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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Oct 1871, p. 4

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100 TONS ELÂCKSMITH'8 CG-Ai., Cli5p, fer C44b Oi 117 JOFHN ZEILE, Brook St. Wbitby, Sept SC f îl', se XA .0ULIT'11SEWING lAUIR UrVTAN.r'ru PRTIS 91N( T iititogtle Mlfueliilu.s.Theybhsvs)? ~.Aeted b.yonâ coel quegt!n,00, tha fe.-I UAIINEITtlock tailteli m uils i i l(a, on aore I - 0 - . notincold Pesr i n q the rli)MIo & EXf R IACI N E OïL ptabtllty, stroagth-aaid urablily, leTe sora -.Sewing JMachine hase -o- rival. this 011 ecisail othier Oit, botl i blua I Jmprovementil hacete lbeaeiu Dt t'iaeshemd v arc prepared W show eulî. lg disi.lscftitrers tocW am lte88 the saoerrty ofblil41> o ll Ci thsreltstatîda mgtpsisleuofSoelîug bieiiiea Bitndre tihe t. t*ueaoiaaarj te procure as fit-clase aor of tàtltlilnlsare -h.lg r.elned dsily, bu t iele, If is adepted tli elth.rIlighi orbeu.tvy mn«. olii #5 vehi tun# operibosr.tçlng ieu W bîlery frm sciick ? eivlg-mcllui tahuederflil- eai'c'hltiea. '.biI do li kînîla husycaut of-oasts. TIhe lotlowlug are l.the otl wiifrom thl.iliemetcambria pp itA lun ilch iiIt esceaeothetr 411@. IT 1 the courao* rupeonlaï ltiL NOT QUIt. hence Iu..iilhaeeau he toeca rupe-lshe. krepteoloin with but lttilsitrouble,.. sd It ivîl QAsu 10 vo as su iavuM13, e elean usululiery blist hic hein îursdyogwmed iAXgI xnàAaasur o ilailsTasua by o e 911%. Sip Ilwll noet ongeal or lîcicleen ThOcru(uftl mlesdrcl ln tu he eoldest of woq>Iir. This Illa cquant TeOnpreaassded l so aiesudall 1h.p etthebbcliuesî liîeporbcuce, frein Me fuet an <>1 hithorblelsed fa r machiaca dulng c th r nt haviig IUlus qatîty 'y-w iell ob nirioste a.a0 e oiorle, the ,nnmnfacurers helai g codtd iatt, &Oiliau, il- ma, 1>. appliedln a teruun.»Iicid te plaia* wa îtllu ii.he ch fofeva teeftâte, bat thuee mn iant xIt ,1es e acotd funlly lu thie country. shsf? i le encugiean rd wIlhInot lubrlesft.an- A nI. saa r ustouiaca lli etiavimog MII tL-.,6.,rtal by fiction aquiref-thtIitomtenpr- thatoumshuer îtqled t1 ia e eieiuy te redute.slbte oa iqnld sîsle Iure c.dmtlrinug s lgher temrperatureby fictione h jon"2ulalexpilidigisud the h: ls fnred, it Id The Guelph Roversible ion Impomoiluîetodue 01olIt Iid ll cIIll On i Ioipréesminlu thlb e . b U lehtresdi eod sailft wttiont lii.roait, l, ait'lte Min.. chine offered the public-h .de t marve'lco le i iîtiaber. J. G. tack'a Uit willuli- soceus.Wtll do ail varistien cf domest grica.Ili ~oJdst tshlthréubmommua Il *ewing. prIe.. grestn7netly , ~- aîelsuuns nd lsglvlogthehesî do,, $17. f eb lacieh îerate pIf ortlcfictîen, sud al nullte lin tycgtIcy ,raefi roIlt eieii iperm or pure cOlive. Itlbq us E5 wÂrm eetZvgiiuneg. plandi boae froin tte oI'Jsctioici urged eluistaItBl linaemeiltu 10 raîuku, mo>ili. Apply le- Olher 110, as Il datas rot geutîu or-freeze. Now UULJ»AV'O ICLINH Co mi tb. publia gri s Wa*thest Mna>ywortlemi E blulngoa ,re puffad lite notorlety, ln orîter teu GTLU AAA prove tl>at muois 0no humbair;g ate Yoceire Acl liab, Ageitloi- Wlîhy; R. en i euslvei egainsi the <peitiolli cetllIlcriiuii. 0'14*ru, for'itowuumsmie; Lewie iee, fo loue a tog ilfs, (nuîy ortu ) ttiiiwll u al.es-Norîl utuli (ilaario. 1;le l îlm oflitho luetin oSIcI uf <III reflucîrlea s >ih17 um betig ridotîtical wiîfm aiookle extra MacIhineme e218-19 011,) wu praetwse tu thicîewlîn are Inerasted lu ueImuicfoliit lie fîteutg. te scltîu theu, on ipplîcuticir, hy insui or -chcrwuue, trseu t charge Iliigay> way, 1e smcouî1ic ole il, Ilia Il me> speek for tuelf. And ii ulcîo tendcIwlth It a fcw simple leists, as effirctive as,- thos, testa hby wluîctiu itîtî s!Aettwîffroîn Ile baser moalI, atii whiclt wileaue c-leor- derigta aucuire tîe,îiusecagainuc ilmoi- tobleu fi utlluîg tîem an deterinina et onte whethar th.e Ul'-crwarded lule aigood sa A1 porties deallng ln Machinue 0114 iili de Weil te commuuicue wlth 8ole Aàeit foi %,.. flohnton Erongliara, Marcii5, 1870.J -T E M T M 0-N 1A Le Targ JaOsPU IIALL3.14.CuINZ WOU,r,- * PEux r,-WC have heein lng 701? uhr !caîln-n1t il for tie pen four Ml mu,tîuand 0'.01eay w1thout lecltatl.-n titt It 10e the bext 011 we tîpue ever c.c.d It 1. bmIel lîeîîp, oud lustis 1îigor th4n siuy other 01l, We bamve run -our large 14 <cet iron pl.iter, 7 days wilth co oifisie. It keer's i Me tok olaaDsudI tillîltît. 'WC do Dot' wanîaeytlng bttér a* a lubrictor. 1 amrnofrui truly, P . W. GItN, Premiddnt. RESTOILE TOUR 8SGLGiT -- OPECTACLE8 RENDEJIHO USETIEu. OLD MYES M!ADE NEW. Ail dijercsf lciltîecyn trcaledl by Bahîs new pistent [Vary v e,'Ctps. lieail for yotîrsclfitrîd restore yciur silrht. Fotacie î,,îI aroi'i cporatiotut reniieroil usjliau. VTeîte itîs.imcýbla Bemsoiiic or Siiglît Ice moîde perrpetîîsl hy tetise -of Viîe Dow l'a- tabou Irnprovoit Ivor>'- Eje laps.- Mcny n(onur muet emhitet plîyîîieans, non- 11s'a stcdeîîte antd îivine. . velîî,d their algeIperrmn eîtiv restoreil for life, aud aurait ofîhe filloalie ditiesses . roypi, rbr 1I* mpiircîl tieloit rnypi% rfi Bihitdiiec.t, or i)iiîîcaîq, ni vislio, c'ttnrnaiiiy imlie-t Fiiarrliitg; S Atliitopis, or Wetck oye, 4 Eplpîîira, itunilng tir wîlry oe«.uà Sire byebre..s)oiaîly fi-itei witîh iee ensiP- cure a'îaruîîtecd StA6il esak a;f îe ititlî. !clt Nerve ; 7 tlpthlîuîîtia. or litS -ittnla. finnof ttîeo u ndt Uns ppenîilesc. or imper foot vi11 ioti fithe ebictis ni liilait,ai 8 1liotabîs, or liîtîîierîîmon of iri t ;, 9 Over~ Workod oye.' l0 MY(îýilîspa-tnovifiz spoctrs or fiaiig îîodis belare ti eoye. ;Il Atilia rosi.4, or ohneuity of visîin; 12 (Jtartiits, Partial blî,idoise. thie lacs ft figlit. Aîîy on.ecii ue4o the Ivi)ry leva Caps iitit. ont the nid of Doutor or Ne.line, ne As ta ro- pie lte mmati beneficlal reenîta anti Iever wellr apotacles ;or, if asissiz now, té ky bîîerm esde forever. We unsrucube a cure ii1 o ve.y cDtie wlîare thei. lrecios are followudt wo? iwlhl te iîîd bhe mîîcey. 2M09CEURTiVICATES 0OP CURV, Prom honest Fermera, Macohîciies cudi Mer Chantes. coma of Ibeplte nosî eminentîîtodiîîg p)rfca.iloiucl haîd humlue,.. iitsan ed vatcu nI ediîcatiotî and refflinînt, ln ur oiauntry, îuay h. seau at car office. ticirda ute of Msreh 219, lon. lîoriece Grouisy, 0f tii.New York Tiltiiî, write. - 1J. Bull, of otîr ciry, aecouiccietious unîl bea ou.i inl, wo lit Inoapeblo of luien tnldeoîptiait or Impositioîn. * Aprll 4ti, 1ta90-: Withigbit t'y speCtîýcle.s 1 on tyî notiiîcbe, after uiiîlr the paeant lvory 'eL a ctiirteet, dav., auidcile îorîijiîg per uiedl thèÎetsuire cubeîils 'fcadally uewspuiper, cliii %ilwith the unnsalu.ied oye. 'Truly ama 1grîueful Wta urlinb1e invention, Miy Ileaven bleus aiid proîcerve yen I have beea ni-fou spectacles tweîity yers; Ati oev nyoce yeura oid.- M Yoouuis B rciy, PBQF,-..MERRIWK. 1 *v.iJocupb Smith. blden, Mass., corcd af Portîilblitîdieesi, of 18 yeurs'stiiîdiug, iu oui. micIb yftic Patent lvoi'y Eye Clipe. E litc, late Mayor- cf Dejton, Ohio, wrote as Nov, loth, 1809,, 1 havé e toelthe Prteut lvory Bye ii'îpsa sd Ieat aitliafed tl'ey are good.. i am pleasad with ltera;, ttc.>arc t he gîoaât neatlcttionu nftheartg.- JsAlî permous wlsliinog for full psrbl.nlars, oeriltîete of acres, I lrmes,&0 ls%-Il lefiso sond yec r addreséCa, uslîdWC Wit sscd Oui- trestioe ou the e3>.. of 'îry-four pages, froc, g breburn mail. Write ta Dr J. BA LL & (Jo. P. O. Box, 957. No. 91 Zlberty 8t., New York. -1 .For th. worct essa of Mlyopla or Nier Olghttiuea, nueocarnew pistent RIiýlC ica. toiehiîaulna pplied 10 e e vory Jiye cape, ba> Provedae ertain cure tor tItIs 4isense. Bond for pîîuîipisleîa sud certifleatha-free. Wiste uo more rulille hy aiju»tiig i ogee glaisaioit your nos. ctd dicfgi.re joarifa<e. £lapleymeilit for cil. Aiteata wsuîed for tlim J2ew Pateht lunprOvsâi vory Ey.e ols upi uatrodîuced lu iliut nirleet, TtIî suceexa lacupsrallaldby*auj oitcer article. Ail par- son# outet emploaienct, or, tîîîsa wlî.îjIg W lmnprevs îlclrcirumîtauacîa, iiether gouitle- igu ior ladiesau, nîîaàke 'crea$pec.tabléi living casMuis ligiit aud eus> lemPloîxaeiit. , ltuiidredsj 01fl en& rcu.îakii.g <trom 85 ta $20 a Di>y. T.go veaguniui $ 21, wos willl b. gcui.rctîeed.1 lufofwtnôuful'ils lied ou rauceipb hib 20 osiit, to psy Air !oab cf prlîîtlg unsbriasu d ratura potage. A44rqaa, Dr. J. BA L & Co., Box OuI, No. sil Lb.î ty * 8.,-New York. Our Ageut for the Coanly of Gatarlota TilOiAi MP41, Upergroy., Co. Uuilo. £mu~t @hiblf'1. uneeeeeed *alire crtional ce,, by .Icrîn' beeie... i ueedgiîl.eee addre. Sud tte tl.bugle'.., w eceke tbteeu uî, frrthe trouble cfwrlîla ulp In Ir,îvl:bra f he w Ok u d r . MANUFACTUItED AT'THE Agriciiltural -Worke. LEFFEL'S CELEBRATEU Double TUR13INE WATER WIIEEL. raz xosv zouox lct . i r ieuw li vsa1 Wîeaweare0av iiisnafacturing arneid we wili give a gutete wlth -euh î:901taIwrraittig iitm te b. as iWeil macýle, sud tie gîte a* gocid satiiefutlon a n au fsCttred 111 thi Dbuuiîilcua. -aay,' m Ai Particlilgfriier information eau 01: PAXTON~, TATE &t CG Maes 'z.e 184 cPea-sy-Sî., 1'ort Perry, Ont.j MAXUPACTUBUTIM OELNBRATED INE' leffeI Paient Doublé Turbine W. are t? h Ouimnnutabtuvers who eau <lu,. ad ~ wlU baeeg"n by t i, li air i >d~a BI'Ein@IIE, (uO, Duc. 25, 168. 9 o WetaIk. pleaccre infinformlig the publie o1 Cands, that we bave sold sud îurgilahed Mr:~ 746 F~. W.Urar of 08hawa, Ontartio PaBtergl,- the1 Formera. Dravîiga, (*cngepç sudalliother ue,~ Ieiî. ffeAauY Inlfirmatig,, to bail ud0colgbràted foiIob Turbine Watter Wliee laneteilbh Wou. JamesaLeffe.undkîo stl*tîW4,iei aor W* hafve alago ohllgâted ouroelivea to ý urniah, Le t'the usme ffacili.iAifor uîuutsorîilng îO no other parti4leu l iuda. b" thout the Infor-ý mation wai bave rdveu bl t M. GLIS, ho elle c ensccA4fatll7build Our Wheela, end-va dv.ae partie& lnCeaia W topuohno.onr W heels of 010olîr aufctre. f. GLXN's faillties areci unacnrpa.sedfl, sd we fui attre that liewill !*bal £ Wlîeel &.4t wlll glve perfect Ratifiait. leltil» . étlerefire O)imelid bflmu t..the ,eypublie off(Jararla wId, etitire confldii;oe, feel- i ng ure lhe will muaioraetures aWheel lu ail iirespecte eqllCWo ontowux.-. (Sigred,) jAME8 LEFFEL o. WA1R4f.TY. [ We are pren rcaeil tb fortilel, Watr he l5Geera, Shaf!., Pteysar bell-ry Whe- tic cesserv to attacb the iWheelos athe ms'elîine ry tiev are i'îtened t»adrIve ;atiJ, If, alter two Idi moligis trai, they are nulDtSlatiotory, w. w! l bakeail haek, pai Irelklit both ways, sud re- did fonîîd auy paymnts iîîîedo% te n blcreon a Wlîere parties are flt o stlsfed wîtfîilîh Whlri d connu,. nalle a chialge at the linte j '0 itihou o« as ale" . sa, ey, MayEtan the whe sd moitiery o ross,,uable H me *wlîh- Ont charge, cot exeedtloeectr, in order u, tlltthesiîy iytnike s.chiange ýwiLhoaî lsîjury 1 for tu Ilgeir btîsiîioia. Bolow are 5<1 voithti nains of Parties Who Il are owvuoiiag tram Mo te toenes i onotrfi -wheels: sud .w. itiviteparliaa ,who wLah tb c puteOhel9e te correapoud Ith themt. e Davidi Arnold ................ i.i .Y TIhonmiArkeii ................ Areil. nmblu4er k Anderson..... . 'rr#isa. C Bi.wissa & Prcagle .......... A tnog, William Bean ....e... 1afaw. A. llliiiiti & Coe ....... Vleylrid, A. Barbeau ................ tî. 1>avids, N Baralhart ................. Toot,îo, J.B.iecelI .................. .:Iftrokuin, - lu. urne .i ........... aigor. A. J. ""tc....orwcod., hrîîierIurh........... ÇAuIr,~bî. J. ***'*.. .........escard., C. W. Carl.........-s iiie James A. Jý Uo.......... ..aee A. k J. Clîuîiner...... .;erer, >oi......................Ktîggan. .lahiillye...- ;iil!tlWl Dîsmoal & Uamuai......... tlie;yllcý ilstàacIi>Javîdaui................idsy, CE. Drtwery,..;.........ftMulant Vlew, M. gra..................... Napane, James é r'IIo............. Prt BHne. Nîthois, Efla..............o..l'liha, .......erl............ ...verto.. Fesuicis Bruni.......... Broui, Fîrrard &k Miles ............... smàllrd L4S. J. Green..c ........... Gre weoi. -Thi,meas M<tî .............liexeer Joasepgl i.................. ...Ubrdie, %Vîn Glrîitin...................G;9>ow. tilti, & lOro,........... ... bawa. Il. & G. Grerîîwond ............ raina Urli.fliiy& Ce ....... ibl î W.... & WallerGtjatre.... W lmol, '%'m. lilir .... ............îîiîeeîîlen, IIlirlk &Dixon .......... Prkham, 0. c. lil..............uer. Humcier Brothers .......... Alonte, Cetî. 10leie.................... oetreaî, Jiil ilaggtft...................Perh. jîbîla ellwell. ................ ligîand Cree Kt!aîh &lerutî....... . .'rctvle, aR. r. trrai. ............ roklii lrwlîiot -y ...................l)r Hope, Jîîhn igles ............ :.:... Geis. L). P. Ji.e & Co ... eioa. A ,Oufca*.................... erbrooike, iJaes irih............... ie l.alahaîc Lent .............. .. Newioîe1 J, B lacgaca. . . Crghroî, A. J.: =fhîart-i.........ri HugI, Macro ..................Cii,,gcn, J. W. Marçdea........Newmarket, JohniMIogi.......îeira William Alarray..... ..........II ilýar. Juiîi MCre...............*«Refrew. bMeDoiveîllk & i............Droetil Samel Mreer ............ Newhcbarg. leese bierelani...i.......EIOrs .iiîMleiicberl.......... Relàîrew - John Nichil1..........eri,riuke. Wm.INOie1,,............ Bl,i,îfieîld A. W glevie & Coa.......% litua J ..... .ar ..h.... osa %Vm. Pi>tr , *........ :.wmaville; ilîar'i Pirt ... ........ Leaskdele. Pale. on niielererhg Co ....... herbroke, Wtlliam Pre,................ Pckring. M .1,.... L Palmerr...........D ia'y crck, geltnlii& Co.............. hîn 8Lliîurdy...............e..Bht Peck. B ............. ..-ostreai, Jinot'a ................... Ni ireal. C. Parih.... ............ Jime Itilo>.... ......brige. 1'liemas, Qeickfall ..............eros, A, 0. lios ............... Be- riage, B'& kW. l<osemalîl & Co., Amete .IuhîilItassel................ ruiî, Fdward Bmolh ............ Ulcs kispuch Broc................... winuille. Mae ri,iib.................. affiiel ureek, ] ThanasN. Stephenn...... Norwood, Silaples k Nrhaleaberg..... COiggwtaal, M. & J . -i. $ ................ig,r, Aiea. Sînaîll.............. ... tie liva, Tlhomairs sitephensen.. Jî,h,î taw .........t.Nraulî George ~ .......liîeî Peler iiî,î,soci..............ni Ist palle. Charîrs liiith....*.......- kwra la> lor'. Cylliscler P... PaPer cutters R gicetovermrs. t<iifting. PlisC 5r1f.AuljaatJg Uage0rs wIIh Self.OIlîng BoXes.. CASTINGS 0F, AiL K >Id AD£E 1H BitA5S 0<i X ew MechiiîeýrY Of cnY %id made. l'atercs Of every deuti ptioi made wheil de, S sl"ten-l.t utaitîcer. 1 1 I Part4iealrng ifurthenljnforwaaui,dre.à Y*N. We Glj]Pt ,Presidaaaî,. Bui 187g SEI At Provincîal, Eixhibition, be)d at ni iln t4 eFail o 1870. irOnto, Wýe ofl'er to Qour, custome for the ýcoming& Harvést., two distinct Machines, w bich in styl, and: constructin nbaetelts and, most .e4I improvements of the day. J1I-1NSTON'S SINGLE. SELF-IIAýÀKING REAPKII THE"K , G0F rAPR" The universal sncoess'of .thýýs Machine, ohi lsl btsted trials and lu the banda of the lamai-g, warran,nus ici saying Ihuat a aself Rsking Reapins Machine, it bas mou gogè, MOO points and leis def'ects, and bas met with more soces andf lesa <allure, than hereofqu-e, ofered Co the public. Large assortment of CLOTi ffl CLOTIIING MADE TO New Teas &E H Whitby, Sept. 20..1871. 38 L E A TH E R'-Li IES w-s Untothe Public 1 woold Say, *W.e AUIf lbeyiwoîild look and, cee, Cayuga Junif or Io erj For bootsansid shoei their unoney py We were.awarded the First Prize andDiploina, it- the 'Prcvincial Exhibition, field ini Toronto, 1670, in conipetitior, with clt lhe'Ieitding Machines mauî-- factored in the'-Province;'atiO vitb oîr'recent, improveinenta, we sinhesitatingly lacilenge iovetipelon and cordpai'eon with competieg machines, we are satisfied'that ouch investigation wilI -convince tevery unprjiidiced mitid, that we ofler the beal Mower to th. Fcrmar for 1871,- builî lin the Dominion. V Send for descriptive catalogues. Whitby, Jue 14, 181 I Co Ire Proof ERON &PATTEESoN. se . N 0 o 'mu m >1 o m z. JUS-rIViEEVED. Ohimneys, Shades, Refleeters, P*cket Lanterns, Spring flrickets, Wick Trays, &c. JAMES IL GERRIE, Whitby, Jan. 12, 1870. Family Drug Store.1 s PE CIA La FILLINERY GOODS, . DRESS GOODS, HOEIERY, PARASOLS. ARE NOW EXIIIBITED EN GREAT VARIETY TWEEDS, They have imported t:uic season, besides large quantities of ftapie # Fanoy Dry Coods, A splend1id assortment of ENGLTSU & GERMAN (JAR PETS. =o beautitul desans ini FIOOR & HALL (JLOTHS. BRUSSELS and TAPESTRY, sud cil Wciol CarpetinÉ. e Mai. LAMB3ERT stili oversees thu Tailoring, and to, inteniding pùr.ohasero y. rinw oSfer indcceraeî,ts*gnd îîdvanîcceq setînîd to norue ln the Dominion. A splendid assorarnent of BOOTS atd 5IIOES n'cw nper.ed. ?ItESll FAMILY GIZOCERIES eansitantIy on hand. 9>' An early cati eolicited. . R. &A. SMITH. O> Agents for the Faruner'î Osbourne Sewing machine. ,Oshawa, June, 5th 1 B71. 23 ÂRRIÂGS~& CTTTERS mi ou D 0N VAN's. AIRR[AGES & U(;GIESi latest style and. best 'Manufacture pIondidy Fn 0.F YR U'FR GOIES & SLEIGÎ4S, WIIITBIy 140Y 2d, 1870. Then lot them corne to une. My well stocked store is on Brock atreel- Altendîticcourteoîis. kinîl, Yoo'l finclicmy gonds indeed e, tre4t No batter cano ou id., April 19, 1871. Boot & Sboe Store, Brock atreet, Whitby ALEXANDER PRIN-GILE, Ras re noved fom ifl c a e.o- m iqsp 5 o M Mil ns l c B rock Street, and begs to, inform .l fis tJ rfÎUg -PiLý %jxxý anal the public generafly,. that his stock em- braces -every requisite in G-eotlemen's- Furnislio-Goos A. generni nssortmeut' of best selected Cloths. AUl Cloths made to order. No Slopwork. NO FIT, NO PAY. Çrreat Care and A ttentzon pazd b drtutc Cutiing. .0f lio'ts 1 keep c heavy stock; And ladies whefi you clionge Yoîîr pretty porsea o r'lock, Clan boy thie neateet âhoeii. N'Y leather poliied,, âne and good, Myprîccl w-beside. At elnce ivilI suit a daahing groom, To Farmer,, and tq large and aitali, SIf they'li talce a fw toi, .Arouud the boi., and on me cgii They'li buy fI-r- WII.*lIAM -fBURNS, m'gs I 10 Apt, or by1 cIMier - MOMILLANS BLO-CI( A continuance of that liberal patronage extended to hlm. MARCLI 28,11871. 1 SPRLNG STOCK 0F BOOS &SHGES. ~o0- IYATTHEW COLLINS81 Begs to announce to his custoni-rs and thé- public, that he has opened business onthe premises lately occupied by MIr. *Bandeil, on Brock Street, and that he is now in receipt of a splendid Stock of the RWIGT FIT A..ND* M»ARE,- And of the best style of Boots and Shoes. Also on band a large stock of HOME--MADE Boots and Shoes. which caqnt.be aurpassed for quality and price. Ail orduérs punictually attended to. Repairs neatly doué. Business. also carried on as- usual at th1e old- stand, near the Royal hotel. Whitby, May' 10,- 1871. - MATT E W- COLL'INS. TH-E ,OLD STAND! ,WHITBY LIVE] Gr linvinz e'icresgic 01li ithe stud, sud taI premisce. lie hope,, iîy bei tucet btigevatita oltcistolli or ubi plîtronaige. - N. B-'Covered eonve .anîlladies. Promnpta5ttliu le ail ordars. Whltby, Aprfl 8, 1868. TEETII MRe BY TIIE V$ dur- 1 . < --> OitTHE DENTAL ROOMb, DUNDAS- STRE] W ITB Y, C. W. ROOM.-Over M.-l. Cochraua'a Stû Wbitoy, Jane 28, 188'.- FELLOW89 Y PO P H-0OS PH ÎT Aeuogst the di seases overcome bj FeZcuà' the use ot j- Coowlapouud Sirrp cf Hgpehm Dehility reeclting froin Typliod and low levers, D iîetc 'csrioa t ivpoclioiidria, AttueiJrrlcoea, Chiorosi, ie, Leîîcorrlioei, Nervouà £xciiaflilit,à ucus or Wi.tiiga'tlIce tsies, A& be Losse of Vce, Chorels or lSt. vituait slaggit.hiu,,0of the Liver, Interraptes enacod liv muconsa oberructîosio'aislc enid Aci- I'eages lcadicig liereto. aid De I'uva'oacauses, run> ycases et whl< peuired liapaltas. Scîid hy Apotticcarica. SPtice, 81.5( ; Six for $7.50. JAM LS 1L HELLO WS, Caâi 15 -st. John,J JOHN CARTER>' LICENSED AUCTIONE ONTAILO, YORK &PEJ [RESIDEwcE...lot 8, 8ib C Earkham.-Post OAfce-Uioavilit SALES atteuded on the iahortebt netied ou reauahitbe terrai. e'leriâu canu~de bilIapriutad"tthe Chronece fffà Carter. COMMERCIAL HOTI The undersigned in re'turniu g thanks for thejibêràl patronage hltherto eztended to th. old titablishment, for nearij a pei-iod.of foi-ty yeara, desirea t' sy that ho has 00w on hcud a iarge aaertraent of the mostimodcri sud elagaut styles df And, trusts by proper attention and mnoderate prices té secure a. contlnuance of puoblic patronage. Pract'cal upholsterine. Furinture re-stuifled and m TH E DEST LAtAP EVEP,--U'bED CAN Pl ,voeerl April 19, 1871. - '1871. Wi k,ý ý,l -

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