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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Nov 1871, p. 4

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ees Preai two te four yearg otage, embracng Aillte beit 'Vasitle. SifTU C. W1LSoN, loôt No. 8. fnd Cn PlcorInu. on ICIDWOWA-1,i Plest 'Office, W!.lLby LZT-TUE WULD lNoW--TUT WJLLBON's NEW PHOTOGRAPU GALLERY 1 la ?(<0 OPENf, Wo are bmipy ta annmanacothmt wî have cern- itemeod ubnliieas iii aur îîmw raa., ibuliL *emprramly for iatagrplaitig,- si.. ail * LVima liatemt imprcvtiuîmants mim Lloait- c 5Lr. £wlug, of Toronto. Natiiîmr but rcaihhy firit ciaa»work alowcd Lu lem.m'mýthe lmiyw mmm Ail kiîds sud il oizai of îiitere taken, and colored.ilit m>i, Witar, or 1 Jlai .lk, moa vi * i»mvo mairioe mpoieal mrrugemmiuto itim ii a #rxt. claim artimt toi Toronto, to colur aur oil por-j frutsaparties fmvanrlimg uami wtlîoraera lu, tuait lino eau clepmmm nd utieur beluig O ated lu ia ufflor r mîmauner. .Chlltlojemtmkei. ahooîîastntutainmy. * j 1uiortàtmiL 7otpeo-I'60 par doamen.,tîli * (~tw DoIIIt forret MO lme ca-Wauhaiee' Dow Blomck, musat Lie Omtarlo B.am, B. 1IL WILIAOIÇ. Whiy, Oct. lltim, 1871, 41 VALUABLE PaoiaRTY FOa SALE. ý,.vnlnAtile property. in dia To.vo or- WhIt- by aaIbaeclent rick o ta ge ii *quarter of mii acreof and.utaiatateui or.Mect pier of Gremn sud Sti Peter dtreutiela the ooàlhWord. Aiâo, hiaun acre of lanld, Wolf feucbml, ud In a MI i mtate of cnltlvmtili. ont diaorner of Wollingto i ifforai Streets, North Word, 1A qmmartmar of mn cro on Centre Stroci,, .onth etth Lie mideîQu 0f V. Draiper, IReq., la tiie Sonte Word, SAlto, Tweuty Acrei of gond, landm, Seing omnpmmmd of part c ot 18ta, In the Tuth eoîree- milen of LMe 'uowîîaiulp of hlurrity, Connîy mof Northmbrlanod, Çr A eccmr muid indimpntabie titi, wili bai glvi:atea mi tue mîlovc proîîorty. For iurther partieulaim pîhiy to thuiowner. WR'liiiby,Jniy 19, 131. 29 -f HARD AND BOFTOAL WOOD, &c. Joimn Kisithi la li rocelipt of WILLOW I$ANÊ, ORIIIS XUN, LEI(11I LUMI-, SMÂLL EUG, Wimmcii mi00 graioeanimi mtaceitilîave noanpeilor, 500 CORDs W0uO, Cliaiup, for cJaish i wy. JOHN KEITH. lk:ock St. W hîthy, sept 8(' 1t?71 887 J 11JOi(TANT -TO) PARTIES iJAN ( MACIUYRY i JJ. S TOOI0<'S EXTRA -MACHINE'.B ILE TisiasOt izela iii otier O, beLl, animal sud vegetitblb, m'îd wo ars. porerd ta mmbm, thée nuiurÃ"rtY cf Ltis 011 ta ail ttier. tmtaindî Lithets nece&Oai ai aprocure& rfiraf-lmia i#g tîie, It IA iiaapiemite sither liglît ornboar>' mai. ciimîsi>, roni.afcak or aevlg-niglite te tlmq bemvet 'O! alaitma. Tijeofm>howine oare the tt lt hieli IL eaeemm athe immrtlha IT VL MOT IOM, liaes meemutliiery eu b. kept eotmn wlLb but 11111, tronuble,anui Il; Viii elemin 81114111111847thîmilthaebee$n mareami> uimmem by othici 011%. t willl1101, 0c1119em11or tLimchen luilime eodet'fseitlmer. Tliîs Is a qlunt cf Lie llilimet Immportanceo, brointLime tact un 0<,u Dot lîavilg tii qmîý;ity viii mcflotlanrieate a cold ilabaft, smine!1)mIîlîMaiy. bcapi bd lna hanitam it at.,but t L i aneiit IL toanel ammicoimi uulaft le acou-oeel mmd will nat ilbrcatoq en- $9 tLimarmaia by'IUtlotî iqul rem timmt tempqr- attire îmecaamiry te redîme S t toa m liquttd ata e lu meqîlrlsitioaller ttintmermire by fictio, the journal epauda miîmdtle box le Injurod ti, 1t4 asum'bonsibl e ta U nio!timth'výI1i holluon a îa il ett tvitimnt titie reamît, sae t i to Min- gae.11Oit iliwater. J. G. stockal suit 1ulla b)riao L iime effidaL tmhnery tli emoninL it ta apisied. '9 11llas ou»C mimlu over tve baummdaslesotabl laitMîmîuîta, mndilmmgriving Lime best Pt aitlar'actlon, mall iat st a i miuiyns ia>' oreter IL tu reuimîid 8parimi or pore Oive. iL ta trefroin theîohjaitionm urgeai agaluat &Ilu other t0lla, sa IL dame rpot gulun or fréée. Nos 7e.lie pililoar~ aar a nux veillles, 'hiagt arc )ndiuUd mbucoriet>', tn erder te provo tht ttasle n.uo buuubug, a"' te meurs eclwNvoo agmmuutth oeperaiboet uuisepu- loua oit n ti (man>' cf*vimna îlo t hest- Mmtet ople the eau re ffet1ai ouurfierles se bsiutg ltîntIint îLli Stock'* mi achlitne OU ,) se proposee ta Lims, shoe iImtereebtemi intime tînlit et thaleaeiomius.,'ta enti ta ottpliotts, brutaui air'Whîrvime,, laî auva>', a.a l ishi011, .ttmuy spemirL;,itblet, An& viiimaloi tinit it It a te sialmpleicut4, asu felvo u thboeLto'by viieli goid le kesîî front Lime boser Motis, *anti wtiliienable parties or- d'eluc tiere Ismeaelesagainmt Imposl- tieu,bcabI o bm te dclcrnminee mle viehrthe 011 trsd.d klauagood sas _2 d'ré caliug l a sbliaCilla viflmi* W eilLe eelnmuRîticslI4 i (*50. B,*IUCZ, ihreugbaum, Ob,L dot eleAote b.Doulses Breugiaau, IKa#*h 18,188. Tim ais" eaU ntns Ri McaaW«os 0. 13, Blocs, Pe4., iaouîaix, Imaen Uulngyenr Lnbrlctnig )Il for upeti fmur oithnandct o;r imhu eataiu ti lIt 19I la hc'bas [t5vaho vaver noed. ,-It la aisoelheup, snd lests langer titan amy Othe cil. 'We ihhve min Our large 14 lest troll pimmn6r 7 daiyx viLS nue oillmg IL keen, ie Lolý *lcu maidbi ga.W a iin, L u ,wuait at>tlang bettor usa ilabrlattir. * am,'yourea Ly>, LOCK-STITCH 8EWINC MÉH1INE T uimugilmmm almiimu.Thaiy hart hesu tcated hend a queaL'op, m <myte caVite, ioek sttehamiike on bth Ide, end&W srèto uauucsdmmKppriar te miîy oiher înadhlmme efferid the. î.ulle, 'For wlde range s! wark.pefteo tien, lfasty ind excellence off lliiA- aptsbilty, etr.ugth sud drarbiltjr' < sirJmproveiusnts have iateiy been mde, enabli'îg Lb.n.aniif'sojtsato clista 1$ -at the SMaiLlE etaitse8eii Mîmi londredmi eft tatji llaore belmig reeeIVcml dalI roua oid àà as isne* eprgtom tt.si»< ,If. otiro dor":I ptMiltoo4 WlII do-'&Ilikiis cof dom Io e mewhîr mg, thelinmet cambrie te Lbe cmmsetoverout or uipper leatier. 84iE, **Uu!rA mtZT, m Vn rsEA. Tito Ombôro Omui a eomjieta aud resmuily Gornprebeuded. l aIml80aiet ue-bau thé price litlerW chmrgemi for umcines doing a like rmiiîe of work, the imanufaictu rers a emde- tarntnad to Pl" i IL Iil! Lhe rsacéh of ever17' fimily ln Lthe countriy. A nul si sauxai ccgsamw111 euOuvluee *11 Limat gur üma.iiuéra.eunequalîed.' *The G ep vrlI aueeSAo. Wii de. ai1-varliesa ô!douis aewlng. e'lries glroat dee. Umind Macohins vit lul RE,8;Lsa do., $17. Ù il aeh able guitrentoed. @-WAon,awwmu, gzgywmies. plendi indneenmeeou s u09aqy. A4pply ta- <JUELPI! £EWING S1IÂbaINE coý OTILLPii, cAN4&DA Lei'Allun, Agsu er WilLy;E.a i U'lts or Bmwmwuvle4 Lewis QiIi.kaifoi iThi» 3 !!-î. ! yde i 'n fur, wl Kli e iaipomlmi lEa @Ou lciiiiais liitWlumadfevêtt aiudlupî ot hrlau wtl n , Iaemiaimieeai a a l uaid i a & 1.0 =piaiSo.-,mi., at'm, ;î,&. 2.«aaid ILANCFACTURED AT TEE£ 4grloultura1 Worku. LEFFEL'S CELEDRAtED Do".l TURBINE WÂTEI WI{EELii va oev aeSemoàs vnas sow slu.,vu s' - i dI Vit tlpaille. W. taire plisser.lu Informing Lh. publie of CmadsAstbakwt'w.iilmuid d cran hudbir. y. W. <am., of Osawa., -Ontario, Patter,,. Former». Draclua,,Usueo. and ai otmer ne- eoitry Informationi, te bnlidoui coiebaummd 1>ob[c Turbina Wmier Whwiiîee lnveic Wc'iav.aimo'oMlate iiîé;lev'to 5hruish té saiïfn faelfor mnufsaWtrn tune otuerpaies le Conada. Without Lb. inicir- motion we have maren te Mr. Osas un'Oeue@eaC Eeie~ful9 uid uiWheia auive adviae PiartiesaluOuni 8atO purehaa0 .rs"-WJteul is t ne otimer muauitrer. Mi. G&Wà,àtielilUs. týou lied&%ut Wittmatiowli. to.. Metimrefor eimeaennnd le tvtuthe pulI oCaraim wdsaen" onfimienoe, bei-- iîg sure hi.wii motmufeturo a WleeI lu ain rupeis*qeqal ta our ovu. (Slnem,) JAMESLEFPEL &'CO. ;,Wî are priparmi ta fernlali Water Whlhs, PGna imfarilymi, muid mil selnory ta;- eeasry ta attaicti thep Wheia t timte faeliuqry ithey are ftoemdomi todrIvW ; and: if, ater two muniatrlil, tiey'mre net ssuacstory, w, viii taes ml imek,, pav rokeht bah ,wsyi, aud rc- dfond aay paymeintanmadei te us thirion. Whsrs parties are îmot aalied iwitimt tie W bai, mand esonot maire a cliaimge nt ttimedînie vîitout losa t buaineima, tlt er nayrue té sheel ttdtncftnrY a r.amuable Urne wilh- ouit ebarg, mot ezeeidlng eue ycaî, lun rder atjoa>ynmk.ea nge wtbout Jjinry ?Bélow are givin Lthe Dame& of parties*vWho aoc no* uslng 'yomn fl o, M& U#eammb61 our -w ea:sud isabmvitmparlvt e skWo Ia hte plîrelîsa.to correspond wlLh LltMoi. DeVin Aruml............LlDa" . TheusAfkaei ...... f....... Aheil. Biagserk Anderson.......UceritM. Boyau. & Peltij............. ng, %îmuarn Desm........saa AI liuaina&kC.......V:efmd A. Barbea........ ....... e. tDavlds, K' DhnIat................ Toipmime J. 0. uilhilu.............. .Brooiî, WM ilarnies....... ...ihaiffor. A. J. Bir ............... o Wm. buoher mu............ddys as J . e..............bel'mPl C. W. C6rd"e ,...... ....... .Caunsqîel Jams A. CIeM .............. . %aroi, A. & J. (tbumtm ......... er là. Offoov................kagie. Dmuieed 17 b...........1eli t $muietl >avi.............. .tauny C. 9: Drewery............ .eomaImiVieV, M. fa iPI .............Naaae James X1Iuai..........Prt Hope. 'Wk.Imls ..........ctlembau,, suuIr eais ................. vertoo. Retiea Fermy-th...............intre&lm, FmneaalBrus ................. Broti FiFrd kMilea .............. Campcbml, 8, . Ore................. Grenwemj. Thomas liao4 .............. Wrxier Jomseph Gôian................... xrde Wi.. ObeniQ .............. ..G;D.gew., Glis li re............etmaiwa. Hmk4.-& .reemmwa;Xcd............mfion, Ouon, 14ltar k Co .........mmod Wa,,. k tmta.r ditmie ..... l tol, Win. lulir ...................iasletn, Illliadk Dzon,..............Parkeuuhm, -0, 0. Hall .......... ......Qmebec. luier liraibera .............Aimemîe, C2p. Raye» .................blaitreai, HewmSi................ igland Cee KSami ik ttcmami,... . .. .Futorsville, a. r. Hasrrmin................Brmtkm,. lrwi k lM.yd.... ............PortHotte, Joh ieît mlc............oaelpt& D. P. lJemakC......(aiamqi aeA. Lomuas... ....... ....herrnke, Ja es 1*............ .. .rci, Cahuai tent........... ..... Nwaaiîî, lingh Mblimo ......*...........Cmmimingmeiî, J.lie Marilml, *..... ...Newmirket, Jon le)omgMml.... .....homri Wmililam bm t ...a............ Mild May. Ja.imoCrAc ............... ..e(ew. MeDowehl ki;tl............ Demoredlvîlle SamS oMrmei ........ ....Newmmburg. Imm b lorlammam. ............. BIe. JIohnimî liEaiem ..... '....; ...mmrew John Nich;ima.................. Iei"raole. Wmn.u.Sxon.... .......la.miig A. I :. OmekC. .... ...emaurmai, * Wt'mmnater.I .1........... ...owmanvilme: iebard l'rt, ............... ,-L-mdiose. Palem 31 usmueurirl ,Co.he....... Wilmasmpronm...........-...Piekring. Jamesm. almetInr.I.........Dues' Creet, Pembermi& kCe.*.... I*.....uu. 10 i. Parmi>.... -.......... rglha Peck, Dlioy k Cai..... ....om tras Jmohn u l'.r .................mmi8resl C. Pansu... I................ Wim, Ab Kuml.............. .~ .Osbawa, a &W m.............. imie Aig". D'ati .................Du Cree Jolim mhW.......ma,........Nrndh, Ooge w namy.......0.,.....eutreal 9.màhJ. UiliI..............5tmlftMJ.p 4 Jotihn Lqa,s ... .......... tiaUla ils. Charte amül; ..............Werwrmo1 Kmale ........... ........ Coourg, oit u pe,............. lesier, Tontaa9. Muurnevlle.... seiat Terr UmIe.................. M on iAshei Jaitm rhanmm................frflt Wm. Tuer...........ayci Dvld Tewas.... ... - ...Be vaillec, ilhoums k Tewuand..... ' ti Ti..opwolmais, ......cstavile, Umm ce ............. hrigo. .oe ............ lditresh J. C. WhIL ........ IA.. .ctog T. *: .Wtt........ .....lcae WM ...........reuvle. Jaeslthaigs....... I...m mau07. W£ A160 MANUFACTURA PORTABLE and $7M201(ERT, Steain Engim and 3oil.ru1 - - - 01- . Am ase. Saw Hll Macse ore7eau glKaie,,ieudlsg Eslb ssnwoueateoeefit ng Md o W Oaigsu Mi5 simown a tetmClnmmslawlu vtdie W «b" NamîIs end jelr4mr. et.*8.iliSi5 Pumei Dfilugtmichbu offeem-eÃœ04lM Cta,4Woomm iteblusr h.UptimgMalîs.as KMW v <51f.Lqd o' yiser hou«s,. STINGS, 01P AULKI UAllE lu BliAssouOf loi Ir'O Xcv lshlarY Ot amy kimde te. Slits 'àOfe.vrY domeslPtlemmmde wvib ad,,. onto, At ni i We-Offer to our cuitomers forthe corxiâcg HIar'vest, two distinet Machines, 'which -In stylé,-and construc'tin, embrace the-latent and m'ont 'uneifu improements of the'dy JOIINSTON'S0 SINGLE SE LF-1IÂKING. REAPER, The universal sucesiof thin 'Machine, b'ti0 cleY. Contested trials snd lunLime bands cf te farmera, 'warrnt un la saying timat, as a Self Raiking Reabn Mchne Itba mre-Z dpoints' id las defèteessu' as met with more auceSuanmd lesu failure, thon fieretfre olied te the public. ~rrayugaJu--nioôr Mowerte We were àawardedà the First,Prize and Diploma, 4t the Pr V-incial Eziibitlon, beld in Toron4o 1870, lu competition çbtb a'il the leading Machinës rmana- factared'lu the Province; and vith our receut -ituprevementmi, vs Unbeiaufaiugly challenge inventigatIon aumicomparsluonwth comptirg Miaciinm': ve are aatlsfied thait ouçh lnveuigatiou wiil cenvinc e veryIuudt ced emd,' ï ýtitwe cher thee tic MoiWcrte theFaermer for 1871, built lu thé-Domiufon. W Seumi for deiptive oetaogin 'a. ' BR WN&PATT'WRflN Whilby, June 14, 1871 w Co w Co> 0 r. m- .z Mi 'Wm *JUS r RilEij IVEb. Fire ?roof Chimneyu, ghades, Refiecters, Pocket Lanturns, Spring Braok-ets,.WVick Trays, &o. WhitbY, -fan. 12, 1870. JAMES.,GERRmE, Faunil> Drug Store. SPECIAL. IIILLIERY GODS, DRESS GOODS. TWEEDS,-' HOZIERY, PARASOLS. ARE NOW EXIUIBITED IN< GROIT VàilUETy AT R. A.SMITH"Se They have imported titijs mnon, besides large quantieies of Itaple &' Fanoy.. Dry .C'oods, 'A splendid sssortm'ent of ENGLVIH GRM N ARPETS. sm;o beautilul deimng in FLOOR & nHALL -C LOTHS. BRtT-SELS -ad TAPESTRY, and ai1 WooI Oarpeting. Ma. LAMBERT itili oversoes the Tuilorlng, and to lntendinýg parchauers [4y now- off., liducements and advaotages second to none b iitheDomuiniou, A plendid sbaÏrtment or BOOTS and SHOES uow opoed. MURSI FAMILY GfOCIZRIE8 conuaatly on bmand. c> Am early oCa eolicuted. 4.g IL &A. BM 8> Agents for the. Farmer's Osbourne Sowing inacbine. Oshawa, Jnne, àth 1871. * 2 Ml.-IO. DON'4OVA N' CA &BUGGIES, Large asortun M CLOTIIIN N*w ' v&' IIV ISb w OiqMiva O-'CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS. f OLOTEH & WEED IDE TO ORDELR. LAHR LU1NE S I Unto Lhe public 1 wouid gay, -If tbey would. look end eee, For.bootsaname scatueur uoniy psy, Timen lut t1iier coime te tune. My. well atocked 'mtri ibeauBrocir strict- Attendnuce, 'sotrteoua, kiud, - ., Ycîm'Il indSudfy'goodm budeemi a trial No better eau you Sund. Tu Fairneru, aud to las If timey'i1 taire s few Around the tet..sund Tbey'il bamy from- Of Boots 1-keep a beIwy stock; And ladies wben yon cironse Yo-ur-pretty puises te nmîiock, Cran bu>' the neatemit shoei,. Ky Icatimur poliiahd, flue aundgpoi, K>' priccirow beaide, At once viii suit a damhing c Or a saiet bRUsbing bride. rge aud, 'emaul, v turnit, 1on mhe cal WILIAM April 19, 1871. ALEXANDER -PRINGýLI,. lias removed from bis old premises to McMillaîî'ý Block, Brýock Street, and begs to infor'm bi% nuinerous pâtrons and, the public generally, that bis stock cm- braces 'every requisite' in t(meotieîen's IýUrnishing Cw d's4 A general assortment of best sclected Cloths. Ail Cloths mnàde Vo order. No Slopwork.' NO FIT, NO -PAYE Great Gare and Adttention pazd Io Arz'.sýCe (utiizîg. A con tinuance of that Fberal patronuzge cxtend<ed Vo hir u>r ing the past 30) yearà in -WhiLby, respeetfully solicited. MARCRI 2S, 1871.1. SPRING STOCK 0F -BOOTS & SHOEýS. MATTHEW- COLLINSI Boot kSboe Store, Brock street,ý WliliLby 'ALItA.. 'MACS 'Amgust si, lt7o, music !1jUsIc Wlaltiy Brma. aiîi striir ,Bandslm. adapte Saireca, Pihic$ki, Ecîmim.Qa pri., & o mr., vi 1411ppiy.:tliei b, aaid lm&*tc 34 umie, atm remauui,1m -termmi. Anîmhictioimm nt he mamie eltierpem Or )Y luiter, (POA it li,) tO, J. WOLFENtI 2C'tiay 7, S70. ' l LV-E RY' Begs to announce to his cubtom-trs and the public that lhe- opened business on the premigsn lately ocpied by Mr. l3andeIl, On Brock Street, and that, he is lOW RIGIIT ,FIT AD AE * And of the best style of Boots aud& shoes. Also on hanÃŽd a large stock of HOMle-3ADE'Boots âni&S8hoes whiich camnot be suipaued for quality snd price. Ail orders punctnally attended to. Repair nety done. Business aso carried 'on an usual at, the old stand, near the Royal hotel. 1Wbitby, May' 10, 1871. -MATI i-I EW (JOLLINS.1 TE E OLD 'ST AND!1 FESTÂBL The undersigned ii returu bithortoened t.udmtLn hei am.tstbliahi 'FUNDKF'IGNED DIS11RFS T / T!rmu lue frtîîda aind-»pmtroam, ili mma sgmmimm reËane.1 i boalmamiuaithLIe olmi WHITBY L1IERY STA3: g*liavinc a erese lithe imambur qnlizty of the oatmîd, nd ilAo amded tu ai prmved Lime comveym:mjcmi11m.1mi Voulile$ m la-cunimiO. e .llapem bbeimmg iin Lmic 'îmeat time sîmîtsai1culiteîrA Lui merit am Or puiblic liitrnmagc. bCHARGES NO DERATE. N. B.--Curcd clvyaa for laiý aîmui lmtdiegm. VrumamPt attelîaiJura.(,, a"r,tc moe mil aidera. N. ILAY. Preprie 'WliIty, April 8, 184S. TL'ETII XRC 99r WITHOUT PAIN,j BT'VIîgE Uo OU tTIE lNEW LOCAL ANzSTH ETIC AT DENTAL EOOSW, D{JNDAS STREET IVfflTBY, C. W. ROOM5.-OvIL 1.1.Cocbranelis store. WbitoY, Jumîs 26,1887. f FELLOW2i5 H Y POP HO SPH rTES. Amnougat Lthe dhtec-cerecuie b>' ime ue ot Fdow' cmpond syam~p o/ Hgpophcqp&wa CmsipW!on.Aima, aéumpf le. Debily mtnliîg.truTypmii aud loir leones, tilab rbtc rctr ioaj, Hya MUAi or wi4.aithe Mostb. M sud Air sameges» leudming tlmoet. e fre,11 vifloaimus e,umi> ecafc pesred itcplmsm. sld b>' mpetltecorie*. MPilce, 8150 Sxfr JAMEL YI.fJLi'wg JOHN CARTE LICENSED AUCTIC ouscous:rjt&cy ONTAILO, YORK & - on resnbeem.Termi auin bilmi priuited aLtite Çhrosalec 'Carter. COMMERCIAL Hi BRUoCE ST., WHITDI SH lED , 1833'.]' ag thanke for the liberal pi latest style and best 'MAN IS T E st.-( S* PAT E NT ýLAM,?,s r. 1 B URNS"ý î7il 1871. -1 L L À N'S B L 0 Cr-K#-

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