-WIMIY BRANi. K. Fe LOCKHART, x DOXI!fION BANK, Il.~ B. Taylor, Aon".. WATCI*MAKER, Drouik Sirpte, WMlhoi, CIoeks. , g8CAi CAMERON .& MACDONELL,, ÀgilSTElig AND ATRly. J3Law, Soloitoru 4tte .Buk eof ontreal, v dt hatCorPoratomu oftbeoCou ut eÉ'tg utaro toLriom, &.,e&c., WJotby,C. W Ji (.OAU ume, Q, O. Ji. J. MÂcoWarr. Wg'MOney tOIeauepen goodisourity. Ap. i nt ch. ilue oet h.eftrm, QCourtfl1ou%$, 0UNTJWYOROWN 4TTO11NEY lOR QN- triro,Barri»ter and i ttorneoy-iit-Lsw,8oý IlllrItanh.cory, No'ery Public, &a.- O1eu-Brock iýtre#, teagî door te Royalý Hicel, Wiltby. S GEJORGE JI. DAETNELJF., DBoer, Dpty logmtrar, Muster Extraordi- u ry,k cd examnerin ( laîîory for theCoun- tjy ofUutaio. Ornie. Court Uouso, WhItby. JAMES KEITI! «ORBUON 1 AUMUTJR d& A£T L't -AT-LAW 3. Solleitor lu 4Jbai&seery, Couvoyancer, No-- %(Pu bi ï&o. (7olon.-dext deor te the0 stoi.>'of R. &J. CampbellJBrook ëti, Whitby, Ont.. Wbilthyi Nov. ýb, 1887. 46 FARHWELL & »XcGUE, BÂttli'*Etg '0 RNY-Y& i OLICI. TARIES Pý't,ÙW Â6ERAD1 Omem:-Ogie door north oftfhe Poei 01ce., Ocsawt&; and bitFolttr', Bloex,, opposite Tuva 11611, Bowmaiville. C Et ARLES C. KELLERL, ATTUIIN l6,Y-kIr- L&W*, BOLICITORIN 7 on Brook,-<JW.S Aho., hIty h W.otry ubi on euvyameer, &o. whthy1. . >OpruxByron treet, Boutl> sf l'eut office. de LYMAN TiNGLINÃŽTI, L Le B.,- luchan- ,8 uCuv~ e ea ctc 40 1 eJA MES LAMON, SOLiCITOR iKM ORAIuCEI&Y, CON'VE YANCÊf, LAND AGENT &C. Oyvxia.-Over Aimetreni's Hotel, Main St., Uxbridge, Jue Ttb, 1809. t-8 R. . 4'NN, M. D. 'tURGLeON TO TIUE COUNTY GAOL, ~Byroný8tveet,Wliltby. 4 THIOMIAS HUSTON, TOlee-Town 11#It - heurb9to i Ieloek. Douni] bo irctl> topPo. mite thel'os &Wlice.-Eutraue on Irnea, trept tîtîrdl1oornîorth of the. Ontario Bank. WILSON I1OUSE, A. WILSON,. Jr.s - Proprietor. T lHE SUB$C1Ul BIE1I beg t» atnunoe te hie trieultisliuJ tho publiq geniertlîy, thut ho bac opand the ebove niew butoI luthe Village et Aolbbinriofor the accodcatlon ol the Ira- vslllag uible. The bouse b, îîew. Pmd fur- nilbed in a mentoou ad oeoutortable At 11w eove t.talllment, W it-o, Liquoro, end tCigare o)f the. bet Brouds always kept on nand. W~ Good stsbling sud atteutive Ogtiert lu tcîuc.~ W1LSUN, Jr., ?roprietor. Aahbu.'u, M uy lut, 1869,tfl Gra~nd Truuk Railway Hotel AT WII*ITIJY STATION, w M. O'N.ILli laving purehamed theo hotel "nd ,#ramioog lçuojvu aittheGrand Truuk Ilotal, W lltby chuioin, begg Lu lîîformn Il$rMendeanudsite.trasvoling pub)liethat ho bts tltieJ up tho'eueo antIsudmieble, lu tire- glue style, tiucI by attention tQ the walits et &liue. Whou aver hlm wllh-thelr patrollage tract, w niierît &eoctlnuusueao thiefluutom. W Il trtla icgtklug Lihetrai ud-leaSing hgrâes wll hâve o im Wll taken gare cof 1111 tboîr retuirt. Wlitly,#0pt., 88.80 JïOYÂL 0ANADIAN flOTIEL, POliT FERRY, ONT. S. FOY, : Proprietor. su parler acomoudation. Good otabUlg andelied roul, aud Attentive obtiens. Port Perry, Nov, 8, 1869. 45 PORT PERICY HOUSE. P'ORT FERRY, ONT, 0e JAMES THOMPSON, PRtopRIToJI. -o- The Subsoribor wlshei o Inlferm Lbecen- munlty thet fi rpremie are uow opeu te the- publie, wlere ho le prepared teoturjichangood leomemodatleîî aM any >n the CeauLy. 87 8ept. 1&, I1870.8. WJflTUY, *ONT* -o- A. M A SON, -0 Proprietor. The Aboyo bas been tberouglly renov&te, and the publc will aud svry ae.immodataon and thboaeteatteution. Apil 18, 1870. 1 «WESTERN flOUSEt, DUNDAS ST., WRîTBY. 'The undmrsîgnea l eala mtimat. te 1Vi, .L pnbUeo, thalt he abovoe îses have boeu uevly ited mp sud renovaet Irotii. ou, ton tbe accouîmodationou f Gaessas. Dés Wtuesansd Ilquors, sud Cigare. *"The Crecui ut Caneda"eloPar Rm Wium, WeIaS La1ger, mýitsale And retail. JOSEI'II A.. BANDItLL. tsremes laken by tie woek ohi moderato Yt UAy etlori. '81, 1871. 'I'L INUIANoeOO»Ua.tAr iZoe, of,>th umtm proouperonm t ofgliflniu'urmcoqC. Tts 1NVlIrTED FU1NDFtare. $I 036s~s lt* DAILY INCOQME execeda. 2,0 Its. LIFE POICIEIi are a Sure FI"'octiea for tho. futur. ht, i.. zEPOmumIS, i.ued ai fhn.w.... "411f, afford aple protectotcte Mq n audlisbIdr A]tair o6lsm on.iyPÀU4 ,e4tb thé ut- mont llJerllty bchowao l thb.e djuemht Of ilead OEe #<Canada fla neb, IPion tron1, G. F.0C. SMITH, Cblef Agentl for Domlnior. L. FAIRBAN4KS, J.,Azx At Whitb3y, Out,» WhiItby, July SSii, Iseo. 8 0. L ONDON À SSURANCBECORPORATION ring AXO Lir. EsABLoUnDAT aiROYAL CuiAMIiF1a1720. FOnie m<RAND»...£2,1683,17e 4d. Stg. READ AGEN'i, M(>NTREALr-lLOMBo il. No. 88 St. Praueoli, Xavier Street, JOHN AG NEW,' Agent. w bltýyq May 8th, 1871. 1 ONTARIO IIOTEL BROCK et, -WHITur, .C. DAWES, Proprietor. Thte above « ltI ertaielished Tiotel bas beau j oct. uewly fttted up Andrenevateal ibrouglieut by-Lb. pro rleter, aIl the apartmeuls bolug turnîched wltb uew autI oi table furulturo. g Tii. underolgusd will Icave uothug ndudee lu1 prOvidillg for ltio comtort ot hie guosla, auJ' Lbey May relyipon the beat et pur. iquora boucpla thtb Bar Strict attention pald te lb, tabling, aud In Iceklug after the ceîrility et huictloras. C. Dawes, Proprletor. Whlîby, Nov. SSud, 1871. 47 JOHIN WOLFENDENX, AGEON? roue TON CELEBRATED -SCOTtîSn- GRANITE., g~AI Morhlo V orka efJONA&TIIÂN WOLFENDEN, Duudou-,St.. Whithy. 17 MON EY i-1O LIEN D ATl'REIJUCED R,rEs. 1 un noir propared te land env amaiut et monoey 0onthe uccUrity e01good }'erm or pro- dactîvo 'Town P1ropcrty, et' lie lewemt pociilo rate cf lîtterest, li tfltitansd ianner te citt borrewers. Priuuipul cati bu reîmid by yeorly luetalmeutîe or lu o1.e uri. . SveraI wîl ultivkited larmesud Lots of wll Lanide for coluýeheip. luventutauts madte la Deuttire, Mortgiige aud other $ocu;itien. Sîlver aud Greceîbooki bonu-lit aud soîl,» For further partîculitoi pply te JAMES IJOLDEN, Offluiai Aitignoe, Moiiey lreker, &or. OFFICE-Me~lliana Bllok, Broclç treet, Whitby.4 $eptember 2th, 1870. g COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROCK 3T., WIIITBY. T 1I19 briblber logm toteaunotînico te Ille - friends and tIie publie, -tit-liabau re- aumed poeca.âioî otîc shobve wellund fî- vorahîy kuown hotel, wlîiehî lu now fltted Up lu a tiuperior mamîîîer, wltlhuvery coniveul- once for the reeptlou of gnoueth aud Lthe tra- veling public. W lIest eccommuodationi, sud uupprior wlmu, hq uer>. and cigerti, Good uta îîlliug, wlth enclomed yardu, and' attetîlive OsIlere a- wayc ou t)o prollenucu.iteugea mederate. £o.Dl* CALDWVELLe Wltby, eu, -14, 168. 2-15 GLOB E HOTEL, BROOKIJIN. JAM ES POWELL, Proprietor PI7ST-CLASS ACCOMM ODATION. lob. 22ud, 1371. 8 0ENTUAL 11OTZL, BEIUOTIAM . -e- JOHN BAILEY, Prbprietor. The aboie hotul bos beau newîy fltteal up ana furnîmbeal. Gueule mil final cortortable mcommodton sud attention. Goo rokoMY stahllîug snd attoutive codtera. Jau. 98, 1870. 4 F ARMiNG IMPLEMI8NIS, &o. -Thounudurcîgneal bage te claie that ho -continues te imanutactura Root, Seed & Manure Drile, .As WILL Ai 1V.Go Ir 0, -AND ALI. KINDI oi -AL00 Hl-- OLO THES MIANGLE & WI{INGER, Noteda s onefthie hast articlesao e .klna manuufëaredlunmbhe unitry, anal btIs mrcv- ed êTRAW C.UrTElI,souslly voikeal, analf o sopenlon lu qvery respect. Ravin gprepared oneo e ne ouselebraee>0 Calorie, iiguInai b Isnanutectory, hobege te saytlhha lu Io o enebîptIto exa.utaI orders mii ublci h. ma?. bc favored cheaper1.à 'ad mlth gr.eberepedit Ion thu boit*<leuâ te gnersutaee iery catictuction te cnLqm6m ln tIi. qualiy of the morkrneiaihip sud Baew W- Cord"oed anal Lumbor taken fiex- t oheuge, ad Oui Prias elloeea.- PlIffd pu'îceuothr, on- tbedock or Aleber- *IuI1~, sig. JOIIN BLOW.. Whty A 8g'o, 181.. 85, IOMÉAR1STRUET & OlARitNucto ESfIABLIMll. ZB151782i G;ILLPSPlI, MOFATT & C., Agents fer JAMES DÂVhISoN,Mitaner., NSRCEagaint'LOSS by FI RÉ are Ifece onte ' staorb' LOSSEs pÂID vteteeeç etom and in London, YEOMAN OTBRO?4 - Agent, Whity Flour #c Fed STO' R E. LI1ENRY S-IEPPÂRD) Deatrea to luferm tbe lubebitnuts of Wlitty sud ViiuIty, that l.e len eceeed te l h. bueineus et IEwRy WALTRs, BROOK STU EET, WHITBY Where ho keepe consteuîly ou baud, FlosrOaîneesl, Cornineal, Brain, Oale Aud ovor>tlig iii the IFoodUe. Beet otlur for family une. iZvorntliing ai the lowent cohiug priceu. The cauh asystem ctrietîy adbecroilte. Pce oeIl aud examina qnelity and pnieu. Wiilby, Feb., 1871. 7 COMMERCIAL IIOTEL,' -<.,-1C)sUAWA. JÀA&IS BLACK, - PRiBTDauîu Couvenlently fitteati p roma for Comnier Clal Irnîcleru. Biliîrdu attooher. April 8, 1870. 14 TEPRRAPIN lES T AURAÀN T AN D BILLIARDI ROUIS (S7 & 89, King Street EouL Torontto). THJOMAS COARLISLE, - PicOPîcETOR. Tho mnost ce- gant, tepeelous 4andI ceuttorroble lien trait i *-'atinda. Meutti eupplied eat 4mral heur». MWinex, t:q uoru andI Cigaoofethte flue8t bronda. Shel aud Lau oyc;tere lu oeary ttIe. :4 Partieç viitiîîg Torqîito for satI y wil Sund eïvery accotumnelautibt the Terrapîu. Aprîl , 1870, 14 U ND ERT A.KE.R, &cr.,9 C, c flundas Streci, - Withby, Ont FPUIERALS FYL TPLID Flair Dressing and Shaving IeLteeaae>.SPtJII te wnpr. YRANCIS MClÂB. Wbîtby, J aly 19, -1871. 294if A DM*INISTRATORSI NOTiOL Aleruens lîude tede .ecit. 0 f the, late EnmiîuiîWnte,, are requiocied te iuuek lmuiaîtetq ettlîenueut. And aSl peronefliai ing eltfinu agîluot the saltI eate, are reqipet efte coud îluem to>the underaiguend for ai-, MA"GA17F.T WATSON, K. If. LOC1U1I Ný. G, REYNOLDS: Dated et Wiluth7, the Tth diy Sept. '71. 40 D. ilOLLDY BIIOOKLIV, -ONT. ISOLATED -1115K MIE NSIUANCE CO. OF CANADA, TOI4ONTO. -A PunixcutA nuINITUT ON Algi A gent and Aptoraluer for.Canada Per- tuect Bidu nIStigSociety, 1er bns et uuouey et lea' rates et t uemt. Whftby, Augut mt, 1871. Iy 82 R ICHARD S1'IO W. Hegs te iifermuliits frieri4 andtIhie râbhie, that he lioitre-tskeu biig ld prui-.e, latcly coenpIed hy tir, Aruail-, iieru lie le uow prepared te euppîy everythiang lu the A ND tCBNFECTIONERY LINE. Just rcceived, sîevorol Cases er FEACHV3 & TOM ATO ES, very aupeier. * CIIOICE ArPL-EtI& PMARS, FRlUIT 0F ALIL xI 1q1) , Kept eoutantly ounIîend, luauouen. ORANGES, LEMOIiS, - SARDINES, LO13STEIIS, RAISINS, PtIUNES, i T 0 ri A YCC0. N. I3-Oy.lie-à cuthcIiad by the plate, ceeked or i-i. ollier previasene sud gnold eivered as u'ay lia ordered. ChoccBradi o elar;. R. SNOW. Wnitby, Sept. 18, 1871. 8 - ONTÂ,RIO IkT3LUERuS' DIMI IAL INSURANCE Co.. I Ma Ole Braek St. Wlilby. '11i18Company 1hi-inrps ru,Ârtlina CeueitrvChurclîce4, Niiool 1ouem,und tlîeir couteiîtc;, u a asuaomL> W au th Ce of nny WeII establimhed t2orpatjy in Catitida. . JUST LOSSES PAID PiIOtPTLY. L. FAIRBIANKS, Jet., J. B. IIICKELL, Secretary. Iremirleut. N. 13.-in. D. lleIIiday la no louger u Agent oftil Compainy. a Wiuthi--, Sept. 6,1 71. 88 w IITBY PIANO F ACTOUTY -0- JOSEPH RAINER Tit fueiehr, tui- turng bh% clu- cuird Iliants o fihe mey triends anid cuutomeru ef the Wfliby PIANO âMANUJFMl'OR*Y, bei te etate-flint ha tiw cordieou the bnci- utc> ceîely upon hiu owmm iiecutit; andJInloic- licitir.g future ordere lie beai teecsuore theut that netluing wil! be lem't undona on hie part t givo satisfaction, lu auppi> ing SALOON, . or BiiRIeoR I3lIOCK SI'., WIIITlY. 1Q IIALITrY9 Wlîitby jani. 2-2, lus. CGEORGE GURLEY, MERtIIANÉT TAILOJIR CLOTIIER-AND R P» J GENTLEMEN'S GAiIi%ýN'rsinede up Il, the bast stylo anu laIntt fiîlshîen. A fine etoek of Clotetls rontiwlicl te maka a mo!ectioîî for Oaîtletneauc cummet tcuits. Ilubawe, May 12, 1849. 19 AUCTIO.N BUSINESS Tbog toraturu thutikeeor the liboral patrou Iagoherotore betwed upeumoe, oudteau. nonuce that I arn propared ta ceoduct sales, olbar lu TOWN OR COUNTY, AT REAS'JNABLE RATES. £W Arauamoltufor-cale, euha made altheret th CiutOiLl fice, or at nMy own Office, Brook astret, Wliltby. Whltby, Jiily i8,1 ia ~ Aatxa THE ROBSON HROUSE, 019LATE UBOI'a 00 Tg,) D UNDAI STR EET, WBITEY, C.W T HE uteriberr hep te anneunocthat hb. lias leed the buildIiigfoerolyknewn cmderl1tureo'u Rotel whleh ha, beeu, rejievat. eru ruimhod, a:îd lited op tbrongbouî,în tihe bem of style. Thié preriemarepoaaantly rntatd, îtpifttbc Posl Ofdie, sud ulbh <JAMES4 STYLE, & FINISH. Tho ceeiebrntcd nev paient atud creve-eeoîe pattern ef hic own Inventîionu mîieiuf»ctured aus hei-ototone. Wud dalloh.decuted uith promptitudo !JOSiePI r. RAINE. Wlyoy8,18W0, * ly-18 ~ARl1IGz LICENSES I -e- T HO M AS - I- S T O N SIARRIAGE LICENSEs Mr *Ofilc-Tovu Hall. lieeidoace-3yi-en Street, tbreo doora uortlh et Town ball. Jeu. 17, 1870. D WELLING JIOflSE TO BT At RA)4iR'g CORNERS. AIl -mea doe- sineible Ridauaou. Beut Moerato. Apply te- JOHN RAMER, Eeq. Whilby, May Sud, 1871. BOOT & SHOE STORE. Thouiuaderciguied bac ieuueîed bit, BOOT AND8HRO STORE PDiudas., Wltby, uhera e i. n ov lirepareal te exceuto, ail orders for -Werk. A largo sud select stock. on band. iirng doue as, no*uaue. * JOSEPlH A. I3ANDELL. Whitby May 8, 1871. -9 T Is 18LAT B ISK FIRE IN SIRANCE C OY -OF CANADA.,- U EAÀD OFPI10 Plf.ng Street, cerner et C'bureb, ToNronto. CAPITAL, . - - --80,0 Ilepemitedltb Qovorumout, 80,0 -- W. A. LAW, Aezm,. MeM&ilau',Block, Briook St., Whithy., ritsby, li.pt. 90th, 187, - 88 4~IV~ Liquors, A fie asortent 0ô *Port and Sherryý in French,> pure Grape, red, Wine, SPanish eWine,ý Pale Sherry,,Sweet Winesin dat n aeo Bouldafi ae. o ANBIKI On draft, Otaréd, Du- puy's, Heusey & Co-'S. fn bottle.-Vartella, llennessey, Meaust-reau, &o BOTILED À LFE Bass, YoLlng, Da- vie's, Dow's, and O'Keefe's, in quarts and pints. Bottled PORTER, Guinness's and Blood's, in pints and quarts. Choine London, Lay- er Raisins, j3luie Crown, Black Basket, Musca- tell, &c. Currants, new Figs, Lemons, CRANBERRIES! TE AS A choice lot to arrive shortly. F RESII 'FISil Fi.nnan -Haddies, Oysters, MSORNES8 GRANULATED WHEAT, (Pat'd.,) OAT- MEA-best quality. SHRIfSTMA S (3ONFE?ITION 8s, 0f SCOtCh anid other manufac- tures, will be shortly- on haPnd. Dundas St.,,Whitby. Wbitby, Nom', 29, 1871, w4 lait. - I Te Rîir tdieceà las, orrock 'i em, 9 ,lp11ou But tbut ila eret A Ille ~while *minister reed a unôi Tet weaone-for uuslbhe'aurliteat smiîe. The descon vas1 :tivo-uize, and vslk( He had approsohed aice inbis banaln 1eter aud vas on ti * wheu the ministeri WhY tho Miniter Kaeked thee Dèucen' eJeacon, te- attrset i * bis coat-teil. 0f A gond mauy puaro ge"0wheu the ýMe- tbeugbt le vas a do tbodista ,were ýratber, npopular: iu the cesaary for hlm te1 Esateru Sgtte,, awitty',divine. Of thet ho did. -The doe( alenomînetion wau sering býis second like the doge, rei year lu'a country Lowu lu New,.Eug- lu îhe aidlewhiëh t seud. nthedy.dewu Lb. Blairas. IL ires rathen rearkable 'ntos es There vas a ocre for ti.onféence le moud thb- same minie-, <cou'. family, s ter- twve successivo years 'me th. e ae wbole. .ooigregstion cburch eaecially lu e, country ionà ; but lu the midatet a he lavwas doue lu thia imitanDce, anal feemeald vdbBbnlt te ho entireîystisfactory te aIl concern- the people weru aE eal. neigneal, le; tolal the> Ib. cle;gymen anjoyed the conDfidencée tbe &etusgea lu aIl. anal love et bis ovu church sud parnish, temea a satilaeoi sud hboda, y bs pieîy sud fidelity te the faneraI proceedel,, cause et Christ, von the. respect ýo! aIl neyer kuovu te cast gonal puople irbo knew hlm, oittaide.cif bis oktaau own parisb. Sa theoether tire churche- ce ain Congnegatioualist sud Baptist-had hegn Jutete . te manifeat the spinit et tolerance tovarda hlm anal hiq Chùrch, quite unuanal. for TEE SENSATiON 05 eX them. -IIov -But TI.eùkegiving lime, a regular at-« tendant et the Bapit Church died ; the A-meut graphie1 Bapîltisuuiniamer vwu aicir, sud the Congre. et riding -on au eng gauionaliat minieler veas -ut oetlovu. lu the Iudepeudeni Under thezo circumetauces, le vas decidel Talrnedge, irbo trie( te -invite the Methndiat miniater te conduct jeurneyiug.lu the B the faneruI exorcisee. Baya:t The iuvitaion waus acepteal, andalit tbe i'May I gel on W preper timu lb.. goia clergyman etarel engineer ou the1 for the bouseofet nuning. He had nme station aix or neveu four muiles te travol ou foot, sud, te aave ahbo level oif the Ba. distauce, loft the roadesuad -vent acrouu ba buthld at and1 fieldsand tbnougi vooda. Neur the by off.'1 eray where he wau travelling livedan auold t Tout 1I be l'*a lady, s meuiber et big churci. As i. waa long anaconda et se nean ho îhoughî ha vnld al Il earnom. ,vont oravling elong ent The old lady aid not go eut. te teoo on fearfula cburch very often, IL vas me fer from ber Pullman'e Palace C berne, sud obi. vea lame, ton ; $e. as, vindoir tbe passune hborefte, et ceure overjoyefi te oe ber speed ef the train; miniator, aud vhat bu badi ntendual te, neer, aud feeling tI bave buen a momeutary caîlivas prolongel jucip oethe iren int quite a via, lu epite of bis. efforts te mountaina skip like get avay. Iambe. Thu olal lady ws »aking mauages vhsn The door cf tlb b. calleal. At laal bu told bar fie muat clanga open analthe, go, but ahe saialha muit vail a minute woold leap eut analdd wirbloebse put up a mns of saucegea for jars the ceoil'into hlm, te carry home vithb hm-eough fOr muiaer. Thaeug" hie taily's aluner. thu iren bit tiat cg Ho trical te cxplainathe impropriely et seanus te use ne ber plan undor the circumsaeuces,- but ahi doctor feeling thep vam inexorableo; taee b sausages ho dleal, the locernai muetaal ab se coulal Oz îbem so abat lhey note more machine veulal ho ne iucouv enionca te hlm, sud taîka te lt atom te tb. malter need net cornu te thu kuevi- necir. H. la prou edge of any perion. iran ndersaanding Thebu auagoa were neatly don. op lunealunccealional apurtu wite lotb, sud airougly pianod-îvo tive seema etutae parcelsa sd put lu the pookets et bis rider, An englue>ni suallow.tied cent bebînd, s pereel in asainluIbi effort iý eaeb poeket. Then h. burried avay. gara. Innocent, kinal beartea lda lady 1 ah. But the enqinsc aid net imagine wbat griot, saere mertifi placid, in vide.ewe etion, aud aerrow tif beent thia littie set duty tinly four heure vould aseaber palor ;aud ho, l inb-suhe encrgiem et be burry le mako up lest urne, littIe dreameal bie vigilant oayesand vbot avalcaedhm lu coumequeuce ef the luundned'livas bang 0 olal lady'e gifi. W. plunge ie oa When hl arriveal et the bous.eofthe cite clatter, every hi deceasd oalhafen a large company weit- backe tbe deefening ing. 1 be neigbboring farmera frorn fan Express. 'As vo ruE anal neer had assemblel te paysy boli- kulk imme their lho tribute et respect, sud peort hte lest' hinrl quartiers, viai sait offices abat tho living can perform for te aay, t Whaî rie tho dead ; iro e al corn vitb carnagces, ecampor over tbo pie aund tbeir herses vere bitcheal te aurround .pMded., bere.leea tbi ing îree0, feuces, anal pous. They beai buflnoes amopped ï alloveal their doge te felevthem. stampedea rosa il Thero vas s'lange gstberlng et men boire the mavagos esu anal boys about the aber yard, waiting ton Yen seo hure aud tbe the minister, vbo wvu laite; the vemen uli long hein, and heal rnomly gene inaide, sud 'ibe degaivere van paint, ringel est excbanginig civiliaies, or -iciviiutiea,' lu dm1 abhat'bariba your true dog style, as they beppened te have a about the -'noble, ned likîug, or dialiking, te eacb othor, -trotting The air à a ladjen vith about viîb tueir ttle rolleal up luin igial madrona, manzeniaa, coite, seraacbing op the grona asiale at à a vs are- pesinug tbrou aime, eeusing the duat sud desal grasue t niains f ceanlea, anal fly, sud casîing epprouing.glane, or nttr. and al Iîiûg up t mlie ing 'ov grovîls et vsruing, acconding à me end Nicevai, sud Thi id the puit vîth the ne anc iperceived by the min- a, stais ithin resale raised bis b8anda. The -C41 bis attention, tvimged81 7 course, the- minster l 'g, and Lhat iL vas ne- heu kick once more, wbicle -daj Don, net ou the Icekout va ived the minister'a foot lefi tumbleal bina eadiong the Ste .e' Pr( ,am, a rush of the o e du generaI upriaing eft ie o; lnd uxit efthe doga;. * 0confusion the minuster @i reatere, order. After at aaWted anal quiet again ï,i, je people the story of an ils particulere, wbjch is e iry explanation, sud the, and but that minister vwas meo, xry sasages, inhm ceai ravi of Heil. JIeGNo cÀALeOOMOTIVE eunçeb et b.e n=istic.n gne- laeune conanibuted It by tho- Roi. Devitt ed the expenrmunt v ile. Rocky Mountini.H. l wilb Yen'D ske! su Pacifie Railroad, £îata 2 bouasal -feet ahove 4'Certaiuly, ole al u t ght, or Yen May taîl rethe wb. istîle, anal the e raiînoad train finIt ig th. rocke, but Beau momentud. Sitting in Car, leokiug eut et the iger gels ne idea et the buut cleaeby the ungiý le nervoua quivere na couriers, yen mec the rame sud the-iille like eo locomotive turnace i. fiaeos rave as.if tbey [evour, aud the finumà n tho nagiug jair'oethe ,runer has hi. hanal on onîroli Lb. ipocal, anal exertion more than a punise cf a child.l.a-,~ iva lte ah.eugiue.r le ; bot au enimate. Ho Spst itliovingly on the i et Il, Tien. leaa gbeiveen tb. 1*0, sud etofmteam tic lecome- voiesud ausirer ita aeven hurta ils master, Ber, tbough Sitting go< ake. Hola ks ept on ia in -tie day, sud ail ly anal seul cluston lu dquick, thumi. Tire a noumhed ititblu- îeard anal baabusîing g'roar et the Pacifie ah ou, the prairie doge les, anal ait on : hm fore foot litteal, an if utitl, Tii. anteloes ains. We rideizula- han tue, yeam ego the. Ãhe train as thbrda te trace; sud .ateng, tene! on abeir poules., ies groupa cf real men, cbeksdashea vih ro, sud s a uperfiuity-ot lest romantie notion Id men cf tie foneaî.- ihhe inesta etfcedar, 4and bnckeye. Hure ugi mhatLeema -Lb. Lempîci, sud itka, id Peir nasd, Pompeul, teet druv aide finis dirt oves teei *Balalnea.-More haldues s mang ladies bem been catsealhy tho pnevailiug fashic cr veaiing heavy kucis of -'taIse baie ou tb. tep of tbe bead, aduring the lest .tire yena, thon ina-dece'de betane. This i the unanîmena 'tetmouy et phyaicians, Dnring tb, late var,-enteriug the. boa. pitli urgery,,uuet Paddy ,Doyle,- t1muor- denly, andal aked a hm inchihe considorod the mjat daugerena of thc many ggesu thon lu boapilal.'- "That air," Wsa aPddy, as, viii au indicative jerk et lbe thurnb be pointealtte mare, on the. table, lay a case cf aungical instrnumonts. The lateit euphemlam for real lair la Causudaigua eoIor; Canandeigua boing an overy Now York nailrcad traveller - lepeir, s littie beonal Auburn.- Tt vs.. a maiden lady via- aaid 6e. Ifked te her s heudome babhelor, andal baud. Boee idovar preeci about l I being the perfection' cf Lie 1ev' anal-aa t. 4Luaher is lu hlm elernt [bo1 ti,' re -- mni'à keal s frieud oetblai individuel.- -You dont say Be9,' replied tie paily aid dresieal. >Wiy,' hecinuathave fallen imb a barnol et vhiskey.' -Inl loeking on tbe happy &utumn fields$ at lest bas beon discovereal lie differeece betireen a herme cheanut end s ciesnut borie,--One-aheds ils lbaves -vhii. -thb, othor lbaves ilssedm. II aii s geiug telive long, motber,' saidal e ebgone youugttr, oue day, te, bis mnaternai paient,- 'Why not pray ?, iBeceas my pantaloow ius aIltoire& ont- -bobina,' usé the conclusion. 1 A eireet reiluay car in Germany la knÃ"vu as as'0Pernutraisouteiênbha geu.tova ' IL ia as great a point of, viedea te bide ignorance as le discever knoviedge. A ciaizen cf Lovoîl aeneuncea that In, tue bordera or meallert, eau he o mistei beer.' Why la the. toîling cf a bell Iike thbe prayer et a hypocrite ? Biecasime it Es a mlemu mouud by a tiought!eas -fon ue. A. Hartferd lady -mreamod ubsu mli. found à h, vas trying te est a moume ,lsy- i nover lacis more Ihan an alisys furniebel for guesti d queeu togeaher gîve ave nîli lu chariîy. The vorkmnnengage! oi run tunnel job bavo piled it t of space. sud are nea tiig devu heavy pIaules s i te keep ti e onet. eheal, tb. enclesure vilI 1 't util Lie mater nlaei anal nr the top. Then, iu lb. ba ehaft mIli ho piutalou ýanal th.e ore ef excams r Tbc hachelona ef Qaebeo e et the. alhemph ho charge eigbi manniage licensea. - 11ev. Dr. Fulten alcea net e vhich oral vould ho the wve or woen suffrage' lesd -0.0-