Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Nov 1871, p. 1

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VOL XV pfrookStreet. Whiltbv. ~~s$150 PER Amr"i1rx. ADVERTI8EMENTB!1 ~ L , eflimOlîtl'me1url ln lIi 1<npev. 14,od obaigea t e rat r 8e couts por 0' Ino éO0 rd g o.ute por linp,, mch OOl;0 ;wswtb alvertiiours b; ge othr1e 4îriemntlmm iQloÂL CANADIAN ]BAWK, WHITBY BRANCI. ONTAZIO SANX. X* .F. LOCKXA RTI, DOMINION BANK; Hé. B. Taylor, AurliT. c -AMBIROI & IACDONEtLL, ynABItIOTEU$ AND Tonii~Ar e d th: orpori:u of thé donntî 01, Ontario, etalât &g, &.,W I tby, 0. iv. ~i..oàwuaox,C. 0. il.J. MAi100)NKLL. urmoney tologilltiposn rnod .ecurty. Ap. t tg tie Office ofîe firni, Cosart Uotii,- goutta wifiag88 C OUNTYOCROWN ATVTOItNEY FOU1 ON- %tate, BHeriner snd Attursiey-.tLow, So fitrin-lusnuory, solinry Puicl, &a.- Omoe-Brook trct, nexI door 10 ols Potel, whlîby. il GEORGE SI. DARtTNELIO, ~.Iery, ud oxaîuuîuîrîuî CIaîîecr)fur the(!ouui. ty otfsiario. Ofi"éBrook-t., Wii1loty. .in Whitby, Ont, , JADsES MEITII GOIWON, ------- B3 AtCISi'EU Arl'>u<lv.YAr-i1v IM E FOU N ilA IN to tua Sor ol 1. ck J.Restaurantand Blilliard Parlors, « W~ilîi NO, lb 187. 69 R ifla sireet £lit, TORON.TO. »AItEWELt------ GLE, B3 ruî,(iNVltClt AND No. Wiu:eat, iqnnrî ud :!Cigare. 4Oyatcn*e acveci TAàillEsiPULIu.C. il the Be4à4.dtye.. dnw:<îo ili- nïrîli of ilo Qt O<ICO, iPr8Fir4eckîw l1nincUisnd Lunchlt ioom <leluave; at-i H Vu u oîp a tt llci:d. Mcii%,ail aIl ban. '?oi l, llowiaiville. 5 .LSIMNGs CIIAILE C.L OLLiL, - I ASSURANCE COiIpORATION A TIItiI-AV LW, 44LICI'101t-N IIRE AND LIFE. £1~ ia:uerylJuavay:icc. ,e.,Cuiu::îg LuI¶dE, a1 ROAL C10-EUFi. 1729. on Brook, C. W. 6 J. JIAMXIIIGREENVWOOD, te., Witiy i. W. Oirvwcu, Ilyrott troot. o*utbý,I( I'ot ufice. 49 L ANIYGLI5II, L L. If.. 40 À 34ES LAÀM O.N, 80LICgTOltIN 1<CIIAPCÇIîV, CONVEPY,%NCEI, LANI>At4'ENr'alc. (tcx.s-UOîi- îurier ltd, Mein st., Usliidgo.' UxlîlIdgé,eiî 7tIî, 1809.t-2 R.- J. U'TNN, Dl# D. IJROI To TIE COUNTY <JAOL, Byrotiî,itroet, W lity. -4 FDNÏ 14RAND, i v..£2.463 USe,17e 41.1 Sig. IlEA D AU EN". , BCNTREALItflliIl. STE 'uu IENS, No.,54 ist. FrsicoldXavier Street. JaNA'N E iM, Agent. whtiîy, Mni tsy&, 1571. 19 JON WOLFENDEN, AoErvOI& -nus CELEBRATED SCOTTISI-I- GRANITrE. Mr At :rie N<raof J(>-ATIIAN WOLFEN .N E, IF':sî:àt-St.. Whuuhy. 17 MUCN EY rT(>1,E ND ». AT REDIJCED RATES. THIOMAS HUSTON, Itom nov îprepared o n! sny amonnt of TOW-NClERtK&TIEASUUEýý,II, iTB uî 01 lic sacennitî'0ut ond Fîrm nu. pro- T Otfle-Town hiall - ftourm Uto 1,I'ciock. ductie 1owmra.. pnoperîy, ut*lie. lowemt possible _________________________________ ratne oni ust, il' i:î e.,iii:!iand uiunr 0ecuit -.c. N. VA RS, instaimente or lu os»esum.b.npiJyesi iltfCL Uutlaî, Oshsawa Scvcel veil eultiivited Fori-measd Lots of il:ti. Itcouna,directl> :îîpo. wil'l La::Indsao i sei.p. îit lhl's ajtue.Euîauueon Inveuinientie macle lu Dobentn e,, Monîgages tioelireei îlaîrd.loor.uurîlî uoflise Ostani liLi ilindciti Batuk. Si. liver nii:! Urocer:sakc bon!Iit asî:i ,oldl, _____ For funtl:c p:rticuliirp apî:Iy to - .W LS N l US b, OfficiaI A:signee, Moen:y Bo *r o. OFIEM Msllait'ia Block, Brook "étreat, A. WILSON,_-Jr.,-.- Proprietor. W11iitîh)y,. £ i-IE USCI Eiilbg l î0- t:e10he septemben 26th, 1870. - RA 1- It, ioii!andtise ietitiiicscouierully, luit lie buo a:h icthe aei. sîevil lu h: tise Vi G ef A. ihîîirai for the. eccoidutlous nithie t L B -0TEL vellIIg puilc. ~'lieliotiso le»uiw. lvu! tur- - niîacd ui uî tîocî îIoroigls snd cooinntshîle 3i~..i. :,I l ntdîuîder. Ouests vili fit:! overyconvenuince :ndCI9ftIgbo.:ru.îu,wjLiquiorp, JAMES POWELL, Proprietor sudCigrâ)f he e», BuRio lwiyekepi on naiuî. -FIRt'IT.CLASS ACCOMMODATION. j MrGo:itlStabuisig o! atentive OâteseiluiF) 2ud 81 tenîdanice. - 12n, 81 4_ WILSON, J r., 1ropricton. - Ashbuiî, libuy 1, ,1869, 1L18 CENTRAL JJyTEL, 1ROUUTIAM Grand Trunk Railway Hotel., - AT WIIITHY STATION. 12T.O'NIIIL toiilî. pnrchtamed lito hotel I and promîmes knowu nsMsiL.Grand Tukiotcl, W Lithy station, bcgs ltu iisforni hi# friendloauad 11,e travelliîgpuilili gueh ha. fgîîed op telia. nd 01( ailo,, ln fin.: 01986 qtyle, und by attention, to the wsit#e o 1hm. wilo laeor hiuîu wijiî tlielr jVatrofaige trunts toniaril uo-iorluiteqot tliegir oU.1OD W I L Prtie,, taîkilig the train and b.' i:.g8 horms ,wiII hâve ilim wlltekon eeio of tili 0 y A,L C ANADIAN UUOTlL, PORT FERRY, ONT. Ir, OYi, -- Proprietor. rier ao uccommnodation,. (ood siauig and ,0 ld ooniamiuad îeltve ostlard. Port Perryp Nov, 8, 1869. 4b PUELT'PERRtiy HJUSE. PORT FERRY, ONT, JAMES TIIOMIPSON, PIPIEOI Tutiborbr wlieheta inform h. ecorn- flufily thl liii pleîull.og are uow olîie 'Oth le Pablic, wI:r, lie le puaiîured Io firuitliatguod iOOonmodettioim am siv .u t1hc.iny. S ept; l, 1870. 87. WIIII, - ONT* BulI ON, o Proprietor. Tii sOve ha% ,bien thorougiîly renovated, Agril s, 1870. 15 WESTERN IO'LE DU1NDAS ST., WiIîTrBy. rIrbeunderslîgfl,, wol( n.tnl t h T Publie, tduit the above eieIq l4v 1 ,iwhniîual, sud reush. Bodn onJOSEPB a..BANDEIL. terrai. by lth wOOk oh nioderlte Whily. 16Y si18711.19 JOHN BAILEY, - Proprietor. The -above luci lac heecu ieviy fitte tp and ftiiuied neptiqvii fSud comtortebue eccoliio!etiou nai!îttention. Ucon rnouy sactling and attentilveonoaire. p ROFESSOR J. POST, La, Blaze~ UNDERTAKER, PIANO FO RTE, C Dundas Street, - Whlîby, Ont TEitse-usniitioutson Piaun, $10. TI:eony FUNERALS FULLY rIJPPLIED. ôtpil iiic:îI C::mînsitioli, &0 , $,5. jý' fr. Pt-et keutp'i a ire,-enil uiock of JOHIN ROBINSONIS îl1upi icadi: B:nc, formile, aud wisiioi scal i roi bile 1111u:1icieifni. fIair Dressing and Shavinir Whsitîy, Mmcli 2,.1147() S9 ni4 F AHItI MPLEMENTS, &c. SALOONS, WIT -- ~ *Spr rTEBaiexor0V NONTIIEL. ~ The underclkned begi; to siate tluat Le Wliitby Jan. 22, '68. contiues te0mnufecture GBO E UL Root, Soed l& Manure Drila,, GEORGE GRLE AS WELL A CAN <fAI L OR W AC.OffS, CLOI'UERAND DRAPER, I A R RO WV 8, I XM <7U F L E RUS, G4ENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS muode nip-Il ALL ' tihe et Étyle aus:b taîeat fàialiion. ANTi SOFA finu stock oftJiotise froua vhich t10 make FARMING I8hi'LEXENTS& &saeîeciiosufor Gunllemou*saaUmmei Suite. -Aliâo 111s- OâLSts4ýMa 12,1889. 1 - LOTHES TE ROPsoNf ROURE, M~~ ANL INEDUNDAS TRfET WjhITBi'YcW Noted #se of lth e el tioiesof ths km! GEORGE IIOhSN Proprleter. nssufetre! li:tîthe ooutr und-v, sas, Limpno'v- e! IITRAW CU 1 TEIIS, %e aeiy cteku, ansd I-REsubsenibur beg ncte announce that ho au isuperior itn evei-7 teapeot, JT uas eaies! the buildIng.for.isrhy kuoiu Elavilsg prepai-d s itieuf Erieon's Clebaes8 4ScIçturis'BHotul thleli bas beau rsuovet. Caoiei 1,ilîies l i i*i nanuitory, lie ejo! i, nuiurniahoed.ane fttu! ap îhronut, nî to lie tiliceslot eîlcd 10 tee aetî &îbohbesitofmtyhs. ThePTOzlaspâr,plessantîy- oree ih .hhoL may, be fruvore! cheusrslseted, oppositi tht 'Post Offce. and lu lhe and vsti gratter exb>dltfontl anhithes-toseuI cuireof the Tutu., to gnuraniao uvsnv m'clisicioi ta cutorsoin TheIltsllayOmnîbmecllstîitheRotoI,aa thi quaityfthî <le vonkmauihip andmat i l i tgos for Uxbri-dgi an!Bliverton loiee IW CoItou! an! Lamber îakun Sa ix- e!ooorOvilyusori1 o.rupr.a.e chango, sud QOshuPrie@ siloure!. , --iG OGERdSOîra. - JAMLE8 CLATTO)N. - . GEOR E ROBSON. WLlItq, Nov9g.l~yo. :AT IfftO8n*fy4848.ea~wyfusame 89 M ar parod lu ae6Mpt nick l. Ili a *8ats s iw,,. thoi le <yrpzny !n C&Iada. 82d non linîardôo ipropp.nl sured for 4thr, VianorIc., At epeeli WhIjthY, Act. 29,01871. It, C9AII. 0A L.CAL Tiie undîroulend ha..,di eue for st large uIMpply '.f1the Arngerki Stove and Crsue mo,9as«w11i8a.Blocs (Jouil, vilici in akept 0conetliutly Out banîi> the 1u.-st q8aliiy. anid viii ho @0141 jet igreat' duee ca Itlro prefie, mILan o iudock ordel JOiN BUO Whbltbr,, Aug. 30, 11ýl. IIOTAiIY PUBLIC, £a, £0. s100KITaio?, - wnmr,ONxT. PL~NK - - Propr.îgo,. stagtes to miîl .2,ou Witbycoeil dally. p,éy alonlion pald 10 guetta. Caraeful sud &tien- WATCUÙAKER, A&o. Brock tre, a a a Whlitbr. And< everyllalg beehanlial1 fepeired and hi,. pnnvild b suit #laiet Luw ates, and u the 111ortept llIe.. W'hitviyMay SI, 1871. 2 lIa INVV.RTFD FUeNDgotae..'817,006,038 Ite; DAILY INCOM E axceds.... *20Oc Its LIFE POLIEfaras ure Î'roteetion fer thielut Une. 1îé [KIlK IIOLWIE8, leaned et Comm, i1&-i-s, mirera maple protection 1v lthe Mirchiît aind llocueliol:len. Ail foir iiaimoq PJIow PT P'411. end the. ut- muet lirnerality cLown lu tle i autmeiît cf Head Office, Canada Branch, Mon tresl. G. P. C. SM ITIJ, Chlef Agent fonDominiot. L. FAI1RBA NIKS, Ja., Aiar,? k NY of Auly 1 Ine 17, loy 85 udR ot ehn4brg ait of M'y ne- lilver- DW. JILIESiPiE, MoIFFA, TT &Ce, Agant Canada. j AMES DAVIbiN, mang. F-NSUIANÇg agaluiet LOBS hy-FIR1 ILcffeeted on m inoftvoralle term,, LOS 118PA ID vittbout nifenouocto0 theîB lu lerdcn, . - A p r l r d ,8 6 . - i ' g o , s it ,y Flour &#c Feed . STORE. HIENRtY. S11I4,PPARD Deslreot b infdîrm tte inliahîtiti orf Whithy sud Viciaîity, isai- lie 111 lus oeead to tl'e Inoiî,itcsor 111ENRY WALTERS, 4ROOKI STREET, WHSITBY Wbcns lie kcepi conottuiyon, isand, Fplounr. Onîmeal, Cornucal, Brnî, Oait Stiorta. GrabLsu Flouror.e And eucrythine in the Feligie. RL-et of Fbour for family use. >vorythring et the iotist *eiig priea,. Tu,,li cii, cveîcm 'trlcuilyadhersaj lu. Plume 0e11 an! exu,îiirue-qualaîy au! prie.. Woiltbl, , Fb., 1871. COMMERCIAL kiIOTEL, it for a re Board JAMES BLACK, -Paovziî,'uoc- Cainvotsieuîtly file! uîp roo7na for Comun eui tn:uvelera. Billiandeq attachte!. TERRAPIN R ESTAURAb 1. ion dl iTJ BILJLIARDIRUMS (97 & 89, Ring ireet Esut Toronto). THOMAS CARLISLE, - PeopiCIEToo. -- The sa t eie- get, spacionit and - tonnant i.-(Janda. Meut, usuppliid Ai ailionne wines anss n Cer ofîtie fluet branis. Sfil ci tCu ystera in evory style. SirPlirtie,ç vigiting Tuouto for a day viii fi)l1 every Accommsrodatouet thae-rpin. Apnii 5, 1870, iii Theu, n!enii'e! lisson band, at ME AI)9S MIL NEBAR ASIZEURE, A lange qUauîLity Of Lumruinuhich hi FOR SALki Av vasil LOWEST MARKET RATE" W,«I amîiLnb cii kinde sawnu ou Il A. B. CAN PBELL Bnooklisî P. O N. G. itrYNiODB, ISOLATE» Et-il FIEINSUEAI or, CANADA, 'TORONTO. Alec Auet end Apjrlur for Cind, maont Buiilng cml Suvlng Society, foi O1inoy MaIiow relieof lntareît. Port Wàftby & PPort Ferry Raij -Cumpmoy.e gît Die nert oeahuion. for un Ac ot 1 amis c-harter of 1the port, whilhY a Port lt.lIlwav> comîcany,, muthorîiiugtii.thco01, Mion of or Branaii of the euid icailway Port Pairry 10ULida&Y, and ton other psiri ElOSs JOHsrt: Sioretary pr Wiiy. Sth octiher, 1271. *Un R ICRARBI 0NOw. 2ogs à tlaforn bis frie»and th1e pi Ibsathi ha bure-taitin lii old pr embu ie9iY 0oPied hYM r, Arnail1, vhort ho la now rj>ared t10uppi AND CflNFEC1TIONERY LJD Juil reclfed, siviral ceai$ Of P (fE5&TOMATUKS, ivery superl, CIJOICE Arl'LES &PZ, _ÉRUIT 0F ALL KIKI Kept constantly on boud, in ieesson. ORANGES, LEMSIç, BAND! LOBSTERS, RAISINS, PIUNES, 'IFECE, TO IACGO. N. B -Opîira con b.olied by lthe p eooked or r at. Briad deiivered dîl!7 10 ens-tainem, anc otier Proviosionbaud goodai dolivered s Wiitby, sept. 18, 187Î. R 4NOI i Ilead Of ". - Br s t. WI 'huie Copsn i nçur0b Frm Bn'idii CoîtyCuisrchex,, fihool HOueo, o ui! t Oonteuîts, at Rat,% au. 1.> V-seth ,"of1 W@"i estshlieiuled CompauY lisCatud-a. JUST LOSSES PA[D PROMPTLY. L.FAIIBNKB, Jo.. J. B. B[ICKELI Becrûtary. -Prei!! N. B-Mr. D. ilolliday le DO longer Agent of tîis Company. Wtilb-, Sept. , 197L. W' TBY PIANo FACTOE JOSEPH RAINIEF PROPRIETOIR. The aubecniber, In ritnrcirig hi4 aIt cire thaîîks boIL. mrtny rien!, sud euatOmeMOnt0fthe Whiiby PIANO MANIJFACTOR1 98tuâe 1 tatho enov e.riesonthe bu- nes* boiely upon lii oivn accunt, an!din iutrgfuture ondena he boit ge ahanth, Ilual n0h- lvih eft undonsohip lu gite sataeecion, in eupply ung TALIT Y,- STYLE, & FINISh. ite celebrate! nov patent au! erogne--ci tenotiîotn inviotion nisau5icnre bonetofone. W All oe exeute! mwiL prnptlîji ddimpatoh. JOSEPH F. RAiNE Vhltby, Mfay 8, 1870. ly.18 QI al sud a'w -o- THOMAS H«USTOD KARRItGÉ LICiEFSE5 gr 0 Ofllee-Torn RailRexidonoe-13ync Street, Lhree deorn oi-h of Town bail. Jan. 17, 1870. T IIRE EDWELLING JH017898 Tt> RY At HAMER'S COREERS. Ail mont de aoinabie Resideou. lieut Moderato. Apply to- JOIhN RAMER, Eaq. Wlilhvik, Msayln! Ifl. BOOT & S110E STORIE. The undersigne! han îcmqysd hiq POOT AND SHEOE STORE te the riemises adijnining th1e Western Flotel, Dundas St., Whiby, where ha la nov îîre<ared tai execute ai orders <on o r . A l r es u d se le ct sto c k ou han!. ltcpsiing dons se meonai. - JOBEPE A. È3&NDELI. Wusîthy Mas, 81871. 19 TEE IB0LATED IISK PR JNSrIIÂNCE COO'Y 10F? CANADA. - HEAD OFFTO ht-Ring Stroet, conerof Cburoh, Toronto. CAPITAL, - - $ 0500,000 Daiposite! tîLGeverument, - 050000 W. A. LAW, Ast. McMillen'e Block, Brook Bt., Wlsiîhy. Wisby, bep:. 201h, 1871. 88 AUFCTION BUSINESS Ybeg 1<. reten tbaks for the libirai patron iage heretofoeabesioved openum lte an- îouuâce thatI au propane! 10 ocjat »ami, millier lu FOWN OR. CO0UNTY,) -AT REASeINABLE RjTU.ý 'Arangemntc for saleasc«n Lemtus! elîhîna athle ousoNus ffios, ora t m, *va >U1ou, Brook street, W bitby. Wbitby, Jal, 141040 Son'beore m lln ii eno meSA 1som itb~i ýON, - e*dOI dovuihe etreut, the aq..yfet ~ vi îi 1 ters.lheéniuei.fo- teriihfee ice.m, i ,Mce o.it tue" 4day ai <Lii Y mpd.r bar old poke-bouugn tma, yeagso? flein a'î And 4, vlug o.p etrnitAtu4 'Logerthà th".; I "w l~ sl Mn r.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1j LIoS D O 4 o!*0aLuL.i. *tue~ mo t eeinyesi l -u lu ~ u d s O b e r o e t e m n t l o , in e . e n . MrJ s e I i 'suadikn ber footstop cGeugbkt, sLed ri.mot A nd 1 oprani ta heip lier from fOl il Dot 6igLt of theu oomlti e t uebc asi quîOk as îiicugùi, - Âru.I uJOse n'Munray muet hi oebosmatheolal pole-bou&g ded by tijue im-bd uses RIwsya, deiicête .1 sa ea luaome face, lbu. frOc, id 64 for litti. Boue, th. e Foime i ith lelixi wrnglet. vwouegrv fcru.-W. hu la ar. Ot.>' vu dsaghur, Gbau,1 br io f..cvur".£0 muef ber. M a t l . , a i e p t o gy e h i r . q I t b J k 1 b I do i , ' A r t h u r r e t o u n u u o ell nd tbm7e Int ; qurlIy, Jlag etreigh ç0Mgem r 1 B aii ifis i i u l , a u a G e , Ik I e i f i i tj o i q e ; WiIlhii i 1kebblin vu, I ,ýtel On h * upudrigig ern lb.Of 10 igiïbe r siidi hieJLsu ýi h Analthe!eruâ thretsh!a, aiain Issjhv u<i hn toru- Wi4Ou ote curl! barngbackw, u 'Dcar ail, <i,' eh. suewîne, bsalily F soeeeuauluf»bf m vt aied ,njôlai fbigc IusedO teà t id asii oll o eu 0g uusan. dbIw 4cripled lieu!balu mlin, 4D i4'N o n t, the 1' Clerc ud Mn. 1 thoghtý-it ga litié derigote. odempOUIlanttgo on e Oboni..ip 1 wu#téYlayinate whig * But Lieater hei. npudvil ar*e gea o bo » elqga fied Cherv a~~N berLge1 lik Li eegalu mcilte . dvto H. (Contiuai.> lb.etivermti obf, dNoburDo.kGen aLUmdm-s.lcud o ue n obsoug f» Car ARS, la Danrvandutu'I . vilae o it.f hàl(finçnupieîn bgihtL tînocu tu the ida: cf a Les, rsiu'etrm. oould nicali about<hi feuil1, bout be. Lu-itti. Chenlil.Led bien fnestiug for tomesself, his fuit mieting viîh Lin, the tub*-.. peculiar diuty neteîolb., pnocuned.aiqun tmc.Mr Ulol fenap home, aud Arthurn-goud.natunidly nuder qise înîMoy.M n d.Lu he ou'm fniidi wM, cuit £0 gel ii for im; decisning, in uiVie foudeimufor l11111. Roue'-Le brougbt up :a £ Olra'. proeetatoq, tat hoi uoul! fn icuig.olns u fuir a battlewithiietorm eftar ILoM. rilimîiimly "o icsin lri n plate, ub fLa* is motbir, inem«tid la Ibo, tapie, te. r(bi echoli-boy deys. 8o moutlng apoude! wtb Ibeir:.miu""ece; sued la ail cap sol uvîrcoat, aud epreadiug s big M sran sud B l o i ï -n p ei ty h n'ay umbrulla,, thieb, if coltbem ver; semî,thet w - Elle eomdta ig l peeitlyr îL led sbeiteredliltili Rosa once ilion a lima, bott.. @vas 1k. si'chiid le . ber ci-, w u~s certaiuly lu-si cousiunlgoli, hi lrudged joymeuî of a er-bh bvd ba 87 dotu the stretIo IcoîLesilf-otyied - 'IseL- thîrie ae oethiug mueucsud fresbh afkin ioalbli .'eiaunant! of Edgehiii, wi re litîlu ail b r <nit ou nd chgalîî's jelly wu mmsufacund. Ou the questioneus voiiteing Lted s Igueu. wo: hi occnpied bis min! sfter Liesoucal I 'Wae h ns, wee.alvn feebion, euthtoorjecturea about Mergareit &n r1IfW e@-e@# i Tha oreh. Ioagi ofherscd ompnid 0u*lovr e n cviny mach?7ho. long. The oraewiber inht o mîracm,,b. il* nici you boead tfLbe?1don't IoanuIiy rg îciuiyhwie 0 ber il! up dst e < aig about Len noud do in%cliec ie bil d op m4ci srt fI~ii oun acer ::pecst ti e ber egal:V 1,Ail 1éir rom nce&bo& b r. he ouinevr I Rno e lu ich nd theu pu r sd 10 bisepo hi eousid sweîse lo ed hLeci > ldietaiail Pt-vin baferge Le r e laiat tsyune- swvi o l.eleong bellie(,if uot e pouamuivu -wihVntfeig h edr yia coLc, c, f meganinoi ve. ru t. c o vi t o n ef v in g m t b e 5 ar i d l v a s b a rd 1lu k s e p t he lia e rs , h si aukuovu ber smineheinlaàadifféentu Pil- vooI! uprug t£0erLin esm(rcm ovorfloviug, tien.mabahiliseiud go vonde that abotai Loy .. Buele! *6k a thoaesd vague fbontgiti ISIIuÊîy oii i ti uh emi.mbered, ina&pli@' py sud @opposihionm coucrnuing ber, lie vaik- cf limse and abseuce,;harernyot to coutrol ed dowu the long tnîît., adausaed bY ou the Lot-bloc! that emmeansd Veut l ine 1 the other side vithoat iven seiug thîLe Lub, and made Lin fiai as if ail oyez retaurant, on discoveniung that h oitad-vie@upon ber la voader -au! muspiciou gone 't orfanatil 1h.- oid Policeoffice- Some-muo-nperlelly vbeu big. lieigb sa 'eil-knowtc,,Indmnank.ia bis hoylmb dse poke vith bchténeudan sd dmirn op- i -loomed up before him sud sbo-ed hlm prccisîiou of bin preouismohe-a uild a his blander Se turucd albck Lastili as impulse. came t£0 îbn o Leslf-at;ber <est a li Leaav it, vith a laugb aetlbis ovu cari.. Ibm sud thare, sud reusai tLe înuth beforea I~lesneus ;saoyiug 10ablunelf, 180 mucb for thim ail. Ratgtat vas oniy momentarb g ,~giving my vhule min! 1ta amyeîenloue aud. Ibauk a 10ehrninuate strangth of min! s.- youg lady iustead of attending to my au! powen of self-restroint, ah. bore bar. lm busines. to ovoking, thoagb, selfbnavciy, go ail oulvard aeamiug. a Lot tafien ail my long valk 1 bave Cme t<bngh Ibo Icughened ondes!. Non go no conclaaiii about ber. Margaret 1 oue, Arthun ouIy excepte!, sas an, fhing ,ri Margaret 1 vhO au! vhat are YODu? sud Donnaai luinr mannîr, or gaeaad for o a wLan. have 1 sien yoa befoni V moment ît sh abc W li-htieî lutereat lu m . He did nol expîct su, anever ta the conversation. Jane Ln.mbert' a care. ci ibis impatient cpEastion. bat one csme viîh leese, on Mu.* Leighîon'a imperfect hear. s theiL suddenaas bfiuspiration. A blatof iag, vhîcheven it vas îLot ceuse! tLe mis- te %ie vind avept round the corner, vhirled tbe tsf ilerban oe, efl'icîually preventeil any ni e!d bougla; of at youg trie that stood ezpoed ssociaion of Masugaet Murphy vîth Roop ni id e o is <ll fo rc , s u!n d sîn ck ih d o v u 80 M array , i u th eir m i d s. i a qaickiy îLot Arthbar Lad taruh nue a the Chaeise aiiep et Ilut, droppicg ber P, R.side straI 10aoscipea sblot a inisfou, bond vbich le bld nfuse! 10 .relinqalah fle As Le di! mo i Ïome (al luinsigLI of % Lefore, snd she wva liove ai!10esape. de Iil.i brovu, ocomer cotage-the Tery Ouse aloneinl ber otu rangm, she eat dowvolb saie ILs: Lad once bienuMn. Murray'&ansd cid, as tha uuly relief eh. coul! ob- til bom ugd, thoagh umpty nov au! failiug talan inthe gamnait ut doubt aud diatress vi, te !ecay, it kepi utl cenougb of the ci! that diatanhe! Lin mimd. What ta bîli 'eve, or fanuliien lok1tareail vividly o mîmory that ta expeci, that taleurco, sbe coul! hc of Lie boyhood. Like as anadea iight not tel; for mhe ho! no mgeane of doter- au on before 'bis eyes tL. thole aceno flashe! miniug îvbeîhen thia convengatiori Lad mi in t u is m in ! - a o d rea oy , s mo ion u, fter no o D j r e nin o m a ch a n ci n c li c i n m î e y a ...i -hi m o u f s b i ty , i i' g y m s ti e y e n .a u- v e t d o v , su d p o k î lu Lin ous ia obAerr ., tbcgh it made iamel diff enece ge;,t affectio ate loue, and- M.. to h m i it r v s . H .hW ! b u t n i cm n. L a enhi u a s d M m n. R iv os iv e i-i just lu hlm m i d, s u ! h t <c gp s h o m e b , ith e ILh e m e s e v r. N tb i g ' u là s eir inta quickes possible route, sud in thé hotet m aâti r btokndsan, ne t feeling tcard Lui p o m ibloe Um e p t i e d i ec u u e n, g u a p na o - Li. P ro m t b. d n ein g .so om b io t th o na ob lico l test . I l le t o b . o dired th t b- a mn e à ou nd o 'u a i - s < ow o es play , h e di! not o g t lth Ch enu e an ! the ras~- ed aftly, sud two voicea ingig ls a eh. o ut tauant sitogihèr, bat La di! manageIo du!e t-s. 'She fruit very eil hosi s ec re th a j ul ,, sd t Le.n um ak e a h 9e , ii n d lu bitter bhu iliation be et a lio"for. Oak 4111 . cone beself for iaualiàg bat she- in, iti A f at inute lser n d o u v S iting pu mt o n présent pe non- lept ny fol <nro l u t L . a m -s ny - t a u p e t t a l d is t a n c e p u a i e b c g h t . , W Ly d l ! L e v r c um e S O U S front the h !on acco uaI of the dampse o rLe ?1 hy did 1pieu *my sef in a positiona gai u p p o oÇ e d t .I ao b o u t b im - v ae b i u Ro se te '0 b e s e b ou m b le d a s d a nu g , ? O h L I î L t .1 - m î a s aîh . e d î e b l i lt h s p o f n i e f t e L d n v e r o e u it L a f l a d g @ i L i h 1' w u f i n délicate oi. en, lsel> Lu, v4tchèd iL dopliaig ry f bern Lart. Lin toc, éuingt ail tL. vile h. -vue - gara ctt ing of 'a ye, déso iption u th i oc m M isuvhlh, A rthur,,inu- o Ver > di unre i A sud t e dW tnetiotn M <ý' h i yr ang p pular, fraisé of m i d , vwa e « alîng o ven the e n- o mlj umo l* ï bii,, £0n- em ou e t ie childr ao,, ho c ase m Of- ie xPore i t, -H e ad beu m Le c m a d . g r i s c p m f y g u a e yh e m h ie u . v s d e c g b o us t h . o u s e v i e l i n g sn d i t i b ît e f u eï l r a # k i - f ie e l à y - J > t s in g n g , s ud -là t e r en iî o mu ia g o is e - i o d a, r l i, Y tô e b e rv i v L t L r cSU o ld -a L e t lig l q a ie 1- n u b le In Seu le L siw o f £0 a uj d e :. a« Y é m otios t e là e m o tion , f- et- ric o N qu fie cc op cîo , e e n alue R ose Ld 1lifa t p rp bul6u ' - - th.mnursery. Mi. Hniy tck , ùnoaact "msr&s ara;110 oce Aitauere- e- mo.oerycy smoq hfsl r tun, Ian.; bm pai, lathi dcsving.room vuas n mit shéuai! bedose ; L vîý 'e Ilfor Id aillotudt au! coufonishle ou». He-'elfiab 70 £0 baaeoganist cesituni 'of yui tfliot I1 -di! -not give îLim s îbougbî a@ bc owa, diressed lun athite cobe sud bine betteg- ire tîe vin! sud nais irLies rbbca; -ut, if yom-!id not via Lac lq-she thimaical valk. sei ouilooki0 dbsck poper unsnn, yôi feel digrade!ae> ir once ei ho, deug.! Ihi gàti li bia! Liai, lime 701 pu g min, rýStyle leruytbing an 'tu! abtvsot< h rIL alnîIi uineàs. For tL@ benoît- of ý-the Windows luefone 'Liohýl MieHsnîley'm figure, ciig gcnureîiou I have vnllîoa this lit!.e flitte!, balila oueibiunop? teru oà singloe <niai, vblck *uihI:elucfate ilb Ri 'igLtchocus dioli, d bie a ahado,,y et.riSu0(uthîe marrieS basiu3esean! -viii Gwcead form, 001IY muesfor s moment Mako e vin; Mes bis ova guid.eîte e.! heeat bnihitu eàu n ud e. - mtnaugiellgbs.CHAPTER I. - i 'Di! Lucloveber-iisMargaret, on ium EEca.. Bois, tbicb.vasr ah. tene -or vas it cul;N TcGAE 1th. mBy$tOry su d -romsa nce yuL îbývhich Le, TLetrui solnrima ntailafield is-very Lad! lmvet.d hon <lat képt ber forevîr lu any . e mie Li' opticeon u! hldbm Lis îbOugbii1te? Wcul bhavi cane! for-,Putil Le fandse b in!foc vbicbfi thinoka >ber if Lu Lat!ýDouter eampcted ber 10 b. 'is Led bitter go. A mstsocu~tfsbl 4moeîbng duftëreni frontu &hg ememe! casU npinPly bc oxpenolid biê.- if -tLe Au! vme ihe,. e suy likÏlihuoS <ibat licol!à Id Uaftir le ycuug sud rieb, bLu cago for childiehloi1c r. unhlmeCuld deopquniuîo almout Suyîhisg ; if Lie le venging lovard mach a feeling as <Le voald vieb <c-iuaplni gney beinsu aidla. teeth- Le mus mot Wbiru hi eadtn ubi b dd love?'l Titae, teî b auu umchl b sy f et a rci queutions iîL o turtnse!o ver l ia ia!sI eMaIechdîe tlpu an!viee!lu Ilaipel, gnowiuggo 106c-, m envu d na, Lec -aLive yoatb. on sonh! l Itu tat . sitbn 1oge! bs, ttbatt eval tb. No trucasmports- thOe- Le vent. son IboagLi of bo*theb. u eer gois for 'braluis, becaca. il la tiane vau pisiug. Up oseneuta!douamot inpmliî 8 u! Ii suothîn, îLroug Baurcow lancsau! dorf 1aid, vhon fonu!, iL.;tiee vo, usaà- alom-henever bLu happene! 10 tara-Le facion>'.- lrdsdaoug vhint parpose, colens, as If ;ou iaei s hmnsbring alter vidaw,, tLe state-of Lia germent&mWobc udi! cele rau Oatenonuvuih as beca 1in--îLe cuack bomie st lut voni! aoean 10 prove, 'buinum munth"a. once. They Liccms 90 Cecciasm Mch mu! as Le posaibi, "o buoviug 1afirIWO or three trials. coul! lu t hi given Iime. ,Beides, Ihoni je e <atajut; bout tmue vaswu inuo'clùck .-vLia Le made is vomiu...lhy're boud.ta! cLe- id.ws. sppeanance lu the panlcý agalua-sucl a ~Funthecuone,. yldots havieaàira, of ap. diem l fiure <Lai Mig Herle; srak pss b. O !.! doive titi,.dacaîs, eva; rom hie approsch foi-be tirit timi thes,.la roality, #e leyre 1paiug tLe late lu han hife, an! Manias exciaime!, pettieh. defaucti sumeati gabîe f ra Le mu aia 'WL, Arthur 1 btasaight yos seul 1 Âlvayesealocî yoang game, if pomeible. ffyoa viii Le so 'rude ans £0 mpm! îLe as iL lo umore lifel; to bc tender hnIa sv'ening Out Of doorsin lu eL 'cuber as tLicb bas béecs ondemueo <ed tr talih tba eo ib t lif ai Lvethe grauceot etonaubenleas parties. GUe uth <nechîca le cous lu80t.hîe perà nce i IspligLI." -* oc pimples, or croiée yce, onsenyrnbh bing. i»igLbto l.! aop auxionel;. raLsýe..u 'Ni dean, thîesbaesyoa ien?'l ah.o HPEI l .mi lU, au i>' , ~UîiX 'Dlon't buow I WLy Arthur, thet lm tl matter tb you lr- 61 don't Luot that sither-al lacett1lai not prepsredîto give a diagnosis oftas cOmplsiut at preeut 1 Le sai!, go,!,, a-n stooped dowt Ï8Liserongond nii<Lt eilding, ab hc di! go, $WLou I lu! on wbat tLe maîter le I tilteoll YOD, Le suri Good-night, Muinu Rauiley ; good night flerisu. I tili not ehock yoar sunsibiltiei any longer îvith suob au exLibition.e Au! e0 Lie veut Op- eatire, -Ieaving MA. rian roalu, provoke! b, Lis cavalier treal. ment, su! Miss Rau-île, in a fever ao miighed vexation an! curiosity. Whai coui! Lie mean ? se.aaked herseif most axieusi,. Was anything neaily the mýat- ter? au! ifa, "bat.-vas h? Ho could not hie la love vitb auybody-hene vas Do one bore but berseif, au! sias I Lis usanuer pnoved anythiag bat love for ber1 Poor Miss Hartle, I abs vas oblige! te éel that tmath lu ail iti keennese, se eveny Ja develope! la more fully. , For Arthun, oving but on. purpose lu Lis min! at tlii ime-an! ît atotobtain s privais inter- et yuL Rose - gave ne mon. of Lis lime )r attention ta Bila titan Lia duies as a ist au! a gentleman oblige! hlm ta. She * raye! Lersefifnlaehanméat coqueielb noruiag..robôai ber moît irealtahis ababy raimia,' ber moat voiumiaoug fioances i ahi nile! sud ponte! b, tana; ab. sang laaMng, caneîeus melodies oue evsuing, id droope! penauueuy ila scanner -of tLs ifsa anoîhen; thon abe quoi.!sentimental oetn, about tLe heartleseu of men, and itaet et goiug iatoa!à nmnery, vitb s so heitchiugly significaul air-batitI raa ail ta uo purpose thateven. Arthur eigho ouoLs mors sotie of Rous.*plain ock dresa, 'Onail day su! eviny day, ýa of Eîla's vbo!ee labonsati ardrobe, nd pal! more attention ta oas simple ,ord <nom ban lips thau to sitMiss Hart- y'. varie! ailurements. Rot h. loage! ton sa . oppontale lu iber cloue, groving dail; more fupe. eut au! uagen as suie, attempî vas frai- ate! u » ecouid ucuer gît a muinute vitL r, ien ta uekfor the inerview, su! Le aI!d uot ais assistsnce <nm ou>'oftr<Le aily, Lecaa.. tbat'voul! -excoite surprisie, i iuvolue explsastions vLich LeA d! ot i ta maire util Le Lsd finit mut Rom. igna u tiiatin a tî deys ut voa templi te accompîlia hie objeci, that eba aides! hlm porpooelÏ' for bis appmaanue tLe sunaery'seau.! ta bc tLe sigual, for lr departare, If Lehoteof a seat, on twe! as; intention o? mskiag astay? v as aune ta finit as excuses-for gosi s of the tonnai an! lit, Lim -veit se long bue choie ahe di! st ointue acir. Evan Dight. then îLe tam gînnsal; banus th ths chiIdr.u, lt-Le managed se eucspe m îLbe drawiag..reumiad.ulip ap gla»ns,' ne euil. spinit ace.me! tbdW u inIsgn ans Lim, for ber placi vuas sways ut,. Jusi. emptie!, it voal! appean, ým.îhebo6kor vork theowu dota cane., sly, sudperhsp. ILe nastle of ritrestiug rmiaua in tLe bsek-LslI-I Atfirit lie thougbl it ail accidentai, and! rftetted aï bis lauflueb,' but by aad.bi .ouh! sot Lulp fciliug tîL o iiacIe! h asPurpoà. WLch wtue .trmth ee!, fon pour Rose Lad somae0toiati rmination aIat lu nber.diairèsa'aud d, Toe muca carioau ;b17rie!l the melecion o? ', thia srticlî. You-, ho mot talbc cane îLot il in adaptea 10 îL gami. &me ne ds of. aumulît 1on are adapte! te ali class; rings, especial; ,diamouddt.- 4fana, bouquets, aud jetela ea he ie!in qusntifies ouif limite! by tLe -&Muntci of ui youn bénir accoulut, on of jour, employen'e potycash. 1 Loue seau the bracelet do' tbthebusiness ai once, mhongli, ta0hLe1lune, M i vas a yen, gorgeons one. Senadea mal be uucd to aduontagi, Lut cane must be taken lu selecting tLe souge and the - iadots.- To a blontde you may vsny vell - <f aing, 'TLy oyezasa biosof violet Lue -;' Ilte a bmr»ette, 'Black-eyed Moi-y,' or 'Sus- ,t an ;' îo a bleache! blonde, I su dylu g, - Egvpî dying,' Nover siug vulgar eogs, dvhîch are use! by hungny lovons of cookg, m ach as, 'Wilt thon meet me 1o.oighî by the oh! garden gaie,' on iMeet mi y b l 1ligLi abuse.' CHAPTER II. a Nothere is more réel akill nequire! thon - bere. If you do7ne: moLre s dead aLoa, b yoa migbi better have save! yonn ammuni- 1ition. Aimoot ovin, t ounade! bird .e- i capes. Altays malté aune of yoar, aim, iau! thea yon fine, bring downtaheLebird. The proper course ta pansue is thia -.cané- efnlly os your oumuaition', sudt'hen ,YOD tbiuk Ibinge are favorable, and Ion gel a good ight, maks your abat-'-Youaue ealvaye deliven il biut on Joué kneaa. Be 1caesfal that thon lai ulittle sceler on 1brother ai-oua!diubcu yon go lu'for hui- nesi, <or sickeing îta catcbiug, an! thLe Lin! me, S, befèeeIonaveasdelivene! joue abat. 1 BEouesad ynoof la 1h; proper place lu thieL go do thie part of tLe bualeesa, un- lias the vesîhen Le col!; iunthai eaase 1 have Luovu gome îo: b ougbtr dovu b, a 8portaman lu tLe hall, vbere 1h. Lous vu ileste! b>' L'ot- air, Parent Linds ounetiumes inierrupi iLs spontimnujust ras hi imagines that hob. u asure thiug, vhich àl- cirtaini, ývin>_. sggravatiug. Game propel, broagbt dovs drap op ap ,vour lhft eoniden, sud yoit-jadicionl; appi;yjour lipe fitailsbih.-Afin, spro. per amunt cf Lugging lieasnagios, su! D'ice, but b. very'eaneful ueî to Lîep tb. parnus iedîup toc lai. -. CHAPTER IV. »lao<iu10TEs GAMI Thi ellhuhlalvays Lo dota ini4the van, et style. Fiasi îsa chunchea, an!dtwo on tbnie parsono, cau gunensîly bag Ion su! thbe ii-!properi;. Notice cf the* baggisgahould eivayg b. gives <o yoar friondsa, utîe Sig aboni! Le lange euougb ,.10 bol! 'sitonl;the Lin!, but aise ay iret-éliseshouss, geesu.bacba or iivervaro thicilma La frnaisei!b; îhe- fnisudi cf the bird. The, game shoul! Le ilegauatly droese for tLe occasion ot îLe expensu ofthe -parnt hindi, of course. Youa must tarscane tl'bstîbe bag in so lie! tLat thé Liai causot oscmai hcuhh ow FIRE ASSURANCE ,COu., LSSBABSTUED CAeIN1CRO2. - 1 g T Itt 1 1 1 1

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