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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Oct 1871, p. 2

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usy, odS IS, 15 157, Ibe Prperty of Nu'. ThommÉPaO .Y.bs J. hi. Ptps sbleof fibras,asg balf of lot 27, lit don. of Pice.rigq, one Ssturday, Nor. 444~ 1871, ibe propry of Jaim s lII,.ot - 19414 of farta ela fplemeots' ' &., on foi No. 3,1. late Sib con, o' Tabridge, ou Th.uadàyr, 0. ,Wb, !ffl, iii. pro. p.ril of Mr. 'ùbu NDhit;J. 0. Pilky, tho cit,..neli Dow la, &Bdin,1860. the Tibou mys u-"Tbh. du hba 4ea put bac iifr-Ibola met.v 'h -ed~utouqblo,- but itiu su forîuvusa u18 snimsreeuprativ. po..vu m agogme viug trom 1to --v.- ifresopapeori r -- eues u v it i îl 1 -,net t ire 1 gau b. u..g. suur rour$ vatk&onnsofuuo - ibo <ti-bu ýa ruasi' so risiaslaod' Canasuda b> - Ail i. netlest; cils Wiin thesh ii.FOIuiluaraid in th@i Nortbiyuuî. FoiPa Asit oeuragelisoier g 71cM"'r iodl, bapu thu>. .111 new relatebho, man) SNLY Si150 CENTS AÂTZR I hmut buel dthut "uhe prosuetfor "eoârodl people thor er wroin Muses tbm future otf hcalëgo ia en*oursglug ebaustis ràeOenly, vsa l vas wu 01sur- ,Wlltby, Tliursday, Oetober 26, [871. send bopefail. misaI th&&' a Britisla n meof, ar, va& Msuu>is. W'iT o,-ru To', A orepou oui raling arou, lookia; attler tibo stolon J a~à0oloou,r Nolti îilusfsht b u t lieaoxt meetiag ofthetiiI TUELAT FNIArI TTIoe. Jeoiuoî-sm.action alonilbe.aku AuImportaut reouciou luai Eg f wrdshslui ile trucu igî.dmlii ump. postage lvent loto oporation rse1.utly. Tho. Ist Feulas sîltempt on.altiobs dmringubthe oming munes, the perhe« of * befolowinaï$ eth@ détsils of th@ new bos, hât e épWed.oeusr,« ltte l oui" sIeenle uda.reource fcrmif:-For a lester nos exceleding 1 -froominlonuly so. h p,esra that trou cti ani devaiki our u*atikreets. onnes, Id.; ieesdl 1 concoe, bai e nt iço. rugt uuofn nth@lie "IdV' 5iimiSI The questoa( fthee dviubulîyof ozceedng2 *ounces, l1. ; exaeedimg 2 mbstraoeer tace b.r.liud aipou (bu- peuple of lftg lgOur priIpl uteelonaulong ben uci~enroceda ues 4 lie Prola.., :lrrsipuilve',el-pieudi&r- iotd slgbenb r i.nu o soodiug 4 ounca.; but not _ exeoeduug 6 once@, preste4 s amsIluE front tathlb te yoer&Iugobut for îouuo reason orouc,24,aeedig on esbt 9"4d of ,neioreasuîs 14 by O'Nell sud otbor, nes>ation -vas takseainu Ieoauer,8ane s, ba% u neseedI. ;,10 oune Donoibue.. Tiieplans ettib. mat» rs uil atheii. vol. ting vua lioved te drop,8oucsbtns xedg10oo, vurs boud! ou thb-bellot(thetthebre ver.oresud bus ben @fice.lest sliibt et. -W. oseas il,-I; uoeld g10 onuces bat i ou ex- livisions luaie raciks of thu i'uitbreeda. tbýt the,"assoit of the 'Village 'Ot Oshawa otaéding 12 ouuneç 4d. TIi tariff lu vbiob voulti drive à part et the piipuls -a e.tsoing sopi (owardî .bsvlng thoîr iimiied te teel,. ounces.,nst! luttera &bove ion laieto Il r ae1ud au~thi e 01nisu §fronets lgited1, et a ausaJilsent ta the corl, hue weighe viiilbu churgeti ut theraie cf ve auiureutby 09Dauogbee bat on tiroir parsition, the il "sd seeudsice buing paid IIIpenny aungluee. rrlrsl et the (routier lie>. vould ibe 'for, vu underuad, by privai. aubsorip. .The. bi'll brongt against -Major Hall,1 ýomed by a -purty cf the. peope disait- tian. Wby canuot ve bave thé s.-. fN e, York it for unslfeuancooin a>.e t thi e .Ti. vualia Ilfiit w ore smieis! aoat ualing lazary-im- office bu bel"' dismîsuetl by the Grand bo nvson heéensâ4 oloe&;provement in Wbtby?1 Jury, who bal it bufore tha, bat a vote 1à arrivai of thbuOliiuvodorquî repolleti Tii. perchuasse of.rein iehatm fcnuewa.udo alfrng himoti au uttMr-theuwna opadon n- . - ngi eu doaeadth e ntedisciargeof et i.data.. of bis aulamul attiei.m araude osa-noceuuuy of basviez tome means for pro- ote ýourgemnt t th marudes, ectiauar propey againua Bi-e. rired in Tuis Tii.villago- ot Watford, (Jouat>. of Oui Tosti>., ai lent. infrmato uaovicu.s; bat teadey Wliby la belpiobu ltembion, Irat for uome da patbe ueobed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I QoîurAelmîi"tu oiD ues a conflagration -occerri -au helip. saouu orroaadced by £î.es lts lb. Woods,à ait~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f oesridbit iiaa.O le ?îsa wau ou former occasions. wbe.u vliCi eucronclied uooeclouely uaistti. usfeay Ill-avigday, beiisaed à proclamation more property wvil 1doîtroyeti by Orue, end of lthe villagte wu doabteti. Buiuesuuvau iilng tb. ueoe ste ussambi, aji i e- om 1 loua oceauione t théi. ov' tara ativsi uosepencidt, and ail'thei.h iuuaiaau Il a lii, thve popsle oeu, nt - y oilpuchs.. flfty ngine.' It mit bufurned out to fimbt th*.- irie, vrili' lie, anti>. veang,.îb.peole f esryhouued' tiutthe caonin yullie theus Siiceufillycotiqaer.d.  largo amoumue ailli pariai bacdmot, madeop andsud alt hl liteuicm.tleru imPet t P ari meetin.a<e nd aise of tituber Il desrioyeti. Wood& are aiso vic Ibt 1000m-mi bsuathua could.,rstion sud attention îheiu~ou stnar In v oe r e sd u t a s m o m e n t '@ n o t i c e , t a m o i 8 i s r î c o u n E u e i d i y c o t - poaresverad crBtr diycnei esfnb p etin g a is e s imý_e, ic Ti Ccth,> OvAr I p oteris re vocating ii tieua bility of b ,ene puraho, ntthe@am@ticu, ed Tu: Ctru7 -ci OuàgreSTIT. FR te.vsýwpapers of tbe Domiioe n iuiug i 9Goveruor vwu ausuret open Dnuques El,) ne s As>. STocrK-Ur. James 1 Daviditoleeber othe purpose of procuring àa8 athi autberlty, liat bis proclamation sou. of Baliuam, haîu olti oneofetbis Cl Ailycabloe eiegvam for tii. usa ofthb.i ooid moot viîb a loyal vaîponuse. Tim. dasiema mres, Darling 3rd, 3 leus nli, Caadien pressalool, bicb, il but a abori 09 )rtu fromt the front ou tbhurod4y lofe for. the eum of $1.000, in. raid$ ta Wm. one, sboauti ut lbut lb.- neliablot, sud-shoald doabi liai tb. raid vu ta comm-uas e Mafaîtt* Eq. Stroagvill., Osysbimoa sonî>.cousi mateer ikésly ta be of inter- onco, sud,naiedy, orderu vere uiveiCoanty. Ohio. Sh. vu sirel by tir. est ltaithe people 0et iis cntrvy. W. attivance a body" ef trooPu tovusfrda theii.a uaupb Tiouaipono. poviei otet] borue..arasa iluat tbe project mal bu broagbîtoaase rier. Witiiu Ivo houmre limen rom Net/iecbyp-, erdam, imporusti D..niing. uccegfai isue, anti th&ai evu ii Dot isis "e o!flime order, teo buatireti meai - uvlua iniil lb. Higbland Sciely's -lot ierotter lhe troubled vîti h ' àbosi"9 adians anti haIt bree otiFeb....iti ail fpize in 1860, st Perth. Darling antiber thet nov touceseaus 6"per Atlantiacule."in ussaîr>. accoutrements anti munitions of progu.ny alns 1860 bave gaineti 40 loias, '-a ver.e e route for tiie (roui. The. priz.uo, 8 Zrud antilard prizes, tir. Duvlidsu& Tou TzLcGRaàp. - ~rKiiugeoiil bastru cel vus contînueti ontil oventu occuared bas also securedt i biommer, a imo year reuigued bis position as edior of 0crO rentier furtiien advsnes eeaeuary. aIdGi>. t(rom Wu. Obsimers, EBugO&,i'bronte coniemporary, anti, it ia staieti, Thuruia>., about noces, the.commantier Wbust," Seotlaud, ubvea Doram-ajsiîevata u rpneo c iinae ine ho BUnfietiStates -forces. u Pembins. froua' A. rnickl Esu,,Rq., Littyton, voriicto 0 acune the. services cf Prof. Mt SWbeston, ettéceako entidispersedth@ u.Scoîlanti, front famil vIcI bave- been Goldwiu.Smitb to fil the aditoriai chair. ter ara aLS tii.>.veroe croulgthe (routier, in their baude for more tiban u quarter cf ------ ui mistig Gpn. O'Neii anti severul of Ih. a ceniar>.; slto a bull fvom tir. Onpehl. -BewaCmiu... entenprising raes. Tho, rebelf, O'Dnuogiuê es. Kinellr,'from the veil knouuusNunpanieu proprietor ci'f the Weekly Courier bus edta théi Britishsidme cf the lis, but ribo, bis dam Nîmupariel 28ih, by Prnea commeticed the. publication of satisil. lir afterei arrlsîet some Frenuch of Worcester (20597). The Coun>. of edition. The noir journal is neatiy got oif breedu, eud vIII samiulqea' vievlof Ontario mue b. .iii scknoviedged as op, asud centaine a large amount cf local clic kt vas hoit ta be done, taIre. 1tbau- occapylu'g itheforecosi place for the blsi-'oms. avaIl »alitear intereoting reutingpro tier anti p'aced le the @ame cuulody sas 'breeti of bonuis anti stcck. motter. inet otiier priieners.. Tii.American civilMaT.W ON& o !h s sfu tohîle4 ut"-Pemblns, je vbom col .' Mit. JoHNSToir NxW SToara. -The rn a. gt. W n Bowusfo Oeslas or salon dliverulbis pi souere, tilseburget i uabliilumeut of Mr. James Jobaston fis ronralaget bou, Caasefor beveol.li n, i nouber raid Ile nelaer expecteti replet. vwilha largoeaati buutiome stock ioheNst erymeuaAOtee Brots ofWb( feareti trom abuse fellove. ot jeurellery, Watctees, fanc>. gootis, h;c, ucetr I re nc, Fil ka.,amogsîuluai ilihi oani mn9.frum«Mr, Bovuian, .111 be wrranted Cirue !sAsosatr SITTiNGS. -The (ail sitinieartbcleasalishile for preseauts. Mn. JoIu. i t ce, nsti ot rin -(e adls e Court cf Chancer>. for exumination atoutstilibhis increasetifuilities, islu luouba olma itnesues andti ing cf causes, wyul position to - fauis the latest styles o! DaIesuon WàamRaoons. -The. istliner>. as1 ueu a e dy <Thuaeda>.) betoro ibee weliery in oe>. branci, anti bis cutom depuraieut of aime Dominaion, Wanerooms fui « araleiiiChncllo e Omuelo (Mn. or@ eau tiepecti upon the gnuainsensaof th limeyl b.ene opeat-ti, vitb ail tbau nevelties fri qti.> Tb. doet lu iallu, tiba aniciels pureuaed Atention 1a directoti anti stylet of tbe sesuon, on Wedaeoas>.inle t, ur. beiluoui>. tour nsee.to lie t&bis uonncement, vbîcb appentis iu usasNoveeber lui. lont 1vis a Holiby va Poisson ; Mafia otuen culisua in chia.isue. abat---. h mu Ontario Ban 1 Engfiu s. l Pou -- ABAssAi,, usTeua.-Ur. Jas. Wallace, lav b>. ntiPon Pu7 Eilvy Q., nti PLOUaauaSO Mu,.--À pougbing of the Loudou Tes anti CiseWavehouaova o Iru. Mure.,matchcouder tebe auspices l0f usheWbitby unauces ibat gruau bargains eau haoithe ho (bird ceae lu e omsâuevsîî local aGI Eoit Wbuîby U-.loi Ainulturai go. searted in '&sas ume te omn ai ji 'f ti foi roi Th ei uhe vol repi ot lIai mai lnt or COL. raidi capt espe vas baîf 'be hem of i et.e Bouc Siral tosi Té resete pan>. hufon Sputi noutm brldg, Dicson'. effcient teshbiag s0 amitstars lb.lr baclse; tbat tie debt ba!been etrtii. remuvltublu sueeuasachieved'by tilir tliit uo yezre, -aines 1889 ; tht fellov stutieuts au ube lveceuut matilation the Mayor ha reapousiblo for the oniu&a exsmiusaiouu lu Torontou University, ' Theieon 0ufthe vbolesulî robbury naithe oie>.; taudiugof theoscadidates vla, matlca.. tiat àite neuarl>.las mach ($ 30,000.P00 Isutid, froua, the antuitate, ia au.- foliOvls S aserto van the Gavernutfethis City. lu Otassiasnofisià til L isi $ o adminisien tbat of ithe vbolo nation; Maistbmaiaso,1drt, 4&b antià imb, in ias. 1010h04-aie 3.221,865 vers pald for Bru- 'a E-îglih, lit, 2nd ud 4h, iu. aclosue I.;our>. repsirs,,0b i e aielexpoudituro lu Bluter>., 2ati, 3ntiua l h, la ue l . vsntmreiIn$O,43o nleother in Civil, - Enuening, loi in libslf. avdrdls tii. ring &joie. on snoury accoan)ts Hlonors lu Matieaatias, Engiesb 'ud Hie- aloue, $3,029,4002 , ; ubt immense eama tory." bave, beau paiti for- services naiperformei We ae , leue te ierof te iuce 10o 'n o kncwu lu the offices from whacbh Wu se peasoi t bea etai. uccs bs,drew ubuir salaia;istat tbs Sabayler liai bas anowaued Mir. Dickoona s effoarti au fraude* b>. whîcb ahe bibi, of on. couitrun- atoucher, und.ý bope u t ib ou gond 10v vere raaeed frein $45.000to$30, fortunei nias: attend hbSine ubis p weul'oe c9mmiaiel througim the cutuuivaau postition, Mir, Dinksou lusu&aotti ppil o f 1?etWS, M. Tweed, [thé Wbltby Gramman Sobool, anti affntis fîeaiIlei one mono Prouoset uaccoui ual instilu. lion hue. acievot uroagi Mr. Kirklsnti's -Mn. BotO, vasDo Wutesday ile- efficieinstunnel vihomî'Opposition 'fer Limoei. effiion mauçomu.Theo nominatiou vos asnal,' tamo Mn. *Theu Pu)pe.ý Boit vu repveotenied byris son.-Mr - RYan, la prnpu)iug tir. Boit,tiecluredti hat Hie Holinuus the Pope is maldug pro. Ivishuasu, helieulug HomoeIRuloevwsu- b. perations tu lase Rome, lu order to plewoni, remei>.fer tiie evilosfflictuug Inelauti, serv pereai ntieondnce a apnitul mre tieterinineti nover te nohax in ilueir e! serv pefec indpenanc in spri anusore tuprocure it,-Mn. Boit rimelun nisîtera, ab soon as lie Farlismeut of Iîsly tiauîs'on bebaîf cf bis (sueér, vlealbe assembles timere. Titis conue wva dvisel aaid, vu preofuth !le distinction of beaug, b>. the cardinale, vîo receutly bell a Presicent cf the Amnesty Associatiou, ýant meetiug for tlut purpose. vsluwubn ait apact>., as Wel au Cham - pion tof Home Ruale, ihat tb. siAcioru O! Tusac 1 vut ayFà:o-ri', tuf AilLimerick liatiretunet ihlm. The ,RerBin. Saiti' hach il le eldinth .Mochac. QuaI., Roman Ostboio clergyman, do- SW aintsConcbyuWed ell lue nit. NvrchancI thisathe people wero leterminoti te lau' all o Wodnsday v'g nxu, ovoeek uhoîrr ni(le peacofoîl>. if ulloivel, but lit, au 8 o'cîlock. -t)y. forci if driven te hu. Thé Rer. tir. 1'Dsryer,- anoîber pnieàI, declanedti ut ]BuOccx Pta. -Tiié Brock tuvnoiip tain Ooulmtufiisni olti become oshablabotin bell au' Sunderlandi, ibis jesr, in aidtietoIrelunti if tIré Gorernunent suffenel tie bave been tbo montsuccosutul exibition POOple to vemalu in discoatent sud agita- erer bell lay the Agrisuiueul Sociely or tion. The proceediugs ternuinsteti viii s tbat twuship. Vt fta 't-sé iéhaoif Tas 6 'ai o aa -cGà-ax" batid o A SaowRTSiguwn, Dow-,ion., tisonor. aet me au fltove: Pemm.pe t msiy nul b.o rovdits, ltuovn au the 66IEterning Ganig,"g amies to romeeleer tho prnater in e>. lis' >elougiug to the village of Oshawa, ai- couruoe.fHe truite evoryboly-..b, knovs taketi sauansnmet Loti, rneonily, in nom vionu ; bis mono>.iis catereti mon>. lparrill's butel, Oaabuva, s asti hi m uo bere, antihb ard>. knovs viero te look bis l!.vu or ueoleiuirl fr il. Bis paver, bis iDk, bis type, bis ual tbat bslf a oradn ep i uuurneymeru's lahor, hie living, aie., muat ut.hi pull for. YOD Mr. -.-..9 anti Mn. -s--.---- 9 andi a bamndreti otbenu I couldname, 21 Possmuia.-vioN. -Prof. Asile.a- bleharo n bis papen. sud >.ouandatijour nouucs ibsi he wili appear autheibe iieu bure been umnuel anti instraiet L Mechacicî' hull. in ibis iosn, on Fnitis>.b>. it. If Ion miss one -paper you ubink veniaeg noe, 27thb mut6 Tie Peterbovo tver>. bard of the. prinier a Ion- vomîtM eview oaeys of bis ?erfomnce rallier g o ibunejour et meal thon te beotiepa-rti utfyour best nevupapon. Prof. Aebiey gare ivo outertaincmenus Hure yoii orer compliel viai the ternis of' en ah. Music Hall Ibis v*eeul, conuisîiug of youvsubs.cripiun 7 Have Ion paiti hlm 2, ricke in loge rde mai aanti ceeues un run- (un isatype, iibis eïd vok, u&c. If Ien riIuquism. The ationdagite ou bh o c- bavenetcoi adpyrih f aimons vu ver>. gond, sal the audience >goatipu igt f. 'ove mucb inuereie th ue clerer manner Nutwituuîauding aIlltb. lases cf the. T. a wbacb Prof. Asblzq ponformeti bis van aie Caanfetiarate Sttfes haro 500,000 raions feesd. Misstae oAlstor anti more vhite people lui 1870 than tie, bal dr. Walter Olinton interspevuedtihme eu- in 1850, und the border States 900,000 'rlusmumeut vutb 5011w ver>. goal songe, more vhiiet. The enîlve populaion cf md sustaitiel ubeir part ver>. tair>.." the Confederate Staesela 9,400, 000, anti o! - 6 the border, States 4,380,000. 2ù DsuoacoasMONTBLY fanNovomber The Goverucuent of Ottawa, it je sail, 'osaulo us viîb s fuIl amd atirieti choice are iu veceipt o! officiel informaionm, tluthn la ,fWinten taibions 0 ne essentiel &0 cur iotbtinthie civil sntboritiou lu the lmate andtihliataes ti f theladies. Tic Unitedi States burefaken cognisaca cf the reent issue bus its unl vaicu>. of Ma- unîsfl uoings o! O*Neil amat bis folovers LY u pou tbe Mauitoba fronaier, sud ubat in- ici literaturo, buseholti, anti othor use- formation bai baien laid saRsinst thenu by iaraftulea, andtihte Dow list cf preminoethe District Attorneo>.of Minnesota' Pr 1872. Tiieteruue for c'Sabo are tory fi la ait, the Gorman eszpetion to teus oeral, aud ubonlîl be examinel by ail North Pole proveti ouccesful That the ho requive-aul vio tios' not ?- aexplorera founti au tapon greenu polar sou, StI amil. Magrazine. $3 00 per yar. Pub. free froua uce sud aovcrmiaig euh ,whaleg. 1 ied ut 838 Broativa), Nov York. 1 Jolie Wallis, late M. P. P. for West Di i -'s "-s0 --Toronto, is s4enionsil. Mil YOîUNo Auitsa or u Noveauber greetu James Seati, B.A,. o! Quhava, bas 1 vi1i enn us ja eant pages anti beaîîh. been appointeI Imoat-master uf the Dunti alut «Cuntealu four tie mids 0ftliuitjtl'etile bîgh ion'- i nud . W . uink Iis inestim able M onbî>. lbaum inons o ! Canada bave telaurap h deti thae 82000 la u ticdisposai of the dis- creasles luvaine esci successive laue tressel enaltamen bu Chicago. I oaur youmg fniendu uhe arae subtcnibers0 It usn-suber artliuý te rouI elme Lontion aIl, ncid onîsaror te procure cîbora uit ibis journais tiat lions andi tigèeay, ho 1 evulule sauon. lie>. viilb.oveill vo bougi: lu liai cii>. au wioleaalo on relat..lut krded fr ubir trouble, n prem iuins b TLere lu a great central arebonse in lt puliber, W. Jeuning e Daumoresu, 8 R38 ioorai 1ea lu ilos~o tizeo nd ni sbras bah aroitl>.beau sont to S Navy ev York. $1 perr>.Oar. different paris of Ieovorid. A c;ooe lu- ~a neliee ccuoumptiou, ant inluQM.I IraA. Paine hbuissueti a challeng e MItrea t- w sh otog Lmatch !for $10,- IL. itutl 55ha5 deottd àpeifect j000 a suad te.emuionghip o1 A-jQ r a o n , b "l i i s s ML S u u i o k a à àt i s t ; j - 8 J.L nith,211d. "i O.cooredti, Misa -K. Stmicklund, lut; 0 * t a g M i aA ., P u m r, 1 4it~ M s A . The Prussian' COss 8Gazette comtradictu he amcunt givon b>. M. Benedetti of uhe al. ugotiations; between Blismarck andi Na- Pa ulfeo in- L186.'le is userted (btat the ly.. rermunsp wbilo ut Vermailles, _ued b ~ : not i Fu, ka rasi 181t 11-ibé-0.ýL.ii;tÏî 'l "' I., --, --- -- 1 l commaodOl. loit lia.ol4uir Cityof SuocZISàt.-A&emtioci mu diremte 0tciof ameSio ssu Ag&Sicujturai Soneîy vofV ste, Ca pi. miloj,1. u, tsvsal lb. uaunceuî c' f Musu. Iirrcli à vus bell ut BeayertSn, ou thi'lOi it iolI4 sis,' laà«. sevu e hly>Ueaemd.tiJoiastu'àsalse Of tiiorcatb.ined stocois, ý Th«a fir wu .vPryi iceeain, -in u aairet al 'vh~umv bsaast bi. .su authuSuI. paousuuber fru,7tbaeesau of entris> excelen.cf ai si, mid' artieles Weili se iftclJ.18lad p ot"FgrIlI pii% « ~osW#dadsy>8kNor., lsx.,*Ziud 51sa1in5taa&ti5ài5 2 y-arold i efer, G,.%lompson 1sf un . -ea d d. ; 0.ThompQon lut; 1Wu Joffrey 21nti. DilliOnt, 1871, G. Thompoa lit; il istokes -md., Heéifer CuIt, 1871, G. Fbompsoe litant 2nd. Devonu&-Mileh Oow, E . 9.peueo«l)ll Wyeam' oldbo fer . M.'Spenctr. 1 yosr, olti do., 9. Toms 16t; T.:Guy .Bull Cal, 1871, . H. Spencer loi und .2nd. Ileifer Gaîf. 1871, I. H. Spencer.- Ayrsbire-Milch Cow, 'Jas. Guy lot; Thomnas Guy. Onti. * 2 year olti beifar, T. Guy. lut and ý2ni Yearling beifer,, T. Gu. lot ard 2nl. Orade.-Mile OCow, -J>hn, Howdet lit anti 2tt., 9 year ofd heilur, W. iJ'airey 1is anti 2nd. 1 'year cîti do-, G. Thompson 1ot1 anti ý2nd,. Bull Oal. 1871, 'W.Jeffrey. Heifer Cali, 187i, J. ilowden lof anti Long wool -Aged Ramn, . Ioch ýLt;- Wmn, Thompson 2nd. Shoarling do., , Boule lit;-î J.- 1H oper 2r.d. Rom Laemb, W, Jeffre>. lit anti2n4, Ageti Ewe, W, Jeffrey lot and 2n&d teuarliog do., R. Hairper lst' S.teile ind. Ewe Lamb, W., Jeffre>. lst anti 2noc Southdourn-Aged Ruoi, Sheirlimugtio., Ram Lamb, Ageti Ewe, Slmearling do, and. Ewe Lamb, H. fi. Spencer lât on eatb. Ageti Boar, R. Hdbbs i'et ;. H. Grifiam Boar Pig, 1871, S. Toms it; 1. S Wilson 2nti.- -Ageti Sow,eJ. Piorson lui; S. Inca 2d. Sow Pig, 187 1, S. Toms lut anti 2)2 liAiliTFR00005. Oheese, Jerry Lick lot; D. Lick 2nti. Firkin Butter, J Lick lst; D. Liot 2d. 10 Ibo Butter, tirs J. . Goulti lâ1; . Lick 2nd ; M -a T. Utuy 8rti. Home-matie breai, tMra T. Guy lst; Misa Nushit 2nti. Cabbage, Ohas loît Tît; L. Corycîl1 Bushbel of Onipns, 0. Ho itt lui; tirs lIeut anti greatasu varieiy of Vegetables, Table Apples, L Coryoîl lit; J. White lnd. Winier do., Wm. Thompuon lai ; T. iuy 2nti. Faîl î>ears, J. White lot; D. Lick 2nd. - fViter do., R. Harper lut; D. Lick Crab Apples, tirs J. L. Smith lst; J, jick 2nti' Graspes, J. White lgt; J. Burns 2nti. Best qput greateat Vunicty, D. Lick lit; nr Chuase 2nti. Special prize, A. Farewell.- FOULTKT. Pair Geese, Chas, Lyntie lot,; D. Lick id. Pair Ducks, S. Toms it anti 2nti. Pair Turkeys, G. Anderson lstanti 2d1 B.eut anti greatest teuriaty, S, Toias lot;. S. ilenry 2nd. . Hiome madetieBnnI, tirs 0. Lyntie. Do - do faîucy plaid, do i Do do clotb, do WVoolen Corerlet, tirs Heaslip lit anti Cotton do., tira 0. Lyntie. 10 skeins stocking Yarn, tirs 1. French ;t; W. . Bower an 2nd.c Pair blauikets, Mrs 0. Lyntie. bIng carpiet,Mtis L Frencl lt; trs . yide 2A1. 1 lowered do., tira 0. Lyntie Carpat corerlet, Mrs . Lytade LADiES DEPAIiTMENT. f Plain knittiuig, woolerm, Miiss A.L. Fare, Ill lut ; Mrâ Jos Deurborn 2utid., -' Do., cotton, tirs D. Lick lut; MlissS. xicklauid 2nut. lancy Kittirtg, wooleu, Mrs william ikie lut ; tirs J.,EILtioitt 2nd. D>o., cocuon, Mids S. StricklandlIst; is A. ilam 2nd. Crotcbat work, woolen, Miss Glennie2 4 ; Mrs R. Sinitb 2uîi U I>o., cottoîîi, Mn. T. Guy lot; Mie M. rickland. 2nd., 4 Jtaisd BriOn work ; tes Glennie, lt, 1 se S. Polinar, Zauti.1 4 ?lnt, do, Mues& (iernie, lut; Misa Arum' 1211d Fdlrit braitiwork, IMiss ; Strieklanti let'1rep anda291 * Lady, Equostrsa, MHigss.Zfoodl. - whoi Glenetlemasn Eqtàcstrian, jame-Bleck. Ir., imsue id let ; Allan, Wilson 2nd ; iH. Thomnas Srd. tihel Girls, RMis . Hond., goodi ft Boys, ,John Alexqndog 1 t ; M. W. , isso Wilson Znd ; Win, BlaIk rd. the E EIASRBCOWENDIY. himst y oin umMn J, IL.Smnith. ao Log cabin Qiiile, M:ig E, Thomnas. y >b Down, sowed down, Mrg E. Tllomas. telit 1(ogg picture, Mfiss N Strickianti Paris 'luft QÙîlt andi breakfast Sbuwl, Mise letter Arnoldte.le Drieti fruit, Mfiss Dehmrt. - sblWO Eapberry rvinegar. Miss Glonnie, stîoe, IPli4, W. D Bowerman. toc of t Toilet set, Mfiss K. Kellv. to exjp Pickled pearg, Mi-s 0. . tMetIil. ufer Drawing, rMia .ink, Miss Farquarson.byt Citron j,lIy anti canned blackberries, 'e Mra G. H. Petlar..1 Pickled'onions, 9. HughLA, - the Tei Cuinneti Pears andti pckled 1omatoes , tirs G. iH Petilar. 'f-aj fJrab-apple ielly andi varioty of Pickles, in bei G r p ew n e , 1. F re n c h , fà m il >, Cannd'cherries, Mrm A. Cameron, appisi 4iaee e ts, eagle Steamer, drum hat- addg o err, coal utareg,. milk8 pans andi pails, G. __ c Pbotograpb, finluhed in India ink, A. listbe Barrait. ' abani Obeeso vtt nd heater, Cofg stbves Wta andi boiler. Hatch il Co. - 1 - trasitori <Jard, toili, trs llHeslop. -tiure ni Wibne, cellery and drîetiffrugit, Mrs C.- it lu wi Nettiol,3fias N.,iSîrickland' a~ll Wou Pair 1 antams, Harry,,Gibbs, the-oui Cnnlifiowers, 03. Hoft. J Honney 1mn comb, bops, bats. buessax, dresu a feathers tieti down, tirs> 1- ric. ' Oid Eaupbsrry wino, -MrsS.,Toms. ogain Ambrotype, J .'ot. - .(deUil in thei Tirre EA S onox TÀ5ÈeRNACLE.-TbO centurv largest building for religious purposes in îlfr the Enst of London-.aas openeti for the -nci use of the Baptiut congregation, ugider the inocratg pastorale of the Rer. A. Gý. Brown, form- dence, L erly a sludent in Mtr. Spurgeonnt; College, laulis ai .whose populariy bas rendereti the cîmapel - n £0 I at Steptiey green, aeatbng about 900, Loo adîtit im Small for the purposes cf l5ivine service. . , my The inew Est London Tabernuals ,wÜ4 lÇ5Mý9pJiJ will provide Sitting accommodation ftr mare-m about 3,04)0 persons, bas been erecteti in and tnt, Burett- rond, Bow, ut a cost, of about Ithat tru £12.000. lTle frot-tage jr nearl>. lI4ft. in unlppu legatheliaemgbt 60ft., with a turret etKngl a nti; and thue_ deeh 881t., The cowardi basemtent containu a écho o lecture hall, -pW-ssbly 02x84, witb clams rooma sud ample lava'- froc exi torial'accommodationt, 'witb bhot water war; p aiparatus. Tha opening coremo ny was morne eh presided oier by Mir. Josephu Tritton, antibut utila the proceedingstbrougbout; were o a very formner, enthusiauîic chàracter, the building bei.g wrdt -lully occupieti in every part The population of Londiin, accortiing to ýWU«A the lest census, is 8.883.092. - This vaut frained1 multitude is more thfin the c -tbined po- diastrict. pulation of New 1(ork , Philadelphia, concepti Brooklyn, St. Louis, Cihicago, Baltimgore, er wbic * lJincintinti, Briston, New Orleanus, Sun consuitue lFratmcisco, Buffilo, and Alleghany City, great hu Pennstlvania., To lotige tiiese people wau aIso 777,060 buildings arce reqtmîred, anud the The une people consume annually 4,480,000 bar-, private relu gour. 420,000 bullucks, 2,975,000 clmeap ýw sheep '49,000 cabres, 61, ,250 hoàs, sand cîty plat one mnarket alone supiplies annually 7, by Ore ; 042,750 heati of gainie. This, togethaer formate wtb 5,250,000, irrespective of other fish squarecIr and Salmoin, la wasbed do .rn by 75.600,- wbich se 000 à>llons of aie andi porter, 3.500,000 erectei ;g4llons of spirîts, anti 113.760 pipes of joining' wine. To 1111. its milk anti creaun juge, future gi 22,740 cowu are kept. r'o ligut bts streetS purposte tî nigbt 680.000 gits lights are reqaired, estimate nonsuuîing everv twfaty-four bours 22,- remffit 370,000 cuabie feet of gms. ,isu water periahed systein Supplies tis enormnous quantity of cago Tri 772,6701,824 gallons per dey, while lts ewer system carrnes où: 16,629,760 cutic Gen. Ceet of refuse. ' 'bIfariu, ils inluabitlaums a fleet of 1 8u0 sail -iseunployed in britiging- on) Octal (irréspective o! railroads> atnu t î>. 51250, repo ta ii 0010 to-.s of cuals. Tne suioke of thbs -on accou nmugeuue quamatir>. of coal la somectimes so La.ke Sht dense as to ho pl,îînli seen tlhirty-sux uuget ie. froia the city To cbuthe titi. uul .b) %ingt( itude we find there are 4j160 tailore, the new 50 400 hoot anti shoe inaknrs. nearly 70,000 mulliners anti dressmuuikers. anti Presid 297,000 dogiteslic servant. ' th' streets Wilmot, of this utetropulis are about 2,900 -in and Amue unabber, andi i put together would-axtenti the openi 4,000 utles. ie principal ones are Ainericai traversed b> about,1,500 omunibusses antimatie spe 4,000 cubi (besides private carniages anti on -sucb eues vleo gcoen em, ilI neé nr hoartu thle single tiisane Off ,y which, despîta the- fanlts i unes of ihoewhvo- lueur it, au ýprincîple of anthority atid 'a tiagxaranee; raeit viti co lie juigmeut of that people.", j and the crimes or the Empire 'e g-lomsal tier or Madoneti *rds, bût the truuîb,. wbateler fairl>.bi knowm.ilusuai jasu, irasig tW trace out anti reri iii,.> even if it puais in a, bett.er I Ianà'ý churacters antidels. 1 toé's bitter charges of - pensai ce agaiPut Sapoleon ]FIL wý r' flot rafuted b>' tho Laupent îosureocf bis paTate in tbe 1 erbapiintica, thous char"es1 ,ne in pntimptiig ith. xpou a onl>. iluorical jutlra, silice 1 wevc se freel>. trampeted te 1 t record tb. latter. rT arAs Duaa'aoYsu.-We lie .1 publislilng al>. esp off- use6bo Nu msp cain impuru the fubnt tion of tib agnitude of the îlesà ,a hua ofentaken the ait>. On i ied portion was concuntratsd 1 uls ot the wealtb of ths' ait>.. 0the Most tiansel>. pepulatef pz coosumed part consista cbienv rosudenc.es, multitudes tif' tii wooden structuras.01 A esp cf t ot xbihits a vaut ireauntoach ;but it doas not coneur>.theel on that Pot Ins thso oi>gute ailes cf' ibs is epen prairie,g ruarcel>. % habitation hisyeî bul It vas. annexeti froua thelu townships, te accemmnote l ,rowtb ofthlIe cie>. and for -pu a. Wa uiuink it vould bualfe 1 e-that tvo thindu tof tha capital ini in buildings in the ontire cl [on that îlraadnb Mou-day.-Ch [Sbune 1501. - E.emon avrireti ut Su. Paul, Miuu ion I 1Ptb, '- nmFort Ganry, au intensme excitemeot, ut Wiurmape ani of a rcceot gold isycorery a Jebandovran. Specime'ns cf dusl anti quai us bav e- buen brougl iepeg. -Huuamtieds are rusbiug t gold, fields. dent Grant, Lord Llsgar Gererno 9anti otendistinguiahed Canuliaa ta-jean ger.ulemen -wene preselu a uing o! théc. iBuaopean and Nuni an Rnailway laut Watinastiy, ats reches oaf the kinti ususîlil uttenol occasions. - -MARRIBO. $à -TILL -QUnuhoe'9th intsAI.5 nen of e! cbrides rntb"n, Wbittti> ter. 8. T. Gibbus, Sauauel E. Babil, eou te Ournie &Y tisgitue of t»i lau Till, E&q. D I -D - [rlgNf.-At wbitby, on Satara>., ut,, Blizsbetii Alice, Y»Ogwps e ft be.,lal. Hgi MolieBie, 359. SON -At Whbluu>, ou S8aturislr ., of oomption, mssmue>.i )Y.-At Niagara, ounithe0 aptaiu Dauneasa Ifil>, "ugsti4# Wlaltby Markrets.- 2.saoiicx.s (Irpu es,0r. UIliliII bet............. vm el a Whaoat ........... .15 0 si* . . 701I ............ o t* ...... 1...1 .... -_! 4 e 93

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