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Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1871, p. 2

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oie l4bilt. l5>........... ac ~ Ï1M. 0 tie nidarsè *'arai t- niiht. Lu'$ Sar. ba~t refuied, --tîi* h--- _:-j P V'>e w "w Pr9'it, utDnI taeP a. tppr~ 0 .r"d basqtt tiilnL )beo.l politfor4h li iaat ii.tIi .qiipglat.d. r ta.lmpleUti. lgarding ober mottées ta, a bvu afite eu ni, Wu e tlion b e o minededthéCetii a n>C. R '0 -e olce vitlr Cowardle, doi Y, Mtion for, the.prolongation oflTuer,' ud otber ]asci. >frral couialoaao.. l mort Immdaîely coai.arued W@ pro-, Grand'.Tnal. 04 hinr of 'thRe bsad, dragied ci:out th*>bo- owrs qrevy RoUis, of- thp Natio». nali. d. ',h oi. ifcr r,&sr mise out roaders a rare Ytreaita wNTAUthe sîtretad idlai bati, a, ir rurrztur t, sAýc.a»t,1y, 'ias tton fféred thé office ot aaewieIopol h a olo i mica oui redcra s raretrait wbeu2.a ,i ,i, ss .mcsheld, -nocaq usigned, but saomay, Tiàier, but ho delard biiself a - more tV liaîepp.wohscllodB ih ol, rOy la told. -" linowling; TU» out,.. ......... 0 tiRe'riacals werelooking fgr onaey; sm 'Advîihotl rptiblicara tiba Thiers, and said inseuilorowda o6sd e.11mb and id 'mîoaf tu~ai n»oui. .....j ....... 1a Tb. fight wia snosbo rcbasuof PaoRO SGLkujv. W.cmCa flo-,YIa W.on.....................0 theie iioàw, u feorttb thef-ih- ctblsbmntcf mai ihmtiefo ofqLo ai omon,- tie o lu iii.iea.daloi sit pub........ 4 offilietrs at tee Winost en t ho""9ld ct ra1'pirnonfor tPherl;police verdinTry i co dvriof auns puhy wMh In iy. 1ld......::::4 ayc thes lai ruffians are? buowa, snd arohy The party of-the Riglit vuclllatd 1l98ge r, sud aftar oiauy were woopifrd pri aii. rn<. iTlaylor bW *'*'oiad*'*.*. ..0foi cortie timeafterwti-ds betweeu i*ts 4ars On bath aideil @entilail dsecduew cor dverimig coumn, bywb!h ilVin ............. ............x1 à tfoosthe .bill i but lis itjoit talet'ldse4d h u 'b.~eo hs im utrl Pnsra ' WiIe.......................em cl' -uteîati no.fîcfGambetta and the ascendm nniy of thîe bacille moiai'aiing .~pioeo houoen lgtreepObaricansnricfotthe...L........d...t...... lik of-scf? Dubiilu net tept.it4.is-ke-ofbet.r4ioleret ,oarra are. bi Insrao.Oopay ail John Drydeii, Grnd.'TQoat, Whitby, 95. wiih à Wicketc 8'evos l l$pare.luosgi rilé heprena rI a Tirs btth fnatdaeceda, aebenseîoodFrdies ( Eeq., the amouai of bis cdaim agqlosit»lcr.May bave the. aveets cf axtensiva improvil refumuil of the Doit. de Auimale determined adf ili.m, h7 roitson cf he ielale disasroiig Ore Mr ~uî.montcs ol isjikely tahave plonty cf cupa file Party oeh. igit ta vote the. billfor n our oiLhé' iiprisonout, Pri -ovsrfiowing ajîli bittera. the prolongation of Thiurs' powere; Dublin, Septj 4.-lî- proves %batthe . S ustiin tlwen.y.four houri of lias occurrence. Council met at the 'flamoron house ' on Temen workiiig for the Northerp Paris, Sept. 5. -Thoraeil; great agitatiocnO~5 fplc nne a'h'ro f S8uch prompt sand lihersi conduct liasAug. 2IIih. Mouibersaail preantthe nailviay up 'a-tbit time, are leaving ,in, amang thes1dauîgeroîua c1a sep 'hn Patris. *sterds7. WAS xaggerit.d, only ,asixfou alwaya cli'racterized thé course" of tuis 'Love swtri Iichair, Minutes of tuai vat'nucubers' and îurniug te the bMadl&tld Lait nigbî'and t« a xy natyndaal ocrawebdiijud ndigee 1 meetitaga read asud approvedl. TecrcCw y b regvo mîa ee patraha have bsec p.itcingte en d fro ilightly hurt. Twettyaseu rioteys weri t1l oompany" -lis business bas' large ly in - laidon the taail a Deui l ow n WDHall, siiher Companîy' wouîd eiiploy more men tbi'ouih ail part@'of the city, bii'ià groat arrested. Diaorderly. persan@a ere in tha tre crotad.an byeucoeftaidecnoilll -xcuedby âliM4 reithtnand thelOw 'oî epaue.erihumiors -trough the rev4îutio ary astreets, ail nighu singîcg .éditionus aogc. ih erese, ndby aoesfu an ccns o wn îXecui plo 0t "Th %ICVILYtandqtiarterc cof ,Behievilis, La VUîue and- Tii.poio5ttion ta auusrdwitb the gn* ManagementIiihlHome Ilcstiaoisî ow - 03~Hllp otb ' o,.MVy u uguât Sat, 1871. os@-s th" Wle. -SiiVerl petitions for aid ta indi ' Melienmocîante. Tliire are, about siXtY b -d fthe ondd &fonds second itu cu ccmpanY lu' thégents,'for iid coi roads, and îLf coitpefl 4-...thoucand 'troopa dîatnîbuted aIl over thic' odoftr Prcviyce, for stability and honorable dei au lion foir uheapkilled b'y doga A ~ Li .~ ivaHî~N-I ci a vcrilurefrevi coeighed 10 D tbuetas, Sept. 5y, uh.-Tli d irbntesfoin cuinherol cheques iw.re graîated lintth. been alà n -ta .t ;ed; o, c se~<,the brskai00ieîi0whr ii tp. oiluilmîtai n wip nesae ne fuli lag. " ua.iWSi3. fvl kt tew ir O oe stion flu lid ta b. whoîly undor the airou rieOisauv0iiceadb Irw4W vored tiat $50 be expended on * ~ ~ *dnn i.pa W influence of the. Interîtationil "gocleîy fur)r'ý Later in thIie vening the eowd'Obi TaFit;No u foi,... es..tie Mccck Road, Lut2,ad$2btenmenthe, be eoatmnaed fineas, and luereW lMacy taloutteaara idie ; others huse left vbîhihad butheindîepersed by tiiepole i uso u id$2bie ngl dnecssmtm seâit fwr si y#ïepeôeéi'trs ieBp graphie daupaîlci ocforth a st ome the 7 'Tii and 8th Con., oipponriîe Lots~s>î igru ypouatnat wi s i15,oeprcucr l rage coliected,*again sud attaoked'uh,,m.There und, length !aie position, ai affaira lu F'rance'and m16. Oi t iioofaiMn. lMcPltaoec-the ditor and pubîmuher of. tiijournal. menu. Thej arefeongreuit.yîd h vaSecliungalngLThpois h onideu by 'Mr Wartn, ..the (Iirk wu&aTh&%tstks ucu over,-W M Iosou aijesorex yîdlv4iscud"et n ewice made. sever4l. cavag haga btwee touchlng M. Thiersand the Presidetncy. atitlîînitea « eceive the dmat'jnstalistent bas goro e o ra-l bspim tli.coa ie r tîe clle but i ahouiti Ilii. a 'aut weniiy .cf remarni htu odue tho oldtlwn 'tiai, and take s'ecurittY-in theuvigdi of manio9d - hoa e z. take place in spiteofaius terdictiotu e eplet by h ofrae m pi ÂewihW Y fu th baadmoof urcagethe Governmsént. Thus fur noa crûwda gticks and a chower 'fmscles. At ans' tbp( mauy Persane, incltîding tic Duoe ' frdluiatc f ucha iaeY o11 pacctdly been samoued <'i vienes no have cÏlIecced, for as àqan 1;as a kux of cimte crôwd obtaineil su coipleteîy t 1us til Aumale, deneý> ~~~ ~nending aoven the Dsed te the pircin.erâ. Inave lier 'e turne. I' o;e hs iec eeArvn'a Asmale GensalCewraler,c snd Mar- Te t()lo ii ý naî'g o e yPt'de rid bs iE iaitntenta ig callecîed tieopplice intâr- pe aua"ta the polils er'din î Pah-aiuan eai itoflur on Tuesdymrigmfe fraddsov t Sneii asg fit obr- almil MMaon,-have been oli'ered tie high rmaters te repair thte- rond beiceeràtihé» "'dyuorigmte orddolvl îcemepcae fli sho arnack4. A penWu bobar-.pii delssdl csp $u th t nud Ititcon'., on lot 28, -and. ta re ý eried 'of. about ivo monîbe s, ilenea the bilmakiîîg it pttnisii1 thl îeio ig ta man ' t oe vas tien iupt up Iby the 0011 position but havrýdci aa ccp t iiove ail obiçt'rîîctionai (oit1hi con, ine nufforîng. The deceaaed gentleman's con the [Iternationalestus influonceai Liai mub vho smnshsd ail the windows,Afr faanicng tut by uloing u o a pretexi 'mighit betweeiî A- and B, and topposiie lot 51 nection ulîli the preosacf Catièadae, lnasu gc>ety' ia <meiaîncneaing ii ece no tme deiay te oie oc h h Arraci hoe ýiven for reuswed disoriers. Whou a(îd tîfotîîi' M-R. ÎtchiO, thie comuîta edtnil acctfiuaexede oe ai ppoetiîgdicouiouremte >tcnen, te repair thse roam opposite Tics. 'peniod oai ty Jeans, d ir heh lima tuînnl i Gîmd la coîletnplate4 'by miny . 1b 1ed iforcements, and changed2 the persans holding uai higli 'o ian d Le,î>î'aîsâ jtilh l _e .e gwituliapprelitelltioc. It mu foartd thLIlle scrowd with desperate fnry. A hand tea honving'undaubted l oaimp tapublic recog- A Byl 1m* pa,;cd tirougi lis soreral ic ecinc h e.aît ' ddoigaol'in o îe nnaftht> alarge cuiliber ci mon Lied igit aucueil, tho upiiot of whieh 'itioji, are willlng ta foreg panuîis .tâgec ion the puripose of aseiêing tte lspecpin f te atins tddig fit iernéýfteItraiulSceywt h&teplc eedie 4ki eg opotunteortunl o prty aini :frm,for the aura ci ben and psig,-e a, hale eicted'Te precauticr;a of t ithvonimont ant ce the isarracku. Axain-aud sai»ihey cf permunal Adv4ucement !'u vlew Of thé 8$25,00 te dülr4y lte munîicipal snd Ùhi- admiration, aven trom his politicai oppo- complétéete iau tue poii-ce ihiprnbibly aallld, but vin tht e axe recuit. At lait, St conadition of aff'are, ths hope lis aggssîed denitailexpecoec ci' tic aaid 'Township, fWt'lent»anmd Lin vaerm.hosarîd, géulalccl datre te attemnp4 i ouVair.cb rnd heuhabeus a forax, heu stigh athe currott ear, 'qutligies vndsiured ' is a tebis flesodn f i aiiayauirtc n bemnomelvee,î and iburth rwnL i. ;,îoI.bri»r a carce l'eee'ls i eied h rte faslu.ai 3ur.'Aî daubne cetccrw p . up es ulîl leed ta a cpesdy reoauolidatioa ta rpotci teadiabliycfgnîtigtIisbu e muyitr bs o.Inîmt vud e utld i boad n.hetroîsDrtigtt'mle eilai'le rdaniri)OO -portair f grating #Il* bufur any ears eau awtiare oîd(' eft ire cru the k'anst pripvocm,, car wu& thrown st the poile frema tc cf-tro bh a a e i s en, o u d e!y l T eMr. J 'e ds orer al 'ince. ' ted te te rm ae u h tiih e d ecpâaed , m d c an ih um lo tn . T ti eci ie a o f L y , îcr, % la 1 iillet n d rt t in r oa e t th e c o rn er f ý îa n o tre s, c o chbu ii"esue a iehsrce olaOucientiout ntu al.fe rbt odax hr iia oxn;rtoishort dniw f, rein tie (Jounty Treasurer, ail o1;mdtnful ie rbuu odax hoesmlrdtnraruot hera déferai nîttiri 'lad taion refuge. eue "~-Manies Iying In hic banda ta tih. crédit of oi respect, to bis, déparîed frieud. ]gn. have bue narranged oy d ttheertPo.. lic hruxneomd h i-n- Eaou TouIto Élection. lie Mu iiolpahitv: Nicholson wa, bore, in tbs Counticf Are alan iltled wiîlx troope, and the Gis tbralie th or nd upurmeithe house'su y-i -Vooicil adjournnd until Oct. 2ls4t ten Wicitlêi, Irouand wbchc e u daezmitileioc vryieecru Th ra ft éiin gis het le tteýilàtnntMciail, ho, with him parents, mnd îtsecîser lar wlircil ir a rsued lorlidding the lîandi celebration'rTe mub mails a doaipenale attempt tae'd t embsofabimly, smigra&ted tec ui tliiate. 5 [m t4.fmterenoue the pio mrad e baoieensuedL reur c lon M C Cmeon fr ia Ihae ss Fcîou' omoud ynp provinceanmd settrusin l emilon. ie nedtisorP'rlaeiao >r-ae uîgwiiih os a attereil and vicet before Hon.Ciief Justice Richanda. A bth in dîjeaus.cfChei,'as Cnopin sî Junl,, aprei, t he Specf aior nepiaae triîtunai nieci,îlly coiintitît'eïd fer csec' ti faîoraeuo plc larkeotîmber cf clîceeses wsre exaoeinede Sud Brouxhitis, te'., id ln infantile tie JPform. Banner, andl thé ï, n itipnins tiuaanwtî'.e aewitanuîbeîng ahi. te deliscr their fienda. :enig tre urtose 'Njtne*O'i% ittesiât avefrom but no fard nothing ubatererbasu bet.n disecsa of the prima nia, or Stemacb tne. nteciyo amilton. Sur) beetintuînred te teLEy te theieut Vit rguâunte wyttepoie" m esquo-t upotth hrgsmdei ntlhhecame coeed clli the ti±rcvihcî i iaiucîiryat ranr ntorvyt h o ice50len eliiîe tesupor th chrgs madei»and BIowels, wih eminecu uceI.,10con.Ottava àCilizeni ; andl in 1964 ormenced theuile ite 'uin'ine.Stis anid in their celle,. sangsdion sus A tumitou, dscsaln oi plcemcsonge throughoui thé cîit.,Te tor.(ny l ths pltion. 'Indeed, si the onset, the. siderng it superior ta iu ituiar prepara the -pubication 'cf xthe Eraminer, the tise Aaiseinttly to day oser lhe lootiun ment la very greai. aand is afll iee.réabing lii cags ofpersonal.bribery tuerai abandon tion yet cffered ta the public. columna cof uhici lbave bhein unen -bics utlebyleputy Ralieard fer thse retunit ao' lu caneot yet bu 'etateil, ciii certasoty, a ed.- 0CuaNDLics CasaN, M D. cuni roi up se tht perid of bicl decuase. te s Aanrbiy andl tise Boat cf1(hunel1 nist bowmany persans bave heuvonudeil or ett Hi~Ooi t aonsA lilalifax, N. S. We perform the painful duiy cf ex- te lParis - kita.Th rop es a ndii Durit, iracti ng ihe aNI)s fnoorthe E.amincr. Paria., Sept. .-Tise triait ci 'femile u il. Threy utîr o sepm cu rea s su. rigi be oen by dvertaiemet, incalhe col ractig theabov fromthe Eamine. inciidiirutudets arma, butt'dadrdournetoriiniewrehereebeasve be teriel Lesaub dvrlemnluohr ào corious cae came before the Nev And in doing se vs mdd our humble tri- of thit:are senteocedo sufer'a F'our WhoW umne Mn,' J. J. Murphy ailsertises, hlm York 'hiruit Court at Flushing, Long ' f"e old cte oieq-ne Dow ry oodeandGroory ior, aiIslndair aboday- Upn aun&e.gollgbute cf respect te Mn. Nicholmon'a many taimro uitn the iÏeý.idal ot novDryGodi udG noey Sor, cl eteilci Saiiday Uon onealgouxettrtilywira crlitary iunpionueiet. Oîîly 37 cf thee notera hase beon arrejteil. Dandasreet, aa hic goads have been "'lie coux'tithe becies for die jury panruola fine qualities of he'ad and beurt. ' Tise jtîuriiaîas ay tiat 'T'hiers 'and Higat notera arresueiljeaterda y vers ,-feela cere iiued y aegrouti, mure tiatî.30 eof Cisevalier Nignîr ic etluan tuiicten, haire lecceil te ires ad feunmonibe' ininen a caretully elecodei, partiemay rely on tîem blil présent,. lualie irsu *.se The,,Greit Dotpuie.- iîad en cfngny discusion oser tie. pitili- mont. eanihq gattîug ta godad hep article. 7 n niesune afier the Otixe es - pion cf Italy le tise Gastu-eri coifLrence Loai, Sept, 5.-A despaîceh f"om be Tii eximeeingcf he Ban o venlus Murrs.M. Nestrsud for lie EHmufit'n, N. S., Aug. 31. -The six '~Dublin says tisat the prisonens.laken. by il' t'emeigO te'ad fdsieilaâni. s id tiai lie ceulil cet permîti eaaaîdîî temsctnelte ie Niiw Ynic Fsthe-M..T a o plica during ths nota uen-cheereil usn Ilope and Temperace Union,'wulîl ho jbis client tea ui d by a negroi jury ; ha 4plfndidly contected up ta the talle boat COcOERiT huTr-New Ytrlu, 8e-î 4 by the people, chite tieofBoers cf the heen hsld on Wednssday eveuxhug, îteéISai jliehd no ajection tu theni in uiig people, 'r i ii ttt'Uo î5.Auelîg i oaint h algdwvr il.honoeraces sae uear lneit.,,In -the Coeignsgationaàl Chierchalin ctibieir owa colon, but lhe bhoil irsuçi a 'Thé'Taylor Winnhip crecvwon by tiret. fnirîdis iii tise cityoffinance, wic heu tcr lii Tei M.tEn c thîs. ' »judae maWnoe auaqe .te Iýigîb-i, in 45 min,, 45 sec. ;tise Prycr nixilt at the Cooper Institute 'nid ucas sil b nh polcf mnbouher en th4Tun U.Fln,-o anîes ncae&»tti'frgely atteiîted. Ainong tire genrtlemnnanntUinteplc..t iu Flnn c auane aobjeot te negrootpneic n o-croc ieceril, 45 min, b3 sec. ;tbh Cue .prsei w csc_ c tset1:t .' o.-iil- -eipf-cîed ta dslhvsr a short addnecei. i rauil nnftumed ta pleod, il tise count iio nest, 45 min. 58 sec. ; Renfonth à feu mnd' weîltiy of tise city Ex àltyor ' FErNiÀAc AND RiB)x ix us ta INDsi.- be The publie are inviîed. 1j- n.aidced a'couircel fun tie idéfendentu, but seconda later ,dtaeBatan coselest ; andl Uavcinyer , on lakiig tho chair, clrtimeta.1 Ifappears fot ramu st issuedtiiat b a he &cloi) obji.cteil, and as the.couissue si ucecooron Un n theeirgci o'prieoiCiS lnfitllowîrîg ic a iet cf tise persans de- in the- htAv Mcc ETaxo.-The 'foloving race the oi.'eries neiused te sot wîul a negro St John, 'N.S1., Sept. 4.-The enquiry comupositioin aftd cbjvacts. alicntd tiat il muinprison uniete fai oth husi msetusg ar' mnou«ae ta tai plce uryshecourt cas eblisldta adjor' ie othe ileti of James Etenortbi .e.thte cierges--cf corruptron irndl itrAva.ýnuh afet ftu onc 'dneLuq te 'are aenutiioettîi'aifa hase aury hi uycrmoel mla i xeCortHoes S. oh, yguce pref*crrei agaiatishe city auturi Lord Liueat oer the aathînhuty of "'w' duriiq th bav a Wite uiy "mmoedCurouned i tCutude T t.- vsJ xohn, . ies ihaïl colbeen titafactorrly arseea. Part 1. cf ube protection of liesmand pr..of pern Btrmiood, ta Gin b md îhvaierstcn biwénb tee ci1trîess veexinsi .wu irif. JuilguuErncîî faleie rn. lavemeyer n bParty lu certain pants cfIraenil met, 1871, *No BitlIsqvliIo, > eptombor fiîh anîd Gii. The. Confrenceofe ai aîn canfinmed * Jua. ese wrezmne.Shrff 0-bers, suti, 6 ian t.aagemn eïenAnatnisanmud Peu* a dn g etfbsa specccirgurg tisati le peaplu'n rci')iey ou hle lt insu. :J.>. Meliu, Jn.Seeny,ladi Et. entbarinte fi 6th- tit and diaun o . Ome mpâHaading dtiiltbuit, , t e heaaf hic ilbee s qut'inureîi. At tte ceriellisinri T. ayanPsLue-fobigmm ld Si.~~~~~ Cahnna ui î îd au ueipratPriec'ifiea Of Juilgwent bath thé 'Tyne anil Si. Johnt ef Jui"e Emtot's speech a serica cf iwelve bDcly, mdePst un Scetyforhen ames tii.muý - Srb, pulicy. l'bic a îçteemeant is', huveor, fnt crows ere gaing sas liard as thi yceulil resolu lions voeeadapled,.whici délclare bracf1cRbbu 'aeey.Th nm se Seaeri, lii ud 2ti.exacîiy a ray. 'lh. Roumenian Rail- cf thxe Irihconvicts atil nemiuirig unden r i ilib and 12th. ieu Lttforîh fol." tiât tise ity and coauuniy délai hil more Cam oulh,2i n 1t wydij t e&Ptilcoiysie n Jçoaeph ý*toarthy, cabman, deposed su han doubleil wittin tise lest twn cnd a punrîbment for cemplicity in the manches rCan Amra c 2 x, jthe coudtiîîtesliat tcotversationcsudnaofficiai canî'yiog Reufori<nom the river-side ta haIt 'ears, bcing nce$118000;0)Oarloser tcf n emous are . Elward Shore, Charles Bnnu1nul 'i Ibih' ad 161h. -pnîceedingeaci the Chanceliers oaitbe tiSo he Ciarcmo-nt Rauie when idS. The ln- *3iOo oeta hcMyr alMehue onIuuinJhcln Carroll. aTutir 69 $0 ,000 0 0 m o e th n Lhr bil 66 c, t 201h and 2lt'u ounirires, and tiieresut is regairileilas9aquest thon adjiurne4 cftil Tiunsdiy, choe s tablitaugurutcd, in illions ere-ngeaan TWillim o c niie PatmtrickFeihé-,Notae but thi - mldu d 27th sud 28ah. happy augur>' îîor 9imîîar joint action x oîa vdnc iIhiae. Th a lci n 0111,atirg-amndco'fling;ent persan is aoc ander detsution for tuoiis D i, 27ib, 2ta beblievuturliatc mite>'s millions itismoreid OtîulcWllm aboy fii P tnikMld.N K g i a , 1 1 2 t m y u t r e i ~ c l t e s ii " ~ ~ . a - t u n a i e b a s b e n m a i l , s d a p o is o n c a im i a u n ý e e s i sh e p ffl t f lu i a l a e r e fl e n l e n e l l o u t r a g e , û o n a r e n y . I n if - g a e and 80tb. niantsa r Gerniatty andl Aucirie fonaned oafounidin th' stomach ,. nmovsd. or theinpioedi'gâarrested. g orst league for msîulaing Ibo Erpa i oioii uieadrs o ede ftenushe salutions were aîoptei. leýrs o tu uinpnahet, oni e CAu'rte.-Puroha.rs of the Peruaviuapoueoshlniskirug tsar'agaitisýusny nation sbeito,'unRnai' io o scalil, Oliendarfsr.,Robt.-Rooîîv5u, atlîd nesaon.felouy. 'Syrup (a proetad solution cf ithe pro- inclined ta10 iaurbixuit peace. ilainJcpiCvChoxte x(o.'ouunnflcdh "sehs sua 'aoughouq ths cantry ' maie 'uliir lisi heit ing au 'the 'price of grain muse o tue ulma. But ibis ha Dot &il. A oi maioan suoh as Las been in operation lecago, 'panalyzpos mile from 'the Miasi PI ta the seaasrd. On the 301 ler the manipulations cf iLe Rit luwas qioteil ii Chiicago at niar ut it K vs eitiug for in Nec Yof si Ais stais cf affaira la vas ,toîsi aeosible for legitimatetdealers ta isa Tie> buailatustand asile am t-f.or tic wRingici deoica vomi. lethi y imut tbia gaibling ha breadtulla 0 1c libe stopped hy legal setemunit. ST.duTOMAlSudW Ea.) I.RUt11. 6000THOMÂS (W I.) IN RUi8S St. Thomuas, W. L,, Ang.' 22, ria Usil N. S., Aug, SI.'- Atither lx3sriOa oiwept oser titi, iinfontuimte lalan 'tunning esony - hoce ail laying uh eé in ruina, Y esnterimy-at about 1i0' Di a. i . a gale broite fmoi th . oas uily afienvards siifuing to ihe; norn fnotrm iniiai4 iusabt bIewmono flore Il Doon,'client the wuvis eerel roux( vil tu tic enth,ael feil opon the iç. in s terrifie burnianue. It then shuft aO ihc'norti cousu andl ec ,eiîligneui ec Until fins p. m. chois thero crue a wiol astel tilti 6 p.î. AI tiabici hurrnt gein sewepu aven ushe Is»an 0the seuuis, but' ite donation eaî et ong as on a prelsvis SIi, ur eut.lis unce au grtsat lia ierm cf gnoaecs lasîsil u>'tee o boursClosel>' fol- tg in ths vais ai the inrnicane came iul 'gais frcî uLe-Ssouthi snd nonîli vlioh rageil fan several ie sg the hurricane in the efteu pn ml @bocks ofetbnlqunie recilenei drosiul tise situesion oi the peopl c-na bearni oser head tho cria- eo h ome by the liurricane, sud l ad to Ai uhe a&melime auxier fot the dations of t iium uhehersakte by ith- iquai. Hundreds of ivehllngi bliet aopt oa>', muad not a musehait toft Standiingg nndsinueed an ti eseI isîmnd. Sois 6000 people havt 1sft idmeis anmol' iestitute, seLj 1 ans bundrel mnl fifu>' pensons' hase killeila artilnigel or. disîbleil b,- se biocn owou or bricks and 'tils thiekiy ail' erono uu tist e bui. Aàlueatdy scii"atixint> oârpses hase dragged froni neden the. ruina, vhich, c-haps'af trousfeoce@,s, latusel î; sol - beaps af liricks andl silos n ihrougliaut the stneets, offen a cight feot iloilnn . casualiies ta report among ahipping attuhe exceptIon- cil1a Britici hban d wtb as&r and nidiug At antîbor nh tuti Of'-the harÉor, ehicli broie taud wont sînifu tocards Rocisail m "andi haseuil ta hocomo e oa i .Fnench steamers irecoumtly arn.ie jiftad about sund gui fait agroual,' a 'Englisfi steamers 'Coraica',,Tyuie Delas acWeil mc the Aoia r i àti nuelor blie, ceitierel ni hîbnlsomel>'Th e cre iS o f tie boveven, bcd uo 'cnt ,docu'len. la- asse ber. Tha iniaud , cf St. is euil to e La haruinei, mwuca L- y m hurricane.,vhicb juue pasasil nu0 mber cf Irish doge of chicrithe iliking tax uma P'sid luIrelmal in as 210,422 '-a log 'ta every tenuy t.- The e lx Prailucei£27',042;aild ldoctiaig £7,095 for expenses in tLe itratlan or tbe'Âctof aiPan&Mment, redisned £19,947, w ch wuc n iri lien w s"w-g"e.- ulaieîsouge, meeîiresîpessoc ing I i as tIoui t ~È5'aia-and tis eaoni>'of the cascade Me menntt look'possessiono tf evéron l of ec euit dnkic lx-theprc ui tise lunchuior ent-iras -reaoho,a athtie'Prince o, ls -i',nc 1mi minuits complerececut cf 0010"]l Caulfleld's t~ce.rth ur,: Lard'sndL-,L lus- anrangenmeis cas m'eaiied. 'Bebid the and athers' 'af the dx'stingui ), principal uinqoee.stood a belliterit for aignred ttiîr cames in the vis cie ervnts 'ii. earai bic Prncetiers >ta lbedislayed ta tm'as the ervnts Étegea ofwhic Prncebape, ey a prasperaus >yen 0g, Arthur subsequenutty helped ta ,a noTesn'saroacod scc nI>'. pulling at ts' ropea citi a cul, ana liva tto tBa, o n. dvng-yoemîan's service, arid . behind tlis nica tto ~ ts, o ilyt agit1in, cii n Most ctrefulhy selecît'd spttraienvas sentliai' 'thoraee ao c as tLite io. It is astanisbing chai afternacn, and iad.wafted, ail e nla skiliiil arLint can di), if pnrper epplinieut Wv4sthe 111na pi-siig, flm>', aare ginen isito. even un, 'a barmen place ; errer>' one anxcous toe 50 and cdit b 'preisabbe tiat since toanna . lsRyi taip- sile ; ever>'cru een tin the vVild.rnesg' there 'finas n o icfernasly andi s0 forth unti' bacc mors àppeu ii o d ouce in lan party icene se&tedandselthe uO .1petll;food Lut nosel off. Itw.as îeanly 1-1l unpreiriîitig "ou try xohn taplactel the phatitinni ftise Harcout-ý belctoe Lords Spen.îer's picefnic paty on tien, Dubin. urus neacied, arnd Sattardmy fttuîmnaon. I[t 18 oelecut.,ary mtwe h t ta p'.ruiczîlirise lite hioimph.'u cf his lord pVa icef,,e ien he c rnues o slilip' chef.' '1The oi ibeatu.in Mr. 'Tuof cernidegau * L be, Af te tu Ioce.o 'éI woreii rieil, 'l ainaîîtgo eu cla ue LedLeuu lanly 'foil cf sa pi-uic--thîe eaticg 'amnd cnes SJce gv a tInriin pru Imuan c cure, uîlCie niher stipper p'trty, ut chiai addel, 'fter a ruiaxuuriig pauue, Uei tact.io l f'>a ign h ,ter' L ori onaue Lhsuug i know of whieh I1 ts i oi hgîeu r dlikt! betiter eouitiing ij;îy Iiter cortsotiîyber lovlfîihnces Princesq .I me nu a LtIe ' -ti, un ciilîl an, ol M'uXniqîuis c f Lone,a o w hic] t' tise Royal pic etc jtsluip ,wbis i'ii humosiur fi),%iug %were irîniteul, riz :-Th, ~~~,~ 1ioisl.I asjs .rn -xun had o-cinrîc f anilton, st, ditiraly. It ua ust3 pa . w ea hecf Lsue, Eirl ai t i l casomîdil. -ut nighstefint>' "e LivG'ntrri',îe 'a t, lien.t l a eda dilr 1,6r tice lîise Wvere Ail i t. Lu<y Stpi n , 01a ilhot and tise genutlemen as 'mdl as tise L" S'u'ui, V 'uotajoGrcy r.' Era la Inisut dcii. 'liera c-a saîlule ntice 'vIn. l'uîz, a.ulhMn. uer-m>F' 8. soil(;.tiit for ail, thlui 'utieaides de- tir. c'. Iu',et, Min lieio A t oisp~tdLi tergrteeaiaet Cptain Canhl.A 1D c. 1'l gt Iîlaced4utlnîsne ils cf taire long tables un 1leie tf tise hast diya-' holiday a -drinh currcsîto, led with wiat %i r u'ctiken cf.Theay cIf the Ro, r aceustormed Lu caîl respectinely tt>e chir i' 1ont roankeel cith L a hitestn' ,aèvnsadvtce'chiairuiut's places',perail nitr 7nu Lcen pwî l)rfpc etontsi ttl' niroundl robin of cnngratslanioisa tg ue c m vi» u'ire li bein a l lien e îuî" t ' Lt %: A o n e C a u lfl e d f in Le - rn c~~ ~ an'drroheTîxeling peoplepoplutualau.dii 81 contre ci tis0 Lubie, sourne uai e lle ci01 nfil îedwligpOis. i i 1- it,so cam rî itae otîsen, and as 'tIse -cml pe-nfo ------- siecwA bîowîîxgdot'ux Inîtu tusiesil air]anul " et.5 Th 8wm -freahh>' csen'the laie-, Prncuss Loulsu caet erilesa, Set. 5M. a ucemi seatel citîs ion batk towurd2i wItrue ber io csi vM.Jmc uiec tweulirise boom if Lie. sijie cf the Creitoitn, Medonte,. whthinan inrîuîreclail bacc down. -Tie Prince coltance of W-rmuinster. cons dosi Wl aie&s atit iiesuitsilo, aou I nmd ire on Sanda>' nigbt, The ire e ( ' u i t e s e n c e r a n d t e r s h d i a î i b u t e l i l n t i > ' t i e vo r n O f a n i sc i l f im If thîieulves rapidiy, tire Bar] ;onq Ciuuî'es'i' ose luo eanîy $3,000. Tiene wi a preakidrngitn hast anldiiost.ss Excep.tirteunrance on the mill and' lumk ,this t mu.was by dutligit sol irpore aurfnvuilicvelaotido anidtIhst- unir>' an e au, in ioiii nîg Ires.' iew8ddope bu ing (ahiff foltfloats, butel white an. I coicurel, i md made snch hendailva dal predortin'itriig artsocg tIhe gentîlemenî, autdlcoutil buaseil. This à hu e -se t'îsteful -coa'tuntite'îne;ae îg u.he ladies> ourrencu of a similar lind citisin tht-ne van reml>' ixel lunuchts o lîtiîîguissl Oo momix.. Meloutni la fst alibs pic-nia usieai frounAan eieg4jt nîner anu inensiablel uerintv fan lac I in a pnivate house. rire "giht "rcasionial'brutal iadsauitg aria rcblienioa. Chairs, forty oci là Qane docn, sa"tiat Ainnml-Hi'i i evenyhuody cas Prodeu, s <truck tie foc Ama amdýlufsOtbit peaauatny cio caiue- ta lookitouvvai Barns,' tavern, Rria, yesienilu doeper ouo;zemesît titan -augîit iu particuarn are ont yet' lint. ? 'W hy, ,B ull>, cocan, tic>e a t' up )on - The Bau Fra ici scapaperram on gould 1' exclini el an aid ain cf hie 'of suiide w chs taiec bighi ranil tîs cu rta î s , c h u i a d a g li m l ?,a e ofI h i n o f le a ra eon e a . o v n , a tenon cr ftire . lent witeloluiicîon cas 'AOVO~a 1 p ro g r es ..i u g , a d , h ; iso vn g mto l t ais a n , ete n c e il to ,a te rn i o r te rcm'tni iii tome l enougihoabu isard ciimbed to tiie top of a lunge cal lunule, cubsuquentl>' relapéeel îuto silence, fail cf hoiîhng coter, mnidxhe'u it amI resiai aIl utisut iconversation. self-Lacicard bute it. Be cas Tisje appaili-jg,.inagitudeoof hils dincever>', fnam the sseethiig calînon cihailI orantoî a kiirn th-nttbh is madria ISn-. spetch, ati receised medical amu hake mcl iibbeJIruîglieci ah if lies ail but lied lu uvo houra, sar sufifs mue ufileîto coe is ta ge, acd thougl i cae inieti moes Lan once, ta moat terrible agun>'. induce hlm ta prais fortiser l'emnrkls upan ' Loulou, Sept. 5. -Advics froi chai ho sac', 'Pet cas nettLa hoilracn' eeve nti ct tt ta li L must cot 'be sopposel tisai ail th isemn' eceieha t iî o> aitla, pie pé ope W4 o.asscambled about tli ar-eiia ieViso~sas qiaco cens equllîy retioomt. ileaven bho "&icïnii'bTs"ervice bath la 1 cil tiheilaya'îiat aie comimg le said enedinl the civil dprset?'" aid pat'arch piounî>', 'for tic>' mIllbo bas besu icien ln caucequence ai guod for muId lrelacd.'. 'Shore tisere 'ing anil, jealea.>',displayed toci itivei't béeî a bit o' roy'altylitre in Gen-' Àmeiat by uero rish dao, bfre1, Tsilo ic hedîL> of cf bmgh standing ant i nfluence. King OCoel hssttewhals puPt'y cff, n the cdays oai'King Oi'cae' adîl'a 'New York. Sopt. 5-tlu ha1 bit ôf roy'alty' led up à goal' del cf iitiq aeveral welI kuecu parties have cect foc. "Given magnificent scener>',lotoa rrsnzsmenta ta boitd a' c ieasenly wentmer, pisutl>'cigiaod coi hteamer 500'feau long, ch iniete pic>', choice freï and a ditiposatian ta c ailisd stab pleased and the fates thettusqelvea could pteted ialaimr c abb nol tmr theploeures of à day.'Ifl tofur', uceen Ahhauy ati New York. il day. Thon. ver.ecime in -cidenis and the pamedt lat the oew steamer, cLiel splecilcurs af 'the grand bail et' the nigliat oser! azctuaively for psmugera, before Lé tait river. taoo, ànd it sppeanuî -no ireiguit, mbiSrun uIo Naw, y te bu agesil on alisidez, ftrnm the Piflpesc reluin11' btts,- lecumug AI baà Louiâe and Lady Spencer' downuwards, sorsis> sd - sinioeh iiJ

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