medium betwean the Jun Mfoer anti large combineti machine, both n lu tuend pnlce. W. shah dià, tretunOr tampli machines ln a Mici o,enoe o ur Agents tisatInlteadiag Pi'.relîat-rru me> have an earLY oppor- tunit.y of exemînin(e their meits , sd v. giuaraillee tistagi IlIlhnea 'lfs-ppod tht Aseuisoua shaih h equalî in qualît>' and finish te tise .aîn;teeexlslblted byeosr Agents. Wr. illt-it hepublic b vwitholti giving ltait ordena natil tl;ey have hati an op potlnity of inmppecing oui Machines, as we Irlieve that tise> are unnsrpased by eny oticer machines on tbis continent. Wef algancfler among otir otlior Machines J-,)nmn,fs'e Se-ttakinz Reaper, Improvoti hr 1871, wiîiî two kalveo, umootis andi 4ic11tidg--and maleabie guarda, tynod' paient oSeilanRkînu rsapev. Udlf-Ilais. sud Viuwer. rayna aclhut Jr.. Nlowor.e Iiavkeye lowpor No. 1. 'ueliere Iicwer No. 2. UalI's Ohialo iwcn No. 1. OUIc9 Jr.,Illowuv., Irayîor's Sulky.'Pnrseailake. P f hing puieti ant i ylbu neati>' for .ary difnbuue to.Ceal applicani. ilour ltaelines are wss..ated *10 glve satlafatissu, un4 it uy cies nwili have ans opposfuulj In the Milline'ry: -Dèpatimenh Ladres' MNis- ses and Chilrens -REats and -Bonnetsy FlowcrLsMÏftibbons &.th stock of Mentand Boys' Straw, and Feit Ht is l very' c. the A good assortmeni of Ladies,and' ChUldrpns BOOTS AND SROES, just to hand. The Cloiîbing - D partment is weII assortedý with Mens' and Loys' Clothing to suit the warm weathei.. lielati ise tloedtevon tieingvis> ah. i Trownahgip Vairs. iW hlise ebc ýr la pattieg ont *velI-Oesàied vol dl te keee'ahead, anti weiIap ln et' ca# cf one of th. meut able asa wIlsi; h bslb th irgeul anud hept làco net enes of art., w ho desire il PHOTOGRAPH. sssorîn'înî GAI And leave thefr orders, which will in futture be U, Pl tendéd to iat a any other Gallery.- CaOel anti examine specimonu and.Paldtigs, by 20 HOITr'TTIM »ress M a n~ad Tailoring, doue to o rder.IIIÀ1N.ESS TIIAT IS AIséo a' fltiStock of Ne*v Te'is Sugairs, ai h GENERAL GROCERLES. aJ LOWES & POWELIoL I Co w L VES'.PA. T AM c,> o r m o m z -I JUS,£R EUEIVIED. Yie Proof Chimucoye, Shades, Beflecters," Pooket- Lanternu, Spring »rackets, Wick Trays, &o. JAMES H. GERRIEZ Whitby, Jan. 12, 1870. Family Drug Store.1 SPE(IAL. MILLINERY GOODS, BRESS GOODS1 TWEEDS, HOZIERY9 PARASOLS. ARE NOW EXIIITED IN GREAT VAILIET AT R. & &*A.SMITH'Se They have imported this season, bouides large qnantieu of 'Staple. & Fancy -Dry Coods, A splendid assortment of ENGLISU & GERMAN CAIIPETS. Samo beautiful desi«né' i FLOOR & HALL CLOTHS. BRUSSELSan TAPESTB.Y, and aIl Wooî Carptinig. MF. LAMBERT uthl oersees the Tailgring, and to intending parchaucrs tbey nov offer inducements andi advantages second to none in the Dominion. A splendid assotmint of BOOTS and SHOES nov opened. FRESH FAMILY GItOCERIES const.aatly on band. 0:)- An early cal sohjcited. C3~ C:ý. Agents for tho Fariner'. Osbbnurne Sewing -machine. Oshawa, June, 5th 1871.1 23 CARRIAGES'& CITTTERS M.3 0DONO0VANS CA suibseriber lhas on .hAPa alarge- stock of« Manufacture., , e wculd moré Parti attention to the Exoel.iirBaok #& HipStrap A new# and useful invention for1 Harness, for the manufacture of ,which ho has purcbased the excluive ight for tle Town ef Whhby, t ownsghip of Whitby and townabip of Pickering, It is the best improvement that bas been mnade tp harnass for many yeara. A large stock of Trunks, Whips, &c. Cail and sec for jourselves. Cash buyers note the facî* Fr( SRemombermy new promises, next door td ibo Royal (7;nadian Bank. J. R. PHIIP. 1871. ,.MMIL-LAN'S- OF* BýLOQC K# ALEXANDELR PRING:-LE, Lias removed from bis old premises to McMillan's'Bloék, Brôck Street, and begs to inform'his numero'us patrons and the public generally, that bis stock em- braces every requisite iu Gentlemen's Furnishiog Guods, A general assortment of bestselected Clotho. Al Clotho made to order. No Slopwork . NO FIT, NO PAY. Great Gare and .Attentwn paid to Ârtutw C'utting. A coptinnanceof that liberal patronage extended to hlm dur- ing the past 30 years in WhiLby, respectfllgy,Èolicited. MARCH 28, 1871. 13 .SPRING STOCK 0 F BOOTS &SHOES. MA TTHEW 'COLLINS- Begs to annÃ"un ce to bis custýmrirs and the .pnblic that he has opened business on the premises lately occupied by- Mr. Bandeil, on Brock Street, and that he is now in ieceipt of a splendid Stock of the RIGIIT - FIT AND. MÂKE, And of the best style of -Boots and Shoes. Also on baud a large stock of HOMEZMADE Boots and Shoes whieh cannot bo surpassed ior quality and price. Ail orders pnnctually attended to. Repai.s neatlydone. Business also carried on as usual at. the.ol stand, near Royal hotel. 1whitby, -may le, 1871. XNATI lEW (JOLLINS TuSE UNDERSIGNED DMÉS!TO fDtm bis friend et peinatons, that bas agili emnemo bugineas at 1he olti WHITBY LIVERY STABI W l1iig ecroaseti the siniber. qutilltY cf the at.îd, andi al"oidded te anti proeoithe eoliveyene.ce»anti velgici1ex or remille', Ige hopes b>' beinir in e positici meet thie wrtnls ci custeers te meit as i cf public pstronage. W- CHARGES INODERATE.J N.B.-Cýovered cc.esveyaticas fur tian aned ladies. Promn Pt amuondinci, "ai bot Cealordure. -M. RAY. Proprlet 'Whlîhy, April s, 1888. TEETI! EXTRACTI kIrWITOUT, PAIN, «a BY TiItE USE o> NITROIJS OXJD LAU4IIIING GA Oie TUE NEW EL0OOALANISTHETP AT DENTAL BOOMS, DUNDAS -SIREE' WHITE!', C. W. ROO.-.Ove, 11. Cochnane's Store. Whitey, Jane 26, 1867, PELLOW89 H YVPOP H 08PIH-IT E' NZ-ows' THE.OLD lSTANDI [ E S'TAB LI S The IIA GEs & BUGGIESt latest style and allufactlre BYI glce 1 Uxbri-igi BEyron T oo5ce Bank. L 1 io pisoteet lire. si ia tovD, T Rl Cf Ast aiig matI st, ise ton' Gro

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