Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Oct 1871, p. 3

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The Page viii eoatltnuo outil lit POVP neui>', s o titatbugs *alunwiab te le atm -- (,c hot,. Tea st about SU Pur cor fÏw, tb. ordiuany netahi pri", viii haî uaî' AME6 WALLA CE, London Tes & CeteWarebon Oppoâite Itobsota11 Wiiltiuy, Ot. 26, 1171 Mdiss DAIITNELL, Wl, Â NXJVERBARY FESTI VAL 0DY.AL TFa& nl.erytatviof Ail Sa Ç hurelu vli bould (1). V.) ona411 tiii ,y, .atîesd,f Nov. lat. The~ publie rtaiIîed go attiid 1he.i'réa naetiiqrt, lu MeAhsua,' ILail. ah S p. ui. TIi. aveui r romedlngs .111 ta, varisal y Munoie and rn toge ; nulprofite villi km gîven hte eut The, eu#ji Ch,'oral servioe vili be éd la oulid imialov;eou, TuemasQe. oîit Whatby Ot. 241h,18 A SPEIiAL IL ElMoN WII lepreaciea ln hVtatimata Preslyt la b>' Lthe eyd. W. 1>'.Btaiisitylae,Jil. vitir reurac to the Jute, dlaaauiitt frite the5 atighburîug -'ouiotry. -à 00iiection yl-be lekea up ni the close oid' cftlia.aufierrs. Whitby, 0,1. S5Lh, 1oli. FOR OBYE NIGYT OVLY 1. r lit a ,te Pl. late rRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th. lu trou lLudun llusloalaitanud V'otninquiat, utiluatopr oh Lb, ceiebratd Kutrtalu. ment knowu a.m )IABOLORJ.UM, on, tiigatja Droana Lande Mr. Walter Cinton,4 Tb@. elebratd Vocoltan sd Pisuilar. (roua te AiiaswbrsPalace, Londonî, uii- od bta> ' EUs 1ATTIS àAhLe1x>Nf Tlus poptlar andi pleaiug Bil.dl.t. nls. *ite. t>t. "t1h, 1q71. 4 TW. Bo WM'ANp OaunlAetlu Csumdi for snasrymneu eud Deasn iaNormer>' Sheck, k~oourBB', Y Y Udr..., N 0TIC£. - A vhit, borpe, villu smail red spots, -(White 9i1 une.1) lmpaunded on Lot No. 6. ltrkeaa vront'lonaiitip ot l>ckerlg; snd yl k, bid Ly i'eialîo /uctlan ao isue 2fisiDAY 0F NOVEniDeR, 1171, 9 thé..... af ont olook,.p.un., if not ecimuad Refere that ditt, HJENR<Y POWE.LL, Poundualeepr. Plekerng, o2t. iard, 1871. sn. 43 BUFFA LO RUE -rAIENq. Tsken, luat week, frcm BaalFe'hôbtel, arelim nev buffile robe,,in 014 onlu biag lit Jl, ita uiae. 'l,10 erpou lootek It 14 nLqiauLeti ha retourD iL st once, ad $&nie fuitier trouble sudl aoto. - JOIIN BAlET. BrolIgiîam, Oct. 94. 171. 43 Wodnosday. Nov. Sth, 1871. EXTIINsIVC, ÇKEDIT 8ALEC WELL-BRL«D STOCK.- Damianof halutpnlcesaltiiaaougu-bre.i stock, Ldsoro. Birreli à Johuston - iliI cite, fanrsale b>'Puablic miction, viLluigit reaer'VO, Or. tieir pieiuluem, "otNe. 10, il, the~ ?th ieoliexou.iior l'e Tuvshîr of l'okering, --013 Asady Niivetiiiar tu.1, ititty- tiireligua wiuli-brei .UruadeCattie. conelt. file Or- 1*gond Young Grade ,'Cava andBaltard, &Ili gtîtyM.Ilïsg,, &tllr'a. tIoru-t> roid Buill PIIetfB,,irboti" isud >bu.xt'rd Mazurka 's sud Warratd lID OMit ta iie WsI.kolowil Rigil "Bel1l>uigité01Uird," [5205l. piveortltîo,. cOva Ilas, turc, trlillt tlloreuÏla.bred iruas- *~ 1 Rs64 rarrow Cuw ; 8 two year id Grad, Jî.lffro, gût by the tnin Bull»,, lot li) cuit 8firitrate trade Yenriltlug 'ier*, tif, g.t4y thi trite Bull, ",ell inuksor harkll#m.pl 87S N i.; 4 aprlug lileéer Cal ve, -Cotby th@adis auti.'IiFlur or thelle are pitLlid 881111119u14, one 0i thuM É&iîituiktiufirit pi ltWlîîîby sud Ilrkhotm; 1 Lwo yeir poid ateer; 4 apring iltetr Cd1o,,.grsteDitiul Cal ve, 1 tiîoreugiî. brai Bull Ciuli, pagret. fini elua,. Bd frt clamas otawotd ilrnp, *ongloialagof 8 skilondd o ierirng Kliv,,ot >y imported sd pure bred hoimoa S2 dâuu Sayeareld kbses 4 4iert aid Kw,,; l12 pure-bred Uoîawai EveO iambe. t ba pair di b,:,, iatmbe wu# show,, et Wlaftlan sd, ok aitiad seond prise, MI Pieherinopthey ohtsàned firat pria.; 1 ebear- lin$ LOteoid iim - 4 do hain Loinat>s. il iure-bred BrL.jira Pige, got by ;roin* Milira'sImportd Bottr, and tram àaopelndidi tiioroaaihwrd sww- 4 grade Iicrkaaire Pigs, me boer., sudfram goid gad ow , tOroui, ibred Chanter white msu si lat *btosiead rat Aud second Primes t-tilre Agri- quitarai show.. 1'psn matoled goueraitiurpose maru, inl euero,,, wb>' eliîerby, rtllîîg 8ban urtot ast prs Aeé adl v!codto uing ?f luls, mineaaLs o1eonîui Iding byy oin r" o.a sp int rIts, g sa11, - 1r re inw foui. enn;Citb mal tooomnùne lt nocm. Luuih At il b ioeatbours. lei7dgUMMS 5LRAll îîsutis st and unde O~s1ver SiaIaout lmuîsori 7I ioIvi b tne'isliilag îpproca* jJohat s,, w hi agrsir,iWud vaien duo If 3«10Pid, lteru.WI b labtrged frota d> JAXMS X. PÀTTElUsON, ?k nOotobi £ig 1871. Aeia, All'of whicéh w the âttentionof intendi Wbirby, Oct 25t 1871. THE BUES Chickering.Ç Union, Dunham, Stationp.ry of ail kinds. Stei nway, Brad bury, SoolBooks Music llOOk~a ýý,.LEýW IS A L LU N.. 40 NE ADVERTISEMENTS, FABM UlOU ALE. The But haitfof Lot N..$7. lAt Cou of th@ TO)WNSHItP 9? PICI<EBIN(;, siLuîate oan tii, Kingstion ioad, quarter, ofmile troua Dunî- baron, hiaamils friu aha, rtnt Trank $tiaiaiu reoimaa'. Ba), sud l aWlua frontm lia, Ton'of Witby. . This lu a-va.ry deuirable fata. cul>' net-lintr propsr bhuoaandry ta m:uli excellent ratnrna, ev r>' led-vnî,rud, a eod watt. Ivo service- Vnleiîtiy altumasal or aichoos andi obtrele*. mid ouiy tre.qnartere aofa&nile, Irai, lilce Vi..t.w. .ruhardipcilabout 70 triait (pâaJf. oci beariilig condition, abo;ut $100eu wortit of vooe lean md, misa a laiir propertion xmtald down. TiiAs propetty vîli becu.old ou udvantag.iaal,ternata the purcbaecr. Poasea-. bingircu ah oiseu. 3w* fd Ibis AproPorhY la nat aoid' or other- wîAe diepmd tifbutan e slat of ?uavembier,p 187u19lte sumo viii bas afoe rsd 1ons y, b ahut- liai Attion, -n tbe peises. 0e oà5ftur m, Ithe 411, of November, I871, ut 12 occc noon. Who he b atsvit be uid10t a hi bout idder.1 'rerW$antudconditionsmd, kunau nthé, day ofalIe, or on lopplicatlon le iti, under- J. RAuMER UUEENWOOoD, souiicitor, Whlib'. JAS. SULLIVAN', 1 proprietor, OU taie prentms, Wkith>'. oCt. 17tb, 18711 DP4RTfMENT. Lowes & Powell are offeringa niagnifleent assortment of new Futi and Winter Sbawls. Strlped Shawia, in- the bo.rne, M1archionesS, Duelch. ose. Reversiblo, and Reversible Ottomans; Paisley Shawle, ini the latesî de. iga;Thrtan Siîawls. in the Victoria. lýob Roy, Shephierd, lFrazér, Y -ilow Fraier, Jordon, macdufcJlnd Faicy,ýmalcolÉi; Wool Shais lu plain c'olora. * LADIES' UNLEM3ARMENI. - Lýowes &Po-well haveàa-splendid-':' ortment ofLadlies' Scotch L.W. Dre-.*ee-Ladiea' h1coteh L W. Vesti, FI. Neck audL. Slatove; La- di - io- eL"'. Drawers, White and iscar L Loweâ &,Powell, are offéring a usignificent assortment of- ricli Plain Silks, the best value in the Dominioa; J'oalte.de,,Lôire 511kg, lu green, blue, brpwn, white, -Marie anitoinette. brîcaded, aÏntàether silia, lorming the. large and choicestt collection ever offurai this, Town. -Lowes & Powell .equest'attentio n to theirvr agesoko Rosery ceprjyngtbe.atest nOveti. RoPb ROY. and', Sbepherd'siPjaid I numbers luin Misses' Tartan. stripea fver>' fiae,; Rob-.RIo>'anti Shepiierd»- Plaid 1 hos1e elaaaîic tops, for children , Rob Roy' and $hepherd'a Plaid hose, Ladies' ize f1lBoyle brown and steel Knickerbockers. Lowes & Powell have opened a tery large stock of Irish and Lyone Popiins,'piain and figvUret. No extrVa charge for high colors. 'Rochat's' celebrated Kid Gloves and Buttons. Lowes and Powell have a i1agnficent display ýof ]?aill and Winter Hâsanad Bonnets, &c. Also a Iai'ge variety otf loweri. -feathers, wings, birds, &c. R'Lbbons, Millinates, &c.' Wbîtby, Oct. 4. 1871. NE'W FÂLL' IMPORTATIONSI The subscriber bege leave to inform hisifriends and thepublic in gonenai, thac ho bas opened hie New Store on DU>DAS STRIEET, conaiàting or Dry C.ods, and Croceries. »The Dry Goods have been carefilIy selected fromü the Best Markets, and conîit of a diaaice and -varied aeartient of Si1ka, Poplins, Ppit.etta. Black and Fancy Lustres, Lusstrines, Fancy Dresa Goods, Black Oloths, Doeskina, Tweeds, (Canadian and British.) Ready-M'ade Clotlinq, flats, Cap, Gloyes, Hosiery, Prints, 1 ' he -VrocerY DePariment is replete with ait the best ar- iclos fuir fanily ig.e, consisting of-Teas, Surgar, Colice, Spice.- Rite, &ce, &c. tl"' He would respectfully soliit a eall froin those intendin g t' Farmeré' Produce taken in exehange, and cash paid for Butter. Vitby, Septembeo la, 1871. JAMES J. MURPHY. STOVES IMI>IOYED! STOYES PEIIFECT, !!l I gnfraik Îkar Pgowne urvice ie aru et u qa.onaulet No. 29. 2nul ttuof iity.haIt a mienoîlai o1 Mn. 8 Tarins 8i 30, patyable At I m3 eterric, JOHIN lOBIN-tuîrq, iProprietor, Wbitby, ct. iltb, 1871. 3mî 41 D OMINION BANK. .l-l&eu eli' e cn.per MDiti tipoli tih. pau cup itJ a tock af tlis i.ltitu. t tenbolîJeen tlii, dy ilcclared, sud Vint 1 te saine will b, payable at fie Bitikiug t1.ielit itisa City, oen ud miter PW EDN bM D)AI, the 1§t ils> of yorelliher nhext. 0 Tb. i>îvitlés,d wili be "ciuliteiltram the liate oftl;eo tgaliiztiuu of the Bank. riz,1 the lott dey of .itîîuary hîatsud opou nui>aequuiit pametfrurn tucrdLC £ie, ruttager Jjuko % il)iivie cloeed Irour"the 14 to thp Siat October aî,zt, bo'j, da»,inelu. BI order ofltheboard, Caahier. Toronato, Oct. sbh, 1871. 41 NSOLVENT &UT Or 1959. Proi>riesod Ontario, l h i t cuto Cotnut>'of Uîftrio. l .1 Ctn> Cuto To vit. jtiie Coutan>'ofUntirloo la 970. matt4r of MOSEPE 4INTOIY BX~YDEL, ana Iaaoleoist ena Monder , te wlth tdey of Novem. ber lulb.ésur of ont. Lord, Otto, î nn.fd BghL Bnrizrd sud UetýortYton,the raider. si1cuîed wii apPi>'to tihe ,iuof. thb al Court, for a disoliarge undor thie saîd Ad. - )JU5 fItPR NT*f4YBANDEL,. Per 0, Y. Smlti,, bis Attornev sd litm. D)at4et aIhthy, t-hk îoth dey of otb 'y17. evMar> dvortiatid reiedy, bh" dlacovercd js gamp tu nanso otsaif-ourO,,which b. viii gond fri W hie feiiow ofoes 85-17 - 14NUee5Sh'w ,s.ok take pleasure in showing to the public this season, new and COAL AI WOVED - -A--AN'-)"W'O-" Ilvig ad m sletin ron ti bstO Vuacuers iMn Irela vi gmaemyorontoanilon , o t ade b e aiantein & on.t tra, a rocexaville.ootan luitnwudav1ealw Iwould particularly eall attention Io a new Hall Stove, by which tllree tifnes the arnount of beat ot uny other b&ove'can be obtained, And also the American Basci Burner Self.feeding C'oal Stove, the neweet and be-gt athovut in tie Market. cji* Soveas snt by the Whitby & lPort PerryRCot a stinn hue lige.Neri, ocharge. ~ .C. aaysaino 0>4'Improved Agricitural Fîarnaceo. 0:>- Stovepipes and Tinware ouppliid te Pediars and Merchanits in the ('ount>'. O~>- Bst Coal Oil aiways on band. Vbitby, Septccuber 2Otb. 1871. Wu. BRYAN. BQOTS AN 1' HES!, The Largest Assort'ment I N<eTH:ECONY i taljst-'recei ved'a large sttuck of P'e-r'fe C't fitting and elegant Boots and Sboeu, .for Ladies, Misses, Gentle-, paen, boys and Chiliren The Ia«gest assortinent of fine work in town or eounty. Many new stylos for Ladies, never introducod before. Orders proinptly filled and repairs executed as iheréto- fore. Please ealland examine.. WhItb7, Sqt'iuber 18, 1871. The queestion nritnrally arising among grraphe, ilé where abalwego to geL the truast Likeneu, 007bsjdeeo-itruvoi s'g By ail nari saho le far in àrraplier suîd Parlraft Pailuter. Ii$i wsrrauaî, e iiçoserlubu -that lb i ,moeerat Teari,<Ugaaazlel trflngop"a tii, Camty and, Tqwna4bip ,Faura%,. ho bah,., picnure its paihtiagouI we lie la determiîîed, W keep àlatiti, aug cureal thue ervicenar eof e ii n hldiuk Lo work wiâLb; he lia.the -L And lesve"their orders, which will in future be tended le as a u' other Qiicery. ff Cali and examine oa, XXXII XXII a elu-P an 0ever>' uraîîoilî0o 11ut4utulo ussistmla trüm'tlae' Lirgeuta suoetiaotet. ARMtSTRONoeS STOVE S!l HATC #cBRO. Agents. I bave arranged with il. &B1., to sel m ty teélehrated Stoves, kncuwing Ilsem for sorne years. bave pleagure -in réweinqaing perSoua re- > quiring Stoves, cornprising 'Iron Dk, 'A rrnstroîig,' 'Davy- Crocketu's' Box, Parlor, or ïlall Stovpes, To purchase fromn thein. Their furnitureais'eb1[I f!g aà,upenior ' Toronto, Augnsî 19, 1871. j J. R. ARMSTRONG. fsvorsby known to require itarîher comment. YsYze r o e n HIATOH &BROTHER. APPLE PARERS. - 15 dozen beat Apple Parera, the besin the market. Wholesale aud Retail, at the .Noted Chcap'Hcuse of HA'rCIJ B TO Sl>ORTSMENi;.Diret tram Eng.ad, Dob1e sud Siugie barrel Whitby. AuguiL 23, 1871. HATOR & BROTHER. COTTON YARN, YRN COTT OTNONAGSX, COTTTTNN BAGS lUeMIOTLN & Ah,, 10 BALES BAO8> 6 fia-COTTON YARN l3est Üanadian and Ameri.- can makes, -purchnsed prior to the recent advance on this goods, which we offer at le sa than present manufactures' prices, Terms-Stricrly 0Cash. T. IL. MoMILLAN & C-od GRANDRAL TWILLED REVERSIBLE LUSTREBO LW'The Cheapeot and Begt article ot Lîadies'twear for' the fi 1 mm REAL MALTESE IAC1, HOSIERV. &a.- *And a 2complete and Fi and Best Staplé ýF A M1 COMPLETE FARN1ERS' FL SHARDW 1 8 NOW Opus WC are ihappy to nnaea(ý d irastve a. cns naenecdtauauî,eeuiinaiur naw rooma., buil expr"sluy Car l'botograpbing, viLaail tku lutteaut ihaprovelnnenta in Liglat. lnir.-hlnIèly furtni@lled un by' -Mr.4f*wing, of Toronto. N 1,lag but.resu>' frit alias work aUlavod 'ta, imuvu. taie tua ro.'au Ail kiOnalslsGd ail mizo of pictur, takué, and coiorud, lu Liiwapter, or Jd i 1k, un Wu limêl ,ae &eamAl - arrangemerlts vihaiMafret - Cîsuas brhieL ia Torant, ,tlecoiour Our i otaf triaits. pai.. t avanriîgug itas vihaiandIsl Liant Ilne min de laund , u"-~boiug fulaubed Importantt Notiote-si bu p en ll Jaunry I. 1972. e ootl W- Doii't onrtIthe Plaoe-Waliace'a ueW Bklcp i, ttheiiOutunlo Etit 1 b.H.WIL iBiONq. Whltb5', coL. 111'h, 1871. 41 HENRY WARREN, M. D. A Di!INIST1IAToRS, NOTCE. S Ailpemciouin libtcul 10 1h.e este ,of thr lite liaion Woiore rèqlue*tto a mke linnied iauts 1ustlement.- And mil pbrmona hsv in ilhne ginalesalt e de9tul e aqie stm- ed li seui Lb th ie undursiguLeilfor ail.' Jiu ut.- * MARGAMrT* WÂTSOIÇN 0-,. 8REYI4OLDS: Datd ah WIlth,>, thias ZTtd y Sept. 171. 4 0 la beraiby gir-n Ihtt hMunicipal <Jotil of !%aO Cnrpou.aîli, of taie Towuaaip Of Whitbye uh trn« nuit-nleeatitg, ha aie beid on Miouday, OLlu day aof Noveimber, Iiif intenuiapaasinw a B>'Law CW cloae sud itop np 80 maCh of th, ailowgance for rosit lemdiiig from taie Port w hitby and scuoga~aTaeosat prOkI nOti.aW 211d ii, e- . crae oe An rohu, et.d, 1871.ttos * ia4is Th Vot illage-f AhiîrYla th 9ou ou AOnu'I> .ahario 1oliwn ud am pramîseion or uaut aa 'ar o 8 FTatie ut itof apLota~l~l tt Iico Ontuanlo. vafora1,irtrm lot, miloalsaet, TIri, O>', usa 87. MU D. P. ILLIDA Y. 150ZATEIF 1110K PIRE INOMVA1i E MI OT CANADA, MYR1ONTOl *Algo Azotand Apprai"r for CMasthlue.r tuameut Bailiiuig tod 8"inigoeiety, fer lame. cf Mone>'At JO w rats of liturt. Whihy- b-t7,.lm P f ,ck of the Newest fA JO N AI ['lie iatest musiîc., Whitby, October 4, 1871. i H NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. otl urniture, ,Hforse st IN THEI TOWNOE'WHITBY,- .111 the Ptarnllnr, oftheb <unlro Hitel, aé At, POO*eeeîucapîsil by Mr. A. Aleîiiîdor, (sied aeiie s AUC- l'Non tbe prenl oci THURSDAY and PRIDAY,, 10tit and lTth Novemaben, vîthout tbii.ligbîe emrve. Tht. Propont>' embruces Polar. Sitlug maine Ditii,mêreond bedroan furtiaitura luitchen tutenej!$ catier>', ilasgauro, Chd:a, and Cncîcksrl, lu lmmenîiaquutitl 011J variet>', uasid cainelata af rits. 'rabien, isairsç, (litild.. tnc es>' undi rocking chairs) 1icturea, ittovus, ,fieurdsf torLy Eedoi aud hedtiztua'n clu liag a tmbqr of mprîitig ian ad bain mahreaus; 150 biaikehA, aied 100 quailte 'rouet metn. siud ait other bedrooei< requînlîes Taie Funîîîtuîre leali uuariy neya laavicg bean ouI>' 2 >' a u us. -Tirs Liquoirs, Clitats, iauîd tok lu tie Bnr are ruf thue boa: quiality, tend he bar nooni alAre iaiaiulnge sud fixtiîgscary tuent, Alo o e, Cariaten. Buggies, Citter Rlameso, satiles,robes, &o. 10: o:îu a su cait. weli tirette sad alaaîi80 cipra, of woual. Aie a IIt ili ii ae muid ithaut mraive te thie bigbeat bidder. TgilNi8.-Tb-ee moulin ou spproved notes. Ali sunis under #B,epb'., [Seo cattuiogusa Aor more oîlended pariAcou- lare.] Wittby, 4act. l7hli, 1871. 4 PI8REN AND LIPANYA TEMPORARY OFC*-aue t5.Paul and Is, Praîc"o is Xvlr Steela. ciai...................... .f) Aiiuai Incarne over ..............o Fuiads luaibaud over ............. 1 gO ooff Aldes'nriptiooim or iuolerty inuurud uguinài Loais or ciantticraib>'Vire St liauderal.erates. Lospeae prouapti> metLed etiuat relorencu ha tlie liiaîllio e. LIPE DEPIATIMENT. A 01aicmo, laves gritoa l uvonrable ta b'icylol-lorus Biides thie urgeliîniA.tp Cipitoi 01 tlae Cuuuipiuy, Asurors havo s au iuuti.i aeunit>' lia thei. tiliiiti tLiabilit>'di1su weltlîy praunîtory. 'J'ieis lueciiLifie Assurance TFend tow ams- Oulillelis *5.10u3 f10 Thie s4jiai *aos u ladaiiiig 'raudat 1tlareho asoia rtueoilît osi t. huilliieot île paul yjur, iufier tL iîc jîuyniial Cf uai Caiulia, Cash B.îiuauas Aiauiiitî<uiid aîî'aîîaaaof ever>' dtscripioaa Tluiesut Rate;, Priij'au formAa nd uaitl lia fornmatin eau be obtulued u uppiicstiou lui tut, iudrdigai.d. A, PEIIRY, Pir, Inspecter. Jolis AGNEW, Agenat, Wigutby. Whltby, Oct. 17t,1l. 210-421 N.- De-The Flsaaauclal poaatlaeortathe ROTUI là sÎft 0aoway aufecteil by tihe e. ceu rirc nt Chucagia, 'the. <umpsmy halvas; 00 ageut doing buitue e lia that GRAND BAZAAR AND DBRAWING.IUF PIIZES. 1N TRE TEMPERANCE 'HALL, DUFFINS' CREER, Un Taiedoly, W edusdav & Thuasdaiî OCTOBEJI 24, 25 sud 26, 1871, the Rail viii bo open ench day froua 10 a. M,. to 1 P. nM. itcfreshwnto serv ed aetuaodorate prics.. On u a d,>' the laut day ofth, Baiser. et" 4 P M. tie riedDraviu i rjzies wli te leatend , 1 beroonduut"b>' the foiiow ilî g4siemn:John Lp d Aduaiseou to tàai, HaollladaY, 10 cents, Diuue ias O k, Oet. 17tb, 1U71. 4o Aliilie Jatest Magazines. i LOWES'& --PO-WELL4 SESS GOODot TRIMMINGI OUBLE WARPED PRENCR affl 1 1. 1 l [l il 1 1 1 HOS.IERY DEPARTMENT3, 20 Horrr, -1 os l, JAMES 'J. MURPRY.- 86 1 ul m lit 10 p LP --ý0- STOVÉS. ý' 1

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