15 ONTAIJ0 1ANK deSlti 9"- hm hir, It1ù- Misw -OM- _ _ _ l uu n a d . p o lo c 'W"LBT Bt k ÊHuoïl AMI WATCUKÂuxAx]2WKITjy,&0 ONT- " 1'Tre.t&à -~,- W, 9bya and plo ol ll',.... ]DOM NIONBroo Stret, Appl toWiK.T1o4ýe4éld etiro cot; .?' DOMNIN ~~W DrokSrng - . AT.* - XASpoprietor., ' 4 WXyzm.w L>Mcr wat.1xcl~oekm, Msçiro4lu, 14 t: rookflin, ontye B*B.Taylor, Aerxr. :; Sw1I' g W2 i ichQums -siiïs;t;on:2-e Ap$i 11 71 . Andrnve.lroutingMai. sL W 44SS*. v ~ « ~ T 1 Y BDL R3 W U .hove tu nuiot . 'W% te tIad.YO th CAIJo M ACDONrELL, Wbitb1. May SI, 187. WHIT13Y01kOnn]W AND ATTrOItNpytLAn.Bout ~d.4ororL o o Ba.o~tku , _ T IEP O LlD RiOShoe store# -o- &lion No OnârloIOU1l1tbMVANYmon.J OS 8E P 'H RA *r n ol........4 of îglcit ur, lcecýoà Tl o, Banîk ot oMoO R 1 r Ea le yer oitr m - C- OAURON KNE R C& c ie 1o enti Colt. si 4 1 O ., WgY70 . otro ruo V R E M NS R ae mn ua. Meth n u e r l . ~.usoa ar e it oP R ?ttET R.Filly..... 4 .O.Out h ffc a t4do it r' .J MOOELISNItTD1fts *.81O5Oi u i.,ft e~ . Th o ubgeiber, P re, tng ht, s . Two yearld entire 'Colt... 4 WMo.y Olo» uou god acurty Ap fi DALT NOKE NSua..*$20,000 fte~ eXaninaWear.*11oln oftie rsCortfou., isLIFE POLICiEn ore a Sur e Pseeo, on se i<rdrf ls'tolaasaner - ka tuel'ise nany rriends 66. 1>' 4 Il-ii, oun,, suD.dtè IREuatoint sesad setU l tii.a Whjubueod OePaelnyearnet ie hientOeiyae Colt.nireCol. <OTYCRU W N ATTQRN E y POUON sud llousalsiodr. ( Nej o. 2 ' M 1 WILKliv<8<ifre duo 170 4 S.I. ICRAILL . RÂualbdlops T PMD anth erîut ~~48 .bers te tatgigot ho now c8rri<,a on the. uxi Fi7 w; 1,'trlo, IlarrIser ums attry u.le, &0. A Il fair olaisu aai.'Prsdts -'ns oeyupnh.euacuî 'aro wig ois 4 __________________ Sn- t oe 5........ et e t ni d o e R l aw '..m- - 0 1ORGJE i. DARtTI4ELL, AY. C.t, s8 .......- Ir, I)dpujý ~~~~l'rMBABD1)STREET& OHÂEINGR iEi RPSw B Aan ae.tTOrMaE~ , CIVY NChie Agent tfor Dominfont. n. .. .. .. ... y? u EgsîaMuirxtraordi AR A KJ. Aes. FPs oio&1- _______,Colin.____________AS hGEN, Ont,- Off ce ro o -3., hlt sy -__ _ _ _O_...... ...... ....... .. . .d g o îît- i. î (rî ee, oc s9hth) <5 y . a LAW QITALontMare and oal,,.......... J A X E S JR T II G O it O N , W hILby J 1 2st h , is6 g, I£ZN ï 0 1 R . W 1 7 8 '2 . »T i, T i ee y O O e n tire C o lt. 4 J - JAMj, AV1ç<~, ause, s hreofoe. yer i ntir.........4 au Puhiio & .pattern t hiesown iveation 'grurctued entFité C l. 0,upis.î, Brockdtt., Witigy, Ont. fh'Iuat aadBiliIard ParloisW» Ail order, execnted promptit e arid , 4, o WLlisNo.li107. 4d 69 Ring Det Bs, ' INUASaga!nist LOBSSby]FIE arc & S. B. FIRBANKs ' LOSits PAiîi~~ ouoll es mdIISFP--F.RAINEIL.]Torse Colt;oi1870. luLoun. WD gitoutreleleîoti sd bty a8-1870.- Fl>'41"....' Oalsvs,,,W.PUBIC, U. 0. iseBià sd ig Cis Ban. tYEOMAN OIBSON MR GLiCe Pair gencual pûrpoâo ihorse, 4 VAREEL&MGE n tise Zstyle. - lsermrved -gn NE SzNTÂ<Y' 'Wi s9ieisnr suZ055Apil Srd,1886. A e bitLy PÂGE1O38s ~MAcRA NxO- 11-UST 0 M 18508 Olvlot-Qse 40cr gnorOs of ths esit Ofic, - -. i lou<ma or ïUSTON Saio........... TBD Il i)mrosiai1iiu.X A uL 9W ' n o u r -TF e elaait. R .id.. rou id .t 1 0 Colt.. 4 -3 J.B a ng*a s dic L F. es r' iF A,#sp sîe M FU t s u3._ S lo R IE . Street, three douro orthp Ç T eW n ball. T w o -car i4i F e ol ..., Towss yal.......u....e. R.4 a -o - 1Jan. 17,1gbT. T oy8 a1i " tieCot ..4 0 -A-- ~~ ~ ~ ~10The, snhsrhber o&Se r t t, Iotp, CIAIloPs C. KBLLERtl, - FtArsfts~~~ot IEIYS11IE PPABD ' £ ~B@," * il.... r i t y A r e s o f L o t n u i t m i tO e y e a e o l d e s t i r e C o t 4 a T T U *i -- T L & W , S L I EI'V R ln ge tird c euceson et ih e D eaire t i tni t anbitan-utaoetW hitby E H ' ! g l i e i s n d l a i l I I I E Y .s s i V î î u i y , h a t ~ ~ ' u o e o e t e t i f N ID « E R 1 ' . K f . 1 0 u e 1t c f 1 8 7 0 . . . . . . . 4 ou----Th@'an 18#j 01ArO, Wil nved ud n .E R TrA66Il ciar,, el eceau]u EN Ry WALTERS, .y" .1 IiJER GREEN goedst4t3 T5RB-A-A. itrriig aro i t BROO SRET&o. ., &o.Pair Dimaglîa IiOrses, ...4 3 &o. WO ltb yPbic FoV)Olc J r rins , spity rte R. j. ilso, r iurb.ouDundas Stroe, - I'ibOtGasI - 4te W. Ojrygst Byron#tratt.$*C subgo R. Iher....hokceps cenStautly onbaudw ty n u r- ate $outi %Pmthisb . .Ovroî,iAsMimS.>UEL ILISO, Fleur, oà aeCorusuesi, Bronu, ont» FUNVERAL ULLy zUpp]LJEp. WILKII<SONJ. u heprm, Otna.___________ fqOROtTGH BRED. LYXAN 'y ÃNglî, L L.H.l., ilh, autiepes -hfs rlu.Fe, WELÇ 1s~,T ETDIH ARILISTEILÀ11 80 And evorytiluqsu tise Food liss$. B£mIlItER iot, fabIUTr.Â7 !AW,Solioin c u Osu-LODL>R ';ASSURANCE CORPORATION Basuiof Flnar fer fauiily use. ves.ygingrMTUB * LrAStishe lowest sellisg prîcc. At ITAMPII's ORRERSi. Al ilade B l. ........4 O *41 r, *slLII.Tisecash sYsteM itritiYddhrd. t p,, irable Beideuc, ea. & î îoeam..Two >ear old Bull.. .4 zeà n s Y lE"TA5 eCuîus 1729. "Ialsd examneu.qualisy sand pic . Apply e- YeaiîséBl...... A M E I A > I N ,4 0 F E T I It , 4 6 , 8 8 1 7 4 d . B g . W îitb y , F o s., 18 7 1 .b t bM 1d o u rf A M È R , r a il. B u ll C a li , . ... . . . . . . . . . ... 4 3 Ytrsue u usî...................................7 W bMa n1871. Mll oçgvn nlho sOICru Cw nAczuy, 1îFAD 'AGENT, lMQNTEEFAL..ROM'EO nB. PfltIr 2 cIA TOR CONVEYAN%CIILANI> AIET&c. .COMMERCIAL & O UEL, .OO* Thrcyear old (2ow .......4 3 Oggr bos.-Ovr A s'is to gs ue , N anusi., N . 8st. Fra cois LYer Street. - 11 0 E T c earST O R Eit r . Uxisridge ue tu, 1109. g-8'johN AGNE W, Agent. JAM.ES BL Eý- POJtrn h nmgc isioe WhbyMay8.1, 671 19- T » ndRsig STREusedr4 ____________________________________ ienfrsevede te 1 J O HN__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bn9 he W e t l ts B UW bitr t yO M ay Pis,.9 187 81 870 D o ,&Ozi- og as 1ýeJredtO etcue al éÃersfor Bull......4 B J. It xi , . . : or .' l rg a d olctstèk; T w y arol -ll .. DR._AN OCK -WL FEN NANDommr aJSPIuIuA l he W estrnI. ull 4 SVftItow AC OUCH UR, (87 & 89,Ti King__ ___Street __ ___ut.Toronsudtelct sock T wyc Yar d ul ..... .. 4 3 R. . JNI ,M. O. ' Werk AI r aIl ordems for. 7 -10Bull...........er........44 3 DVCarnvainicfe 'AL otiLEASUdrecteup- u euferO1- on %NE T 1,B D heJJ eaHDOINON RAI 4iiW hrocacydo . o'clck. w At Mari V.omks et JONcAagitNl'- A 89, MRing sîreet Itasi T Jo A R I IA yr Oyu ;s îs , si av -T H O RSOfA LI L E -3 9 ,&TEca W i Z Y JS.E i Y ain gHl i er... . . . . . . . 4 3 rà c o litrost lt,- i.étd t wat n ou()Otndinevryo4gan rt, Tpaciosssand f!Ap]qS y woHeif r (3l... r......... 4 3 lewo.tir.tIDitarllooruorisrofnii. OsioalaiT E U E R T S ofne~ t.1 aaz edtoEMlh C w rigniko B-Iouk.e leurno yropre CM.ed Id enu e theea piied at s Ail O slancai.............4 3ý Several i sl icslivuied Farinsansd Lots et Aprif 6, 1870o romm A l kiîsjs asudoalietoa<st......4 3 BROOK ST. WHIT13Y wild Leusd,,formsai.eoiseup. 1 b ml ok~~ olt efr.-. Tise uuderslgucd nlakea Iu1vestmotd made lu Deben l v rpael eSre, MerfgAgu P À i 5ai la, i s ed u inIS PLiotosrqsls, Ausbroîypen, s. c. ususura osasnsd otlser tecuritilu. 0 Il I' N asi 8Seplus Wter .4'2 3 2 lis.Spcll ¶se i.ku uschldren. Wbeus Siver susd Green sacks benglit aud.seld, -e. r lu oui Two year old Bull,....... à 3 2 lu teusu, give s eali. For furîher particulang apply te -Tise undersige eUterfr is uuo M. Wilou lfi very s.s0ee.fui in tkn'Bl af....... o-ooloma.« Yearling Bull.........4 Noaihe 1, 87, JAS. A. CLARK. tshe la iasitise largen a d Ohildreu's portraits. ulCl ________________________ BLI7Nbet stock et Paper Haugings lf' SPeeil irates tO Clergysn. Old Por, Mildi Cow, giving rnilk or 0Officiai As ignes, M o ey roker, & o. lu o v, ail ef the traits - n cÃŽt. ... ... ...d3 W i LtjS O N 1HO U S Et rF£-MeMiils -sBioek, ]Brook atreet, W 611ihKmIf ;be 4 sPP! tu rucieiins t'f Car ld...C.........4 3 2 - susalo gy ture, (avensI iS on entvaî iturca . LWBW g a vfluuerurelertetviie ul vei rApatwo yar oldrcufe. ......e Se thbeot , 8 4 oiis S fferta fr &ale, very I1ev, 9forW4 flatto r Oe r ob e s t i e ly ear og H eifer ........4 3 2- A. WILSON, Jr.,.- Proprietor. forîul.ugGralorniteRtrouble.ONloîcfYerl4 3 2 TfEU8Il~t neuot a:GL O BE I-I QI' L, aud PapirHauïlg, xeuste, l"s.ver N ov. lot, 1870.44lefr(a ....-......432 T ritou tepublicoejrlyt)teE q acheadOPdtosminr usuel. Best Iferd, 'to incitîde Bull, bsoel tise above lov liotel in tise Village Bcorî A. C. WILSON, W- DATLY LINE TO and least 4 fesualesý,43 nisis:uffil a iloisitistlorGcthasd oouiotslle JAMES ] -LOPrpitrWbtby, April 21, 1870. i.-., mm j mR llBcst age or bred 4 2 mauaiuer. Guestawil iiid"every couveuiuuiee ula> as tise aliove euuulain ist W -.,Lîurs IRTOPCLASACM OA'0 JJI l U A I 'E 21 21 3 21 X j = si se-a 3 2 14 b urn~~JAIUO~L ~ aiauoag.... I'tu O-c a f.....aua- ~ 3 1 2 r t i T u n p . . . 5 i e 2 P u m p k in a , . . ... . . . . . . . . . 77 , 5 0 P .î E 4 n . , . . - ~ a 2" i2eî asodWit j 12 table Carrota,...........75~ o 0olMus XMIVLam snie 3 12 Loel, long red.....1,50 1 50e 12 tatble Turinips ............ 5o SOcorWr 32irot. ogyhls1o 15 0 Spetimon of Dried Fruit .... 75e 50o -pair Fine Boot.....2 $ 32,112 rbots Mangold,yel. ,-' CSllned -Frit U -gt. "eOrse Woot±s . ....l2 i 32 jles Globe..1.. 50 1 500 bles-cbaptd es Asote bta he 3 e i2 os Carroté, long red 1.50 1 50e 'mode of prceee. I and maiortu st2oos -1 S s 1212 root, Çarrots, white... 1.50 1i5o kceping -X31r 4L0to5 St fmakrnIarok........$à 82 lroots do orange. 1.50 150o rzeo -- of »arm Hamea-ilIl...... 3 2 Producinus sgar.............75 c 50e S 1dd..... Clu T-a~> pcimuent of Fruit 'Pmcserved....................... .....3 2 1 Best, 10 I arSdle... . b Butter George witiuouvangar .........75e o0oParheavy hoe Ccllars.... 3 2 i I2 obon'o pmize >.$ 001 Jeli'.- .....l... 75e 50cTravlling 1,50......... ,3 2 ...2usd......... -........00 J...of...kI75e 50e Side Soleki e... 4.50 i a2 Srd.so 6 Cucnmbere.. .....7e 50e Side Upper- Leather Ces'- -. 2 5~h..............2 oo12 Pufii'aipg......... ..... O hde..........10e 2 Bt10b...cc..........00 6 Rends Celer>'.....75e 5cSOe ç'8 r ........15 2~a ..ceacgie > " md o.... Soc 2Bas 0Ib heee omem*ad. à Peck wbité Onionsý.*,750 5 Sd a L ea ther.er .150 1 2nd r. ryde...10 iPculing' do 75v,5OcClasXV-±Mjuscellaneous. 2 Dr......... oao d.....5 O lse...........0 5e5e.. 00 $i' 2 ................ a lb.à ope.........Cabinet Work........... 3 00 2 S:h.............- ......... ..e50 Scullpture lus Marbie.s ..ca002 5ih n. Best and Ë~~~~reatest variet>' of 9 l s R n yi o b ... . 1 5 011 Garden Vegetablea...., $2 11lbHo>'i Cu . 5 Best FaetoyCheee, flot leu 75 catm,1 be~a s x.......ne....... 150 1 ktban 30 Ibo .............. 40950 IolbHnytmic . 2d.............00 ,Au>' otbc ait o e 5r 7S500ellsMaple Sugar. i ...150 1 $2 3r...........2 OFloral D Sgs>'o iuc. ý 50CJTwo Ibaves of Breaid. ...150 1 ,2 Beat sample sitou Chees..., 2 00 e .......e. Collection et Contectuoner'. 1 S0 1 _ uue fFlowrtable ... 1 501 2 ~1bf ' et- - .1ý- anfa- qle Ibo butter in shippirig or- -IOf?~S ' at..i5 2, dem ................... 4 00 collection of Edge 11 15 2 ud...........o 10 yards; Full Cloth, home- Ts'o Axes.............. 1 50 1 2 r..........2 00 -iitc.s' ndwoe Pan el Door.......... 50 1 2O rsFuI 150 $1 Wîndow 1-.......50 i Z ~~ vm.ros Ful Cltui, t8ttor>' - inulow 1lnd.....1 50 1 clu v .-poutT. made.............i 1iGrainin -in Wood ........ 150 Pair Blaek Spaniabh... ion 10 yrde Satinet, home made' Beé Hîe'............i1 50 i1 2 a Dorkiugwhbite ........1S00cspartssud w-ove b>' baud 'i 50' Tallons' Womk.........16Se1, 291oelrd.... O 10 yards Satinet, fitctory Uphltrem'11 Work..150, 1 2 gamburg ........... '50'0 ,.....i 0_eg~~etTssnî'sseki5 0 0adsMnulhme et collection of Cooper'e - - Chna... .... Oc muade, sparts and w-ove s'erk .............i 0oO1 2 ochia Fos'l... ..........l S0e - b>'baud, tihi wool..1. i50 -IlSsî 2~~~ NA>ete ait'i Sc ad oemt.~ Seig Machise .......... 32 i_ 2 An'othr vaiet ... - 1 50e baud cottou warp.. 50 1i - USio.-Tbere will lue a band of 2 «"Turkeysi oolomed..... 1Oc50e yraFasl, co> uelaegaged dusring the. exhibition, 2 " do 10 ybite.......i SOcy .31[ 2 UWdTure .i Oc made# aIl wool .. . 15 1 bythe committe. haviug the arrange. 2 Wid, urkys,.... 1 50o 10 ade, cotte s'a r . y meute et that deputrtmcnt in charge. "Geese, mmall do....1O'0e10 yards plaid Flan-isel. 50 1 'Dncks.......... 1 5Oc 10 yrde w-ooîes Carpet...i. 150 1> isTm aoava .sa-Th lse Zs un- 2 Pigeons, best eullectiou.ii50(lc 10 yards Rag Ca et. .50 ideratanda tlsetsome importanitelligen'e- 2 Gusinea Fowl... ........... 1 -50o p i olj u éto hoM é - ba eà rcie rm A srlz wt g Best lot of Pouît.'luc, ar incsBnci oneneenbaspetn mei>ccvd roni Ascalse vust 2 os'sed by exhibitor, dis- rmade...... ....5 1 1-respeet the gTobe u sOetarte o 2 tinct from aIl other eus. Pair Wooes Blankes, tac- 1 thc sisorteat possible notice on su errand trie ..................... 21 tory iside.... .... 150- i 'visics 1alikely tae seveal tise vberebosge tr e . . . . . . . .2 i Pair H orse lla uket, .. . . l 50 li -et the second princip sl in this r eo n nce of Clu X-amIpeet.Coverlet, peavy............50.1 rosalite. The ichslornebods(sath 2epr n'Ics....6 $4 $2 Sbcplierd's PlaI . 0 1O i rier), curiousl>' enougs, have not 705 M epeach ine.......ai ooe Soukss.... 7e$S6 tcoupletel>' Sisappearad sudd are LnSe a a-~ Paroos' iouigs.. 5c ais isigiser prietisan wuspaiS for thens ThsMîusw Mahin .- 6 4 2 il ', 6 Sc ....7 5o 50oe^smontS age. It il aid that s Grrek- Waggos, (5woherse tesa) 4 3 2 CotesStod tsgo...7 o50e SOc medant in theesct>'bu a ve>'large do -(tao hrse.aprn.....ek .5e coaunoustit ofmoue>' usin thecase, andi that, doankt..bs......... 4 2 1"Woolen Mite........lcgeOc rous tiest oas ehe b he c hcietesource ms a lrket .. .4 4 3 2 sWeesm .6 of ethtsa upplies -'threugh vblcs the, TOe w-lt topm' ......4 3 2 P la x jusenuts na.....a.. '6c50 ir san abeen eussbled te car'>oeu ~~~~~~~~~' ~~~~ ~ ~ 1 " -tott tt. . . . . . .- $ 2 ýlroceediugs. Tiseà 'claimant! biaself siwtottp 4 lb 2 .. a e...... .. $2 la frequeut visiter te the ct>', vier. h. Ts'o ~ ~ ~ 'I ôlr. Seg . SIba Flax droeed bb hasd- 3 2 se edeparmuens ef busnees. Ou W ed- ose herse do....4 3 2 SPeilmen Fiai tsmeat!.'75e 500 nesuday u n order, signet! by Lord 051,f IrPlog n'her.k.... t.# 4 3 2 Plain cross bauded Yaru. . ,75e 500 Justice Bovili, vas iaoed trous Jdgee - Double mould board Plouglu 4 3 2 P-k obean wltd <ibvierrup'tioncisn sh h Turnip rilI..........4 3 2 Xamn............... e50 50,0 eeed,visutltmupeon is S ST 0fi Dariow, .... 4 4 32 6" Wister Ts'eeds. 1 50 i Noiember neut, eveus i(eiuser of tlejurors dtot darowsio...4 4-3 2 i-aSumner do -1 50 1 ortisejudge become incapacitesinsusthse Two hors. Custivator .. -32Rg Rug.............i 50 i ensd atethe asovedeeThevii b.sSI Wooe a1ertu boe ae1Tie.&atn Ts'o bore Reler oies..g.........i2S oi sitt ees that AriSur OGnon ladetamneti - lu Ausatralis, lus prison, lut tisaï; tisépur.- Gng Plnh . . . . .4 3 2 lUu s . -L de e a oe ftecne!vs a taret! for Grain'DnlI ...............4 31 2 o t . tise colonies is të obtaiu athe tmausa f- Stra i'Cutter, $or hoýrs. ro aEgad pow-er........4 32 Ladies' Drems.....00O-1i5 OSnteEgun! Coru-ellýer... ......... 3 2 i Child'eDrces......i 501OÃ" A ],3TuWl. Cetaan Ose home uiae r. 8 2 iPlain Guslma'sSirt K.'e SilAs WILL.-.mmAhe eul she Stras' Cui, ter, worked b>' baud made .. . .2 2 001 50g.aiug plioohrmshaeeeuha hausd.............3 2 i1 ".Machine mcd,. '1 50 - 00 w eccerect4siaer igedm erret, Fiers., Rake........3-2 'l Ladies' Bonnet.......~ S 1~S h us esu> airmRge.fIo. Pea 1 larvester.........3 2 ' iées. w-ork Quil .......150 1 00 ai' oe o rltivesi:WhoIt la'l trésume FausiusgMi.............3 2 i Lojg cabis 0.......00 75soi ee ets'retivyfue vhglial be des..- SetfDraisinTools.3iT _uti si ,9 .... 10 JueriIad....... 21 niurîip " ..0 0 berited. Ho, on itheotber.1band Who JhecP,......2 $1 500 Rnit bed Cover ........i150 1 OL ui. 1 ome hr thaa iberteceme sel. uVabin Mahib...... i Oc Crotchet s'ork Conuter- mhsité 050@hab g ir i c hae o ~hm......... . 2 I-O Slk50 l. ......... ' 50 1î()0 bît tb*t Ca-the dey of >l .i, ârais Cruluher ............ 2 1 50c Fane>' &etîisg ....... 1 50 00 fiieand green i5oge. lî'h. d ora he lait dozen Ha>' Forks ..2 IScFn> nitin 1.... 50 1u 00e buhe aseuie i jl dezen mausure Forks. 2- 1f5OeCrotelset Wrk1..- 59 O eIufbelI u00 d.,,Sd la .. orp ..taga lJ .. 1.0 1 &à ,, - -- SOUTE 71N. bldmod eens anl atentve aSirs L WES MA KET ATE , A ijillS'lPPrt] ope, Ctaf. Supro nom ooMmodtion. GoeS mablig A»8LLKTD OpW ihLuui A ilknasva05ts hc ig R m Port P errs, N ov, 8, 1869. 45F A R D N G I LJ N T S. morte t no ti" . on" i ~ T n r s a a- , 1~ ---- O1T-E -Ario u .B C MBru L, À V T JO N DU S~IN Ei Ra n b. .. ........ ,3 1 i PORT P1ERRyH o t'a E. OLO THES Brmeekllu, June 1th, 1870. 2.TsohArigBe.3 2 PO T E L t #-ONT .A M l E i Il c r m~1 6 .1 6 . Two ES ' JAMES TIOMPSON, Pao'xwo. Ntea s seôtiMhstotc Es ttiekld-0W 11We0cus' . Thé Subsoriber w#l h g.Intoruutise cern saufattred lgs t@ su d Lueertfoebeeup , udteu bisF. ABLE» Iulty th st i i em i mqs ar a no v oe n t e tis e d T X o - - 0- w Ct ' . e2 u t y 1 v u e Ib' eg te î t t e k t r ~n~ a r a 1 - a w3 2 i *abh~1 îsum li Ispreprodte uma haseod ~ u eer rs9~55,Tie ndrigned lUes oooabo tln n es.nunee tiat 1 a-nprepared te conanu i éà saes,» SiiolSuiod8ij ieîu as l'untise Ceuuty. Ravint prIparad one of Ersesnt Celebraged . teusers, tisat tihe sbqve Mllis, sItuai ouen Lot ih l.8 sept. ID, 1870,.o. dri Ilruuftei iautiserho e N.22 n h M unesi Obu TwshpMsIV.-Swine. »Oy t is o la uov oa eu tM,<j eu .11 2 oflu t is.e ib roiein ottiTn mhpO JOUX RODINBSOS us Vit i Se mu1 bt avored eh TOWNwaO Z MILBEý OR'L, MPO.UtS anwitis g'éater eedîit onubl ibltlseu'teîatsd IEUL MG ER AT RSNBE AE. [afr Dreusng and Shavia gfflante avory iatWoi~l csos~ ~~~-~' ~ fraiseub tqusmity O th sosmames an îcg mbg lna 7 hi he ours ats> v W vorwees .-i Lumber.tako la ex- de.pseb. - Oue, Brook ste, W bitby. ....... C rXC ST.9WI ebY. augessud OasisPrie, alloved. --ë#-$2 $ 1%ýnbrcn Imm10tofleein lngtb . 1- '2 2