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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1871, p. 2

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Iiis~cse cf e FrIsas Dpring tbe 'pnt cool tho cablo, spalobes bave brougbt daity inlolligt cf th. Prince of Walee, 'Who bana prestraisd hy yphol (suer. Lstent vounte, sp Io noon, on yesterday, connc aitt he fever wva aslng,' ltai suncit suiety 'preîiiled. The Pninicese Aiexaudra,lt l aima uouneed, 1 l iibut Dotl e"/o001y..- The nyonlly, 'an0Toswn Cont tîIe ratepayer et9ftlIe tovu-urge, dlaims cf Mr. X. Ramer 'Grsauvood tbo miyoralîy/ Que of Ibes u aks VI *0 have-Ie gay te the suggestion. , C vepiy viii bit ver>. brlef. W. bave objectioa whattsîer to Mr. Oreenvoc oLe us, as cen correspondent ebserves, lur geo 81%co id-thetotun ; ho lf capal 8ud energe tic ; Jiberel sud public -spirit, -hbits mthe t b'in îhlm .-aud ila j the mani that vould makis a capital Meyu - Uepectlqg'ýbe animadvesions cf sc other cot-re>î,ondont ou tIse praent li cumbeul of the ulUle, 'vo ueed source osetait tey do not tucet ih our sl provai. Mr. Gernie bas fillid the Mayor chair ver>' vorîhily, and duriug a pueri( vIson the corpontstion haïf miuy 'diffiin lie te contest!d eu h tiihest eviden4 of this li the foc& of hi. beving bet eîocîed tht-cc-successive terins. Il quito a grutuitou o ssumptiou on tho psl 0 'eu, cor- rreipondeut, ihai Mr. OGent cl bc aa! " sina canridadte. W. bave Il best nuîhoriîy lior esating Ihal sncb usither lbis detire non Intention. On th eoutrary, vo beliieve tIsa inlucae cf content, Mr. Greorteood vosals bave Mi Oerrieo arly support. Iudeed, ve se nothiug lu ibe vis>'of lMn. Grosenvood' oleetion by sec*'sîanaîlou. - Thie belug th !eu, vo would sseconsmend tIs e nelsetî of tht îroiuîxî Rei.a-id Dipuiy Boers hut b hâopreîed thomielves ceufu tucînis in. alootiugafter the luiereels sc te Townutlisth-i Cuunty Cunucilisau with thoir peut experieuce their pro meilletla thit body, doring anoîberlevu couid nul faitl î, bc aslvsîageous te bot, corporaîioîu. firon e hilte vo be gsineo InS ltWhitby b>' divinivîse gîîd contestii, 0 thoe oîiniîny, car miiet-ublo local stclîa - auJ jeclou'uit ul-ie, hiiterto, hein tt. cause of tos mueb miechief suad thi tuors thatn sny etiter cause bas l Whitsy liit the backiground smach ans fa ta dt. LituI i for once b.unuiled and net iuitdly-setîing seide ail pet souet diîlikes asd difficultiea foî the malie of the generta goud. And ana s anst i iili etiîd--if cotr advicc ha taken-ti gpuîlcsunîi reuruîxseded Ion the mayor. alITy, and eut- prrucnt repreenîatives t the, Caunty Couuii, viii b. eleaîed b accîslan,v ithout forcing s content. Asle the Coutieilluns, Vse do metes that thens is' net route for lmprovemenl J, ltai Leudy, seai lpissent composed surely it fot lt utubu itoexpeet tI in who ateorue, soch a reeponibility should bit able te vriso cuni a esolution or an aruesdmesnî le a resoliou, iliteiliý gent!>' ?-ehud lttoe boy te prepars an hring lu a report ef a committes, au viderotastd sçpmetbhitg of -tIse routine c kuniteeteluofîîre the 4chair 1 Yei thon. s monse menoucia ever viii sdertand lb latte,andtieir-disi knu vboy te do-t formerr, ito oefllonsuly Ibruit themselva forward, sud by the siteer dm1t of îcbooek get pitctfsurlsod ie lb. - ,poition t To cii Conrcc'ffots. hlifa a greilt osital d'Ir es.pupil of tise Wbitl#b i&b "S'04 recel> lypefed àvevy auootet l sIsu tdon bofore the.Lsv Soetay, Topout itanldiu agit laInthe ilst.. 74m .IXvOaATIONO Or F muvaus ae. dd, ~ eli~e Corporatiomse' bave.nipianZ Bmli, Kimg $t.,j<>abaws, an * e* amhoiri Àobtahc,1amý Sabommn.oda don, boforothe.ilamos eCoula hb, overéos beec' yat 'lb.d"u etu ie 4 ëÃ"mch 'sfto - imudalonfqr oe d b ildi q boigaea oo Mo ea matior o. ver,& 'orTe1o ru ce. The ih:uo-la managea in h. i bue erailyd. vas wo< bu a norde o sppythe treasr,,tbe groet if'I Iy batthire « ras ni Tfesuer maes a note, aud geti ouds or apreadlng forther. The abopaie oeoca. sn tieo or the Qoumoilioro s I ood standing pied by . ML.-D. T<qpp,-bot sad shouti as . ebank, 1Io endors. fi; or perbapa ho Mia Boom., m1ilinery, Kvr. Darlington, I4 oompeiled to have rocourse tb outsiders, i'Vo8Oniem,' andud eeuKeddIe à Rie., crilsd boate note thnsdiseconted i1 unbsqot s addlers, asudtbo dweil!ug boum.evas 00 ly retired out of -tb. sorporute fond.. cupied by Mr. Wolods. The Ion il Wove the lav §o altered sif10 Ipermit the oaimaîedeai&'boutt$6,000, vbieb la partial th. oguci pasaelngaà by-i.sr glv'ng authoIriît iycovorod by luuramce.. X id s aid Ibal Io tabtheMayor,,pmd Tveeeurov vo go dirisotly the fire wu c anseed by au sneêudiary. 80 1h . À s I ioIcueieo m 'Câble telegre informe s i âRu. D r roube of going lb. round aboni w&a- gel b. mneyvoal b.avoiedJ 0f on I& a ami sinl;,preparatione for var on a ,od th bylawwoud le pssa! wth &I noesgigantioe@cea$easd le about eouablinîià od.~~~~~~ 'ty-avvci b caemps al ta hold 180,000 mou oscis. à a ary reeriotlons as taothb. anotn. jged atbe rkoppatosar he Neliher vauid vo have the exemptons galaetdaausi Ausria.rprdostt te of clerg ymen (rom tares provided for,als or e finst tri lu . ocpvo s the lsâw noir etands. Bncb exemptions are Frtefr îe#aoteocpto orv. uinjuel. Tii.y do mot buttait the clergy- of Rome, th. Italian parliamont met in ur man, but tb. landiord frons vhom the forsu the IlEternal CW, ettonM onday Illest. i-or vente bis dvelliog. It la vithin ouù King Vicor Enaiaeldeiiverod a speech ,froc s e vhrone ; he aiîuded tb the e eîy 'knovledge the casosof more titan oeelandou e.lord in tb. fovtu of Witby demandiug ex.capation cf the City, snd asud thai 11.1>r t- s emption frosu taxation 'boces- cl oergymen hdr-onurdbr oi an mn h ed happened Io rouI iheir homi.Iv ndnations cf tbe' vend ; hova cuvnd thn"$om.voul roain hewsat of thoe i-be .desirable ta0leotre,. as at premeni, the âtRoewu rmithsa fte ice discret 1ionary pover vilh th. cagnuil to Poutificaeef althougli Italy vua ipoeo on remit taxes iu ail proper Case; but thse vi lb ail nations, ho urgeai the importance te vbole çubjeot sboula b. vifbiu iheir dis-*'of perfectiug the miiitary sud naval pouver nrt cretion, sud t'W* lav ongbîto be eo alter- ot the Kiugdo m. reed. 0f course Sohool property, Church GRASTrtr Ca or». - Cortainly ibore ho property, and Banial grenadeeshonlId romain muai b. most productive -tcrnlp cro1s ~ eemta aIp:sei-ad ve a nss. grovo in lte tovnship of Whiby. IM hoor a giebd, or priest's rosideuce, vheu -James Foreet, cf lot 33 in- the Bih sos., a bonafid, the property of tbe Churcb or informes us that he gatbered ovor 69 toua k thse ocoupant. off îbree aores, 701 be did net sucoeed lu 00 .Anoîher -provision of thse promeut usonii obtaiuiug a prise at th. bands of the l' cipat 1ev requiring amesddment isîbet1 judgee --who, uf course., muet bave ho excludiug lleg6,trqrà, lerkIs et the Peace, sverded the prises to botter crope. and, other goverameut, sud centy officiali from s selun ,e Municipal Corporations Goop, CR.ê Ite NDWsARXCi.oîuxx.- lu wich they »ay taxes. Thse elfect of Mr. John Fergsssou advertiees extra facili. ofthisenlaus ta10deprive theo ple tiesefor supplyiug cetomners ince bis- Id of tbe scrvibes of tome of tbe moit capable removal 1o hie preseut place cf busnods. 0.men amougatilihem. 'W. bave hied suffi-Hebsobadàfn'tc ofhé ot 0,aient experieuce oflils vorking i ti selected Clotho, aud gueaeue a good h tovu 10 proveoilseiinjustice sud the deir- fit. Hoeualec evary requisite it the ad abiliiy of il@ rneal, sud vo believo tho icontlemens forniahiug lino. u1vicoinuo f lisworkiug le foond 10 he The Ottava correspondent cf tbe es eqnslly incouveeni u nail Other tOvs Leader sys that the grand Doko Alexis, 14 slmilarly sltuaféd oil Rusis, a'ill arrive lu that city o n the- id If ameudments lu the exiating lav -ho 13th, aud yl i boheguest'of Lord tft made et thee cuiug session cf the logîia. Loger. if tare, (as no donbîtIshere will bo,) vo Msio . .Sin Ohwapi dburniodly îhrov out tIse above engàresîlons, resses.f R. k ta.rrish wava, r olu r. laviug fiv ith the Tovn conucil and receipi o athe rvaleckviter o om seothers le aid cs lu orging theso upon tjecpe Te i noneeidrt entand0b.ovr Ionotice cf tbe represeutaîlvea cf the County espeel vr oaiet n bi lu th 1ieuie tsevy o prices. are seesuriug thens hundreds of mvcostomen s 8e. advt.] - DuICavtîolr rTueNcipf MssxîoHALL' Frc tg Bsoàî:-O bnsay mt h GOcooB rnAs. ros9 HOTADATr AT Bttec, .Of de heîo d ay nov he PîticeîitTe. -.CsiIsud examine tIse great -cerman of odLstio ofa ne Muniovsriety cf jeevelry and fancy goodi âut L. Hall for Mouus Zion Lo)dje look place at Alun'.. "Y Brooklil. Tho veather proved propitiona, anct the gaîberine large. Upvarde of Room Pàwsa. -lmported direct fromt seienty Ms.ous frons the different Lodgee tho-BugliaIs manufactures. Cliei l a: is lu in te vieinky vers preent-iucludiug Alliueà. Y' Composite, Pince Alibert, Oàbashv, ki. FOLA)WS'Hrensu'.-.M.F . n The breîbren formed in processionet the: lows viehea us te state that h. haî ne. old bail, sud beaded by 1ha Myrtle baud autlîonized agent, but tisai his Hypophos id iarcbed lu ibe nov building, tyhere th phtes rua>'bc ebts-iued cf ail respectable A coremony cf dedication toole plet the D)ruggist* and Apotisecariea ai bis prices. fu W. M., J. P. CampIseil, officiatiug on the Avînger-n W. A. Lav, of thiâ Soccasion. . - vo u tiebeau appointod Secrelary.îrea. la tuhéb eveulng About 300 pereouna5&#et nrer of the Whiîby and P orî Ferry Riail- edown ta aetaotl excellent supper, <provid vey. flhe appoinîmttnt le a good ou@. cd by Mr. Cution, of tbis tovu> and ivbiob _ - .0e vu ss.ried lu theb eemu-of the Melba. PiNir vois SALs.-A' quassîîy -lu lb. ofdwî Cburchp 5<1er vIsi& becompsasy Ire, [Se@ adît.] te -Ador o enobalvhr apr- M ITTLsw-Set.aîrle emrcaos>etqbins u ie islimoibi aumous art e ey auxlonsithat Brigssi le bo eti.ilrod for. ts bvces - Young seholsi b.bors moU a Mondal for in lua doiongte a bsràlàetofestriaL l. Ttcàeaypoutsîely_ t1saib. yiil b. Q uo'eIoCs. -b«et Ito.helime ondired if ibo prvailliug m'izaMefosetrepb.rb oprigisi lb.. ( the irme premît.' 01det'OmsonPrati, u be &à* soufe - . o Or 9bovuamac19Mr- W,,Tabenucl& o terdaji, pveaoed wîîhgreme tu,) tiaels asiiesu, su oa seruetuee u l a tveur cf poiygamy. H. Wb aoyuws boswd sib. thse appeavamo. e Wd pOIlgitoy WvaG# e tbe oIsbsef temet ni et Useguld,, cuves, sud pisied guode bl o f jthe Murmua religion, sacif ihs vs r-' outeu>,takeou avy sb» religilu outldbuedemrueo, acd ube p;eopossi sugiv& upOls M Maqflati bns ( sadaevea@lmogMormn.apeople. In deoldlugtb. West Torouto cau. fia Londebip mado, thefclltsviug eboerv- tiona t- 1 tbiuk under lihe decisa ce uad the ruais.applicable te o t' riltis ua' I ougbt ho bold, Ibat lb. respouduni vu' duiy a.ieid. 1 Tam of opinion, boier, sbat il vwu sud la for the interest of tb. public that ths matimolvooedgbi forward la tbis ce uh oululhb. onquiroul 'mb, sud I mailegoî aSHOWthé -respomdisl mUI@,t The iespondomt bimseoif sohcrbi alarge esuo( momsy asd 'au avare thiéa a on0- sîdorable sain.vwu boing expospedsd hi oîbors, ansi he Ifimmeif dircod 'the. p&y,.. ment cf sol fuftber amonul ibat eold- bs tequircd. .Be vs thsnsforo!, cuguDiznt tbat tbséeexpendiinves vve@geiscu 0on sud «seracm, od;neuperuialon' ovar ibons, and 1 do uo D'i-fesi 'tuciiue4 toedraau, DydLtiuc- tien is tg cos inurelation te any of the mettons containss inluthe petition. I direc't 'Usai eaecb, aide ,boar tbeir cmn cols. OntiIS the Tdegraple Commente yesurdsv 0Cbief Justice Richarde de- cided &bat the peiioners lu the, Eami and Wet Torooto couirciertesi-icio ae bad tailedtoae oi sber cae. vetfrhelaning o n. M C. as oeron spt!se, 1 sudreesitoeva n te nuset'hlm to psytb.cote;bî i Mn. Adam Coocks the jndgnsent vas smie- vhas differeul, alîhongh iliemain Moeit vas the asmo.- Hi. Lordabip bcd harder wcrk vith Mn. Orooks thau with Mr. Cams eran. Tho cleation ilu Wcaî tToronto vas [conduisesion -prinoipîethaincocos -9 aril, *xcited suspicion aud reudorel tb. task cf probing il& bonîom .far morei ardaun.t Tise politloal caas u nSouth Oýrs hua boeu oieîuocod, asdMessie. Liader sud Diekie are etumpingi ls constta. À6 hy.la, gvautiug $51,000 tu the Ha4milion k Lake Brie Rudiles>. vas cannled lu the cil, of Hamitou b, au almoat anuimous vcte, The ronu,....atch.,forL . i. fhatà5ion ceremeuv of- dedicîtion vas vety great, chronging tbe new duildinsg coiupletiy, vrery ruany' ?votetasîtts being prent vithi thoiriaibolirc neighbonei. TiSe 1mw chunch, vblcW inle iadosda gem, ig a crodit to thée kastor a'nd Wpee fDufin'à OCieck Pariab lieaa orreapnudence. M, ODironî-,ýThe, people are ýcoin. plotel, pnzsled e t ts-proeeedinge cf tIse Midtaud Railvay Dpirectons. Onedal tIse ue'ws i& tite ceuîract is le,4, aud tbe nexi people gay Do. _Agein the report le tbat tLe inuare onderesi bue day testop vork, sud the nexîte togo on. Mets liave, sud moine Losrdiog, houtsasitut op ; but again iLs, section barde eau, for moun50 o vondor people ahoulsi béat; a lois vbat le thiuk lu ttc matter. 'But I SUp poase yull all tam Uup rigitii time. The Norîheru Comnpany are lnusi fix about iheir bridge at the Narows Tbey canuot gui along. TIsy eiitash building of tiares pions for the sving bridge, bot by soe.miecalenlaîlon of their sugineere the coffer dame could net keop ont theater' Sa shai eneslher plinbasta ho triesi, aud steasu power got tu pnmp ont -the vater. Tho, baie net stuno enongh Navigation s atopped, isud the laku làquit. frozen oîon. 19 te thouglît tiSe hndge mut vs- rusin nobsturit tl Jack Froe gives up bis neigu nexi epring% Mn. Cumbenlaus iâl istexorable, ar.iIinsios te bridge mugi bo biit ; but boy it enu h doue nov ià tLe question?7 We haie justIs aigitat prinliocf enoar, but the scaîher is besutifu!ly ýfine.. The scIsool mains up huore are, I, Lsd almoustfluid ina. s bnp.as tue, îssimiostiua oif tsiiehers folloviug 80 close ouibte Joly oe;e, aud the .ljttanctiitlyuur -favosa-ite wîîitby su fer, ils qu'ite enouga io ruffli goûsi tempera. 25th Nov., 1871. 7o th<e Edit or of thte W/oitby Chronicle ebbp cf the 'Tyne vas contmeis by the As thSe lime for or Winsip-Tsylor snd tise Rasforth creva !Municipal eiecticn approachi, thSe qules- tîon i s eriî'nsîly cstivuucîed viio's tub. on Wedueeday tant, sud vas von by ts e T Asî?tiiret andi turernet, vlîuse l former by thre boats lengîba, be 1i4yor ? 'Tite prergeit iii0utubeat, Mar. Gernie, lias; served a tenu etthrne 'cara, The London Times, lu a rtieent editori t aui uai'vel nretire on hi% i:suvelg. As ai, expresses a hope@tst fen.,Grant v'ill t0 thSe mnner lis v-lîich he uertorued b. re-ei.oted Presideut cf the Unitedi bts duties, opinions are pveîty vveil di videtl-nicred sip in tact -saine holding States, andi sates lis coufidouce la uc ncbee va>'sud oine anothen, for My ovn eIsgte cm. part I1viil nl>' su>' ere thet %v. Uerrie'a beiug itentionis were gonil, sud titial le sdds TFb@ Bovinvilie sud Bobcaygsou rail- well as be Show ltev ;-as)d thai vhere vsy appeaus likel, te die a naturel deatia, fiuIts vere cotisiittesi (and wsho le vith- euit il? T) thie>' are tiioso ofthtie judgiug froin aàrment article in a Boa- lîcasi and nôun of tiSe hearl. I bave ne meîiii- papier. Tise Marchant points eierste reviev the p-ast. 'file question ont ubat there i le uha gnou desi t0 Le vuS nie-on ru-tier for thée ratepa>ers, la vho le te be the chiei magir-trale the coin [doue heforo tise-yeuonsply aitb thé iug yean 2 Unforîunaîeia, in tiSe prest -raiso tIse Lagielatnre ln respect ta *p-etiate of the lav, which exldles se uuof plicion for Raila Charters, alI e usi- the cheice ai the ratepaycre le lituil- session ciii open lu a fea dm75. cd. 01 course, I alt'ide te thSe exclusion Brantford vue the econe of a grand of such mins eMv. Penny, Mv, NMueduneil, Dr (unn, &c. Casting ibent, las ruy celebration on Thuruday lest, on tii. occa îniîîd's e>'., tihe naine et %Ir. J. Hatuer sien cf thte epeniug of s brauch vaiiaay, Greenvwo-l rose up beicive me; aid ru> b, bie th bn l giendirct o . intercotirse ansi couversation vitS pro- by wiehthetowulà ive dirct oi rui nent umen of tiSe ttwn, vhsuru I tiotigia' municalien vi th lb. Great Western, ad iiiigbt aspire lu Sceindidatuus tlîcîusclves;, tlls comp.tioLà of a nv aytem of vater- lentii tat.believo tît lPar. Grveuod 99vWulsi bc a tbc-.t acceptabîle cutstîidate te vorks, asid car vorlus. The car vonks n(i' U.lei is iudus es veto4 made a pressal te the Grand Trnnk large siaký lu tise tuvn-a listait cf 'irten- theIb mayor. - urize andl intelligence, vhu, for bis ovu b, stlke, voui le doalilbe cuuld ta prumote Ttc Qcebe Publie Accout. haie lue itterests of Whitbv-k-noving tisI beau abaited t the luindoing se, hio woulif ai the setie lime be hee eumiîedLa he A.eobly. TLey ,e=vig his ovu isisterste Mn. Greers-- ehov lb. revenuo e h.year ta bavei e si, as y no.evSir, le publie.jintd ameuuted tle1*1,651,287j vhieb, vish the cîindotisers, a,4 veli eue usyscf, have heavd fi tiss-y tiSat lue vousisi ilinigiy give te-.i balance of îbs previouîs yeerelit aC uîrrow, $0,000 tovatrd? theSe utabiih-i total of $2,318530, Theozenditure Ment of îucvlntinrîînuonufîctuires lu tho vis $1,659,4961, vhle saes a balanse tovu, or that ho vouls i viliiîgly conti la bad nowof $69,036 tt ute,-bovavtdisexlending tuose viaich ve1 lu bad no o< *69,05, i "mie aivcdy possess, - 1 believe ibatlise vouisi -000or $1C000 lmse iban- saljar. - verk wtha beartisisin Ibis directioss, iehich wcîcld Dee toat besieficlil ta the to Prince Alexie, cf Rula, ove viitîcg mecSne glected I îteretsftiar0118cuvîuora tbe Unitedi Stales, if the third stou of ilb. hoin, andsti -t in fiiiing theMcyor'e clair Empeor Âexasd.iIlansiaeshum n lc voulsi isusugssaea nov ena eai presîper- Empeor lexnde 11,"d ue oraonsty. J-e, ut leset, caiibave neoefisî h Jsuary BIb, 1850. Hneboaru.thu naine joctu, or pere;onalnmotives té servea By of Aexi Alzandovih, r j1xisthebis ovu efforts ho 1lî;erai cd i brnuif frein of Aesi Aixaudouih, r Alile liean obscuire bc>' te W respected and weaîtlay son of Aiexsad.r 'H l a Grani Duko nn; and tiSe inteisigence, indusiv> and sud Chi*(f of lb. lufinîr, i'gimens t ipcnst3vcrance, vhici have dotte se0uucti anstoi 0i< ugfor -hituscîf persuually, ceulsi nel wbcn Ekah.ir.ub ndof'hofiàtriiieicnbrouglat te bear -on theaintereate cf our cf tih lusýausift.Tbe p1riiasct Alexis lown, (ail te have a -ts sutury cifect. bas eesves a oos Gomanesiîsaion aslut bis aiso,, the *tvuggling voulsi finsi a tbroc aininlu!,, utary sudjssieroue e.vtpathizcv, and tiSe paon Weii as a lvaînlag m n ibeval (viendsi1Whîat a'y oe Green-' naai ioiltea fbe Newov rkon HUf4 oas-vwousi- ho net venuhil>'1111 thSe1 miyt shas b. bease a bîgb rspaion aetMayor's1 chair?1 beea e taU'sm AZ& ud Cicopises ue , o.P'ROPRTETOIL 1 diplomeîtif.t ibs b@,b4a set'orou16 huev. Wlîity, Nov. 2ULb, »71'. issige of lb. polio, of thébeshs pie -Botrudcse reamsldeon asd la ohargesi vitb a mission cf ~ i-sBeariucl aes f col. iooi,e ded, 1 portiand sideicle ehtaractorîte the are mtritione ansi boathbLut au inonartu-i Amrea-Gvernmesa, beinz alibi leus aen f feitber causes indigeailcu and i than a proposai for au- allianeo1, înoirs dysepusa.Peirsoa' Purgatie Pille, ju-1 cddefesseve lb. te ti»& i ilo- ise iiowly cneus, vuli resove huttef thee sud e ptlnsseea L PIeS4 11 balseilei5auel YOD'sevor. painin 5~~Tithe liseelÏt ,bock, or Ades u r ae YODcramps lavouaird i . n uthobe sioêr Isoveisavle bue snob a standing and :pc.sionule u s. cdot, ma voold -ccmmausd te;resp ect of &H, a&,man - who Ià lîbersi minded, pro - greasîve and, .ntevpnitiug. SaIs a man lat awe Cant, -ands ccIsa monve vilii fin5 iu the p rson of Mn. J, Ramer Green. vood. Mr. Greenvood, 1 'boiioys if fie coulsi be linces I o Le acandidtbie, vould ho elected by a largo maJorizy, end vcuii rep reso n t bsh T o wu ,i o f W iit y : itî b af -credit that voîsib. Lotit honorable tu himeelfaud tu the towu. Ians, lotirai&c., - A-RÂTEPAYER.' WLitby, Nov. 27tis, 1271L To the. Edcttcr of thce W4itSy CkrQunkde. Sir, Our last psinty ha. jusat sailesi, - and the Esuigratiort.se-tson ton Ibis ycasi liai cloeed vill a stîîtaction to ail parties. The quartity iesnsîaler ;_thSe qeulit>" of good descriptioni rhie greet ru jority vere frieudsansd relatives cf tisose ai'lod ln 1869 aaid 187t), Tho sged soin hi producing gosi fruit. I hear of aeveral -Immrigraion Clebs startesi in eCanada. I blaue gneatly the Canadiin Goveru- rument fer their indifleretîce to preruoto- Canada vanta people and since cach- aduli soce Eiigrant te vorîla £L00 to ite Domiioîln.; it voud be bath eeonou.i caliîtid ligliy sdvatst'ageous 10o xpend niext seaïon, a good sntîheusaiîd steni ing isn beipin;g suitabie .Ensigrata 'le cross thSe Atlaîntic. Wbeu' Atuerica, Atictralia, andiNewv Zeslaud ave. betsefitt- cdl b>' ialpis.g ouit te wortly iy sigrastts, wits Cinada belîinid hand ls-f hear thai seon Einigv unIe te New Ze'iand sviii be able te '&el thene for oily £5 lojt > car I 'sisueeted a' systeru et pausaâge Warvunts, in-teret;> setileis corsld get out tueirr rtnice suad friends ut a cheuper raie : Young' woîsten (a scarcity, in Qîtarie>,; migbt be allocs-ed to have t:.et for £3 each ; at thai rite 1 cuuld sensi oui 801) or 40)) nnualîy. Ttiese, like otîser augigtemliîs, seens fo fili flat in thoeninigeoial cars' cf the Ottawa, Toroisto or Quebeoc cbinets. 1 gnieve teto ay' tube aîualiy hiautcatisesi inany sincero friende liu tho Oid Country to grue iukewarm is ibis noble cause. But mu',e of ahl, t/ce mue8t blameable Je - gratitude o>' nfiny, vlîo nov ove their cosnfonîat.le homes. food sud prosperity, lu beisîg at firet htelped b> 'w'aru bearted Frientdâ inuheUic d Ceuntr-y. I vouid etcouerage aIl ta write et onîce ta friendi in tiseOlt] Couîitry, andsi end tberu sonie et tise dollatrse tiSe>promiesito reten, and s0 shov gratitude for great benefits receis'ed. Ai present wonk is goosi bure, and consequetly nul sa rucit ccii fer Emi- gratin. , Persesteali> I bave dirucîl>' assistesi eut 2330 porsche, (624 titis seasen), sud ex cepi for thSe deadl>' drink, sud unforeseen cireusttstassesi, put s score faruilies baie tailesi. bicot, thaauk Qed ane inflniteIy. tmure corufortable iban viait tbey venu in thSe OlsiICuntry-'the frus grnul- uhe Scbeei evsîeru-he freedoru-the lioilurscf îthe Surda-and the brigiater prospects are wlial are mosi bigbiy 'vs- garded, f£batk Gosi I atu ver>' veil, sud siticerely pray Uod for Chisit'i sako viii bleos Catsadiars in genenal, and al m> Eruigrant fries in l particulav.- I reruain, Yeurs tsithfuîly, A. S.lltiNG Incumbent St, PatY, lenueell. 45, Colebrooke Roc', London. - -The citizenîs of Orillia intcîss giving a bianquet te the President asnd Directone of lhe 'Foscuuto, Sirucoo, suad Mukoka Junc- lion Rilvway on Thensdazy cvcliing, tbe 8ttthi iri5î TlîoiCorporations cf Tbrouteý andi Barrie brve beurs inviteti, sud ticket£ of invitation have heurt extessded te Liae Geort)irsansd leiiding cetmbere of thie Oppigiiiou sud other diatingeiie ueetâ. IJorbat sud Bootibis ncvhblock lias beeti solected for tie 'occasion. ansi the commit' tees Pt opoue ta gel up thSe alair on s eçalel nover uefore equsîli t iS te couniy. Over six bundresi dollars bas aireasi>'beurs isubscibed,'asu euha few subseriptions ara eoruing lu. COSuEsor NàuzoAnvo.-The steamer Mirleuuati, bitassae ber iat'nip of the siesan tu Charlotte, sud la nov laid op st Port Hope..1 1 A large andi urdeni> meeting', t.es cuve amîsei> for tle itnprisoetd Fenians, vatt lscld lu Oubliasi rcently. bMn. Stuittpre- sided, sudsPches werc made b> ' seveva pnomiuiens Irish men. , - Tauraao.-Tb R.C. Wsaop, of Kingston sud -'lar 0Gseroi-O'Kelly Lave' piecesi themeivlest iîLe bead 0ft a grand tempesauce movaeul ntf«or iéla bois Ou Seuurday vsek, aboy sabout lbyeare old,.grasdsou of Mr, John,-Mcoermacku occupîcr ' sbou Drydeni. Es Mcoùd hv J. Twesclîe, eeco P. Curupbel, that the coune adjourn tli the fir8t Mondiy i noxt. (Canried.) Telegrsph Communication with Fort, The telegvaph Lu Fort>-Gaîsr>' vlg- Ibeen coîîpleted, thSe follaving deapateb vue tranmerittod b>' Lieut. Governor Ar- chibialsi tu Ii'Excellency thSe dovennor- Genersi "FosevGAîtsty, Nov. 20.< "Righ t on. Lord Liiagar, Goveraor- (kueral qi Canada. r The-Gioeîtelcgrapb imessage fnru Ihe beavi ut tiSe continent rua>' ppt-opt-i-tels- couve>' on the part of thSe people ne"x- pr"eion of devout tlaautlness to AI rnighty Gadi fur clocsiirg our isolation frein, thSe reel t ofthe vorîsi. This ruels;-ge .announces chat close. Ils receipity Yoerý Excellency vilI sîtest tthe veice of Ilarîl. loba uttse ti Iis rurninig o-) thb'tskof the Aseir.iboine, aud it villi be heari ndalufs fuv heume0on tbe bauks cf thSe Ottawa, sud1 vs hope tufore the day closes tiIt the0 vurds of Your Exet-lency's -repi>, spoken et the capital cf thSeVl>utiîuioîu viiibe listenesi te et Fort Carry. We ruay nov counit in lionnethat whicli eaed te eccupy, veeke. t congraîul-ste Ton Exceliene>' ois thie faciliuy 50 effit-ded ili the discharge cf your bigh. dutiîe, s6 fer as th,-y ceuceru Caie Provinîce.' I ktow I c-tu bctter dis- change isny ovu vîieui ai ny îUOîIcI)tl ina>' aptîaltlu Tuer Lurdaiîip foran dvice' and asiestanée. - -(Signesi) ADAM B AROIB1AL1i.- Loid Lisgier repiiesi as toiiowuî - Ta Lieuteceuct -Gortcrcor ctchiluald, Winnipeg, anitabiz. Ill received >our ruoceage wiih groat -o satisfaction. The conipletion of thSe tole- grapt i ne tu Fort Carry iesuansuspicionse ceey i. It Iornsa s toan ud muet iimpor-c tant litai beiveen he Estern Proiices and Lthe Nortia- Wcsi cand, le a happy augury for Llîe future, inasînuch us il givea prou of thSe eucrgy wtth wiilà the Usîion, viseîy esf'ced, of iler Mijesty' Nantit 'Aiuericati ç..sesaioîts enaibles prugresesud civiîivitios 10u be advaucedinludiffirent asîd fan dittant portions cf thSe IDominion. 1 crîgratulate uhe inhabitatats ai Manitoba eit the cveui, aud-join beentil>' iun>our ttanksgiviug-. Tus cINTERNATIONAL Boisas Rscs.-Tbe international bonseerace-as ih Sas been callesi-between -' Sterling," thSe c6debita- cd Engis ie ie-herse. and "HnBary Bas- ýstt tiSe eqial> vell-knevia Amruiccin rucer, vilI nat corne ofi. TiSe resau vly la easiiy given. gSu inu>flne snd valu- able hSoues baie been burt or killes inb crossiug tiSe Atlantic thiat teir ou-hors refuse ta isacur thSe risi. But tiais yull net prevent anetber -match being muade in engiausi hi'ie oviin ef. IlSabiitusq," a herse isicli lase ucuou fon w or îre occasions. At Epsomu. in 1870, he-carriesi oëff tho City stukeg, sud aftenvzrtnhie Poosiveesi Cp. TItisy -.r lie von tie Uasnbtîdgeabire etakes ut NevitîîkeL.,So that if preiimiaicscai be erraugesia veir> disrace rua>' Se auiciptud. TiSe hIÏe-se " Shanuia" hue aIea becîs spokers of se'likely te crase the vater. Nevruarkeî, Nov. 2.-A deiiberate sud viliui murder vas ceruuliesi thie isenu- il% il, Etist Uvllhiaubury about nirîs o- deock, ucar Quee!usville. A ros'peciable Jiannernanmeti John Jclpsocs, tuba lues on tiSe tflahConcession cf E&-ot Gviliiî- Élue", ift hiestueuse tbis nuarniîsg lu coin- pies>' itiS a youaug mrui narnus John Tra- vise, lu a oicigla. As soourechldren going lô aichoolsamy e vunava>' tearu, tiSe> istopped itf anid fouud Mn. Johunson lying deadSi the oleigli. On exauuinstbo, of, the dccens§esitil as feensi uhSaiho was abot ilavough the neck. Ii appieans tbat fruviea a àguin lutbe elciglansuletIse murdener. Alter curumitîing thSe deesi héLu; ithLe loighi, vent home ansitolsi bala mster viSât bu bas dune-,le thon rau oiitt hewvoie. it le vepontesi bo ba& w il ith lmn. 1The people lu-thSe ibaeàrocsi are xfîe-ý hlm ansi bave ijarroundsed the voudu. In coneequeuce 4(fthie show tiSe> tiissi. they' can track ËIlm; luut are somneviat afmntd cf tiSe rifle wiLS wC t lîliie vas anînesi.- Tisfeleu3e etoisthenl déed-i lareperteil o.ibie t 'nravisvas payitig bis asidrois. ues a larueër-'e auglaer, ansi Jolinpen 1;14 beeu givinig hlm a - bailciSaracter to L:t4 -mail>'.Trailisa bas hucu aincear- netedi eil fuli>' cotamitteil Wertrial ou tIsecapital charvgse, ScuîxDZIET'U.-Oterville, Ont Nov. %L Ayugmass namned i Bellov came it#hotelegraphtk iie ber., ansivalking 10 tiSe steve (ull ou tolil, and si isem, mediatel>' piokeelup ansi f'und tulabo eai., ilie; pevreitte, vhulue in WVindhsm lotvn- uhip, vere sent for, ansi baie takesu the boul>' bcme. Ile ies ai tu baie- been otifning froua hbeant disesa. P %r, Gossip, irsape-ctiiîg piiyiciau autlias port cf Hahitax. hue Lie u spended, lu Whitby Markpti. SWheat,3129 4 Z'fll, W ea ......... Bnrle'Y .... . ....... 7 q Peu,62 À6 Jis ....... 4. laver ZSeOd3......... Eg g ..... .....15C. tt SOi perdi Duck ......... Po rk per cwt ... . 3..80 NEW A 1VERTIi8EXu11 ilekae-Epp'sCous-ceatefu an Ciymtortiltg.-"I;y a ttiorongh ýknou 1ûdge' ot the inaturitt latwt% vJth suvean il OPeratouý of dlige4 tiun and 1,utrition, sud b acruluPicatiBof the fine propeiaaý well-selectecf cocna, Mr. Epp41ba pfida onrbreakfzet tuihliswitn a deliète"fv r= beverewhich sonY. asie us sulny.bea doetiyr'e dte"f SZ.et-ice Gaznt. 5~ ssimplY with -Boilitîig wuter or Nli!k- Y pachet ig iîabeIIed-tJàxsa, Em &CO, icae oepathe J lrn1% aLo udon.' At.o, nmakei _[ p' MitlLy coea Cc, sdcoudease W HIT BY. TU1ISDAY, 1b BECEMIJER, 1871, Two exlihitioin, of Diisolvingr Vitios by ift A. J Arnold. l'tturem 4e-t fet ln diansewa Aitüriuou etrci for ebldren, sahjct iSobiuse " ree tI et 0f Viwn e>'pruesl1y pisti or- tlselecture; aud]jue t, reeivel trou, EFur ,lnd, ttie bleint-ter txts.înolv ut] ty co i îeture% aeut ctrornatro!àu. Eveuu î & ut8 Lèelure-beLiëm tni ForaI 14îud . & lut-ceooliecLtiof nveof plaà 01 ilitercet iiin xuy cuuîxîriea of tLe aid vend liCKbET- 0FAD St<NAfruni coe. Ev#.îiuig, Adultà eLp0231, Clitdru Il Doors open at 4.50 and 7.30. Whlithy, Niw. 29, lt-Il. 48 Latdies furs cuide, and oid l'un a lgediec the Intest Iiound fut-i re-ined. MR1$. IIÂRVEY, Cenitre SLtulorthMethodis: chu,* whitby Nov. 29, 1371. 9u4 P LAII) Lo3T,- Between Whithy and Oxsbava. on Sondal afiernoon. Fi islrvi esial -vn edb>' r îuruistg it to tSe sînde-.sIgted. AB#tM CUCHRAIL Whitby, NOV. 29, 1871,. li.40 Theundersigiîed tokos lte& opporunt, re.tiruiî,g ioiset.e o UMrOeIniendu0 ouisîne td onrlte hlrai patron go exteu te hlm dii nuîg thse îuat tean yesre. lnitt lie requeîs t uiail ait îes ludebresitui hiq nota, t> îok aSecot or etterwise lu niai iiuusedicsto 'etleuuentn ifte sagnie, Ail conuta renadiu itaettieiaftter thée FIRSTO0Y 3ÂNUÂI -mvlli bud plaod lii uuy Sutioltor'xlisanîls feu leetlou. i t'uietI iavija r deis agdoss sU Weq nSur d aîin iiiîe iie fothw-tth. Wlsitby, Nov.-S9, 1871. $5-9000 TO L-OAXI liîs>umu ,te suit bort-iet-s, etsà loir ns liienest. l Nru sbc hargesi. Wlsitiay, 24th Nov., 1871,. iB PlINE FOR SAI A qisîcuuity a(FPitin th Ie t41s-Souil of lut .So. 3, ila cou. içkcning. Appi>' t. -T. ITtCAN11l -r e, ..OST,. Wiiby, Nov. 27Tu, 1871. * in m a of t1e Mercy L{osp~tI, OM - U(.[a =vu FIcto1r vnt j an uevy Mi,, 1 a729 at Rodiek's Opsia B $1 I se Priuce

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