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Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1871, p. 4

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oraisee tue ýpsts bibve of Ottawa Au Ohio'man brok s blo boc[.amlns ffl ofaà .idow te lok et a prqtty irl kýdm.rted Indana bn.bandudot ir. te the bouse .hlsbr bis wife bied lied. liv. an&dbMn. mles of England ar0 dlioreed-Mile inascer as ls were. Au Alabama ' parent dide't, laor bls dugitor'o loyer, ed bot hloiivé, bon. drod dollars b. would't marc> ber. Tbe, Eeclprouty-As lii. seacce ef parties csud balle approachos, boyé bogie te (oui Saim&e and *gcl 'bucyct. Mis. Moore tbrasb.,d be r husband for gettlng drunk, sud theboboivilele4 éaer salie ber tho Bride of Lam,&.More,' 1 Tonnuem girl broie ber acu on tbe eve of ber weadding dal, but pluckill vent througb tbé ceremon>' viti ber crm lea a fing aet the appolebed honr. An English journal coeîcins île fol- fo.ing brick advortisoaunt: ##Notice,- If rey bincband, Wvloft.1 Bristol four yeara agni doos not roura ibie îhreo menthe tobhis viie roin this datooellh. ntenda tb Mis Jennie riaI.>', c student, com- mluod lsuicide et Rockport, (N. Y.> Nor- mial Bahool b>' tcking sîrychino, bocuce ber iends dit! net fane>' ber sweeîboart. Boe musaiciens put on more airs tbsii tbicy cein pbay. Drop unc-a Uie, as th. trout said te tho À Wisconsin justice of $lie p.a.o ro- <oeil>'grautod hinicoif c divorce. VALCABLE PRDPERTY FOR SALEs rrfl E 0s1i4lbecr ioffore fer male thao illewlng îîvanbl raperty, lit is Ti own of bit.- b>', vii :-Ait excellenît Brick Cottage withi quart-,r of ait auri et land. isitueted on. the cor- our of (rdîu andSt. lPeter 8troete, lu Lbe Sontli Wad. Alec, laffan Racre of land, Wall feeeied, ced lenc a, bi h te or ealtivitieon. on the oGrnflir of Wellinîgton anîd <.iford $trty4, North Ward, A qnirtcr'of unnacre on COentre-Stretit, soutli ofet iraleîîeo of (,,. Draper, kaq., le the Bonte Ward, Aton, Twe ity Acres of good lanîd, heing damp(Msdof partoetlot 18, li tue 10111 eoioen- Moo t% tc luwilohlp tif Murray, Couety otf Northumîberland. * Ir A olear and lnîllapetable titie viii 'o glve,îte v)ailte abovitproepert>. For lurtiher partivituap~ply to the awnor. - FRANCI5 CLARK, Wbltby, Jeulv19, 1371 299.41 HARD AND BOFT COAL 1 WOOD, &o. jolie Kitlî lnla 1ii.ceci Pt ef WIIT,<)W JIANII, MORRtISi XUN, LEICýilI LUS! , SMALL EGO0, Wbielt eas 1ute n'id tove ceai have nocepeirior. 100 TONS BLACKSMITII'8 GOAL, 500 COUDS IVOOD, Obeap, for <.ash ouly. JOHN KKEITII. B-.o:k St. Wliitby, Sept a(, l171. os J. J. STOOK'S ]EXTRA 11-IgIIINIK ïL. Tlâ 011 excoo lal otÎier 011, both chimal and vegetable, and wo cre prepared te clhow the seporierity oeth lste it!other, l tsads the test4 uecesary to procure a lirel-cllitse r gicla, t 1% alaptte etiuer lilt or heatvy ma- oltlîiery, froiue ak or eewln g-ueeliîî teh licavest of citft*..'rte fol lewing are the eints l lneli àIl excels alliter <>11e iT 'WFIL.t. OTQOUMt, hleee ma,9ohinery cen bc Jeept eleaui witlî but litie trouble, sud it vil! tiesutaelai uaory tlistinîs t benulreadygiammed b> hi O, i.i t willi iot cusngq#uIor tl,!eben li hie coloit of weatlier. Thi naqat o! the bil<let Importance, froin the tats 0 not iaving hile qu.ty willI net* lbrîcate a celai cblaft, ut aui' ilme>'lb. sppiied leaa lecled mlati, tint theme Ont it touc .es a cold xhaft ilte4 eiigeale'l aid w!!! net lubriaute un. rit thjourual by fictton acquiresl that temnps.- attire iloueeeiaa te reduce It te a liquld cLaite le aaOuqulrlng a iiglier temperature b>' fiction. theî i rtal exlpaudo% and tbe box le !nued, It la, ai inpoea*l lte eAeO 011lut Witt oillil on c oeld i emît vîthueut this recuit, esc 11le te Min- gln 011 with viter. J. Q. Stok»c 11 l le - lricata, the ceidest tsuaclalfuer> the moment il lcp-i19.11 1 <11 le9. w ueai9e-e1r-îw Titi Josiurue lUt.m Xcnta Woumx, Oshawa, April 4,1870. G. 5 a e.Blc#TQ, Buei =8 mAux-We havei %oe slng your Lnbrleatlng Qi! forAtho ps tour menthe, and ca IRca>'vithont healtition1 thatIit Iluth, beshoitlWCe[love ever ticel. IL c aise cheep, and lut* lunger th&uany ce l, 1 We bave rue oui large 14 fel iron plainer,1 7 lday$ vîit on. olllng. 1$ koca tîmo Sola clese cnd bl>;!ght, We do sot vaut acuyîiuimg bottrle acslbriaatoa, acm, yours Iri>', I F.GLENi PYMIeLd.sI caoen, nct aone oxcuece of mauconsuscu, 55d- spt*bHilty, ctrengib d£ludurabitY, Tb. Oïbora swing Noshîme baaino We talr ples*un rival. Caineda, th" wvohi 1 ]?, W. (4LEW, of I mproveunonta have litailIes,,Mode, Formera, Drcw!ej emsbllaig ltehé nfast cstoe dai IL.'wthe earIfrstu vonLe5f f Js f.im e Bins Jmndreda Doeb(ae'larbin. 6f tetieottii are hcing r.ceivod elsil>' froua JgMes Lefegl. suldj old as voi 04 ccv oporattoiso leleg1e W0ii We have ca*o 0141 del csusbultlcs. Witt do cil kitA. of thie msaun e i demeeto eewlasgr, <rein lb.Ineat ecebrie te autier parti«a lu Cl the ocrueealovereector epper Isther. malien v. have Kg OIiAWAITDEDvo 1555 aueomaefliv bulU OFAMWM " la m curun o, vo parties lu (soseda sa wàu. îshat. 108 y«uns TKAm. no otiier tmanefc Th* Ociiore Oulit la complets cMd ras dilyiy re Unsnrpas,0 e4op'lrbenoledl oid nt orie-.ialiftih. priées-baillia' hecioiual bbrte ehrg.for niseblues.,dolug a hue hdon, Wi thores rane c wok, Isemcuef'etu.csbcb oi-' public ol'Cacada I rneo 0pet tvhl se ofofev oryug cure héu*111lan fami>nlth cunr>.rospom ta otc Ihit oer umachines are niiquicleel. The Guelph e.verulble na pr-mmeti the IbecS Sigihesicd ma- chn feelthe publi-j, de ls emarveltoun *ncs-Wit do ail vrerlîe of deunestie sewing. Pricma grectlýi>'reucs. Banal Machilne villa ful out9t, 812; trsalie do., $17. W-sceluMachine gucraintcod. prAiîwr Vi= zvzavvsizaz, Splendid 1, ceuat t unka mono>'. Appi>' te- GJUELPH! UEWîING 1ACHINE CO* GTELPR, CANADA. LvsAllie, AgetIer Whith>' t' E. H , 'lcra, fer Jlovëmanvii!eo; Lewis Qelok,.for Northb t South Ontario. MAY' t, 1871. 12mn-19 MANIJFAGTURED AT TUB -I'»Mt ]z] mmlr Âgricultural Worke. LEFFEL'O CiLERRtATIED Double TURBINE WATER WHEEL U MOT Eouexlieaz. veu ow v e usa wil glvc efetshii reo*miuoel bimte uthie chIture aconldateio, ten- inflaCere a belu eSU ir ove. JAMU LEPPEL &'Co. WAERAN»TY. We arepareil to furnlah welterWite.lc, (loinol Bugt, ?uieoysan.ddbIlMahleery ne. cessr>' te attaac -heb;k~heslâ tte b achiner>' lb.>' are istened te drive ; snd If aCter Io menlis, tria, " i'are not eaietcry, vo vili take aIl buele,.pcv f relght both va *,- and r.- (und an>' payunents made te ufs thereon. Whore parties are mmct sitlcd vilh the Wboei, ceddesnt niake c change nt the hune witheut lose te business, thle>' uns nn lh. wheel assd machliner>' a resocenable lme vltWbý ouI charge, uoî ,xoeeding oqe year, lia .rder tisai hm.>'mayi>'tce a ehangeo vithous Injur>' le tueur bmuine.. - Bauîw are givon th. Dames of parties vbo are nov sIng rotemu oea kae eu ch'et our wheelst aud vo invite parties vho vlsh me perchess. eeerrespond wlthi &heme. DavmdAnilui.,................ Davi. Ilieses eu....................Arteli. Blecler & Amderiea....... Da. Bovines k Prtiffic..........Avet, William Ieu..........Osamwa, ,A. Barau...C.... ... .. ....ut, e Da", N. ilBarbeci.......,.......... Dsid, . 3 iauim ....t........... ...Tenucieli, Wak Dames ..................Usager. A. J. Bock.'. .................. Xrwad. J, itlmee................. ullsea .5.sope M.Beu................tl idi, Pll Jcobhrisiter .................... Widee«i, J. cGeth.....................Lscaerd.' C. W. Car ,........ ,,......... camacilcon, JSames A. <tue-,............ ....utan"c, A. & 1. laemnrsers ........ .Baur s A. Choyai.................... 1Ksgeton. James Dyer.. ................. Perrysowe, Jotnetae »s.... «*.............Uxlbtld , Diaamoud & DiaaeoUd.......... .BeIlle'. Seamuiel iaidpSoaî............. .1sdey, C. 9l. Drewery ............ ... Meeuiaie Vfrwa M. Diugerma ...................... Napame, James Ylliet ..................Port lIanw. mebelea Egame................. Touieebaim, Rarso 'tveflc ....:............. veaioa. tobieat i'ctlh.,............... blaareîal, 'aruard & Miles...-............CcmpbClitrul, 14. J. Gien ........... -....... Greeuawod Thiatîi oij ................. wroslxer Joseph ulad................... Uxriaare, ciittrk lia ,..'...........-...tJebawa Ji, k 0. Oreeaawoaal............. (ragtaim Ga'ralos, l<ayk&C. ..........wud .%m. k&%Waler Gtire...... Wilmen, Winu. t -ihe.......11... . ....Euaccslo Blilliaraik Ilixcia............... pareilaabe, G.011 B...ll............. .... Quselce. tluair lBrothers,............... Atumessue CuIp BI. tyse................ liureal, Jalaaî llagjcart, ................cIlris. Jtebs leiiawoeil,..... ..........igsi.dCrac lieteai&skHorion . ........... ...iarreslville, a. i. ilarraruen...............Br,'la irwin & iispyd .............l"F ortplqe, Jo.hnsIgli..................... Guelph. D. F. Jamies k Ce............... Uaaauqut, A Lomes........ .Sherbrookae Jamees leigli................... Orant Calssiai Lent ................. Newacuiic, J, o. tee g sau... ..............Craigiturul, A. J. Laekîsart. 1.............. . Vreaaa, nu b Maire .................. Catitainglen, J. M.sa !lrédeus ............... Ie wmurket, John iioogal ........ Mossireul. Willilam Murray ...... ... ...... iild Ma>'y Johua XcCra......;...........Retrow MeDoweil &k Boil. ........... Deanorediviiie Samel oe irner,................ newhambarg lisa, a lerelasal.».............. Etors Johnas MeEiichern ............... tessirew John Nichti ............ ..... bberirualte. WMiu. Secou...................Jl etlid A. W, tgseie k Go ........... teeireal, John al'rachu..... .........Sosaya. Wm, l'utlrr.............. Bavcvie Rich'lasrdairt ...................eaakdaslc, Patis lu eaearleCu ........ §erbs'ooke, Wuiaasaulre. ................ Pckerimc. Jate# l' alm.er ............... Daines.crack poaaaberton k Ce ............... queIe. 8 L .Paurd>'..................... rgluiec, Peck, iJCteay k Ce,............ IlOsaareai, John Paritis... .... ......... binareai, G. l'arixss. ...... ........4iclu Jame. Hteay .......... ........Vizbrialga. Thounai Qtiickâla.............. ,17lore, A, L). lit. ........»........... Bcauorivuge B-i& W. leemaidk Ce ,,&Iul Johnie tuçel .................. Clereeuoei, Edward kth, ..............()shawa, sgpicb lires................... Ikswmcnvila Ilote. uleill... ............Vena' resu, 1 Thoas %V. Susphesasc,. ....Norwood, blaspes ik itosslecborg .......oiiî5weA, E. & J. lt.e isiailu.............. 1111J9 AIex. Éaiel..................Oslasys, risomem s tepluene..........Grafios, John $tttaiw.......... ...Nortuandale, George Sltcey ................ Meniretal, Johna Smilla ..................Mosai1real ?eieç sicsa'ee...............Smithc'lkalls. *Charlecsaéiiîh ............... Warkwarul, a. Cobo..........Gsiurg, Ilaasfiluepe.............. Ceopier, Thomas B. Suiemervilie....ieu ma, Stephensaonu&k Itst.. Itracîpen, 'rerr OIro@................ MaemîAbers, .Sallsaa TIampoece ............. Preekite, Win. 'rer................. Hayden, Davidi Townu................Iiownuusvlle, Thomase k Teeaeed.....G010e11,, Theiepsnn k Berna.......iiowianiviiie, George 'aVliecer...... ...txbradge. P. W.Wod ................. Monureal, j. G. wht0.................. obourg, John- Voodbcuy...... -.. ....Petrolie, T. P. lis........ ........ Wlitevale, W Vard .........b......Grevi. Jaunes Melgia.............. Wlssdlsss Cent,.. W£ ALSO MANUFAGTURIE PORTABLE andI STÀT1O1fERY Steam EngmUes and Boilers!1 Or ALL. XINDS AID suis. &Wv Mill MachIner0( &U ai Eea,, luding Bngfle end Ameriese megsi. f suirwoutntPaceOwilisuleg Gang cd Mmii>' $&W MAille. alge d.sebtussdgoh.Seuin# CIrculer Saw Muss Flots,.MiliMeeemsryofall Elude, vii l l m olbigle ceHcl~Kcic nd Jeliui, sacre asai iL" ta cInsu, - ~WoodI Wstuklg Meeace>'c ofacl Kinda. Engins LUeshccoall Size siai, Drillng ielffl liocug Maehueo. nBull oaLeWooleamllaciuineqry WeaiulumoiWiud PrbsungFrmene Gordon Fssvrl'reescc -rytr's Gyliauder Presses aper. Cutteru *9euîgbcGoePumo OASTINGS 0F &LL K ryiiEWhesls vecu envw manuf.tering - MADE IN BIIASS ou lION, x1 chespor than>' Yother $hop lun theoin- hr,, an v Ili gir. a getacelesvlth eacia W'- M Maehlam.ry Of an>' kinal ncelea- Whoéel vmraîieng theu ho -ho s eyl! mUde -order. oelto nd bnec sudt loIve augood stieu au yan>' FPuteaof every ec PIn ueWo e "12l h ominion. ma ire îr.e Pargîoskdealrieg furlher*lnform&tiones Oaah-Ail Machlneq' warraneto bolnaaloflirat. ta 4i by s<laessing - - letmMaterila, ln c tborougbly vorkmanlika PAXTONÇ, TATE & Co, Parties deslrieg further ieformalicaadaire Mwei Iai ~ Pari -S., Port briy', 14 - F. W. GLENM Pre#Wzu,al SELF-IIAKI-NG lIRA AWARDED- FIRST Pl At Provincial ]Exhibition, beld at in the ýFal of 1870. Toronto, We offer te our cnstomers fer the coming Hlarvest, two distinct Machines, which inu style and construction, embrâce the latest and mest uïeful improvements of the day. JOTi'NSTON S SINGLE'SELF-RAKING REAPER, TEE RING OP REAPEIS."1 the universal success of this llachinte, bobl in-u losely contested trials sud le the bande of the farmers, warrant t ui aying lias .goif Raking Ecapins s MceiL bas more good points And leits defeets, ced-,bac met vithmorev sueoanleuoo faliueo than heretoflre oftered te the publie W Cayuga unior Mowe.r,_' Wewere a.warded the Firuet'Prize and Diploma, at the Prcviueial Exhi biti on, beld in Toronto, 1870, in ceunpetition with ah ithe leading Machines manai- factereel lu tb. Province ; anal with our receeL improvement,, vo e nheitateicgiy challenge invesmtigation And comparison vith coeupetiu'g Machines, we areuatiafiedil ut sncb investigation vil! convince ever>' enprejuudiced nitd, that we ofler lb. beut Nover te the Farmner for 1871, buît in the Dominion. 1 Send for descriptive catloguese. Wbitby, Jane 14, 1871 Ni W RWN a F ATTERSOU1. 24 9C c ELN ~~~i o 0-- NEW FÂLL IMPORTIATIOINS! The subseriber beges leave to inform bis friends and the public in general, tuait ho bas opened bils New Siore be DUIND AS STRSEET', consisting of Dry Coods and Croceries. The Dry Goods have been carefally selected froni the Best Markets, cnd consist of a ebuaice and varied agssrîrnenl of Saikii, Poplîns, Popbirîettà, Blaek cnd Pane>' Lustres, Lustrines, Fancy Dreas (oods, Biack Clothe, Dosikies, Tweeds, (Canadien and Britishi.) Ready-7fade Clotldngq, flats, Caps, Glovez, Hosiery rns PACTORY COTIONS, Uo, &o,.r, rns :thile Grocery Department is replete with ail the best ar- ticles for fanîil>t .se, consisting of Tees, Stugar, Collee., Spices. Rice, &c., &c. g' He would respectfully solicit a eall from those intending to perchas., sa ho le prepared Wo seli at prieds dafying cotnpetitioai. Farmers' Produce taken in exehange, ami cash p aid fer Butter. JA&MES J. MU[R]PHY.ý Whitby, September 6thi, 1871. 8 G «RAND RALLY NO.W, Li" DRESS GOODSI TRIMKMNGO MOHAIR LUSTRES,1 DOUBLE WARPED FRENCH TWILLZD REVERSIBI#E-LUSTRES, L5The Cheapest and Best article oi Ladies'wear for thie times. REAL MALTESE LACE, IIOSIERY, -&C. And a Comptlete and Full Stock ef' the Newest and Beat Staple and Fancy Goodti 1 would -particularly cal11 tttention tb a Uew f1h11St Wbi re des tea amount of beat ot auy other k5tove eau b. with haf the amount of wood. And aise the American Base lurner SeIf-feeding Ceal the newest and be'ct stove in tihe Market,. g: &oe eunt by the. Whitby & Port Ferry Rb. Ce., te auy st the. Uine, free of charge. 0::J Improved AgrieulturplNFurnaeSo. b.St5vepipes and Tmware supplied te Pediaii and Merebaut Countyr B.Jest Ceai 01 l¶vsys euband. SWX. BR - Wbitby, September 20th. 1811. LEATYýH-ERL E lw-,l' Unto thé public 1 voulal aey, If tb.>' voeid look ced-sec, For boots and chocs their euoney puy, Thon let theue cone le nie. Myu> well ocked store is ce Brock streel- Attersdarc,eourlcous. kinal, YoîuIill ied my gooda4 indeed a taet No bette,. enu you fBd. . Of Bot 1keep abeavy stockp Anal ladies wben yot clooase Yoer pretty perses 10 eniock, Can bey the neuleat chocs. Ny leather polisheul, fine aed gocul, Ny prices low beside.. AI once viii suuit a dashing groom, Or a iveet bluuehing bride. To Fermersad ed large andal mali, If they'Il take a 1ev tures, Around'the teo, and on nue cal! Tii>"!! bey irons- WILLIAM April 19, 1871. 1871. BURN S9 - Boet & Shoe Stàoie, Bgrock Street, Whitby M *M 1 L'L A N 'S B LO C-K. ALEXANDER PRII 1871-I 1GI E 9 Fias removed from bis old premises te McMillan's Block, Brock Street, and begs te iefornî bis numerous patrons and, the publie generally,, that bis - stock eni- braces every requisite in GeétIemen's Furnishiog- Goods, A general assor tment of best selected Clotho. Ail Cloths made te order. No Slopwork. NO FIT, NO PAY. Great Gare and Àttentwon pazd to Artutur (Jutting. 1A con inuance of that liberal patronage extendcd to him ing the past 30 years in Whitby, respecttully solicited. dur-. MAUCH 28, ý1871. 13 SPRLNG STOCK 0F BOOTS &.-SHOES. MATTHEW CO.)L.LIN-S Begs te aunounce te bis cuitomm.s and the public that he bas ped business on the premises lately occupied by 0' anelo Bok treet and that lie is now, in, receipt of a splendid Stock of the UIG UT FIT AND MUAKE, And of the best style of Boots and Shoes. N 0OtiTIIHlS H J OTIIL WHITBy R. P. CLARK,- Propriétg la. -' Clarkben t leifomn ie sold fris andl ensLlerem hitlholimas regtted sen" vated the 0o(lhotel lenove ce tI'paru lîmn,I Brocir aL.,, viaure lie yul bb,T vtc celve themf, aon givimohia en 1,f slchiing, box stalli. and encioseal yard. 11 ratç ëhE. P. .CLI Wbltby Brcss aadStrinz Rands,.alapte uloiraeul, Pic taies; Yxeersii,es. Qeadrg parties., et&c..vii! seppilhe u« anal ltesa teseon reoaicte terme. Apioieatiolasm iteo md.cithcr p.re or b>' lotte,., (ppd, s) la J. WOL7E»jT 20'May', 870. Wbi LI VER Y UNDERLSIGNED DEIIIRESTO lerm lits t'ruetu4Nds itontha liasl grinarecunue. butainec at h e oid WHITBY ILIVERY STAIBI W ifaiviizeg euredt the nimber. quaulity of the ctaad, anuiâJ ledeil te ced i1rovttothe ceasve>'atcee und -volliilce on 'a peuies e hope.. b> beilig in a peilia: lacet thm e mizt* o1 cusionsors ltueril a à of paublietu puiuuge.' ?;, .--Covercd eî,bveyiaiec fur Ian lud ladiese. 1roulptactcunduscc, as"bern" to ai! orders. N. IÂTY, Proprio Whitby, APri1 S, 1868. TEETII XTÂ4C1 BY THE USE 0F NITRtOUSOXID LAUINO OLý 0 OU THEE 1W 1.OCCALAN-,STHETI, AT DENTAL 1101.MS, DIJNDAS STRE E WHITBYi, C. W. ROOMS.-Over fa. Il. Cocbraes Store Wluihuy, Julie 26, 1887. PELLOW89' H y P 0 p W 0 S p 14 i TË Aise on baud a large stock of HOME-MADE. Boots and Shoes> Amoegst the. diseses vcrccî which cennot b. onrpassed for quaiity and price. theia use ou M,1=0Zouea mod kbyriup qf UW Ail orders punctually attended te. ,Bepairs neatly_ doue. B~.FA ILY usiness -aisoecarried ou as usal, at the old - stand, near the COMPLETE IN EVEEDY DEPARTMENT. HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, &c. 9&» Aise sole Ageuf for the Canada Phosphate. 10 Gwirls-watinted to learn-the Dress-makring. .ipply up stairs te MISS ELWIN. CALRIAGES. & CIJIIERS.ý me o. DON OVA NSI CARRIA 'GES & BUGG1ESO" latesti Manufacture. style ,and"beat whit4y, May 1o, 1871. MATUI IEW UOLLINS.' [eST AB LLS1IRED 1833.1 The'undersignedlu- returning hitherlo exîocded 1to eold e.tabiihineec, le %ay Ihat eho$s nov on baud a large stybe, of s for'the liberal patronage -l' a perloal cf fort>'yera, desire ect cf the moci moderu ancd eicgent Ail omntipation. .aft5mu, Omusupfi cerei'ua Dbil4 IJ yMped, 61 Cu# ek l C iarocwerio 'Mee 'Dobd1 rceulting froe Typhé loy fe'vers, liihllîieritic t'rctrat Hiypoolmaoirlia,- Aiuieuirrhoea, GI min, Letaerrlae-Nervoui; Exci niune or WtA.ting of 1h.- Muscles Losa etf Vcice, u'hôrea*or *,. F Slnggishuuece ,of the Liver, [t iïeenle Actiomi ot'thi tlecrt, Sfa ýcueealb>' mnous obstîrucios .ud Air P...gu~e leadmegîherela frmvaniati'a use, man>' cie.l lar Prate, 1.50 six for - JA3tl3I 1.*YLLW i.5 St JOHN OARTý LICENSED AUCTIi ONTARLO, YORK tî RIESID)Er4CE-]LOt mark h.Poet 0Ueoçý-4l $ALES ailteîadedou1, hm. so"t ce eaenabu hrus.Terms ca bille prinited stIthe Ch roeaicil Carter. * GEBORGIE OGEN1

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